Finished proposal

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About Aliné Creatives Aline Creatives commits to interpreting the world around us in order to innovate your business. To maximise the knowledge needed in propelling your business to greater success; whilst keeping the integrity of your brands values at the forefront of our commitments. Our priorities lie within informing our clients with accurate, reliable and relevant information that can be easily applied to your brand. We pride ourselves in our ability to provide informative visual imagery making it simple to translate key concepts in to your own creations. Aline Creatives versatility makes us notable to supply knowledgeable concepts within a range of fields such as Fashion, technology, art and consumerism.
The trends we form are cultivated from a wide range of extensive sources, ensuring they are globally, sociably and economically aware. We conduct a vast amount of research in order to analyse pre existing data and primary data to seek a true understanding of the attitudes of our clients demographics.
It is within our highest interest to truly understand the demands of your brand in order to gain an intrinsic knowledge of the guidance you fundamentally desire. As a prediction agency our duty is to form our key concepts almost two years in advance so you are educated of forth coming trends far ahead of their proposal time. The philosophy we have created for ourselves is to deliver clear directional concepts that are insightful, inspirational and most importantly accurate to heighten our clientele’s knowledge of future patterns that are of accustom to their brand.

Contents Executive Summary


Physical Trend






Market Research






Physical Space












Executive Summary This report consists of the Proposal made by AlinĂŠ Creatives for Amazon UK, it includes our plans to relaunch the fashion department through the redesign of its website sector and a physical presence to promote the brands you can buy through Amazon. It consists of information about our client, our target market and how we came to our concept through market research and solutions. It will also take you into more in depth detail of our idea, informing you of how we came to our solutions, what we intend to do, and where we will locate it. We have explained ways we will advertise, how our concept will impact on Amazon UK and how much it will cost.



Chosen Trend Our chosen trend was ‘Physical’; we focused on the importance of both bricks and mortar stores and e-commerce retailers creating a physical presence that embodies the brand. Through our research we found the need for technology in store is becoming increasingly evident. With the substantial growth of tablet and iphone users, we are seeing a society that is becoming more technology focused and interactive than ever before. Brands such as Burberry and Uniqlo have already begun creating innovative stores using the latest technology that is suited to the needs of a new technology driven society. It is vital that brands are keeping up to date with the newest ways to interact with the consumer, whilst also creating a concept store that is based around the needs of their consumer. Whilst the bricks and mortar stores are realizing the need to create a more conceptual store, it is equally important that the online mega giants also create a physical presence in order to reach the consumers they are unable to reach online Technology can also be used as way of marketing with online users; whilst over 1 billion people use Facebook and the rapid growth of Twitter and Instagram combining this with social media is paramount in the promotion of a brand.


Trend Drivers E-commerce competition The need for a physical presence Augmenting the brand experience Increase use of interactive technology The rise of the mega-systems
 Retailers recognising the importance of customer service

Pantone B159

Pantone B71

Pantone 552C

Pantone 432C

Pantone 656C


Client According to Forbes, Amazon is the biggest online retailer in the world. With the international retailer founded in 1994, the UK establishment was found in 1998 originally selling books then continuing with selling music, DVD’s and electronics. It wasn’t until 2008 that launched its clothing stores and between 2008 and 2013 launched its outlet store, shoes, handbags and premium ranges. stocks over 200 brands from high street to discount designer brands; covering women’s , men’s and children’s wear over a variety of price brackets. With the launch of their Premium brand in 2012, amazons’ aim is to be seen as a destination for quality clothing, and a showcase of the best pieces from a range of iconic brands.

Our chosen target audience is: • 25-40 years old • Male and female • Considerable disposable income • Full time work • Communting into London • Money smart • Industry professionals • Limited free time • ABC1 demographics • Technology smart 8

Competitors fashion main competitors are: • Ebay • Asos • Net-a-porter All three online fashion retailers market for a male and female target consumer who overlap that of the consumer. Asos target 16-34, eBay 25-34 and net a porter target 18-34 year olds. “eBay is, says Isabel Cavill, senior retail analyst at Planet Retail, currently Amazon’s “closest competitor. But both sites have the edge if a customer knows what they want and want a good price on it” However, whilst Ebay would be initially sighted as an Amazon competitor due to both retailers giving an opportunity to sell a wide range of items, Amazon’s ‘Premium’ brands have questioned whether Amazon could be a competitor of high end online retailer Net-a-porter; “the power of the biggest retailer on the internet looks likely to prevail and success could be inevitable” (guardian- link below) . Whilst Amazon and Net-A-Porter sell high end fashion, Asos also sells brands sold on Amazon, therefore it is amazons USP of free returns and discounted prices that will encourage the consumer to shop at amazon. Ebay have previously done pop up stores in London around Christmas, Last year it took place in Covent Garden; The shop did not have any physical products in the pop up, but instead used QR codes and pictures to links shoppers to the product on Ebay. This pop up event took place during what was predicted as their busiest online shopping weekend; to promote themselves as a destination for Christmas gifts. This pop up event saw 3,000 visitors in 3 days. Net-A-Porters pop up event took place as part of Vogues’ Fashion night out and collaborated with a technology called ‘Aurasma’. The clothes were all shown on screens and Aurasma allowed the visitors to be interactive with the products on display. It gave Net-a-Porter a unique way of creating a link between their online products and a bricks and mortar store. 10



2% 39% 57%

36% 16%

Are you more likely to buy something if you can try it on first ? 80%

18% 2%

Market Research Through our primary research we found that although 91% of people had used as a shopping destination; 57% were unaware that Amazon has a fashion department therefore are unaware of the brands stocked on Amazon. Using our focus groups we navigated people through the fashion department and gained an insight into what the users think. A couple of the reviews were ‘I would shop there for practical clothing not for fashion’ ‘I don’t see a sense of style’ and ‘its hard to know where to look, its quite confusing’. Although they did agree that the content itself had stylish and fashionable items. An obvious problem with online shopping is the inability to try items on physically, we asked a range of men and women if this deterred them from buying online, whilst 78% said no, those who said it did said It was because of the time and money it takes to return the item.


Solution Our solution is to relaunch the fashion side of Amazon UK, targeting their current customers whilst also raising awareness among those who have not shopped online. We want to make Amazon more relatable to fashion rather than ‘clothing’ therefore making it easier to pick up trends from the site, creating outfits for the consumer and keeping the consumer up to date with the latest trends. We will also highlight the advantages of shopping at Amazon including; ‘free super saver delivery’ across a wider variety of brands. The product pictures will also be more fashion based, filtering the information under each item of clothing and creating a layout that is consistent and visually appealing. Through our research we found that a disadvantage that online retailers have, is the inability for the customers to try the products on. Through a physical presence we want to challenge this idea by collaborating with an interactive fitting room. It stood out to us in our research that although everyone is aware of amazon, promoting the brands stocked on amazon fashion is vital in appealing to customers who shop with Amazons’ competitors; using amazons USP of cheaper delivery, discounts and vast range of choice to attract these consumers.


Concept Our concept is to relaunch the fashion side of Amazon UK, through their website and creating a physical presence for the brand. Amazon is home to a large variety of brands across a wide price range; our aim is to simply create a clearer way to display the best these brands have to offer. By relaunching Amazon Fashion in the form of a physical presence and its website; we will create more awareness of the fashion department and the brands on amazon, whilst giving it a clean and sophisticated image. Our target market is 25-40 year old male and females; this target market was formed by the research into the brands stocked by Amazon, whilst using it’s own promotion of these brands to inform us. This age range will also benefit most because of the accessibility of amazon for a full time working consumer and the age range most likely to shop for children’s clothes, which are also stocked on Amazon’s physical presence will take the form of a pop up event in Westfield White City. The pop event will consist of a 3D fashion show showcasing the best of the brands on Amazon. The film will appeal to a larger audience, including those less fashion forward than the audience of a typical catwalk. The pop up will also collaborate with technology from Face cake called ‘Swivel’ an interactive dressing room that will create an exciting way for visitors to try on a selected range from amazon. Swivel, built with Kinect for Windows creates a virtual way to try on unlimited range of apparel with just a press of a button. The pop up event will also feature a collaboration with the Kindle HDX Fire where people will have an area to sit down and use the latest tablet. Amazon will have its own staff to help people use the kindle and navigate them around the website. We will entice people into the pop up with discounts, prizes and free goody bags. The pop up will also link to social media platforms in a form of a competition, gaining more knowledge of amazon fashion and the event. We will create a Facebook and Twitter page for the fashion department to increase awareness and engagement with potential customers. The Pop up event will create a physical space to embody the brands identity and interact with customer’s face to face, raising awareness among the offline world. The event will create a space to embody the brands identity whilst creating a sense of exclusivity. The short presence will generate talk on social media thus cause viral activity potentially through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 16

Location We considred factors such as accessability, weekly footfall and shopper demographics when researching possible locations for the pop up. We decided westfield would be the most suitable place , the average weekly footfall is 505,000 with 51% being between the age of 25-44; the age of our target market. Westfield is very accessible with close tube and overground links, its own bus station and car park. The pop up its self will be in the north atrium in a 14m-10m spot, the north atrium is situated at the main entrance nearest the car park , to shepards bush station and the overground. The north atrium has exposure over two levels and can be viewed from the balconies which would go all around the pop up, it is close to the escalator and in proximinaty to starbucks which increases dwell time in the area.

Pop Up The pop up as seen on the plan will consist of a 3D fashion film showcasing the best of amazon fashion, this will be at the entrance of the pop up. By using a 3D film, we will be able to reach a wider audience especially those who are less fashion orientated and would be reluctant to watch a catwalk show. The pop up will also consist of interactive boards designed by Face Cake Swivel, through our research we found one reason that repeatadly appeared, as to why some people were put off purchasing online, was the inability to try on clothes. Although our audience will not be able to physically try on clothes; Swivel enables them to interactively try clothes on with added accessories.


Website We propose amazon redesign the website to make it easier to navigate, defining the difference between brands stocked at amazon and the outlet, as we found from our research people were confused when it came to distinguishing between the two. As previously mentioned in the concept, our focus groups informed us that the website lacked a sense of style and association with current trends therefore we have created pages that enable people to shop by trend and by occasion. The layout of the website is also inconsistent with some products being placed on a hanger and other on a model so we propose a website where we can see all clothes on a model; this will enable the customer to see what the clothes look like on therefore may be more comfortable in buying it. We also suggest a feature video when the customer clicks on the product; the video will be a 360’ viewing of the product making the image more interesting.



Advertising Through primary research we discovered our target market focus alot of their free time online such as informing themselves of the news. We looked into the demeographics of both The Guardian and the Daily Mail to confirm our research. Advertising will consist of adverts on online media. The amazon website itself will be an important tool for advertising to Amazons existing cutomers, whilst other online media such as online newsites will promote amazon fashion to a broader audience. Westfields website will acknowledge the future Westfield visitors of the pop up event in the center. Our reasearch also lead us to discovered our target market aswell as shopping online also visit news websites such as the Daily Mail, BBC and The Guardian through their smart phones and computers. The Mail Online has 6,754, 000 unique visitors daily with 54% being male and 46% female. The Daily Mail homepage itself is of a male/female 50:50 ratio. The guardian online has 3.5 million visits per day with an average age of 42. Advertising on the homepage of each of these websites will be beneficial to amazon and the pop up store as it will reach a large audience of which a majority is our target market , Time Out London will also hone in on people who are London based. Printwise we will advertise in the Metro the day before the pop up, as well as using selected tube stations to acknowledge commuters. This advertisement will be in the form of a video.



Other advertising The London underground plays a crucial role in advertising in the capital city with its exposure to 3.5 million daily passengers who spend around 3 minutes on each platform engaging with cross track adverts.
Buses are also an ideal place to advertise due to their vast visibility, on average 30 million people across the United kingdom will come across adverts place on the outside of a bus a week. With 41.5 million monthly readers in Britain, Newspapers both print and digital provide a huge promotional platform for brands. We have chosen to advertise in only one Printed newspaper, The Metro which is ideal as it has around 3.5 million daily readers who are mostly people commuting to and around the capital city. We have also chosen 3 online publications to promote on, The Mail online, The Guardian and the online version of the magazine Time Out London. The Mail online has a huge daily following of nearly 8 million and it plays a lead role in reporting not only global news but daily going ons within popular culture. The Guardian in October 2012 was named the third most read newspaper online in the world and has 4.3 million readers that visit the sight every day and therefore it would be incredibly beneficial to promote on the website due to the immense mass of readers. Although Time Out has far fewer readers than the previous three newspapers, the magazine gives us the opportunity to promote to an audience that are looking for events and attractions to visit around London.




Future We feel that through this pop up and advertisements there will be a greater awareness of Amazon fashion, it is key for the future that advertisement is used as a tool to give Amazon fashion a sophisticated image and further promote the brands online. It is vital we use the USP’s of Amazon such as its vast product range, free returns and high end discounted goods at the forefront of promotion to entice consumers away from the competition. Amazons premium range can be used as a tool to further emulate Net-a –Porter with an increase of stockists and collaborations with renowned designers to further promote its fashion department.


Bibliography Website addresses china/


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