Teach your Kids the Very Basics of English in a Digital Manner In today’s time, every toddler and growing kid is a gadget freak. You cannot help but buy them gadget or video game of their choice. However, wouldn’t it be better if you provide them with educational video game that not serves their interest but also educates them and makes them smarter!
Before sending your kids to kindergarten, it gets very important for the parents to commence homeschooling. Well, for all those toddlers who are not tech savvy, but also love learning, the Wii U “Now I Know My ABC’s” is a perfect homeschooling game.
Now I Know My ABC’s is an interactive and exciting game for the kids to learn the alphabets. With the help of the Wii U Gamepad Touchscreen, the toddlers can easily write alphabets in upper and lowercase. Every letter has been connected with a color. And the game doesn’t just give your talented babies a writing practice, but with every press on the letter, you get to hear the pronunciation of the alphabet too.
So, your baby will know how to read as well as write with this educational game. And, once the child has efficiently completed the letter, the crowd applauds, boosting the child and encouraging them try for more letters and learn ABCs.
With the help of these learning games, parents and teachers can easily teach kids in a fun and more effective manner. The kids of today’s time are quite smart and their intellectuals are high. With the help of technology, they can learn everything in an easy going manner.
Pre-school teachers can also include the Wii U video game for schools and boost their educational system. The gaming technology will help the kids learn the alphabets in a more convenient manner.
So, if your child is 2+, then it is time for him to learn his ABC’s. Rather than presenting him with war games and arcade videos, you should give him teaching games. It will help in the better molding of his future. Once the kid takes interest in educational games, he would no longer be interested in the arcade, cartoon or mission games.
The Wii U Now I Know My ABCs for young toddlers is a smart way to educate them about the very foundation of English. So, what are you waiting for? Get the game for your kid and make his educational life simpler and more exciting. They’re certainly going to love it.
For more information, simply visit: http://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/now-i-know-my-abcs-wii-u