The Roedeanian Winter 2017/18

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The Roedeanian Winter 2017/2018

School Events

Discovery Day 2017

Space Spectacular Gala Concert

Christmas Fair 2017

Roedean Halloween Horror Maze

Alumnae Events

OR Hong Kong reception with Oliver Blond October 2017

ORs in New York celebrating Cristal Downing’s Wedding May 2017

Sue Stanway with ORs Vicky Shen and Jane Yang

The Guild of Entrepreneurs Outreach and Guild Showcase 2017

Introduction It has been a fantastic year for Roedean, and I am delighted to see how the school and our girls are flourishing. From individual successes at the very highest level to the whole range of teams on the sports field, and from performances on stage or in choirs and orchestras to girls exceeding their academic expectations, Roedean is helping every girl thrive. It is wonderful to see the girls challenging themselves to develop their talents and to discover new ones. I am delighted that Roedean is the school of choice for girls’ education in the area and is seeing very strong growth in interest across the UK and internationally. The girls are intellectually curious, have strong academic passions, along with wide-ranging interests, and they are confident in their abilities and not afraid to take risks and try new things. As a preparation for life, this holistic approach is hugely valuable, and this makes Roedean a very attractive option. 570 girls enrolled at Roedean in September. The last week of school in December was a wonderful way to round off a fantastic term! The Christmas Fair involved the entire Roedean community working together, including ORs with stalls; it was great fun, and very pleasing to raise over £6,000 for the Parents’ Guild and good causes. That week began with the House Panto Competition, which was full of energy, talent and humour, and a wonderful opportunity for the senior girls to rewrite the scripts of well-known fairy-tales and direct the girls across every year group. Later in the week, the two Carol Services were beautiful occasions to bring our term to a close, again showcasing our wonderful singers, and the strength of the School community. It was fantastic to share the Christmas music with parents, ORs, former staff and guests. I hope that you and yours had a wonderful time over the Festive Season and wish you every success and happiness in 2018. With best wishes

Contents School Highlights


Pitch Perfect Appeal Update OR News Roedean Past

5 8 - 10 11 - 12



Dates for your Diary


Roedean through the Ages


Oliver Blond Headmaster


School Highlights Lawrence House Transformation Lawrence House has once again opened as a Sixth Form boarding House after a spectacular transformation over the summer holidays. There are lovely rooms with sea-views, gorgeous bathrooms, a common room downstairs with modern cooking facilities, and another, with comfortable sofas, where the girls can work in the evenings, chat about their day, or just relax watching television.

Year 8 perform ‘Twelfth Night’ at The Shakespeare Schools’ Festival A cast of twenty Year 8s worked hard throughout the autumn term rehearsing a production of Shakespeare’s classic comedy ‘Twelfth Night’, as part of the region’s Shakespeare Schools’ Festival in mid-November. The performance at The Old Market Theatre in Hove was outstanding; the girls operated in every way like a professional theatre company, creating a slick, lively, and hugely entertaining production.

The Roedean Group of Schools It has been a very successful few years for Roedean. The School has grown by over 200 pupils and there have been great improvements in academic achievements. In 2017, the School Council formed the Roedean Group of Schools in order to assess ways in which our educational model could be expanded. The Group provides a flexible partnership model which provides strategic leadership and expertise to schools that share a commitment to Roedean’s educational vision. In September Moira House (Eastbourne) and Deepdene Nursery and Prep (Hove) joined. Moira House shares a similar history with Roedean. They were founded only 10 years apart and both take a progressive approach to the education of girls. Deepdene has been working with Roedean for the last year and this partnership is in recognition of the mutual benefits both schools reaped during this time. The Headmaster of Roedean, Oliver Blond, is also Executive Head of the Roedean Group of Schools and notes: “We look forward to working with staff and pupils at Moira House and Deepdene. Together, the Roedean Group of Schools will provide a strong academic and holistic education across a wider geographical area for the benefit of a greater number of pupils in the region.” 4

Fran has a place at the Guildhall Congratulations to Fran S (Yr13), who auditioned at London’s Guildhall School of Music and Drama, one of the world’s leading conservatoires – she has been accepted to study there on Saturdays. Furthermore, and even better, she has also been offered a university place, which is an amazing achievement. Watch this space for the next star!

All Weather Pitch Appeal Update

Tour the Pitch Perfect Site A group of parents, ORs and staff enjoyed an early opportunity to see progress on the Pitch Perfect site on 16th November. Everyone was impressed by the scale of the project and the professionalism of the contractors. If you would like a tour of the site or to make a donation, please contact Mark on or via 01273 667588.

Thank You I want to say a huge thank you to all the Old Roedeanians, former staff and other friends of Roedean who have generously donated to the Pitch Perfect appeal already. Since early October gifts and pledges totalling £130k have been received, so we are a quarter of the way to the £500k target we need, which is fantastic! The project involves more than just a new, floodlit, all-weather pitch. We are also building a new 5-a-side pitch, resurfacing all tennis and netball courts, floodlighting half of those courts, and building new paths and parking in and around our new sporting hub. The project will transform our provision for sport at Roedean and ensure we provide the very best opportunities in sport for the girls. The project will cost £2M. The School will fund 75% of this, but we need your help to raise £500,000 to complete Pitch Perfect.

Name Your Pitch Plot You can help to transform our facilities for sport at Roedean by choosing to name your very own plot by making a single or regular monthly gift. For just £4.81 a week, you can name your very own area of the pitch. For a little more, you can name your own bench and sponsor 20m2 of the new pitch. Every gift, large and small, is hugely appreciated.

Mark Taylor Director of Alumnae Relations and Development


School Highlights

Half-term Hockey Tour in Rotterdam During the October half-term break, Roedean travelled to Rotterdam on what was the first international hockey tour for some time. The girls experienced training at Rotterdam Hockey club, which is also the national team’s main hockey performance centre. It is also one of the largest hockey clubs in the Netherlands, and has over 2,000 members, as well as 7 full-sized hockey astro pitches. All the squads had a number of training sessions, which were led by international hockey

players (GB Olympic medallist Susie Gilbert, and Simon Egerton, Albert Beltran, and Blair Tarrant, who represented GB, Spain, and New Zealand respectively). During the tour, all of the squads learnt lots of new skills which have been evident since their return to Roedean. The tour was hugely successful and another hockey tour to Holland is planned for 2019.

Speech Day 2017 Speech Day was a wonderful event, at which we welcomed Clemency Burton-Hill as our guest speaker. The occasion was a chance for the senior part of the school to celebrate the girls’ successes and achievements from the last academic year. Clemency Burton-Hill is an established broadcaster and writer, and she drew on her experiences in her speech. As a talented violinist, she congratulated the girls on the wonderful music, but she also commented on how impressed she was with the number of Roedean girls going on to read science and engineering at university. Clemency encouraged the girls to take some chances in life. She spoke about how taking risks is a valuable learning experience. Clemency also told the girls that, in a world where it is now normal to have a number of different professions in one career, it is okay to not know exactly where you are heading at any given point. As always, it was lovely to welcome back those who left Roedean last summer. Although some 2017 ORs were abroad or had too far to travel to take part, nearly three quarters of last year’s Year 13 were able to return, and it was fantastic to see them. 6

Clemency Burton-Hill with current and former Heads of School Maggie E-B and Bella M

School Highlights Past and Present Roedean Calendar A few copies of the Roedean Archive Re-Creation Calendar are still available to buy, and now at a discounted price! Calendars are now just £5 for collection from Roedean or £7 including UK postage. Email us on alumnae@roedean. to order yours before they sell out!

Roedean’s Future

Carol Service

At the Autumn Governors’ Forum in November, the Headmaster, Oliver Blond, outlined the vision for Roedean. The focus is to secure the School’s position as a first class school for girls, to strengthen its financial position, and its social and community purpose.

On Thursday 7th December, we held two Carol Services in the Chapel (the number of girls meaning we simply can’t all fit in to one service anymore!). The two services were beautiful occasions, and showcased our wonderful singers, particularly Fran S who sang the Once in Royal solo, but also our Year 7s who all sang in both services. There was also a fantastic rendition of The Marvellous Birth by the staff choir. It really is wonderful to see the whole school community come together to celebrate the end of term, and start the Christmas season off. At the first service we were joined by a group of ORs and Former Staff; it was lovely to welcome them all back to the School for a service that they all remember fondly from their own time at Roedean. It was followed by a relaxed lunch of soup and a mountain of stickytoffee pudding, which provided a great chance for everyone to catch up and make new friends, as well as to hear an update on the Pitch Perfect appeal.

This could involve an overseas campus, sponsorship of a state-funded primary, and support for local independent schools. Delivering this vision would allow more and more children to benefit from the founding ethos of the Lawrence sisters. Anne Whitaker, Chair of Council, also addressed the meeting and explained how Governors could help deliver this vision by supporting some suggested changes to the Royal Charter before outlining the reasons for the five proposed changes. She also clarified that the proposals would NOT allow boys at Roedean. The School Council is very grateful to all Governors who took the time to give feedback on the proposals, which were also circulated via email or hard copy in late October. Council understands that the possible changes to the Charter need full consideration over a period of time. It has been decided, therefore, to postpone an Extraordinary General Meeting to consider the proposals to later in the year. The extended timeframe will provide the opportunity for even more Governors to forward their thoughts, and the opportunity for Council to explain its vision in further detail. This will mean that the Governors’ meeting on 19th February will be the Annual General Meeting. The notice of the AGM will be circulated soon and will include the minutes from the last AGM.

The Headmaster with (l to r) Jane Chandler, Karoline Molberg, Audrey Ahmad, Ann Longley, Sasha Glynn, Camilla Nightingale and Teresa Outhwaite after the morning Carol Service.

If you would like a full summary of the presentations given at the Autumn Forum, please contact Mark Taylor via or on 01273 667588. 7

OR News Lisa Aubrey (No. 4, 1975-81) Lisa is a gemologist and diamond grader, with a passion for coloured stones. After reading about a coal mine owner in Turkey who had discovered a new gem material, Lisa contacted him and asked if she could visit the mine to see the stone for herself. The mine was high in the remote Anatolian Mountains, and the question of ‘where is the lift?’ was greeted with much mirth by the owner! They had no generator, so it was a long climb down numerous ladders with headlamps. The seam of gem material could clearly be seen and Lisa was allowed to dig some out and bring it home. The mine owner called this material Zultanite. It changes colours in different lights which is quite rare. Lisa feels she was very lucky to get the chance to do this as the mine is no longer open to the public. Although her mining days are probably over, it was a wonderful experience! The mine has since been sold and the current owners have trademarked the gemstone. For more information on Lisa’s piece of Zultanite or her other pieces, please see or email

Camilla Lovegrove (Gibson, No. 1, 2007-12) Metamorphosis

Milly Voice (No. 3, 2003-08) Congratulations on finishing joint first woman for the Trail Aiguilles Rouges! ‘I remember enjoying the freedom of running from sixth form days, running around the hockey pitch or relieving the stress of studying on the treadmill. Nearly a decade later, I run distances of up to ultra-marathons, mainly in the mountains. I am a brand ambassador for Salomon, and I enjoy running, racing and training in the UK and Europe. This summer, I had ‘unfinished business’ with the Trail Aiguilles Rouges, a 50km, at an altitude of nearly 4,000m, positive mountain race in Chamonix, France. The year prior I had to forgo my place due to injury, but this year I was back and prepared as well as I could for the event. Despite the 4 am start, snow, mud, huge climbs, and all the glorious moments of the trail, I was delighted to finally receive the title of joint first woman for the TAR 2017. This position was held jointly with an extraordinary woman who showed incredible camaraderie during the event, and made me so proud to be a fellow woman in sport’. Congratulations, Milly! 8

Metamorphosis is a short dance film based on Kafka’s novel published in 1915. The film interprets Gregor Samsa’s transformation into a monstrous vermin. Camilla directed Metamorphosis on a freezing cold January night in her grandparents’ disused milking parlour. With unsettling edits and a harrowing soundtrack, the film’s aim was to make the audience feel uneasy and anxious. It was filmed by an all-female cast and crew, three of whom are ORs: Serena Esiri-Bloom (No. 2, 200512) was the sound designer, Surya Elango (No. 1, 2010-12) was the stills photographer, and Sophie Abaza (No. 2, 2006-11, current staff) was the film’s wonderful dancer. The film was screened at Underwire Film Festival in November and was nominated for a Sound Design award. Underwire is solely dedicated to screening female film makers. Congratulations Camilla, Serena, Surya, and Sophie!

OR News Clarissa Hulse

Aishleen Lester

(No. 1, 1978-86)

(No. 3, 1991-96), LeSter Jewellery

Congratulations to Clarissa Hulse whose Harlequin ‘Lilaea’ collection won the gold award for best fabric at the House Beautiful Magazine Awards 2017. Clarissa is one of the leading lights of the British textile world, uncompromising in her passion to deliver the ultimate combination of colour, print and fabric. She produces beautiful and luxurious home accessories, wallpapers and fabrics, selling in top notch department stores such as Heals, House of Fraser, John Lewis, Liberty, and Selfridges, as well as across the world in exclusive boutiques.

On 28th November, Aishleen launched her first jewellery collection ‘Light through the Grey’ at the Courthouse Hotel, Shoreditch. The event was well attended, including fantastic support from a group of ORs. Aishleen has loved art since she was a small child, and spent hours in the art studio at Roedean. It was time well spent, as it saw Aishleen go on to Chelsea and then Wimbledon for her BA, before a more recent evening course at Kensington and Chelsea College ignited a love of the miniature world of jewellery. LeSter was formed in 2016 and the first collection combines the language of pop art with the natural explosion of a firework. The pieces are small and easy to wear, but as one of her first customers said “they still pack a punch”., Instagram @lesterjewellery

Kim Shamash (No. 2, 1970-76) ‘Tonight Matthew’ Covers Band ‘As a child I dreamed of being on stage in spite of the lack of any obvious talent. My acting career peaked with a role as an oyster in a school production of ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’, so, being a pragmatist, I pursued a path of medicine as a psychiatrist. As my career started taking off and becoming really quite interesting, my husband decided I needed more challenge in my life and bought me a saxophone lesson. Undeterred by my lack of brilliance, I persisted with this new strategy of risking failure by gatecrashing into a band of other adult learners. After years of regular rehearsing, we launched ourselves into public performances like rabbits in the headlights. Over the past ten years we have played on decks and lorries as well as in pubs, country houses, large wedding venues and the Corn Exchange in Brighton. We guarantee to fill dance floors and rock events of any size with our eclectic range of classic rock, soul and pop, spanning several decades!’ For more information please email Kim on or visit

If you would like to add your business to the Roedeanian Directory, or your book to the virtual bookshop on the Roedean Community Network, please contact Harriet on

Get in touch If you would like to arrange a visit to Roedean, or would like help arranging a reunion, please get in touch with Mark, Grace, or Harriet in the Alumnae Office on or by calling 01273 667398. 9

OR News

ORA Chair, Ginny Stephen, with some of the 2017 leavers. Photograph by Alison Ryde (Morris, No. 1, 1971-79)

Recent Leavers’ Reception On Friday 6th October, we in the Alumnae Office, jointly with the ORA, hosted a drinks reception to welcome the 2016 and ’17 Leavers. The reception was held at the Caledonian Club and 33 of the ORA’s newest members took the opportunity to dress up and take advantage of this wonderful evening to meet Roedean’s Alumnae Team, some of the ORA Committee, Members of Council, and a few interesting and

hopefully inspiring ORs. Roger Sanders and Andrew Pianca came from Council and a sprinkling of magic in the form of ORs Elspeth Beard, Louise Coote, Toyin Fani-Kayode, Clarissa Hulse, Claire Jenkins, Grace Ker, Alice McGilligan, Karoline Molberg, Alison Ryde, Alison Tuffrey-Jones and Anna Walford all came to make the party buzz, and give their thoughts and inspiration to our new brilliant OR recruits.

ORA Christmas Drinks A review of the ORA Christmas Drinks, by Robyn Crabbe (Blackburn, No. 1, 1972-77): Around 67 cross-generational ORs gathered in the cosy and Christmassy private room upstairs at The Antelope in Eaton Terrace for traditional ORA Christmas Drinks on Thursday 7th December. Each OR, on checking in with hostess ORA Chairman, Ginny Stephen (de Trense, No. 3, 1954-60), collected their two sparkly drinks ‘tokens’ (hand made by Ginny on ribbon) to exchange at the bar for their drinks and enjoyed catching up with old friends …. some not seen since leaving school! The noise was quite deafening at times and the room was full to bursting. Even so, there was room under the glittering tree for the big suitcase brought by OR Izzy Holland (No. 4, 2005-12), who was gathering Christmas donations for the Homeless. Izzy chose to run a Christmas initiative this year collecting gifts to be donated to St Mungo’s homeless shelter in Clapham. In total, thanks to colleagues, friends, family, and of course ORs, Izzy has collected £480 in gift cards, as well as countless presents. Well done Izzy! 10

The Great Storm of 1987 There was stunned disbelief when dawn broke over Roedean on the morning of Friday 16th October 1987. With winds gusting at up to 100mph sweeping in from the sea in the early hours that morning, there had been massive devastation across the country. Roedean’s unique position on an exposed cliff meant the School was one of the first properties to be hit. The Headmistress, Ann Longley, reported that the scene that morning of broken glass, tiles and debris looked ‘more as though we had come through the Blitz than the aftermath of a storm.’ It was a miracle that no one was hurt. The House staff had acted promptly, alerted by the strong winds setting off the fire alarm in House 4 just before the height of the storm, and had moved all girls to safe areas away from windows. The School lost a total of 276 windows and virtually all the roofs suffered substantial damage. Thousands of tiles had rained down from the roofs, some in whole sections. Unsurprisingly all lessons that Friday had to be cancelled as so many of the classrooms were littered with glass. As soon as it was safe to travel, parents were requested to come and collect the girls for what became an extended half-term break.

Pupils at Roedean at the time remember that night vividly: “I assumed it was just normal Roedean weather! It was only when the bunny run windows started smashing and roof tiles were flying around the courtyard that our dorm went to find help!” Emily Jackson-Kew (Kew, No. 1, 1987-93) “In JH we were made to wait the storm out in our dormie corridors with towels on our heads. One of the girls had hidden a pack of polos in her tissue box so we had a mint and listened to the roof tiles blow off and the windows being blown away” Di Mayze (Roach, No. 2, 1986-91) “I was in Lawrence House which got split in two because the windows were blown in in the two rooms in the middle. Best bit - the staff were on the other side!!” Fiona Birchenough (Westwood, No. 3, 1981-88) “I remember we had to get up in the middle of the night and we all camped out in... I think it was the ODR?!! It was the big room with the piano and the mirrors for ballet. So many tiles came down, so many windows smashed.” Alethea Fitzpatrick (Cheng, No. 4, 1987-91) “I slept through it! Someone had to wake me up and tell me there was an emergency.” Anita Hickmore (Sullivan, No. 1, 1987-89) Thanks to sterling efforts by the Chair of Council, Sir Michael Pickard, who called on all his contacts in the construction industry, windows were re-glazed and roofs made safe so that everyone was able, remarkably, to return on Monday 2nd November.


Golden Wedding Congratulations Jean Robson (Beynon, No. 3, 1947-57) attended the Founders’ Day and Commemoration Service on 29th September, in part to honour and celebrate her 50th wedding anniversary, which was the following day. Jean and Patrick were the first couple to be married in the Chapel after WWII on 30th September 1967. They have the

special licence that was granted for the ceremony framed in their home in Guildford. Jean’s sister, Patricia (No. 3, 1954-61), was married in the Chapel the following year. If you also had your wedding in the Roedean Chapel, please let us know and, if possible, send in a photo for the Archive.

Legacy Surprise! Margarette Benjamin (Obee, No. 1, 1936-39) describes her surprise and delight in finding herself in Roedean’s Legacy brochure! ‘I recently received your brochure concerning a legacy gift to Roedean. Imagine my surprise when I saw the picture in the centrefold! It is possibly the only photograph that the School has of me and probably was the most fun of any I ever participated in! I guess we must have won an inter-house competition, and the photographer came to take our picture, lined up together all very properly. Then - I still remember vividly! - he said, “why don’t we take a funny one” and so we all waved our bats and assumed odd poses!

In 1939 the war broke out and a bunch of us schoolgirls were stranded in Canada at the end of a wonderful summer tour in which eight Roedeanians participated. I’d already fallen in love with the country and was thrilled by the great hospitality shown all of us. I ended up staying four years, by which time I’d met my future husband. We married in 1945, and my life has been as good as it could ever have been, and a lot better than I ever dreamed as a youngster. Had I not been at Roedean, I would not have got the chance to go on that trip to Canada. Of course, I’m proud to be an Old Roedeanian’

I’m so glad you used it, as it brought back fond memories not only of the occasion, but of all my old team-mates. Although I didn’t fully appreciate the School at the time, it gave me great benefit.


In response to the legacy brochure many ORs decided to join the Lawrence Society this year. If you would like more information on the potential Inheritance Tax benefits of leaving a gift to the School in your Will, please contact Mark Taylor on 01273 667500 or via

Obituaries Shirley Bellwood (Peek, No. 4, 1931-37) Shirley was born in Bexhill in 1919, the youngest daughter of John Harold Peek, an Australian doctor, and Maisie who was herself a pupil at Roedean (Hacking, No. 4, 1906-09). Shirley attended Roedean with her elder sister, Barbara (No. 4, 1931-35) and had fond memories of her time at the school. She recalled art as being her favourite subject and it remained so throughout her life. In 1939, Shirley enlisted in the WAAF (Women’s Auxiliary Air Force). In 1941, she

was commissioned to the Code and Cypher School at Oxford and was posted to RAF Hucknall where messages would come in by carrier pigeon for de-cyphering. Post War, she studied design and portrait painting at Chelsea Polytechnic before joining Elizabeth Arden as a beauty therapist. In 1952 she joined the BBC as a make-up supervisor and stayed there until 1970, when she moved to Hampshire with her husband and young son to become a full time mum and help her husband run his business until their retirement. Shirley passed away on 9th July 2017, aged 97.

Rosie Allt (No. 2, 1996-2000) Rosie wouldn’t allow her health to define her in any way; she wanted to live and live well. At Roedean she quickly attracted a group of loving and loyal friends, many of whom will remember the directive from teachers that tiny Rosie (aged 11) was always to be flanked by two chums, with arms linked, every time she walked outside on a windy day so as not to be blown away. Luckily, she wasn’t and she made it in one piece to Royal Holloway. Here, she not only gained a degree in Management but, as chairman of the

Professor Judith Elizabeth Adams (Lockyer, No. 4, 1961-63) My sister Judy arrived in the sixth form in January 1961 from Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia). We both loved our time at the School. Judy had a formidable intelligence and completed A-levels in under two years and began studying Medicine at University College, qualifying in 1968 and thence specializing in Radiology. Judy was regarded internationally as a leading Skeletal Radiologist and expert in adult and paediatric bone densitometry. She joined The University of Manchester in 1976 and became a Professor of Radiology and

Student Disability Association, pushed through changes to university policy. Her reflective consideration was underpinned by a core of steely determination and adventure, making her the daughter, sister and friend we all loved. Determination meant she found the courage to follow her creative spirit and by May of this year Rosie had photos published all over the world. Our lives have all been touched and will forever be richer from our knowing and love of Rosie. Zoe Willis (No. 1, 1995-2000)

Head of Clinical Radiology in 1993. She was awarded the gold medal by the International Skeletal Society in 2007 and the gold medal by the Royal College of Radiologists in 2016. Judy was a much loved colleague, highly respected clinician and inspirational teacher. She was elegant in her bright clothes, known for her endless energy and infectious laugh. Above all, she was devoted to her husband of 45 years, Professor Peter Adams, who died a week after her. She was greatly loved and will be hugely missed. Jane Nairn (Lockyer, No. 4, 1963-65)

If you would like to write a tribute to fellow ORs that have recently passed away, please do get in touch with Harriet via A list of ORs and former staff who have passed away during this school year is available by visiting


Dates for your Diary – 2018 Friday 2nd February

Spring Governors’ Forum

6 - 7.30 pm

Roedean School

Monday 19th February

Roedean Governors’ Annual General Meeting

6 - 6.45 pm

The Caledonian Club, 9 Halkin Street, London

Monday 19th February

The Old Roedeanians’ Association Annual General Meeting

7 - 7.45 pm

The Caledonian Club, 9 Halkin Street, London Followed by a hot buffet supper

Friday 23rd February

Movie Magic Gala Concert

7.30 pm

Centenary Hall, Roedean, Brighton

Friday 9th March

Lunchtime Concert

1.30 pm

St Peter’s Church, Brighton

Saturday 24th March

USA & Canada OR Lunch

12 - 3 pm

New York City Please get in touch for more information. If you are based in the USA or Canada and have not yet heard from us to confirm your contact details, please get in touch on

Saturday 5th May

Brighton Festival Fringe Concert

4.30 pm

Roedean Chapel, Brighton

Saturday 23rd June

Roedean Day

10 am - 4 pm

Roedean School (Our annual reunion day)

For more information and booking, please contact Grace: You can also call us on 01273 667398 It has been a pleasure for us to meet so many of you over the past year, both at events and for private visits back to Roedean. We are all very thankful for the wonderfully warm welcome we have received, and very much look forward to meeting more of you in the future. Please do remember, that all three of us are here for you and to help support the Roedean community in any way we can, whether that be arranging events, helping you reconnect with old friends, or simply to help you shout about your achievements! You can email all three of us on Best wishes, Mark, Grace, and Harriet 14

Roedean through the ages

Helen Sharman’s visit, 1997

Greek Dancing for Queen Mother’s visit, 22nd July 1955

Swimming baths (open air) c1930

Roedean in the snow, December 2010

We love seeing photos of past times at Roedean. If you have any photos of your time at the School, we would love to see them. Please get in touch with our archivist Jackie at

Junior House Nativity Play 1953

Turner Album 1916

Keswick lawn 1941 Roedean School, Roedean Way, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 5RQ Tel: +44(0)1273 667500 Registered Charity 307063

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