roking magazine no.1

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락킹과 함께라면 여러분도 대한민국 홍보대사 입니다.

Roking magazine roking magazine ‘한국종합문화매거진’과 함께하실 분 모집합니다.

틀에 박힌 낡은 한국의 모습이 아닌, 젊고 신선한 현재의 한국을 보여준다! 미래를 향해 나아가는 현재의 한국, 세계 속의 한국을 더욱 감각적으로 어필하기 위해 만들어진 락킹매거진. 외국인들에게 한국을 홍보하고, 내국인들에게는 글로벌한 시민 의식을 고취시켜주는 신개념 한국 문화 매거진! roking Korea가 제작하는 roking magazine에서는 함께 대한민국을 홍보할 컨트리뷰터를 모집합니다. “당신이 가진 talent를 락킹과 함께 세계로“ 학연, 지연, 혈연? 필요 없습니다~ 대한민국을 사랑하는 열정과 각 분야에서 활동할 조금의 능력이 있다면 누구든 상관없습니다! 한국을 사랑하는 사람이라면 누구나 오세요!

모집 분야

1 칼럼리스트, 에디터: 칼럼 및 기사를 제공해 주실 분 패션 & 뷰티 라이프스타일 엔터테인먼트 문화 IT 2 사진기자, 사진제공: 함께 사진을 찍으실 분 혹은 좋은 사진을 제공해 주실 분 3 아이디어 제공 4 후원

Roking magazine 모집 대상

1 자신이 가진 끼와 능력을 세계로 알리고자 하는 개인 및 단체 2 한국을 사랑하고 한국 알리기에 일조하고 싶은 개인 및 단체


t. 070-4147-0701 / +82-(70)-4147-0701 e.


intro ● roking’s letter

After much hard work, finally a magazine that bears the name of ‘Roking’ has emerged. I give thanks to God who has endowed me with big dreams and responsibility. I would also like to thank the staff members of Roking. From the start they brought their energy, passion, and creative ideas to the table and have supported me all the way in this journey. This magazine was only possible because I was blessed with people willing to devote their precious time and talent for the sake of cultural awareness. What Roking is trying to do is very simple. Its purpose is to inform the rest of the world what Korea is all about. Besides the basic knowledge that Korea is just another small Asian country in the Far East, most people show no further interest. But as anthropologists believe, you must immerse yourself in an unfamiliar world in order to truly understand your own. If you can’t be there in person, the next best thing would be immersing in Roking. The format of this magazine is not far different from other lifestyle magazines. We hope you’ll casually read this magazine and take away some of the rich dynamic culture of South Korea. Sounds simple, huh? Well, that is the sole purpose and dream of this magazine. With that one purpose we will continue to report and write about the contemporary culture of Korea. Whoever you are and wherever you may be, you must be a proud citizen of a nation. We’re just like you. We are a group of young people who wants to promote our beloved country. We’re from a country in the Far East. The size of the land may be small, but it’s a soulful place with interesting stories. And we’d like to share our stories with you. If you can feel even the smallest bit of our passion and effort to get that across, we then have already succeeded. By reading this magazine, we hope you’ll discover the ‘fun’ Korea. The place might be very different than what you have thought. Lastly, I’d like to tell you one more thing. A group of recent college graduates gathered and thought about launching a magazine. At the very beginning it was really hard to get anything together. But eventually one thing led to another and finally a real magazine has been created, which is the magazine you’re holding right now. So, I’d like to encourage those of you who are dreaming an impossible dream, just go for it. No matter how lost you feel if you try hard you will find a way. We here at rocking are definitely living our dreams. And now, please meet an au courant magazine from South Korea.

Sarah Byon Publisher

september 2010

roking republic of korea general culture magazine no.1 september 2010

roking’s letter

intro ● editor’s note

editor’s note

On the fateful day of August 15, 1945, countless Koreans ran out to the streets, exclaiming ‘independence!’ full of hope and passion. Having inherited that spirit, on August 15 of 2010, we present you with our brand new magazine, Roking.

Sang-aa Park Editor in Chief

september 2010

roking republic of korea general culture magazine no.1 september 2010

Early spring of 2010. A team of young Koreans gathered and set a grand goal of making the first multilanguage general culture magazine of Korea. After setting this goal, the team meeting was held day after day. The Question: How can we promote the Korean culture? Honestly, I was clueless. So I asked myself, “what aspect of Korea am I proud of?” I couldn’t’ give a confident answer right away. Looking back at my life, from my teenage years to now, I realized that I didn’t put much effort into holding pride for or loving my own nation. The truth is I like most others am more drawn to exotic cultures. Fascinated by the beautiful scenery, traditions and lifestyle of foreign countries, my attention was definitely astray. To be frank, it was just a few months ago that I became conscious of the Korean culture. Looking at Korea from overseas! That was when the awareness began. Korean people often say ‘when one goes overseas, he becomes a patriot.’ I, too, came to love and appreciate Korea after going overseas. Seeing Korea’s fashion, design, architecture, food culture and social structure from the outside was a new experience. I realized that it has a unique charm and special quality that is second to none. Isn’t it a pity that the Korean culture is only known and shared by Koreans? There is so much more to Korea than just kimchi and bulgog. We’re not aiming to change the world or totally transform the image of Korea. But through this magazine we are hoping to give people who have a fixed opinion on Korea an opportunity to learn about the refined and brighter side of our culture.

에디터 노트 2010년 이른 봄, 한국 종합 문화 매거진의 첫 창간이라는 거창한 목표를 세운 그 후부터는 회의의 연속이었습니다. 한국의 문화를 알린다? 사실 조금 막막했습니다. ‘내 나라에 대해 나는 어떤 자부심을 얼마나 가지고 있는 걸까?’라는 물음에 숨이 턱 막히더군요. 학창시절부터 얼마 전까지의 나를 돌아보니, 저는 참 ‘애국심’과는 거리가 멀었던 것 같습니다. 외국 문화에 열광하며 그 아름다움에만 심취해 ‘한국’은 뒷전이었습니다. 외국의 아름다운 풍경에 감탄을 금치 못하며 그들의 의식주까지 꿰고 앉아 들여다보기에만 바빴죠. 고백하자면, 불과 몇 달 전에야 우리 문화를 제대로 보기 시작했습니다. 외국에서 바라본 한국! 그때부터였습니다. (한국 사람들, 외국에만 나가면 애국심이 상당히 커진다고 하죠? 하하- 이유야 어찌됐건 저도 그렇게 애국심이 조금씩 생겨났습니다ㅎㅎ) 우리의 패션과 건축, 디자인, 음식 할 것 없이 모든 것이 둘째가라면 서러우리만큼 멋지게 느껴졌습니다. 한국이라는 나라가 ‘한국’에만 머무르는 것. 너무 안타깝지 않습니까? 김치와 불고기, 한복만이 한국의 모습이 아님을, 그보다 더 많은 문화가 공존하고 있음을 알려주고 싶었습니다. 저희가 만드는 이 잡지가 세계의 판도를 뒤 흔들기를, 한국에 대한 인식을 전면으로 뒤바꾸기를 바라는 것은 아닙니다. 다만, 한국의 아름다움을 인식하지 못하고 있는 사람들과 왜곡된 시선을 가진 많은 사람들에게 놀랍고 멋진 한국을 일깨워주길 바랄 뿐입니다. 수많은 한국인들이 하나의 꿈을 담은 열정으로 ‘광복’을 부르짖던 과거의 8월 15일,

박상아 Editor

락킹 한국 종합 문화 매거진 창간호 2010년 11월

그리고 현재 2010년의 8월 15일, 우리는 서로 같은 꿈을 꾸며 락킹의 ‘창간’을 외치고 있습니다.

roking magazine


roking no.1 issue september 2010 every odd-month

Korea Office 1663-8 #7, Naksungdae-dong, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 151-848, KOREA TEL: +82-(70)-4147-0701 FAX: +82-(2)-6280-0701 SUBSCRIPTIONS TEL: +82-(70)-4147-0701 E-MAIL: Order online at: Publisher SARAH BYON Editor in Chief SANG-AA PARK Fashion & Beauty SANG-AA PARK Feature JUNG YOON CHOI SHIN YOUNG JUNG SUNG WON OH Reviser JUNG YOON CHOI, HANNA CHO Contributing writer CORY RICHARD, HEUNG-SOON CHOI Design Art director DONG HEE BAE Cover design CENTAUR Marketing Director SARAH BYON Manager Jr. SUNG WON OH S/W Director HWA PYUNG CHO Developer JU YOUNG KANG Developer PYONG AN BYON Finance Finance consultant LAM SU JUNG roking Korea 등록번호. 관악마00009(등록.2010.8.11) 발행처. 락킹코리아. 서울시관악구 낙성대동 1663-8 #7 인쇄처. 서진문화 인쇄소 인쇄인. 이규복

1663-8 #7, Nakseongdae-dong, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 151-848, S.KOREA EDITORIAL DEPT. t.+82-(70)-4147-0701 MARKETING DEPT. t.+82-(70)-4147-0702 광고 문의 070-4147-0702 ROKING IS PUBLISHED BY ROKING KOREA. REPRODUCTION WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED PRINTED IN SOUTH KOREA. september 2010

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29 42


40 59 002 roking’s letter 004 editor’s note


///삶 Lifestyle

///멋 Fashion & Beauty




Between Error and Distortion

Unified Silla VS 21C KOREA











From Sangpyeongtongbo to Credit Card ANOTER ATTENTION TO HANOK KOREA WELL-BEING DESSERT KEYWORD GO TO GANGBUK Korea Article september 2010

Dynamic Korea trend in history


dokdo wristband campaign

if you would like to get dokdo wristband for free, feel free to call us or send email!




///라온 Entertainment




Gayageum, Enchanting melody that captured the world





Cool Gadgets You’ve been Waiting For.

september 2010

90 89





4 representative parks of Seoul ///roking’ s eyes



intro ● contributors


Cory Richard

Korea University Professor Richard was so generous to agree on Roking’s request despite the fact that we had never had a meeting with him. He arranged the new perspective on Korea in a witty way. We didn’t even have a chance to greet him officially but we give him thanks through this word ahead.

THE CHIM The editorial division held numerous meetings for our very first pictorial. By chance we came across the dynamic Korean pictorial of the Chim. We sensed that the Chim’s pictorial is a great mixture of the Korea’s tradition and the modern feel while maintaining a balance between them. So we hurried and sent a long email to them and built a relationship with them. On the top of providing an awesome pictorial, when we asked for street fashion shoot photos just a few days before the deadline, the Chim complied with our sudden and hard request. Through this page we would like to tell them how thankful we are! Now they are launching to publish their second issue of the fashion magazine “The Chim.” We pray that they will continue on with their passion and genuineness throughout their development.

Prof. Heung-Soon Choi

Kong Ju National University A professor of Philosophy, Prof. Choi wrote a column about the hidden meaning of the Korean national flag. We’d like to thank him for his active support. When I(the publisher) first met him and his family I was only a naïve high school student, struggling to adjust to a new life in a small city of Spokane, Washington. I still clearly remember having Korean food with his family, feeling comforted that I have found a home away from home. Since then the time has flew by very quickly. And now, back in Korea, I asked him to write a column for a magazine that I am publishing. Isn’t this amazing?

Jung-Yoon Choi

Culumnist Free-spirited Jung Yoon Choi has brought her energy to the Roking magazine. A columnist for our magazine, she has also translated a host of difficult articles and reported great stories. She has sacrificed a lot for the magazine and provided a great help for our very first issue. We hope she will unleash her talent and potential through Roking!


Cover Design Centaur is the designer who provided design for the very first cover of our magazine. Despite his busy schedule he took his time to design the cover because he wanted to support our cause. We’d like to thank him for his generosity and beautiful design. We believe the best way to pay him back is becoming a strong, standing magazine.

september 2010

intro ● thanks to

thanks to SK Se-sang

SK SESANG ( is a company that fosters social enterprises. It provides practical and mental support to those who are looking to make the world a better place with new, fresh ideas. When we were first developing the idea of a magazine that will better promote Korea and its culture, we learnt about SESANG. By entering the social enterprise competition hosted by SESANG we began to actualize our ideas. By claiming our identity as a social enterprise, we were able to clear our vision and set the right goals. The cause stimulated our motivations and ideas which led to a clear outline of the magazine. Thanks to support from SESANG, Roking won third place of this social enterprise contest. They have been a great help to us all along, and we are very thankful.

Mark Yu

Even before we decided on the name, Roking, Mark Yu valued our passion for Korea and supported us from the beginning. With his help, we were able to organize the group and really get started on this project. He has helped our various projects, from Dokdo wristband Sharing Campaign to many other arduous tasks. He showed his love for Korea by putting it into practice with a greater passion than ours. He first planted the hope into us who had nothing. We truly thank him for putting his money, time, and heart into this project and making it possible.

CEO. Dong-il Go Social Image inc, One day in April, when we were preparing for the social enterprise contest held by SK Se-sang, Dongil Go of Social Image inc. came to the first public Roking meeting (Social Image has won the second place in the same contest on previous year). From the first encounter to this day he has shared lots of valuable ideas with us and encouraged us and supported us. We hope that we will be continuously sharing great thoughts and make memories with him for many years to come.


Presbyterian Church More than anyone else, we’d like to thank the senior pastor of Woojeong Church, pastor Byon, his wife Hyelan Kim, and all the church members. They’ve supported us with continuous prayer and have provided financial, mental help. If it weren’t for them, publishing this magazine wouldn’t have been possible. Most importantly, they encouraged us to believe in ourselves. We’d like to write a word of thanks to them here.

roking magazine 15

sarm ● issue

e d i t o r / S i n - you n g J u n g

south korea, between Error & distortion

Mexico All I know is it is a country that uses complex characters as their language like China or Japan Kuwait Isn’t that a country that limits its own population level with Family Plan or Child birth plan?

Chile A country that has over 35% of its population suffering undernourishment

“Do I know about South Korea? Well…” world and all of them are still in use. World History, Geography, and Culture that we learn from schools (so called ‘world studies’) gives undue value to those of Europe, North America, and some of famous North Eastern Asia. Africa where contains the most various culture and history, the Revolution for the freedom of India which heavily influenced many other countries’ peace resistance movement, modern history of Eurasia, myriad years of Oceania native tribal culture, and the birth of newly-independent nations from Latin Americas, unfortunately they are extracted in few lines of text in ‘World History 101’. Likewise, those biased historical stories or writing is driven by the way we classify the culture/ country from economy-focused views. So called era of Globalization, it is irony that we have sonarrowed and biased knowledge of world history and we do not give effort to understand other cultures. And it could be huge obstacle for those of new generation tried to understand and realize the objective world history. And these days – era of Globalization, to have right recognition of ourselves, it is crucial to be able to realize how we are being looked from others. september 2010

Argentina Korea is one of malaria danger zone, and excluded from World Wide Web

Thailand From 13 to 20th century, North and South Korea were a single united country.

South Korea

Australia I heard it’s a country where people love eating spicy food made with Chinese cabbages, garlic, ginger, and huge amount of peppers?

UAE Korea is a low-level developing country such as China, India or South Africa

So, we look up the mirror to see ourselves through so called worldwide-text-book, and we found out that our portrait was marked by some errors and distortion. In many cases, there were more errors than distortions in terms of historical information. Basically error and distortion is different issue. Errors are made from inaccurate data source, wrong interpretation of events, or even lack of attention while distortion is the alteration of the original event. So that when there are errors in the text-book, it is possible to make correction. So, we, ROK-ing, were designed to fix those errors about Korea and promote this country. This magazine, roking is neither a travel magazine that tells you where to go and do nor an academic research magazine. It gives you the chance to explore Korea in different views. It is new tool of communication when you encounter Korea and it will give you new perspective of Korea. Through ROK-ing, we hope the readers explore the true of Korea without any stereotypes and biases.

Human grow as their space is expanding. Passing through the borders can cause a little pain, but it will give you a great excitement with joy. Hope you have an exciting and joyful journey with ROK-ing to discover a country of dynamic – Korea!”

roking magazine 17

sarm ● focus

e d i t o r / La m- s u J u n g

from Sangpyeongtongbo to Credit Card Yes, money breeds money – but how exactly?

A Best selling author is defined by the book sales. But what could determine the success case of ‘money breeding money’? To evaluate this, you might want to consider the amount of currency in circulation and the rapidity of circulation. Faster and bigger circulation of money will indicate a lot of people are using that currency. In other words, more usage of the currency means that the currency is popular among people, which is a success case of ‘money breeding money.’

Sangpyeongtongbo, the very first Korean national currency Sangpyeongtongbo is a coin made from copper and lead mixture, its ratio being 7 to 3. The cast for this coin is similar to the shape of foliage, hence the name ‘yeopjeon’ – ‘yeop’ meaning foliage in Chinese character. Gold, silver and bronze carry exchange value for what it is, but copperlead yeopjoen had a few condition to carry exchange value. First, the coin should be a legal tender. Second, the coin should be approved by society. If such conditions aren’t met, who’s going to exchange their hard-earned goods such as rice and meat for unapproved lead-copper coin? Joseon was a sovereign state, and the king’s values were influential in policy making. Sangpyeongtonbo was first implemented by Sukjong (1661-1720) in the 17th century. However, Yeongjo (1694-1776) did not like the idea of coinage much, and almost abolished sangpyeogtongbo. He thought the coinage brings decline of agriculture and growth of commerce, which was something that shouldn’t be encouraged. Commerce was looked down upon in the Confucius influenced Joseon period, as they considered simplicity and frugality a virtue. But it was hard to contain the rapid growth of market economy. As the market developed coinage became more crucial, and sangpyeongtongbo was already approved by merchants and consumers as ‘money’. The people demanded usage of sangpyeongtongbo, and Yeongjo had to give up on abolishing coinage. Since then Sangpyeongtongbo was widely used for 200 years in the Joseon dynasty. Sangpyeongtongbo has lived up to its name of ‘a circulated treasure(‘tongbo’) which is of the same value (‘sangpyeong’)’. september 2010

p h o t o s p ro vi d e d b y h y u n d a i c a rd (+8 2 - 2 - 216 7 - 6 7 32 )

The Evolution of Currency and Credit Card Sangpyeongtongbo had a square hole in the middle so one can tie it up with string and carry it around. But as time passed, people’s view on carrying cash with them has changed. It was too dangerous and uncomfortable. The currency has evolved as the people’s view changed over time. The shape and size of the money has developed and has become something totally different from what it was in the past. The biggest difference is that nowadays money is invisible. You buy goods with credit and pay later. It has become a common method of payment worldwide. Initially credit cards weren’t widely used. But the number of credit card users sky-rocketed as the trust between consumer and merchandiser grew stronger. Now one credit card can be used domestically and internationally. The Korean government’s policy played a significant role in popularizing the credit card usage (Currently one can pay with credit card when the price is over 1,000 KRW. Place that refuse to take credit card has to pay fine when caught.)

Though Sangpyeongtongbo and credit cards are different in shape their roles are not too different. They both carry the faith of people on currency itself: a faith that A will be exchanged into B. These two means of currency respectively was and is accepted and approved by people, which makes these undoubtedly successful currencies.“

roking magazine 19

sarm â—? today and ...

e d i t o r / S h i n - you n g J u n g p h o t o b y too h a ppy p h o t o c ou r te s y of www. too

The window

capturing the scenic beauty and soul september 2010

Take your time and imagine the room of Van Gogh. Guess how many frames are in his room? One, two, three, four or five? If you ended up counting on five, sorry, you just missed the biggest frame of his - it’s the window. roking magazine 21

Architectural definition of a window is: a hole which is a medium of communication between inside and outside world. For Romeo and Juliet, it was a pathway of love. In ‘the last leaf’ Johnsy saw her life lowing out as last leaf from the vine fell. What we see is one of the greatest matters. We spend a large part of our lives to see things, and some people even risk their lives to see things they haven’t seen before. Ancient Koreans seem they had fully understood the importance of the window. They intentionally emphasized the behavior of ‘seeing’ when they designed and built Han-Ok (Korean-style house). And that is why Han-Oks are full of doors and windows. Window is not just a mere part of a building. It is a frame that shows you the scenery of the nature. The picture that we can see through those windows is the greatest masterpiece that none of us can create or re-create. Also, it is not like a two dimensional picture. It’s a live three dimensional movie which has unlimited running time. The view of nature might not be something of a spectacular since we get to see it daily. Nevertheless, if you see them thru the windows of a Han-Ok, it becomes quite special. As mentioned above, the windows of Han-Ok were made with a delicate sense and a careful plan. So, each scene you can see from a Han-Ok has a hidden meaning. Every aspect of the scenery such as trees, wild flowers, sound of children’s play, scent from the kitchen, and lovers taking a walk become special when it becomes a part of the composition of window.

roking magazine 23

Unlike the landscape of other cultures, HanOk blends itself to the nature without any changes or extra decorations. By changing the shape (how the window is opened), color (lights and shadows), or composition (place of viewer) of the frames, Han-Ok let us to see and enjoy its unlimited scenery. As time goes by, a picture taken from the windows will change. And as the viewer grows older, his or her appreciation for the natural scene deepens. It’s a pity that I don’t get to get a chance to enjoy the scenic beauty looking outside the window of a Han-Ok like our ancestor did in the past. Locked in the skyscrapers, the modern-day people don’t get a chance to look at the sky often. Next time, when you get a chance to be in Han-Ok, I assure you to go inside of the house and sit on the terrace. You will find what I was trying to say. Just try to read how the scenery and the frame looks, and enjoy the serenity of the scene. september 2010

sarm ● trend

KOREA Well-Being Dessert

e d i t o r / Sa n g - a a P a r k

“What’s good for the body is not so good on your taste buds” may be an old Korean saying. However, we have found various dessert spots in Seoul that would disagree with that statement. The goods from East meet West and became a variety of healthy desserts that could even constitute a full meal. Dessert is no longer a mere omissible sweet food! Meet various Korean well-being desserts made with Korea’s traditional ingredients.

Tea Loft

Reinterpretation of Korean dessert

Location: 14th floor, Lotte Dept. Store flagship store, Sogong-dong 1, Joong-gu Hours: 10:30am-9:30pm Parking: Available Tel: (02) 772-3396

september 2010

When you walk in, you’ll notice that its high glass ceiling is harmonized with grass and trees. The modern and natural interior of Tea Loft is open and inviting. Here you can enjoy sweet ddeok(rice cake) cakes with blended lattes. Tea Loft invokes curiosity with their interesting menu. They have developed charming little desserts and various health drinks which are made with traditional ingredients. Tea Loft has risen as the leading healthconscious café with their rice cakes, blended lattes and fresh smoothies that are made on spot. Also, each season they launch new menus which are another reason for their immense popularity. Visit Tea Loft and try their delicious summer menu: Ripe persimmon sherbet, sweet rice drink, and citron ice cream.

Tea Therapy Blurring the boundary between health center and cafe

If you can think of a tea that is good for your health, you’d probably think of bitter, yucky tasting tea served at dabang or the retro-style tea house for elderly. “Trot music” is played on the radio as you sip date-tea or herbal medicine-tea, and you think it’s boring and not so cool. Well, now you can enjoy your cup of tea at a hip and modern hot spot in the city! The place is none other then Tea Therapy in Apgujeong. Here the interior is modern and eco-friendly. You can also browse on the internet while checking out various brunch menus are available. Among the trendsetters of Korea this place has risen as the hottest place! You can figure out just the right tea for yourself by using their “Body color chart.” Also, with an additional 2,000 won the owner Sangjae Lee who’s a Korean medicine doctor will blend a traditional tea just for you.

Tip When you order a Korean traditional tea, the server will bring out a glass teacup, a glass tea pot, filter and an hourglass. If you are a first timer and don’t know how long to brew, you can simply use the hourglass. It normally takes 3 minutes for one bulb to empty, and that is the perfect brewing time.

Location: 1st floor Ago building, Shinsa-dong 616-6, Gangnam-gu Hours: 10am-11pm Parking: Available Tel: (02) 518-7506


sarm ● trend

At Café W.E. (West and East),

At Café W.E. (West and East) you can introduce yourself to new desserts. Hoddeok(Korean sweet pancake) is reborn as a western-style pancake. Grilled sweet potatoes are blended with milk and become “sweet potato latte.” The unique menu breaks the rule of the usual Korean food combination formula. Forget about your routine Korean food, such as grilled sweet potato with kimchi and honey with ddeok(rice cake). Here at W.E., you get to enjoy grilled potato with butter and coleslaw, Hagen Daaz icecream with rice cake. W.E.’s very popular drinks are not only limited to coffee. You get to choose from a variety of drinks made from Korea’s traditional ingredient. Make sure to pay a visit to W.E.!

Where Wast meets Eest,


Location: Gangnam Building #102, Shinsa-dong 518-8, Gangnam-gu Hours: Mon-Sat (11am-11pm) Sun (2pm-10pm) Parking: Not Available Tel: (02) 3445-0919

september 2010









Learn how to make

Korean-style Well-being desserts! Bokboonja Mousse

[Korean Black Rasberry Mousse] ingredients: Bokboonja(100g), sugar(40g), gelatin(4g), squeezed lemon(1Ts), whipped cream(150g), castella 1 Combine Bokboonja and sugar (10g) and then boil the mixture over medium heat until it turns to liquid 2 Place 1 in blender container and blend until smooth or strain it out through a strainer 3 Place 2 into a pot and boil them with sugar (30g) and squeezed lemon juice. 4 Squeeze gelatin dry and then combine it with Bokboonja mixture. Allow to cool 5 Make whipping cream smoother using handy mixer. 6 Fold in whipping cream and mix it well. 7 Cut castella and put it into a cup. 8 Place 6 in the cup and refrigerate for minimum of 4 hours.

P i c tu r e s a n d Re c i pe provided by Cooking blogger “Yaong y a n g � h ttp: / / bl og. n a ve r. com/oz29oz


sarm ● sarm trend

Wanna have a nice,

go to

long coffee break?

Gangbuk! e d i t o r / S a n g- a a P a r k

*Gangbuk: literally means “river north” since it indicates the region north of Han River which flows through Seoul. **Gangnam: literally means “river south”, indicating the region south of Han River.

It is August, the hottest time of the year in Korea.

I was desperately looking for a nice and cool place to escape from the burning heat of asphalt streets. A café sounded like a perfect place to go. So, as I always did, I drove to the café street in **Gangnam and started to look for a place. As I strolled around, I found there’s something

the design and interior of the cafes reminded me of some foreign buildings that I might have seen in a magazine. The concept was clearly taken from the Western architecture. It looked clean and neat, but somehow it was out of synch and felt stuffy. What’s more, the street was full of people who that annoyed me greatly. Each one of

were busy taking picture of those ‘trendy place’, and the cafes were filled with people who were busy at work while their cup of coffee is going cold. For them, café was not a place for relaxation. Here it was hard to spot people who understand the essence of enjoying a peaceful relaxing time to themselves while having a cup of coffee or tea.

So I decided to drive over to Gangbuk region to search for a place for true relaxation. When I got there, I was surprised that there are so many beautiful cafes with a chilled atmosphere. These spots carried a different air from the cafes in Gangnam. Art works, cozy interior design, beautiful decorations, and literatures were beautifully

harmonized, creating an inviting mood. My fatigued body and mind found a perfect place to chill and relax. I rested myself on their comfy couch, ordered a cup of coffee and smiled, thinking “I’ve found the place!” september 2010

Buam-dong Buam-dong Café Street is located through the hiking route of Buk-ak Mountain. As you walk through the alleys of Buam-dong, you will discover numbers of beautiful gathering places that you would never have expected to find. Most of the cafe here are relatively bigger than cafés in other places. Why? It’s because they also run private art galleries at the same place. So, you will need plenty of time to enjoy both beautiful artwork and tasty beverages served here. However, one minor thing about ‘Buam-dong café street is that the long walk through the alleys made me exhausted. Driving is recommended if you don’t want to be sweaty in a hot weather. But if you’re willing to walk and discover different amusing places, go for it!

Tip How to get there? : Take 7022/1020/0212 bus at Exit number 3 of Kyung-bok Palace subway station, and take off at Jahamun Hill or Buam-dong community center.


1. Spoon ( Gallery&café / am10~pm11 / 137-6 Hwa-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea / 02-7455235) 2. 710 another man ( Dinning café / am11:30~pm10 / 239-9 Buam-dong, Jongnogu, Seoul, Korea / 02-395-5092) 3. Club espresso (hand drip coffee / am9~pm11 / 257-1 Buam-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea / 02-764-8719) 4. Flat.274 (Gallery&café / am11~pm12 / 274-1 2F Buam-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea / 02379-2741)





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Gahoe-dong Bukchon Han-ok Village’ is undoubtedly the favorite tourist site. Many showed more interested in this village because the shooting location for the TV drama “Personal Taste’s.” The traditional Hanok(Korean style housing) stands beautifully here, and you can also meet places where Eastern and Western beauty are beautifully blended together. This place is different from any other Seoul streets you’ll walk down. Unlike most hot travel spots, the place is quite easy to approach because it is located near famous Samcheong Dong and Insa-dong. Also, if you are not familiar with Korea, you can just visit a nearby travel information center where they provide travel information in multi-languages. Ask for any information you need, and you’ll find your way around this area without much problem! We strongly recommend this place if you want to get the original taste of Korea.




1. DoDo& (Fusion-Eastern and Western café&desert / am10~pm11 / 119 Sogyeokdong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea / 02-7377236) 2. Mindeulrae Young-to (Culture Center in café form/ am10~pm11 / 137-6 Hwa-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea / 02-745-5235) 3. Cha Hyang kee Deut Nun Jip (Oriental Tea house/ pm12~pm10 / 106-2 Hwa-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea / 02-720-9691) 4. Coffee Bang aht gan (Hand drip Coffee/ am11~pm11 / 109 Sogyeok-dong, Jongnogu, Seoul, Korea / 02-732-7656) 5. Coffee Factory (café&desert / am7~pm11 / 142-2 Sogyeok-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea / 02-722-6169) 6. Portioli (Take out Coffee/ am8:30~pm8:30 / 138-21 Hwa-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea / 02-730-5349) 7. To go coffee (Coffee, Exotic Beverages, Desserts/ am7~pm11 / 32-21 Jae-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea / 02-720-5001) 8. La ruche (Coffee and Cookies/ am9~pm11 / 83-2 Hwa-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea / 02-738-1506)



2 7

Tip Located between Gyeong-bok Palace and Chang-deok Palace, you can feel and learn about the history and tradition of old Korea. Well maintained traditional Korean architectures will show you true colors of Korea. How to get there? Take Bus (7025, 109, 151, 162, 171, 272, or 601) at exit number 3 of Anguk Subway Station, take off at Jong-no Police Station. 3 september 2010


Cheongpa-dong Most Cafés in Cheongpa-dong share similar concepts/themes that can be described as “feminine”. Comfy interior design using vivid colors, brilliant pictures, and cute characters are created by the owner of the café to make your stay comfortable. Each of those café has its own unique concept, which is probably inspired by the young crowd/college students from the nearby universities. Because Cheongpa-dong is a college town, most of them are cozy (about 100 square feet), and the price range is relatively low (about half!) compared to other regions. It is truly a perfect place for group gatherings, and you can get a sense of what Korean college town feels like here.

Tip: How to get there? : Close to Sook Myung Women’s University Station (Subway line number 4)

2 4

1. Yoon’s Cafe (café&desert / am10~pm11 / 42-8 Cheongpa-dong 2-ga, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea / 02-704-9258) 2. Finn_Bell (hand drip coffee / am7~pm11 / 109-16 Cheongpa-dong 3-ga, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea / 0707-555-3292) 3. Madagascar (café&desert / am10~pm11 / 132-22 Cheongpa-dong 3-ga, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea / 02-717-4508) 4. monica&hopsky (café&desert / am9~pm11 / 83-2 Hwa-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea / 02-738-1506)




sarm ● calumn

Written by Prof. Cory W.G. Richard, Korea University

Korea is little different from any country. That is to say, there is not a country on earth

that does not possess a measure of what tourist boards around the globe boast

to be the inimitable characteristics of their particular country. Besides, the things that really impress are not the material aspects of a country, but its people—or more accurately, what the people do, and who they are. A country’s worth is measured not by its wealth or global financial position. It is not counted so highly based on its collective performance at world sports events, how many speak its language or how often it hosts global summits. These are superficial bragging rights and the stuff that is quickly forgotten, erased from memory as the fleeting trappings of success. Real impressiveness is ethereal; something magical defying both description and the ability to readily quantify it. It is the nuance of a nation. It is something one feels. So it is not surprising that topping my list of ‘impressive things about Korea’ is something immaterial. For, what people are is far more important, more remarkable, more lasting, that what they do. Let a few examples serve to illustrate what I mean. Four children, a bicycle, the energy and imagination of childhood, and a bamboo stick. They make up games, challenge each other, re-enact great battles of the past and fulfil every fantastic idea their active and fruitful imaginations can muster. Three hours go by; they are still at it. It is only a stick; and it is glorious. An inebriated man shouts insults at the woman I am with (calling her ‘a traitor’) and at me (for causing her treason). The ugliness of this one man’s ignorant invective hides the great passions he holds dear for the traditions of his country that he can see slipping away as Korea becomes more and more westernised. Drunken men at a subway station are all but down-and-out, with little hope and even less to live for. And yet, they spare a kind word to strangers and ask for no money. A little girl, bored, bites at the dashboard of a car passing by. She makes no sound but exhibits a calmness that is uncharacteristic for her age. A woman at a used book store gives new bills for change, she says, ‘for better karma’. The ready number of dinner partners. So-called singing rooms filled nightly with people who belt out familiar songs at the top of their lungs, giving little concern to the quality of their belting. No one cares; the happiness is in the doing. Students jump up unsolicited to erase the day’s lessons from the white board. He might have wanted it left on, but appreciates the act for what it is. A taxi driver, who likes nothing better than to converse with a foreign passenger, falls silent when told how I just came from my ex-girlfriend’s wedding. His overwhelming september 2010

Each has its share of breath-taking natural attractions, abandoned and enchanting vistas, religious sanctuaries, remnants of past glories and failures strewn throughout the countryside, and footprints left by modernity’s steady march. No country has such a monopoly on the wondrous variety of human achievement.

desire to enquire about my favourite Koran food (the assumption is always that I like it) eclipsed by his appreciation of the adage. Being called ‘foreigner’ or ‘American’ indiscriminately, but knowing that such ‘us vs. them’ distinctions count for little when later sharing intimate moments with friends. The grandmother, sitting forlorn on a bench, wistful in her thoughts of dreams lost, duties performed, never being asked what she wanted, looks out at the world with suspicion until a considerate and respectful ‘hello, grandmother’ brings a mood change, a smile and a nod. A little boy kneels to feed his little sister, agape, mouth wider than her face, spoonfuls of his ice slushy. The kind professor who buys iced coffees for a group of students he has just berated for their noisy and unnecessary disruption of the entire coffee shop. (And that same professor’s earlier hesitation and embarrassment at thinking of finding fault with their behaviour in the first place!) It is a land of contradictions, where people are supremely sure of themselves and yet also ashamedly self-doubting. Men stridently face up to each other straight in the eye, confidently, assertive and poised, while asking themselves how best to respectfully cater to each other’s status. Women, who are dressed to the nines, wearing the highest of heels, the shortest of skirts, the fullest of make-up, jewellery, hair products and fashionable hairstyles, wonder if the self-assured and confident image they are projecting is coming across just right. When I was asked to write this piece describing ‘the most impressive place in Korea’ I knew exactly what I would say: I have no favourite place. Korea is common and comfortable, which makes it just about as normal and as potentially exciting as anywhere else on earth. Still and all, only in the Land of the Morning Calm (the old but more accurately ironic moniker) do homeless men respectfully pour alcohol for each other, monks talk on their mobile phones while riding the bus, peaceful vigils turn precipitously into demonstrations against wrongness itself and not individuals (foreigners are routinely unhurt), people’s passions ignite under the banner of tradition, and taxi drivers who boast ‘best driver’ status (and let you know this fact) ignore all the rules of the road. Yet it all makes a wild sense; raw, unabashed and real. Dynamic Korea (the country’s new slogan) is correct: there is never a dull moment in this land where emotions run high, if carefully kept just under the surface. The question is not why come to Korea, but why not?

Dynamic Korea people land of contradictions unabashed raw

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sarm ● calumn

Written by Prof, Heung-Soon Choi Kongju National University

Philosophical Meaning of Korean National Flag

’ T’aegukgi

Every nation’s flag not only stands as their symbol but also represents the national traits. The Korean national flag is called, T’aegukgi, which comes from its shape. It was first hoisted in 1882 by Lee Eung-joon, an ambassador during the reign of Ko Jong, the last king of Korea. It was first used in the same year by Park Youngho who was ambassador to Japan. On January 27th of 1883, with King Ko Jong’s announcement, the Taegukgi was officially adopted. The Taegukgi has three main parts but could be divided into 8 parts in detail. The three main parts are: the white background, the round shape in the middle, and the black kwaes(signs). The eight parts are: the background, the taeguk or the circle in the middle, red and blue symbols that make up the circle, and the four kwaes(signs) which have a meaning of its own respectively. The white background symbolizes peace and purity. It wishes world peace in hopes that all the people will find tranquility in their hearts. The eye-catching taeguk mark symbolizes the entire universe. It means The Great One or The Great Absolute. The red and blue that makes up this circle symbolizes Yin and Yang. This shows the changeability of nature. Within this symbol is the principle of change, and that ‘every flow has its ebb’. The two contrasting colors appear to be divided, but ultimately it is one within the bigger circle, in Taeguk. It urges people to break out of black-and-white thinking, symbolizing the principle of win-win. The four kwaes or signs located at the four corners are taken from 8 signs from Chinese I Ching. The 8 signs in I Ching are symbols of changing nature. The four kwaes are respectively called Geon, Gon, Ri and Gam. Geon symbolizes the sky, Gon the earth, Ri the fire, and Gam the water. In terms of weather they represent spring, summer, autumn and winter, direction wise East, West, South and North. Also, in terms of human relationship it symbolizes the family: parents and children And the fact that these four kwaes are spread to the four corners symbolize that Korean national power is spreading out to the world. Ultimately, the Taegukgi goes beyond representing an object that symbolizes the characteristic of a nation. The flag truly presents Korea’s identity as a nation and its stance in the ever so september 2010





changing universe. The Taegukgi is a national flag with deep, philosophical meaning. It has united Koreans during times of struggle. Nowadays it has become more approachable, used in daily wears and proudly worn by youth. Koreans should feel proud about what their national flag represents moreover do their best to live up to its meaning: world peace.

Yin and Yang Harmony Peace Universe Unity

roking magazine 37

mut ● trend

Unified Silla e d it o r / S a n g- a a P a r k


KOREAN LUXURY, Unified Silla The Greaet Silla epoch (A.D. 676 to 935) was the golden age of Korea. Silla ended the three kingdoms period, unified the three kingdoms Goguryeo, Baekje and Silla, and established Unified Silla. Unified Silla absorbed the colorful culture and tradition from the other two kingdoms, and enjoyed the great advancement of culture. This period is also considered the golden age of Koreas traditional costume. Exquisite design and metalware skills fruited in the form of most luxurious jewelries and handcraft arts in the Korean history. Gachae(royal womens unique up-do hairstyle), Gold∙Silver∙Jade jewelries, five-colored silk and golden accessories were in fashion. One thing that is unique about this period is that men and women of all ages dressed themselves to the nines and put on make-up in pursuit of beauty. Accordingly, the cosmetics and make-up skills highly developed during this period. Wed like to invite you to the most refined and splendid era in the Korean history: The Unified Silla period.

1 Large phoenix decoration embellishes the one end of this binyeo (Korean traditional ornamental hairpin). Vivid colors and gold tone adds to the mystical charm of this bonghwang-jahm(binyeo). 2 Ddeol-jam, which means shaking binyeo, is an ornamental hairpin with two pins. When theres a movement, the bird and butterfly ornaments that are placed on a spring shakes subtly, showing off its sparkling beauty. 3 A square shaped ring made with a purple gemstone has a mystical charm. 4 This flower-embellished clutch has emphasized femininity and splendor. All by NASCHENKA price upon request 5 A traditional-style mirror stand. When you open up the top of the wooden box and fix it, the mirror appears. This traditional fine-tooth bamboo combs beautiful curve catches ones attention. Pictures provided by Coreana Cosmetic Museum 6 Baekgwa(Ginkgo) is known to get rid of hazy energy of the body and helps metabolism. Baekgwa is often used as ingredients of Korean dish or natural cosmetics Picture provided by Hanyul

5 A traditional-style mirror stand

4 clutch

1 binyeo

6 Baekgwa

september 2010

3 ring 2 ddeol-jam

21C KOREA 7 Eve

5 i-river STORY

KOREAN CHIC, 21c KOREA 21st century Korean culture could be defined as “culture of sensibility,” and this is wellpresented in its style. ‘70s glam fashion, ‘80s exaggerated look, 90s’ futuristic and avantgarde style… After experiencing various fads in the past decades, Korea in the 21st century sees a collage of styles. Various materials are experimented while a variety of themes from different culture find itself mixed up in one look. This new kind of look is dubbed the new modern style. The basic premise of this look is a restrained design. But by emphasizing the silhouette or adding exotic materials the finished. look becomes interesting and fun. Cool metallic materials mixed up with exaggerated ruffles and flashy color may sound conflicting in theory yet when employed with the right modern design, these somewhat hard-to-match items result in a simple and luxurious style. And this is what the new 21st century style is all about!

4 samsng Hauzen

1 2 3 jain song 2010 F/W Collection

6 Danbi

1 The cut of this dress in the mid-part is simple yet stylish. The banding decoration emphasizes the waist jain song 2010 F/W Collection. Price to be confirmed. 2 White shirt and black pants can easily become a boring look, but when a unique vest is added the whole look becomes modern and chic jain song 2010 F/W Collection. Price to be confirmed. 3 White shirt that is short in length is matched with high-waist maxi skirt, creating a modern style jain song 2010 F/W collection. Price to be confirmed. 4 This stylish yet simply designed Air conditioner has a diamond-shaped body with rounded corners. Samsung Electronics Hauzen Air Conitioner ZERO Diamond white(AF-TD231WLA). Price to be confirmed. 5 YYou can read books and listen to music on this modern-designed white color e-book. It also has an audio book function. i-river STORY Around 300,000 KRW. 6 When you hook up his device to your cell-phone or USB modem you can enjoy wi-fi anytime, anywhere Danbi WR-T1000 99,000 KRW. 7 This modern jewelry embodied the shape of female body line Andre Kim Jewelry ‘Eve’ necklace. Price to be confirmed.

p hotos pr ov i de d by N ASCHENK A(+82-2-3474-6582), Hany u l (+8 2 -2 -5 4 6 -7 1 0 7 ), j a i n s o n g (+8 2 -2 -5 4 7 -0 8 0 7 ), A n d re K i m J e we l ry (+8 2 -2 - 6 2 5 5 - 08 8 0 ) , S a ms u n g El e c tr on i c s(+82-2-2255-0114), i-river(+82-2-1577 -5 5 5 7 )

roking magazine 39

mut â—? style scene

september 2010

Dynamic Korea

Full of Passion, minus the red color Photo shoot, Dynamic Korea We planned on this photo shoot to show something new – something quite different from the current universal trend. Wherever in the world you go, you can taste the same kind of drink and food provided. Also, you can buy designer T-shirts that is of the same design from the franchise clothing store. People around the world share their opinions by the second through various SNS. It is clear that the sense of native culture and tradition is being lost. We wanted to surprise those who ridicule the tradition and native culture. We visited one of the old palaces where the kings have once lived. We chose to visit Changyeonggoong on a sunny day in June. It was before the World Cup 2010 games have started. The team felt a thirst. The old earth we stood upon was filled with unbelievably strong scents. When we stood there, we felt the blood in our vein heating up with passion, even though we weren’t dressed in red. And this may have been the reason why the stylist chose to dress the models in achromatic color. The models jumped, danced, and from time to time stood still to express their emotion. When we were approached by Roking magazine, the scenes from photo shoot day came to my mind. We are happy to share what we have felt on the shooting day with more people. Korea is a dynamic place. While the TV and internet are filled up with similar trends and gossip, Korea has managed to preserve her own tradition while going through a quite yet dynamic transformation. It is a great pleasure and honor of our team to be able to show the active and dynamic side of Korea through this photo shoot.

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mut â—? style scene

september 2010

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mut â—? style scene

september 2010

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mut â—? style scene

september 2010

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mut â—? style scene

september 2010

Don’t misunderstand us: THE CHIM We are “The Chim”. It wasn’t easy to create yet another fashion webzine. Fashion webzine is not something of the new. There are tons of webzines out there that deals with fashion. Yet it seems like the gap between the runway and the streets are broadening by the day, and even the ones who proclaim ‘fashion is not a luxury’ secretly admire the ‘It’ items.The process we took in creating the very first issue of “The Chim” was not an easy one. We are a group of college students trying our ideas out in a form of fashion webzine, and though it might not be perfect, we wanted to be taken seriously. We won’t take “The magazine’s alright, considering the creators are just college kids” as a complement. In his book “Love&Free”, traveler Takahashi Ayumu said “…after being touched by 98% percent, I spit out 2% of spit.” Inspired with this sentence, we name our magazine “the Chim.” We have a strong conviction that we can suggest a new fashion paradigm with just little money and a lot of passion. This is “The Chim”, the fashion webzine. The collaboration with Roking is a good chance for us to spread out our insight. Please enjoy. Anyone can access to the Chim directly by typing in WWW.THECHIM.COM Don’t misunderstand us. You don’t always have to go away far to get inspired Don’t Misunderstand us: The Chim. A webzine by college students. We have put a hard work into our contents, and it may surprise you.

D p t . Li a i s o n _ M i n -s o o , Pa rk F a s h i o n E d i t o r_ Ch u -M i n a , Co c ke r S p a ni el P h o t o g r a p h e r _ Yo u n g - j i n , Yo o & Yo u n - j u k , C h o i F e a t u re E d i t o r_ G u n -h e e , Le e

roking magazine 49

mut â—? focus

4 most wanted designers of Korea edit or / Sang -a a Pa rk

Lee Young Hee Lie Sang Bong ANDY & DEBB Jain Song

september 2010

The e Ne ver fa wl st fas ines -chan hio of c gin g lo fres n pe op thing fashi h for looks le con are l on wo au .L a rl ti Bu new d ike h nuous nche d is m t ho aw de er l e y s The w lo ign t ks, th look very ciless day for . re a ng d hat ey .T ne co w r o dis app e only es su ill be mpe w an he t d t c e h a thre ear qu few h sel e ne and e jun mont ickly exce ected xt ‘it’ i hunt b p gle t hs if l ehind tions item em. bec -like om fash ong, o the , mos surviv sce e in t i n fas ne of th ? hio g sh on w ly a tren n’ ha orter. orld, t day if , surv em ivin st he sh K d We come aken orea i life-s ort. I g ove s no pan n th sa me i t fo nd g r th wh e c exce of fa s o ur o fas stand repre es wi ountr ption. d is thi ss hio y, se ‘F sho n wo trong ntativ n a bl and th ast ink rld. ed uld in t e o e e h W stil l an rs and hile e mid signe f an e ot st o rs o ye. t des d fai f th f Ko th rend hers ig qui ners a fully k y outf came is fas rea i e ck t, t o re p Aug trend true t thei these ut wit paced ust fou h po wh lead r ow r ic ns of d , pa w e tyl stoo er y a h m rs a e AN signe clos akes nd no e. The d t r e t DY &D s Lee atten heir b follow se EB B, a Young tion t rand s ers o o p f nd jain hee, L F/W ecial. son ie S colle This ang c g. -bo tion ng,

P h o t o b y Le e You n g He e ( + 82-2-547-6591), L ie Sang Bong(+82-5 5 3 -3 3 8 0 ), A n d y &D e b b (+8 2 -2 -3 4 4 2 -3 0 1 2 ), j a i n s o n g (+8 2 -2 -5 4 4 -1 8 9 8 )

roking magazine 51

mut â—? focus

september 2010

CEO of Maison de Lee Young Hee President of Mirae Munhwa (Lee Young Hee museum of Korean culture) Professor of Dong Duk women’s University Professor of Graduate School of Korea National University of Arts

Lee You ng He e

2010 Participated in Haute Couture Paris (July) Participated in NY Collection at Medical center for Breast-cancer awareness fund raiser 2009 Celebrated 100-year anniversary of opening of Korean Museum with a fashion show at National Museum of Korea (August) Awarded with Cultural Medal Award (October) F/W NY Collection (February) 2008 Celebrated 4-year anniversary of NY Lee Young-hee Korean Museum in September (Hilary Clinton participated in the celebration) Selected as one of the 60 artists of the world by Google Artist Campaign (designed google web skin) 2007 Participated in ‘Korea Sparkling in New York 2007 at NY Marriot and NY Collection (November) Celebrated opening of Korean Pavilion at Washington Smithsonian with a special show Participated in New York Collection (May.) 2004 Opened LEE YOUNG HEE KOREA MUSEUM in Manhattan, New York. Participated prêt à porter Paris in March for the 23rd time. Celebrated 12 year anniversary of advancing into Paris 1996 Awarded with Best Asian Designer Award, Nikita Culture Festival, Japan 1994 Opened a boutique in Paris – A first for Korean (109 Rue du Bac, 75007, Paris, France) 1983 Invited by the White House – Congratulatory Fashion Show for U.S. Independence Day 1976 Opened Lee Young Hee Korean Costume

The c ma olorfu nu l des al ste embro ps, ign id is lu hav Lee ery h cky e no You as b to h com ng-h een fin ee ave p suc etitio ’s ha ished n w nbo ha w des hen ks a ith a re t spe ign it c r er. om c es ue ‘Ko ial ca to g r rea n e. T rac e. L Haut he na t e ee You Cout ural c ure olor nghee ’. M s o has ade f the bee with dye a np utti ramie re do ne ng fab m her r bes ic and anua lly t ef c for oarse . Only t in pro silk th born a mo a ting t is u fter g han nfam oing th bok iliar ove to m rough rse s as. any, t uch s The he o pe Kor utco cific ean m fas es of hio n w her orld

roking magazine 53

mut â—? focus

september 2010

2010 Lie Sang Bong Fashion show: Fashion meets automobile 2007 Swarovski Crystallized exhibition 2007 KT&G Lie Sang Bong Edition Launching commemorative fashion show (at Moskow) 2007 La Vita Lie Sang Bong culture&life style exhibition 2007 Invited opening show for ‘Preview in Shanghai’ 2006 Produced and Participated in Hanbul 120-year Anniversary Fashion Show 2006 Who’s Next ‘Korean Fashion Exhibition’ at Paris, France 2006 ‘Hanguel walks on the moonlight Hangeul design exhibition 2005 Judge at Berlin ESMOD 2003 Special fashion show for Korea-India 30year anniversary of establishing diplomatic ties 2001 participated in prêt à porter Paris 2000 participated in Commemoration of Korea-Japan World cup Super Expo 1999 Director, Korea Fashion Association 1999 President of JoongAng Designer Group 1997 Invited fashion performance at Seoul Arts Center 10th anniversary celebration 1995 Participated in Int’l World Fashion show, Osaka, Japan 1994 SFAA Seoul Collection 1985 Director of Lie Sang Bong

Lie San gB ong

rok in col g /You lec a ele tion. lways me You dra nt a lie wa san . Cou re kn tt l som g bo d yo own ention eac eth ng / u tel for y l I i uni h o qu ng n nven us th ur m sea ene e vol ew w tion a e co oder son w n um ith n nd rg c h rok ized f e, fo archi reinv ept of desig en yo n th tec u re ing lair. rm, e t h n i s at geo tura tion v / do you We ar me l ele of f seaso has a eal yo usi tric n’s u me get e alw lie n a col touch r new gc san l sh nts. you ays l e u o a g T c r l f Ko new tu pes am he ti bon ins a p rea of t colle re wit on? n rok muse g /I do iration zed by he ctio h ar ing h com n’t ?A t y n u c o m c om reat inte /You an es have nd w ur ne in bod bin al rn ’v w h a y, w es a g am ation e pre ong a parti o is y idea sen cul nd s in ong ally our i t ha ar, .C in te s mu t lie n se he co sa t all? ould d cou spires one llec you ntle me mus ? I re ng bo t e i s t . o me ell n . Bu n. W us s colle rok mbe g /It’s t ev her abo ctio r th har ing ery e u n d e t th tim you /Yo m t e m s dom eI mu u go all an o just d e o e cou st f st m stic pic b sig ee ack d all ko n na em ally and hop tries. l man and f are m ut on ora W o em ble y th e. P es? r t h h at h o col i a lie lec ave ngs w from rable. st co sa tion llec you hile Paris imp ng bo t ion felt goin and orta ng s / a g a I Se me n nd bou b an tly, an hope rec t Ko ack a oul e ent d w the ach rok s. nd r e a one g ill s ing for n s o e v f aso upp ash th b ern s, /Gr lie me etw n, a ion ort san eat. the nt w wo een nd rem g bo Wha rld, new ill t n t e and the tw and ake t des mber g /I al are yo o wh he wa ing ign u o r at a ld d valu Asi er in my ys try ultim r e e ey s n an s a ign th a t our ers fashi And Peop e wo me ‘L o mak te goa o w i r n e l l eS e to ld. H a i c t p s h o r e a T wh p a pra eate o is efully feel t hus, i ng Bo ople f desi ctic hat rom gne t en ng’ al ins K o t r pire rea hey able as a all o ? wil db s a v o y m l pro re no not o ne o er th e ft e. duc n l e a onger ly Kor he gr world larg k in t ean eat fa eep h en b um e sub ut als shion ber u o of t rbs of all th e ale h nte igh f othe dy ash r oun io g d n. esi gne r

‘Ha ng San uel(N at g On Bong ive Ko eo . rea na cos f his lph tum Par abe in K es. is co t)’ c Tho llec ore om a tio se and es w to t pol hich outfit n des he in t ish i i s g s n b t min ed he he e t h c dw are Paris desig hom ame eme hen w a e c c n I th imp oming ollect mixe of Ha huge as ha ink n n i d s o res d g e t n abo pat sion hroug cont with H eul. M nsatio -writt ut L tern to f h as inuo ang any n, n en H ie a a o u mix u t w s ed hion he ye sly sin el. Lie ere d t only nguel wit peo ar g p i c r S n aw rin e an P hb lac ple w oes. H 2001. g Bo n to aris, b ted t kc olo ith the is rec His e ng ha he m ut o s x r, fu e r, a archit nt F/W perim partic dern nd ect e i pa n co ta me u tal. ral si llecti l des ted lho on ign uet s l te a eft a d nd eep geo me tric

roking magazine 55

mut â—? focus

september 2010

2009 - 2010 Judge of Project Runway Korea Season 1&2 (Andy Kim) 2010 ‘2010 F/W Seoul Collection (Homme) 2010 Participated in Fashion culture show room ‘Concept Korea’ 2010 ’2010 F/W New York Collection 2009 ’2010 S/S Seoul Collection (Homme Launching Show) 2009 ’2010 S/S New York Collection 2009 ’09 F/W Seoul Fashion Fair Press & Buyer Presentation 2009 ’09 F/W New York Collection 2008 ’09 S/S New York Collection 2007 ’08 S/S MILAN WHITE SHOW (TOUCH) 2004 Awarded with new designer award at ‘Seoul Fashion Award’ by Seoul City Government 1999 Launched ANDY & DEBB


‘Ro m dra antic’ ws a De atte nd ‘m sig ntio inim n fr the ners o al’ w A ir 2 010 ndy K m ove ould F/W im a rsea be th col nd D s bu e tw lec tion ebbie yers a o wor nd ds Y the y h oon c the p that ave bes rea te ress t rec rea s a ro . Not desc ri ted so ma tre bes the n gin tic sty ndy w ANDY gko le & h tree , repr ile lo DEBB lea esen oking . Eac ves t ’ pa ing ac polis h sea so he tter t n a ive ye d and n AN nd ta ch DY& gra g ins racef ic, AN DEBB u of t D ree l mod Y&DE collec s in ern tion BB lo the c ir d ok w ollec t esi gn ith fin ion is and e q e cre uality legant ate , d a detai mod ern nat ls a n ura a l lo d silk nd fe ok. m ma teri inine als . In .


roking magazine 57

mut â—? focus

september 2010

2010 Participated in ’10 f/w Paris collection 10 Corso Como collaboration (March) 2009 ‘Participated in 10 S/S/ Paris collection (October) 2008 ‘09 S/S JAIN by JAIN SONG Collection show (October) 2007 Launched NEW BALANCE by JAIN SONG 2004 Launched JAIN by JAINSONG (September) 1998 Graduated from Parson’s Design School in NY 1996 Graduated from School of Arts of Ewha Women’s Univeristy. Collaborated with various electronics & beauty brands

Jai nS ong

rok in nam g /‘So ng e Jai s for y Jain’, ns ‘ja o rok ong ur bra in by jai ing /Jus nd. dub /You t my Wha n son bed ’re nam t wo g’, a a re Alw uld nd ‘j ‘ pr e as ain b a Stel mu ys live la Mc esent it is. J e the c song a C a se ’. o in u t a Jai is?. p to t rtney ive Ko song rrect n There ns h r a o w e e exp f Kor an w ould me? are th rok ong /A ree e ect o ing ll w diff atio a’. Yo men is the h / Jai ere ur d ’s w cor no n s Could o has nt r f e e e o the ar d ct o s af yo rok ng ne. peo ign esi ing /I alw u tell ree an g p n d le. er, has /You ays us w hea Co bei h lt t s h uld ng you ucces ave h hink t ich on hy min y o he e ad d sfu u tell . tell lly d a su mos is the All o Jai us us f th t re n w cc eb m wh to t song hat yo uted essfu cent ost m em are oy c /Fa our o l his u e olle m d v r m e e s h y o hio ope rsea but rok que c m r t a ion u b stio n in ing i s l s s n e es c dus are , cou Pari is th /Ma n) wh s IN e m ollect . try? for K ld at yb 200 ost ion? Hm ore Jai your e the 9. A mem m… an f go n a sa o ulti song als ar nswe Fas ashio des rable ma rw /Bu ea n h ion ind . ign te g as sa ildi u i n er w h ng d oal dus stry a d esign ard to . ? ho t r y… esi ans gne er? (*s we h r br ed r fo and idn r yo ’t a bas u. C nsw ed o u er on ld y as o u tab t e ll u le h s ous e. T hat is m y

Sim p des le but n ign nev s are ot bor ing er s k Suc upe nown , plai ces rfluo for. n bu sf t her u D line ully la s, alw ubbe not so d ‘S des of c ndin ays tel ordin cle g ig lo He ns, cr thing in Par an an la Mc ary de rr Ca ea is ha si d coa ecent ting a ve 2~ with h mod rtney gns a e 201 t lo of K re w e t r 3 r n r ue . mo ‘sa 0 h ore hos oks h a,’ at Jai t of for t F/W c igh-e no-to lon de her n ned nd he olle uni w des Song om que autu ctio fash c ’s ign tren mn. n ha ion. olors an co sa har s ch J re mo llectio coa umps inclu nize n de ts h u d w ’ in 20 as it, ves d bril i fille l th m 09, i t a , d h high ntly etic er c -wa cut ulo a olle i us ctio st skir nd mo t an n. d d m ified uch tren mo chre… A

roking magazine 59

mut ● hot spot

Japan’s got Roppongi Hills, Hong-Kong’s got Pacific Square…

Korea’s got Yeongdeungpo

Times Square! september 2010

e d i tor / S a n g- a a P a r k

A report on new shopping spots that have caused a stir in KoreaYeongdeungpo Times Square When you walk into the Yeongdeungpo Times Square, you are immediately greeted by its shiny, white interior. The interior of the place makes Yeongdeungpo Times Square distinct from other shopping centers. You can look outside through the glass wall and enjoy the creatively designed curve of the interior and feel your imagination growing. In the middle of the square there is an open space that one can get some sun while enjoying various performances. Find out how cultural activities and shopping has come together in this wide space. Cheongdam-dong, Myeong-dong and Hongdae… These places may be the first to come into your mind when you think about ‘shopping’. These places were the first to transform itself into giant compounds as convergence of shopping space and cultural activity became trendy. Korean shopping culture has been evolving to accommodate the customer’s needs. In the current mall culture, huge cultural compounds provide customers with cultural activities, shopping, and leisure in one stop. Such places have become immensely popular among Koreans who are seeking to spend their leisure time economically. From the small cafes in most villages that serve as a cultural space and to the corporate-run mega-sized cultural compound, these kinds of spaces are growing rapidly and becoming more numerous. Among them, Yeongdeungpo Times Square is the one that stands out the most. Soon after its grand opening Yeongdengpo Times Square has become the hottest place among youngsters. Visited by hundreds and thousands of people every day, the Times Square undoubtedly has become the core of Korea’s mall culture. You can enjoy various activities and do business all under the same roof: Department store and designer label stores, discount retails, hotels, wedding venues, movie theaters, health & fitness centers, etc. So don’t miss out on visiting the Times Square in Yeongdeungpo!

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mut ● hot spot

Atrium Various performances are held at this 1485m² space. The center of the first floor to the rooftop is open so you get sun coming through its glass ceiling. Also anyone can come and enjoy the performances held at the cultural event hall within Atrium.

Rooftop Garden The Rooftop Garden has a fine green park decorated with various sculptures. Also there’s an ecological park located on the fifth and sixth floor of the shopping mall. Don’t forget to check out sculptures by famous domestic and international sculptors located here and there of the shopping center!

september 2010

Theater The Starium(movie theatre) at the Times Square boasts the largest screen in the world! Sylvia Park Complex in New Zealand was the largest screen in the world with its 30.63m width and 12.29m height. But now the Starium has taken over as the largest cinema screen with its 31.4m2 screen. After rigorous evaluation by the awards committee Starium has achieved the Guinness record. Isn’t that something?

Wedding Hall Global architecture firm Gensler has contributed in the designing of the Amoris Wedding hall. Built with a theme of “Alice in wonderland,” its dramatic scale, best of the best facilities and interior design is classy and unique. It already has become a popular place to wed.

Pi c t u re s a n d i n fo rm a t i o n p ro vi d e d b y Ti m e s Sq u a re +8 2 -2 -2 6 3 8 -2 0 0 0 www. t i m e s s q u a re . c o . kr

roking magazine 63

mut â—? welcome to korea

beauty in the air A trip to KOREA Here are some great beauty items to protect our skin from dryness during the flight to KOREA. Such a pleasant trip. While you’re traveling to unfamiliar places to meet your loving people, what if your skin is getting damaged during the flight?

North America

september 2010

Unlike being on ground, there is a huge difference in temperature between the inside and outside of the cabin. The airliners use the air conditioner in an effort to maintain the cabin temperature at about 22 degrees Celsius in order to keep the passengers alive. As the time goes by, after 30 minutes of flight, the humidity become very low - lower than 15%! Naturally, our precious skin starts getting dry and seems no one can avoid Xeroderma. In such dry conditions, our skin actually gets damaged which leads to aging of the skin.

It takes over 10 hours to fly to Korea from America or Europe, 5 hours from Southeastern Asia like India or Philippines, and less than 2 hours from China or Japan. In order to protect our skin, here are some helpful in flight strategies for each travel length.

South Korea


Japan England






South America

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mut ● welcome to korea

Less than 3hours of flight

More than 5hours of flight

You might think that your skin will be fine because travel time is short enough. Sadly, it is not. We must not be negligent of supplying enough moisture to our skin because our skin gets very dry in less than 30 minutes into the flight. After 30 minutes of flight, the skin looses more than half of its moisture compared to normal conditions. So when you are flying less than 2 hours, you should get ready to protect your skin and especially pay more attention to your lips and eye rims which are the most sensitive parts of our face

5 hours of flights can be considered the most annoying since it’s too long to stay awake and too short for a good sleep. It is not necessary to cleanse your face for a 1-2 hour flight however if it goes over 4 hours it is crucial that your face is free of makeup mostly because you will most likely fall asleep with your make up on. If you fall asleep without removing your makeup the impurities in the skin will block the pores causing insufficient moisture. Therefore, skin trouble is very likely to happen. Try your best to keep your skin moisturized and clean to prevent skin trouble.

How to ...?

The best way is to minimize your makeup, but you don’t have to clean your makeup using a cleanser while your next seat passenger is enjoying his/her flight meal. As the travel time is short, the skin care method is much easier and simpler than the others. Using water sprays frequently to fill enough moisture inside of your skin actually helps a lot. Also, it’s better to protect your lips using any kind of lip care products. . SCINIC OII EX Aqua Mist 50ml \22,000 a mist protecting your skin from noxious effects of oxygen and a freshen your skin

How to ...?

To protect your skin from such troubles, it’s better to put on basic facial skin care products after removing make up using a facial cleanser right before you board on the plane. When you select the basic skin care tonic and lotion/essence, choose light textured rather than sticky/heavy textured care products and put it on your skin frequently during the flight. In addition, if you get anti-trouble skin care, that would be great. Etude enriched water collagen essence 45ml \15,000 a mixture of baobab tree extract and collagen forms strong moisture layers

as like make-up fixer

(+) Tip

It is important to get Sun block products because the amount of Ultraviolet you’ll be exposed to in the sky is significantly more than what you are normally exposed to on ground. When you drink something during the trip, make sure you consume enough water. Avoid carbohydrates based beverage, tea (coffee, too), and alcohols, they will drain your moisture out of your skin. september 2010

“Here are some sun block products with pore minimizing features: Banila co ‘Hello Sunny days’ Line Fact (SPF50 + PA + + +) 10.5g /25,000 KRW Line Database (SPF25 PA + +) 40ml /25,000 KRW Sun Screen ( SPF50 + PA + + +) 40ml /15,000 KRW Sun Balm (SPF50 + PA + + +) 12g /25,000 KRW

About 10hours of flight

More than 15hours of flight

Unfortunately some will have to spend about half a day in the cabin. Now you have to deal with the moisture of your skin because your skin will be exposed to extreme dryness for 10 hours. Of course, you also have to be aware of skin trouble due to the fact that you will stay over 10 hours in a closed - crowded place. You will be exposed to excessive micro dust and contaminants. Talk about disaster! So, be prepared with both day and night cares and don’t forget to clean your make up before you get on the plane

New Zealand and Australia spend opposite seasons of Korea. We have to be prepared to such dramatic change of weather. Due to the extreme changes of temperature, our skin will be in danger which could be more than just skin trouble. Therefore, with all basic and special cares we mentioned above, be ready with skin repairing cream.

How to ...?

First, remove your make up before you board, and put on basic skin care series. With the basic skin care products, you’ll have to add day/ night cream in your cosmetic bag. Also, for the sensitive areas such as eye rims, be prepared with the strongest eye care products like balm types

How to ...?

To make a moisture shield on your skin, it would not be enough to use basic skin care products, so try to put on moisture supply creams and gels that have rich texture as frequently as possible. Using moisture supplying masks or face oil would be very helpful. When you are using face oil, one or two drops will be enough to form a moisture shield on your skin. (L) so’ natural Glacier Water Immersed Cream 50ml \26,000 containing Alaskan glacial water, a moisturizing water gel cream forms waterprotecting layer (R) Ari-ul Blingdew Face Moisture Cream 20ml, price not specified a gel type moisturizing cream, balancing between oil and water in your skin by providing enough water

provided by SCINIC (+82-2-6002-3833), Etude (+82-2-3446-1889) s o ’ n a t u ra l ∙ A ri -u l (+8 2 -2 -3 4 4 6 -4 0 5 8 ), B a n i l a c o (+8 2 -8 0 -22 5 - 65 0 0 )

roking magazine 67

mut â—? street

street fashion e d it o r / S a n g- a a P a r k p h o t o / T h e c h i m ( www. th echim .com )

Jeong-ah Lee, 25 salaried worker Bag/ Louis Vuitton Wristlet/ DEMOO

september 2010

Yu-ji, 32, Hair Dresser T-shirt and pants/ Martin Margiela Shoes/ BandofOutside Bag/ ISSAC REINA

Becky Nam, 26, English Teacher Dress/ Vintage Belt/ O’bzee Bag/ Balenciaga

Han-geul Kim, 25, Photographer T-shirt/ J-Bros Shoes/ Birkenstock

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mut â—? street

street fashion

Melody Park, 27, Fashion Marketer Jumpsuit and Accessories/ Vintage

september 2010

Se-mi Shin, 24, Nurse Jumpsuit: vintage shoes: vintage

Jip-seong Jeong, 23, Company Worker Bag/ Undercover Sunglasses/ 9FIVE Pants/ Nudie Jeans

Seong-su Hahn, 29, Photographer Shoes/ Vintage Glasses/ Ray Ban

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mut â—? street

street fashion

Hwi-seong Park, 22, Student Bag/ Incase Button-down shirt/ Lacoste

september 2010

Mi-ran Jang, 20, Student Bag/ A-LAND Wristlet/ forever21

laon â—? focus

e d i t o r / Si n -y o u n g J u n g

Korean Movie Experience september 2010

Which country has the biggest film industry?? With its Hollywood, United States probably would be the number one that comes to your mind. Maybe France, India, Japan, and Hong Kong could be considered the world-famous country of cinema. poster clockwise from left 1 The Host’ 2 Breathless 3 Thirst 4 The Servant 5 poetry 6 Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring 7 The Housemaid screenshot clockwise from top - Thirst - Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring provided photo by MOHO FILM (+82-2-3675-4430) LJ FILM (+82-2-3444-2466) UNNINE PR (+82-2-512-0211)

What about Korean cinema? Do you have a hard time putting together ‘Korea’ and ‘cinema’? Well, then this might be the right time for you to be introduced to Korean cinema. 80% of the world film industry is taken over by Hollywood cinema, and many countries find it hard to make their own film and distribute it. The market share of Korean film industry is more than 50.8%, which ranks third next to India and U.S. Five out of six highest grossing films are all Korean films. Avatar is the only Hollywood film that was viewed by 10 million people, which is 1/4 of the Korean population. The strong point of the Korean movie industry is that a variety of movies are made for moviegoers with different taste. Recently, Korean films are gaining more attention in the world market. The foreign media follows Korean films at international film festivals. The unique construction and fresh subject comes alive to screen, directed by great storytellers. Korean directors specialize in weaving the stories going through time and space with a fine sense, and this is why the Korean cinema is drawing more and more international audience. The true charm of Korean cinema lies in its reality and honesty rather than fancy style. Recording the joy, sadness, pain and emotion coming from our lives on screen – that is the power of Korean cinema and why so many people are drawn to it. How you understand and what one takes away from the movie is entirely up to the person watching the movie. How about watching a Korean movie this weekend? roking magazine 75

laon ● culture

Gayageum, Enchanting melody that captured the world

edit or / Sin-yo u n g J u n g

Listening to so-called ‘world music’ is one way to understand other cultures. A culture’s sentiment and feelings come alive in the music. Listening to music becomes more meaningful as is a first-hand method for understanding and communicating with others Korea’s traditional instrument gayageum gained media attention through a TV commercial that was run a few years ago. DJ, B-boys and rappers appeared alongside gayageum players in one commercial. Using Pachelbel’s Canon in D as the background music, this commercial illustrated a tasteful hybrid culture. The 12 strings of gayageum could be pulled, pushed, plucked and flicked by the player’s right hand. On the left half of the instrument the player would place his hand on the string and create effects by shaking his hand on the string or pressing it. The traditional ways of performing the gayageum are: 1) Only playing the instrument alone, or 2) singing and playing at the same time. But nowadays gayageum playing is not limited to these styles. The original gayageum has 12 strings but today you can find 18-string and 25-string gayageums which are modified to play larger range of songs. Gayageumists today not only play traditional repertories but also play classical music, world music, and

september 2010

folk songs that are familiar to the listeners around the world. By putting in efforts to go beyond the traditional norms gayageumists has continuously experimented to bring in modern code to the old music. It is now becoming an instrument that is both classy and modern with the beautiful and edgy sound that it creates. Professor Clark of Pai Chai University states that “the sound of the gayageum resembles human voice. One of the special aspects of gayageum is that it is not played with a tool. Japanese Koto is similar in shape with the gayageum, but it is played with a bamboo tool, so its sound is brighter. The Chinese Zheng is also similar, but it uses metal string and has a different tone.” The sound of the gayageum is very sensitive, feeble, smooth and tender soaking into one’s heart. Such characteristics of the gayageum were considered feminine, so the instrument was dominantly played by women. There is a strong vibration initially when you pluck a string of the gayageum. Eventually, the vibration decreases, and the sound fades. After the merely audible sound is gone, the echo still remains in the air and continues to effect listeners. Korean traditional music allows wider wavelength and bigger intervals which results in a richer sound compared to a tempered composition piece. However, there’s a gap between notes

that traditional instruments can play and notes that comes out of a tempered composition. To supplement this, traditional instruments are modified for a larger range. The 25-string gayageum makes a harp-like sound that is sensitive and high in note. The modified gayageum has a similar feel to the sound of harp or piano which allows it to play any songs from different musical genres across the East and the West. Also, many gayageumists are collaborating with Western instruments such as the violin, cello, drum, marimba and more for inspiration

and new kinds of musical creation. With such projects the unique tone of the gayageum is finding a way to harmonize with other instruments. Going beyond and across boundaries between the East and West, the new, young gayageum is becoming a world-class instrument that can speak to the listeners around the globe. Through the gayageum you can get a better gist of Korea. We hope those who become enchanted by the beauty of the gayageum will get to share their moments in life with this very special instrument.

p rovi de d ph oto by MUSIC & AR T CO M PA NY (+82-70-7553-5 7 7 0 ) J u n g Mi n a a n d S e o Yo ungdo have collaborat ed in t he uniqu e m a t c h i n g o f G a y a g e u m a n d b a s s (F ro m t h e a l b u m ' A ft e ri m a g e ' , 2 0 1 0 )

roking magazine 77

laon ● hot spot

When Great Sound Finds Just the Right Venue

edi to r / Ju n g-yo on C h oi

If you have a thing for live music shows and live in Seoul, then you’re in the right place. When it comes to live music, Seoul offers a variety of music scenes: Hip-hop, Jazz, Rock, Classics, and more. But it may be difficult for a city newbie to choose the right music scene. For those of you who are thirsty for a good music venue, read on! We have found an attested place that surely will cater to your taste.

Pub Project Pub Project is a unique space run by Korea’s foremost cable music channel, Mnet. As you can tell by its name, it is a project restaurant with a concept of ‘a new kind of entertainment spot.’ It served as the venue for ‘M Pub Project’ that was aired on Mnet. The pub brags a wide selection of good beer enjoyable in a chill atmosphere. The place is the venue for M-net’s “The Pub” where different musicians hosted the program, introducing various musicians with old and new music. There are several elements that make this place special, but amongst all there are two things that stand out: 1) Its unique place setting and 2) quality live music which is offered daily. Oh, and I should add one more thing: there is no charge to see the show! september 2010

Settings When you enter the restaurant, you’ll immediately notice its cool interior. There is a small but well-organized record and souvenir shop to your left, a tranquil area to the right, and the bar to your front. At the shop you can buy various artists’ T-shirts that are sold for charity purposes. On the brightly lit display rack, various music books and records that are selected as ‘pub selection’ is put on display. Go in more deeply and you’ll notice Roy Lichtenstein’s art pieces hanging upon the wall. The area is spacious with the tables facing the stage. If you’re here for live music and beer, sitting near the stage is recommended. But if you want to avoid the loud music sound, find a seat in the dining area or bar. You can still feel the energy coming from the live music venue and can enjoy a good conversation without having to shout to each other. roking magazine 79

laon ● hot spot

Music Bossa Nova, hip-hop, acoustic, rock, jazz, folk… you name it. A host of different kind of music genre is offered at this place. Experienced musicians who have years of stage experience come onto the stage and never will fail you. On weekday nights the famous DJ group 360 sounds offers various mixed music including soul, disco, world pop, etc. On weekends, different musicians definitely heat up the room. If you want to find out about the performance schedule, call them or check out their website/blog/twitter (listed at the end of this article).

september 2010

Everything Else The professional and well-trained staffs are quick and polite. Like most of the Korean restaurants, Pub Project also has the ‘call-button’ which will summon the waiter or waitress right away on a push of a button. The price is reasonable considering that there’s no cover. Bottled beers ranging from 5,000 to 9,000 KRW, draft beer from 6,000 to 10,000 KRW depending on the size (‘Max’ is on the cheaper side). They also offer various choices of beer cocktails, coffee cocktails and punch cocktails which ranges around 7,000~8,000 KRW. Korean and western dishes are available, ranging from 10,000KRW to 30,000 KRW. If you’re visiting here for lunch, their lunch deals are much cheaper so check on their website. The show starts sharply on time and ends within 2 hours, so if you think you’ll come around 2-3 hours after the posted time of the show you’re highly likely to be disappointed. Also this place is highly popular and a long line is not uncommon, so plan to make a reservation if you’re looking to be seated right away upon visit.

Experience On a Friday night, I found myself and my co-worker sitting at one of the table that was nearest to the stage of the Pub Project. We ordered some Guinness, slouched on the chair ready to be entertained. 5-10 minutes into the show, we were no longer slouching – with the heavy drum and funky bass line drumming out of the speaker; we couldn’t help but get excited. On that particular night the performer was Paloalto, a well-known South Korean indie hip-hop musician. With years of experience and groovy music, he surely did know how to pump up the crowd. The house was packed with some people even standing at the back area. This was the first venue that I’ve been to where one can sit down and eat dinner while watching a hip-hop show. So I wondered: what did the patrons think about the whole thing? Ji-young Kim, who is a student and an ardent fan of Paloalto came to Pub Project to catch his show. “I’ve been a big fan of Paloalto, and I knew he was performing here tonight. I’m so glad that I came. Of course it’s different from going to a club at a standing show, but it has its own fun. I enjoyed the show tonight.” Then how about musicians themselves? I was able to catch Paloalto and ask his opinion. Paloalto, who has performed at the venue couple of times, said that he likes the venue. “I definitely enjoy performing here and would like to come back again. I could tell that people enjoyed the show. Audio wise, I’m satisfied as an artist.” B-Free, another artist who shared stage with Paloalto enjoyed the experience as well. “I think Korea should have more venues like this. It’s definitely different from Hongdae*, but I like it much. And the food is good, too.” The crowd that packed the place was relatively young, but families and older patrons were seen here and there at the house. We were able to spot a group of company workers who were enjoying some drinks, obviously looking as if they’ve come right from work. “Yes, I come here often. I don’t think it’s too loud here. Though Hip-hop is not my favorite kind of music, I had fun tonight. I didn’t know which artist would be on stage tonight, but I came anyway since I’ve enjoyed live music many times here” says Kim Young pil who is a salaried worker. Overall, Pub Project seemed to be a great spot for both artists and the guests.

L ocati on: 5 th Fl o o r, Young deungp o Times Square, Youn gdeu n gpo , Seo u l C ontact: 8 2 - 2 - 2 6 3 8-2020 Webs i te : http://www. p ub project. com / Blog : http : //www.l i vei npub.c o m

/ Twi tter: http:/ / twi tter.c o m / m netpu b

roking magazine 81

he-yum ● trend

e d i t o r / S a n g- a a P a r k

All About App Now, we can easily say – we are living in smart phone era! With the wide spread of smart phone, using application suddenly became a part of our daily routine. There are tons of applications on the online application market place, and they just can do something more than you imagine: waking you up in the morning with the music you want to hear, recommends you simple breakfast recipes to help you get enough energy, traffic information that helps you to get destination just in time, document viewing/editing, and push and pull e-mail features… All those things are can be done with those powerful applications in your handheld device no matter where you are. Mobile apps, they suddenly invaded into our routine and made us addicted, what make us so into them? Here are some apps that you must have if you decide to visit or live in Korea. Let’s figure out.


ZaDesktop ZenieCall “Help me! It’s an emergency!” If you have not found life-saver, take out your iphone and then just shake it. It will automatically call security agents.


samulnori Listen the sound that hold Korean’s history and heart. You can play Korean percussion, be a traditional drummer for a moment.


Poop! If you have an emergency inside of you stomach, take your smart phone out and run this application. It will inform you where you are, and show you the restrooms near you. Here’s the best part, it has a rating feature that you can rate and review how the restroom was.


find it all It helps you to find every restaurant, café, beauty shop, and other service providers in all business categories in Korea. It provides both address and name search function.


one day one item It shows you hot deals on several online shopping malls. Don’t miss out, today is the first and the last day of the event.


Palmiline what f your palm line determine your future? This smart application read your palm line and predict your fate. Believe or Not.

unique unique

useful Doze off peacefully with SleepTimer.

iTrainer Find your effective training and calculate calories, and even check the obesity? No reason to hire a pricy personal trainer! Personal trainer in you iphone who will plan your weight training.

september 2010

Beatrider Out of hundreds of Rhythm games, why beatrider? Now you can upload your own favorite songs. The excitement doubles with your own songs

SleepTimer Recommended to someone who likes to listens music on the bed. It automatically shuts off music player, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth at the time the user sets.

he-yum ● good buy

e d it o r / S u n g- w on Oh

Cool Gadgets You’ve been Waiting For. Digital audio player, smart phone, video recorder, laptop, e-book, audio device… There are tons of new gadgets coming out every week but most people don’t have a clear idea which one is worth buying. So we decided to be the early adapters to help you decide which gadget is cool by testing them out first. Don’t blame us if you find your bank account balance dropping fast!

“It is not just a e-book device; it has all multimedia features you want” Books are just too huge for your small pulse? Get ‘iriver Story’. This e-ink integrated digital book device is full of powerful functions like audio, document-viewer, memo pad, dictionary, scheduler, and so on. It also provides plenty of memory space that you can stor thousands of books and music files. Moreover, despite of its features and size, eye catching minimalism emphasized design can be a good present as an accessory. It has the special memo software engine that gives you the same feeling as writing on a paper. If you love to take a memo on your diary, this is it. The screen of this e-book is perfectly natural: it is almost like holding a paper book. Here’s the best part: the screen powered by energy efficient e-ink technology provides you a long-lasting battery life (you can read over 9000 pages without recharging). Pulse sized personal library Energy efficient e-ink technology enabled High resolution screen User friendly UI (User Interface) QWERTY Keyboard integrated KRW 239,000 (2G)

ity ibil r) sens e v log (iri ry Ana Sto our r y e iriv ches tou

n) wo Co ic ( 9 as dio o B iAu urn t t Re

It must be great to own a top-tier level headphone. But what if your audio player gives you a low quality sound? It would be like giving a Porsche 911 to a 17-year old. Here’s a simple question: can a first time driver in a supercar can beat Schumacher in soccer mom van? It’s the same drill: a good headphone/speaker needs a good audio player. Moreover, good audio player gives you enough sound quality even if you are using a bundle headphone. We found a reasonably priced high quality audio player.. Here, Cowon iAudio 9, a digital audio player has the world’s top level sound quality with high technology amplifying system. iAudio 9 lets you hear similar sound as several thousand dollar-worth music gear. It enhances your music source through equalizer, BBE+ (make the sound clearer), Mach3Bass (Bass Booster), 3D Surround (virtual surround technology), MP Enhance (fixes lost audio data), Stereo Enhance and Reverb (gives you more realistic sound.) It also has 39 presets that set by top professional audio engineers which enhance sound perfectly by genre or place (Studio, Live at hall, Stadium, etc.) The uniquely designed exterior has an easy and stylish user interface. Now you can enjoy your music more fully! Sleek, stylish design Professional sound controlling technology enabled User friendly swing touch user interface Drag & Drop music files transfer KRW 159,000 (8G)

september 2010

) PHIATON 0( 40 ncert o MS C ive pL o t PHIATON -s n No

“Okay, David, I’ll check the file you just sent to my e-mail. Uh… Wait. Actually, I’ll have to call you later. I think I should find a wireless zone first.” Does this situation sound familiar to you? Since wireless technology became ubiquitous, web users started to take their laptops and Wi-Fi powered mobile gadgets everywhere. However, people often get frustrated when they find out there are no wireless signal around them. Many telecommunication companies declare that they ‘cover the whole country,’ consumers still frequently find themselves struggling to find a working Wi-Fi zone. Also, you have to stay at a certain place once we get the signal – move a little to the left or right and the signal’s gone. Well, that not what the users were promised with by the ads. Another major headache is your wireless internet related bills. Let’s say you own a 3G mobile, and also have to pay for Cable and Wi-Fi. Your hard earned money is going to more than two or three different companies just for the sake of internet connection. But what’s more, you’re never fully satisfied with the ‘mobility’! A Korean venture company, The Wave, came up with a brilliant idea to put an end to the frustration. They developed a device that will take away the problem! Danbi (means ‘welcome rain’) is a handy *tethering device that makes your 3G phone work as an access point. With this smart wireless router Danbi, you can do your job everywhere – on the highway, train, subway, and park. Sorry, white collars- more work for you!. [tip]*Tethering is the use of a mobile device such as a mobile phone to supply Internet access for another device which is otherwise unconnected, using the mobile device as a modem –(Taken from Wikipedia) Small, easy-to-use cell phone tethering device All Wi-Fi devices compatible Sleek Design with durable housing KRW 99,000

ht ug Dro i F i) ve eW Wa for th e h n i (T Rai e nb Da lcom We

Listening to music is a vital part of our lives. What you listen to sets your mood and often helps the work efficiency. And you can also forget the stressful noise from the streets by plugging earphone. You get touched when you hear good music. Many music lovers have craved for the better quality sound system to enjoy the full, natural sound of the music. However, Hi-Fi equipments come surprisingly pricey most of the times, and many listeners have given up on finding a quality headphone because of the price. But don’t you worry anymore – we have found just the right high quality headphone! Affordable price and sleek design, PHIATON MS 400 is a perfect match for the music lovers. First you’ll be captured by its appearance. Red leather cushioning lining the folding, swiveling ear pieces and carbonfiber enclosure is wonderfully designed and finished. But don’t let the beauty of its appearance fool you. It sounds as good as it looks! Electrodynamic drivers inside of MS 400 give you a crunching high-range sound with heart rocking bass, and its mid-range sound is reference level of course. The company’s over 60 years of experience and constant research finally came to fruition. If you love both fashion and music, don’t miss out on this one! Studio grade 40mm Electrodynamic drivers Carbon fiber enclose for best acoustic output Top edge acoustic technology powered housing Silky replaceable ear cushion KRW 340,000

Ph o t o b y Th e Wa ve (+8 2 -2 -), M i n t p a s s (+8 2 -7 0 -7 5 0 0 -9 0 0 0) , PH I ATON (+8 2 -2 -2 0 4 1 -2 8 7 8 ), Co wo n (+8 2 -2 -6 9 0 0 -0 0 8 1 )

roking magazine 85

he-yum ● focus

I AM SMART! e d i t o r / Sang-aa Park i l l u s t r a t o r / Don g- h e e B a e

Home appliances, now they‘ve got brain!

Technology has taken the next step. Sellers seem to realize that customers want more than just a design. So with a blessing of IT, those design-obsessed white electronics have become much smarter than ever before. Now they are not just about good looks - they actually do something more, which in return helps your life become easier (or make you lazier) than before. We have chosen some of those geeky ‘hot stuffs’ of today’s trendy home appliances for your advantage. Now let’s figure out what makes these smart white electronics so special.

oops, they are actually smarter than me!

september 2010

“Smart Robot Vacuum Machine Begins” - even Joker has one in his house?

“Sorry Nancy, I just Now, everyone hired a new personal can cook assistant in my kitchen...” “Good”-automatic Wi-Fi Powered Refrigerator cooking oven

Tango Robot Housekeeper Samsung

Zippel e-Diary Refrigerator Samsung

Zippel Smart Oven Samsung

From now on, we don’t have to get stressed out when we are returning back home late after a party. This small robot housekeeper will take good care of your floors; because these days we are too busy living to really worry about cleaning. So here’s the answer for one of your housekeeping issues. By one phone call, this little robot starts to clean your home automatically. With the power of Xyro sensor, the robot calculates its speed and direction simultaneously to avoid collision with furniture or the walls. The best part is, if its battery starts to run out it will automatically go to its charger and charge itself without any human control. Guess now it is time to give ourselves the extra time to hang out with friends.

The kitchen is a place where women spend the most part of their day (even if they aren’t actually cooking); it is also the place that women care for the most. So kitchen electronics have gotten smarter for those women who live a busy life. Now, here comes a digital personal organizer with an additional function of refrigerator. It has a built in Wi-Fi feature that enables data transfer and internet access, which allows spreading news and various information from the web straight to its touch screen. With all these functions, it also provides over 500 cooking recipes to its user, which helps us to discover new tastes by checking what’s in the fridge and what ingredients are missing.

Behold, here’s a self cooking oven coming right to our kitchen. Now everyone can make a perfect Thanksgiving Turkey! This smart oven has a bar-code reader that can read cooking recipes and cooks automatically by controlling its heat. It also clearly goes to show just how a 21st Century home appliance should look like.

roking magazine 87

teum â—? picnic e di t o r / S i n - y o u n g J u n g

4 representative parks of Seoul

The reborn large scale environmental theme park World Cup Park Nanji Island, which used to be Seoul’s landfill site for 15 years until 1993 (and filled with about 92 million tons of garbage), was converted into the environmentally friendly World Cup Park over an area of 272,000 sq. meters. World Cup Park is made up of five smaller parks: Pyounghwa Park, Haneul Park, Noeul Park, Nanjicheon Park, and Nanji Hangang Park. Haneul Park, so named because it is at the nearest place to the sky in World Cup Park, can be reached after climbing up many stairs. And it offers breathtaking views of Seoul City, Bukhan-san, Nam-san, 63 Building, Han River, and Haengju-san mountain fortress. Noeul Park has the environmental-friendly golf course created to stabilize the landfill and the rest contains a natural vegetation site, sports facilities, and walking trails. In the Wind Plaza and Noeul Plaza area, the beautiful sunsets along the western coast can be appreciated, so it is also popular as a destination for photography clubs, like Haneul Park. The Nanji Hangang Park

september 2010

contains a natural environment conservation including ecological wetlands, sightseeing boat wharf, lawn plaza, camping ground, archery range, and playground which offer citizens relaxation in the middle of the city.

Tip If you get a chance to visit, also make a plan to go camping at the Nanji camping ground. It will give you a valuable time to ponder off from the busy daily life. In the high-demand seasons (May ~ October), you should make an appointment a month prior to your visit. You do not have to make an appointment at the picnic place where a simple cooking or a barbeque party but a tent is allowed. So keep this in mind and it can certainly be a decent place for you to take a one day rest.

Photo by World Cup Park(+82-2-300-5542) Nanjido-way, Mapo-gu, Seoul ( +82.2.300.5500 )

4 representative parks of Seoul

Imbued with the modern korean history Yanghwajin Foreign Missionary Cemetery

Ph o t o b y Ya n g h wa j i n F o re i g n M i s s i o na r y Ce m e t e ry (+8 2 -2 -3 3 2 -9 1 7 1 ) H a p j e o n g -d o n g , M a p o -g u , Se o ul h t t p : //www. y a n g h wa j i n . n e t /

Yanghwajin is a cemetery overlooking the Han River in the district of Mapo-gu, Seoul. The late 19th century was the beginning of the opening of Korea to western nations with the first arrivals being mostly Christian missionaries. As time went by a place was needed to bury those who happened to pass away while living in Korea, and Yanghwajin Foreign Cemetery eventually became that place. The cemetery is a great place to look into Korea’s past and some of these early missionaries are to this day some of the most famous foreigners to ever step into Korea. Designated in 1890 as a site for foreign missionaries by King Gojong, the site is currently open to the public from 9:00am to 6:00pm and is located next to Jeoldusan Martyr’s Shrine.

Tip Korea has suffered greatly from the conflicts in the course of modernization. The introduction of Catholic was taken as another Western study to Korea and it attracted the intellectuals’ attention. If you understand the historical context of persecuting the missionaries and the Catholics, even if it might have caused the possibility of an armed conflict between Korea and the Western countries, while visiting this place, you could gain a greater understanding of the true meaning of the Yanghwajin and the Korea’s history.

roking magazine 89

teum ● picnic

4 representative parks of Seoul

The green shelter in the center of the city Seoul Forest Created on a historic site which once contained a royal hunting forest, Seoul’s first water purification plant - constructed in 1908, a race course and a golf course, Seoul Forest has become one of Seoul’s most cherished public parks since it was opened to all citizens of the capital. Seoul Forest has been transformed into a popular urban park with a dense canopy of trees and an attractive lake.

Tip Seoul Forest offers fantastic walks linking Gwanghwamun Gate in the heart of the capital with the Hangang(River) via the newly restored Cheonggyecheon and Jungnangcheon(Stream). Enjoy green way, jogging, inline skating, biking, and etc while spending a day at this green shelter with nature in the center of the city. Ph o t o b y Se o u l F o re s t Pa rk(+8 2 -2 -4 6 0 - 2 9 0 0 ) Se o n g s u -d o n g , Se o n g d o n g -g u , Se o u l h t t p : //p a rks . s e o u l . g o . kr/

september 2010

4 representative parks of Seoul

Located in the heart of Seoul Namsan Namsan is a representative place to go in Seoul. Its landscape was damaged by both Japanese and Koreans during the colonial rule and industrial growth stage respectively. Namsan Park was built by Seoul city government in efforts to recover the nature and historical meaning of Namsan. One of the great things about Namsan Park is that it has an easy access: It is located near Myeong-dong, the center place in the inner city. Nearby attractions such as Namsan fortress wall and Bongsudae(beacon tower) are another reason why you should visit Namsan. Don’t miss out on wonderful opportunity to watch the scenery and beautiful sunset of Seoul: When you reach the end of the park you can ride the cable car and get to Namsan Tower while enjoying the view.

Tip Various animal and plant can be seen at Namsan. When you are visiting Namsan Park, dress lightly for a hike. Each weather Namsan Park sheds its previous color and wears a new one. In the spring time, you can enjoy full cherry blossoms and watch the spectacle of cherry blossom leaves fluttering to the ground. Each month various meets are held at Namsan Park hiking trail. If you’d like to experience and get into the beauty of Namsan’s nature, participate in their hiking meet or 100km Ultra Marathon meet there.

p hoto by Na ms a n P a rk(+82-2-3783-5997) Hoe h ye on - don g, J u ng-gu, Seoul h t tp: / / pa r k s . s e ou l . san

roking magazine 91

The best 30 titles from Fantasy Label(under CONCORD) The very first Best Box Set from CONCORD

“30 must-have records for Jazz Starters” Individual LP miniature case with Original Album Cover Design Original Jazz Classics and Rudy Van Gelder series’ High-quality re-mastered sound 158-pages long Special booklet ///Label history and explanation on each album (Kor/Eng/Jap) ///Rare black and white photos ///Nam Mooseong’s “Jazz it up!” - Behind stories of the Jazz masters

Under Lee Ritenour’s producing, legendary guitarists B.B. King, Slash, George Benson, Steve Lukather, John Scofield and Kevin Moore has gathered! DZ 3051

Lee Ritenour 6 String Theory

Miguel Zenon [Esta Plena]

An ultimate harmony created by 54 individuals. World-famous conductor and arranger Vince Mendoza and his Metropole Orkest and John Scofield have collaborated for this new project! DZ3048

John Scofield [54]

Dubbed “Award for Genius,” MacArthur Fellowship is a kind of an own fellowship. Miguel Zenon has not only one MacArther Fellowship, but also has one Guggenheim Fellowship in the same year of 2008! Meet his most recent album.

Selected as Downbeat 2009 Critic’s Poll “Trumpet Player of the year,” Christian Scott is a Star trumpeter of CONCORD Label. Listen to this genius’ fourth album, [Yesterday You Said Tomorrow].

Christian Scott [Yesterday You Said Tomorrow]

Musical ‘Kristina’s original cast recording. Written and composed by Abba’s Benny Anderson, Björn Ulvaeus. DD7970

Kristina [Original Cast Recording]

Latin god is back! Meet legendary Sergio Mendes’ newest album which includes “Emorio,” which was selected as sound track for FIFA World Cup 2010. DZ3044

Sergio Mendes [Bom Tempo]

r and piano

A magical randevu of guita


[Spell, a mysterious charm ist guitarist Minseok Kim & Pian Korea’s representative jazz ect proj d gran Yoonseong Cho’s

Find these albums at Internet: : Kyobo Books(, Libro(, Music Land(, Music Korea(, Sanga Record(, Synnara( Aladdin(, evan(, apple music(, orfeo(, oi music(, yes 24(, interpark(, hyang music( Seoul region(02): Libro Guro(63418105), Libro Eulji(757-8100), Book and Music(3487-2655), Synnara Central(6282-3697), Synnara Sinsa(512-5011), Evan Records(6002-1000), Yeinsa(701-0561), Yejeon Records(597-9536), Yongsan I-Park(2012-0655), Yonsan Jeonja Land(715-4380), Cresendo(3474-9339), Pungwoldang(512-2222), M2U(3143-3946), Hot Tracks Gangnam(534-9961), Hot Tracks GwangHwaMun(732-9961), Hot Tracks Yeongdeungpo(2678-9961), Hot Tracks Jamsil(417-9961) Incheon(032)/Gyeonggi(031) region: Libra Bundang(783-8923), Synnara Incheon(430-1313), Synnara Ilsan(920-9260), Hot Tracks Bundang(7029961), Hot Tracks SeongNam(753-2361), Hot Tracks AnYang(442-9961) Busan, Daegu, other regions: Synnara Busan Univ.(051-518-0686), SD Media(051-321-0315), GM Records(051-246-0752), Hot Tracks Daegu(053-425-9961), Hot Tracks Busan(051-819-9961), Hot Tracks Centum City(051-782-9961), King Music Land(052-423-6922)

roking’s eyes

2 BON LAUNCHES COLLECTION LINE Now you can meet the looks presented at the 2010 F/W BON collection at the BON stores. BON collection lines will be displayed at some of the BON stores. BON store specializing in their eyewear, accessories and collection lines are in the plans to open soon. Don’t miss out on their collection line! Call +82-2-2107-6526 for more information.

4 dENiZEN’s new model Jay Park A company with 150 years of denim-making history, LEVI’S’ LEVI STRAUSS Korea LTD. Has launched dENiZEN last August. Global top model Cole Mohr was selected as the model of the campaign for dENiZEN which emphasized the young and new spirit the brand itself has. Korea’s dENiZEN has selected Jay Park as their model, capturing the attention of the fans who awaited his return. With its reasonably priced, hipstyle denim, the fashion people looks forward to the future of dENiZEN.

6 E.S. donna LAUNCHES ‘COURONNE COLLECTION’ E.S. donna’s Couronne collection of the collection has a classy tone which symbolizes the grace and regal charisma of Queen Giovanna. +82-2-2190-7032 for more information.



3 KUHO DOUBLE TRENCH COAT KUHO by Cheil Industries are known for their modern avant-garde looks. KUHO has presented a double trench coat for perfect styling during the mid-season in August. Planned to launch in mid-August, KUHO’s double trench coat is available in two colors, grey and brown. For those who are looking for a useful outer for a whimsical weather and keep their style, KUHO’s trench coat would be a must-buy. For more information, call +82-2-514-9580.

5 JIAKIM PINK DRESS JIAKIM’s dress has a very feminine style. Its loose silhouette is comfortable while not compromising femininity with the point waistband that emphasizes the fit. It could be a day-dress or can be worn as a perfect beach dress. Match bold accessories and wedge heels for a resort look. Call =82-2-517-1795 for more information. ]




fashion news

september 2010



1 ANDY & DEBB The fourth 2010 F/W NY COLLECTION ANDY & DEBB came out strongly with a bolder style for their forth 2010 F/W NY COLLECTION. Powerful yet feminine, their allblack look with touch of metal harmonized with knit wear is perfect as modern day women’s outfit. Their wool and silk mixture ginkgo-leaf dress hints a classy, moderate look. +82-2-3442-3012 for more information.

1 MISSHA LAUNCHES RENEW SNAIL CREAM This new product by MISSHA includes over 70% of snail slime extraction. ’Super Aqua Cell Renew Snail Cream’ has both wrinkle improvement and whitening functions. Snail cream, known as ‘the cream of magic’, helps soothing troubled skin and improving dull skin tone, pimple marks, and skin elasticity. For more information, call +82-2-6292-6873. 2 SCINIC LAUNCHES HOT BODY EXTRA SLIM FIT Beauty brand SCINIC launches two different ‘Hot body Extra Slim Fit’ care for those who are desperate for toned body for bikini. ‘Hot Body Extra Slim Fit Burning Mist’ is a sliming product which helps improving cellulites by thermotherapy, and ‘Hot Body Extra Slim Fit Firming Cream’ helps toning and improving skin elasticity. These two products will help you achieve your dream body line. Call +8280-890-4242 for more information.

3 LANEIGE LAUNCHES Mystic Veil Collection LANEIGE launches a new make-up collection for the Autumn season. The new collection has a mystic mood and dreamy look which distant LANEIGE from other line of beauty products. The skin is smooth, as if covered with soft veil, while semi-smoky look for eyes and pinky cheek emphasizes the feminine beauty. LANEIGE commissioned Danish graphic artist Wendy Plovmand on illustrating of the packaging of this romantic limited collection.

5 LEE KYUNG MIN FORET PUBLISHES ‘MY SWEET MAKE-UP BOOK’ Make-up Artist Lee Kyung-min, who is on the top of her game and has collaborated with Choi Ji-woo, Go So-young, Kim Nam-ju and Kim Min-hee, has launched a make-up how-to book. In this book, various beauty tips that Lee has accumulated from 25 years of experience is introduced. Beginners to professionals all can pick up this book and learn about various make-up styles a nd celebrity make-up. Call +82-2-3444-8535 for more information. 6 The History of Whoo The collaboration between Cheongidan line and Designer Kang Hee-sook Designer Kang Hee-sook who is known for her classy and elegant line of collection has collaborated with Whoo on their first new line of 2010, Chengidan line. The gold color of the package with subtle glitter suggests luxurious and feminine charisteristic of Whoo. +82-80727-5252 for more information.



4 YUHAN CORPORATION BeautyIn Multi-Vitamin Mineral & Mineral WH After enjoying vacation under the sun, your skin is destined to be dry and dulled. To improve your dull skin tone, Yuhan Corporation has launched a supplementary pill with whitening effect. The pill is composed of Vitamin C that helps with improvement of the skin tone, Vitamin E and Vitamin B2 that will protect skin and boost metabolism. This chewable vitamin pill is fruit flavored and easy to take. To find out more call +82-80-024-1188.






beauty news

roking magazine 95

roking’s eyes

2 Grand Ambassador Seoul’s Picnic & the City For this vacation season, Grand Ambassador Seoul is presenting a fun summer package with three different options. The packages are ‘Family & the City’ for the family, ‘Ladies & the City’ for girlfriends, and ‘Like Honeymooners’ for the couple. All the guests who are using this package can use the indoor swimming pool and fitness center for free, and also can enjoy a delayed check-out (2pm). The price for ‘Family & the city’ is 197,000 KRW, ‘Ladies & the City’ 159,000 KRW, ‘Like Honeymooners’ 131,000 (VAT and tip not included). Call +82-22270-311 for more information. september 2010

3 Sheraton Incheon Hotel opens The Spa Hasta One-year old Sheraton Incheon Hotel launched ‘Spa@Sheraton’ which a special all-natural and green friendly spa package. The package includes a night’s stay in their deluxe room, ‘Deep tissue back muscle therapy’ (for two, 60 minutes long) and ‘Hastassage therapy’ (For one, 100 min. long), as well as free usage of indoor pool and sauna. The price is 288,000 KRW and 340,000 KRW (VAT and tip not included) for Spa@Sheraton Package. From August 1 to October 31. Call +82-32-835-1004 for more information. 4 Westin Chosun Seoul’s Hong Yuan Weekend Special Hong Yuan at Westin Chosun Seoul has launched ‘family choice menu’ for the weekend diners. The ‘Family Choice menu’ allow you to choose 10 different items among their 30 plus choices. Hong Yuan’s ‘Live Stoneware Jia Jang men noodle’ and Cantonstyle dishes are among favorites among the customers. Lunch: 52,000 KRW Dinner:69,000 KRW plus VAT and tip. For more info, call +822-317-0494.

6 Imperial Palace Hotel opens outdoor pool For the summer, Imperial Palace Hotel launched their outdoor pool. The pool will have different concept for different hours. The outdoor pool has an exotic theme with 4-person tables and plenty of sun beds so you can relax under the sun. In the weekends and holidays, ‘Pool side barbeque buffet’ will make you feel like you enjoying barbeque near the Mediterranean Sea. Also, come late weekday afternoon, the ‘night pool program’ will unfold, where you can enjoy private summer night’s party. The price for outdoor pool(9am to 4pm everyday) is 61,000 KRW, Poolside barbeque buffet (Weekends and holidays 4pm-10pm) 69,000 KRW, Night Pool (Mon-Thurs 7pm12am) 35,000 KRW. Call +82-2-3440-8000 for more information.


1 PARK HYATT SEOUL Chuseok Getaway package For the Chuseok holidays Park Hyatt Seoul has prepared “Chuseok Getaway Package”(package deal is offered for only 10 days). Arranged for a special price and made up with various services, you can enjoy the best of the best service in the middle of the city. The package includes a night’s stay in the hotel, breakfast for two, special gift to Di Parma. The package offers a discounted price for dinner set at the Corner Stone and makgeolli/side dish set at the Timber House. The package starts from 290,000 KRW (prices vary depending on the selected date and room, 10% VAT not included). From Sep 17 to Sep 28. Call +82-2-2016-1100 for more information.

5 Eric Kayser Boulangerie opens at Seoul Plaza Hotel The much-famed boulangerie from France, Eric Kayser has landed in Seoul. Their first store has opened in 63 city. Eric Kayser has 70 plus stores in Greece, Russia, Morocco, UAE, etc. Eric Kayser Korea will present 120 different kinds of traditional French baked goods. Eric Kayser plans to open 20 more stores in Korea within 3 years and deliver goods to 5 star hotels and restaurants. Call +82-2-789-5987 for more information.








hotel news


국내 호텔

부천 Coffee Kitchen 032-325-9771

서울 온누리투어 1577-0044

부천 Café Umjari 070-8201-9995

서울 세계로여행사 02-3482-5775 서울 비티앤아이 투익지점 02-2022-6600

Best Western

부천 카페 라엘 070-8262-0754

서울 베스트 웨스턴 프리미어 강남 호텔 02-6474-2000

카페 (브랜드)


Take Urban

서울 라뷰티코아 02-544-0714

서울 쉐라톤 그랜드 워커힐 호텔 02-455-5000

서울 Take Urban 02-519-0001

서울 W 퓨리피 02-549-6282


Seven Monkeys

서울 정샘물 메이크업 02-518-8100

서울 해밀톤 호텔 02-794-0171

전국 Seven Monkeys 02-2654-8378


대학 (국제교류)


서울 더 레드카펫 02-516-8502

서울 토니앤가이 청담 본점 02-541-9985

서울 Windroad and Windflower 02-6407-2013

서울 고려대학교 Office of International Affairs

서울 위드박기태뷰티살롱 02-515-2322

서울 Backpackers INSIDE 02-3672-1120

서울 아방뷰티샵 02-774-3339

서울 봉 하우스 02-6080-3346

서울 연세대학교 Office of International Affairs

서울 PH4.5 뷰티샵 02-3443-3992

서울 Banana Backpackers 02-3672-1973


서울 청안에스테틱 스파 1688-5810

서울 Seoulbackpackers 02-3672-1972

Underwood International College


서울 방랑 호스텔 02-6414-2246


서울 서울 글로벌 센터 02-1688-0120

서울 TravelersA Seoul Guesthouse 02-2285-5511

서울 서강대학교 Office of International Affairs

서울 디엠씨 빌 02-380-4800

서울 명동 게스트하우스 02-755-5437

Wall Street Institute

서울 HEY Backpackers 010-3438-1249

서울 외국어대학교 Office of International Affairs

서울 월스트리트 인스티튜트 삼성센터 1588-5605

서울 홍 게스트하우스 010-6315-6696

서울 월 스트리트 인스티튜트 강남센터 02-555-5414

서울 Grape Garden House 018-278-9808

서울 서울대학교 Office of International Affairs

서울 월 스트리트 인스티튜트 코리아 02-2075-6655

서울 Guys & Dolls Guesthouse 010-6697-6117

서울 월스트리트 인스티튜트 종로센터 02-737-3155

서울 kims guesthouse 02-337-9894

대전 카이스트 Office of External Affairs


서울 파고다어학원 강남 02-2051-4000

서울 나무 게스트하우스 070-8291-4878 레지던스


02-705-8118 02-2173-2063~4 02-880-8633~8 042-350-2444

서울 코업레지던스 을지로점 02-2269-4600

포항 포항공대 어학센터 054-279-8004

서울 파고다어학원 종로 02-2274-4000

서울 코업레지던스 웨스턴 02-2279-4500

포항 한동대학교 Office of International Community

서울 파고다 다이렉트 어학원 여의도센터 02-6929-4000

서울 코업레지던스 삼성 02-539-9080

서울 파고다어학원 신촌 02-717-4000

서울 까사빌 레지던스 신촌 02-6220-4000

관공서 및 관련기관

서울 까사빌 레지던스 삼성 02-539-9080

서울 국립중앙박물관 문화재단 1544-5955

서울 YBM 시사 어학원 02-2278-0509

서울 바비엥스위트 02-2076-9000

서울 예술의 전당 580-1300

서울 YBM-E4U 어학원 종로 2관 02-2276-0509

서울 스타빌 02-798-8990

서울 정동극장 751-1500

서울 YBM ELS 역삼센터 02-554-0509

서울 명동난타극장 02-729-8288


서울 Café HAPOOM 02-733-1180

서울 강남난타전용관 02-739-8288

서울 해커스 어학원 02-566-0001

서울 오자네왔는가 02-720-7613

서울 한국 관광안내 전시관 본사 02-279-9600

서울 해커스 어학원 선릉학원 02-554-5800

서울 아름다운 티까페 02-735-6678

서울 광화문 관광안내소 02-736-0212

글로벌 어학원

서울 흐르는물처럼 02-739-8722

서울 광화문종합 관광안내소 02-735-8688

서울 글로벌 어학원 서울본원 02-725-0515

서울 인사동이야기 02-736-6923

서울 인사동 관광안내소 02-734-0222

플랜티 어학원

서울 수요일 02-723-0191

서울 동대문종합 관광안내소 02-2236-9135

서울 플랜티어학원 종로캠퍼스 02-735-3322

서울 나루카페 02-782-0606

서울 명동 관광안내소 02-757-0088


서울 La Bocca 02-790-5907

서울 남대문시장 관광안내소 02-752-1913

GSGM, SK, Phiaton, Cowon, The Wave 등

서울 카페티8 02-794-7850

서울 남대문 관광안내소 02-752-5728

서울 Café Chloris02-312-7523

서울 이태원 관광안내소 02-3785-2514


서울 트리니티 02-313-0218

서울 코엑스 관광안내소 02-538-0264


서울 Café Lucycato 02-362-0050

서울 잠실 관광안내소 02-2143-7007

University of Washington, Washington State University,

서울 커피 프린스 1호점 본사 02-786-4016

김포 김포공항 관광안내소 02-3707-9465

Gonzaga University, Missouri State University,

서울 티 로프트 02-772-3996

인천 인천공항 관광안내소 032-741-7560~1

Michigan State University, University of California,

서울 Payard 패이야드 02-310-1980

부산 해운대종합 관광안내소 051-749-4335

Yale Universty, Johns Hopkins, University of Idaho,

서울 Café HEAVEN 02-888-0305

부산 부산관광안내소 051-501-0852

University of Missouri, Stanford University 등

서울 Café206 02-3432-0206

부산 한국관광공사 김해공항안내소 051-973-1100

미국에 위치한 자영업장

서울 카페 마놀린 02-599-8846

경주 터미널 관광안내소 054-772-9289

Red Bento, Tokyo Seoul, Ugly Mug, WSU

서울 café HARUE 02-534-7972

경주 경주역 관광안내소 054-772-3843

Cornermarket, Oriental store (Spokane), Zoe’s Café,

서울 트롤리 커피 02-572-3778

경주 불국사 관광안내소 054-746-4747 등

서울 오블리비아테 02-553-9545

제주 서귀포종합 관광안내소 064-760-3544

중국에 위치한 대학

서울 Something L’s 02-567-7002

제주 제주웰컴센터 종합관광안내소 064-740-6001

MSU Dalian Campus, Shandong University, Beijing

서울 에스프레소 퍼블릭 02-556-9317

제주 한국관광공사 공항안내소 064-742-0032

University, University of Liaoning 등

서울 커피 스미스 02-3445-3372


서울 블룸앤구떼 02-545-6659

서울 (주)하나투어 1577-1233

I-55, Bobby London, German Beer House in Dalian,

서울 바리에맑음 02-3444-8241

서울 세중여행 753-8080

Tomato, Ajisen Ramen 등

서울 페이퍼가든 02-3443-8880

서울 스타 트래블 02-569-8114

서울 고릴라 인 더 키친 02-3442-1688

서울 모두투어 1544-5252

카페 (일반)



중국에 위치한 서비스 업장

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