Psychology The Psychology course will introduce students to the more independent nature of studying Psychology at degree level, through critical engagement with the work of psychologists and, where possible, their original studies. Students will have the opportunity to pursue a topic of their own interest or to follow one of the suggestions given in the introductory sessions. The extended projects which students began at the start of the lockdown can also be developed. The final presentation will be in the form of a psychology report, although there is no requirement for students to conduct their own independent research investigation. Currently students are exploring: • • • • •
The development of psychopathic personalities Cultural variations in attitudes to love Applying psychological techniques and theory to political issues Placebo effects in the treatment of mental disorders Cultural differences in the reactions to Coronavirus
Lesson Outline: 2 seminars a week with one 1:1 support tutorial each week. Week 1: Research at degree level • • • • •
Referencing issues beyond A Level How to research effectively How to read critically, including skimming and reading for depth How to summarise findings Report back at the end of the week: • Produce a critical review of one piece of research • Produce a summary of progress
Week 2: Research questions • • • • •
Selection of studies How to keep separate notes for your essay Identifying contradictory research How to evaluate qualitative data By the end of the week: • Present introduction • Give an overview of progress