Lib eng pri 2015 topic 3 autumn

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Contents – Topic 3: Autumn

Scope and Sequence Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 61 Part B – weekly overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 61 Daily lesson structure and plan .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62 Part A – topically related ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 64 Part B – cross-curricular lessons .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 67 Week 1 – Lesson 1 – MAT .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 67 Week 1 – Lesson 2 – SLO ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 70 Week 2 – Lesson 1 – SLO ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 72 Week 2 – Lesson 2 – MAT .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 74 Week 3 – Lesson 1 – SLO ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 77 Week 3 – Lesson 2 – SPO ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 79 Song Lyrics .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 81 Topic Grammar Shapes Overview, Part A & Part B ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 82 Vocabulary Questions Overview .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 84




Scope and Sequence Overview: Topic 3 – Autumn (3 weeks – 6 lessons) TEACHER INTRODUCTION (3 minutes)

WARM-UP/INTRO (4-5 minutes)

PART A Topic Related: AUTUMN (10 minutes) Recognizing food items, learning to read sentences represented by visual shapes.

Greeting song

Welcome, Welcome

Monthly song/colour poem

Same or different for each year

Seasonal/fun song

Same or different for each year

Additional song/tongue-twister

Same or different for each year

Weather song

How’s the Weather?

Topic related song/poem/verse/recitation

Apple and Banana Please Song


Week 1 – bread & butter, apple & banana Week 2 – cheese & milk Week 3 – soup & salad, juice & sandwich

Grammar structure

I like apples. I like bananas AND apples. Do you like apples? YES/NO Who likes apples? Jaka likes apples.

REFLECT AND CONNECT (5 minutes) PART B Cross-Curricular Lesson Connection to Subjects (15 minutes)

WEEKS 1–3 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3


Lesson 1 MAT SLO SLO

Lesson 2 SLO MAT SPO

REFLECT & CONNECT (5 minutes) CONCLUSION (2-3 minutes)

Good-bye song/poem/verse/recitation

Good-bye to you

Part B – Weekly overview WEEK 1 PART B Subject 1 Cross-Curricular Connection to Subjects (15 minutes) Subject 2

MAT Counting, simple subtraction using word problems and pictures, learning to read sentences represented by shapes. SLO Learning to read sentences represented by pictures, playing out the story of “The Snake”. WEEK 2

PART B Subject 1 Cross-Curricular Connection to Subjects (15 minutes) Subject 2

SLO Building vocabulary understanding, understanding the concept of “more” and “less”, learning to read sentences represented by shapes. MAT Counting, looking at and trying to make patterns ABAB, AABBAABB, ABCABC WEEK 3

PART B Subject 1 Cross-Curricular Connection to Subjects (15 minutes) Subject 2

SLO Reviewing vocabulary, identifying syllables, classification of words according to syllables, making a graph, reading a graph, learning to read sentences represented by shapes. SPO Expressing feelings (like and don’t like), learning to read sentences represented by shapes.




TOPIC 3 – AUTUMN 3 Weeks – 6 Lessons Lesson objectives PART A: Recognizing modes of transportation, learning to read sentences represented by visual shapes. PART B: Cross-curricular lesson plans. INTRODUCTION AND WARM-UP Visual Timetable example

Teacher intro




TOPIC A Autumn

Teacher Reflect & Connect


Teacher Reflect & Connect


Intro 1 Explain to pupils in Slovene how the lesson will proceed by displaying the visual timetable (see example above). Place the visual timetable on the board or have a ready-made frame for it hung on the wall and stick pictures to it.

Intro 2 Inform the children when you will be speaking Slovene (at the beginning – intro - and during the Reflect & Connect sections) otherwise you will be speaking only in English to the pupils. You can even put a picture of yourself on the visual timetable to indicate the times you will be speaking to them in Slovene. You may even wish to ask a pupil to put the pictures up as you explain the timetable. You can explain the timetable by saying: For example (in Slovene): “Today we will begin with our greeting/hello song followed by our pointing poem, tonguetwister on sausages, and our weather song. Then we will sing a song/recite a poem about food called “Apples and Bananas, Please.”Then you will come to the floor and we will learn some new words about food. When you see my picture, we will talk in Slovene and you can tell me what you think and how you feel about what we have learned today so far. I will ask a few different pupils each time. Then we will continue with math. We will start by counting using our bodies and learn about (see PART B). After the math section, you can tell me in Slovene about what you know and understand. We will finish our lesson with our good-bye song/poem.” Your pupils will appreciate knowing exactly what they are doing at every stage of the lesson. Pupils of all learning abilities and disabilities will be able to follow the structure and rhythm of the lesson. It should also help with minimizing any pupil disturbances.




Greeting song

Start your lesson with the greeting song or recitation. Add actions to the song when you can (e.g. shake hands when you say “welcome”, wave your arm for “come on in”, and jump and throw your hands up in the air when you say “fun”, etc.).

Greeting song/recitation Welcome, Welcome Welcome, welcome to our class. We’re so glad you’re here. Welcome, welcome to our class. We’re so glad you’re here. Come on in and join the fun. School is fun for everyone. Welcome, welcome to our class. We’re so glad you’re here. This song is sung to the tune of Old MacDonald. Go to to listen to the song.

Seasonal song Follow the greeting song with a short and quick song, poem, tongue-twister, recitation and/or verse. This will help the children to get their tongues and mouths warmed up for English, and add a bit of laughter and expression each time. Try to add a few gestures and actions if possible.

Seasonal song/poem/recitation/verse/tongue-twister (examples) 1 Point to the window, point to the door, jump to the ceiling, stomp on the floor. 2 Ten super sausages, sizzling in a pan. One goes (snap), another goes (clap). Eight super sausages, sizzling in a pan. One goes (snap), another goes (clap). etc. (Or the teacher chooses what they think is relevant to add to the existing curriculum.) Go to to listen to ideas for this section.

Weather song Conclude with the weather song. Make certain you place the weather picture on the visual timetable according to the weather on the day that you are singing the song.

Weather song How’s the Weather? How’s the weather? It’s SUNNY (depending on the weather that day). How’s the weather? It’s SUNNY. How’s the weather? It’s SUNNY. It’s SUNNY today. Go to to listen to the song.




PART A Lesson objectives PART A: Recognizing food items, learning to read sentences represented by visual shapes. PART B: Cross-curricular lesson plans.


In the introduction and warm-up section tell the pupils what they will be learning about and the expressions they will be learning.

What you will need for today – checklist: Visual Timetable: autumn, teacher, greeting, song/tongue-twister, good-bye, PART B picture. Weather: sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, stormy, foggy, snowy. Flash Cards: apple, banana, bread, butter, milk, cheese, juice, salad, soup, sandwich. Visual Grammar Shapes:





Topic 1 Show the pupils the picture of an apple and that of a banana and tell them “This is an apple. And this is a banana.” Using actions, instruct your pupils to push their chairs in and stand beside their desks. You do not need to explain any vocabulary at this point, but you may want to elicit the words apple and banana. You have already explained to them what you will be doing and talking about at the beginning of the lesson. Introduce the song “Apple and Banana, Please” in a rote fashion (teacher sings and pupils repeat each line). Have the pupils march or skip to the beat while singing. When singing the vocabulary, use flash cards of the items that are mentioned in the song (e.g. pointing to the apple or banana). The pupils do the same. Add new vocabulary each week and repeat the vocabulary of the previous weeks. For a preview of this activity, go to and watch the video.

Topic song Apple and Banana, Please Apple and banana, please. Apple and banana, please. May I have an apple? May I have a banana? Yes, you may. This song is sung to the tune of Hot Cross Buns. Go to to listen to the song.

Topic 2 Instruct your pupils to get their flash cards and come and sit down on the floor. Make certain that you are by the board. Try to have real items of the food you were singing about during that lesson ready or use flash cards instead (e.g. an apple, a banana, cheese, a small carton of milk, bottle of juice, etc.). Pick an item and ask the pupils, “What is this?“ Make gestures to ensure your pupils understand what you are asking them. If they are not sure, you can answer, “This is a …” Expect answers




in Slovene, but repeat them in English so that the pupils are exposed to the vocabulary as much as possible. It will eventually sink in. Some pupils will speak up in English sooner than others. Encourage them, but never force pupils into speaking up before they are ready. Take a look at the questions you want to reinforce for the week. Each week builds upon the previous week. Prepare your shapes. Try emphasizing the words in the phrase differently each time to create different tones in your speaking. For example, stress This in “This is an apple” or banana in “This is a banana.”

Topic 3 Use the visual grammar shapes as cues each time the pupils correctly form the sentence being learned. Place the picture of the banana in the correct part of the sentence. Do the same with the other pictures. You can eventually have the children place the picture in the correct position within the sentence. If there are any children in the class who are capable of remembering what was being taught, use them to ask questions, “What is this?” and have them ‘be the teacher’. Visual Grammar example





Topic 4 Have the children take out their happy/sad face card from their flash card pack. Ask them, “Do you like apples?” Elicit a response of yes by pointing to the happy face and nodding your head, or no by pointing to the sad face and shaking your head (faces from Topic 1, Week 3, Lesson 2). The question, “Do you like …?” is a review from Topic 1, Week 3, Lesson 2 – GUM. During this topic, introduce and reinforce the question, “Who likes apples?” in the first half of the topic. Start by asking the question, “Do you like apples?” Have pupils raise their like symbol and have other pupils answer in the class. Now ask, “Who likes apples?” Elicit the response, “Ana likes apples.” Use the visual grammar below to model the sentence. Have another pupil answer the question about who does not like apples in the class. During the second half of the topic, introduce and reinforce the question, “Who does not like apples?” Have pupils raise their dislike symbol, and have other pupils answer in the class. Elicit the response, “Ana does not like apples. Visual Grammar example




















Reflect & Connect Show the pupils on the visual timetable that it is now time for you to speak Slovene. Have the pupils sitting on the floor and ask them in Slovene whether or not they think they understood what was being taught/learned so far (including the weather song, seasonal song/poem/verse/recitation). Some example questions and statements could be: 路 Tell me what you liked about this activity. 路 What did you find challenging about this activity? 路 Was learning today easier or more difficult than you thought? Tell me why you thought so. 路 2 thumbs up if you could remember 2 or 3 words.

PART B (see weekly lesson pages for details)

Conclusion Tell (gesture) the pupils to stand up to sing the good-bye song in rote fashion until they know the song by heart.

Good-bye song Good-bye Good-bye to you, good-bye to you. Let us all say, good-bye to you. Go to to listen to the song.




PART B Week 1 – Lesson 1 – MAT Lesson objectives PART A: Recognizing food items, learning to read sentences represented by visual shapes. PART B: Counting, simple subtraction using word problems and pictures, learning to read sentences represented by shapes.


In the introduction and warm-up tell the pupils what they will be learning about in MAT, and the expressions they will be learning.

What you will need for today – checklist: Visual Timetable: autumn, teacher, MAT, greeting, song/tongue-twister, good-bye. Weather: sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, stormy, foggy, snowy. Flash cards: apple, banana, bread, butter. Other Pictures: Lili (2x), Bine (2x), numbers 1–12, eat Visual Grammar Shapes:




Subject 1 Have the children stand up and find some space on the floor. Show the video of counting by body parts or demonstrate counting by ones. If you do not have the video, count using your body, starting from right to left, feet first, until you reach above your head. Repeat 3 times to warm the children up. Start slowly at first. See the instructions below. 1 (place right hand on right foot), 2 (place left hand on left foot), 3 (place right hand on right knee), 4 (place left hand on left knee), 5 (place right hand on right side of waist), 6 (place left hand on left side of waist), 7 (place right hand on right shoulder), 8 (place left hand on left shoulder), 9 (place right hand on right side of head), 10 (place left hand on left side of head), 11 (place right hand above head in the air), 12 (place left hand above head in the air). Continue the same pattern from the beginning for numbers 13–24. For a preview of this activity, go to and watch the video.

Subject 2 Have the children get their flash cards and bring them to the floor. Sitting on the floor, review the flash cards taught in PART A. Have the children review the expression “This is a ….” by asking them, “What is this?” As the children say, “This is a …,” stick your picture on the board. Have the children find their picture and repeat it with the picture in their hand. Have the children take turns asking, “What is this?” to the class. Individual pupils can answer. Remember to expect answers in Slovene, but repeat them in English so that the pupils are exposed to the vocabulary as much as possible. Reinforce the expression with the visual grammar cues (below).




Subject 3 Ask the children to choose a card. Show your card and say, “I (pointing to yourself) have a banana.” Point to the visual grammar as you speak. Place the picture on the board. Each time you review a picture, place it next to the previous picture to form a horizontal line (this will set up the pictures so you can make tally marks). The children pick up their own flash card to indicate which item you are asking about. Show this expression with visual grammar. Ask a few pupils “What do you have?”, prompting them to say “I have a ...” Put a picture of Bine on the board, followed by a picture of have, then the number 6 card, and the apple flash card. Ask the class to read the pictures. Elicit, “Bine has 6 apples.” Use the visual grammar shapes as cues each time the pupils attempt to speak the sentence. Below the pictures on the board, put a picture of Lili, followed by a picture of eat, the number 2 card, and the apple flash card. Ask the class to read the pictures. Elicit, “Lili eats 2 apples.” Use the visual grammar shapes as cues each time the pupils attempt to speak the sentence. Have the class reread both sentences, then ask, “How many apples does Bine have?” Elicit the response, “Bine has 4 apples.” On the 3rd line put the grammar shapes for “Bine has 4 apples.” Use the visual grammar shapes as cues each time the pupils attempt to speak the sentence. Reread the entire word problem of 3 lines from beginning to end. Repeat the same as above with a banana and different numbers. Have some more proficient pupils create the word problems. Support the pupils’ word problems with visual grammar and have the class repeat the phrases. Some examples could be: Lili has 8 bananas. Lili eats 5 bananas. Lili has 3 bananas. A more complex word problem: Bine has 12 apples. Bine eats 2 apples. Lili eats 2 apples. Bine has 8 apples. Visual Grammar example
















Reflect & Connect Show the pupils on the visual timetable that it is now time for you to speak Slovene. Have the pupils sitting on the floor and ask them in Slovene whether or not they think they understood what was being taught/learned so far (including the weather song, seasonal song/poem/verse/recitation). Some example questions and statements could be: 路 Tell me what you liked about this activity. 路 What did you find challenging about this activity? 路 Was learning today easier or more difficult than you thought? Tell me why you thought so. 路 2 thumbs up if you could remember 2 or 3 words.

Conclusion Tell (gesture) the pupils to stand up to sing the good-bye song in rote fashion until they know the song by heart.

Good-bye song Good-bye Good-bye to you, good-bye to you. Let us all say, good-bye to you. Go to to listen to the song.




PART B Week 1 – Lesson 2 – SLO Lesson objectives PART A: Recognizing food items, learning to read sentences represented by visual shapes. PART B: Learning to read sentences represented by pictures, playing out the story of “The Snake”.


In the introduction and warm-up tell the pupils what they will be learning about in SLO, and the expressions they will be learning.

What you will need for today – checklist: Visual Timetable: autumn, teacher, SLO, greeting, song/tongue-twister, good-bye. Weather: sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, stormy, foggy, snowy. “The Snake”: sunny, boy & girl, walk, forest, see, snake, step, bite, doctor, injection, walk, forest. Additional items: rope.

Subject 1

Make a clearing spacious enough for the pupils to move in the room, then have them sit on the floor. While the pupils are clearing the room, place the pictures of the “The Snake” story on the board in the following order (sunny – boy & girl – walk – forest – snake – step – bite – doctor – injection – walk – forest). Read the story, picture by picture, pointing each time to the appropriate picture in the story. When finished, read the story again in rote form (teacher speaks, pupils repeat). The “–” indicates the section you read and the pupils repeat. Use gestures or actions for step, walk and bite to enhance the story.

The Snake One sunny day – a boy and a girl – walk to the forest. – In the forest – the boy and the girl – see a snake. – The snake is long and green. – Do not step on the snake! – If you step on the snake, – the snake will bite you. – If the snake bites you, – you need to go to the doctor. – The doctor – will give you an injection. – When you get an injection, – then you can go and walk – in the forest. For a preview of this activity, go to and watch the video.

Subject 2

Time permitting, show a rope and say, “This is a snake. Do not step on the snake. I am the doctor.” (See video for rope actions in the story of “The Snake”). Have the children line up at one end of the cleared space. Standing in the middle of the space, hold one end of the rope and ask a pupil to hold the other. Say to the children, “The snake is sleeping” (hold the rope still and show the action for sleeping). Say and have the children repeat, “The snake is sleeping.” The pupils must say what the snake is doing before jumping over the rope. You can ask every few pupils, “What is the snake doing?” to reinforce the question. Sway the rope a little and say, “The snake is getting up” (show the action for getting up). The other phrases associated with “The Snake” story are: the snake is washing, the snake is getting dressed, the snake is eating, and the snake is going to school. See video for rope actions. Go as far as you can and continue the story another time. There may not be enough time on the first day when you introduce the story. It will give the children something to look forward to the next time. Tidy the classroom back to its original arrangement.




Reflect & Connect Show the pupils on the visual timetable that it is now time for you to speak Slovene. Have the pupils sitting on the floor and ask them in Slovene whether or not they think they understood what was being taught/learned so far (including the weather song, seasonal song/poem/verse/recitation). Some example questions and statements could be: 路 Tell me what you liked about this activity. 路 What did you find challenging about this activity? 路 Was learning today easier or more difficult than you thought? Tell me why you thought so. 路 2 thumbs up if you could remember 2 or 3 words.

Conclusion Tell (gesture) the pupils to stand up to sing the good-bye song in rote fashion until they know the song by heart.

Good-bye song Good-bye Good-bye to you, good-bye to you. Let us all say, good-bye to you. Go to to listen to the song.




PART B Week 2 – Lesson 1 – SLO Lesson objectives PART A: Recognizing food items, learning to read sentences represented by shapes. PART B: Building vocabulary, understanding the concept of more and less, learning to read sentences represented by shapes.


In the introduction and warm-up tell the pupils what they will be learning about in SLO, and the expressions they will be learning.

What you will need for today – checklist: Visual Timetable: autumn, teacher, SLO, greeting, song/tongue-twister, good-bye. Weather: sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, stormy, foggy, snowy. Flash cards: apple, banana, bread, butter, cheese, milk. Pictures: Lili, Bine. Visual Grammar Shapes:




Subject 1

Ask the pupils to remain on the floor. Put a picture of Bine on the board, followed by the number 8 card, and the bread card. Elicit the pupil to read the shapes and pictures, “Bine has 8 bread(s).” Correct by saying, “Bine has 8 loaves of bread.” Put a picture of Lili on the board, followed by the number 12 card, and the bread card. Elicit the pupil to read the shapes and pictures, “Lili has 12 bread(s).” Correct by saying, “Lili has 12 loaves of bread.” Have the class reread the 2 phrases. Ask the class, “Who has more, Bine or Lili?” (Use your hands to indicate a greater amount when you say the word more). Have the children repeat the word more using a gesture to emphasize the word being learned. Elicit the response, “Lili has more.” Reinforce the expression with the visual grammar cues.

Subject 2

Invite two pupils to come to the front of the classroom. Give each pupil a number and the same flash card (e.g. milk or any other flash card from Part A). Ask the class what each pupil has. When you are using non-counting nouns (such as milk, juice, cheese, etc.), make certain you quantify them (e.g. 2 glasses of milk, 6 slices of cheese). REMEMBER, the pupils are not learning the quantifiers, but should be exposed to them through the picture. Ask the class, “Who has more, Pupil A or Pupil B?” (Use your hands to indicate a greater amount when you say the word more). Have the children repeat the word more using a gesture to emphasize the word being learned. Reinforce the expression with the visual grammar cues (below). Invite two different pupils to come to the front of the classroom. Repeat the same process as before, but emphasize the word less in place of more. Use your hands to indicate a smaller amount when you say the word less. Time permitting, hand out cards with various numbers to pupils. Choose any two pupils to stand and ask the question, “Who has less/more?”




Visual Grammar example







Reflect & Connect Show the pupils on the visual timetable that it is now time for you to speak Slovene. Have the pupils sitting on the floor and ask them in Slovene whether or not they think they understood what was being taught/learned so far (including the weather song, seasonal song/poem/verse/recitation). Some example questions and statements could be: 路 Tell me what you liked about this activity. 路 What did you find challenging about this activity? 路 Was learning today easier or more difficult than you thought? Tell me why you thought so. 路 2 thumbs up if you could remember 2 or 3 words.

Conclusion Tell (gesture) the pupils to stand up to sing the good-bye song in rote fashion until they know the song by heart.

Good-bye song Good-bye Good-bye to you, good-bye to you. Let us all say, good-bye to you. Go to to listen to the song.




PART B Week 2 – Lesson 2 – MAT Lesson objectives PART A: Recognizing food items, learning to read sentences represented by shapes. PART B: Counting, looking at and trying to make patterns ABAB, ABCABC, AABBAABB.


In the introduction and warm-up tell the pupils what they will be learning about in MAT, and the expressions they will be learning.

What you will need for today – checklist: Visual Timetable: autumn, teacher, MAT, greeting, song/tongue-twister, good-bye. Weather: sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, stormy, foggy, snowy. Flash cards: apple, banana, bread butter, cheese, milk, soup, salad. Copies of several flash cards – up to 4 copies of each food item.

Subject 1

Have the children stand up and find some space on the floor. Show the video of counting by body parts or demonstrate counting by ones. If you do not have the video, count using your body, starting from right to left, feet first, until you reach above your head. Repeat 3 times to warm the children up. Start slowly at first. See the instructions below. 1 (place right hand on right foot), 2 (place left hand on left foot), 3 (place right hand on right knee), 4 (place left hand on left knee), 5 (place right hand on right side of waist), 6 (place left hand on left side of waist), 7 (place right hand on right shoulder), 8 (place left hand on left shoulder), 9 (place right hand on right side of head), 10 (place left hand on left side of head), 11 (place right hand above head in the air), 12 (place left hand above head in the air). Continue the same pattern from the beginning for numbers 13–24. For a preview of this activity, go to and watch the video.

Subject 2 Have the children get their flash cards and bring them to the floor. Sitting on the floor, review the flash cards taught in PART A briefly, starting with the newest vocabulary first. Have the children review the expression “This is a …” by asking them, “What is this?” As the children say, “This is a …,” stick your picture on the board. Have the children find their picture and repeat the expression with the picture in their hand. Have children take turns asking, “What is this?” to the class. Individual pupils can answer. Remember to expect answers in Slovene, but repeat them in English so that the pupils are exposed to the vocabulary as much as possible. Reinforce the expression with the visual grammar cues.




Visual Grammar example





Subject 3 ABAB pattern: Put the pictures of cheese and milk on the board in this order: cheese, milk, cheese, milk, cheese. Ask the pupils to read the pictures on the board, pointing to the pictures as they read them to you. Ask them, “What comes next?” pointing to the spot that comes after cheese. Read the pattern again: cheese, milk, cheese, milk, cheese, ??? . Tell them to take out the flash card they think comes next and hold it up. Hopefully it will read milk. ABAB pattern: Take two other food flash cards and create a similar pattern, e.g. bread, banana, bread, ??? Ask the pupils to read the pictures on the board, pointing to the pictures as they read them to you. Ask them, “What comes next?” pointing to the spot after bread. Read the pattern again: bread, banana, bread, ??? . Tell them to take out the flash card they think comes next and hold it up. Hopefully it will read banana. In the same manner as the previous two examples, create the pattern ABCABC. Choose three flash cards and put them in the pattern ABCAB (e.g. apple, cheese, bread, apple, cheese, ???). Ask the pupils to read the pictures on the board, pointing to the pictures as they read them to you. Ask them, “What comes next?” pointing to the spot after cheese. Tell them to take their flash card and hold it up. Hopefully it will read bread. Continue with another example in the ABCABC pattern.

Subject 4 Time permitting, in the same manner as the previous three examples, create the pattern AABBAABB. Choose two flash cards and put them on the board in the pattern AABBAAB (e.g. butter, butter, bread, bread, butter, butter, bread, ???). Ask the pupils to read the pictures on the board, pointing to the pictures as they read them to you. Ask them, “What comes next?” pointing to the spot after bread. Tell them to take their flash card and hold it up. Hopefully it will read bread. Continue with another example in the AABBAABB pattern. You can try a shorter pattern such as AABBA and see if they can continue the pattern using the next two or three pictures. Depending on the time available, have the pupils be the teacher and create patterns, and have the rest of the class guess.

Reflect & Connect Show the pupils on the visual timetable that it is now time for you to speak Slovene. Have the pupils sitting on the floor and ask them in Slovene whether or not they think they understood what was being taught/learned so far (including the weather song, seasonal song/poem/verse/recitation). Some example questions and statements could be: · Tell me what you liked about this activity. · What did you find challenging about this activity? · Was learning today easier or more difficult than you thought? Tell me why you thought so. · 2 thumbs up if you could remember 2 or 3 words.




Conclusion Tell (gesture) the pupils to stand up to sing the good-bye song in rote fashion until they know the song by heart.

Good-bye song Good-bye Good-bye to you, good-bye to you. Let us all say, good-bye to you. Go to to listen to the song.




PART B Week 3 – Lesson 1 – SLO Lesson objectives PART A: Recognizing food items, learning to read sentences represented by shapes. PART B: Reviewing vocabulary, identifying syllables, classification of words according to syllables, making a graph, reading a graph, learning to read sentences represented by shapes.


In the introduction and warm-up tell the pupils what they will be learning about in SLO, and the expressions they will be learning.

What you will need for today – checklist: Visual Timetable: autumn, teacher, SLO, greeting, song/tongue-twister, good-bye. Weather: sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, stormy, foggy, snowy. Flash cards: apple, banana, bread, butter, milk, cheese, juice, salad, soup, sandwich. Visual Grammar Shapes:




Subject 1

Have the children get their flash cards and bring them to the floor. Sitting on the floor, review the flash cards taught it PART A. Have the children review the expression “This is a …” by asking them, “What is this?” As the children say, “This is a …,” stick the picture on the board. Have children take turns asking, “What is this?” to the class. Individual pupils can answer. Try to have the pupils take the place of the teacher when possible. Review all the phrases learned thus far. Reinforce the expression with the visual grammar cues (below). Visual Grammar example





Subject 2

Write the numbers 1, 2 and 3 on the board. Ask the class to clap to the word banana (there are 3 claps which indicate 3 syllables: ba–na–na). Ask the pupils how many claps there are in banana (using your fingers to gesture how many). Place the picture of the banana above the number 3. Continue to do the same with the other pictures, reinforcing the vocabulary learned in Week 3 first. Ask volunteers to place the picture above the correct number 1, 2 or 3, according to the number of claps/syllables for that picture. Be certain to place the pictures in a column (one on top of another) as this will act as a pictograph. When all pictures have been added to the board, count the number of pictures in each column and practise clapping the syllables again to review and make certain they are all correct. You may ask, “How many words have 1 syllable?” Children may answer with the numbers only. ”




Syllable answer to pictures: 1 syllable: bread, milk, cheese, juice, soup 2 syllables: ap–ple, but–ter, sa–lad, sand–wich 3 syllables: ba–na–na

Subject 2

Time permitting, Option 1 (if not done in Topic 1, week 4, lesson 2) – Children sit at their desks and choose a picture from the set, while you put the number 1 card by the window, the number 2 card by the door, and the number 3 card by the teacher’s desk (or wherever there is enough space for the children to move around the room). The children either pick a picture of their choice or you show them one. The pupils go to the number they think corresponds to the number of syllables for their (remember they have the pictures on the board to follow). Time permitting, Option 2 (if not done in Topic 1, week 4, lesson 2) – The children can try to figure out how many syllables they have in their names, and even group themselves in different areas of the classroom. For example, 1-syllable names go stand by the door, 2-syllable names go stand by the window, 3-syllable names go stand by the teacher’s desk.

Reflect & Connect Show the pupils on the visual timetable that it is now time for you to speak Slovene. Have the pupils sitting on the floor and ask them in Slovene whether or not they think they understood what was being taught/learned so far (including the weather song, seasonal song/poem/verse/recitation). Some example questions and statements could be: · Tell me what you liked about this activity. · What did you find challenging about this activity? · Was learning today easier or more difficult than you thought? Tell me why you thought so. · 2 thumbs up if you could remember 2 or 3 words.

Conclusion Tell (gesture) the pupils to stand up to sing the good-bye song in rote fashion until they know the song by heart.

Good-bye song Good-bye Good-bye to you, good-bye to you. Let us all say, good-bye to you. Go to to listen to the song.




PART B Week 3 – Lesson 2 – SPO Lesson objectives PART A: Recognizing food items, learning to read sentences represented by shapes. PART B: Expressing feelings (like and don’t like), learning to read sentences represented by shapes.


In the introduction and warm-up tell the pupils what they will be learning about in SPO, and the

expressions they will be learning.

What you will need for today – checklist: Visual Timetable: autumn, teacher, SPO, greeting, song/tongue-twister, good-bye. Weather: sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, stormy, foggy, snowy. Flash cards: apple, banana, bread, butter, milk, cheese, juice, salad, soup, sandwich. Other flash cards: happy/sad face. Visual Grammar Shapes:





Subject 1 Have the children get their happy/sad face flash cards and bring them to the floor. Sitting on the floor, review the flash cards taught it PART A briefly, reinforcing the vocabulary learned in Week 3 first. Ask the children “Do you like bananas?” and elicit a response of yes, by pointing to the happy face and nodding your head, and no, by pointing to the sad face and shaking your head. Say “I like bananas” and “I don’t like bananas” pointing to the visual grammar respectively (see grammar shapes below). Have the class repeat the two phrases to practise. Tell the children to choose the happy face card for “I like bananas” or the sad face card for “I don’t like bananas.” They show their answer, each group repeating their decision of like or do not like. Count the number of pupils who like and those who do not like bananas. Write the number on the board above the happy and sad faces. Ask the children, “How many pupils like bananas?” If the pupils answer in Slovene, say the number in English, followed by “# pupils like bananas.” Do the same for those who do not like bananas. If the pupils answer in Slovene, say the number in English, followed by “# pupils do not like bananas.” Have a pupil be the teacher and ask the questions. Pupils can practise asking the question in pairs and each pupil can answer for their classmate. For example, “Miha does not like apples.” Visual Grammar example




















Reflect & Connect Show the pupils on the visual timetable that it is now time for you to speak Slovene. Have the pupils sitting on the floor and ask them in Slovene whether or not they think they understood what was being taught/learned so far (including the weather song, seasonal song/poem/verse/recitation). Some example questions and statements could be: 路 Tell me what you liked about this activity. 路 What did you find challenging about this activity? 路 Was learning today easier or more difficult than you thought? Tell me why you thought so. 路 2 thumbs up if you could remember 2 or 3 words.

Conclusion Tell (gesture) the pupils to stand up to sing the good-bye song in rote fashion until they know the song by heart.

Good-bye song Good-bye Good-bye to you, good-bye to you. Let us all say, good-bye to you. Go to to listen to the song.




Song Lyrics: Topic 3 – AUTUMN Greeting song/recitation Welcome, Welcome Welcome, welcome to our class. We’re so glad you’re here. Welcome, welcome to our class. We’re so glad you’re here. Come on in and join the fun. School is fun for everyone. Welcome, welcome to our class. We’re so glad you’re here. This song is sung to the tune of Old MacDonald. Go to to listen to the song.

Seasonal song/poem/recitation/verse/tongue-twister (examples) (The teacher chooses what they think will complement and what is relevant to the existing curriculum.) Ten super sausages, sizzling in a pan. One goes (snap), another goes (clap). Eight super sausages, sizzling in a pan. One goes (snap), another goes (clap). etc. Go to to listen to ideas for this section.

Weather song How’s the Weather? How’s the weather? It’s SUNNY (depending on the weather that day). How’s the weather? It’s SUNNY. How’s the weather? It’s SUNNY. It’s SUNNY today. Go to to listen to the song.

Topic song Apple and Banana, Please Apple and banana, please. Apple and banana, please. May I have an apple? May I have a banana? Yes, you may. This song is sung to the tune of Hot Cross Buns. Go to to listen to the song.

Good-bye song Good-bye Good-bye to you, good-bye to you. Let us all say, good-bye to you. Go to to listen to the song.




Grammar Shapes Overview: Topic 3 – AUTUMN



















































Vocabulary Questions Overview: Topic 3 – AUTUMN topic.week.lesson










What is this? This is an apple. Do you like ___? Yes. I like apples. No. I do not like apples. Who likes apples? Lili likes apples.

Lili has 3 apples. She eats 2 apples. How many apples does Lili have? Bine has 10 bananas. He gives 3 bananas to Lili. How many bananas does Bine have?

What is this? This is an apple. Do you like ___? Yes. I like apples. No. I do not like apples. Who likes apples? Lili likes apples.

“The Snake” story – reading the story through the pictures.

What is this? This is an apple. Do you like ___? Yes. I like apples. No. I do not like apples. Who likes apples? Lili likes apples.

Lili has 6 apples. Bine has 3 apples. Who has more apples? Lili has more apples. Who has less apples? Bine has less apples.

What is this? This is an apple. Do you like ___? Yes. I like apples. No. I do not like apples. Who likes apples? Lili likes apples.

What comes next? Bananas come next. What comes after bananas? Apples come next.

What is this? This is an apple. Do you like ___? Yes. I like apples. No. I do not like apples. Who likes apples? Lili likes apples. Does Lili like apples? Yes. She likes apples. No. She does not like apples.

This is a banana. It has 3 syllables. Which food has 2 syllables? Apple has 2 syllables.

What is this? This is an apple. Do you like ___? Yes. I like apples. No. I do not like apples. Who likes apples? Lili likes apples. Does Lili like apples? Yes. She likes apples. No. She does not like apples.

Who likes apples? Who does not like apples? I like apples. I do not like apples. Lili likes apples. Bine does not like apples.

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