Steps To Identify Real Ruby Gemstone
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Original ruby gemstones are extremely dark in color. So be watchful while buying a ruby gemstone.
Examine the cut of the stone while buying a ruby gemstone. If the shape of the stone is perfect; it is clear symbol of a fake stone. So don’t buy that stone.
While examining the ruby gemstone; if you see any bubble or gas streak inside the stone. Hence, it is clear indication that stone is fake.
Beware of fake ruby gemstone sellers. Don’t buy ruby gemstone which are tagged as “cultured” ruby gemstones or “fancy” ruby stone.
Ruby is a hard gemstone and it is hard to break this gemstone. However, in order to check whether ruby is real or not scratch it with a coin or against tile to see that whether it gets scratch on. If ruby gets scratch, so it is not an original ruby stone.
You may also visit to a gemologist if you are not satisfied about the originality of your stone.
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