Blockbuster: Brand Guidelines

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[no-stal-jik nuh-] a sentimental or wistful yearning for the happiness felt in a former place, time, or situation.

Whether it’s the movies or the memories, Blockbuster thrives on providing an experience that embraces nostalgia. Blockbuster also creates future memories to be nostalgic about.

The old Blockbuster is undeniably an iconic part of American pop culture. Blockbuster successfully made movies more accessible to everyone. As a result, families and friends were brought together by a shared love of movies, creating priceless meaningful memories.

[ dih-vurs ] including representatives from more than one social, cultural, or economic group, especially members of ethnic or religious minority groups

Blockbuster has always valued diversity in its employees and selection. Blockbuster will continue to make more efforts to promote a diverse experience. Blockbuster has always valued diversity in its employees and selection. Blockbuster will continue to make more efforts to promote a diverse experience.

...encompasses people of various ages and hobbies who all love to have fun. The costume party enthusiast can be a twenty-year-old girl that loves going to huge costume parties in college and a thirty-five-year-old man who loves to cosplay with a few of his best friends. It can be your uncle and aunt, who always have the best Halloween costumes, and your younger sister, who takes any event as an excuse to wear her favorite princess dress. The costume party enthusiasts enjoy getting creative and taking in others’ creativity. They value that their friendships, family, and community provide a space to be themselves and have fun. Their love language is quality time, and they have fond memories of watching movies with their loved ones growing up. They are open-minded people who love to try new things and don’t take themselves too seriously.

Favorite Movies Include: Devil Wears Prada, The Time Traveler’s Wife, The Grand Budapest Hotel Inglorious Bastards

Favorite Movie Snack: Medium popcorn with lots of butter, and a sparkling water.

Who are you going to the movies with? I’m taking a date with me! Let’s see if he likes my taste in movies.

Where are you watching your movie? Chicago, Illinois

Favorite Movies Include: Avenger’s Endgame, Spiderman; Into the Spiderverse, Men in Black 3, Big Hero 6

Favorite Movie Snack: Sour Patch Kids, and a Cherry Icee!

Who are you going to the movies with? I’m going with some friends from school! This is the movie theater we always go to and we always make a massive candy pile!

Where are you watching your movie? Redmond, WA.

Favorite Movies Include: Texas Cyclone, The Godfather, Forrest Gump, Bedknobs and Broomsticks

Favorite Movie Snack: Black Licorice!

Who are you going to the movies with? I’m taking my wife of 50 years on a date. We met at the movie theaters so we like to go because it makes us feel young.

Where are you watching your movie? Burlington, VT

Favorite Movies Include: The original Star Wars trilogy, Ender’s Game, Interstellar, Rush Hour

Favorite Movie Snack: Nachos with jalepeno & a Dr. Pepper.

Who are you going to the movies with? Some buddies from college. We come to the movies and then go out to the bar afterwards.

Where are you watching your movie? Madison, WI

[ frend-lee ] like a friend; kind; helpful

Blockbuster treats everyone like good friends.

Please Put On

The 3D Glasses

Blockbuster remains areason thatfamily andfriends gather based on a shared loveofmovies. Blockbusterisecstatic tointroduce a one-of-a-kindfilmfestival experience that has thesame values ofcommunityandentertainment thatinitiallymade Blockbusterso special. However,now it’s outside. ofthe home andgoesbeyond yourfavoritemovies.

Blockbuster believes in embracing the past and all of our fond memories made possible by film. Blockbuster also is eager to look towards the future and await all the fun that’s to come.

Blockbuster Film Festival makes sure you aren’t just watching the movies–but truly experiencing them. With the help of its incredible sponsors, Blockbuster promises to have the best art, food, and music to complement and enhance every film.

To celebrate the past while looking forward to new memories of creative expression, entertainment, family, and friends.

[ fey-muhs ] having a widespread reputation, usually of a favorable nature

The biggest movies and extravagant events make everyone a part of something legendary.

Blockbuster makes communities feel united through entertaining films, friendly faces, and inspiring creativity. Blockbuster embraces the qualities that once made it loved by millions and creates an even more exciting experience that forever touches lives across the country.

Why does our client need to advertise?

We need to advertise because no one buys in-person movies anymore.

What is the advertising going to accomplish?

The advertising will market an unmissable festival that attracts an audience who is interested in movies.

What are the most insightful things we know about them?

“The costume party enthusiast” encompasses people of various ages and hobbies who all love to have fun.

“The costume party enthusiast”

Who are we going to connect with?

The costume party enthusiast can be a twenty-yearold girl that loves going to huge costume parties in college and a thirty-five-year-old man who loves to cos-play with a few of his best friends. It can be your uncle and aunt, who always have the best Halloween costumes, and your younger sister, who takes any event as an excuse to wear her favorite princess dress. The costume party enthusiasts enjoy getting creative and taking in others’ creativity. They value that their friendships, family, and community provide a space to be themselves and have fun. Their love language is quality time, and they have fond memories of watching movies with their loved ones growing up. They are open-minded people who love to try new things and don’t take themselves too seriously.

What is the single most effective message we can tell them?

The Blockbuster Film Festival brings communities together for a diverse, lively, and unforgettable week-long event with movies, food, and art.

What else is there to know that supports this message?

Blockbuster will re-brand as a nationwide film festival that travels to cities across the country, takes over local theaters, and hosts a week of movie-themed evenings. The events will focus on inclusivity and catering to diverse preferences. Along with a different movie and theme each night, local restaurants and artists will have the opportunity to have their vendors at the event. Attendees are also encouraged to dress to the theme and fully embrace the creative, artistic, and lively experience.


• Loved by Many: Blockbuster quickly became loved decades ago and still has a special place in many people’s hearts today.

• Nostalgic: Blockbuster has become a large part of pop culture and a source of nostalgia for Americans. People reminisce on the excitement and anticipation they felt planning a trip to Blockbuster.

• Community Feel: Blockbuster’s impressive amount of store locations led to individual communities having their personalized stores and giving the big chain a local feel.

• Large Diverse Selection: Blockbuster was known for its vast selection of movies and how everyone could find something they liked.

• Excellent Customer Service: Blockbuster was known for its friendly faces and movie-loving staff.

• Strong Recognizability: Blockbuster’s name and the blue and yellow logo are still strongly recognizable today.

• Bankruptcy: After a faulty revenue model, high fixed costs, and weak corporate decisions, Blockbuster fell into a significant amount of debt and went bankrupt. The rebrand must divert attention away from their failures in the past.

• Less Recognizable with Gen Z: Millennials know the wholesome community feeling Blockbuster evoked in the early 2000s. However, younger Gen Z does not have this nostalgic feeling attached to the brand. Blockbuster has the opportunity to attract Gen Z by prioritizing their values, such as ethical practices, individual freedom, and diversity.

• Social Activities Dominating: Ticket sales to live events, such as festivals, are soaring in 2022.Blockbuster can take advantage of this increased interest.

• Movie Theater Prices: Movie theaters have a reputation for being overpriced. When people can stay home and choose from a massive selection of movies from their streaming services, it can be hard to justify paying money to see a movie. However, paying for a Blockbuster Film Festival ticket would be paying for more than just a movie. People could more easily justify the price because the movie is only part of the exciting event.

• New Revenue Model: Blockbuster has the opportunity to use a new revenue model like the ones of successful concerts and festivals focusing on ticket sales, concession fees, merchandise, and sponsorship revenue.

• At-Home Streaming Services: People are inclined to watch movies at home because of their existing streaming service subscriptions. 85% of U.S. households have at least one video streaming service subscription.

• Movie Theater Attendees: Movie theater attendance is significantly below historical norms and is expected to continue to be so.

[en-ter-tey-ning] amusing; diverting.

Blockbuster promises to always provide unbeatable entertainment.

Blockbuster must evaluate all current competitors ranging from streaming services to nightlife. With a comprehensive understanding of direct and indirect competitors, Blockbuster can thrive in the competitive market.

Direct Netflix

Netflix was a considerable contributor to Blockbuster’s initial downfall. Today, Netflix is the largest streaming service, with 221.6 million subscribers. Netflix’s global presence, strong brand recognition and reputation, exponential growth, adaptability, user-friendly interface, variety, and original content are all reasons for its continued success. The dominant streaming service has averaged a compound annual growth of 35.3% since 2001. However, Netflix faced its first net loss in subscribers in the first quarter of 2022, and its stock is down 60% as of October 2022. The increased streaming competition, continuously rising membership costs, and no ad-supported membership option have contributed to its significant losses. Blockbuster has an opportunity to provide a one-of-a-kind movie viewing experience Netflix can’t compete with and take advantage of Netflix’s struggles.

Amazon Prime Video

Amazon Prime Video is a service provided with an Amazon Prime membership. Amazon Prime boasts over 200 million members, and video streaming services are available to users without a membership. Prime Video has excellent offline options, data-saving features, and an extensive global reach. However, its cluttered impersonal interface and unremarkable original content are not as appealing as other competitors. Blockbuster can offer a personal and thrilling viewing experience that Prime Video cannot.


AMC, the largest movie theater chain worldwide, has over 900 theaters. Although AMC came close to bankruptcy in 2021, clever business moves have the brand value on the rise in 2022. AMC has impressive levels of customer and employee satisfaction. However, high movie prices and the easy accessibility of movies at home are still significant factors against AMC and movie theaters. Blockbuster can provide an experience that offers much more than the classic movie theater. Blockbuster will make it a no-brainer that buying a ticket and leaving home is worth it for the incomparable experience.


Major League Sporting Events

Blockbuster must compete against popular social pastime activities for Americans. The MLB, NBA, and NFL combined

had over 110,000 people come to each game during the 2019 season. Major league sports companies’ continued loyal and large fan base and historical place in American history make for their continued success. However, to see an increase in growth, they may need to enter into the global economy more. Blockbuster can learn from the success Major League Sporting Events have had, creating an experience involving so much more than just watching the entertainment.

Live Nation Entertainment Inc

Live Nation Entertainment, one of the largest event and ticket sales corporations, puts on some of the biggest festivals and concerts in the world. Live Nation Entertainment has a consistently successful track record, high customer satisfaction, and a skilled workforce. Live Nation Entertainment had the highest quarterly attendance ever, with over 33 million fans across 12,500 events in the second quarter of 2022. To continue to thrive, Live Nation must keep up with the development of AI and new technology. Blockbuster has an incredible opportunity to take advantage of the high demand for live entertainment. Blockbuster must also employ a skilled workforce that can keep up with the advancement of new technology.


StubHub is one of the largest ticket resale companies and provides tickets to everything from comedy shows to sports events and concerts. Stub Hub is having a remarkable year with over a 25% increase in sales compared to 2019. A popular complaint is the fees Stub Hub adds to ticket resales. People often prefer buying tickets from events directly; however, StubHub is

a popular option for sold-out events. Blockbuster can compete with StubHub by selling tickets in phases, with multiple presales and sale dates, to prevent tickets from selling out immediately.


Art Museums

Museums provide an educational and social experience. They can often cater to many different people’s interests by having different events and art shows. Art museums can also be enjoyed any time of week, and gives attendees the ability to decide what they want to see and for how long. However, many art museums lack a high energy lively feeling. Blockbuster can provide the creative stimulation of art museums while energizing people with tremendously engaging entertainment and luxuriously comfortable environments around every corner.


Nightclubs provide an exciting hyper-social experience. However, they are not friendly for all ages. Nightclubs attract young audiences through an experience that offers an escape from reality accompanied by alcohol and music. Blockbuster can provide a high-energy escape from reality appropriate for all ages. Alcohol and music can be present, but the event won’t be reliant on either of those factors to be successful.


TopGolf also attracts a young crowd and is ideal for people who want a social activity without the intensity of nightlife bars and clubs. The majority of their guests are 18-34. Top Golf also provides a comfortable environment with beautiful facilities, tons of seating, and food and drinks. However, TopGolf does cater to a relatively narrow audience interested in golf. Blockbuster can cater to a much larger audience through a diverse selection of movies and activities while taking inspiration from their top-notch guest amenities.

[ yoo-neek ] having no like or equal; unparalleled;

Blockbuster is one of a kind, and there is no experience like what Blockbuster has to offer.

The New Logo

The rewind button represents the nostalgia and the flashback that Blockbuster brings. We are embracing the rewind!


Alternative Color

Horizontal Lock-Up

Black & White



Min. Size 606pt x 200pt
Min. Size 86pt x 87pt

Font Pairings

Buster Block

Embrace Rewind, Await Play!

A Nostalgic Rewind, Embraces A Blockbusting Future! Nonem fugit, quae non providest, sum que eum que mo magnihi lignamenimi, se natius dolor re vent labores quodit et ut eos am ipicima delicidendit ut aut inverum erspel intemol estiunt qui nis dolor accaborum que ped quam quae.


CMYK 1, 51, 99, 0

RGB 245, 146, 33 HEX #F59221

CMYK 4, 26, 94, 0

RGB 245, 190, 43


CMYK 5, 9, 91, 0

RGB 245, 218, 51 HEX #F5DA33

CMYK 100, 96, 42, 51

RGB 19, 20, 62

HEX #13143E

CMYK 79, 56, 21, 25

RGB 56, 88, 125 HEX #38587D


CMYK 59, 16, 0, 0

RGB 94, 175, 225


/ig’zil ,rādiNG/ causing strong feelings of excitement

and happiness

Blockbuster provides everything from thrilling scenes to uncontrollable laughter with friends.

Advertising Phase

57 Phase One


& Theater Take Overs

An excitement-packed pop-up event in select communities. Get a taste of what the week-long festival includes during this weekend long event.




An excitement-packed pop-up event in select communities. Get a taste of what the week-long festival includes during this weekend long event.


Blockbuster will reach its diverse global audience through social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and Pinterest.

1. Local Acting Program Donation- A portion of the proceeds goes towards local film arts and acting programs in the local community.]

2. Theater Posters- A coming soon movie poster advertising the Blockbuster Film Festival in local theaters.

3. Partnership with Casamigos- The alcohol brand sells drinks, including a “Blockbuster blue” signature cocktail.

4. DJ Collaborations- Local DJs are hired to play music at the event. They could be big names like Steve Aoki in Miami or smaller local DJs.

5. Promotional Photography- Local photographers take professional photos at the event. The photos have the Blockbuster logo and can be purchased printed or digitally.

6. Ambient Photo Booth- A Blockbuster-themed photo booth is in local communities where the festival takes place. The printed photo strip has the Blockbuster logo.

7. Brand Partnership with Dolls Kill- Dolls Kill does a line of movie-themed costumes for people to wear to the Blockbuster Festival.

8. Sponsorship with Boom Chicka Pop

A signature Blockbuster popcorn made by Boom Chicka Pop served at the festivals.

9. TikTok/Instagram Movie Competition

People make a short film, post it on social media, and tag Blockbuster. The winner’s video from each community plays at their local festival.

1. Snapchat Geotag- Attendees can put the Snapchat geotag on their Snapchats during the festival.

1. Uber Partnership- Discounted rides to and from the festival to promote safety and accessibility. Uber has their own drop-off/pickup location at the festival.

1. Bose Movie Event- Inspired by a silent disco, participants get Bose headphones to watch the movie instead of playing it out loud.

1. Lazy Boy Furniture Partnership- Signature comfortable movie chairs/couches with charging ports and speakers

1. Influencer Partnerships- Partner with local TikTok and Instagram influencers. Have them post photos and videos at the festival.

1. TikTok Influencer “Get Ready With Me” VideosInfluencers show off their hair, makeup, and themed outfit for the festival.

1. Art Installation- The Blockbuster art piece has a QR code that gives a coupon for drinks and popcorn to the first 100 people who scan it.

1. Local Scavenger Hunt- Participants get free popcorn at the Film Festival after completing the scavenger hunt. The stops on the scavenger hunt are related to the movies at the festival.

1. Child’s Play Movie Set- A fake movie set for kids to pretend to be directors and actors. Set up at a playground before the festival or at the festival.

[ in-spahyuhr-ing ] to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence

Incredible film, artists, and community members and more will inspire those who attend the Blockbuster Film Festival.

Blockbuster will utilize current short-form video trends such as TikTok & Instagram Reels to feature the liveliest moments of the festivals & broadcast them to our various audience.

High Quality Imagery- By taking, editing and presenting high quality images to our audience on platforms such as Instagram, Blockbuster spotlights all the exciting parts of the festival, including the unique vendors, feature films, creative costumes, and music.


Blockbuster’s website makes learning about everything the festival offers a simple and engaging experience.

1. Movie Lineup- Similar to music festival lineups, but movies are listed instead of musicians.

1. Calendar- Communities and potential attendees can see where Blockbuster will be and when.

1. Art Page- A page featuring past art and where local artists can contact Blockbuster to collaborate.

1. Food Page- A page about upcoming and past food vendors. Local restaurants can contact Blockbuster through this page to have vendors at the festival.

1. Sponsor Page- A page with information about the sponsors (Smart Pop, Casamigos, Bose, Lazy Boy, etc.).

1. Experience Page- A page that highlights exciting events other than the movies.

1. Loading Icon- The loading screen/icon is a movie reel spinning around.

1. Video Intro- The old movie countdown graphic shown before video clips of the festival.

1. Youtube- After each festival, a video compilation of the highlights is on Blockbuster’s Youtube channel. The channel also includes behind-the-scenes footage.

1. Pinterest- Blockbuster has a board for each community’s festival to feature the themes and aesthetics.

1. Twitter- Hourly Tweet updates during the festival. The Tweets inform people about what is showing and when, as well as other real-time information.

Blockbuster lights up everyone’s day with excitement around every corner.

[ lahyv-lee ] eventful, stirring, or exciting

82 Phase

Phase Three


Roller coasters, drop towers, or Ferris wheels are set up at the festival to pump up the adrenaline, attract attention, and provide great photo ops.

Festival goers can enter the contest at the festival. The attendee with the best costume wins a Blockbuster prize package and a post on Blockbuster’s Instagram.

Blockbuster has an interactive app for each festival with history and fun facts about the films. The website includes clips from interviews with the director and actors.

1. Bottle Service- Private tables are available for purchase with bottle service and snacks. The tables have comfortable seating and a bottle service girl. Great for the festival-goer looking for a luxurious experience.

1. Art Gallery- Features local artists with movie-themed art pieces.

1. Blockbuster Movie Set- A movie set is built in the local community where Blockbuster has a festival. It is a set based on one of the premiering movies.

1. Local Restaurant Partnership- Customers receive Blockbuster coupons if they attend a specific restaurant on certain days. These coupons are for free popcorn, snacks, and drinks.

1. Discounted Tickets for Corporations- Brings local corporations to the festival and promotes team building.

1. Sports Night- Sports-themed movies play. There are athletic games for adults and kids.

1. Spa Center- Fake movie-themed tattoos, hair do’s, makeup, and nail services.

1. Blockbuster Oscars- Heroes get nominations for a “Blockbuster Oscar” in the local community. The winners get their awards at the festival.

1. Rapper Collaboration- Hire a famous rapper (Lil Baby, Drake, Lil Uzi Vert) to shout out Blockbuster in a line of one of their songs.

1. VHS Tape Box Packaging- Promotional materials and wristbands/tickets are in fake VHS tape boxes.

1. Actor Social Media Posts- Actors in the movies the festival shows post about the event on their Instagram/Twitter/TikTok.

Blockbuster creates inclusive and welcoming environments in which everyone can find a place.

[ kuhm-fer-tuh-buhl, kuhmf-ter-buhl ] being in a state of physical or mental comfort; contented and undisturbed; at ease:

Emerging Market: Spain

Businesses in each Spanish community where a festival takes place can be sponsors and have vendors at the event.

Along with Spanish feature films, Blockbuster is thrilled to show Telenovelas throughout the festival.

Blockbuster’s movie screens and stages are unlike your typical movie theater. The groundbreaking style of Antoni Gaudi inspires screens and stages.

[ fuhn ] something that provides mirth or amusement

One of Blockbuster’s biggest goals is to put a smile on everyone’s face.

1. The use AI to aid in language barriers - In places where the festival might be multilingual, Blockbuster will use headphones and algorithms to help festival-goers not only understand the movie but communicate with each other as well. This could also work with ASL.

2. Blockbuster NFT - Blockbuster will make produce and sell their own NFT’s.

3. AR Movie-Themed Art Galleries- Blockbuster will commision local artists to help produce movie-themed AR art galleries.

1. Leverage machine learning to create a reactive model that analyzes and predicts customer foot traffic to anticipate supply shortages and can request support in requisite areas.

2. Virtual reality games for kids at the festival.AI chat-style interface on the Blockbuster website for ticket help.

3. Virtual Reality to enter the sets of movies playing at the Blockbuster festival.

4. Festival wristbands that connect with the Blockbuster app. The wristbands have location devices so attendees can track their friends’ locations on the app. You can also connect your credit card to the wristband and make contactless payments.

5. Buy data on the communities to have an accurate idea of what movies would be popular at the festival. Drones with a current live stream of the festival. Augmented Reality: 3D imagery during the DJ sets.

6. Instagram filters and effects based on location at the festival.

7. Holographic projections during performances. Let’s get some robots! We can develop super quiet robots that can deliver popcorn and beverages to you! And you can order them through the convenience of your phone. “Hey Siri, order me some more popcorn.”

8. Movie Festivals in the Metaverse.

9. An app for Smartwatches. Download your movie tickets, and use them to access features in the festival (like games, and rides). Also, it will notify you when the next movie is.

10. Smart glasses for the use of 3D effects. Movie character holograph, so you can meet your favorite movie characters! Maybe they can also direct you to your seats.

11. The use of wireless earbuds to help users control and personalize the audio environment. Don’t want to hear the people sitting next to you, customize the setting to have active noise canceling. Don’t miss a single line from the movie!

12. Make your own movie with an interactive green-screen photo booth. Get a video for your Instagram reel or TikTok.

©2023 Madison Hatfield & Clara Bekeny

All content for Blockbuster: Brand Guidelines was conceived, designed, and produced by Madison Hatfield & Clara Bekeny. The only exception is the Blockbuster.

Research and strategy by Clara Bekeny & Madison Hatfield, art direction and design by Madison Hatfield, copywriting and editing by Clara Bekeny

Design Consultation

Roger Muller

ADV 370 Brand and Branding Academy of Art University

Some of the photographs and images were downloaded from Adobe Stock Images and Pexels, and are used in accordance with the License as specified on that website at the time of printing. This book is a non-commercial work produced as a student project for educational purposes, and as such is considered a derivative work under the Fair Use Clause of the US Copyright Law.

Manufactured in the United States of America.

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