Abstractions + Distortions

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Rohit A. Walimbe

Contact: rohit_walimbe@yahoo.com Š 2017 Rohit Walimbe. All rights reserved.

INTRODUCTION Abstractions + Distortions is a collective of thoughts, experiences and memories that overlap and often merge to express ideas through monochromatic illustrations. The origins of these, though cannot be traced to a definite event, place or time are evidently, resultants of observations and contemplation. While the illustrations do exhibit some relationships that might express evident themes, I see them as triggers to initiate and develop individual interpretations. The following select sketches are a kaleidoscope of the world we experience every day and try to propose a colorful and parallel interpretation of what could easily be branded as mundane. The medium used to draw is direct ink on paper, sometimes with a rough pencil sketch to guide the final drawing.


‘With silence comes peace. With peace comes freedom. With freedom comes silence.’ (Illusions and Dreams, Poets of the fall)

TEXTURES November 2016 1 of 3

The illustration explores space as an interwoven dimension with striations. The fibres impart depth and create a contrast to the flat surface of the paper.

TEXTURES November 2016 2 of 3

Exploring the idea of dimension and materiality forward, the illustration uses an abstract context of wood to generate the contrast to the flatness of the drawing surface.

TEXTURES November 2016 3 of 3

With the opposing ideas of platonic surfaces interwoven with organic textures of flora, the sketch creates an interesting dialog between the two elements that, create a curious composition.

SUB STRATA November 2014

Simplicity is fuelled and often even sustained by the complexity that hides beneath. Slice the surface to explore the sub strata.

FACE OF ABSTRACTION - 1 October 2014

Spacial exploration of the head through distortion.

PET ANATOMY February 2016

From the majestic to the smallest. From the feathered to the furry. From those who fly high to the ones who dive deep. To all those who pledge us their unconditional loyalty.

UNTITLED February 2017

Abstracted carved section.

LADDAKH June 2014

Inspired from the serenity, majesty of the land and culture that is nestled in Laddakh the sketch evolved through my journey there. From the steep snow covered peaks and the infinite roads to the lush vibrant oasis that is the city of Leh, I try to fuse the elements that were etched in my subconscious forever. The landscape, the architecture, the religion are all inseparable pieces of the mystic experience of the place.

SEE BEYOND February 2016

Objects better seen only by closed eyes.


Abstract Alpine Landscape


Relationships can distort and defy the constraints of time, space and existence.They are as powerful as a hurricane yet as subtle as a gentle draft of air in a still room.

CLOWNEVIL September 2013

The soul of a happy childhood memory that, somehow got antagonized as we grew up.

DESIRE April 2014

Dive deeper and subterranean layers of one’s self are visible. The way we perceive things through our senses might provide an insight into the most basic emotion that governs our thoughts. Desire.


Abstract cityscape.

ABSTRACT February 2014

Abstract portrait.

SUB STRATA - 2 September 2014

We seldom stop to imagine all that it takes to build the world as we see it. The true forces that mould it are most often inconspicuous.

PET ANATOMY - 2 August 2014

Reptiles and amphibians.


Spacial exploration of the head through distortion.


Dive deep. Something un-encountered awaits.


Will walk around the world with you.

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