Sixth Form Curriculum Booklet 2023

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Roedean at a Glance 04 Welcome to Roedean 06 Welcome to the Sixth Form 08 Teaching & Learning Academic Enrichment Sixth Form Pathways 10 12 14 Holistic Education Co-Curricular Enrichment Creative Arts Music Performing Arts Sport Facilities Boarding Experience Weekend Activities and Trips Pastoral Support Leadership Alumnae Network 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 36 38 40 42 Springboard to your Future Academic Results Higher Education Guidance Leavers Destinations 44 46 48 51 Choosing Your A Levels 52 STEM Biology BTEC Sport Chemistry Computer Science Mathematics Physics 54 56 58 60 62 64 Business, Economics and Enterprise Business Economics 66 68 Society Chinese Classical Civilisation English Literature French Geography German History Latin Media Studies Philosophy Politics Psychology Religious Studies Spanish Russian 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 Creative and Performing Arts 3D Design Art, Photograpy & Textiles Dance Art, Design & Media BTec History of Art Music Theatre Studies 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 Key Information English as a Second Language Admissions Fees and dates Scholarships About Brighton The Local Area 114 116 118 120 122 124

Roedean at a Glance

125 years on its current site

80 speakers visited either in person or virtually in 2023 15

56 percent A* - A grades at A Level in 2023

5 took up places to study Medecine in 2023

700+ students across the school

4 took up places at Oxbridge

50+ nationalities represented within the school

10% of 2023 cohort achieve straight A* grades

150 co-curricular activities take place every week

1:8 ratio of staff to students in the Sixth Form

23 subjects available at A Level

6 passed Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award in 2021

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15 million pound Sixth Form Centre refurbishment

25 metre heated Swimming Pool

355 seat professional Theatre

1 flood-lit all-weather hockey Pitch

180+ students in the Sixth Form

1000 pounds plus raised by Brighton to Bulgaria Community Action Programme group

70 percent achieved grades for first choice universities in 2023

1/3 went on to study STEMrelated subjects at university in 2023

30 minutes from Gatwick

3 Apprenticeships awards in 2023

118 acres of grounds

3 founding sisters

14 different Sports on offer

14 music practice rooms


most common A Level grade in 2023

1 Careers Fair each year

60 minutes from London Victoria

1 secret tunnel to the sea


Welcome to Roedean

Roedean combines the tradition and heritage of a school for girls founded in 1885 with dynamic teaching, an extensive co-curricular offer, exceptional accommodation following an £11million refurbishment, and modern facilities. The school is easily accessible from London and the South, Gatwick airport is 30 minutes away, and it is the mix of local, London, and overseas students which gives it a special and dynamic atmosphere. With its stunning and unique cliff-top position by the sea in Brighton, the students have the space to grow up at their own pace here and realise their full potential; they thrive in this environment, happy and confident in their abilities.

Our holistic vision of education places a very high value on all the experiences that take place beyond the classroom, in Sport, Art, Drama, Music, and Dance, all of which make up an essential part of life at Roedean. The opportunity for students to be able to excel in a number of different fields is one of the great gifts of Roedean, since it provides them with the space and time to devote to their passions, and all in one place. On-site facilities include the Chapel, cloisters, a flood-lit all-weather pitch, indoor swimming pool, professional theatre, cafés, dance studios, libraries, tennis and netball courts, cricket and football pitches, the Farm with sheep and goats, and acres of grounds and fields.

Roedean offers the kind of teaching, learning, and all-round experiences that enable every single girl to find her passion and voice, meaning every one leaves Roedean feeling that anything is possible. It is precisely this rounded education which produces independent and creative young women who will make their mark in the world. A Roedean education is a unique and wonderful experience. WHERE

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Roedean is a school where you will flourish. The students perform exceptionally well academically here, with every girl achieving her best. Their successes are the result of their curiosity and intellectual engagement, as well as their developing self-confidence and maturity. Making learning exciting and memorable lies at the heart of a Roedean education. However, academic results are not the sole success criteria: along with other students aged from 11 to 18, many from Sussex and London, and others from over thirty different countries, you will enjoy a holistic education, and be inspired as much by the world outside the classroom as the world within it in. At Roedean, every aspect of school life complements the others, and it is precisely this rounded education which produces independent and creative young women who will make their mark in the world.

You will join a dynamic and vibrant school, with space to breathe and think. It is an extraordinary school – we hope that you enjoy finding out about it, but we believe that nothing can better a visit to get to know the students, staff, and school first-hand. We hope to see you soon, and we are confident that you will agree that Roedean really is unique.

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The Sixth Form at Roedean

Roedean offers a bespoke curriculum and a wealth of opportunities that enable you to explore your stregths, talents and prepare for your future with confidence. In addition to your studies, you will have the opportunity to take on new responsibilities and leadership, and to participate in an extensive range of lectures and electives, cocurricular activities, visits and the community action programme, all of which can be curated, by you, to support your vision of who you want to be when you leave Roedean.

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The Sixth Form at Roedean School promises a journey of intellectual stimulation and challenge, combined with a wealth of opportunities and experiences, in a happy, purposeful and supportive environment. These final years of formal education will provide you with a solid and powerful springboard to the next stage of your education, and onwards into 21st century society.

Life in the Sixth Form is a liberating experience. For the first time in your educational career, you will be able to study the subjects you love. You must be prepared for the fact that the move into the Sixth Form is a significant step. You will normally choose three subjects in Year 12 and you will find the increasing emphasis on individual study gives you more space to develop your own ideas and sense of personal involvement in your work. In addition to your studies, you will have the opportunity to take on new responsibilities and leadership, and to participate in our extensive range of lectures and electives, co–curricular activities, visits, and the Community Action Programme.

The Sixth Form is both challenging and rewarding, and those who benefit most are those who are prepared to work hard and get involved. Our aim at Roedean is to challenge preconceptions, to open doors, and to give you the necessary skills, insights, and experiences to help you move from School to university and beyond with confidence.

Teaching & Learning

As an academic school, we seek to inspire curiosity and a love of learning in all our students. The strength of teaching at Roedean is that discussion and debate sit at the heart of learning. Lessons are thought-provoking and meaningful; the Sciences are as popular as the Humanities, and in all lessons students thrive through collaboration, cooperation, challenge, and discussion with each other. Our students are keen to think, to learn, to explore, and to develop intellectually, socially, and emotionally. The success of this approach is borne out by the fact that the students achieve very highly, and go on to pursue their education at top institutions in the UK and beyond.

The learning environment at Roedean provides you with an opportunity to take academic risks, pursue excellence, and achieve fantastic results. This is all rooted in a positive and collaborative setting, where mature and open relationships are fostered between you and your teachers. Individual-centred support and tuition are our top priority. Class sizes are small; fifteen students is usually the maximum number of students in a class.

Roedean offers a linear approach to A Level study. This means that you will choose three A Levels, alongside a programme of lectures and electives, Community Action Service, an enquiry-based investigation project, and Skills for Life and Learning. All external examinations will take place in the second year of the course.

In the Sixth Form, class sizes are smaller, meaning a heightened level of focus is required, whilst prep consists a lot of pre-reading and thus is crucial to do this on time. We are also provided with additional reading to stretch our knowledge on subjects and dig deeper into topics which interest us most. Debating also becomes a more frequent component of lessons, so forming your own opinions on subjects is a key factor in performing well which means we develop a more independent and less structured analysis of course material. Lara, Year 13

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Academic Enrichment

At Roedean, all students have the chance to stretch themselves beyond what they are taught in the classroom, and to be challenged to think and research widely – not only is this hugely stimulating, but it has wonderful benefits for the work they do within the curriculum.

Enrichment opportunities exist in all subjects at Roedean, ranging from students taking undergraduate Mathematics courses at Sussex University and Mathematics Challenges at all levels, to others undertaking subject-specific projects, entering national essay competitions, and taking part in the national Top of the Bench Chemistry competition and the Biology Olympiads.

All students in Year 12 take an Elective for one hour each week – for some, this is valuable subject-specific enrichment, such as Scientific Research and Essay Writing, while for others, this is an opportunity to do something which is challenging and completely different to their normal A Level programme, such as Life Drawing, German for Beginners, or an Introduction to Classical Greek.

Each year, a large number of Sixth Form students choose to take an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) in addition to their A Level subjects, allowing them to research a specific topic in detail before writing 5000-6000 words about it. This qualification is worth half of an A Level, but universities welcome the fact that the students have taken their academic interests far beyond what they have been taught in the classroom.

Roedean Academic Lectures

In the Sixth Form, we offer a diverse range of lectures with guest speakers. We endeavour to provide talks with something to engage every student.

The weekly programme of academic lectures, which are open to every girl in the school, comprises an eclectic mix of fields and disciplines, designed to challenge, extend, and broaden the intellects of Roedean students. Some lectures are given by visiting speakers and others are presented by members of Roedean staff, who enjoy the opportunity of revealing a particular passion to the students. Some examples of recent lectures are ‘The Unravelling of the Versailles Treaty’, ‘What is poetry?’ (featuring Soviet poetry), Postmodernist Thought, and ‘Big Numbers’.specialist comes to Roedean to work with the students on how to engage their audience when making a presentation, and the students enjoyed this very much. The sheer diversity and breadth of the students chosen topics is always fascinating.



Sixth Form Top University Programme

All Sixth Formers attend this as part of a Life Skills programme to enrich and extend their academic learning. As well as honing their critical thinking skills, accessing national competitions and challenges, and gaining advice on the best interview technique, the students compile a portfolio of extended research and reading, their one-to-one Oxbridge session notes, and their Year 12 Research Seminar. The objective is for the students to deliver to their peers a seminar on a topic of their choice which is linked to their chosen area of study at university.

Roedean has a strong partnership with Lancing College, which includes hosting the Oxbridge Interview Forum, and an annual Scholars’ Dinner. We also host an extremely successful UCAS Day and Oxbridge Evening each year.

Academic Mentoring Programme

Every girl has the opportunity to take part in the Academic Mentoring Project, which allows them to do intensive research into a topic and develop their presentation skills. An external specialist comes to Roedean to work with the students on how to engage their audience when making a presentation, and the students enjoyed this very much. The sheer diversity and breadth of the students chosen topics is always fascinating.

Sixth Form Pathways

Underpinning the Sixth Form experience at Roedean is our Pathways Programme. The aim of the Sixth Form Pathways is to extend your knowledge and understanding beyond the curriculum in one of four areas in a way that is exciting, relevant to career pathways and/or the development of skills. Each Pathway is bespoke and complements your choice of A Levels.



Linked Subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, Sport Science


Linked Subjects: Business, Economics, Mathematics


Linked Subjects: Classical Civilisation, English, Geography, History, Latin, Modern Foreign Languages, Religious Studies, Politics, Psychology.


Linked Subjects: Art, Music, Photography, Textiles, Theatre Studies.

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Sixth Form Electives

Each elective runs fortnightly in the Autumn and Spring Term for Year 12 students. They are designed to stretch and challenge your thinking and academic experience beyond the A Level course and can either be from a career ‘pathway’ or just be taken for interest. There are no restrictions on entry to an elective. Examples coudl be, ‘How to forecast the weather’ or ‘History of Art’ or ‘Literary Critism’.

Independent Learning Courses (ILC)

As an alternative to Sixth Form Electives, students may choose to pursue an Independent Learning Course of thier choice. Students will meet with their ILC mentor once a fortnight to discuss pogress.

Pathway Lectures

As part of the Pathways series, your daughter will attend three lectures in the Spring term by an industry expert, Old Roedeanian, or member of staff in one of the four ‘pathways’. On each lecture afternoon there will be three or four lectures from which you may select one related to your chosen ‘pathway’ or one that might interest you from a different pathway. Lectures are optional for Year 13. You have the opportunity to develop a truly bespoke pathway through the Sixth Form that enhances your A Level study, preparing you for university and life beyond Roedean.

Examples of lectures held this year include ‘Sustainability in Construction’ by OR Georgia Elliott-Smith, ‘The Chemistry of Human Aging’ by Lizzy Ostler, ‘Forensic Accounting’ by Bee Lean Wong, ‘Some Truths about Prison’ by Erwin James and ‘Factual TV Directing’ by OR Sally Rose Griffiths.

The lectures have been rewarding and beneficial. To attend a wide variety, covering many different areas of interest, from archaeology to engineering, has been fascinating. The lectures have been an amazing opportunity to explore potential career paths and to learn something new. It was also incredibly inspiring to see that many of the lecturers were ORs!

Former Student


The first ever Roedean symposium most definitely did not disappoint! The first talk was delivered by two inspirational speakers, Amanda Kelly and Michael Atkins, focused on the criminal justice system and the interactive real-life examples propelled us in the audience to think and make our own assessments on mock cases, giving us just a glimpse at the mentality demanded for making decisions over the lives of others.



Roedean Symposium

The Roedean Symposium offers ‘convivial discussion’ and the opportunity to discuss subjects, and related topics, in depth with visiting speakers and senior students at Roedean and at other schools. It provides students with an unrivalled opportunity to prepare for their education beyond school.



T: +44(0)1273 667685 @roedeanschool

Year 13
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Holistic Education

Roedean emphasises the importance of a balanced experience in the Sixth Form. Sixth Formers leave Roedean with a strong academic profile, coupled with independence, self-motivation, communication skills, and diligence, whilst also being intellectually stimulated far beyond their A Level studies. The Sixth Form is an exciting stage in your education, and we hope that you will take advantage of the wide range of opportunities available to you. Your potential is huge, and we hope to help you to realise it.

With the excellent balance the Sixth Form programme provides, we are confident that you will leave the school with the qualifications and skills you require to move on to the next phase of your life. Roedean Sixth Form students excel in a wide range of pursuits. From the more academic opportunities to the more holistic, from the sports field to the Art Room, singing in the choir or acting on stage, and from designing and building a racing car to raising money for charity, whatever they may be, you will be encouraged to develop your passions to the highest level, and maybe even discovering a new one on the way, while also achieving top academic results.

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Charity Events

Charity work is central to life in the Sixth Form. All students in Year 12 are expected to take part in the Community Action Programme, for which a diverse range of activities is offered, in order that they might contribute actively to the wider community. In addition to all students undertaking weekly community service, each year the elected Charity Prefects organise Home Clothes days, large scale events, including Roedean’s Got Talent, an auction on Roedean Day, and Roedean’s Race for Life event.

Sixth Form Society

All Sixth Form students are automatically members of the Sixth Form Society. Students decide at the start of the year what events they would like to run. In the past, this has included a Gangnam Party, a mocktail evening, a casino night, a Lush evening, a Body Shop make–up event, a Halloween party, a Christmas party, and a range of formal and informal dinners. The highlight of the year is the Leavers’ Ball for Year 13 students. These events are always for Roedean students, but often invitations are extended to neighbouring schools, or guests.



• Baking Club

• Book Club

• Concert Band

• Culture Society

• Debating

• Eco-Council

• F24 Electric Car

• Geographical Society

• LGBTQ+ Society

• MedSoc

• Model UN

• Philosophy Society

• Physics Olympiad

• Sea Swimming

• Senior Classicists

• Senior Singers

• Strength and Conditioning

• Top University Programme

• UKLO Linguistics Olympiad

• Yoga and Meditation

and much more...

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Co-Curricular Enrichment

The Co-Curriculum is an integral part of the Roedean experience, and one which complements the academic and pastoral aspects of school life. There is an extensive programme of activities within the Creative Arts, Music, the Performing Arts, Sport and cultural activities from which to choose.

These serve both to extend and support curricular interests, as well as providing the perfect ‘breath of fresh air’, and we therefore encourage all students to participate fully. Some activities require a high level of proficiency, while others are designed to accommodate anyone who wants to pursue an interest, regardless of their level.

You can choose to hone your skills in an area in which you are already proficient, or to try something completely new, and perhaps discover a hidden talent. You will also have the chance to develop your leadership and communication skills, through leading activities for younger students.

I was always encouraged to try new things, explore my interests and perhaps push myself beyond my comfort zone a little. I have since developed a ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’ approach which has motivated and propelled me to experience whatever life has to offer.

Judith Ng, OR (House 1, 1998-2003)

The Creative Arts

Art at Roedean is all about opportunities, whether that be life drawing workshops, Printmaking Club, extra evening classes, trips abroad or talks from visiting lecturers. Roedean has nurtured my creativity and allowed me to thrive through one to one support, small class sizes and excellent studio spaces. I can think of nowhere else that could have prepared me as well as Roedean for my future in the creative industry.

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Megan, Year 13 Art Student

The Creative Arts at Roedean are forward-thinking and innovative, and we are justly proud of the wonderful results achieved by our students. The students work is diverse, challenging, and, above all, truly creative.

In Art in the Sixth Form, you can opt for the A Level course or take part in one of the many extra Creative Art clubs after school. Students at Roedean are encouraged to follow their own interests and have the freedom to choose from a variety of specialisms. Many students pursue the artistic passions kindled at Roedean after they leave the school, winning coveted places on Art Foundation courses at institutions such as Central Saint Martin’s.


Music is exceptional at Roedean – lively, engaging and accomplished. The department is equipped with 15 practice rooms, a music computer classroom, performance space, and a superb team of visiting teachers in all instruments, singing and percussion. The school offers a full orchestra, senior choir, chamber choir, mixed voice choir, string orchestra, concert band, and many smaller ensembles.

Each year, the Music department puts on showcases of talent from the more formal Founders’ Day service, Carol Services and Speech Day, to more popular themed concerts, recently including a Seasonal Spectacular and a Gala Movie Music evening. The jewel in the crown of the performance year is the annual Brighton Festival Fringe concert where classic choral repertoire are showcased and concerto movements performed by pupil soloists. There are numerous workshops and master classes on offer to students in all areas of musical performance, including orchestral conducting and composition.

Music scholars and chamber groups regularly perform in lunchtime and evening recitals in the local community. All students are encouraged to learn an instrument or be part of a musical group.



Many students in the school learn one or two instruments, and specialist tuition is available in a range of instruments. We cater to demand, so will try to find a tutor for any instrument you desire.


• Violin

• Viola

• Cello

• Double Bass

• Guitar

• Ukulele

• Harp

• Piano

• Organ

• Flute

• Oboe

• Clarinet

• Saxophone

• Bassoon

• Recorder

• French Horn

• Trumpet

• Trombone

• Drum Kit

• Orchestral percussion

• Singing

• Music theory/ aural

and more...

Roedean has provided me with many performance opportunities. Roedean orchestra, band, and string orchestra perform regularly in the Theatre and Chapel. For solo performances, you can sign up to play in teatime recitals. Playing to an audience really helps improve your confidence and performance. Roedean has allowed me to perform in concerts throughout the school year and develop my skills as a musician.

Bronwen, Year 13 Music Student

Anamika Co-curricular opportunities

The Performing Arts

The Performing Arts department at Roedean forms a centre of excellence. At Roedean, we are very fortunate to have a theatre which seats 355 people. All students have access to whole-school drama and performing arts productions, including House Drama, a festival where students write their own short play and perform it to the whole school, Dance Showcases and Scholars productions. You can also become involved in one of our annual School Plays, either front-of-house or behind the scenes, so there is plenty of opportunity for you to get involved.

In the last 3 years alone, we have staged multiple productions in which the Sixth Form were able to be involved, including Hairspray, The Crucible and Cabaret. On top of this we have had Scholars’ plays, our annual Dance Showcase, our annual Performing Arts Gala, West End workshops, professional masterclasses, LAMDA examinations in Acting, Verse & Prose, Public Speaking and Musical Theatre, in which we have a 100% Distinction rate, and more.

Dance is an extremely popular choice at Roedean, with many students taking private dance lessons or performing in one of the Dance Showcases throughout the year. .


Here at Roedean there are constantly so many opportunities to get involved in the performing arts. Whether it be in lessons, showcases, plays, or musicals, there’s always something for everyone, onstage or backstage. I’ve loved every minute spent performing in the theatre, running lines in the green room (and even watching the clock tick by in tech), and with the new theatre renovations finished I can’t wait to see what’s next!

Gabby, Former Performing Arts Enthusiast



• Athletics

• Basketball

• Cricket

• Cross-Country

• Fitness

• Football

• Gymnastics

• Hockey

• Horse-Riding

• Karate

• Lacrosse

• Netball

• Rounders


• Badminton Club

• Fencing

• Fitness

• Free Swim

• Golf

• Hockey Goal Keeping Club

• Indoor Rowing

• Rugby

• Squad Practice

• Strength and Conditioning

• Stretch

• Turbo Training

• Sea Swimming

• Swimming

• Table Tennis

• Trampolining

• Yoga and more...

Roedean allowed me to progress in both academics and sport, as the on-site facilities really helped to streamline my timetable.

Liv, OR (House 1, 2014-2021) and GB Waterpolo Player

• Volleyball and more...

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All pupils in the Sixth Form have Games as part of their core curriculum. We offer talented sportswomen highly-trained and proficient coaching in the areas of Hockey, Netball, Swimming, Tennis, Cricket and Athletics. There are a number of fixtures and a good range of facilities to support excellence in these areas.

Pupils who enjoy non-competitive team games are encouraged to try a rotation of activities including Zumba, Boxercise, Yoga, Karate, Horse-riding, Beach Volleyball, Badminton, Spin cycling, Gym, Archery, and many more. Having a double lesson dedicated to PE/Games is fantastic way to remain fit and healthy, and to have fun!

Even if you don’t want to compete at a high level of Sport, the opportunities are endless with the vast amount of cocurricular oppotunities they offer.

Jess, OR (House 1, 2014-2021) and keen sportwoman

Lucy Co-curricular opportunities

I loved the wide open vista that the playing fields and grounds offered, especially in the summer…I wrote and directed the House Play – working alongside Claire Hopkins (producer) and Lulu Deslongrais (star) and other talented girls from different forms to put together A Christmas Carol. I won various writing prizes. All those opportunities gave me confidence and drive to keep working to achieve my childhood dream of becoming a writer

Our Facilities

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Yang-May Ooi, OR (House 3, 1975-1980)

At Roedean, we are lucky to have a stunning site and beautiful buildings overlooking the sea. Set in 118 acres of grounds, Roedean benefits from excellents facilities that we strive to continually develop and improve, as well as ensuring departments are supported with new equipment, as required.

Roedean is particularly excited about the refurbishment of its Theatre which has always been at the heart of Performing Arts at Roedean. This year, the Theatre been has returned it to its former glory, while adding more capacity, greater accessibility and improving sound quality and energy efficiency.

Our Theatre is a top-class, professional facility, with 355 seats, which is supported by a Theatre Manager and a full-time technician, meaning students can not only gain experience performing on stage, but they can also be trained in the operation and use of equipment; all performances are stage-managed by students.

Roedean is also proud of its inspirational flood-lit all-weather pitch, 5-a-side football pitch and the resurfaced and flood-lit netball and tennis courts. The transformational investment, which took place in 2018, has already improved the standard of sport at Roedean through greater training and playing time and the students confidence in matches is growing. Roedean also sports a heated 25m indoor Swimming Pool, Sports Hall and Gym.

The completion of two brand new dance studios last summer, on top of another two dance studios and a performing arts studio, allows us to offer pupils a chance to develop dance skills for enjoyment, or for a career in dance or the Performing Arts.

All subjects are taught in specialist rooms, and students have Wi-Fi access throughout the school to support their studies. There is a Main Library and Resources’ Centre to support individual study. There are two Art Studios adjacent to a Design & Technology Centre, a multimedia Language Centre, and a Science wing with nine laboratories for Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Roedean also plays host to music practice rooms, a chapel, an on-site café, a pitch and putt and also our own secret tunnel to the sea.


The Boarding Experience

Being a full boarder at Roedean is amazing! The structure of the school day means that in the evenings I have plenty of time to get my work done with help from subject specific teachers, and spend time with my friends in the common rooms. The house staff always provide great pastoral support for the transition to life away from home, and are always around with the snack box at the right time!

Rula, Former Full Boarder

At Roedean, there are full boarders, flexi- and weekly boarders, and day students, but life is really no different for any of the students. So, your family might live ten time zones away, or perhaps in London or the local area, you might travel each week from somewhere an hour’s drive away, or you might have grown up just around the corner – whichever is the case for you, the only real distinction is that the boarders have a bed in school and you will be fully integrated into the Sixth Form community at Roedean; it will be your home away from home.

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Flexi-boarding has been really beneficial for me during A Levels, as it has allowed me to focus on my studies and revision while I am at school and relax with my family on the nights that I go home. It has also been convenient for me with my sporting commitments, such as morning strength and conditioning sessions and matches finishing late throughout the week. I’ve also been able to spend more quality time with my friends outside of lessons! You really get the best of both worlds as a flexi-boarder.

The Sixth Form Centre

We have two Sixth Form boarding houses: Keswick and Lawrence. You are allocated your own study bedroom and are also able to use the Sixth Form Centre or the snugs in either Keswick or Lawrence House for study or to socialise with friends. Being a boarder in the Sixth Form allows you to maintain a balanced academic and social life. One of the most beneficial aspects about being a boarder in Sixth Form is that everyone in the house is doing A Levels. This gives you the opportunity to collaborate and learn from one another.

Lucy, Former Flexi Boarder

Health Centre

Your all-round health and well-being is of paramount importance to us. We want you to be happy and healthy, with access to support, guidance, and advice on a whole range of medical-related issues. The Health Centre is available to all pupils, day and boarding, and staffed by qualified registered nurses.

We offer 24-hour care and are open from 7.30am to 7.30pm, with a nurse on call when the Health Centre is closed. There are seven beds for pupils who are unwell. We have visiting Doctors from the local surgery who cover two surgeries in the school on Mondays and Thursdays. Outside of these surgery times, the students may attend the Health Centre if they are unwell and need to see the Doctor on that day. The students also have access to the School Counsellor, via the Health Centre, should they need.

Life as a Boarder

On a typical evening, boarders tend to do their prep either in the silent study or in the collaborative areas. When you aren’t studying, the evening usually consists of activities such as tennis, the gym, playing board games or watching a movie in the common room. The range of evening activities is great in helping to relax with friends.

A typical weekend consists of going for lunches in town, walks along the Marina, and sea swimming (when the weather allows it!). Additionally, the boarding staff host a variety of activities such as the K-pop silent disco, baking, and organized trips like the London Dungeons and Laser-Zone!

Boarding in the sixth form feels like home, the boarding staff become your second parents and your friends become family.

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You will be fed very well in the Keswick Dining Room and Horizons for all meals, but you also have the option of making toast or preparing pasta in the evening, as well as preparing food for special celebrations within the house, and this can be done in the common room kitchen, in both Keswick and Lawrence, where there are cookers, hobs, and fridges.

I have been a boarder for five years at Roedean and Sixth Form Boarding life has been my most enjoyable experience to date. It’s wonderful to live with so many of my friends in such a close-knit community. We love spending time in the common spaces, with many other students, or cramming ourselves into one person’s bedroom to watch a film. The best thing about living with my friends is there is someone to support me when things are challenging, and there is always someone taking photos when we are having a laugh. Every moment of laughter fills me with happiness and a sense of well-being. Every Sunday we try to cook different things, ranging from spicy beef and coriander, a famous dish from my hometown, or Japanese egg burgers!

Rita, Former Flexi Boarder

Activities & Trips

Weekend Activities

Boarding comes in all different shapes and sizes at Roedean – there are well over 300 students on site at the weekends, and this means that there are lots of activities which take place on Friday evenings and at the weekend.

Students in the Sixth Form can travel independently in Brighton, and the weekend trips programme also includes organised local trips, such as ice-skating at the Brighton Pavilion in December and the popular Christmas Market. Further afield, there are also trips to art galleries and theatres in London, as well as visits to Thorpe Parks and Harry Potter World. The programme is full and varied, and it caters to the interests of boarders and day-students alike.

Every weekend throughout the school year, events in School and trips are organised to provide you with something to contrast to the working week, and you can choose to go on whichever trips you want!

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Day trips and residential trips are run throughout the academic year. These are largely department-based or run by societies or sports clubs. Recently, students have had opportunities to take part in a Physics and Geography trip to Iceland, a Classics trip to Rome, exchanges to France and Spain, and a community action trip to Zanzibar, and excursions to local university undergraduate days, Wakehurst Place, Boulogne and Florence in Enrichment Week. This year, the Sixth Form are taking part in their first year group residentials to the Peak District to deepen friendships and experience a digital detox.


Pastoral Support

Pastoral care is exceptionally strong at Roedean, and this is central to the success of our students. All students are placed in Keswick or Lawrence in the Sixth Form and have a Tutor, Housemistress, and the Director of Sixth Form. These members of staff form a network of support, both academically and pastorally, for all students during their Sixth Form career.

Roedean is a global community where boarders and day students alike form a strong allegiance with their House and friendships with each other. This warm and friendly community nurtures each student to strive to be the best they can be. There is no set model and we enjoy the diversity each individual brings. Our Sixth Form students have commented on the positive environment and the fact that all students are accepted here and fit in.

Academic tutorial groups usually have between eight to ten students. You will meet weekly wth your tutor group for a tutorial that covers a range of discussion topics. You will also have a weekly 1:1 meeting with your tutor who will guide you through the successful completion of the Sixth Form. All Sixth Form students are members of a tutor group which helps you to develop supportive friendships with each other.

The Sixth Form constitutes the beginning of the transition between school and later life, when you will have to be independent, confident, and sensitive to the expectations of others.

As a preparation for university life, increasing independence and freedom offer a link between school security and learning the life skills essential for university success.

We expect high standards from you in work ethic, behaviour and appearance because the rest of the School looks to you to set the right tone: you will be role–models within the school, and ambassadors for it outside. We place great emphasis on respect, tolerance, and an appreciation of different values and points of view; we therefore expect all members of our community to contribute positively to this ethos.

The pastoral care at Roedean is supported by a popular Life Skills programme which includes topics giving access to the key RSHE areas relating to the Sixth Form. All students in the Sixth Form have access to Health Centre and to the school’s qualified external counsellors.

All staff understand the complexities of transition from school to adult life, and they aim to ensure that each student leaving Roedean is equipped, happy, and prepared to explore the world and make a difference.


I love many things about the Sixth Form, but mostly importantly I love my friends and how it is such a lovely environment. Everyone is so friendly – they will always tell you where to go if you are lost and help you out if you have any problems, both the students and the staff.

Victoria, OR (2017-2021)

Life Skills

The aim of the Sixth Form Life Skills programme is to offer you a range of talks, seminars and workshops that will give you skills and knowledge for life. Every year we ask students to evaluate the Life Skills programme they have just experienced before we shape the programme for the following year.

We include detail about university admissions and about how to prepare for your next steps after school, because that is a key concern for Sixth Formers; we also cover Personal Development and Sex and Relationships topics. Over the two-year course we also include sessions on research skills and presentations, personal finance, DIY, critical thinking and theory of knowledge, job applications and CVs. Sometimes the sessions are run by our Life Skills team and sometimes we have presenters from outside school. It depends on the topic!


• Elevate skills session

• UCAS Personal Statement preparation

• Academic Project

• Digital Resilience

• Physical and mental health awareness

• Mindfulness

• How to ‘Adult’ week

• Finance

• CVs and LinkedIn profiles

and more...

I love how Roedean has enabled me to follow my own path and develop as an individual whilst still being a part of a wonderful, safe and supportive community. Being in an all-girls school has been immensely empowering for me as it creates an environment in which I am comfortable to challenge myself.

There is a great sense of maturity and independence as you enter the 6th Form community, which is so freeing and makes the experience very enjoyable. The diversity of the people at Roedean also really opens your eyes to the world and allows you to truly express your authentic self.

Amelia, Head of School
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Maria, Head of School

Roedean students are the leaders of the future. Therefore, an understanding of leadership and the diverse range of roles available to senior students are essential elements of our Sixth Form provision.


There are many opportunities in the Sixth Form to gain valuable leadership experience. In the first year of the Sixth Form, you can become House Prefects, Peer Listeners, direct House Plays or House Music competitions, and sit on the School Council or the Roedean Mission Committee. These positions enable you to take responsibility for areas of school life and learn to work in teams as well as lead groups.

The highest leadership positions are offered in your final year. These are an elected group of Prefects and Senior Prefects, including Head Student, Deputy Head Students, and Games Captain. These positions are elected democratically and all students are offered external leadership training, to include areas such as communication, team–work, project management, presentation skills, and the basic skills of what makes good leaders.

Academic prefects also champion academic subjects where they run societies and support groups for younger pupils.

In your final year, you are encouraged to become Sixth Form buddies, giving support, guidance, and friendship to students arriving new into the Sixth Form.

Pastoral prefects help to run activities in younger tutorial groups.

Responsibility is a challenge and the onus is on you to manage your time, both in and out of the classroom, to exploit and relish the opportunities you are given over the two years you have in the Sixth Form.


Our Alumnae Network

You and your family’s relationship with Roedean doesn’t end when you leave, and our umbrella society, The Roedeanian Society, strengthens our fantastic network of former students, their families and former staff.

The Roedeanian Society, run from our Roedeanian Office, based here at Roedean, keeps all Roedeanians, their families and former staff up to date with what’s happening at the School and runs and manages a series of subsidised annual events to enable you to keep in touch with us and with each other. These events will also provide an opportunity to network with other members of our community. The aim of the Roedeanian Society is to bring together all members of the Roedean network, to harness the collective power of our community to support the School and the students, and to share and celebrate our community’s interests and achievements.

The School is also very fortunate to have a long-established old-girls association, called the Old Roedeanians’ Association (ORA), which is run solely by Old Roedeanians as volunteers and which has been keeping ORs in touch for generations. This Association is open to students who have attended Roedean for at least 2 years and to nominated former staff.

The aims of the ORA are to keep alive the spirit imbued by the Founders of the School and to uphold the reputation of the School, to provide support and assistance to the School, to provide a link between ORs and the School and each other, and to sustain their interest in the School and in the ORA, in particular by maintaining a list of ORs and their addresses and other appropriate details and holding reunions and social events at the School and elsewhere, and to support the Old Roedeanians’ Scholarship Fund.

The Roedeanian Society works in joint partnership with the ORA to run events and manage a joint database.

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Roedean has this huge network of ORs and they were great because they came to a lot of the careers fairs and talked about what they were doing and how they got there which was really interesting and they gave you a lot of advice. I was lucky enough to be interviewed by an OR who had gone to Cambridge, studying the same subject as me, so she had been through that whole process and knew how scary it was to be interviewed at Cambridge.

Rosie Jones, OR (House 2, 2015-2020)


A Springboard to your Future

At Roedean, we appreciate that the students education at school is a stepping stone to the rest of their lives. An outstanding Sixth Form experience is much more than getting top grades. Through everything you do here, you will develop a real sense of who you might be in the future. Roedean students leave to study a wide range of subjects in Higher Education at the best institutions. Expert advice at school to help you make the correct choices is complemented by mentoring from Roedean alumnae in your chosen field. The Roedean Sixth Form is the transition to the next stage of your life, and you will make your mark in the world – we’re sure of it!

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Academic Results

Roedean enjoys great success in the 2023 public examinations

Congratulations to all Year 13 students at Roedean, who have achieved remarkable A Level results, with 28.2% of all grades at A*, and 55.5% at A*-A. These results are exceptional, particularly given the disruption to their education due to Covid, and the fact that they did not sit GCSE examinations. The Year 13 cohort is the largest for over a decade, yet there is impressive strength in depth in all subjects. Nine students, 10% of the cohort, achieved straight A* grades, with 29 top grades between them, and almost one third of the students were awarded all A* and A Grades. Underlining their calibre, over half of the year-group were awarded at least one A* grade, and the percentage of grades at A* far exceeds all previous results excluding the Covid years – there is no doubt that they are the product of outstanding diligence and commitment to success. Niamh Green, the Head at Roedean said, ‘I am incredibly proud of what this year-group has achieved, particularly taking the educational context of their A Levels into account. These are the first public examinations they have taken, and I am thrilled that all their hard work resulted in fantastic grades. Not only have they been successful academically, but they have also thrown themselves into so many other areas of school life and made a difference both within our community and beyond. I am delighted for them, and extremely grateful to all my colleagues for supporting them so well.’

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High-Quality Guidance

In the Sixth Form, Careers and university guidance begin early, so that the students are able to make informed choices concerning their future direction long before they need to do so. The students have periodic careers and university guidance as part of the Life Skills Programme, as well as discussions with their tutors and one-to-one meetings with the Head of Universities and Careers.

During Year 12, you will be supported to consider a range of progression options including degrees at UK and international universities, degree and higher apprenticeships with global corporations, specialist courses such as Art Foundation or conservatoire programmes, and valuable gap year experiences. You will be introduced to the UK Higher Education system and will receive individually tailored guidance on how to choose which subject/s to study and which institutions to consider. You will also have access to online platforms and library resources to help you conduct your own in-depth research.

To enable you to craft a highly competitive application, you will receive expert bespoke guidance on all aspects of the process, including writing your personal statement, from your tutor, subject specialists and the Head of University Admissions. We provide a number of practice interviews and interview exchanges with other schools for applicants who are likely to be interviewed, typically at Oxford, Cambridge or for Medicine, alongside in-house and external coaching for university admissions assessments for these and other competitive courses such as Law. There are also frequent opportunities to attend events hosted by university teaching and admissions staff to gain institution-specific guidance, and occasions to meet with our former students currently studying at university.

In Year 13, you will be supported closely through the application process for whichever progression options you have chosen, and, for UCAS applications, mid-way through the year you will receive individual guidance on your choice of firm and insurance universities. All students benefit from a comprehensive support service during A level results and the confirmation of university places. Your progress throughout your time at Roedean, during the application process and your transition into university or other progression route will be carefully supported by Mr Homer, Head of University Admissions and Dr Hannan, Director of Sixth Form.

Genevieve Pathway to Law


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Medical Applications

Successfully applying for Medicine at university requires a highly strategic approach. In addition to the support you would receive for any other subject, you will be given 1:1 guidance to help you carefully select the four medical schools whose requirements most closely match your strengths, as this significantly increases the likelihood of being made an offer. You will take part in UCAT and BMAT training sessions and multiple mini interview practice several times during the Sixth Form and meet with practising doctors and current undergraduate medics.

Being in an all girls environment where no one ever got told you ‘couldn’t do this as a career’ [meant] the world was our oyster – we were given the freedom and resources to seek out our own interests and career path, and the infrastructure was there to nurture and support that.

Iris Kwok, OR (House 1, 2000-2004)


The route to a successful Medical School application can be overwhelming. In this video for the Aspire Series (featuring two recently successful applicants) you will get a sense of the timeline ahead, as well as pick up some useful tips as to how to make your application stand out from the crowd. As one of our ORs, Ellen, puts it... don’t give up!

International University Applications

If you are considering applying to universities outside the UK, for example in North America or Asia, we will provide you with:

• Individual guidance on, and support through, the relevant application process from the Head of University Admissions.

• Opportunities to attend events hosted by admissions staff from leading international universities.

• Help and support with US college choice, standardised testing (SAT/ACT), admissions essays and interview practice.

Applications to the US are usually for a Liberal Arts and Sciences programme where courses are taken in a variety of subjects before a decision is taken at the end of the first year to focus on a main subject (known as a major). Medicine and Law are studied as post-graduate courses in the US, so cannot be applied for directly from school.

Parisah, OR (House 3, 2002-2009), read Medicine at St John’s College, Cambridge

Oxbridge Applications

If you are considering applying to Oxbridge, Roedean Sixth Formers have access to high quality guidance, where you will receive additional support with entrance tests, interview prep and personal statement preparation. We make the most of our OR network and contacts, who return to Roedean to talk to Sixth Form about the process and help make it less overwhelming, whilst trips to visit the Oxford and Cambridge campuses help bring the application to life! We will provide interview prep and mock interview opportunities with a range of teachers and professionals, and access to mock admissions tests provided by an external Oxbridge specialist. We also offer personal statement support and regular 1-1s with the Head of University Admissions.


• Guidance regarding the UCAS process from the Head of University Admissions.

• Information sessions on higher-level apprenticeship opportunities, sponsored degrees and graduate employability.

• Access to the Roedean Progression Guide Series of guidance documents detailing your steps at the various stages of the process.

• Personal statement workshops with subjectspecific resources and guidance.

• Subject-specific university classes run by individual departments.

• Talks by representatives of leading UK universities.

• Support in preparing for university interviews via practice interviews, sessions on interview skills and communication techniques.

• The opportunity for you to make Open Day visits to universities and colleges.

• Support sessions on student finance and accommodation.

• Information sessions for parents, who are also welcome to contact the Director of Sixth Form and Head of University Admissions for advice.

• The opportunity for you to meet and discuss your Higher Education and career plans with the Director of Sixth Form.

and more...



Watch OR Rosie’s video for the Aspire Series, ‘My Pathway to Cambridge’ for some practical tips on an application to Cambridge.

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King’s College


London School of Economics






Leavers’ Destinations

Roedean Sixth Formers leave the school fully prepared to confidently take up courses at some of the UK’s leading universities, accept prestigious industry internships or attend highly-competitive universities across the globe in a wide range of subjects, reflecting their diversity of interests.

Roedean students consistently achieve outstanding A Level results and, on average, 60-75% of each cohort go on to the research-intensive Russell Group universities. This year, 5 students are taking up places at Oxbridge, and 6 are studying Medicine, with 36% reading Arts and Humanities, 24% reading Social Sciences and 40%reading STEM subjects.

A good number of pupils also choose to apply for Art Foundation, apprenticeships, or to study in the USA, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, or Europe.

Emily (right), OR (House 3, 2013-2018), currently reading Chemistry at St Hilda’s, Oxford

Choosing your A Levels

It is very important to think carefully about your subject choices. The key questions to ask yourself are “Am I good at these subjects?” and, perhaps more importantly, “Am I really interested in these subjects?”. You must look realistically at your strengths and weaknesses, and match these to your interests.

Entry into Roedean Sixth Form and your programme of study at A Level will be determined by your performance at GCSE; you will be expected to achieve at least 7 A*-B grades. In addition, you will need an A or A*, or equivalent, in the subjects you wish to study at A Level, as indicated on the individual subject pages.

A Level work is demanding and is unlikely to be sustained in a subject which you do not enjoy. Give serious consideration to those subjects you have not studied before. Assessing your own abilities and interests is not an easy thing to do, and you are urged to seek advice on your suitability for A Level work from your subject teachers and tutors. An uncommitted student will gain little from two years in the Sixth Form, so it is crucially important to choose subjects you wish to pursue in depth.

The University Perspective

Feedback from universities suggests that they prefer students to study subjects which sit together well and complement each other, rather than a disparate grouping of subjects done well, which may have been the case in the past. Many leading universities, are becoming increasingly prescriptive concerning the subject combinations which they prefer applicants to pursue at A Level. Therefore, if you are considering applying for a popular course at a competitive university, you should research and seek advice to make sure that you have an appropriate profile. By reading about the subjects, and investigating career prospects and the implications of different combinations, you can more easily begin to identify and define just what it is you want and expect from your proposed studies. Try to balance your academic abilities and interests with your plans for the future. Those of you who have little idea of likely future careers should aim to keep your options open by a wise choice of A Levels; consult subject and careers’ staff. In choosing each of your subjects, bear in mind that you must satisfy the school that your performance so far in this and/or related subjects justifies your continuation to A Level work in that department.

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subjects are available at A Level: STEM

Arts and Humanities

In general, there is more flexibility on the Arts side because very few courses have a strong vocational element. It is important to note that many degree courses and careers accept students who have studied any subjects at A Level, as long as they have shown reasonable success in doing so. Good qualifications in, for example, Classics or English or History or Modern Languages indicate an able, flexible, disciplined and thoughtful mind. Most employers are more concerned with the level of achievement and with personal qualities than with particular subjects. Degree courses now being studied by recent Sixth Formers include Virology and Immunology, American Studies, Natural Sciences, Anthropology, and Medicine. Courses in Theology, Art, Craft and Design, Politics, Business Studies, and Economics are open to all.

Science and Mathematics

A Level selection on the Science side must be the result of informed consideration. It is worth noting too that many of the non–scientific professions also accept students with Science A Levels. If you wish the option of entering a scientific, or technical career, you should choose at least two, but preferably three, subjects from the Sciences and Mathematics. This will give you a much greater choice of Science careers and courses at the end of the two years. Further Mathematics is advisable for many courses at competitive universities, so it is worth checking this in advance of the Sixth Form.

It might be that a course is not run in a particular year due to insufficient demand.

• Biology 54 • BTEC Sport 56 • Chemistry 58 • Computer Science 60 • Mathematics 62 • Physics 64 BUSINESS, ECONOMICS
ENTERPRISE • Business 66 • Economics 68 SOCIETY • Chinese 70 • Classical Civilisation 72 • English Literature 74 • French 76 • Geography 78 • German 80 • History 82 • Latin 84 • Media Studies 86 • Philosophy 88 • Politics 90 • Psychology 92 • Religious Studies 94 • Spanish 96 • Russian 98 CREATIVE AND PERFORMING ARTS • 3D Design 100 • Art, Photography & Textiles 102 • Dance 104 • Foundation Art, Design & Media BTec 106 • History of Art 108 • Music 110 • Theatre Studies 112


Biology deals with the foundations of life. It surrounds us in every moment. It is fascinating to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of this subject.

At A Level, you will build on what you have learnt up to this point. You will develop essential knowledge and understanding of different areas of Biology and how they relate to each other. Biology will help you appreciate how society makes decisions about scientific issues, and how the Sciences contribute to the world we live in.

Head of Department: Mrs P Borsberry,

Exam Board: Edexcel 9BI0

Course Requirements

You will be expected to have achieved at least a grade 8 in GCSE/IGCSE Biology or a grade 88 in Double Award Science, a 7 in GCSE/IGCSE Chemistry and a 7 in GCSE/IGCSE Mathematics before embarking on this course.


• Answering questions

• Carrying out practical investigations

• Doing further research

• sharing findings with your group

• Practice applying your understanding to novel situations

Skills Biology helps you to develop

• How to interpret and analyse detailed information and identify the key concepts, to build on your current knowledge and understanding of Biology

• How to apply this understanding to novel experimental methods and data

• How to link fundamental concepts and different topics in Biology together

• How to effectively plan, carry out and evaluate scientific investigations

• How to use statistical tests to determine the significance of experimental data

• How to write technical and accurate answers to longer prose style questions

• How to become organised and independent in preparing for each lesson by reading ahead

• How to carry out research and cite references correctly

• How to work on your own initiative, but also how to work as part of a team, particularly during scientific investigations

What PREP is set?

• Pre-reading

• Answering some initial questions

• Question practice Chemistry Psychology Geography Maths

Bella Subject profile 54 back to contents
Sport Science

Course Content

There are 10 topics in the A Level course::

• Topic 1: Biological Molecules

• Topic 2: Cells, Viruses and Reproduction of Living Things

• Topic 3: Classification and Biodiversity

• Topic 4: Exchange and Transport

• Topic 5: Energy for Biological Processes

• Topic 6: Microbiology and Pathogens

• Topic 7: Modern Genetics

• Topic 8: Origins of Genetic Variation

• Topic 9: Control Systems

• Topic 10: Ecosystems.

This is a fascinating and wide-ranging course. In Year 12, you will study Topics 1 to 4, learning about the chemicals that are fundamental to life and the ultrastructure of cells. You will also consider transport mechanisms in cells and mass flow systems in organisms. You will begin your study of interactions between organisms and their environment, and learn how natural selection can lead to speciation.

In Year 13, you will study the remaining topics of the course, considering sources of energy in living organisms and how energy transfers take place, pathogens and how the human body responds to infection and gene expression, with a focus on epigenetics and stem cells, and how these are contributing to medical advances. You will also study dihybrid inheritance of alleles and the effect of selection pressures on allele frequencies, processes of chemical and nervous coordination in mammals and plants, and complete your studies of ecosystems, including human influences and the need for conservation.

Assessment Details

Paper 1: Advanced Biochemistry, Microbiology and Genetics. 1h45 paper worth 90 marks and 30% of the A Level.

Paper 2: Advanced Physiology, Evolution and Ecology. 1h45 paper worth 90 marks and 30% of the A Level.

Paper 3: General and Practical Principles in Biology. 2h30 paper worth 120 marks and 40% of the A Level.

Science Practical Endorsement: Internally assessed and externally monitored by Pearson. Students must carry out a minimum of 12 practical activities, which provide opportunities to demonstrate competence in the required practical skills. This assessment of practical skills will appear on the students’ certificates as a separately reported result, alongside the overall grade for the qualification.

2 ⁄


went on to study a Biology-related course at degree level in 2023


achieved an A* in 2023


went on to study Medicine or Vetinary Science in 2022

Common MYTHS de-bunked

‘There is no Mathematics in Biology’

There is – 10% of the mark in the final papers are Mathematics questions. However, the Mathematics that you need is taught as part of the Biology course and you do not have to take Mathematics A Level.

What other DEGREES can Biology lead to?


Biochemistry Vetinary Science Medicine

What CAREERS can Biology lead to?

• Human and Animal Health Care


• Microbiologist

• Scientific researcher

Wildlife Conservationist

• Zoologist


BTEC Sport Extended Certificate

BTEC Sport is a course which combines a variety of methods of learning, using both theoretical and practical teaching. The sport and fitness industry is always moving and changing, making it essential for learners to have the drive and resilience to adapt. At all stages of their academic career, the practical base of a BTEC in Sport will help learners excel as team players, coaches and leaders of the future.This course is equivalent to one A Level and is assessed with a Pass, Merit, Distinction and Distinction* criteria. These are then assigned UCAS points when applying for University in the same way as A Levels.

Head of Department: Miss H Hayman (

Exam Board: Pearsons

Assessment Details

Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology (External Exam)

Unit 2: Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport, and Well-being (External Exam)

Unit 3: Professional Development in the Sports Industry (Coursework)

Skills BTEC Sport helps you to develop

• The ability to learn independently

• The ability to research actively and methodically

• Being able to give presentations and being active group members.

• Reading technical texts

• Effective writing

• Analytical skills

• Creative development


Unit 4: Sport Psychology (Coursework) COMPLEMENTARY

• Practical lessons

• Research and analysis tasks

• Independent study and coursework

• Presentations

What PREP is set?

• Independent, preparatory reading for flip learning

• Coursework deadlines

• Presentations preparation

• Exam questions

• Preparation for assessment methods used in degrees.

A Levels
Psychology Business 56 back to contents

Course Content


This unit is assessed by a written examination, 1.5 hours in length. This unit explores how the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, and respiratory system functions and the fundamentals of the energy systems. You will gain a full appreciation of how the body is able to take part in sport and exercise through understanding the interrelationships between these body systems.


This unit is assessed externally via a case study controlled assessment over a 2.5 hour period. Pupils explore client screening and lifestyle assessment, fitness training methods and fitness programming to support improvements in a client’s health and well-being. Fitness training methods will be examined for each component of physical and skill-related fitness. The selection of appropriate training methods for a selected individual and their application into a training programme will then be explored.


This is a coursework-based unit which looks at the knowledge and skills required for different career pathways in the sports industry. Pupils will take part in, and reflect on, a personal skills audit, career action plan and practical interview assessment activities.


This unit covers the psychological dimensions of sport and introduces psychological techniques that can be used to enhance performance. At the highest level in sport, success is often down to small margins and performers are always looking for ways to gain an edge over their opponents. Performers take advice on areas such as physical preparation, tactics, strategies, and nutrition. Increasingly, performers are using sport psychology to improve the mental side of their sport in the hope of gaining an advantage over their opponents.

All examined content can be completed in Year 12.

A Distinction* Is equivalent to an A* at A Level.

Common MYTHS de-bunked

‘BTEC qualifications are not accepted by major universities’

BTECs are becoming more a popular option for students; they are also becoming more recognised by universities and employers for the practical skills that they equip learners with. Universities do accept students who have done BTEC qualifications. In fact, more than 95% of universities in the UK accept BTEC qualifications.

What other DEGREES can Sport Science lead to?

What CAREERS can Sport Science lead to?

• Choreographer

• Coach

• PE Teacher

• Personal Trainer

• Physiotherapist

• Sport and Exercise Therapy

• Sports Journalism

• Sports Management

Sport Science Health & Fitness Diet & Nutrition Sports Management


Chemistry makes sense of the material world. It develops curiosity, problemsolving abilities, practical competency, independent thinking, numeracy and the confidence to take academic risks. Chemistry gives you knowledge and skills which are transferable to many areas. Universities and employers look very favourably on success in A Level Chemistry, as they value it as evidence that a candidate possesses a range of useful skills. Above all, it is great fun.

Head of Department: Miss F Walker, Exam Board: Edexcel 9CH0

Course Requirements

You will be expected to have achieved at least a grade 8 in GCSE/ IGCSE Chemistry or a grade 88 in Double Award Science, and a grade 7 in GCSE/IGCSE Mathematics before embarking on this course.

Assessment Details

Paper 1: Advanced Inorganic and Physical Chemistry. 1h45 paper worth 90 marks and 30% of the A Level.

Paper 2: Advanced Organic and Physical Chemistry. 1h45 paper worth 90 marks and 30% of the A Level.

Paper 3: General and Practical Principles in Chemistry. 2h30 paper worth 120 marks and 40% of the A Level.

The papers include multiple choice, short open, open–response, calculations and extended writing questions.


• Content delivery, with practical tasks to reinforce understanding.

• Group work.

There is also a series of core practicals which are teacher assessed over the two years of the course. Maths

• Development of understanding through problem solving and completion of past paper questions.

What PREP is set?

• Consolidation through practice of topic-focused examination questions.

• Write up of practical assignments, including a critical look at practical techniques, errors and improvements alongside treatment of results.

Skills Chemistry helps you to develop

• Teamwork

• Critical thinking

• Communication skills

• Attention to detail

• Problem solving

• Numeracy

• Discipline

• Logic

• Presentation Skills

• Curiosity

• Reslience

COMPLEMENTARY A Levels Psychology Geography
Physics Biology Economics Marina
profile 58 back to contents

Course Content


• Atomic structure

• Bonding

• Redox

• Groups 1, 2 and 7

• Organic chemistry of alkanes, alkenes, halogenoalkanes and alcohols

• Mass spectrometry

• Infrared spectroscopy

• Energetics

• Qualitative kinetics

• Chemical equilibrium.


• Acid-base equilibria

• Lattice energy

• Entropy

• Further redox

• Transition metals

• Further quantitative kinetics

• Advanced organic chemistry including:

• Carbonyl compounds

• Carboxylic acids

• Arenes and nitrogen compounds

• Chirality

• Organic synthesis

• Nuclear magnetic resonance

• chromatography.

Our A level Chemists enter a variety of competitions, including the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge (C3L6), The Royal Society of Chemistry’s Olumpiad and the Schools’ Analyst competition. They have the opportunity to become STEM ambassadors, acting as representatives of the department at school events and helping out with support for younger students.

2nd most popular A Level choice


experiments are completed by students on average over the two year course

Common MYTHS de-bunked

‘A Level Chemistry is a huge step up from GCSE Chemistry’

True, the content is more difficult, and there’s a lot more independent study involved, but there is much more in common with the GCSE course content than you think.

What other DEGREES can Chemistry lead to?

46% of students take Chemistry in 2022 Vetinary

What CAREERS can Chemistry lead to?

• Art Renovator

• Architect

• Computer Scientist

• Forensic Scienctist

• Human and Animal Health Care Professional

• Nutritionist

• Psychologist

Science Medicine Engineering Forensics 59

Computer Science

Our A Level Computer Science qualification helps you understand the core academic principles of computer science. Classroom learning is transferred into creating real-world systems through the creation of an independent programming project relevant to the modern and ever-changing world of technology. You will develop a technical understanding and ability to apply the fundamental concepts of computer science, including abstraction, decomposition, logic, algorithms, and data representation. Creativity is important when applying computational thinking principles to a problem. Programming is a fundamentally creative skill –whether it is used to create a search algorithm, build an app or design a website.

Head of Department: Miss K Griffiths,

Exam Board: OCR A Level Computer Science H446

Course Requirements

• You should have at least a grade 76 in GCSE maths.

• You should have at least a grade 6 in GCSE English language.

• GCSE computing or computer science is advantageous but not essential.

Assessment Details

Paper 1 – Computer systems. An external paper worth 40%of the mark

Paper 2 – Algorithms and programming. An external paper with 40% of the mark.

Non examined component (NEA) worth 20% of the mark.


• Practical programming

• Applying computation thinking skills to problem solving

• Paired programming

• Answering questions

• Research

What PREP is set?

• Pre-reading

• Programming

• Reading research

• Question practice

Skills Computer Science helps you to develop

• Programming skills

• Problem solving, project planning and collaborative working.

• Numeracy and analytical skills

• The ability to see a correlation between different aspects of computer science.

COMPLEMENTARY A Levels Psychology

Physics Economics 60 back to contents

Course Content

• The characteristics of contemporary processors, input, output and storage devices

• Software and software development

• Exchanging data

• Data types, data structures and algorithms

• Legal, moral, cultural and ethical issues

• Elements of computational thinking

• Problem solving and programming

• Algorithms to solve problems and standard algorithms

•Programming project – analysis of the problem, design of the solution, developing the solution and evaluation.

Common MYTHS de-bunked

‘It’s all just programming.’

This is not true! Computing covers such a broad range of areas including networking, cyber security, management, testing, software engineering, web development and design. Being able to program is, of course, a great skill to have, but more importantly, studying Computing will teach problem-solving and analytical skills which are invaluable to any career.

‘It’s only for those that want to pursue a career in computing.’

Given how many different industries and companies use computing and IT, you could be specialising in so many different fields. In fact, you could be working in a field that doesn’t even yet!

What other DEGREES can Complead to?

What CAREERS can Chemistry lead to?

• Computer Gaming

• Engineering

• Finance

• Software Development

• Cybersecurity

• Data Analysis

• Computer Scientist

Medicine Engineering Maths Economics

Mathematics & Further Mathematics

In Mathematics we aim to foster rational thinking and develop an appreciation for the beauty of the natural world. We promote intellectual curiosity and equip you with the skills needed to be critical observers and problem-solvers. Mathematical ability is one of the most highly prized assets for a wide variety of university courses and careers. Mathematics offers you the chance to challenge yourself and face complex problems that will require perseverance and dedication to solve. In the Sixth Form, we utilise the ideas and techniques taught previously to discover links between the different mathematical disciplines and push your understanding of all areas. You explore not only how to solve different problems, but why those methods work and how you can adapt methods to solve new styles of problems. Proof, discussion, discovery and investigation are all skills that you will develop, enabling you to approach other subjects with greater analytical skills.

Head of Department: Mrs J Hopper (

Exam Board: Edexcel 9MA0 / 9FM0

Course Requirements

For the Mathematics course, you will be expected to achieve at least a grade 8 at GCSE / IGCSE Mathematics.

For the Further Mathematics course, you would be expected to achieve a 9 at GCSE / IGCSE Mathematics.


• Teacher-led discussions, proofs and investigations

• Group work

• Practice of key ideas

• Presenting solutions to the rest of the class

Skills Mathematics helps you to develop

• Advanced numeracy

• Quantitative reasoning

• Logic, thought and reasoning

• Critical observation – the ability to analyse data, find

• patterns and extract conclusions

• The ability to construct mathematical and logical arguments and present these with clarity and rigour

• The ability to deal with highly abstract concepts

• The ability to apply theoretical ideas to real-life situations

What PREP is set?

Practice of taught concepts, usually in the form of answering Mathematics questions

COMPLEMENTARY A Levels Chemistry Economics Biology Psychology Business Geography Physics Olivia Subject profile 62 back to contents

Course Content

The study of Mathematics can be broadly categorised into four areas:


This covers topics such as algebra, trigonometry, geometry and calculus. We will also meet the concept of proof, functions, series, differentiation, integration, exponentials and logarithms, numerical methods, vectors, matrices, hyperbolic functions, complex numbers and polar coordinates.


The science of data handling and probability. Data handling is concerned with presenting data in a digestible format, and probability looks at the chances of events happening. We will cover topics such as correlation, regression, probability distributions and hypothesis testing.


Using mathematical techniques to understand and predict the behaviour of physical objects in the real world, with topics such as motion, forces, momentum, Newton’s laws, moments, centres of mass, work, energy and collisions.


The mathematics behind logical processes such as computer programs and organisational problems. We cover topics such as graphs and networks, critical path analysis, route inspection and linear programming analysis.

Students of A Level Mathematics will study Pure Mathematics, Statistics and Mechanics.

Further Mathematicians will complete the A Level in Mathematics, and a second A Level in Further Mathematics. This second A Level covers deeper areas of Pure Mathematics and choose two additional options from Pure Mathematics, Statistics, Mechanics and Decision Mathematics.

Assessment Details

Mathematics: 3 2-hour papers

Further Mathematics: 2 1.5-hour papers on pure mathematics and 2 1.5-hour option papers

100% achieved a B or higher in Further Mathematics in 2022


of Sixth Formers choose to study Mathematics

30% achieved an A* in Mathematics in 2023

Common MYTHS de-bunked ‘Mathematics requires logic, not intuition’

Few people are aware that intuition is the cornerstone of doing Mathematics and solving problems. Mathematicians always think intuitively first.

What other DEGREES can Mathematics lead to?

Medicine Engineering

Architecture & other STEM-related degress

Finance & Accountancy

What CAREERS can Mathematics lead to?

• Accountant

• Architect

• Banker

• Engineer

• Financial Analyst

• Medic



Physics encompasses the study of the universe from the largest galaxies to the smallest subatomic particles and is crucial to truly understanding the world around us. It is the most basic and fundamental science. Physicists are problem–solvers and their skills are invaluable in every area of our lives. From engineering and technological advances to medicine and the Arts, there is no area that is untouched by Physics. Physics aids an understanding of all the sciences and gives an insight into how the laws of nature have shaped the world in which we live.

Head of Department: Mrs L Bond (

Exam Board: Edexcel 9PH0

Course Requirements

Students intending to study A Level Physics should have a grade 8 8 in GCSE/IGCSE Physics or grade 88 in Double Award Science, and a grade 7 in GCSE/IGCSE Mathematics. Students studying Physics will often take mathematics.

Assessment Details

3 x written exams (external assessment)

Unit 1: 1 hour 45 minutes, worth 30% of A Level

Unit 2: 1 hour 45 minutes, worth 30% of A Level

Unit 3: 2 hour 30 minutes, worth 40% of A Level

Science practical endorsement (internal assessment)


• Practical investigation into Physics concepts

• Formal write ups

• Regular opportunities to apply new knowledge

• Work in groups to consolidate understanding

• Use of multimedia and the internet to bring ideas to life

What PREP is set?

• Written exercises

• Writing up practical reports

• Revision for assessments

Skills Physics helps you to develop

• The ability to think analytically

• Curiosity

• Creativity

• Resilience

• An appreciation of the beauty of Mathematics

• Strong problemisolving skills, either from ingenuity or perseverance

• Analytical skills which make physicists versatile and adaptable


Geography Maths Religious Studies 64 back to contents

Course Content


• Working as a Physicist

• Mechanics

• Electric Circuits

• Further Mechanics

• Electric and Magnetic Fields

• Nuclear and Particle Physics


• Working as a Physicist

• Materials

• Waves and Particle Nature of Light

• Thermodynamics

• Space

• Nuclear Radiation

• Gravitational Fields

• Oscillations


• Questions in this paper may draw on any of the topics in this specification.

• The paper will include synoptic questions that may draw on two or more different topics.

• The paper will include questions that assess conceptual and theoretical understanding of experimental methods (indirect practical skills) that will draw on students’ experiences of the core practicals.


Common MYTHS de-bunked ‘Men are better at Physics’

Men and women perform equally well in Physics courses. It has been found that there is no consistent difference in their performance.

What other DEGREES can Physics lead to?

What CAREERS can Physics lead to?

• Architect

• Astronomer

• Civil Servant

• Data Analyst

• Engineer

• Patent Attorney

• Physicist

• Radiation Protection Practitioner

• Scientific Researcher

Computer Science Engineering
achieved an A*-B in 202
miles per hour is the maximum speed of the F24 car that our students design, build and race
⁄3 of Roedean students go on to study STEM at university Maths Architecture 65


Business is more exciting than any game.

A level Business is about debating and decision-making in a business context and as such it develops invaluable skills whatever you want to do next. If you have enjoyed watching the Apprentice or Dragon’s Den, like the idea of buying shares or if you want to manage a business then this is the subject for you. The Business course is designed to encourage a critical understanding of organisations, the markets they serve and the process of adding value. If you study Business you will investigate real businesses (many of which you are already familiar with) and the global and changing world in which businesses operate in. You will learn the practicalities, such as the numbers behind the business, but also why some succeed when others fail.

Head of Department: TBC Exam Board: EDUQAS - 601/4868/8

Course Requirements

You will be expected to have achieved at least a grade 7 in GCSE/ IGCSE Mathematics and English, or an equivalent qualification before embarking on this course.

Assessment Details

Students completing the full A-Level will sit three units as follows:

Component 1: Business Opportunities and Functions – 2h15m exam paper, worth 33.3% of the final mark

Component 2: Business Analysis and Strategy – 2h15m exam paper, worth 33.3% of the final mark

Component 3: Business in a Changing World – 2h15m exam paper, worth 33.3% of the final mark


• Group Discussions

• Watching video clips/ new stories

• Debates

• Group activities

• Online Competitions

• Individual work (worksheets, notes, exam questions)

What PREP is set?

• Watching Business documentaries

• Worksheets/note-making

• Exam Questions

• Presentations

• Research and preparation for discussion

Skills Business helps you to develop

• analytical and critical thinking.

• a creative approach to problem solving.

• decision-making.

• persuasive written and oral communication.

• Logical thinking

• Presentation and report writing skills

• Numeracy and an understanding of how to interpret and use financial data

• Self-motivation, initiative and effective time management

• Project and resource management

• Ability to analyse and evaluate.


Economics Maths

– Lord Beaverbrook Psychology

Business, Economics & Enterprise
66 back to contents


Component 1 Business Opportunities focuses on new business start-ups and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The content in this section is based around the concept of starting a new business and the issues that surround the process of planning a new business.

• In addition to covering the main concepts of setting up a new business, you will learn other types of business organisations, the markets in which they operate and their various stakeholders.

• Business Functions broadens the context and includes all types of business organisations, ranging from recently formed small businesses to well established multinational companies. You will learn the need to understand that, in order to succeed in a competitive market, all businesses have to consider the core functions of business.


• Component 2 focuses on understanding and using analytical techniques and developing appropriate business strategies. You will learn to understand, construct and analyse a range of decision-making models and investment appraisal methods used by businesses to decide on their strategy.

• Component 3 focuses on how businesses adapt to succeed in a dynamic external environment. You will look at how the business world never stands still and there are continuous opportunities and threats to businesses of all sizes. Regardless of size, businesses now operate in a global marketplace and they need to consider a wide range of external factors that affect their day-to-day activities, decision-making and strategy.

72% achieved an A or higher in 2021

24% of Roedean students choose to study social sciences

50% of those studying Business-related degrees do so at Russell Group Universities, with others studying at other top universities and overseas

Common MYTHS de-bunked

‘You need to be a Mathematics genius to study Business.’

This is not true, but a logical mind is ‘useful’.

What other DEGREES can Business lead to?

• Trader Business Management Economics Law Accountancy

What CAREERS can Business lead to?

• Business/Data Analyst

• Chartered Accountant

• Investment Banker

• Management Consultant

• Marketing Executive

Course Content


Amazing teaching, A* resources, super-fun and interesting! You will fall in love with Economics!

– Queena, Year 13

Study a fascinating, skill-based, highly-regarded A-level. Gain a deep, cohesive insight into the ever-changing, modern world you see around you. Understand, judge and find solutions to the multitude of national and international issues and events that affect us all. Explain and evaluate what influences our lives as students, consumers, workers, house-buyers, taxpayers and human-beings on this planet. Gain in-depth, critical knowledge into the strategies, successes and failures of large, dominant firms, such as Apple, compared to small, local businesses. Evaluate for yourself government policies on the NHS, education, and benefits. Discover the inside story on international trade wars, immigration, Bleak Wednesday, The Financial Crash, the Covid recession, BREXIT and the Cost of Living crisis. Most importantly, be one of the young, aspiring, female Economists determined to make the future world a better place for everyone.

Head of Department: Mr P Clingan, Exam Board: AQA 7136

Course Requirements

You will be expected to have achieved at least a grade 7 in GCSE/ IGCSE Mathematics and English Language, or an equivalent qualification before embarking on this course.

Assessment Details

Unit 1: Micro-Economics – 1 double essay and one data response – 2h exam paper, worth 33.3% of the final mark

Unit 2: Macro-Economics – 1 double essay and one data response – 2h exam paper, worth 33.3% of the final mark

Unit 1&2 combined – 1 case study and 30 multiple choice questions – 2h exam paper, worth 33.3% of the final mark


• Investigations and analysis of real-life issues and events

• Consideration of different viewpoints

• Explanation and evaluation of real-life evidence

What PREP is set?

• Investigations and research

• Skill-development

• Report and essay writing

Skills Economics helps you to develop

• The ability to show knowledge and insight into historical, current and future trends and events in the country and world

• the ability to understand and critically analyse real-life data and articles

• The ability to explain causes and effects in precise, accurate detail

• The ability to evaluate, compare and improve viewpoints, policies and solutions

• The ability to synthesise the above into a multi-skilled, cohesive, creative mindset

• Exam mastery COMPLEMENTARY

• Development of personal skills, judgements and creative solutions Business

Business, Economics & Enterprise
A Levels
Psychology History Politics Geography 68 back to contents


Investigate, evaluate and improve…

• How free-markets decide what is provided, how and for whom

• How governments, on behalf of everyone, intervene in the market system

• The profitability and performance of individual firms and markets

• The level of inequality, poverty and fairness in the economy.


Investigate, evaluate and improve…

• How the whole, sophisticated economy works

• Future living standards, employment and quality of life

• The financial system (and thus prevent financial crashes!)

• International and global agreements re trade, migration, the environment etc

Money is an instrument but the goal is how we all interact with, share and improve the real-world around us - the real world of amazing people and resources and our potential to create happy, sustainable lives for everyone.

Investigating the exciting world of ‘Female Innovators in Economics’, this Aspire Series video gives you a fascinating insight into the interesting, rigorous discussions you will have while studying A-level Economics at Roedean, and a tantalising glimpse of the creative, original Economist you could become!

Tuhina Subject profile

Common MYTHS de-bunked ‘Economics is simply about money.’
What other DEGREES can Economics lead to?
What CAREERS can Economics lead to?
• Accountant
• Banker
• Bank
England Employee
Civil Servant
Business Professional
• Jounalist
Marketing Executive
achieved an A*- A in 2022
⁄3 of Roedean Sixth Form students take Economics
Law Accountancy Politics International Relations

Chinese (Cantonese/ Mandarin)

This course is offered to native speakers only. It caters to those with a deep understanding and fluency in the specified language. Students will have one compulsory lesson every Wednesday afternoon.

Head of Department: Dr J Gong (

Exam Board: Edexcel 9CN0

Skills Chinese (Cantonese/Mandarin) helps you to develop

• Global Economic Influence: Chinese is the most spoken language in the world, and China has become a major player in the global economy.

• Career Opportunities: As China continues to grow as an economic powerhouse, proficiency in Chinese can enhance career prospects. Many international companies seek employees with Chinese language skills to facilitate business dealings and communication with Chinese partners and clients.

• Cultural Understanding: Learning Chinese provides insight into one of the world’s oldest and richest cultures.

• Academic Advantage: Proficiency in Chinese can provide a competitive edge in academic pursuits..

• Diplomatic Relations: China plays a crucial role in global politics, and knowledge of the Chinese language can be an asset in diplomatic relations.

• Tourism and Travel: China is a popular destination for tourists, and knowing the language can greatly


• Discussion and debate

• Conversation class

• Devoted grammar

• lesson

• Independent research and presentation

Assessment Details

Paper 1: Listening Reading and Translation

Paper 2: Written response to works and translation

Paper 3: Speaking

What PREP is set?

• Research and preparation for discussion

• Note-making

• Independent reading on the novel

• Documentaries

• Additional reading

• Examination-style questions such as essays



Spanish French 70 back to contents

Course Content


Traditional Characters


Simplified Characters



Traditional Characters


Simplified Characters



Traditional Characters 中國文化

Simplified Characters 中国文化 THEME 4

Traditional Characters


Simplified Characters



Classical Civilisation

Classical Civilisation will introduce you to ideas and concepts that will make you re–evaluate your life and the world around you. Studying the Classical World is an introduction to people, philosophy, art, language, history, literature, politics, and an established way of life. Ancient Greeks and Romans controlled the Mediterranean world for centuries. The Athenians invented democracy, Alexander the Great’s soldiers have left modern descendants in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan, while the Romans changed the face of city life in Western Europe for ever. Their literature, art and beliefs have influenced almost every aspect of modern European and American culture. When you study Classical Civilisation, you gain a real understanding of the origins of modern politics, culture and the way in which the world works today.

Head of Department: Miss C. Allen (

Exam Board: OCR H408

Course Requirements

You will be expected to have achieved at least a grade 7 in GCSE/IGCSE English Language and another essay-based subject, or an equivalent qualification, before embarking on this course.

Assessment Details

Unit 1: 2h20 exam paper worth 100 marks and 40% of the A Level

Unit 2: 1h45 exam paper worth 75 marks and 30% of the A Level

Unit 3: 1h45 exam paper worth 75 marks and 30% of the A Level


• Group discussions

• Exploration of museum artefacts and exhibitions

• University-level lectures through platforms

• Individual tasks

• Presentations

• Re-enacting Greek Theatre

What PREP is set?

• Short questions

• 10-, 20- and 30-mark questions

• Booklets related to reading

• University level lectures

Skills Classical Civilisation helps you to develop

• You will learn to undertake analytical and evaluative reading of texts

• Your essay writing will help you build structured and balanced arguments

• Classical Civilisation will give you an awareness and appreciation of other cultures, as well as the roots of modern European history, literature, politics and much, much more.


Subject profile


History Politics English Literature

Art, Craft and Design

Theatre Studies Latin

72 back to contents

Course Content


Students will study Homer’s Iliad, as well as Virgil’s Aeneid. Learners will develop an increasingly sophisticated level of knowledge and understanding about the way in which the epics were composed, and the religious, cultural and social values and beliefs of its society. These components provides learners with the opportunity to appreciate the lasting legacy of the Homeric world and to explore its attitudes and values, and to appreciate a cornerstone and landmark in Western literature. Through Aeneas, Virgil explored what it was to be a hero in the Roman world and created a work which has proven enduringly popular.


The drama produced in the ancient Greek theatre forms some of the most powerful literature of the ancient world, both tragedy and comedy, and has had a profound and wide-reaching influence on modern culture. This study of the production of Greek drama is coupled with an in-depth study of three plays, all of which have proven to be enduring favourites. The plays and material culture included provide learners with a range of interesting sources which will allow them to explore, evaluate and understand this aspect of ancient culture and its relevance to us in the modern world.


Learners will explore one of the most exciting times in Roman history – the fall of the Roman Republic. The course covers the rise of figures such as Caesar, Pompey, Crassus and Cicero and charts the power struggle that led to the Roman Civil war. Along side the historical elements of the course, learners will read and analyse Cicero’s famous legal speech In Verrem and a selection of his personal and political letters.

6 Students chose to study Classics at university in 2021 & 2023

67% achieved an A or higher in 2022

Common MYTHS de-bunked

‘If I’m not taking Classical Civilisation at degree level the A Level is worthless.’

Classical Civilisation is highly regarded by top universities, particularly if you are applying for Arts/Humanities courses. Classical Civilisation is on the list of ‘Preferred Subjects’ which used to be published by Russell Group universities.

What other DEGREES can Classical Civilisation lead to?


What CAREERS can Classical Civilisation lead to?

• Archaeologist

• Civil Servant

• Consultant

• Journalist

• Lawyer

• Historian

• Museum Curator

• Politician

• Publicist

• Teacher

Liberal Arts Law International Relations 73

English Literature

English Literature is an exciting A-level that allows students to move beyond the limitations of GCSE and discover more challenging texts that allow for discussion of issues that challenge society, both at the time of writing and today, including racism, relationships, mental health, pressures on the individual from consumer-capitalist ideology and social judgement. The course allows students much more space to be critical of what they read, seeing texts not as final works of genius but as reflective of the time and individual psychology that produced them. There is plenty of space in the course for bringing students’ own ideas to the table for discussion.

Head of Department: Mr D Woodhouse, Exam Board: AQA 7717

Course Requirements

You will normally be expected to have at least a grade 7 at GCSE/IGCSE English Literature, or an equivalent qualification, before embarking on this course.

Assessment Details

Unit 1: 2.5 hour closed-book exam. Two questions on Othello and one on Keats and Miller

Unit 2: 3 hour open-book exam. One unseen extract question, one singleauthor question on on of the texts studied and one comparative question on the other two texts

Unit 3: Two essays of 1800 words each.


• Reading and discussion

• Collaborative working taskes

• Eassay planning and frameworking

• Research presentation

Skills English Literature helps you to develop

The skills developed in English Literature are highly transferable, including:

• production of extended essays, entailing organisation of complex ideas and supporting evidence in constructing a coherent argument.

• Knowledge of the interplay of history, psychology and culture.

• Application of technical and critical concepts, and the evaluation of the usefulness of these in a particular instance.

• Appreciation of the ways literature has developed and the tropes associated with different periods.

• General communication and presentation skills.

What PREP is set?

• Reading or annotation

• Essay planning

• Essay writing (3 or 4 essays of 800-1000 words per half term

COMPLEMENTARY A Levels Art, Craft and Design
Studies History Psychology Politics Modern & Ancient Languages
Subject profile 74 back to contents


• This unit will introduce you to the study of tragedy, beginning with the definition of tragedy, as laid out by Aristotle and others.

• We go on to study Shakespeare’s Othello, Miller’s Death of a Salesman and a selection from Keats: Isabella, The Eve of St Agnes, La Belle Dame sans Merci and Lamia

• We chart the development of the genre from its origins through to modern tragedy, which tends to lay the explanation for human downfall on determining ideological circumstances, rather than on individual choices.


• In this unit we look at the development of crime writing, beginning with very early texts dealing with moral transgressions, through to the Gothic and Romantic eras which can oppose social progress and link the notion of crime with transgressions against the natural world and order of things.

• We move into the Victorian era, looking at sensational crime periodicals (the forerunners of today’s true-crime TV genre) and the rise of the genius rationalist detective, alongside the police force and the science of detection.

• Finally, we look at the ‘golden age’ of whodunnits, American ‘hard-boiled’ fiction, and contemporary sub-genres, including ‘gangsta rap’ and ‘Scandi-noir’.

• Key texts include Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Greene: Brighton Rock and McEwan: Atonement


• For this coursework unit, students are introduced to a reading list of prose and poetry texts, from which they select the pieces for which they wish to produce coursework.

• Students will come up with a working hypothesis, informed by one of the areas in the critical anthology: narrative, Marxism, feminism, ecocriticism and the ‘canon’.

• They choose to apply one of these sets of ideas to their chosen text, writing two pieces of coursework of 1800 words each.

40% of Roedean students choose to take essay-based degress

20% of students choose to study English

50% achieved an A* in 2023

Common MYTHS de-bunked ‘Literature can only be taken with arts and humanities subjects.’

Lots of students take English Literature in combination with Mathematics and Science. Universities recognise this subject as teaching vital transferable skills of effective communication and reasoning that are useful for any undergraduate course.

What other DEGREES can English Literature lead to?

What CAREERS can English Literature lead to?

• Advertising Executive

• Archivist

• Editor

• Interpreter

• Writer Journalism Law Politics

• Journalist

• Lawyer

• Media Roles

• Publicist

• Teacher

Course Content


Learning languages offers countless benefits, not only opening doors to new societies and cultures but also building self-confidence. Challenging yourself to communicate in a different way has been proven to boost memory, multi-tasking and problem-solving abilities. In today’s connected world, languages also give you an advantage when looking for a job, with research in 2021 showing that around 90% of employers seek a multilingual workforce.

French is a skill for life – make it one of yours!

Head of Department: Mr J Sampieri, Exam Board: Edexcel 9FR0

Course Requirements

You will normally be expected to have achieved at least a grade 7 at GCSE/ IGCSE French.

Assessment Details

Paper 1: Listening, reading and translation worth 80 marks and is 40% of the A Level.

Paper 2: Written response to works and translation worth 80 marks and is 40% of the A Level.

Unit 3: Speaking worth 72 marks and is 20% of the A Level.


• Discussion and debate

• Conversation class

• Devoted grammar lesson

• Independent research and presentation

Skills French helps you to develop

• Communication and social awareness.

• Confidence and resilience.

• Problem-solving and creativity.

• Improved learning in other areas, such as Computing, Psychology, History, Law, Anthropology, Clinical Sciences, and Philosophy.

What PREP is set?

• Research and preparation for discussion

• Note-making

• Independent reading on the novel

• Documentaries

• Additional reading

• Examination-style questions such as essays

COMPLEMENTARY A Levels Politics History Business Latin Spanish Geography English Literature 76 back to contents

Course Content

You will be studying four different themes:


Social issues and trends in French society, focusing on family structures, education and the world of work.


Political and artistic culture in French-speaking countries focusing on music, media, and customs and traditions.


French multicultural society, focusing on immigration, integration and extreme political parties.


Occupied France during the second World War.


You will be assessed on your understanding of spoken and written material from a variety of authentic texts and listening extracts, as well as your ability to translate from the target language into English.

You will also be expected to write two essays on the novel and the film you would have studied in class.

As for the speaking exam, you will be able to choose one out of two subthemes to discuss and two stimulus cards will be given to you as a springboard to the discussion. You will also have to prepare and discuss information about your independent research project, which has to relate to the cultural and social context of the language studied.

66% achieved A-A* grades in2023

33% of Roedean students continue to study MFL as part of their university course

Common MYTHS de-bunked ‘English, ‘the universal language’, is the only language I need’

Speaking French will improve your job opportunities and increase your salary potential – more than 60 occupations require speaking a second language and there are 1,200+ French companies with subsidiaries in the US. The European Union recognises French as an official lanuage, as well as the UN, UNESCO, NATO, the International Olympic Commitee, the International Red Cross and more which all use it as a working language.

What other DEGREES can French lead to?

Law Translation

What CAREERS can French lead to?

• Artist

• Broadcaster

• Civil Servant

• Diplomat

• Interpreter

• Lawyer

• Marketing Executive

• Publicist

• Teacher

• Translator

• Travel writer

International Relations Law 77


The study of Geography is about more than just memorising places [...]. It’s about understanding the complexity of our world

We inhabit Planet Earth, so it is essential to know about how our world operates; the processes, the systems, the interaction between the natural and human environments, and how we can conserve what we have taken for granted for so many years. Geography’s scope is wide, encompassing the geophysical forces that created our landscape to the human forces that have shaped our societies. As a subject that bridges both the social and physical sciences, Geography has been named by the Russell Group of universities as a key facilitating subject. For those wanting to follow careers in the sciences or arts, or those who are undecided about their university focus, an A Level in Geography will provide a broad range of transferable skills that will be valued by both Higher Education courses and future employers.

Head of Department: Mr G Carter, Exam Board: AQA 7037

Course Requirements

You will be expected to have achieved at least a grade 7 in GCSE/IGCSE Mathematics and English Language and a 7 in Geography, or an equivalent qualification, before embarking on this course.

Assessment Details

Unit 1: Physical Geography 2.5 hour exam paper worth 40% of the A Level.

Unit 2: Human Geography 2.5 hour exam paper worth 40% of the A Level.

Unit 3: NEA Coursework Project worth 20% of the A Level.


• Teacher exposition

• Group discussion

• Analysis of video clips/ news stories

• Debate

• Individual work (worksheets, notes, exam questions, NEA)

• Past exam paper practice

• Pop up tests/quizzes

What PREP is set?

Skills Geography helps you to develop

• Communication skills – written, oral, technological

• Graphicacy – an ability to interpret (sometimes unfamiliar) graphs, diagrams, data & maps

• Problem solving – using a diverse range of sources as evidence

• Power of analysis – statistical analysis of data

• Decision making – issues-based enquiry

• Self-management – the NEA is a fully independent investigation

• Teamwork – working in groups in the field

• Ongoing ‘write-up’ of lesson notes, adding depth from a range of sources, creating a comprehensive yet concise set of revision notes

• Past paper questions

• Research tasks


• Essays


Economics Biology History 78 back to contents
Physics Chemistry

Course Content


• Water and Carbon Cycles’ focuses on the major stores of water and carbon at or near the earth’s surface and the dynamic cyclical relationships associated with them.

• ‘Coastal Systems’ focuses on coastal zones, which are dynamic environments in which landscapes develop by the interaction of winds, waves, currents, and terrestrial and marine sediments.

• ‘Hazards’ focuses on geophysical and meteorlogical hazards and how human society responds to these threats through adaptation and mitigation.


• ‘Contemporary Urban Environments’ focuses on urban growth and change, as well as on environmental and social challenges for human populations.

• ‘Global Systems and Governance’ focuses on globalisation – the economic, political and social changes associated with technological and other driving forces which have been a key feature of global economy and society in recent decades.

• ‘Changing Places’ focuses on people’s engagement with places, their experience of them and the qualities they ascribe to them, all of which are of fundamental importance in their lives.


The NEA coursework unit is worth 20% of the full A Level. Students undertake an individual investigation on a topic of their choice, based on either human or physical geography. This will incorporate primary field data collected individually or in groups. Students then work independently on contextualising, analysing and reporting their work to produce an independent investigation report of approximately 4000 words.


Fieldwork is an essential and popular aspect of studying Geography. It brings the subject to life; gaining a true understanding of a place, collecting primary data, observing and appreciating the processes that have created our dynamic world. At Roedean we spend 4 days on the Isle of Purbeck (Dorset) at the end of Year 12 and then visit the ‘less-seen’ corners of modern Brighton on a day-trip in Year 13.


achieved an B - A* in 2023


is the increase of students taking Alevel Geography between 2019 - 2023


went on to study Geography at university in 2023

Common MYTHS de-bunked

‘It’s all about colouring in’ This is not true, though there is a bit, as scientists have found that using colour in work enhances our brain’s ability to memorise (which might mean Geographers brains are far more stimulated)! Geography is about learning to see the bigger picture.

What other DEGREES can Geography lead to?

Geopolitics Economics Meteorology

What CAREERS can Geography lead to?

• Advertiser

• Cartographer

• Civil Servant

• Landscape Architect

• Meterologist

• Politician

• Social Worker

• Surveyor

• Sustainability Consultant

• Urban Planner

Earth Sciences


German is regarded as an academic discipline, making it highly esteemed at the A-level stage and recognised by universities. Employers also highly value the open-mindedness and cultural awareness cultivated through language studies. While linguists naturally gravitate towards careers in translation, interpretation, the Foreign Office, and the Diplomatic Service, German proficiency also opens doors in sectors such as finance, banking, medicine, and law. It’s noteworthy that individuals with strong German language skills often excel in scientific fields, enhancing potential careers in medicine, engineering, and architecture with a language qualification. German is the second most commonly used scientific language. Germany is the third largest contributor to research and development and offers research fellowships to scientists from abroad. Germany also awards a generous number of scholarships and other support to study in Germany. Working holiday visas are available for young people from a range of countries, and special visas are offered to skilled workers and professionals. German is now the most sought after foreign language by UK employers.

Head of Department: Mrs B Stiller,

Exam Board: Edexcel 9GN0

Assessment Details

Unit 1 – listening, reading and translation into English: 2h exam, worth 80 marks

Unit 2 – translation into Spanish and written response to works: 2h40 exam, worth 120 marks

Unit 3: 25m speaking exam, worth 72 marks.


• Discussion and debate

• Grammar lessons

• Independent research and presentation

Skills German helps you to develop

• Learning languages bridges social and cultural barriers and builds self–confidence and resilience.

• Languages develop critical thinking, creativity, and independence.

• The ability to communicate clearly in German as well as being confident about speaking in public.

• You can improve the functionality of your brain by challenging it to recognise, negotiate meaning, and communicate. Languages are an asset to cognitive development and help you to multitask, problemsolve, and improve your memory!

Course Requirements

You will normally be expected to have achieved at least a grade 7 at GCSE/IGCSE German.

What PREP is set?

• Research and preparation for discussion

• Note-making and vocabulary learning

• Documentaries and films

• Independent reading of literary text

• Exam-style practice

• Independent listening

COMPLEMENTARY A Levels Politics Business Latin French 80 back to contents

Course Content


• You will cover social issues and trends in German society, focusing on environmental issues, education, and the world of work.


• You will cover political and artistic culture in Germanspeaking countries focusing on music, media, and customs and traditions.


• You will cover German multicultural society, focusing on immigration, integration, and public and political opinion.


• You will cover the German Reunification.


You will be assessed on your understanding of spoken and written material from a variety of authentic texts and listening extracts, as well as your ability to translate from the target language into English.

You will also be expected to write an essay on the play, Der Besuch der alten Dame by Friedrich Dürrenmatt, and the film you would have studied in class, Goodbye Lenin by Wolfgang Becker.

As for the speaking exam, you will be able to choose one out of two subthemes to discuss and two stimulus cards will be given to you as a springboard to the discussion. You will also have to prepare and discuss information about your independent research project, which has to relate to the cultural and social context of the language studied.

12th most spoken language worldwide

13.3% is the percentage of Europeans who speak German as their first language (the most widely spoken native language in the European union).

Common MYTHS de-bunked ‘Everyone speaks English, why learn German?’

Learning German boosts career opportunities, especially in Germany’s robust job market and multinational companies. The language is advantageous for education in Germany, enriching cultural experiences and enhancing travel. With cognitive benefits and global communication advantages, mastering German is a valuable pursuit for personal and professional growth.

What other DEGREES can Spanish lead to?

What CAREERS can Spanish lead to?

• Cultural Attaché

• Diplomat

• Localisation Project Manager

• Translator MFL

• Journalist Teacher

• Tour Guide

International Relations Translation 81


The historian David Thomson said that the study of History is the best liberal education that a student can have in the modern world. Such a study not only provides a context for your own life, but also helps you to develop an understanding of the world into which you have grown up and delivers a set of invaluable transferable skills. At a time of growing fundamentalism and intolerance in the modern world, the study of History will enable you to view complex problems objectively, thus promoting tolerance, the ability to see different sides of disputes and a growing understanding of the complexity of world events.

Head of Department: Mrs G Benton-Stace,

Exam Board: AQA 7042

Course Requirements

You will normally be expected to have at least a grade 7 at GCSE/IGCSE English Language and/or a grade 7 in History.

Assessment Details

Unit 1: 2.5 hour exam paper worth 80 marks and is 40% of the A Level.

Unit 2: 2.5 hour exam paper worth 80 marks and is 40% of the A Level.

Unit 3: one 3,500-4,500 word essay on a topic of your choice worth 40 marks. This is internally assessed and is worth 20% of the A Level.


Skills History helps you to develop

• An understanding of the world in which you have grown up

• An ability to view complex problems objectively, thus promoting tolerance

• The ability to see different sides of disputes

• A growing understanding of the complexity of world events

• Independent research skills

• An ability to critically analyse primary source material and historians’ interpretations

• Curiosity

• A lively sense of enquiry and the capacity to read beyond the confines of the syllabus

• The skills of evaluation and investigation


• Discussion and debate
• Documentaries
Class Civ
PREP is set?
• Group research
Research and
• Note-making • Documentaries
• Additional reading
Religious Studies Economics Maths Politics Modern & Ancient Languages Science subjects English Literature Thea Subject profile 82 back to contents
• Examination-style questions such as essays

Course Content


• You will study the Tudor Dynasty under Henry VII and Henry VIII, the years of instability and religious turmoil in the mid-Tudor period and the period of relative stability during Elizabeth I’s reign

• This course allows you to explore in breadth issues of change, continuity, causes and consequences focusing on how effectively England was governed during this period, as well as how English society and economy changed and with what effects

• The first examination question will require you to analyse and evaluate historical interpretations of the Tudor period

• You will also be assessed by selecting two essay questions from a choice of three.


• You will explore events in the USA since 1945, covering a period of significant political, economic and social change that will enable you to become familiar with the personalities and ideas which have dominated and shaped the superpower that it is today

• The first examination question will require you to analyse and evaluate primary sources from the period and make clear judgements about their utility and reliability as well as use relevant knowledge to challenge historical viewpoints

• You will also be assessed by selecting two essay questions from a choice of three.


• A personal investigation into a topic of your choice set in the context of approximately 100 years (3,500-4,500 words)

• You will be encouraged to choose a topic of personal interest

• Must not duplicate content taught with the Tudor or USA courses

71% achieved an A or A* in 2023

56% of students went on to study History or related subjects in 2022

2 Students went on to study History or related subjects at Oxbridge

Common MYTHS de-bunked

‘You need to study the subject at GCSE before taking History for A Level.’

Whilst History GCSE is an excellent subject to study, any GCSE that requires you to write longer answers is excellent preparation for A Level History e.g. English

What other DEGREES can History lead to?

History Law Politics

What CAREERS can History lead to?

• Archivist

• Civil Servant

• Conservation Officer

• Curator

• Journalist

• Lecturer

• Police and Security Services roles

• Politician

• Public Relations

• Teacher


Latin A Level will enable you to develop your linguistic skills and introduce you to some of the best literature you will ever read. In addition, it will train you rigorously in key skills including analysis, logic, communication, and literary and historical skills. The Classics programme aims to provide courses which complement many combinations of A Level subjects. We offer a vibrant co-curricular programme: the Classics department always takes a day trip to the British Museum each year for Sixth Form and a Classics Trip is taken to either Greece or Italy each October. We also try to attend A Level education days in London for enrichment, as well as local theatre trips.

Head of Department: Miss C. Allen (

Exam Board: OCR H443

Course Requirements

You will be expected to have achieved at least a grade 7 in GCSE/IGCSE English Language and another essay-based subject, or an equivalent qualification, before embarking on this course.

Assessment Details

Unit 1: 1h45 exam paper worth 100 marks and 33% of the A Level

Unit 2: 1h15 exam paper worth 50 marks and 17% of the A Level

Unit 3: 2h exam paper worth 75 marks and is 25% of the A Level

Unit 4: 2h exam paper worth 75 marks and is 25% of the A Level


• Translation and debating translation options

• Grammar and Syntax

• Literature translation

• Literary analysis

• Vocabulary and grammar games

• Small classes

• Group discussions

Skills Latin helps you to develop

Students who study Latin A Level usually perform at a very high level and may take a variety of other subjects. Students enjoy the range of skills they develop and, by the end of the A Level, have read five influential and exciting Roman authors, challenged their ideas of society, humanity and history, and have developed excellent and transferable linguistic skills. Latin will take you to places you have never been before, challenge you, inspire you and change your understanding of the world.

Developing linguistic precision takes time and effort, and you will learn to be resilient, organised and diligent. You will build an extensive knowledge of Latin vocabulary to assist with modern foreign languages and higher register English vocabulary, and learn to write structured essays with balanced analytical arguments.

What PREP is set?

• Vocabulary learning

• Translation

• Set-text literature preparation

• Set-text literature learning

• Analysis of language

• Analysis of set text literature

Theatre Studies MFL English Literature Stella
84 back to contents
Art, Craft and Design History Politics
Subject profile

Course Content


This module focuses on further developing understanding of Latin language and fluency of translation. Study of Latin language for the purpose of unseen translation will extend and demonstrate their knowledge of vocabulary and linguistic structures through continued linguistic study and through wider reading and by studying passages of Latin in both verse and prose. Students will also learn about verse metre and become familiar with scanning verse to show understanding and appreciation of metre.


This component is designed to enable learners to demonstrate their linguistic competence in Latin through either composing Latin from English or recognising accidence and syntax and answering questions on Latin.


In the first year we will read extracts from one of Cicero’s political speeches, the most famous Roman rhetorician. In the second year, the literature will be extended into longer excerpts and more detailed analytical reading, in English and in Latin. We will continue to read prose literature through Cicero and Livy which benefits not only the Prose Literature set text module but also the Unseen Translation module.


In the first year we will read selections of Virgil’s Aeneid. In the second year, the literature will be extended into longer excerpts and more detailed analytical reading, in English and in Latin. We will continue to read verse literature through Catullus and Ovid which benefits not only the Prose Literature set text module but also the Unseen Translation module.

60% achieved an A or higher in 2023

75% of students studying Latin are part of the Roedean prefect team

Common MYTHS de-bunked

‘A modern language is more useful than Latin’

This is not true: Latin is the foundation of many language A levels and the knowledge of how languages are structured, alongside the vocabulary which is the root of these languages, actually tends to make better linguists who can easily adapt and pick up new ones more swiftly.

What other DEGREES can Latin lead to?

What CAREERS can Latin lead to?

• Archivist

• Barrister

• Civil Servant

• Classisist

• Heritage Manager

• Lawyer


• Museum Curator

• Politician

• Publicist

• Solicitor

• Teacher

• Theologian

History Law Politics

Media Studies

Media Studies is an exciting and ever-changing subject that responds to development in media practice and requires students to analyse texts and design, understand debates surrounding regulatory practice (such as censorship, film classification, and press regulation), and make and promote media texts while evaluating and reflecting on their own practice. Media Studies provide an excellent grounding for practical, design-based, and creative careers, which account for more of the job market than ever before and allow students excellent flexibility in choosing their next education or career step. Media Studies also involves engagement with key cultural theories of the last 200 years, allowing students to contribute in an informed and supported way to complex and nuanced arguments and debates.

Head of Department: TBC Exam Board: OCR H409

Skills Latin helps you to develop

• Textual analysis of film, TV, radio and magazine texts.

• Fluency in associated technical and media-specific terminology.

• Grounding in use of still and video cameras, as well as editing and print production software suites.

• Overview of the main debates around popular culture and the level of government involvement necessary.

• Understanding of marketing and advertising techniques, how advertising supports the media economy, the ethics of advertising and ways demographics are targeted.

• Comparative analysis of similar texts across different cultures.

Course Requirements

In order to do this course, you should have done well at (I)GCSE in English or another essaybased subject and have the desire to work with software and editing packages at a high level.

Some informal experience with using such software is an advantage, but not essential, as is an interest in the media generally, or a particular interest in (for example) film or video games.


Depending on the unit, lessons will involve either guided practical production, making notes on one of the above aspects or practising with topical examples from suitable texts. Students will need familiarity with all of the texts studied on the course and lesson time will be spent gaining this, or practising via mini-

What PREP is set?

• Essays and mini essays

• Reading and research

• Practical production work


Art, Craft and Design
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History English Literature Economics

Course Content


News and Online Media: Two case studies of the ways different news outlets treat the same stories and why. This is studied via The Guardian and Daily Mail and their online counterparts.

Media Language and Representation: Students learn these concepts via study of a magazine (The Big Issue) , a video game (Minecraft) and two music videos (eg: Radiohead ‘ Burn The Witch’)


Media Industries and Audiences: Students study these concepts through film (The Jungle Book 1967 and 2016 versions, video games (Minecraft) and radio (The BBC radio 1 breakfast show)

Longform TV drama: Study of a UK TV series with a foreign language counterpart, eg: STRANGER THINGS vs DEUTSCHLAND 83

Assessment Details

Media Messages: Written paper, 70 marks, 2 hours, 35% of total A level

Evolving Media: Written Paper, 70 marks, 2 hours, 35% of total A level

Making Media: (NEA), 60 marks, 30% of total A level

This is the first time this course has been offered at Roedean!

Common MYTHS de-bunked

‘Media Studies A-level carries less weight than some others.

Universities love the ability of Media students to bring examples to the table from non-traditional forms of Media, and the fact that the subject and its surrounding debates evolve constantly, with topical assessment material and ever-changing practical briefs.

What other DEGREES can Media Studies lead to?

Film Studies

Advertising Design


What CAREERS can Media Studies lead to?

• Archivist

• Civil Service

• Education

• Advertising

• Design

• Marketing

• TV / Film Production

• Music Industry

• Programming and Game / App Design.



Philosophy is a diverse and fascinating subject which allows you the chance to explore the history of ideas and challenge your own conceptions of the world. We often don’t realise how applicable philosophical theory is to our own lives but this course allows us to consider the implications of the big questions that we didn’t even realise we could ask. With a focus on the contemporary ideas in each of the four subject areas below, you will get a chance to explore your own ideas and, most importantly, push the limits of your own critical thinking.

Head of Department: Mr S Megahey, Exam Board: AQA 7172

Assessment Details

Philosophy is assessed by two papers, each of which are three hours in length. Each paper has a mixture of shorter questions that assess knowledge and understanding and longer questions that offer opportunities for evaluation. Assessment can be tougher than the Religious Studies A-Level, partly due to the requirement that written answers not deviate from the question.

Skills Philosophy helps you to develop

• Critical thinking

• Communication

• Debating

• Writing

• Verbal reasoning


Lessons involve a mixture of debating, analysing texts, comparing ideas, learning scholarly views and exploring ways of justifying your own opinions.

What PREP is set?

Course Requirements

Usually a level 7 grade in at least one humanities or essay based subject at GCSE such as History or English.

This will vary but will often be reading, note-taking, essay writing and developing ideas that were introduced in class.

COMPLEMENTARY A Levels History Religious Studies Science subjects
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Course Content


Epistemology explores the nature of knowledge. We will consider what counts as knowledge in the first place and how (if at all) humans can come by it. This is a branch of philosophy that is both historical – with ancient Greek thinkers leading the way – and very current, with it being an active research area in many top worldwide universities. Key scholars will include Plato, Descartes, Gettier, Zagzebski and Nozick.


Moral Philosophy explores ethical thinking, theories and behaviour. We will consider whether morality can be objective and learn various different approaches to moral situations. This branch of philosophy is also both historical and modern. This are some similarities to paper 2 of the RS A-Level here, but we explore ethics more deeply and are able to look at some theories – such as Virtue Theory – that don’t exist in the RS A-Level. Key scholars will include Mill, Anscombe, Singer and Parfit.


Metaphysics of Mind is all about what the mind, consciousness and subjective experience actually are. At the root of this is the perennial question of whether there is a non-physical component to us as human beings, but we study mostly modern approaches to this question as it is one of the most popular areas of academic philosophy today. Key scholars will include Descartes, Nagel, Chalmers and Searle.


Metaphysics of God explores the philosophical notions associated with a God and the extent to which logical analysis can help us draw conclusions about the existence or nonexistence of such a being. This area of philosophy is more historical, but we will be looking at modern approaches to it too. Key scholars will include Aquinas, Mackie and Plantinga.

‘Philosophy has no relevance to the real world’

Philosophy underpins everything that we do. Without ethics, we wouldn’t have laws, political parties or concepts of how we should treat others. Without metaphysics there’d be no clear idea of what questions science ought to answer and without philosophy of science there’d be no scientific method to answer them. Without philosophers like Pythagoras, Leibniz, Descartes and Frege we wouldn’t have mathematical theory as it is today. But most importantly, without philosophy as a general discipline, we wouldn’t be able to develop our critical thinking – the most important and practical skill there is.

What other DEGREES can Philosophy lead to?

What CAREERS can Philosophy lead to?

• Lawyer

• Political Assistant

• Politician

• Teacher

• Lecturer

• Clergy History Public Policy Sociology International Relations

Common MYTHS de-bunked


Politics is ultimately about power. In studying Politics, you will explore how power is distributed and exercised in modern society. This course will develop your understanding of how political structures and processes work. Political scientists seek to analyse both the causes and consequences of political outcomes that shape our everyday lives. Is the voting system fair? How strong is democracy in the UK? Is globalisation a force for good? Is the United Nations effective? These are just some of the questions you will consider. Politics is always changing, which is what makes the subject so fascinating. By studying Politics, you will be better equipped to make sense of current affairs and to reach your own evidence-based conclusions about the world around you.

Head of Department: Mr J Marchant, Exam Board: Edexcel 9PL0

Assessment Details

Component 1: UK Politics and Core Political Ideas. A 2h exam paper. One 30-mark source question and one 30-mark essay question on British Politics, followed by a 24-mark question on political ideas.

Component 2: UK Government and Non-core Political Ideas. A 2h exam paper. One 30-mark source question and one 30-mark essay question on British Government, followed by a 24-mark question on political ideas.

Component 3: Comparative Politics. A 2h exam paper. One 12-mark question about global politics, followed by another 12-mark question on theories of international relations. Two 30-mark questions about global politics.


• Discussion of new ideas

• Debating different perspectives

• Reading

• Note-taking from PowerPoints

What PREP is set?

• Reading

• Writing essays

• Researching a topic and producing a case study

Course Requirements

You would normally be expected to have achieved at least a Grade 7 in any subject in the Humanities, such as History, Geography or Religious Studies.

Skills Politics helps you to develop

• Thinking critically

• Marshalling evidence

• Recognising different perspectives

• Researching independently

• Analysing information

• Evaluating arguments

• Watching an online video lesson

• Preparing for an end of topic quiz

• Watching short video clips English

Literature Class Civ
A Levels
Economics Religious Studies Modern & Ancient Languages Science subjects
Geography 90 back to contents

Course Content


The following topics will be studied:

• Democracy and participation

• Political parties

• Electoral systems

• Liberalism

• Conservatism

• Socialism

• Voting behavior and the media


The following topics will be studied:

• The Constitution

• Parliament

• Prime Minister and executive

• Relations between branches of government

• Ecologism


The following topics will be studied:

• The state and globalisation

• Global governance: political and economic

• Global governance: human rights and environmental


• Power and developments

• Regionalism and the EU

• Comparative theories

The second in Roedean’s Aspire Series, this video sees OR Saffron talking about her journey from Roedean to her current role as a Digital Publisher at ITV Daytime News. Citing her Politics A Level at Roedean as the motivation to go on to read Politics at Royal Holloway, Saffron freelanced until she landed a role helping to cover the 2019 elections with ITV News.

75% of Roedean’s successful Oxbridge applicants had studied Politics A

In 2023

A Level Politics students went on to study Politics at Cambridge, Durham, Oxford and SOAS

Common MYTHS de-bunked

‘Studying Politics is only for people who want to be politicians.’

Not true! This course will help you become a more informed analyst of institutions, structures, ideas and processes, which has great value beyond the world of politics.

What other DEGREES can Politics lead to?

History Public Policy

Sociology International Relations

What CAREERS can Politics lead to?

• Charity Officer

• Civil Servant

• Diplomat

• Human Rights Activist

• Journalist

• Lawyer

• Politician

• Public Relations

• Political Assistant

• Researcher

• Stockbroker



Psychology gives students a broad introduction to the study of human behaviour in all its manifestations. It could easily be broken into three or more separate “A” Levels, given the six major schools it considers, and for this reason students should be aware that its content base significantly exceeds that of other “A” Levels. Successful students enjoy both the sciences and the humanities, as a confident grasp of the scientific method is required along with fluent written skills. In the second year or the course there is a wide choice of topics for students to consider and the major questions of existence and (moral) behaviour are addressed, if not necessarily answered.

Head of Department: Mr P Harrison,

Exam Board: AQA 7182

Course Requirements

You would normally be expected to have achieved at least a grade 7 at GCSE/ IGCSE in English Language, Mathematics and Biology.

Assessment Details

Unit 1: 2 hour exam paper, consisting of 4 30-minute sections, worth 33% of the A Level.

Unit 2: 2 hour exam paper, consisting of 2 30-minute sections and 1 hour-long section, worth 33% of the A Level.

Unit 3: 2 hour exam paper, consisting of 4 30-minute sections, worth 33% of the A Level.

Skills Psychology helps you to develop

• Thinking critically

• Assessing the validity/reliability of evidence

• Recognising different perspectives

• Researching independently

• Data analysis

• Evaluating arguments

• Understanding and noticing cognitive biases


• Designing, conducting and participating in research

• Small and large group discussions

• Debating different perspectives

• Application of theory to real life

• Reading, note-taking from PowerPoints

• Watching TED talks and similar

What PREP is set?

• Pre- learning

• Preparing for topic quizzes

• Essay writing

• Conducting research.


Politics History Biology English Literature Maths Economics Sport Science
92 back to contents
Trinity Subject profile

Course Content


The following topics will be studied:

• Models of memory

• Eyewitness

• Testimony

• Types of memory

• Attachment

• Deprivation


• Romanian orphan studies

• Conformity

• Obedience

• Minority Influence

• Social Change

The following topics will be studied:

• Psychopathology

• Definitions of abnormality

• Biological and Psychological Therapies

• Origins of Psychology

• The Biological Approach and Biopsychology


• The Psychodynamic Approach

• Humanism

• Learning Approaches

• Research Methods

Debates and Issues (compulsory: gender and cultural biases, ethics, freewill, reductionism and the nature nurture debate)

A choice of three from nine topics:

• Stress,

• Eating disorders,

• Schizophrenia

• Relationships

• Gender

• Cognitive Development

• Aggression

• Addiction

30% achieved A* in 2023

16% of students choose to study Psychology

Common MYTHS de-bunked

‘Students will spend time discussing their feelings’

Therapies are taught from an evidence-based perspective and make up less than 15% of the course.

What other DEGREES can Psychology lead to?


• Forensics Sociology Forensics Law

What CAREERS can Psychology lead to?

• Counsellor

• Human Resource Manager

• Journalist

• Lawyer

• Lecturer

• Media roles

• Mediator

• Medic

Police and Security Services roles

• Politian

• PR roles

• Probation Officer

• Research analyst

• Therapist


Religious Studies

Do we have a soul that is separate to our body? Is it always morally right to make people happy? How feminist is the Bible? If these sorts of question interest you, if you enjoy arguing, exploring and discussing, then Religious Studies A Level is the subject for you. This is a subject unlike any other and it’s not what most people expect: it is exercise for the brain: challenging, but very rewarding! It will lead to you think deeply about and question right and wrong, it will give you a deeper understanding of the way religion and society influence each other, and it will make you very difficult to beat in an argument!

Head of Department: Mr S Megahey, Exam Board: OCR H573

Course Requirements

You would normally be expected to have achieved at least a grade 7 at GCSE/ IGCSE in English Language and in another essay-based subject like History.

Assessment Details

Unit 1: 2 hour exam paper, consisting of 3 short essays worth 33% of the A Level.

Unit 2: 2 hour exam paper, consisting of 3 short essays worth 33% of the A Level.

Unit 3: 2 hour exam paper, consisting of 3 short essays worth 33% of the A Level.

Skills Religious Studies helps you to develop

• Evaluation

• Analysis

• Critical reading

• Sustaining and defending an argument

• Balanced consideration of different views

• Justifying your own opinion

• Debate

• Spotting flaws in logic

• Thinking under pressure

• Formulating ideas

• Judging the work of historical and modern scholars

• Reaching your own conclusions.

Serena Subject profile


• Debate

• Justifying your view

• Comparing and critiquing the view of scholars

• Reading primary texts and unpacking them with the help of handouts

• PowerPoints, video clips and discussion.

What PREP is set?

• Reading

• Short essays

• Notes

• Justifying your own ideas

• Illustrating arguments


History Politics Biology

Economics English Literature

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Course Content


Some interesting questions raised in this unit:

• What is the human mind?

• How coherent is the concept of God?

• What can we know about reality? How do we know it?

• What is happening during a religious experience?

Scholars include, but are not limited to:

• Plato

• Aristotle

• Descartes

• Immanuel Kant

• Thomas Aquinas

• Ludwig Wittgenstein...


Some interesting questions raised in this unit:

• What is the conscience?

• Do the circumstances change what is morally right?

• Do moral laws and truths actually exist, or are they just personal preferences?

• How useful are ethical theories for dealing with issues in business?

Scholars include, but are not limited to:

• Jeremy Bentham

• J.S. Mill

• Josephy Fletcher

• Elizabeth Anscombe

• A. J. Ayer...


Some interesting questions raised in this unit:

• Why do Christians disagree about what happens after death?

• How did Jesus challenge religious and political authority?

• How should Christians respond to followers of other religions?

• Can Christianity be used to challenge gender norms?

Scholars include, but are not limited to:

• Saint Augustine

• Mary Daly

• Sigmund Freud

• Karl Marx

50%+ of students taking Religious Studies go on to read Religion or Philosophy at A Level 2⁄3

of the course is dedicated to Philosophy and Ethics

Common MYTHS de-bunked

‘Religious Studies is just learning about the Bible’

This is not true: the course is divided into three areas – philosophy, ethics, and religion. Furthermore, the religion paper doesn’t mean you just learn about what Christians believe. It is proper theology, looking at how Christianity functions in a world where society throws up challenges from politics, science and social change.

What other DEGREES can Religious Studies lead to?

English Literature Philosophy

• Dietrich Bonhoeffer... History

What CAREERS can Religious Studies lead to?

• Archivist

• Chaplain

• Civil Servant

• Counsellor

• International Aid Worker

• Journalist

• Lawyer

• Missionary

• Politician

• Publicist

• Social Worker

• Theologian

• Writer



Languages encourage you to embrace diversity, to become more versatile, tolerant, and able to mediate and negotiate. Speaking more than one language boosts cognitive development. The debate about language shaping thought is alive and well, and it can certainly change your perception. Spanish is a global language, and it is the second most widely spoken language in the world. Feel the fear and do it anyway; life begins where your comfort zone ends! There is no doubt that conversational ability builds rapport when you are in a foreign country.

Head of Department: Miss A Ibáñez Barceló, Exam Board: Edexcel 9SP0

Course Requirements

You will normally be expected to have achieved at least a grade 7 at GCSE/IGCSE Spanish.

Assessment Details

Unit 1 – listening, reading and translation into English: 2h exam, worth 80 marks

Unit 2 – translation into Spanish and written response to works: 2h40 exam, worth 120 marks

Unit 3: 25m speaking exam, worth 72 marks.

Skills Spanish helps you to develop

• Learning languages bridges social and cultural barriers and builds self–confidence and resilience.

• Languages develop critical thinking, creativity and independence.

• The ability to communicate clearly in Spanish as well as being confident about speaking in public.

• You can improve the functionality of your brain by challenging it to recognise, negotiate meaning, and communicate. Languages are an asset to cognitive development and help you to multitask, problem- solve, and improve your memory!


• Discussion and debate

• Conversation lessons with our Spanish Language Assistant

• Grammar lessons

• Independent research and presentation

What PREP is set?

• Research and preparation for discussion

• Note-making and vocabulary learning

• Documentaries and films

• Independent reading of literary text

• Exam-style practice

• Independent listening

Society English Literature
COMPLEMENTARY A Levels Politics History Business Latin French 96 back to contents

Course Content


You will cover social issues and trends in Spanish society, focusing on family structures, tourism and the world of work


You will cover political and artistic culture in Spanish-speaking countries focusing on music, media, and customs and traditions.


You will cover Spanish multicultural society, focusing on immigration, integration and public and political opinion.


You will cover the Spanish Civil War, Franco’s dictatorship and the transition to democracy.


You will be assessed on your understanding of spoken and written material from a variety of authentic texts and listening extracts, as well as your ability to translate from the target language into English.

You will also be expected to write an essay on the novel, La Casa de Bernarda Alba by Federico García Lorca, and the film you would have studied in class, Volver by Pedro Almdóvar.

As for the speaking exam, you will be able to choose one out of two subthemes to discuss and two stimulus cards will be given to you as a springboard to the discussion. You will also have to prepare and discuss information about your independent research project, which has to relate to the cultural and social context of the language studied.

67% achieved an A or higher in 2023

75% achieved an A or higher in the past 3 years

Common MYTHS de-bunked ‘Everyone speaks English, why learn Spanish?’

Employers recognise the value of linguistic skill-sets. CBI has found that two-thirds of firms value foreign language skills among their employees. Typically, businesses do not demand native-level proficiency, but want employees to be able to build positive relationships and demonstrate the cultural awareness that often comes with having studied a language.

What other DEGREES can Spanish lead to?

What CAREERS can Spanish lead to?

• Cultural Attaché

• Diplomat

• Immigration Officer

• Interpreter

• Journalist

• Translator MFL

• Localisation project manager

• Teacher

• Tour Guide

International Relations Translation 97


No doubt, having proficiency in Russian stands as a distinctive asset on any CV or job application. Its reputation for difficulty, perhaps more than it truly is, works in favor of those who undertake the challenge. If you’re someone with a logical mindset and an inclination for code-breaking, learning the Russian alphabet, especially in the initial stages, can be a rewarding experience. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly you can become proficient in writing in the Cyrillic alphabet.

Head of Department: Dr Barrand, Exam Board: Edexcel 9RU0

Assessment Details

Paper 1: Written examination, 40% of the qualification, 80 marks

Paper 2: Written examination, 30% of the qualification, 120 marks

Paper 3: Internally conducted and externally assessed, 30% of the qualification, 72 marks


• Discussion and debate

• Grammar lessons

• Independent research and presentation

Skills Russian helps you to develop

• Communication Skills: Enhance your ability to express ideas and communicate effectively in both written and spoken Russian.

• Analytical Thinking: Analyze and interpret complex texts, improving critical thinking skills.

• Language Proficiency: Develop proficiency in a foreign language, enhancing overall linguistic skills.

• Global Perspective: Broaden your worldview by engaging with Russian literature, media, and perspectives.

• Interpersonal Skills: Foster connections with Russian speakers, promoting cross-cultural understanding and communication.

Course Requirements

You will normally be expected to have achieved at least a grade 7 at GCSE/IGCSE Russian.

What PREP is set?

• Research and preparation for discussion

• Note-making and vocabulary learning

• Documentaries and films

• Independent reading of literary text

• Exam-style practice

• Independent listening

Society English Literature
Levels Politics History French 98 back to contents

Course Content


Students will be evaluated on their understanding of spoken and written Russian, including accurate translation from Russian to English. The assessment materials, ranging from various authentic texts and listening materials, emphasize cultural relevance to Russia and Russian-speaking regions. Students are expected to comprehend main points, infer meaning from complex content, utilize information from diverse sources, summarize spoken information effectively, and demonstrate translation proficiency.


Students must:

• Understand and analyze prescribed literary works in Russian.

• Respond to form, technique, key concepts, and social context.

• Present viewpoints, develop arguments, and analyze.

• Translate an unseen passage from English to Russian. They must choose two works from the provided list, either two literary texts or one literary text and one film. Translation content aligns with one of the four themes.


Students are assessed on their:

• Knowledge and understanding of cultural context, including researched subjects.

• Analytical ability in justifying arguments and viewpoints.

• Proficiency in natural and fluent discourse.

• Accurate language manipulation.

• Ability to verbally respond to written language.

Assessment involves two tasks conducted entirely in the target language during a single session.


people speak Russian as their first language (approximately)

33 letters in the Russian alphabet

Common MYTHS de-bunked ‘Why bother learning Russian when everyone speaks English?’

Two-thirds of companies consider foreign language skills essential among their employees. While businesses may not necessarily require native-level proficiency, they do seek employees capable of fostering positive relationships and showcasing cultural awareness, qualities often acquired through language study.

What other DEGREES can Russian lead to?


What CAREERS can Russian lead to?

• Cultural Attaché

• Diplomat

• Interpreter

• Journalist

• Teacher

• Translator

Relations Translation 99

Creative and Performing Arts

3D Design

Three-dimensional design involves using creativity and practical skills to create functional and aesthetically pleasing products, objects and built environments.

Head of Department: Miss H Quirk,

Exam Board: AQA 7201

Assessment Details

The course is assessed through coursework in the form of a portfolio and design pages. You will demonstrate knowledge, understanding, and skills through practical modelling, prototyping and design work.

• AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.

• AO2: Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques, and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.

• AO3: Record ideas, observations, and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.

• AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.

Why Choose 3D Design

Three-dimensional design involves using creativity and practical skills to create functional and aesthetically pleasing products, objects and built environments.

Useful Attributes

If you enjoy designing, problem solving and working with a range of materials in the workshop this course will enable you to access a range of media, materials and equipment.

Future Directions

Course Requirements

Grade 7 in GCSE Art or equivalent OR provide a portfolio of artwork as evidence of skills.


• Model making

• Constructing

• Surface treatment

• Assembling

• Modelling

Material Areas:

• Drawing materials

• Clay

• Wood

• Metal

• Plaster

• Plastic

This course is highly respected by universities as an exceptional basis for pursuing a degree in any design field. It is particularly valuable for those interested in pursuing careers in architecture, engineering, industrial design, furniture design, interior design, theatre design and product design.

• Found materials. COMPLEMENTARY

A Levels Maths Modern & Ancient Languages Theatre Studies Physics
100 back to contents

Course Content


Students are required to work in one or more areas of threedimensional design:

• Architectural design

• Sculpture

• Ceramics

• Product design

• Designs for theatre, film and television

• Jewellery and body adornment

• Interior design

• Environmental/landscape/garden design

• Exhibition design

• 3D digital design

You may explore overlapping areas and combinations of areas. You will be required to develop knowledge, understanding and skills relevant to their chosen title through integrated practical, critical and contextual study that encourages and directs your own practice and original works.

Students may work in any medium or combination of media. You can work entirely in digital media or entirely non-digital media, or in a mixture of both, provided the aims and assessment objectives are met.


In the first year, your design portfolio demonstrates evidence of developed ideas through investigations, whilst recording ideas, observations, and insights relevant to your design intentions as your work progresses. It should also include evidence of your own extended project, including research, analysis, design, and production.


What will I learn?

In this course, you will learn and apply the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding in the field of 3-dimensional practice.

This will help you to bring your personal ideas and design solutions to life, using a specific materials specialism. You will develop your ideas through drawing, CAD, modelling, and prototyping, while also taking constructional considerations into account.

The outcome should demonstrate your ability to imaginatively interpret your ideas and present them in a clear and concise way.

Additionally, preparatory design work for the exam board-set project and final 3D design prototypes will be included. In your second year of study, you will be required to submit both a personal study of the work of other designers or design movements and an extended design project. What

3D Design
What CAREERS can 3D Design lead to? • Architect • Crafter • Creative Director • Curator • Fashion Designer • Graphic Designer • Interior Designer • Merchandiser • Product Designer • Theatre Designer Animation Fine Art Fashion & Textile Design
lead to?
Architecture Landscape Design

Creative and Performing Arts

Art, Photography & Textiles

The Art Department offers a range of courses and routes to allow you to tailor your A Level Art experience towards a broad range of Higher Education courses and exciting creative careers. We pride ourselves on the breadth of study on offer, within a small department, where pupil centered learning is still at the core of our practice. In Year 12 all students follow an introductory course, exploring, media, techniques and reviewing ways of working. In Year 13 students are supported in portfolio preparation and undertake a Personal Investigation, which is directed towards producing work relating to the area they wish to study at university. Practical curriculum lessons are supported by a range of supra curricular courses, life drawing classes and artist led workshops.

Head of Department: Ms S Strachan,

Art, Craft and Design Exam Board: AQA 7201

Photography Exam Board: AQA 7206

Textiles Exam Board: AQA 7204

Assessment Details

Component 1: An introductory skills-building course and a personal in-depth practical investigation as chosen by the student, supported by a 1000 to 3000-word essay, worth 60% of the A Level.

Component 2: Externally-set assignment and timed test, with 15 hours supervised prep time, worth 40% of A Level.

Course Requirements

Grade 7 in GCSE Art or equivalent OR provide a portfolio of artwork as evidence of skills.

Skills Art helps you to develop

• Practical, subject-specific skills

• The ability to analyse first-hand sources

• Research skills

• Developing ideas

• Essay writing skills

• Independent study skills


• Practical skills based lessons

• Tutored Life Drawing Classes

• 1 to 1 tutorials

• Peer assessment

• Group discussions

• Peer reviews

• Crits

• Student-led presentations What PREP is set?

• Practical work

• Artist Research

• Photography

• Gallery Visits

• Written work (for essay)

A Levels Maths Modern & Ancient Languages Theatre Studies Physics
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Course Content


• Teach students how to create a body of work which follows the process of developing ideas fully and creating substantial outcomes

• Develop a student’s understanding of the formal elements –Line, tone, shape, form, colour and structure

• Enable a student to understand the importance and relevance of contextual referencing, links, connections and research

• Teach students to work collaboratively and discuss and evaluate their work

• Teach and emphasise the importance of purposeful drawing as a core part of creating exceptional work

• Teach a range of practical skills and execute work to the highest possible standard


• Drawing from observation in a variety of media such as pencil, charcoal, pen etc.

• Drawing from the life model and drawing for purpose such as the recording of ideas

• Mark-making exercises using a variety of media and surfaces

• Photography as a means of recording ideas

• Recording ideas in a variety of ways including drawing, annotating and note-making in the sketchbook and at exhibitions and using other sources.

• Responding to the work of artists, designers and contextual sources to inform own personal outcomes

• Being able to critically evaluate and analyse own work and that of others including artists and designers

• Layout and mounting, use of scale and spatial design skills

• Using paint, brushes and exploring surfaces for paint –watercolour, gouache, acrylic etc.

• 3D design and media – card, papier-mâché, textile, wire, plaster, clay

• Collage techniques, paper manipulation and engineering

• Print making: block, engraved, screen, mono, etching

• Art Fashion &Textiles – print, weave, stitch, construction, design

• Digital photography, digital media and Photoshop skills

Common MYTHS de-bunked ‘Art A Level is only for students who intend to pursue a career in the Creative Industries’

Art A Level teaches independent research and analysis skills which are essential for all study at Higher Education level. Demonstrating a range of interests makes you a more rounded applicant for any course.

What other DEGREES can Art lead to?

What CAREERS can Art lead to?

• Creative Director
• Fashion Designer
• Interior Designer
• Marketing Executive
• Merchandiser
• Photographer Animation Fine Art
94% achieved a grade B and above in Art Fashion & Textile Design
100% achieved an A* in Textiles and Photography
Architecture Photography Art Conservation Landscape Design 103

Creative and Performing Arts


Students will experience practical training and the academic study of classical and contemporary dramatic art forms. This will not only improve their acting and design skills, but will also enable students to wholly appreciate the cultural significance of drama in today’s society. Drama is essentially concerned with the human condition and, as such, covers a broad range of topics and issues, forges connections with many other subjects and helps you gain invaluable life skills.

Head of Department: Mrs S Woodbridge,

Exam Board: AQA 7262/W

Assessment Details

Performance and Choreography

• Practical exam: 80 marks, 50% of A-level

• Non-examination assessment (NEA): marked by an external assessor from AQA

Critical Engagement

• Written exam: 100 marks, 50% of A - level

Course Requirements

You will normally be expected to have achieved least a grade 7 in GCSE and/or have a good standard of dance history.


• Play rehearsals and exploration of the set text

• Practical acting technique, voice, movement, lessons, or workshops

• Critical discussion and analytical debate with the use of handouts, ppt and textbooks

• Self-reflection and analysis

Skills Dance helps you to develop

• Collaborative skills

• Creativity

• Problem-solving

• Confidence

• Patience

• Independent working

• Performance skills

What PREP is set?

• Research (historical context, practitioner, history of theatre)

• Essay and Examination question practice

• Reflective Writing

• Learning lines

• Watching Live Theatre and writing reviews.

COMPLEMENTARY A Levels Art, Craft and Design History Politics Psychology Music English Literature
104 back to contents


Students are required to acquire and employ the knowledge, comprehension, and skills necessary for executing dance, both as a solo performer and in a quartet performance. Proficiency in physical skills, encompassing flexibility, strength, cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, agility, neuromuscular coordination, and kinaesthetic awareness, serves as the foundational basis informing the advancement of both physical/ technical and interpretative/performance skills.


Students must create an original group choreography lasting three to four minutes for three, four, or five dancers, responding to an externally assigned task. They should apply practical knowledge in choreographic processes, including researching dance ideas in studios and non-studio settings, along with active participation in the rehearsal process. Students must also demonstrate understanding and application of relevant concepts in their choreography, aligned with the specific requirements of the assigned task.


Students gain profound knowledge of two set works—one compulsory and one chosen from four optional options. They develop an in-depth understanding of dance, exploring genre-specific elements across temporal and geographical contexts, including style, technique, influences, key practitioners, professional repertoire, and communication of dance ideas. The areas of study cover modern dance, ballet, and jazz dance, each defined briefly:

• Modern dance, originating in the early 20th century as a theatrical form, challenges ballet formality, sometimes labeled contemporary.

• Ballet emphasizes danse d’école technique, incorporating port de bras, five positions of the feet, and leg turn-out.

• Jazz dance, rooted in African origins, focuses on complex rhythms, techniques, and body part isolation, evolving into styles like lyrical jazz and urban dance.

Common MYTHS de-bunked

‘is all about the practical’

Dance Studies extend beyond mere execution, offering a valuable platform for those interested in choreography, composition, costume design, and more. The program provides foundational knowledge of dance history, creating an enriching experience for those passionate about various aspects of this art form

What other DEGREES can Dance lead to?

What CAREERS can Dance lead to?

• Actor

• Arts Management

• Theatre Critic 3000 types of traditional dances

• Cultural and Arts Curator

• Director

• Marketing Executive

Course Content
£92 Billion is the estimated net worth of the UK Dance industry Theatre, Film & Television Drama Therapy Theatre Design

Creative and Performing Arts

Foundation Art, Design & Media BTec

The Foundation Year will only be eccessible to students who have successfully completed a one year Art A Level to a high standard. This Level 3 award will give you direct access to a range of BA courses. The aim of the Foundation Year is to develop your independent enquiry into a subject of your choice. You will engage in a range of creative and explorative activities, before focusing on developing work tailored to create an appropriate portfolio for the degree for which you wish to apply.

Head of Department: Ms S Strachan,

Exam Board: Pearson 603/5277/2 BTec Level 3 Foundation Diploma

Assessment Details

Exploratory Phase: Responding to briefs and set projects to build skills and understandingy

Confirmatory Phase: Final Major Project

100% Coursework


• Practical skills based lessons

• Tutored Life Drawing Classes

• 1 to 1 tutorials

• Peer assessment

• Group discussions

• Peer reviews

• Crits

• Student-led presentations What PREP is set?

• Practical work

• Artist Research

• Photography

• Gallery Visits

• Written work (for essay)

Skills Art Foundation helps you to develop

• Practical, subject-specific skills

• The ability to analyse first-hand sources

• Research skills

• Developing ideas

• Essay writing skills

• Independent study skills

Levels History of Art
Level in Year 12 Maths Physics 106 back to contents
Course Requirements Need to have completed the Fast Track A

Course Content

The Art Foundation aims to teach research methods, in both practical and theoretical work:

• Practical and theoretical investigation

• Creative process – ideas generation – iterative development –resolution.

• Primary and secondary sources – referencing/citing sources.

• Observing and recording.

• Characteristics, properties, techniques, processes and effects of materials/media.

• Types of audiences: demographics and psychographics.

• Logistics, e.g. places, resources, funding, time scales.

• Contextual: – purpose and function of work in different contexts – connections to wider contexts and precedents e.g. culture, society, politics, religion, technology.

• Analysing own work and the work of others

• Use of critical concepts e.g. ethics, audience theory, representation, genre/styles, semiotics, intertextuality, aesthetics and beauty, psychology, politics, popular culture, modernism/ postmodernism.

• Reading and interpreting art, design and media work: – formal elements – design principles – narrative – language – styles, codes and conventions

The qualification provides the knowledge, skills and understanding that will prepare learners for further study or training. Learners taking this qualification will study one mandatory learning and teaching module covering six areas of learning:

• investigation

• experimentation

• evaluation and review

• realisation

• communication

• self-directed practice.

The qualification offers learners the opportunity to experiment widely and take creative risks in order to develop a broad portfolio of work and professional behaviours required for progression. It also provides opportunities to develop art, design and media skills over the course of study through a process of self-direction, reflective practice and communication, which are key skills for progression to higher education. The requirements mean that learners develop the transferable and higher-order skills that are highly regarded by higher education and employers, for example communication and self-direction.


Common MYTHS de-bunked ‘Art A Level is only for students who intend to pursue a career in the Creative Industries’

Art A Level teaches independent research and analysis skills which are essential for all study at Higher Education level. Demonstrating a range of interests makes you a more rounded applicant for any course.

What other DEGREES can Art lead to?

What CAREERS can Art lead to?

• Architect

• Creative Director
• Curator
• Fashion Designer
• Graphic Designer
• Interior Designer
• Marketing Executive
• Merchandiser
• Photographer
• Product Designer
• Publisher • Stylist • Theatre Designer
• Videographer Animation Fine Art Fashion & Textile Design
Art Conservation Landscape Design
achieved Distinction in 2023 107

Creative and Performing Arts

History of Art

History of Art is the study of art from across the world, and from the ancient to the present day. History of Art covers virtually every aspect of human history and experience. This is because it looks at works of art not just as objects, but as a way of understanding the world, and the societies in which they were created.

Head of Department: Ms S Strachan,

Exam Board: Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in History of Art (9HT0)


History of Art helps you to develop

• Core visual literary skills - The initial Visual Analysis topic delivers the core skills of visual

• literacy and understanding, vital skill in today’s visual world.

• Global scope - The inclusion works from beyond the European tradition in the thematic

• topics introduces a global scope into the syllabus that is appropriate for the modern world.

• Local perspectives – Allowing centres to choose which works to teach will allow them to

• make use of their local museums and galleries.

• Opportunities for breadth and depth - The five Periods give the opportunity to study

• some of the most significant and exciting eras of art and architecture in depth. Students will continue to build on and develop their skills of visual literacy and their knowledge base as they expand from the breadth of the Themes to the greater detail of Periods.

• Clear assessments - This new A Level offers clear assessment, allowing students the

• opportunity to engage in debate and evaluate ideas.

• Access to cultural heritage - Over the two-year course, students will develop the skills

• and understanding to enjoy a lifetime of access to, and appreciation of, the culture, heritage and ideas of the world around them.

This A Level Course will aim to:

This course develops students understanding of the relationship between society and art; art historical terms, concepts and issues; the influence of cultural, social and political factors as well as developments in materials, techniques and processes of both art and architecture over time.


• 1 to 1 tutorials

• Peer assessment

• Group discussions

• Lectures

• Films

• Documentaries

• Research

• Galery Visits

Practical Skills:

All elements of this course equip students with skills for higher education and beyond: art history’s inter-disciplinary benefits are key to this, as are the requirements for all students to learn to analyse, research and to create substantiated reasoned argument in written form.

What PREP is set?

• Research

• Pre Reading

• Essays

Design Politics English Literature 108 back to contents
Art and

Assessment Details

Students must complete all assessment in May/June in any single year.


Written examination: 3 hours, 50% of the qualification, 110 marks

Section A: Visual analysis

For each of the following types of art and architecture, students answer a single compulsory question that requires them to comment on an unseen photograph of:

• a painting;

• a sculpture; and

• a building.

Section B: Themes

Choose two Themes from a choice of three:

• B1 Nature in art and architecture

• B2 Identities in art and architecture

• B3 War in art and architecture.


Written examination: 3 hours, 50% of the qualification, 110 marks

Assessment overview

Choose two Periods from a choice of five:

• C1 Invention and illusion: the Renaissance in Italy (1420-1520)

• C2 Power and persuasion: the Baroque in Catholic Europe (15971685)

• C3 Rebellion and revival: the British and French Avant-Garde (1848-99)

• C4 Brave new world: Modernism in Europe (1900-39)

• C5 Pop life: British and American contemporary art and architecture (1960-2015).

Course Content

You will study a broad scope of works, including painting, sculptures and artefacts.

You will learn abou:

• Art historical terms and concepts

• Cultural, social, technological and political factors

• Developments in materials, techniques and processes

• Ways in which art has been used and interpreted by past and present societies

What other DEGREES can Art lead to?

Fine Art

What CAREERS can Art lead to?

• Archivist.

• Conservationist.

• [jobs in] education.

• Exhibitions officer in a gallery or museum.

• Gallery curator.

• Heritage manager.

• Historic buildings inspector.

• journalist.

Conservation 55Million art works are publicly owned in the UK. Imagine developing the skills to analyse them! History English Literature Philosophy 109

Creative and Performing Arts


Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything – Plato

This subject is both musically and academically demanding at A Level but is also extremely rewarding. It is a natural choice for students who are competent on their instruments and who wish to gain a deeper musical and historical perspective. Music is constantly evolving, inspiring creativity and expression in a way that no other subject can. As an A level musician, you will have the opportunity to broaden your musical experience and knowledge, and to hone your practical and creative musical skills to a high level.

Head of Department: Mr B Rous,

Exam Board: AQA 7272

Course Requirements

You will normally be expected to have achieved least a grade 7 in GCSE and/or approximately Grade 5 standard in music performance at the start of the course.

Assessment Details

Unit 1 - Appraising Music: 2.5 hour exam paper worth 120 marks and 40% of the A Level.

Unit 2 - Performance: 10-minute solo and/or ensemble performance worth 105 marks and 35% of the A Level.

Unit 3 - Composition: one free composition and one composition to a brief, equally weighted but totalling 75 marks and 25% of the A Level.

Skills Music helps you to develop

• Creativity and self-expression

• The ability to listen with careful and deep focus

• Critical thinking skills

• Analytical and essay-writing skills

• Independent learning

• Self-motivation

• Time-management

• Self-discipline

• Team working, social/personal skills and communication

• Problem-solving

• Performance and presentation skills

• Confidence and self-esteem

• Perseverance and patience

• Ability to see the big picture


Subject profile


• Listening to music and

• Musical performances

• Discussion, analysis, and questioning

• Annotating musical scores

• Compositional sketches and mini projects

• Developing listening skills

• Aural practice, dictation

What PREP is set?

• Preparation of musical scores ahead of lessons

• Short and longer musical analysis questions

• Practice listening questions

• Composition and chorale based short exercises

• Individual music practice


Theatre Studies

Maths Modern & Ancient Languages Science subjects

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Course Content


Three areas of study, which provide an appropriate focus for students to appraise music, and develop and demonstrate an indepth knowledge and understanding of musical elements, musical contexts, and musical language. The areas of study can also provide a rich source of material for students to work with when developing performance and composition skills:

• Western classical tradition 1650–1910 (Baroque concerti, Mozart opera, Romantic piano works)

• Music for media (film and game music by Hermann, Zimmer, Newman, Giacchino, and Uematsu)


• Music for theatre (Weill, Rodgers, Sondheim, Schönberg, Brown)

• You will need to submit 10-minutes of recorded performance by the end of the course. You can perform as an instrumentalist or vocalist, solo or ensemble, one instrument or a combination.

• You will receive guidance and accompaniment sessions as required.

• To access the full range of marks you need to be performing roughly at Grade 7 standard or above, by the end of the course.

• Involvement in concerts as a soloist and taking part in choirs, orchestras, and bands will help you to develop your performance skills and general musicianship.


• You will develop your composing skills, making creative use of the musical elements in two specific areas:

• Free composition in any style, where you will be taken through guided skill-building mini projects before commencing on your free composition.

• Composition to a brief. All students receive a strong grounding in Bach chorale harmony and can take this topic for the brief. Other briefs are available for students with specific specialisms, e.g. jazz.

50% achieved an A or above in 2023

20+ performance opportunities throughout the year

Common MYTHS de-bunked

‘You have to play a ‘classical’ instrument.’

You do not have to play a ‘classical’ musical instrument and you do not just learn about classical music – the range of musical styles studied is vast and singing, electric guitar, drum kit, percusssion and more can be offered.

What other DEGREES can Music lead to?

Music Performance Liberal Arts Sound Production & other arts & humanitiesrelated degress

What CAREERS can Music lead to?

• Arts, Theatre or Events Manager

• Music Consultant

• Music Theatre Director

• Professional Musician, Performer or Composer

• Sound Engineer

• Television, Radio or Film Producer


Creative and Performing Arts

Theatre Studies

Students will experience practical training and the academic study of classical and contemporary dramatic art forms. This will not only improve their acting and design skills, but will also enable students to wholly appreciate the cultural significance of drama in today’s society. Drama is essentially concerned with the human condition and, as such, covers a broad range of topics and issues, forges connections with many other subjects and helps you gain invaluable life skills.

Head of Department: Mrs S Woodbridge, Exam Board: AQA 7262/W

Course Requirements

You wil be expected to have a grade 6 in English and have a keen interest in drama if you have not taken Drama GCSE

Assessment Details

Component 1: 3 hour exam (80 marks) 40%

Component 2: Devised piece (20 Marks) 10% and Working Note Book (40 Marks) 20%

Component 3: Externally Assessed Text

Performance of extract 3 (40 Marks) 20%

Reflective report (20 Marks ) 10%


• Play rehearsals and exploration of the set text

• Practical acting technique, voice, movement, lessons, or workshops

• Critical discussion and analytical debate with the use of handouts, ppt and textbooks

• Self-reflection and analysis

Skills Theatre Studies helps you to develop

• Physical Theatre Skills

• Verse speaking

• Confidence for public speaking and presentation skills.

• Imaginative and creative writing.

• Multi-tasking

What PREP is set?

• Research (historical context, practitioner, history of theatre)

• Essay and Examination question practice

• Reflective Writing

• Learning lines

• Watching Live Theatre and writing reviews.

A Levels Art, Craft and Design History Politics Psychology Music English Literature 112 back to contents


• Written Exam with a choice of one set classical text and one 20th and 21st century drama, divided into three sections:

• Section A: Drama Through the Ages focuses on the social and historical context to interpret acting or directing choices or set design.

• Section B: 20th and 21st Century Drama teaches play interpretation from the perspective of a performer, director and designer.

• Section C: Live Theatre Review involves evaluation of theatrical performance.


• You will participate in a process of creating devised drama, refining and rehearsing your work for performance.

• You may contribute as performer, designer or director.

• Your devised piece must be influenced by the work and methodologies of one prescribed practitioner.


• You will explore practically and interpret three extracts each taken from a range of plays.

• To Extract 3, you will apply the methodology of a prescribed practitioner.

• You will be involved in the performance of Extract 3 as a final assessed piece. You may contribute as performer, designer or director.

• You will complete a reflective report analyzing and evaluating your theatrical interpretation of all three extracts.

In order to evaluate effectively, you do need to explore practically., but, ironically, it’s not just about acting! The course is an excellent opportunity for those interested in designing, playwrighting, voice coaching etc. to have a foundation in the history of western theatre. What

Common MYTHS de-bunked ‘Theatre Studies is all about the practical’
Studies lead to?
can Theatre Studies lead to?
Actor • Arts Management
Casting Agent
Cultural and Arts Curator • Designer • Director • Marketing Executive • Theatre Critic
Voice-Over Artist Theatre, Film & Television Drama Therapy Theatre Design
arts & humanitiesrelated
100% achieved an A* in 2021 100% go on
drama school
Course Content

EAL lessons have helped me to improve my writing as the teachers push me to aim for a higher standard.

April, Year 12 LP Student

English as a Second Language

If English is not your first language, you will be offered appropriate support in your English language development by the EAL Department. In most cases, this means you will be entered on the Language Pathway Programme, which provides dedicated and concentrated support to enable you to make good progress in the acquisition of English skills, both to help you better access your chosen A Level subjects, and, eventually, to help you get into the university of your choice. The Language Pathway provides you with additional periods of English Language tuition a week.

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Language Pathway (LP)

Over the two years, you will work towards an English language qualification. We can offer a range of courses to suit your needs, including IELTS, FCE, CAE and O Level. Alongside working on achieving a high level English Language qualification, there will be more an emphasis on developing English for academic purposes. This includes: taking lecture notes, participating in group discussion and debate, developing an excellent academic writing style, and writing and delivering a presentation. The skills you develop have a direct impact on your ability to discuss, read and write with sophistication and precision in your chosen A Level subjects.

Sometimes the demands of studying new A Level subjects in English means that you may need additional support with language development. If this is the case, you may be offered extra individual or small group support lessons to enable you to access the wider A Level curriculum as quickly as possible.

A keen desire to succeed and to maximise your success across all your endeavours are the main qualities you need to bring to the course. Also useful is the recognition that the skills you acquire and develop in your EAL classes will have a big impact on your success in your chosen A Level subjects and in Higher Education.

With a firm foundation in English Language skills, you will have the opportunity to excel in your chosen A Level subjects and to really fulfil your potential.

‘The EAL department has helped me a lot over my years in Roedean. As an English Literature student, EAL lessons strengthen my understanding of literary texts, as well as providing me with extra support in exam techniques and essay writings. In addition to academic assistance, the department is also a great place for me to chat about my everyday school life!’

Christy, Year 12 LP Student

22 Sixth Form students are on the Language Pathway course

32 students in the Sixth Form are supported by the EAL department

100% of those having EAL support achieve an English Language level appropriate for university entrance requirements

Common MYTHS de-bunked

‘Being an EAL student and/or receiving EAL support means your are not proficient in the English Language’

Being defined as EAL simply means that you are not working in your first language; you can be anywhere from the earlier stages of language acquisition to those who are developing competence, or are already fluent in English. Acquiring language is a constant process of improving your understanding and adding to your vocabulary, and having EAL support helps with this process at all stages.

You get a huge amount of support when it comes to your UCAS application, including the Top University Programme, which provides clarity and practice for university entrance. The EAL department really helped me to shape my personal statement.

Ashlyn, OR (Keswick, 2019-2021)

Each year, students join the Roedean

Sixth Form from a variety of backgrounds, from Roedean, from schools in the local area to those further afield in the UK, along with international students from over thirty countries around the world. Here is the most common path to Sixth Form entry:

Admissions Process


If you would like a copy of the prospectus after viewing the website, please fill out our enquiry form or contact the admissions team – we also welcome any other questions you may have.


Visiting the school and meeting the students is the best way to find out what makes Roedean special. You can either come to an Open Day or have an individual visit (either in person or virtual) – for both, you will be taken on a tour of the school and boarding houses and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions of the Director of Admissions. At Open Day, you will also have the opportunity to listen to and meet the Headmaster. An individual visit during term-time will allow you to experience the school in full swing with students and staff going about their daily life. Visitors often comment on the dynamic, positive, energetic and happy atmosphere of the school, as well as the open and relaxed manner of the students. Visits can be booked by completing the enquiry form or by contacting the Admissions team.


The Sixth Form offer is described in more detail at this event in October, showing the breadth and huge advantages of our provision for Sixth Form students. Representatives from each department are on hand to explain what is involved in the study of their subjects at A Level; this is particularly relevant if your daughter is hoping to pursue subjects which she has not studied previously. Advice is also available about subject combinations, especially for those with career aspirations which might have specific requirements.


We would be delighted to discuss your daughter’s registration and talk you through the process. We encourage you to register as soon as possible. Once she is registered, we will keep you updated with any information regarding her entry exams, as well as future events which may be of interest, such as the Sixth Form Information Event outlined above. The registration deadline for UK-based entry is in the October prior to entry and is rolling for overseas-based students. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, details can be found on the following pages.

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Entry into the Sixth Form is assessed by means of Mathematics and English papers (both one hour long), a Non-Verbal Reasoning paper, and an academic interview.

For UK-based entrants, papers are sat in mid-November and scholarship applicants also sit a General Paper. References, including predicted GCSE grades, and a recent report are sought from your daughter’s current school.

For overseas-based applicants, papers are sat following registration.

At a later point, after the place has been accepted, students will choose three subjects they would like to study at A Level and sit a 30-minute paper in each of these. This will help place students on the best A Level Programme of Study for them, and will help us to assess whether any academic provision or preparation will be required ahead of the September start.


We are very aware that you will be keen to find out if your daughter has been successful, so offers of places are made to successful candidates at the beginning of December for UK-based applicants. There is an acceptance deadline of one week. In order to secure the place, you will need to return the completed acceptance form, along with the full deposit.

The places offered are dependent on your daughter achieving seven 6-9 grades at GCSE (where applicable) which is the entry standard for Roedean Sixth Form, together with the required grades for her chosen A Level subjects, as published in the subject pages of this booklet.

I wanted to come to Roedean because I felt it was academically right for me. I wanted to spend my last years at school studying the subjects I love in a school which gives me all the opportunities to excel, and I felt Roedean would do that for me.
Emily, Year 13 pupil

Fees & Key Dates

Registration Fee

£200 is payable with an application, and is non-refundable.


UK-based students: Day: £1,500 Boarding: £5,000

In the case of a pupil whose normal residence is outside the United Kingdom, full term’s fees is required.

Unless stated otherwise, all deposits are refunded without interest after the pupil has left the School and after all fees and ‘extras’ have been settled. If the pupil does not take up the accepted place, the deposit is non-refundable.

Charges for Extra Subjects & Activiies

Full details of subjects/activities offered are available on the Fees page of our website. Written permission of the parent or guardian is required before a pupil can be accepted for tuition in an extra subject/ activity.

Since payment has to be made to the teachers concerned, subjects or activities may only be terminated at the end of the term, for which half a term’s notice in writing is required. If a subject or activity is discontinued during a term, the whole of that term’s charge will be payable. Where pupils require private academic coaching, a separate written contract between the parents and the School will be completed.

These are the termly fees for the academic year 2023-2024:

• These fees and charges will be subject to the annual standard of living increase.

• Fees do not include text books or stationery up.

• An additional fee of £1,730 per term is made in respect of boarders entering the Sixth Form directly.

UK-based Application Deadlines

October 2023

– Sixth Form registration deadline

November 2023

– Sixth Form entrance exam day and interviews

December 2023

– Offers out

January 2023

– Acceptance Deadline

Day £8,795 Flexi £11,915 Weekly £13,515 Full £15,925
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Scholarships are awarded as recognition of excellent previous achievement and capacity to flourish and deepen interests within Roedean’s holistic learning environment. Our aim is for scholars to develop and pursue their curiosity and interests during their time in the Roedean Sixth Form, to embrace challenges, and to seek to include and involve their peers.


• Leads their peers in making a positive and meaningful contribution to help others in feeling included and involved.

• Is willing to be mentored to develop skills and interests towards finding and achieving their ambitions.

• Embraces opportunities to get involved with activities, productions and events within their areas of scholarship.

• Keeps moving their comfort zone into new and exciting areas.

• Enjoys their area and takes every opportunity to communicate more widely about their interests and ideas.

• Engages with, and values, opportunities for teamwork and collaboration, as well as for independent pursuits.

• Takes risks, and accepts, and learns from, mistakes as part of the learning process.

• Finds their voice and the confidence to use it to further their values and ambitions.


Awards for current students & UK-based applicants

Roedean has a number of awards available both to UK and International based students joining the school in Year 12 and to current students moving up to Year 12. Each year, we attract high-calibre applicants who enrich the school not only in their specialist fields, but also in all areas of school life.

Both Scholarships and Bursaries give financial assistance. Scholarship awards are given on the basis of academic excellence and/or talent in an area of specialism; a bursary can be given in recognition of financial need and, in most cases, should enhance the value of a Scholarship award, whilst the bursary is always means-tested.

Current Students

For students who currently hold a scholarship, we are delighted that these will continue into the Sixth Form subject to meeting the entry and subject requirements..

If you wish to enhance your current scholarship, you may apply for a Sixth Form Scholarship, on top of your current scholarship.

Students who do not currently hold a scholarship may apply for a Sixth Form

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You may apply for an award in one of the following three specialist areas:

1. A Sixth Form Academic Scholarship.

2. A Scholarship in an area of practical specialisation

3. Awards combining the above: Sixth Form Academic Scholarship, in combination with one specialist area.

4. Sixth Form All Rounder: For students who are talented in multiple areas of the school and who epitomise all the Roedean charateristic



) :

Brighthelm Awards are academic awards and are available for students from local state schools and living within a radius of 20 miles of the school. The awards are subject to means testing and are designed for those families in genuine need. These awards are based on recommendations from Headteachers.

Scholarship Application Deadlines


– Sixth Form registration deadline (new entrants)

– Scholarship application deadline


– Bursary application deadline

– Sixth Form entrance exam day

– Sixth Form Scholarship Interviews

At the School’s discretion, applicants may be awarded one of the following:


Newnham Scholarships are the highest academic award available at Roedean. They are awarded to impressive academic scholarship applicants. All applicants applying for a Sixth Form Academic Scholarship will be considered for a Newnham Scholarship.


The Old Roedeanians’ Scholarship Fund has been making awards since 1928. Supported by the Old Roedeanians’ Association, today the Trustees make means-tested awards to students studying at the school to enable them to continue their education into the Sixth Form.


The Leslie Lindsay Bursary is worth full fees and is awarded to a day student who would not otherwise have the means to join Roedean, and for whom the opportunity is likely to be transformational to their future. The Bursary is awarded bi-annually and covers both Sixth Form years.

About Brighton

I love being near Brighton! It is a vibrant town and filled with many things to do. The marina is a 20 minute walk from school and is one of my favourite places; it has a cinema, many restraunts and of course ASDA. Churchill square has a variety of different stores and is walking distance to the north laines. Another place that I enjoy going to is Preston Street which has an asian supermarket, the best bubble tea shop and lots of asian restraunts with cusines like Chinese, Malaysian, Vietnamese and Japanese. If shopping is not something that interests you, Brighton Pier has rollercoasters and games which is sure to be a highlight to your day. Or you could have a picnic on the beach which is a must during summer!

Located on the south coast of England, nestled between the sea and the South Downs, Brighton (and Hove) is a vibrant, diverse and dynamic seaside city, steeped in history and easily accessible from London and Gatwick Airport. Recently voted the 3rd Happiest Place to live in the UK, Brighton is famous for its sense of inclusivity and acceptance, an ethos which Roedean also embraces wholeheartedly, fostering a spirit of kindness among its community. Brightonians and Roedeanians alike feel free to express themselves in a warm and encouraging atmosphere.

Brighton, or ‘London by the sea’ as it’s affectionately known, started out as a small fishing village, becoming fashionable as a health resort in the mid-1700s; King George IV was a regular visitor and commissioned one of Britain’s most unique landmarks, the Royal Pavilion, a beautiful Indian- and Oriental-style palace in the centre of the city. With the arrival of train travel in the early to mid-1800s, Brighton become popular with London day-trippers and remains so to this day.

Nowadays, there is plenty to do and see Brighton, home to the World’s oldest aquarium, and Britain’s oldest cinema and only Grade I listed pier. Whether that be glow-in-the-dark minigolf, glimsing France from one of the world’s tallest observations decks, visiting the Upside-Down House, going on a murder mystery tour around the historical Lanes, shopping until you drop in the North Laine, enjoying ice cream

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Malika, Year 13 Full Boarder

on the beach, or being astounded by the sheer number of gastronomical options available, there is something for everyone in Brighton.

In addition to the day-to-day offering, Brighton has further established itself as a city of festivals, playing host, annually, to a plethora of cultural, artistic and gastronomical events, including the Brighton Fringe, Brighton Science Festival, Artists Open Houses, Brighton Pride, Burning the Clocks, and the biggest currated arts festival in England, the Brighton Festival.

With every visit, there is always something new and exciting to discover. Please see overleaf a beautiful illustration by our very own artist in residence, Year 13 Megan, showing Brighton’s main landmarks and the Sixth Form students’ highlights...

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Design and illustration by Megan Turtle, Year 13

The Local Area

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If city-life is not for you (and even if it is!), Brighton (and Roedean) is situated on the stunning Sussex coast, surrounded by a nationally-recognised area of outstanding natural beauty, the South Downs, a range of chalk hills extending for approximately 260 square miles.

The area is popular with walkers, horseriders and mountain bikers alike, as there are endless opportunities, many a mere 15 minutes from Roedean, to explore nature in these remarkable surroundings.

Marvel at the beauty of the white chalk cliffs of the Seven Sisters, spot the vibrant Adonis Blue butterfly on the grassy downland, venture into Devil’s Dyke, the longest, deepest and widest ‘dry valley’ in the UK, or find peace in the Winter starling murmurations by the water.

Roedean is also incredibly lucky to have its own farm on-site, 50 metres from Keswick House. In your free time, you are welcome to go greet the animals and even help out on the farm if you wish.

Walking the South Downs Way for our Gold DofE award was an amazing experience. From beautiful views to an incredible sense of achievement, the early mornings were definitely compensated by the many highs of the trip. It was challenging at times, but good company and lots of chocolate kept us going!


T: +44(0)1273 667500

Admissions Enquiries

T: +44(0)1273 667500

E: Registered Charity 307063

SIXTH FORM PROSPECTUS Roedean School, Roedean Way, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 5RQ School Office

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