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Roland Dickey Jr.

Dallas, United States

Steering the ship at Dickey's Capital Group as Chief Executive Officer, Roland Dickey Jr. is pivotal in transforming Dickey's Barbecue Restaurants, Inc., leading the charge from its humble regional beginnings to a globally recognized franchise. Today, the empire proudly operates over 550 locations within the United States and abroad, a testament to his exceptional leadership and deep understanding of the brand's values and traditions. His involvement extends beyond Dickey's Barbecue Restaurants, as he adeptly manages a varied portfolio of businesses spanning retail product lines, manufacturing, real estate, metal fabrication, and distribution. This diversification highlights his strategic foresight and demonstrates his entrepreneurial flair as he successfully expands the family business into numerous sectors. His connection to the world of barbecue and the family brand is rooted in his upbringing, where he learned the art of slow-smoked barbecue at his father's side. These formative experiences ingrained in him a profound passion for barbecue and a respect for the brand's unique culinary tradition. Following his high school graduation, he furthered his education at Southern Methodist University, earning a degree in Business Administration. This academic journey equipped him with the necessary tools and knowledge to lead and grow a flourishing business effectively. In 1999, he officially joined the ranks of Dickey's Barbecue Restaurants, representing the third generation of the Dickey family to uphold and contribute to the brand's success. Over the years, he has taken on various vital roles within the company, meticulously learning the business from the ground up. His steadfast commitment to maintaining the brand's authenticity and high-quality barbecue culminated in his appointment as CEO in 2016. His remarkable leadership has not gone unnoticed in the food service industry, as evidenced by numerous awards and recognitions.
