KYIV 2014
1. Executive Summary 2. Motivation 3. Proposed Umbrella Topic 4. Academic Quality 5. Financial Planning 6. Preliminary Programme and Unofficial Theme of the Session 7. Venues and Logistics 8. Travel to Ukraine 9. Experience of the National Organising Committee 10. Structure of Organising Team 11. Green EYP 12. Alcohol Policy 13. Support of the Bid Annex One: Budget Annex Two: Archive with Letters of Support Annex Three: Partners and Sponsors List Annex Four: Annual Report of EYP Ukraine 2012 (UA) Annex Five: Sponsorship Proposal Sample Annex Six: Legal Note sample Annex Seven: Topics Sample
NATIONAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE DETAILS: Names of Head-organisers: Anna Suprunenko and Roksolana Pidlasa Has the National Committee endorsed the application? Yes, it has.
2. MOTIVATION "How wonderful it is that Nobody needs to wait a single moment Before starting to improve the world." - Anne Frank Just like a football team is carefully running with a ball striving for victory, EYP-Ukraine carries the ball of European values aspiring to reach every youngster and associate with another happy individual by opening the whole world of new opportunities. We run on different fields, we do not compete aggressively; we use tools of compromise and offer a new world full of outstanding dreamers who know they will change this world to a better place. The European Youth Parliament – Ukraine neatly tailored the team day by day. It took us more than a week and a pile of applications to select a strong and straight forwarded motivated team to work on this bid. Yet today one can already judge the result of its cooperation. Meetings, communication, preparations and research carried out during the October-November time in a format of the most idealistic EYP approach with good timing and we achieve cohesion and mutual understanding. And if the core team collaborates well, the whole body of the project acts accordingly. You wonder what that team is like. Imagine you are standing in the middle of a field looking up to the night sky. What do you see? Glimmering stars, many of them. Those are the inspired eyes of the team members. Affection towards EYP is the heart of our team. Finest compilation of the best ideas done by the Head-organisers – this is the mind of our team. Today the density of alike minded Ukrainian youngsters is one of the highest in the history of our national committee, thus it is the right time for us to challenge the team of 33 youngsters with an International Session, no time to waste the great potential of local youth. Additionally, the financial possibilities EYP Ukraine has at the moment are very favourable. We have a number of long-term partners and a lot of potential sponsors to work with. Apart from the huge human potential EYP Ukraine possesses, the city itself is an incentive power to host this event. Kyiv IS history. This city can show you what the real speed of life is in the oldest Eastern European capital. Atmosphere-wise and according to legends Kyiv was one of the most significant meeting points for the magicians at times of Kyiv Rus. Kyiv IS hospitability. Ukrainians and Kyivians particularly welcome guests gladly and take good care of them, providing with range of adventurous impressions. Kyiv IS hub of EYP Ukraine. EYP Ukraine was founded in Kyiv and currently Kyiv is the native city for 75% of leadership of EYP Ukraine and 50% of its members. For all these reasons we believe that Kyiv is ready to host 77th International Session of the European Youth Parliament in autumn 2014.
3. PROPOSED THEME With the recent crisis in the Euro Zone and the growing Euro scepticism, the achievements of united Europe must not be overlooked. The 2012 Nobel Peace Prize went to the European Union for years of promoting reconciliation and peace in Europe. As the National Committee of the EYP in Ukraine, we believe that values and accomplishments Europe has today, together with all lessons learned, will be the only ones able to bring a better future for Europeans. For this, we have to be able to believe in Europe, the diverse, peaceful and united continent we all know. Beyond any formality, Europe is united by our common history and shared values. BeLiveInEurope – it is belief in Europe and much more! What BeLiveInEurope means to us is: BE = act, make a change, follow your dreams, achieve! LIVE = care for environment, health, living conditions, economy, social responsibility. Live! Love! Learn! IN = INternational, INtercultural, INclusive, INterrelated, INcredible, INventive, INteresting, INnovative, INtellectual, INspiring Europe the list is INfinite! EUROPE. We share the European values. We believe in Europe. It works. And only we as its citizens and inhabitants can make Europe work better and more efficiently. We find the theme BeLiveInEurope relevant for EYP as a whole and the Kyiv 2014 International Session in particular on many levels. Firstly, it’s short, sharp and clear. This theme unites many diverse issues that form the committee topics and can be discussed by the participants during Committee Work. Furthermore, the theme BeLiveInEurope does not restrict us with the list of sponsors whom we can approach for session support, as the theme description in session sponsorship proposal (Annex 5) can be tailored to any sponsor, thus allowing us to expand the list of potential supporters and not limiting our possibilities. Finally, we trust that the participants of the 77th International Session of the EYP in Kyiv will love this theme as much as the organising team does and share our passion for it not only with other participants, but also the Kyiv locals, their family and friends back at home. We also believe that umbrella topic of the upcoming 7th National Selection Conference of EYP – Ukraine - Value Europe – makes a necessary basis and a good kick-off experience of discussing the roots of European identity and values and teaches to appreciate the chest of values, mentalities, culture and human potential hidden in the European land. Having analyzed ourselves and the values we share, we would be able not just to hope for a better future, but to believe and actively build it, turning our strength into sustainable development and competitive power of the continent. (Annex 7)
4. ACADEMIC QUALITY The National Committee of EYP Ukraine truly values all traditions created and good practices established within the history of the European Youth Parliament, including striving to academic excellence of our educational projects for youth. Brought into practice, this principle inspired us to use the practice of Topic Overviews being sent to selected delegates at least one month prior to the event. Also, there is a requirement concerning position paper preparation, which is a must at most of our big events. Taking into account a positive impact of thorough preparations on the quality of Committee Work discussions, we have a strong intention to implement this experience during the International Session in Kyiv. On this way, we are eager to do some benchmarking, analysing and implementing best practices introduced at the recent International Sessions in Tallinn and Amsterdam. We have developed a list of ideas, which we believe would strengthen the academic level of the upcoming International Session: A. Communication with experts is a successful practice which is gaining more and more popularity within EYP projects. We would like to invite 15 professionals to become experts for our committees; moreover, we would like to implement a flexible scheme with no fixed hours for expert hearings. Instead of this, expert opinion and input will be available for the committee upon request, thus ensuring independent thinking within a committee and proper expert support in the moments when a third party check is required for evaluation of the ideas developed or committee’s competence and knowledge level limits further development of discussion. Experts will work in a close cooperation with chairs, thus combining expert help and chair’s vision of a team development and moderation strategy. We are planning to invite our partners representing private sector, universities, NGOs and international organisations to suggest qualified experts for all committees; B. Position papers submitted by delegates before the Session might be substituted by more specific “case studies” prepared by the abovementioned experts. Hence, every delegate will be required to solve a topic-related case, which will ensure satisfactory comprehension of the issue in general and its practical side in particular; C. Topic fact sheets are to be submitted before the session; D. We will require every delegate to pass a short interactive quiz on the EU institutions “European Union and How It Works”; E. We will create an online platform enabling people to enjoy live stream from the GA and address their points to proposing committee. The process will be run by the members of the Board who will read out up to 3 chosen points from the audience and suggest the proposing committee to respond; F. We are planning to saturate General Assembly debates with the post-debate summarizing speeches, delivered by experts. We believe it will increase objectivity of voting and will steer delegates to the path of professional discussion; G. Broadcasting of topic-related videos before debates will give a quick insight on the topic’s background, which might be missing in the motion. It will brighten up the discussion and will keep sleepy participants awake.
EXPERIENCE OF NOC IN FUNDRAISING In EYP Ukraine we view the International Session project as a priority for our National Committee, thus ensuring full involvement of the NC’s contacts, expertise and resources into the organising process. Over the past years EYP - Ukraine has proved its ability to sustain continuous partnerships with a number of prominent Ukrainian and international companies and foundations that support our activities on a constant basis. The fundraising chain of EYP-Ukraine consists of the organisation’s Board supported by a specialized NC Fundraising Department and strengthened by local fundraising activities performed by session organising teams. In this structure the Board is responsible for strategic fundraising planning and cooperation with partners and sponsors on the national level, while organising teams are involved into targeted event fundraising, including looking for possibilities of in-kind contributions. Strategic approach in the fundraising process is ensured by the activities of the Fundraising Department members of which are responsible for maintaining contacts with current and potential sponsors, running sponsor contacts and grant databases and providing assistance and expertise to organising teams. Such structure enables to reach synergetic cooperation between NC and Organising Team’s fundraising activities and secure funds for all key events. EYP Ukraine has developed a set of materials for fundraising kit: annual reports (Annex 4), sponsor proposal (Annex 5) etc. In 2012 EYP Ukraine successfully secured funds for 18 projects, including 5 big EYP sessions in different regions of Ukraine, which makes a solid basis for the IS fundraising. Within the funds raised, almost half (48%) were provided by private companies and foundations. For many of these partners supporting EYP Ukraine activities has become an integral part of their CSR policy, which results in a number of long-term cooperation agreements and joint social and charitable projects and initiatives where EYP Ukraine performs as informational partner and co-organiser. Another strength lies in the variety of types of contributions provided. For instance, EYP - Ukraine has secured in-kind donations for meals and coffee-breaks from the Charity foundation Food Bank and information materials and stationery supply by the EU Delegation to Ukraine. The strategic approach to fundraising mentioned also reveals a potential in grant funding. With a developed timeline for targeted grant applications in 2013 and grant possibilities for the International Session 2014 considered, it becomes possible to use the full potential of the existing calls for project proposals and grant opportunities. Due to massive outreach activities in 2012 and active involvement into civic movement, EYP Ukraine has gained a positive cooperation experience with many actors of Ukrainian civil society, as well as with many private companies, foundations and governmental agencies. Supported by our successful alumni and partner youth NGOs, such as AIESEC-Ukraine and JCI Youth, EYP Ukraine now operates a broad contact database which creates a favourable environment for establishing new partnerships. Combined with the existing support of our partners and sponsors and smooth cooperation between the Board, Fundraising Department and the IS organising team, all these factors create a basis for the successful raising funds for the International Session project.
BUDGET Annex 1 provides detailed income and expenditure part of the Budget corresponding with current prices for goods, meals and accommodation, as well as UAH-EUR exchange rate as for 23.11.2012. Estimated budget is equal 150 218 EUR. The underlying assumptions of the proposed budget are the following: 1. We are planning to have 20 full-time and 10 part-time Organisers (30 in total). We fully cover accommodation and meals only for full-time Organisers (18 Organisers + 2 Headorganisers); 2. Taking into consideration our previous cooperation with the Hotel “Rus” (proposed main accommodation venue), discounts they offered us back in times and tight cooperation of our constant partner (Charity Foundation “Open Hearts” (Annex 2, Letter 10) with the Hotel, we expect to negotiate a price of 710 UAH (62 euro) per standard room, meaning 355 UAH or approximately 31 EUR per person per night including breakfast; 3. For GB Members, Schwarzkopf Stiftung representatives and interested teachers we offer the same rooms with the only difference: 1 room per person; 4. Transportation (where needed) will be fully provided by Kyiv City State Administration; 5. Venues for General Assembly (Kyiv City State Administration) and Euroconcert (Teacher’s House) will be provided by Kyiv City State Administration (Annex 2, Letter #2); 6. Venue for Committee Work will be provided by International Relations Lyceum #51 (Annex 2, letter #3); 7. Keeping in mind successful practice from the 65th International Session in Lviv, we are planning to provide all Organisers with sim-cards of our partner mobile operator “Life” so that we can have free communication within the network. Prices for these sim-cards are included in the Budget (Line A3); 8. The price for the press room equipment is not included in the budget, since EYP Ukraine has its own projector and two printers in private ownership; mobile operator “Life” will provide us with USB-modems, which we consider to be enough technical supply for Journalists Team; 9. Technical equipment for Opening Ceremony and General Assembly is available at the events venues provided by Kyiv City State Administration; 10. Following EYP Ukraine’s eco-friendly initiatives, we will provide all participants of the session with branded ceramic cups for free. Price of the cups is also included in the budget; 11. T-shirts for CJO Team, GB Members and Schwarzkopf Stiftung representatives will be at the Session’s expense, while the participant will be offered to buy them at price cost. Annex 3 provides the full list of our partners and their brief description.
FUNDRAISING STRATEGY The National Committee of the European Youth Parliament in Ukraine has a significant experience of raising funds for EYP projects of different levels (from a mini-session to International Session). More than that, apart from event-based partnership we have managed to create a number of long-term sponsorship partnerships, thus enabling us to improve project planning and sustainability of the NC as such. Also, we recognise that fundraising implies people or organisations giving money to our organisation. Thus we mention here some relevant fundraising examplse of the key people on the Kyiv2014 organising team: I. The Head-organisers Anna Suprunenko while serving on the Board as a Vice-president and as a President, succeeded to establish a long-term cooperation with a number of partners, including Open Hearts Foundation and Food Bank Foundation who have supported all EYP projects in Ukraine since 2011. Having contact persons in all these partner companies and organisations, a number of preliminary agreements to support the EYP-UA IS project in 2014 were discussed and approved. We believe that having Anna in charge of the team will be beneficial for fundraising for the session, moreover her organizing experience is exceptional (3 sessions are head organizer). Roksolana Pidlasa is young and motivated, though already has a significant organising and fundraising experience. Namely, she was head-organiser of the 3rd Inter-Rail Tour of EYP Ukraine in September, where an approach of fundraising in numerous small companies was successfully implemented. Also she head-organised a number of mini-projects. Roksolana’s drive and motivation make her a very high potential EYPer, so the IS project offers a great chance for her to reveal her full potential by 2014. II. Organising Team The majority of team leaders and members of the organising team have a relevant fundraising experience. We have counted that together all these people on the team have organised more than 40 EYP events. However, we would like to draw attention to the key figures in Kyiv 2014 fundraising: Yegor Vlasenko, Vice-president on Fundraising of EYP-Ukraine in 2012-2013, a Headorganiser of the upcoming 7th National Selection Conference (6-day long event for 140 people; as of today - 2 months prior the session - 70% of funds are already secured (8000 euro)). His main profile is foundations. So far he has successfully established partnership with KAS (contribution to the upcoming National Selection is equal 3000 euro, Foundation is interested in a strategic partnership), and GIZ (5000 euro).
Anton Verkhovodov – member of Fundraising Department of EYP Ukraine in charge of analytical research; was responsible for developing a sponsor proposal document and for compiling the EYP Ukraine Annual Report 2012. Apart from that, his profile includes links to offices of French companies in Ukraine. Namely, he launched a project of French mini-sessions and has negotiated a partnership with the French company “La Farge”, who will sponsor the kick-off event of the project (budget around 500 euro). Anna Lachykhina – head-organiser of the 1st Odesa International Forum where she managed to secure in-kind sponsorship for Coffee Breaks, Stationery and Teambuilding equipment. Also, she was a leader of the grant writing team which won the FLEX alumni grant this year (3000 EUR). Oksana Andrusyak – former President of EYP Ukraine and a key figure in Lviv’10 fundraising process. Her strength is negotiations with governmental institutions. III. Having analysed the information available and experience accumulated, we can state that the success rate of fundraising actions as stated in recent EYP Ukraine session budgets equals 80%. a. € 78 079 (52%) of the Kyiv2014 IS budget is 100% secured. All the support letters provided by private companies and foundations secure the funds stated in the income part of the budget - System Capital Management Group (SCM) - Charity Foundation “Open Hearts Ukraine” - Charityfoundation "Bogdan Gawrylyshyn Foundation" - Charity Foundation “Food Bank” - CFC Consulting - Ukrainian airlines "MAU" - Kyiv City State Administartion - International Lyceum #51 - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) - E.U. Delegation to Ukraine b. € 23500 (18%) of the budget is 90% secured. - Reiffeisen Bank - DF Group International - Ukrainian airlines "MAU" - Company ‘InfoMist’
- Mobile operator “Life” - Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) - International Organisation Migration (IOM) - FLEX Alumni Grant c. 30% the budget with 50:50 percentage to get. - Viktor Pinchuk Foundation - Charity Foundation "Petro Poroshenko - OSI Grants - The Open Society Youth Initiative - The Democracy Grants Program by USA embassy - Visegrad Grant - Sweden Embassy Grant - UK Embassy Grant Still, even for those partners with 50% chances we rather expect lower contribution than requested than refusal to support the project. The potential partners/sponsors list could be extended to a variety of other companies, however we stated the most secured. IV. Fundraising History of EYP Ukraine. In 2012 EYP Ukraine succeeded in organising 4 big events and around 10 smaller events, with the general budget for the year being equal to 30 000 euro (in cash, not counting in-kind contribution). The budget corresponded with the actual need of the projects planned, so there is a possibility of increase in case of approval of the IS project. The finances we got were mainly from the partners provided us with the support letters for the IS and who are eager to further cooperate with us. Source of financing Governmental institutions Grants Charity Foundation “Open Hearts” Private Companies Participation fee In-kind contribution Tot a l
Sum, UAH 34 825,00₴ 21 407,55₴ 72 000,00₴ 102 400,00₴ 46 561,00₴ 19 000₴ 296 193,55₴
Tot a l , € € 3 316,67 € 2 038,81 € 6 857,14 € 9 752,38 € 4 434,38 € 1 809 € 28 208,91
V. Innovative Fundraising Approach. In Ukrainian fundraising environment, one of the main hints is to approach a big amount of companies asking for small contributions according to the sponsorship proposal developed. a. b. c. d. e.
The fundraising plan we are aiming at includes: New Private sector partners (small contributions mostly) EYP SF + Teacher’s fee GRANTS Government + in-kind Existing partners
VI. Grants potential. We made a careful research on grants available in Ukraine and among variety of them we have chosen top 3 which suits the session. In case the application is successful the minimum amount we get is 30000 euro, the probability of getting it is high. We already have a team within the Fundraising Department who are working on grant application. Among the perspective grant possibilities we also see embassy grants (we have a successful cooperation history with them in the past) and several Actions of the Youth in Action Programme available for Ukraine through the Eastern Partnership Youth Window ( a. OSI Grants b. The Open Society Youth Initiative c. The Democracy Grants Program by USA embassy VII. Fundraising department of EYP Ukraine. As was mentioned, we have a specialised department consisting of 10 people with Yegor Vlasenko in charge (team leader on FRD in the organising team). The expertise and combined efforts of the Department members and IS organisers promise intensive fundraising activities. VIII.
The business environment in Ukraine.
After hosting the European Football Championship EURO the business environment has changed to the good and people became more willing to donate. EYP Ukraine has a good reputation in Ukraine; all the visual materials which are already developed and will be further developed will help a lot in communicating with new, existing and former interested players. IX. Visual materials. Sponsor proposal and annual report may serve as the best examples.
The idea behind the History of Mankind Concept - the Unofficial Theme of the Session - is simple and indeed fascinating. We, humans, have successfully survived throughout the history - we learnt how to make fire, how to praise the beauty, how to dance waltz, how to dress smartly, how to EYP and we even escaped the Apocalypse! – So, why don't we celebrate our being alive by a little historical reconstruction? We are planning to create a breathtaking atmosphere during the session full of special features for each day, altogether recreating the history of the mankind in a 10-day Session. This concept is relevant for the hosting city, since Kyiv is said to be mother of all Slavic cities. Every part of the session will include a number of related activities. Organisers and officials will promote the idea of each historic period through different attributes of Teambuilding, Committee Work and Evening Programme, thus creating an inimitable spirit of the Session and encouraging all the participants to live it through.
PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME Friday, 31st of October (Stone Age Atmosphere) All day: Arrival of delegations Until 18:00 - Transfer to Teambuilding Venue 18:00 – 20:00 – Registration of Delegates 20:00 – 24:00 – Welcoming Cavemen’s party with bonfire and tribal dances Upon delegates’ arrival everyone will be taken 2 km away from civilization to the wild forests of Kyiv land, which will symbolise connection to the nature as humans’ beginning. Evening dress code: loose hair (for girls), beard (for boys), furry loincloths and wild attire. Saturday, 1st of November (Pagan Atmosphere) 08:00 – 09:00 - Breakfast 09:00 – 09:30 – Transfer to the General Teambuilding 09:30 – 10:00 - General Teambuilding 10:00 – 13:00 – Teambuilding (Coffee Break included) 13:00 – 13:30 – Transfer to the Hotel 13:30 – 14:30 – Lunch 14:30 – 19:00 – Teambuilding in the Hotel (Coffee Break included) 19:00 – 20:00 – Eurovillage preparations 20:00 – 00:00 – Eurovillage & Country/pagan ritual and traditional presentations This day is chance to explore Europe, as it was in the old days, when each folk was distinguished by not only its own culture, beliefs and traditions, but also peculiar rituals. In the evening all participants will gather to perform scenes from their mythology, present traditions and try different national cuisines. Evening dress code: traditional costumes.
Sunday, 2nd of November (Antique Atmosphere) 08:00 – 09:00 – Breakfast 09:00 – 13:00 – Teambuilding in the Hotel (Coffee Break included) 13:00 – 14:00 – Lunch 14:00 – 18:00 – Teambuilding in the Hotel (Coffee Break included) 18:00 – 18:45 – Packing & check-out 18:45 – 19:45 – Transfer to Kyiv 19:45 – 21:00 – Hotel Check-in 20:00 – 21:30 – Dinner in shifts 21:30 – 01:00 – Olympic party (in the Hotel) This day we will find ourselves in the age of art, poetry, philosophy and science. Evening dress code: toga and laurel wreath, the look of wisdom. Monday, 3rd of November (Dark Ages Atmosphere) 08:00 – 09:00 – Breakfast 09:00 – 09:45 – Transfer to Art Arsenal and Opening Ceremony preparations 09:45 – 11:45 – Opening Ceremony 11:45 – 12:15 – Transfer to the Lyceum 12:15 – 13:15 – Committee Work 13:15 – 14:00 – Lunch 14:00 – 19:00 – Committee Work (Coffee Break included) 19:00 – 19:30 – Transfer to the Hotel 19:30 – 21:00 – Dinner and party preparations 21:00 – 21:30 – Transfer to Party venue 21:30 – 01:00 – Witches and Inquisition party The Day is remarkable by party plunging participants in the atmosphere of Dark Ages. Evening dress code: monks in robes, knights in armour and magicians with their ritual attributes.
Tuesday, 4th of November (Renaissance Atmosphere) 08:00 – 09:00 – Breakfast 09:00 – 09:30 – Transfer to the Lyceum 09:30 – 13:00 – Committee Work (Coffee Break included) 13:00 – 14:00 – Lunch 14:00 – 19:00 – Committee Work (Coffee Break included) 19:00 – 19:30 – Transfer to the Hotel 19:30 – 20:00 – Dinner 20:00 – 21:00 – Euroconcert preparations 21:00 – 21:30 – Transfer to Teacher’s House 21:30 – 23:30 – Euroconcert in Renaissance style In Italy during the Renaissance, masquerade balls were very popular among the rich. People would wear colourful masks to hide their identities. One of the best Kyiv Halls will host mysterious Euroconcert, letting us to plunge in the atmosphere of Renaissance. Evening dress code: ladies in evening dresses and gentlemen in tailcoats wearing masks, partially hiding their faces. Wednesday, 5th of November (Cowboys & Indians Style) 08:00 – 09:00 – Breakfast 09:00 – 09:30 – Transfer to the Lyceum 09:30 – 13:00 – Committee Work (Coffee Break included) 13:00 – 14:00 – Lunch 14:00 – 19:00 – Committee Work (Coffee Break included) 19:00 – 19:30 – Transfer to the City centre 19:30 – 22:00 – Committee dinner 22:00 – 22:30 – Transfer to the Hotel 22:30 – 00:00 – EYP café in the Hotel Cowboy hats and Indian colouring on faces are the main attribute of the day. Committee dinners and EYP Café will be held in the thematic venues. Evening dress code: painted faces and feathers in the hairs.
Thursday, 6th of November (Sherlock Holmes’Day) 08:00 – 09:00 – Breakfast 09:00 – 09:30 – Transfer to the City centre 09:30 – 16:00 – City quest & Free time 16:00 – 19:00 – Preparations for the GA 19:00 – 19:30 – Transfer to the City centre 19:30 – 22:00 – Delegations Dinner 22:00 – 22:30 – Transfer to the Hotel 22:30 – 00:00 – EYP café in the Hotel City quest, which will include some puzzles, tasks related to the theme of the day will turn the day for all the delegates into atmosphere of mystery and adventures. Several tasks will be designed for delegates to find out their delegation dinner venues and some information regarding the following day. Friday, 7th of November (1920s-30s, Gangsters Atmosphere) 08:00 – 09:00 – Breakfast 09:00 – 09:30 – Transfer to the City Hall 09:30 – 10:00 – Opening of the General Assembly 10:00 – 14:00 – General Assembly (Proposing Committees I, II, III, IV) 14:00 – 15:00 – Lunch 15:00 – 19:00 – General Assembly (Proposing Committees V, VI, VII, VIII) 19:00 – 19:30 – Transfer to the Hotel 19:30 – 20:30 - Dinner 20:30 – 23:30 – Gangsters Party Following the heated battles of the General Assembly, the Gangsters Party can be transferred into a gangster-jazz party, with jazz music in the air, games and dancing in gangster outfits. Evening dress code: sparkling dresses with boas for ladies and suits in stripes and black hats for gentlemen.
Saturday, 8th of November (80s-90s Atmosphere) 08:00 – 09:00 – Breakfast 09:00 – 09:30 – Transfer to the City Hall 09:30 – 13:30 – General Assembly (Proposing Committees IX, X, XI, XII) 13:30 – 14:30 – Lunch 14:30 – 18:30 – General Assembly (Proposing Committees XIII, XIV, XV) 18:30 – 20:00 – Closing Ceremony 20:00 – 20:30 – Transfer to the Hotel 20:30 – 21:30 – Dinner 21:30 – 22:00 – Farewell preparations
22:00 – 03:00 – Farewell Disco 80s-90s party Farewell party will magically close the session with 80s-90s fashion, puffy wigs, music (ABBA, Madonna, Boney M, Modern Talking beat, etc.), fireworks and of course specially prepared session cake. Sunday, 9th of November 11:00 – Check-out All day: departures
FREE DAY OPTIONS For Adventure Lovers: Scavenger Hunt This is a pre-organised city photo quest, which will not only help participants to get acquainted with the ancient city of Kyiv, but also strengthen the spirit within each committee and bring delegates, chairs and organizers closer. They will get a chance to explore the city centre, have lots of fun and make many awesome pictures together. For Connoisseurs of Art: Museum of Modern Art “Pinchuk Art Centre” and Lypky ‘Pinchuk Art Centre’ is the largest museum of contemporary art in Eastern Europe. Moreover it is the biggest private art museum in Europe, regularly featuring exhibitions of such famous artists as Damien Hurst, Anish Kapoor and others. The entrance is free of charge. ‘Pinhuk Art Centre’ is situated in the very heart of Kyiv. Having enjoyed fine arts in the museum, participants of the session will be able to proceed with sightseeing in the downtown. Lypky is a bright example of historical neighbourhood worth seeing in Kyiv downtown. Back in the days of Russian Empire Lypky was a district packed by fashionable mansions of royal dignitaries and aristocracy. The area is marked by such architectural models as the National Bank of Ukraine (Gothic style), House with Chimeras (Art Nouveau), Administration of the President of Ukraine (Stalin Empire style), The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (Empire style), National Art Museum of Ukraine (Neoclassicism), Drama Theatre (Rococo), Lutheran Church of St. Catherine (Neo-Romanesque), and many others.
For Eco-friendly Ones: Museum of Water and Mariinskiy P a rk Water Museum is one of the newest and the most popular museums in Kyiv. The Museum is located in the building of the first municipal water tower - a monument of architecture of the XIX century. Everyone interested in ecology and environment simply must visit this place to learn more about usage of water resources and have lots of fun at the same time. You will see an artificial waterfall, a small cave illustrating the natural water cycle with simulated rain and thunderstorm and many other attractions. While driving the elevator 20 meters down into the ground, you will see all the layers of soil you will be driving through on a special screen. You can make big soap bubbles of various shapes with the help of special tools and even get yourself into a huge bubble. Due to the recent Agreement between EYP-Ukraine and Water Museum, entrance is free for EYPers. Water Museum is situated in Mariinskiy Park, a central city park located in front of the Supreme Council and the Mariinsky Palace. The park allows for a beautiful view from the hills of Kyiv over its left bank and the majestic river Dnipro. There is also a special “Lovers Bridge” in Mariinsky Park full of locks and messages that couples in love leave there as a sign of their mutual feeling. For Historians: Kyiv Pechersk Lavra and Art Arsenal Kyiv Pechersk Lavra is a historic Orthodox Christian monastery. Since its foundation as a cave monastery in 1051 the Lavra has been a preeminent centre of the Eastern Orthodox Christianity in Eastern Europe. Together with the Saint Sophia Cathedral, it is inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The monastery complex is considered a separate national historic-cultural preserve. Besides, Museum of Miniatures, Museum of Historical Treasures of Ukraine, Museum of Books and Printing, Museum of Theatre, Music and Cinema of Ukraine, and Museum of Ukrainian Decorative Art are located on the territory of Lavra. Entrance fee is just 1, 9€, with extra 1€ per each museum. Art Arsenal, located in 3 minutes walking from Lavra, is a cultural, art and museum complex. Entrance fee: 1,9€ - students, 4,8€ - others ‘Art Arsenal is not just another museum. It is the best museum complex, at least in Eastern Europe, which together with Lavra and neighbouring museums creates a new cultural face of Kyiv. Setting a reasonable balance between presentation of Ukrainian history and culture, folk art and contemporary art, it demonstrates a role of Ukraine in the European culture ‘,– Viktor Yushchenko, former President of Ukraine
For Romantic Natures: Andriyivsky Descent and the Most Picturesque Alley in Kyiv Andriyivskyy Descent is a historic area, usually called a "Montmartre of Kiev". The descent, constructed of laid cobblestones, winds down steeply around the Zamkova Hora hill and ending near the Kontraktova Square in the ‘Podil’, Andriyivskyy Descent is marked by several historic sites, including the 18th century baroque Saint Andrew's Church, famous Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov's house, a nd numerous small monuments. The Most Picturesque Alley, also known as Landscape alley, is a perfect place for chilling afternoon walk. The alley was constructed to give tourists a possibility to enjoy the views of historical ‘Podil’ from the height of the Upper Town. In 2009 the Ladscape alley became an openair museum for contemporary art: a children's park with playgrounds, benches and huge monuments of cats were built here. Fountains in the forms of elephant, zebra heads, lined with mosaics, 30m cat-centipedes; benches in the form of rabbit, crow, cat and others create a truly unique atmosphere.
EVENT Teambuilding
DETAILS Pirogovo is a unique village-museum located in the outskirts of Kyiv (30 minutes by bus from the City centre)
Accomodation at Teambuilding Eurovillage and Country Presentation Accomodation Committee Work
2* Hotel “Golosiivskiy”
15 minutes by bus from Pirogovo Can host more than 400 people simultaneously Located in the downtown 15 minutes walking from the Hotel “Rus” 20 minutes walking from Committee Work venue (or 15 minutes by bus, taking into account city traffic)
Opening Ceremony
Restaurant at the Hotel “Golosiivskiy” 3* Hotel “Rus” International Relations Lyceum #51 Mystetsky Arsenal (Art Arsenal)
General Assembly
Budynok Vchytelia (Teachers’ House) Kyiv City Hall
Farewell Disco
Crystall Hall
GOOGLE MAPS Please, follow the link to see a map of venues online.
11 minutes walking from Committee Work venue 15 minutes walking from the Hotel “Rus” 20 minutes by bus from Hotel “Rus”
VENUE LOCATION Map 1. Teambuilding accommodation.
Map 2. Venues in the city.
VENUE DESCRIPTION Pirogovo (Outdoor Teambuilding)
‘Pirogovo’ is an open-air museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Ukraine. Located in the outskirts of Kyiv it contains over 300 different architectural exhibits and covers a huge territory of several dozen hectares. It is well-known as a perfect place for picnics, strolls and, of course, outdoor teambuilding. Excellent location not far from the city, fresh air, Ukrainian spirit and vast areas of Pirogovo, make this place the best option for Teambuilding and acquaintance with an ancient culture. Transfer for participants from the Airports and Railway Stations will be organised in shifts at the Session’s expense.
Hotel ‘Golosiivskiy’ (Teambuilding Accommodation) 2* Hotel ‘Golosiivskiy’ is located in the most ecological area of Kyiv City. It is surrounded by giant park with numerous lakes and unique species of flora and fauna. A hotel in this district enables Kyivians and guests of the city to enjoy the beauty of nature, staying within the city. For reasonable prices the Hotel offers participants’ accommodation for Teambuilding days, venue for Eurovillage and rooms for indoor Teambuilding starting from Saturday’s afternoon. It takes only 15 minutes to get from Pirogovo to the Hotel by bus. Participants will be offered different – single, double, three-bed rooms – of standard quality. Higher class apartments for teachers or GB Members can be ordered upon request and for additional cost.
Hotel “Rus” (Main Accomodation) 3* Hotel ‘Rus’ is located in the very heart of Kyiv, close to the main street of the capital – Khreshchatyk; to the famous sights and central shopping centres of the city; Olimpiiskyi stadium, which hosted the Final Match of EURO 2012 football championship. Taking into account previous successful cooperation, the Hotel will gladly welcome the participants of Kyiv International Session, not only offering the highest quality service, but also providing with additional materials and venues when needed. CJO and Delegates will be accommodated in the Standard rooms (2 people per room). GB Members and Scwarzkopf Stiftung represantatives will be offered the same rooms, however they will not be asked to share the room. Higher class apartments for teachers or GB Members can be ordered upon request and for additional cost.
Art Arsenal (Opening Ceremony Venue) Art Arsenal is one of the Ukraine's most promising projects in the field of culture. The mission of Art Arsenal is to combine many Ukrainian cultural achievements and initiatives into one conceptual national project thus presenting the Ukrainian historical and artistic heritage as part of world cultural heritage. However, it is not only a museum, but also a prestigious place for hosting receptions, fashion performances and exhibitions. Art Arsenal is situated in one of the oldest districts of the city and its halls are impregnated with mysterious atmosphere, which makes it a great place for the Opening Ceremony.
International Relations Lyceum #51 (Committee Work venue) International Relations Lyceum #51 is a unique educational institution, actively involved in different programmes of non-formal education. Being UNESCO Associated School, Lyceum #51 promotes democracy and human rights values among Kyivian youngsters. Lyceum #51 has been a partner of EYP Ukraine through years, supporting us in all our initiatives, hosting sessions and bringing up new generations of Ukrainian EYPers. Hence, the Leadership of the Lyceum eagerly welcomed the idea of hosting the 77th International Session (Annex 2, Letter #3). Location of the Lyceum in the downtown perfectly suits our objectives. Aiming at greenhouse effect reduction we will be able to avoid every day transportation from the Hotel to the Committee Work venue, and will enjoy picturesque architecture models walking by foot instead.
Teachers’ House (Euroconcert venue) This building designed in the best traditions of Classic Architecture was built in 1913. From the very beginning it was known both as a cultural and political centre of the city. In 1917 the House became a hub of drastic historical events in our country – Democratic Revolution, leading to Independence from Soviet Russia. With Kyiv City Hall assistance this architecture relic will host the Euroconcert of the 77th International Session in Kyiv. Like the majority of our venues, Teachers’ House is situated in the downtown, and it is easy to get there from the hotel through the picturesque Shevchenko park (second biggest park of the city).
Kyiv City Hall (General Assembly venue) Located in the main street of Kyiv – Khreshchatyk – City Hall is the perfect place to hold conferences and to see the centre of the city. EYP Ukraine has already held General Assemblies of several past events in the City Hall. Historically valuable outside and modern inside, it will be able to provide the GA with all the necessary equipment. Moreover, the City Hall is just a 15-minute walk from the hotel.
8. TRAVEL TO UKRAINE The EURO 2012 legacy for Ukraine is its resurfaced roads and straightened tram lines, new hotel rooms, the new-fangled Kyiv airport and a definite focus on the visitor experience. Ukraine has a guide licensing system and one of only two boasting completely municipally funded tourist offices. Some very switched-on guys at city hall constantly look for ways to improve things, while local restaurateurs are letting their imaginations run amok. BY AIR Kyiv Boryspil Airport (KBP) Kyiv Boryspil International Airport is the main air gate of the country, located about 20 km south-east from the city (35 minutes and 2,5 euro by shuttle “Sky Bus� from the city center). KBP is connected to every possible major destination in Europe and Asia by regular airlines.
Kyiv Zhulyany Airport (IEV) Zhulyany or City International Airport is a home base for low-cost Wizzair Airlines. It takes 30 minutes as maximum to get from every corner of Kyiv to the airport. Due to IEV Kyiv is well connected to the biggest air centres in Europe for very reasonable prices (see the table below). Table 1. Wizz Air Fares. For the full list of destinations, please, check
Departure city
Average price for return ticket (EUR)1
London Luton Barcelona Girona Budapest Hamburg Lubeck Kutaisi Katowice
120,28 167,62 85,82 82,05 135 63,44
Booked at least 1,5 month prior for working mid week, which is October, 28-30th.
Table 2. The lowest fares from the major destinations in Europe (regular airlines). Departure City
Athens Amsterdam Batumi Berlin Brussels Dublin Helsinki Istanbul Krakow Larnaca Lisbon Madrid Oslo Paris Prague Prishtina Riga Stockholm Tallinn Tirana Vienna Zurich Average
Lufthansa Estonian Air Aerosvit Lufthansa AirBaltic, KLM British Airways Lufthansa Turkish Airlines LOT Lufthansa AirFrance, Alitalia Lufthansa AirBaltic LOT Lufthansa Turkish Airlines Lufthansa AirBaltic AirBaltic Turkish Airlines AirBaltic Austrian Airlines
Price for return ticket (EUR)2 201 140 260 164 180 285 185 235 132 278 221 193 161 201 179 264 201 164 132 280 212 189 202,5
BY TRAIN Kyiv is well-connected to Central and Eastern Europe by railway. There are direct overnight trains to Kyiv from:
Poland (Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw, Rzeszow, etc.) Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg) Slovakia (Bratislava) Belarus (Minsk) Bulgaria (Sofia, Varna) Moldova (Chisnau) Hugary (Budapest) Czech Republic (Prague) Prices range between 75-180 EUR.
Booked at least 1,5 month prior for working mid week, which is October, 28-30th.
BY BUS The cheapest way to get to Kyiv is by bus. Kyiv is served by Euroclub-bus, Ecoline, Stravex Transport, Cargo International Transport from various destinations in Europe. Price per return ticket ranges from 80 to 180 EUR depending on the distance. „Ecolines“ is the biggest carrier in Ukraine, offering more than 30 destinations in Germany, 8 in the Netherlands, 7 in Belarus, 5 in Russia, 4 in Switzerland, 4 in Denmark (and we do hope to see the Danes at Autumn IS 2014), 3 in Czech Republic, 2 in Belgium, 2 in Latvia, 2 in Estonia, 1 in France (Paris), 1 in the UK (London).
OPTIMAL TRAVEL OPTIONS Country Albania Austria Belarus Belgium Bulgaria Swiss Confederation Cyprus Czech Republic Germany Estonia Spain Finland France Georgia Greece Hungary Ireland Italia Kosovo Latvia Moldova The Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Sweden Slovakia Serbia Turkey United Kigdom
Travel option Fly from Tirana with Turkish Airlines Take a bus to Bratislava and night train to Kyiv Take a bus from Minsk or Homel Fly from Brussels with KLM Take a train from Sofia Fly from Basel or Zurich with AirFrance Fly from Larnaca with Ukrainian Airlines Take a train to Katowice (PL) and fly with Wizzair Fly from Hamburg, Dortmund, Memmingem or Cologne with Wizzair Take a bus from Talinn Fly from Barcelona Girona or Valencia with Wizzair Take a ferry to Talinn and take a bus Fly to Katowice (PL) with Ryanair, fly to Kyiv with Wizzair Fly from Kutaisi with Wizzair Fly from Athens with Khors Airlines Take a train from Budapest Fly from Dublin with British Airways Fly from Milan or Venice with Wizzair Fly from Prishtina with Turkish Airlines Take a bus from Riga Take a bus from Chisnau Fly from Amsterdam with Estonian Air Fly from Oslo to Katowice and from Katowice to Kyiv with Wizzair Take a bus from any major city Fly from Lisbon with AirFrance Take a train from Bukharest Take a train from Moscow or St. Petersburg Fly from Stockholm, Gothenburg or Malmo to Katowice (PL), fly to Kyiv with Wizzair Take a train from Bratislava Take a train from Belgrade Fly from Istanbul with Turkish Airlines Fly from London Luton with Wizzair
Time/Price for return ticket Approx. 10 hours depending on transfer/280 EUR Night/150 EUR Approx. 12 hours/100 EUR Approx. 4 hours depending on transfer/180 EUR Approx. 24 hours/130 EUR Approx. 7 hours depending on transfer/220 EUR Approx. 5 hours/270 EUR Approx. 7 hours/160 EUR 2 hours/180 EUR Night/120 EUR 2 hours/150 EUR Night/140 EUR Approx. 6 hours depending on transfer/100 EUR 2,5 hours/135 EUR 2,5 hours/160 EUR 17 hours/120 EUR Approx. 7 hours depending on transfer/285 EUR 2,5 hours/70 EUR Approx. 10 hours depending on transfer/250 EUR Night/120 EUR 15 hours/90 EUR Approx. 5 hours depending on transfer/140 EUR Appox. 15 hours/150 EUR Night/100 EUR Approx. 10 hours depending on transfer/220 EUR Approx. 18 hours/170 EUR Approx. 12 hours/120 EUR Approx. 10 hours depending in the transfer/200 EUR Night/130 EUR Night/130 EUR 2 hours/235 EUR 3,5 hours/120 EUR
VISA TO UKRAINE Ukraine is a perfect place for holding international events, since representatives of almost none of 35 countries presented in EYP are required to have a visa for crossing the border. We consider it to be crucially important for support of Eastern European NCs, such as Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Russia. However, representatives of Albania and Kosovo need to have a visa in order to come to Ukraine. Citizens of certain countries, such as Georgia, Turkey and Croatia are required to present invitations at the border control upon arrival. Important note: all foreigners need to have a valid foreign passport in order to cross the border of Ukraine. National ID cards are not accepted by border police.
9. EXPERIENCE OF NATIONAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE Over its 12 years of existence, National Committee of EYP-Ukraine has come the long way from a small community of dozen active and inspired people to one of the biggest and most active NCs on EYP-map. Even considering the fact that those 12 years feel like just a blink of an eye for those who are actively involved in EYP, during this “blink” we managed to organise: 2 International Sessions; 2 International Forums; 6 National Selection Conferences; 17 Regional Sessions in different cities of Ukraine; 1 International Training; More than 10 EYP-weekends and School Sessions. We are also proud to introduce to international EYP community the concept of Inter-Rail project implemented in 3 Inter-Rail Tours covering 40 Ukrainian cities and allowing more than 1000 people to experience and fall in love with EYP over these 3 Tours. Our greatest pride are two successfully organised International Sessions: I. The 53rd International Session in Kyiv (KIS, 2006) II. The 65th International Session in Lviv (2010). Our activities are supported by the constant work of NC Departments where young people work on voluntary basis, gaining useful experience in such fields as public relations, fundraising, project management etc. The current structure consists of 5 Departments: Fundraising, Public Relations, Human Resources, International Activities, and Regional Development. Each Department runs its own projects and initiatives so that all Department members can try themelves as project coordinators, thus implementing their project ideas and building new skills and contacts. Supportive and friendly atmosphere make even routine work fun. Departments are the heart of all new ideas and initiatives. All active Departments’ members make a leadership group of the organisation and create a human capital for the International Session project, ensuring high professional level of preparatory work and project implementation. EYP-Ukraine has also been actively involved in organising of non- EYP projects: for several years in a row we coordinated the annual Days of Europe, conducted by the EU Delegation to Ukraine; established the youth NGO-Fair, became one of the founders of NGO G20 Summit uniting the biggest youth NGOs in Ukraine; founded a speaking club where our members can brush up their English and debate on the current topics. All these initiatives enabled us to get a lot of positive public attention and impressive media echo.
ARGUMENT Empowering new generation is a brand new concept EYP Ukraine stakes on. Guided by experienced alumni, young Ukrainian EYPers prove themselves to be strongly committed, efficient and quality oriented Project Managers and Board Members. Striving to use incredible human potential, EYP Ukraine involves newcomers and younger EYPers in the work of organisation on all possible levels. Hence, Board 2013 for example, under the supervision of experienced EYPer and current President of EYP-Ukraine, Anna Suprunenko, will unite alumni of 66th, 67th, 68th, 69th and 71th International Sessions. In EYP Ukraine we equally praise old traditions and innovations. We are flexible and open for new ideas. Experience combined with a new vision and youngsters’ dedication make Ukrainian formula of success. Hence, we believe that Roksolana Pidlasa and Anna Suprunenko will make a perfect union, capable of organising such considerable event as International Session.
ADVISORY BODY Taking into account the importance and practical use of critical reconsideration, we would also like to have a so-called Advisory Body in our Team. Experienced EYP alumni Oleksandra Andrusyk and Vasyl Myroshnychenko have been in tight cooperation with us since the idea of hosting International Session in Kyiv emerged. Currently we are happy to announce that both Oleksandra and Vasyl officially agreed to become members of the Advisory Body. Advisory Body and Head-organisers will take part in strategic planning of the session and fundraising plan preparation. Moreover, they will be ready to advice on any problematic issue appearing in the process of preparation. Vasyl Myroshnychenko Founder of EYP-Ukraine President of EYP Ukraine (2002-2004) Works in the area of strategic business development Oleksandra Andrusyk President of EYP Ukraine (2005-2006) Head-organiser of the 53rd International Session in Kyiv
TEAM LEADERS We imagine our team as a well-balanced in terms of experience and gender working mechanism. Ideally, team leaders will be the key figures, making this mechanism stick together and work. Every department will be able to function and take decisions autonomously, remaining under the control of Head-organisers.
ORGANISERS Even though we are planning to involve 20 full-time organizers in the future, at the current stage of bid preparation and first organizational steps, including fundraising, we already have a team of ten dedicated people.
11. GREEN EYP EYP Ukraine has been working on “Greening EYP” since 2007 remarkable by the topic of the very 1st National Selection Conference - “Sustainable Environment”. Moreover, in 2012 our NC decided to dedicate a full year to green initiatives and projects. 4 fully-fledged sessions were organised in compliance with ecological topic “Naturally connected” and eco-friendly ideas. Taking into account all above-mentioned, we сlaim that the National Committee has a great expertise in the sphere of “green technologies” and environmental protection. Moreover, we are happy to have four official eco-partners of the session. So the measures we consider will influence promoting green EYP are: A. EYP Ukraine gave up using plastic cups at its events in the beginning of 2012, so the participants of Kyiv2014 IS will be presented with the branded ceramic cups and welcoming eco-bags with limited amount of paper printed materials; B. Proximity of proposed venues will help us to minimise usage of vehicles during the session, therefore reducing greenhouse effect; C. The waste segregation system will be provided by ‘Veolia’, our eco-partner, at the Session venues during the event, assisting organic and non-organic segregated waste collection; D. ‘Tetra Pak’ will provide the Session with recycled paper for all needs while the biggest English-speaking publishing house in Ukraine, KyivWeekly, has kindly offered us its assistance in collecting and recycling all the paper garbage produced during the session; E. The amount of printed materials will be reduced to the essential minimum, ensuring the “electronisation” of the Session data to any possible extent. F. The Organising Committee will also offer participants the offsetting options and encourage them to use such opportunities while getting to the session along with considering more eco-friendly types of transport; G. In order to reduce usage of any plastic bins at the session, use paper trash bags instead; H. We encourage our water providers to provide us only with water bottled in glass.
12. ALCOHOL POLICY The aforementioned terms are developed taking into consideration the existing experience of EYP Ukraine hosting International Sessions and other events, experience of other National Committees, the Alcohol and Drug Policy of the European Youth Parliament and Ukrainian legislation. With the implementation of these rules we strive to keep all the participants sober and fresh-minded, , reserve their safety and moral level and keep the academic output of the session on a high and productive level. A. Consuming and spreading drugs, including so called soft drugs, are strictly prohibited by Ukrainian legislation and EYP Ukraine rules in particular; B. According to Ukrainian legislation, sale of alcohol to people under 18 is prohibited. Hence, we find it impossible to allow minors to inhale even low-percentage alcohol during the International Session in Kyiv. Adult participants of the International Session are allowed to consume drinks with low alcohol content (up to 15%); C. Consumption of strong spirits (over 15%) by all participants at the session is strictly prohibited. Taking into the account that the most predisposed events to alcohol usage are the evening events – theme parties, Eurovillage, and Farewell party in particular. Thorough attention should be paid to the amount of alcohol consumed by participants, since overindulgence leading to unappropriate behaviour is strictly prohibited; D. Alcohol consumption after the end of the Day Programme is prohibited; E. To tell underaged participants from adults one of special differentiating tools should be involved: colour ribbons, stamps on the wrists, etc. The information about the alcohol policy should be delivered to the participants in several steps: i. Welcoming Booklet, stating the extracts of Ukrainian laws about the alcohol and drug consumption, Session’s alcohol and drug policy; ii. Legal Note – the document, stating the terms of the alcohol and drug policy and notifing the delegates about the outcomes of its breach All participants will need to sign Legal Note before coming to the session. iii. Verbal reminders by the organisers before each evening event about the alcohol and drug policy; F. The breach of any point in alcohol and drug policy during the Kyiv International Session leads to official warning and following expulsion of the participant.
13. SUPPORT OF THE BID EYP Ukraine has started to work on the bid in the middle of October, and since then we have been in the process of negotiation with current and potential partners of EYP in Ukraine, as well as with all EYP community. As for the latter, we tried to gain support from EYP NCs from all 9 regions. 5 regions are covered at the moment. Moreover 20 support letters (7 out of them are from EYP NCs) in total prove that the 77th International Session in Kyiv is highly welcomed and anticipated.
SUPPORT LETTERS 1) Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine 2) Kyiv State City Administration 3) International Relations Lyceum №51 4) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) 5) European Association of Ukrainians (EAU) 6) Open Ukraine Foundation 7) Bogdan Hawrylyshyn Foundation 8) System Capital Management (SCM Group) (is coming next week) 9) CFC Consulting 10) Kiev City Charity Foundation “Food Bank” 11) Charity foundation “Open Hearts of Ukraine” 12) Social initiative “Let’s Do It Ukraine” 13) Tetra Pak Ukraine (is coming next week) EYP SUPPORT LETTERS South West: EYP Spain South East: EYP Cyprus Central East: EYP Slovakia and EYP Hungary Balkans: EYP Serbia East: EYP Georgia and EYP Russia