About Aliné Creatives Aline Creatives commits to interpreting the world around us in order to innovate your business. To maximise the knowledge needed in propelling your business to greater success; whilst keeping the integrity of your brands values at the forefront of our commitments. Our priorities lie within informing our clients with accurate, reliable and relevant information that can be easily applied to your brand. We pride ourselves in our ability to provide informative visual imagery making it simple to translate key concepts in to your own creations. Aline Creatives versatility makes us notable to supply knowledgeable concepts within a range of fields such as fashion, technology, art and consumerism. The trends we form are cultivated from a wide range of extensive sources, ensuring they are globally, sociably and economically aware. We conduct a vast amount of research in order to analyse pre existing data and primary data to seek a true understanding of the attitudes of our clients demographics. It is within our highest interest to truly understand the demands of your brand in order to gain an intrinsic knowledge of the guidance you fundamentally desire. As a prediction agency our duty is to form our key concepts almost two years in advance so you are educated of forth coming trends far ahead of their proposal time. The philosophy we have created for ourselves is to deliver clear directional concepts that are insightful, inspirational and most importantly accurate to heighten our clientele’s knowledge of future patterns that are of accustom to their brand.
Foreword This trend book made by AlinĂŠ Creatives includes our four trend predictions for 2016. Through in depth research into changing attitudes of women, advancement in technology and an exploration of developments in the world we came up with four key trends: Femme, Smart money, Physical and Collaboration. We feel it is paramount for any business to be aware of these trends; to encourage innovation and assure they succeed. In this trend book you will find the drivers behind each trend, visuals and the impact we will see in 2016.
Contents Femme
Smart Money
Trend Overview Stemming from the portrayal of women as sexual objects women formed by pornography and popular culture, in tomorrows society we foresee women no longer fighting to be equal as a result of this the division between men and women will become increasingly less defined. In industrialised countries, an increasing amount of women are choosing to have children later in order to pursue a career. The organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development found in 2011, in both Britain and Germany, the average age for women to have their first child is 30, women are prioritizing going to university in order to reach high career goals. In June of 2013 Prime Minister David Cameron announced the proposal to ban online pornography in order to protect the innocence of British children. Change has also started to occur in the United States where two states have banned online ‘revenge pornography’, in order to stop people from posting intimate pictures of their ex partners without the participants consent. As a result, the ban of pornography will cause a wider amount of consumers less influenced by the exploitation of women in coming years. In todays First World society, women are fulfilling more jobs that were once seen as only a mans job, such as taking on high cooperate business roles and jobs involving strenuous manual such as in the armed forces. Whilst men in the Western world are now able to embody more feminine qualities and roles such as stay at home fathers. This is occurring more commonly in popular culture where men are perceived to be more sensitive, better fathers and take on more domesticated roles in the home than previously displayed in the past. As a result of these gender roles between men and women becoming more noticeably less defined. No longer will androgyny mean to embrace both masculine and feminine qualities but to deny them. 2
Trend Drivers The proposition to ban online pornography in Britain and some parts of The United States The increase in androgynous fashions The makings of a genderless society; blurring the lines between male and female roles The growing equality of women worldwide Breaking the western stigma of sex Women having children later in first world countries in order to prioritise their careers
Pantone 7632C
Pantone 429C
Pantone 4685C
Pantone 432C
Pantone 429C
Smart Money
Trend Overview As many economies begin to see light at the end of the tunnel from the 2008 global recession, consumers are smarter when it comes to their disposable income than ever before. Young adults are realising the money they could save by choosing to live at home longer, this has been seen across numerous countries including India. The global economy is predicted to increase over the next two years, with a substantial rise in the Indian economy. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the GDP for India is expected to increase by 85% by 2015. One reason behind the expected increase is down to the young work force, which has a median age of just 25. Companies such as A T Kearney will hire students directly out of school. This workforce is increasing its disposable income whilst still living with parents; these consumers will be the reason behind the success of E-commerce in India. Companies such as Flipkart, who are considered to be one of India’s top 20 websites, has a ‘cash upon delivery’ option which is much more suited to the consumers of India as many are without credit cards. Created in 2007 by previous employees, Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal, Flipkart is India’s answer to Amazon, selling a broad spectrum of products suited to every consumers needs. Brands aiming their products at the Indian consumer will have to have to utilise this in their advertising, for example Indian consumers are reluctant to bulk buy which is popular amongst Western consumers, they prefer to buy small amounts but regularly, therefore brands will provide consumers with sample sized products.
Trend Drivers The end of the 2008 global recession Global economies predicted to increase by 2015 Indian consumerism Consumer’s attitudes towards money E-commerce providing consumers with convenient delivery options
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Pantone B76
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Pantone 360C
Pantone 169C
Trend Overview As technology advances and the mega-systems dominate online such as Amazon. Retailers are beginning to re-think the experience that customers receive whilst shopping in store, when e-commerce can be more convenient to thousands of people. Technology will play a vital role in the improvement of physical stores. This can already be seen in stores such as Burberrys’ Regent Street, a concept store designed around the needs of the customer. Other examples include Uniqlo, who used ‘magic mirrors’ in 5 of their flagship stores in the U.S. The mirrors allow the customer to see themselves in a variety of different colours and styles of a jacket, whilst only having to try on the one. Other ways in which physical retail will develop in-store experiences will be customer service; experts in their field offering the best advice to consumers will boost the bricks and mortar approach over e-commerce. On the other hand, e-commerce mega giants will begin to realise that there is a large group of consumers that they are unable to reach without having a physical presence. Google has designed several ‘Winter Lab’ pop up shops in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles in time for Christmas. Google has chosen to showcase technology gadgets such as the Nexus 7 and a variety of Chromebooks, which allow customers to try the products before they purchase them. Google has bridged the gap between the consumers that may be reluctant to purchase products online before physically being able to test them. This approach has previously been experimented by e-commerce giant Ebay, who had various pop up shop in both the U.S and U.K. By not having any physical product in their pop up in Boxpark, London last year, Ebay was able to create a virtual store in which customers could scan the code of products for a quick purchase. By 2016 we will see more mega systems beginning to form a physical space, whilst brands already in bricks and mortar will begin to augment their brand experience in order to secure and increase sales. 10
Trend Drivers E-commerce competition The need for a physical presence Augmenting the brand experience Increase use of interactive technology The rise of the mega-systems
 Retailers recognising the importance of customer service

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Pantone 656C
Trend Overview Although collaboration is not an unfamiliar concept amongst retailers and technologies; it is one of the key tools for brands to survive post-recession. Collaboration is a technique favoured by e-commerce to establish a more physical presence, for example online luxury store; Net-A-Porter collaborated with App designers ‘Aurasma Technologies’ to create an interactive shop window, featuring the new seasons key pieces. Before 2008, many brands would not have wanted to share their secrets to success, however the damaging effects of the global recession has sent numerous retailers into administration and left the survivors in need of repairing their effected sales. Brands will begin to rethink their marketing approach by collaborating with others across a wide range of categories. For example in 2013, Goggle + collaborated with high street giants Topshop for their Unique show in February titled ‘The Future of the Fashion Show’. The show was streamed live on Google+ and was watched by an audience of 4 million, it was Google’s biggest collaboration to date. The show was made accessible to everyday fans of Topshop, Google+ managed to engage with an existing audience whilst attracting a new market, the key to success through collaboration.
Trend Drivers Brand partnership within the mega-systems
 The need to reengaged with current consumers and consumers lost due to the recession Giving new and upcoming brands a promotional platform in a time of economic turmoil The repeating success of celebrity collaboration, as a result of celebrity obsessed society
Pantone 691C
Pantone 223C
Pantone 293C
Pantone 318C
Pantone 2716C
Bibliography Website addresses 265977Ĺ ENJE-KULA-BLIZNAKINJA-U-NJUJORKU/page2 londons-covent-garden-pictures/photo-1-5/ s1600/mr+porter+suits+habituallychic+017.jpg china/ 18