WHY WWOMEN HY WOMEN DON'T DINVEST? ON'T INVEST? Imperial Money Pvt. Ltd. InvestmentSahi...FutureSahi...
I03 mperialMoney WHY WWOMEN HY WOMEN DON'T DINVEST? ON'T INVEST? What could be the reasons? Lack of investment knowledge and confidence Investing in the Mutual Funds requires the right knowledge.
I03 mperialMoney Most of the women say finance is not their cup of tea. Many women give reasons for Low salary, so tell us investing 1000 to 2000 a month is that difficult for you?
I03 mperialMoney WHYWOMEN WHYWOMEN SHOULDINVESTIN SHOULDINVESTIN MUTUALFUNDS? MUTUALFUNDS? Mutual Funds are often misunderstood as a complex investment vehicle. However, in reality, they are pretty simple in their investment philosophy and offer investors a host of benefits such as diversification, professional money management, economies of scale, transparency, and liquidity, to mention a few.
I03 mperialMoney TOP13 TOP13 ADVANTAGESOF ADVANTAGESOF IINVESTINGIN NVESTINGIN MUTUALFUNDS MUTUALFUNDS Liquidity Diversification Expert Management Cost Efficiency Automated Payments Less Cost for Bulk Transaction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
03 7. Suit your Financial Goals 8. Quick & painless Process 9. Tax Efficiency 10. Goal planning 11. Saftey 12. Systematic or one-time Investment 13. Invest in Denominat ImperialMoney
I03 mperialMoney HOWWOMEN'SCAN HOWWOMEN'SCAN BECOMEFINANCIALLY BECOMEFINANCIALLY IINDEPENDENT? NDEPENDENT? Learning to become financially independent is an essential skill for women to obtain. One key reason is that women live longer. Some 90% of women will be solely responsible for their finances at some point in their life. To that point, 75% of women in a male-female relationship will be widowed by an average age of 56.
To be clear, financial independence is not about how much money someone has. It’s about making good decisions with the money they do have. There’s a big push in the financial planning industry to market toward women, and with good reason. With more women in the workforce, soaring careers and inheritance, women are in control of a growing amount of the wealth globally.
I03 mperialMoney Indian Female labor force participation rate in 2020 was 20% which was the lowest amongst all neighboring nations and the most concerning part is this rate is falling down continuously. If we can increase Indian female LFPR {women labor force participation} then the Indian GDP rate can take off by 27%.
I03 mperialMoney In urban areas, 61% of the women population is busy with domestic work as compared to men which are 0.3% and in rural areas 49.9% of women population and 0.5% of men.
I03 mperialMoney We think you can easily save 1000 rupees per month. If you invest that 1000 rupees in a SIP fund for consistently 20 years. So after 20 years, you will be going to have approximately 10 Lakhs rupees.
I03 mperialMoney Many women let their money sit idly by storing cash in a Dabba or they use that to buy gold. But it is high time for women to move away from those entrenched notions and dabble in asset classes that can provide better returns.
I03 mperialMoney 1} If women can invest in FD they know about LENDING. 2} If women can buy the gold they know about INFLATION. 3} If women can know about banking schemes, PPF schemes they know about INVESTMENTS. 3 Big Reasons That Women Understand Finance
I03 mperialMoney According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2021, India has slipped 28 places to rank 140th among 156 countries and the gender gap has widened to an appalling 62.5 percent. The report also found that the estimated earned income of women in India is only one-fifth of men’s.
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