Catálogo Homescooling de Alfa Omega Publications

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2008 Homeschool Catalog

New for 2008! Switched-On Schoolhouse 2008 Edition Switched-On Schoolhouse Civics Switched-On Schoolhouse Physical Science Horizons Health Horizons Physical Education Daily Focus Homeschool Devotional See inside for more details.

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See Curriculum Sample Pages

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©MMVIII Alpha Omega Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Alpha Omega Publications, Switched-On, Switched-On Schoolhouse, LIFEPAC, LIFEPAC Drawing Basics, The Weaver Curriculum, Alpha Omega Academy, Revver, Amazing Miracles, Amazing Book, Kingdom Under the Sea: The Gift, Kingdom Under the Sea: The Red Tide, and Vocabulocity are registered trademarks of Alpha Omega Publications, Inc. LIFEPAC Foundations for Living, and LIFEPAC Essentials of Communication: A Guide to Interacting Effectively in Today’s World, Kingdom Under the Sea: Return of the King, Red Tide, The Gift, Amazing Children, ARC: Achieving Reading Comprehension, are trademarks or service marks of Alpha Omega Publications, Inc., pending registration in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Character Builders, the Conductor, Stevie, Nancy, Tuffy, Mr. Pimms, and GoodNzzz Bee are registered trademarks or trademarks of Glynyon, Inc., pending approval in the United States Patent Trademark Office. Chronicles of Narnia and The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe are registered trademarks of C.S. Lewis Ltd. Color Phonics is a registered trademark of Eve Englebright. Microsoft Windows, Frontpage, Outlook, and PowerPoint are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. Alpha Omega Publications, Inc. makes no claim of affiliation with Microsoft Corporation. SwitchedOn Schoolhouse contains Macromedia Shockwave ® Player and Macromedia Flash ® Player by Macromedia, Inc. Copyright 1995-2000 Macromedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Macromedia, Shockwave, and Flash are Trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. Adobe Acrobat is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. Switched-On Schoolhouse contains Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, ©The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission. http:// New American Standard Bible and NASB are registered trademarks of The Lockman Foundation. All other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.


Table of Contents Letter from the President AOP Products Overview What’s New at AOP for 2008 Order Form Getting Started

3 4-7 8-10 11-13 14-15

Switched-On Schoolhouse ® Overview Subjects Features & Benefits Scope & Sequence

16-21 16 17 18-19 20-21

LIFEPAC ® Benefits Subjects Scope & Sequence

22-25 22 23 24-25

Horizons Benefits Subjects Scope & Sequence

26-31 26 27 28-31

Alpha Omega Academy ®


Curriculum & Resources Preschool Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade Switched-On Electives LIFEPAC Electives Horizons Electives The Weaver Curriculum® Overview Subjects Essentials Resources Bridgestone Multimedia Products ARC Achieving Reading Comprehension TM Resources

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36-115 36-37 38-39 40-43 44-47 48-51 52-55 56-59 60-63 64-67 68-71 72-75 76-79 80-83 84-87 88-93 94-99 100-103 104-107 104 105 106 107 108-110 110 111-115


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S in ce re ly,

n h u is B et h Te G ro te d CEO P re si d en t an s, In c. a P u b lic at io n A lp h a O m eg

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Educational Options

Switched-On Schoolhouse® Curriculum Switched-On Schoolhouse is a computer-based learning environment filled with 3-D animation and cutting-edge multimedia designed to engage your students in learning. This interactive, innovative curriculum features the advantages of automatic grading, record keeping, and lesson planning which reduce administrative tasks. Bible, Math, Language Arts, History & Geography, and Science are the 5 core subjects offered along with over 15 exciting electives. For grades 3-12. See pages 16-21 for more information.

LIFEPAC® Curriculum LIFEPAC is a full-color worktext curriculum which uses mastery learning— students master concepts in each unit before progressing to the next unit. The curriculum is comprised of consumable worktexts which conveniently coordinate lessons, exercises, projects, reviews, and tests. Five core subjects are available—Bible, Math, Language Arts, History & Geography, and Science— plus over 15 electives! For grades K-12. See pages 22-25 for more information.

Horizons Curriculum Horizons is a fun-filled, comprehensive curriculum with engaging workbooks and handson lessons. Creative, motivating lessons establish students in the fundamentals of math, phonics and reading, spelling and vocabulary, penmanship, health, and more. The Horizons Math and Language Arts courses use spiral learning—quick concept introduction, frequent review, and reinforcement. The Horizons curriculum has the following courses: Preschool, Physical Education (PreK-12), Phonics & Reading (K-2), Math (K-6), Health (K-8), Penmanship (1-5), and Spelling & Vocabulary (1 & 2). See pages 26-31 for more information.


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Overview The Weaver Curriculum® The Weaver Curriculum features Scriptural lessons that “weave” throughout general subject lessons, promoting both spiritual and academic development in students. Hands-on activities in this unit study program also enhance and reinforce learning while keeping academics fun and interesting. For grades PreK-12. See pages 104-107 for more information.

Alpha Omega Academy® Distance Learning Program A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! Alpha Omega Academy is an exciting K-12 distance learning program, accredited through NCA and CITA and structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families. This accredited educational option is distance learning at its best with qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and solid curriculum options. For more information, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800.682.7396.

Bridgestone Multimedia Products Family-friendly videos, movies, and music CDs from Bridgestone Multimedia inspire, educate, and entertain in a way that Christian families can appreciate and enjoy. Choose from inspirational films, documentaries and educational films, westerns, and children’s videos and music CDs. See pages 108-110 for more information.

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Curriculum Benefits Checklist

Alpha Omega Academy速

Grades K-12

Grades 3-12

Grades K-12

Grades PreK-12

Bible based Unit study Computer based Economical Self paced Parent directed Interactive Accredited Fun and engaging Hands on Multimedia Automated Grading Colorful Academic support Complete curriculum Mastery based learning Spiral based learning Proven Placement tests available Electives available


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Grades PreK-12

With curriculum for elementary, middle school, and high school students in both print and computer-based formats, Alpha Omega Publications has everything you need to achieve academic success. Our curricula give you the freedom to customize your student’s education. Choose curriculum from one product line or mix and match with material from each line.


Complete Academic Solutions


LIFEPAC Language Arts




Horizons Math


Alpha Omega Academy Science


Switched-On Schoolhouse History & Geography


Switched-On Schoolhouse 5-subject set

Need help determining what is best for your student?


Call 800.622.3070 Monday to Friday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Central Time

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What’s New at AOP for 2008

Switched-On Civics Want a fun civics course your child will love? Filled with attention-grabbing activities and colorful graphics, Switched-On Schoolhouse Civics explains the foundations and structure of American government, including state and local government, economics, and much more. Fun learning games, designed to build comprehension, are also included in this one-semester course for advanced junior high students and high school students.

Switched-On Physical Science Get your child ready for chemistry and physics with Switched-On Physical Science! This unique elective course was created for students new to Switched-On at the 9th grade level or for those who have not previously completed Switched-On 8th or 9th grade Science. Through interesting lessons and experiments, this 10-unit course lays a foundation for future science studies by covering the fundamentals of science, atoms, molecules, elements, friction, energy, and more!

See page 89 for more information. See page 91 for more information.

Daily Focus Attention Homeschooling Parents! Need encouragement, motivation, or just a refreshing way to start the day? We have the answer—the brand new Daily Focus devotional book from Alpha Omega Publications ®. Filled with uplifting devotionals and captivating stories that will warm your heart, the Daily Focus was originally created as a daily email for homeschoolers just like you. Each day of the year you’ll read reallife homeschooling experiences that relate to God’s Word. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, but mostly you’ll be empowered to grow in your walk with the Lord as you enjoy the wonderful blessings of homeschooling. The Daily Focus contains 365 devotionals and is soft cover. See page 115 for more information.


Switched-On Civics

Switched-On Physical Science

Switched-On Civics

Switched-On Physical Science

Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time


Horizons Physical Education Encourage physical activity for life! Your child will love exercising with Horizons Physical Education. This motivating, activity-based curriculum teaches motor skills, anatomy, age appropriate games, exercise techniques, and lifelong health and fitness practices. Available for PreK-12th grade, this comprehensive curriculum gives your child a complete, wellrounded education and teaches healthy living from a Christian perspective. See pages 100 and 101 for more information.

Horizons Health


Equip your child for healthy living! Hands-on Horizons Health, for Kindergarten-8th grade, provides parents with a sequential, comprehensive health education program written from a Christian perspective. Teach your child how to take responsibility for personal health, develop proper manners and attitudes, and sharpen decision-making skills. Curriculum themes include: human growth and development, nutrition facts, disease prevention, and safety. Flexible student lessons can be easily integrated with other subjects or taught separately.

Tired of spending countless hours explaining or trying to explain concepts to your child? Now, you don’t have to. Alpha Omega Publications is excited to offer you a helpful, new educational service—Tutoring. Created to help your student get ahead or catch up in his studies, Tutoring for the current version of Switched-On Schoolhouse ®, LIFEPAC ®, and Horizons curricula is proudly offered to all homeschooling families. Sessions with qualified academic advisors, set by appointment, will offer your student undivided attention for up to 30 minutes per session. This assistance helps students grasp difficult or advanced concepts.

See pages 101-103 for more information.

Benefits Specific concept explanations Sessions set by appointment (one session per day maximum) Flexible packages (one session, three sessions, and eight sessions available) Support for SOS, LIFEPAC, and Horizons curricula Available for any subject at any grade level Assistance via phone per appointment, M-F, 8 am - 4:30 pm, Central Time Tutoring will give your student a network of qualified academic advisors that can provide solutions. Dedicated to helping your student successfully reach his goals, each advisor will ensure personalized attention and academic success. Order Tutoring on its own or enjoy a FREE trial session with your purchase of a complete set of Switched-On Schoolhouse or LIFEPAC curriculum*. TB1H One Session TB3H Three Sessions TB8H Eight Sessions

$30.00 $85.00 $216.00

* The free trial session is 15 minutes in length and must be used within 6 months of the curriculum purchase date.

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Recent Releases at AOP

Horizons Preschool It’s here—the newly released Horizons Preschool curriculum! This flexible, colorful, preschool program is based on the perfect source—the Bible. Your preschooler will love vibrant lessons which interweave a daily Bible lesson throughout subjects such as social studies, language arts, math, phonics, and more! Packed with hands-on activities, arts and crafts, music, story times, and field trips, Horizons Preschool is your must-have, all-in-one preschool curriculum. Horizons Preschool is flexible too! You can teach lessons on any days you choose. To accommodate various homeschooling schedules, the Horizons Preschool curriculum contains 180 lessons which can be taught according to your preschooler’s learning pace. Five lessons are provided per week, and each fun-filled lesson is formulated to build basic academic skills. Horizons Preschool can also be taught to reflect learning objectives, whether you focus on academics or on activities. See pages 36 and 37 for more information.

Character Builders® Did you know? The Character Builders video series is now fully animated! Remade in state-of-the-art animation from the original storybook version, the new Character Builders videos feature the same heart-warming stories, songs, and characters you’ve loved for years. Teaching little ones the Fruit of the Spirit, Character Builders is filled with entertaining stories that promote kindness, responsibility, thankfulness, love, patience, and other positive character traits. Made for today’s generation, the newly animated Character Builder episodes will captivate your child as they follow the adventures of Stevie ™, Nancy ™, Tuffy ®, and The Conductor ™ in Agapeland. Great for car rides or at home with the family, these unforgettable, newly animated classics are a wonderful addition to any homeschool family’s video collection and also make great gifts! The Character Builders series is available in a complete 8 DVD Set containing all 16 episodes or in individual DVDs containing two episodes each. See page 108 for more information.


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804 N. 2nd Ave. E. Rock Rapids, IA 51246-1759 Telephone: 800.622.3070 Fax: 712.472.4856

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Shipping Please allow 3-4 weeks to receive your order. All international orders require a physical address and are shipped solely at the customer’s risk. Delivery date is based on shipping method and the day your order leaves the warehouse. All orders are fulfilled on a first-in, first-out basis. For an additional charge of $2.99, you can queue your order for fulfillment in the Rush Processing batch. This does not decrease the time in transit - it decreases the time your order spends being processed in our warehouse, once payment for your order has been applied. Rush Processing fees cannot be refunded.

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Switched-On Schoolhouse® End User License Agreement: End users of Switched-On Schoolhouse must agree to the terms and conditions of its End User License Agreement. The details of this agreement can be found in the Help File within the Teacher Mode and on the Alpha Omega Publications website at

Statement of Faith We believe that both the Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God, revealing the three Persons of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in the incarnation and virgin birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as true God and true man. We believe that man was created in God’s image, but is separated from God by sin. We believe that man is redeemed by grace through faith in Christ’s vicarious atonement for sins, the shedding of His blood on the cross. We believe that the gift of eternal life is available to all men, that those who receive Christ by faith are regenerated by the Holy Spirit and thereby become children of God. We believe in the bodily resurrection of Christ, His imminent return, and the resurrection of His people.

Payment Full payment must be received with all orders. Orders can be paid by check, money order, or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover). A minimum $20.00 service fee will be charged for all returned checks.

Business Hours Homeschool Customer Service is open Monday-Friday from 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Central Time.

Return Policy For 100% refund, items must be returned in like-new condition (no marks, tears, erasures, missing pages, or scratched CDs) within 30 days of the invoice date. After 30 days, a 20% restocking fee will be deducted from your refund. There will be a 5% restocking fee for splitting a boxed set. No refunds will be given after 60 days from invoice date. Please allow 4-6 weeks (6-8 weeks during peak times) for your return to be processed. Return credits will be refunded in the same form of payment used for the original purchase.


Product Selection Notice Much of the screening has been done for you to eliminate products which promote humanistic or immoral beliefs and whenever possible, we purchase materials from Christian sources and other suppliers we know and trust. Homeschool families, however, come from many different backgrounds, beliefs, and denominations. While it is our desire not to offend even one of our customers, there may be an instance where a product in this catalog does not correspond with your particular worldview. If this is the case, please alert us. We will cheerfully exchange your purchase or refund your money in accordance with our return policy, and your comments will be recorded for evaluation prior to the next printing of the catalog.

New prices reflected in this catalog go into effect on April 1, 2008. AOP product and shipping prices are subject to change without notice.

Four Ways To Order:


CALL US: 800.622.3070 Monday-Friday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Central Time


MAIL YOUR ORDER: Alpha Omega Publications 804 N. 2nd Ave. E. Rock Rapids, IA 51246-1759


FAX YOUR ORDER: 712.472.4856 If you fax your order, there is no need to mail a copy. The faxed order is considered the original order.





Getting Started AOP has been guiding families into home education for 30 years. The homeschool testing and support materials found on these pages will quickly acquaint you with homeschooling and AOP curriculum. These materials help you know exactly what you need to get started with an education from Alpha Omega Publications ®.

LIFEPAC Parent Starter Kit

LIFEPAC Curriculum Scope & Sequence

A Parent’s Guide to Mastering LIFEPAC

Gives parents who are new to the LIFEPAC curriculum a better understanding of how to set up a homeschool and properly manage the LIFEPAC curriculum. The Parent Starter Kit contains A Parent’s Guide to Mastering LIFEPAC, a curriculum scope and sequence, and a sample LIFEPAC.

Describes the contents of every LIFEPAC, including core and elective courses.

An overview of the LIFEPAC curriculum features, structures, and organization.

AR 8236

AR 8604

AS 9920

The LIFEPAC Study Guide

Record students’ daily accomplishments, home work assignments, and work completed. Can also be used as a complete quarter record for a single student.

Helps parents plan student work and set goals for each day, section, and LIFEPAC, becomes a record of progress and completion. AR 8128



The Parent’s Cumulative File

The Student Record Book Charts progress and accomplishment of academic goals. Records daily scores for a ten-week quarter. AR 8602 Individual books AS 9902 Set of Four



Goal Check Records

AR 8118

$1.50 $5.50

This is one of the most important records parents can keep for their student. Cumulative File includes a check list of records to be kept. The Yearly Progress Record helps track assignments and scores for the year, and the Parent’s Report of Medical History is where parents can document general health and immunization records. The High School Academic Projection helps parents determine a tentative, 4-year course of study. AR 8603



Daily Focus Attention Homeschooling Parents! Need encouragement, motivation, or just a refreshing way to start the day? We have the answer—the brand new Daily Focus devotional book from Alpha Omega Publications ®. Filled with uplifting devotionals and captivating stories that will warm your heart, the Daily Focus was originally created as a daily e-mail for homeschoolers just like you. Each day of the year you’ll read real-life homeschooling experiences that relate to God’s Word. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, but mostly you’ll be empowered to grow in your walk with the Lord as you enjoy the wonderful blessings of homeschooling. The Daily Focus contains 365 devotionals and is soft cover. See page 115 for more information.


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LIFEPAC Diagnostic Evaluation

Switched-On Schoolhouse® Diagnostic Tests

An economical option for placing new students into the LIFEPAC curriculum. The Student Testing Kit is available in all five subjects to assist with correct placement and indicate learning gaps. Specific LIFEPACs are recommended for remediation in areas where these gaps are indicated. Tests are available for elementary (grades 1-8) and secondary (grades 7-12). Order according to the last grade the student has completed.

This single kit contains tests to ensure students are properly placed within the Switched-On Schoolhouse grade levels. Test subjects and grades included are: Bible 3-12, Language Arts 3-12, Math 3-12, History & Geography 3-12, and Science 3-12. You may also register to take placement tests for Math and Language Arts on our website at SOSDT

BD 001 Bible Grades 2-8 $5.00 BD 002 Bible Grades 7-12 $5.00 LD  001 Language Arts Grades 1-8 $5.00 LD   002 Language Arts Grades 7-12 $5.00 MD 001 Mathematics Grades 1-8 $5.00 MD 002 Mathematics Grades 7-12 $5.00 HD 001 History Grades 2-8 $5.00 HD 002 History Grades 7-12 $5.00 SD  001 Science Grades 2-8 $5.00 SD  002 Science Grades 7-12 $5.00 AS  9922 Set of 5 Placement Tests 1-8 $19.95 Bible 2-8 Language Arts 1-8 Math 1-8 History 2-8 Science 2-8 AS 9923 Set of 5 Placement Tests 7-12 $19.95 Bible 7-12 Language Arts 7-12 Math 7-12 History 7-12 Science 7-12


Horizons Math Readiness Evaluation This resource combines all of the Horizons Math Readiness Tests into one complete booklet. These tests help determine the level a student new to Horizons Math is ready to begin the program. Tests are provided for grades 1-6 and each test takes approximately 30-60 minutes. Students should be able to complete the tests on their own as long as they understand the activity directions. You may also download readiness tests for Horizons Math on our website at HMRT 01

“I have been homeschooling for seven years and have used curriculum from AOP every year. I started with it when my two older children were in preschool and kindergarten. I am now homeschooling four children. It is so nice to know that AOP is there with so many great products to make my life easier as a homeschooler! Thanks AOP!”


Angela O., Minnesota Diploma Alpha Omega Publications A quality diploma for the graduating senior is printed on heavy certificate stock with a gold seal embossed with the Alpha Omega Publications logo. It’s a great way to symbolize the completion of your child’s school days. This diploma is not official. For information about a diploma program read about Alpha Omega Academy on pages 32-35. AR 8114


Need help determining what is best for your student?

Horizons Scope & Sequence This booklet describes the contents and gives the details of every Horizons course. AR 8237



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Overview Switched-On Schoolhouse is not like traditional textbook curriculums. Instead of fixed, one-dimensional lessons, SwitchedOn Schoolhouse has a lively mix of lessons, assignments, practice sessions, and quizzes reinforced by rich multimedia including movies, maps, timelines, learning games, and interactive projects. These lessons captivate students’ interest and engage them in learning. Available for students in grades 3-12, Switched-On Schoolhouse provides a thorough, engaging, Christ-centered curriculum covering five core subjects and a variety of electives. The CD-ROM format of Switched-On Schoolhouse is highly reflective of today’s technological society and gives students the opportunity to do their schoolwork on the computer. Also, thanks to new features that enhance both content and functionality, the 2008 edition offers even more ease, accuracy, and appeal.

New Features for SOS 2008 Edition Improved Grading An expanded answer key is featured in the newest edition of SOS. It now displays all acceptable answers making grading less rigid and more fair to students.

Centralized Help For 2008, you’ll find a centralized help feature that includes the user manual, SOS overview, tutorials, and important support links. This puts a variety of resources together right at your fingertips for easy reference.

Easier Recordkeeping A simplified process for backing up student data in the 2008 version assists you in more easily saving extra records of student work. This gives you the opportunity to store a copy of completed work regularly with minimal effort.

Educational Excitement

Further Customization

Quiz Bowl, a fun and interactive game for 1 or 2 players, has been added to 3rd through 6th grade in order to help students practice what they learn in History & Geography, Language Arts, Math, and Science.

Grade reports and report cards in the 2008 version allow you to create reports for specific date ranges. This gives you additional flexibility to provide customized reports for your student or your own reference.

Minimum System Requirements: “SOS was sent from heaven to our doorstep! It was everything we needed to continue home educating our children. We have been using it with 3 students and my children love seeing their grades every day—no more waiting for mom! SOS has helped me enjoy teaching my children again and has taken the dread out of a new day filled with yet more paperwork and stress. THANK YOU for creating such a wonderful, affordable curriculum!”

Windows XP Service Pack 2 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or higher 500 MHz or higher processor 512 MB memory (RAM) 600 MB hard drive space 1024 x 768 or higher resolution monitor, 16 bit color CD-ROM drive Printer recommended

Heidi W., New Jersey 16

Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

Windows Vista (all versions) Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or higher 1 GHz or higher processor 1 GB memory (RAM) 600 MB hard drive space 1024 x 768 or higher resolution monitor, 16 bit color CD-ROM drive Printer recommended


Core Subjects

Switched-On Bible

Switched-On History & Geography

Switched-On Bible provides in-depth study of the Old and New Testaments. Using the King James Version or the New American Standard ® Bible , the Bible curriculum assists students in developing a Christian worldview and integrating this view into academic studies and practical living. The Bible curriculum covers seven major themes, theology, attributes of God, biblical literature, biblical background, Christian growth, Christian evidences, and special themes.

Switched-On History & Geography gives students an understanding and appreciation for God’s activity as seen in the record of man and his relationships. While each grade level has its own unique study, the History & Geography curriculum has six major content strands that are covered on most levels. They include geography, history, government and citizenship, economics, and social studies skills. History & Geography also offers special topics, such as career preparation and finance management.

Switched-On Mathematics is a comprehensive math curriculum designed to train students to successfully use math in real-life situations. The major content strands developed at all grade levels include number skills, geometry, algebra, data analysis, and probability. Switched-On Math uses curriculum spiraling and mastery learning to encourage student success.

Switched-On Science

Switched-On Language Arts

Switched-On Electives

Switched-On Science focuses on explaining about the physical universe God created, while developing students’ observation skills. The elementary and junior high grades (3-9) present each area of science in an independent survey basis, usually unit by unit. The high school grades (10-12) focus on a specific area of science−biology, chemistry, and physics. The four major strands that flow throughout this curriculum are life sciences, earth and space sciences, physical sciences, and the nature of science.

Switched-On Language Arts focuses on reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Because Switched-On Language Arts is an integrated program, the elementary grades (3-6) weave skills topics, such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking, together within units. In the upper grades, these skills are handled unit by unit. While each grade level has its own unique study, the Language Arts curriculum has six major content strands. They are reading, writing, spelling, grammar, composition, and speaking and listening.

Switched-On now has seventeen elective courses. Choose from Civics, College Planner, Consumer Math, High School Health, Health Quest, Elementary French, Elementary Spanish, Secondary French, Secondary Spanish, Spanish I, Spanish II, Home Economics, American Literature, British Literature, Story of the Constitution, Physical Science or any of the fifty State Histories.

Switched-On Mathematics

Order Online 24/7 at



Features & Benefits Automatic Grading

Advanced Lesson Planning

Complete administrative tasks with a click of the mouse! Automatic grading and record keeping help you conveniently record students’ assignments and scores. Approximately 85% of student work is graded automatically by the computer giving parents more hands-on time with their students. Parents will love the easy-to-use report features that print detailed grade reports and at-a-glance report cards.

Put those bulky lesson planners away! Advanced lesson planning allows parents to create lesson plans in a sleek, convenient format. With this feature, parents have the flexibility to either plan lessons in accordance with a school calendar or tailor make assignments for a group or an individual student. Parents can also use the tools to create or change semester or year-long schedules in a matter of minutes! Tailor-make each student’s school day by adding, removing, or resequencing assignments Preview assignments or review student work Adjust the pace for individual subjects at the group or student level Create lesson plans for entire groups View all student assignments and grading tasks on one page

Built-in Global Calendar Never be caught off guard by holidays, events, or field trips with our time-saving built-in calendar. This feature allows you to assign or remove school days, exclude date ranges, and add or remove events like field trips and holidays. Organize your calendar with day, month, or three-month views to help you plan future events and assignments.

Student Mode

Revised Content Our goal is to consistently improve our lessons to help students master concepts. Using current multimedia, new problems, various practice activities, and up-to-date content, keeps students on the cutting edge of education.

Book Reports

Custom Curriculum Do you like to use your own ideas for lesson plans? Want to add your own touch to our proven curriculum? Now you can! With custom curriculum, parents can modify existing subjects by combining, adding, or removing units and assignments. Parents can also choose to build their own curriculum program from scratch using any available SOS materials. This flexible feature allows SOS to be used as a core curriculum or as supplemental material. Build learning programs that address learning gaps or offer remedial or review work Add enrichment to challenge advanced students Create compressed work tracks for students who enroll mid-year Make mini-units of study

Student Mode


Students can view presentations, answer lesson questions in or out of sequence, and record their own notes and questions on an electronic notepad with this unique feature. Students can also customize their personal program screens with 12 different desktop themes.

Enriching book reports feature different genres, annotated book lists, and links to additional resources. Thought-provoking questions will provide guidelines for students to reflect, evaluate, and write about books of their choice. Grades 3-8.

Message Center Communication is easy with our internal messaging system! The message center allows parents to attach messages to lessons for their students to view in their personal mailboxes. Parents are notified immediately of student messages and can access, sort, and print messages in one convenient place. (Messages are between student and parent only.)

Built-in Global Calendar

Custom Curriculum

Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time


Features & Benefits Multimedia and Learning Activities Your students will be on the edge of their seats! Amazing multimedia and captivating learning games will help students grasp difficult concepts and provide extra practice. Learning games like Farmer Frank and All Right give students challenging and fun ways to help remember facts.

Videos Spark students’ interest with eye-catching animation and colorful graphics! Filled with thousands of videos, this dynamic curriculum offers students front row seats to some of history’s greatest moments such as a space shuttle launch or hearing Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech “I Have a Dream”. These amazing educational tools cannot be found in traditional textbooks!

Resource Center

Historical Timeline This helpful feature puts history into perspective. Students simply click on any linked date in the curriculum to find out where the topic stands in history. Students will see the context of their studies and how the events of the past fit together.

Resource Center Fine resources right at your fingertips! A calculator has been included for student and teacher convenience. An interactive Periodic Table of Elements highlights elements. Each element is hyperlinked to its own page to provide students with more information.

Videos Optional Voice Automated Lesson Text With our user-friendly “Text-to-Speech” feature, students can highlight the passages they want to hear and the curriculum will read it to them. This feature is perfect for audio learners, students who have difficulty reading on the computer, or for help pronouncing complex words. Students can choose from multiple voices. This tool allows students to focus or review specific passages.

Assignment Screens Take the guesswork out of schoolwork with assignment screens. Student screens show daily assignments, curriculum overview, due dates, subject reviews, and grades. Teachers’ screens allow them to edit, add, remove, or reorder assignments as well as change assignment due dates.

Practice Lessons

Printing Options Take learning from the screen to the page in seconds! Flexible printing options allow students and parents to print entire assignments, lessons, vocabulary lists, problems, and records. Use this advantage for student homework, tests, or review lessons.

Practice Lessons This feature allows students to look at the Switched-On Schoolhouse program and see how it works before starting the curriculum. Step-bystep, students are taught how the different features and activities are used in the lessons. They will also learn how to take quizzes and tests and be introduced to different problem types. Both new and experienced users will benefit from this feature.

Assignment Screens

Order Online 24/7 at



Core Scope & Sequence GRADE












Introduction to the Bible

Christian Discipleship

Christian Basics I

Bible Survey

Christian Basics II & Life of Christ

Practical Christianity & Church History

New Testament Survey

Old Testament Survey

Doctrine & Application

Essentials for Christian Service


SOS 300B $74.95

SOS 400B $74.95

SOS 500B $74.95

SOS 600B $74.95

SOS 700B $74.95

SOS 800B $74.95

SOS 900B $74.95

SOS 1000B $74.95

SOS 1100B $74.95

SOS 1200B $74.95


U.S. Communities

World Geography

History of the Western Hemisphere

World History & Culture

Social Science Survey

U.S. History

Civics and World Geography

World History

U.S. History

Government & Economics


SOS 300H $74.95

SOS 400H $74.95

SOS 500H $74.95

SOS 600H $74.95

SOS 700H $74.95

SOS 800H $74.95

SOS 900H $74.95

SOS 1000H $74.95

SOS 1100H $74.95

SOS 1200H $74.95


Reading & Sentence Building

Word Study: Grammar Skills Composition

Literature Poetry Reports

Reading for a Purpose: Sentences & Poetry

Composition & Literature

Speaking & Writing Skills

Elements of Literature: Structure & Language

Literary Genres: Effective Writing

American Literature: Research & Reports

British Literature: Structure of Language & Poetry


SOS 300L $74.95

SOS 400L $74.95

SOS 500L $74.95

SOS 600L $74.95

SOS 700L $74.95

SOS 800L $74.95

SOS 900L $74.95

SOS 1000L $74.95

SOS 1100L $74.95

SOS 1200L $74.95


Symbols Multiples Fractions Addition Subtraction Carrying & Borrowing

Multiplication & Division Sequencing Rounding Estimation Charts & Graphs

Plane & Solid Shapes Perimeter Area Fractions Decimals & Probabilities

Multiplication & Division Fractions & Decimals Lines Shapes & Formulas

Pre-Algebra Pre-Geometry

Pre-Algebra Pre-Geometry

Algebra I


Algebra II

Advanced Math/ Trigonometry


SOS 300B $74.95

SOS 400M $74.95

SOS 500M $74.95

SOS 600M $74.95

SOS 700M $74.95

SOS 800M $74.95

SOS 900M $74.95

SOS 1000M $74.95

SOS 1100M $74.95

SOS 1200M $74.95


Plants & Animals Energy

Changes in Matter Solar System & Planet Earth

Life Cycles: Balance in Nature

Plants & Animal Behavior Molecular Genetics & Chemical Structure

Earth Science

Physical Science I

Physical Science II





SOS 300S $74.95

SOS 400S $74.95

SOS 500S $74.95

SOS 600S $74.95

SOS 700S $74.95

SOS 800S $74.95

SOS 900S $74.95

SOS 1000S $74.95

SOS 1100S $74.95

SOS 1200S $74.95













SOS 0315 $349.95

SOS 0415 $349.95

SOS 0515 $349.95

SOS 0615 $349.95

SOS 0715 $349.95

SOS 0815 $349.95

SOS 0915 $349.95

SOS 1015 $349.95

SOS 1115 $349.95

SOS 1215 $349.95

Switched-On Schoolhouse® Diagnostic Tests This single kit contains tests to ensure students are properly placed within the Switched-On Schoolhouse grade levels. Test subjects and grades included are: Bible 3-12, Language Arts 3-12, Math 3-12, History & Geography 3-12, and Science 3-12. You may also register to take placement tests for Math and Language Arts on our website at SOSDT



“We started using Switched-On Schoolhouse this year in desperate hopes of being able to continue homeschooling. I was about to give up. I purposely started our school year early to see how it was going to go because I honestly thought I would have no other choice but to send [my daughter] back to public school. I am absolutely tickled pink. Both of us have rediscovered our joy and fun in learning. With the help of the Holy Spirit, [my daughter], and Switched-On Schoolhouse, we are eagerly looking forward to each and every school day. I cannot thank you all enough!”

Yvonnda R., Tennessee

Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time













Consumer Math

Basic Math Review

Personal Finance


Taxes & Insurance

Banking Services & Investments

Banking & Credit Costs

Purchase & Sale of Goods

Leisure, Travel and Retirement

Job Related Services

Consumer Math Review

SOS CM $74.95

Spanish I

We’re Going to Mexico

Personal Information


Flight to Mexico

What Happened?

We Need Help

The Good Samaritan

Let’s Eat!

Are We There Yet?

We Arrive at Last

SOS SP1 $74.95

Spanish II

Study Spanish

Those Were the Days

Plan a Career

Suddenly Everything Changed




Health Is Everything

How Do They Live?

Contrasting Cultures

SOS SP2 $74.95

Secondary French

Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Parts of Speech, Sentence Patterns, Translation, Listening Comprehension, Speaking Fluency, Reading Comprehension

Vocabulary, Verb Tenses, Pronouns, Locations, Plurals, Action & Auxiliary Verbs, Conjugations, Irregular Verbs, Listening and Reading Comprehension

SOS SFR $89.95

Secondary Spanish

Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Parts of Speech, Sentence Patterns, Translation, Listening Comprehension, Speaking Fluency, Reading Comprehension

Vocabulary, Verb Tenses, Pronouns, Locations, Plurals, Action & Auxiliary Verbs, Conjugations, Irregular Verbs, Listening and Reading Comprehension

SOS SSP $89.95

Home Economics

Christian Character & Appearance

What’s Cookin’?

The Colonies

Story of the Struggle for A New Nation Constitution Independence Is Formed

Let’s Eat!

The Clothes You Wear

The Clothes You Sew

Interior Decorating

Writing & Ratifying the Constitution

Preamble & Article I

Articles II-VII

Amendments I-XV

Your Home and You

Financial Freedom

Child Development & Care


Twentieth The Principles Century & Nature of Our Amendments Constitution

SOS HE $74.95

SOS CS $26.95

Elementary Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Listening Comprehension, Speaking Fluency, Reading Comprehension French

SOS EFR $89.95

Elementary Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Listening Comprehension, Speaking Fluency, Reading Comprehension Spanish

SOS ESP $89.95


Body Essentials

State History

Government, Resources, & Culture

Revised State Introduction History

Physical Health

Social & Mental Health

Preventive Healthcare & First Aid


Elective Scope & Sequence

SOS HH $44.95

Responsible Living

See Page 93 $26.95 History & Culture




See Page 93 $26.95

Health Quest

Your Body


Nutrition & Fitness

Health Maintenance


SOS HQ $44.95

College Planner

My Educational Future

Choosing a College

Entrance Exams & Applications

Paying for College

Non-College Options

SOS CP $26.95

American Literature

Early American Lit.

Romantic Period

War & Reconciliation

The Modern Age

From Modern to Postmodern

SOS AM $44.95

British Literature

The Middle Ages

The 16th Century

The 17th & 18th Centuries

The 19th Century

The 20th Century

SOS BL $44.95


A New Nation

The Constitution

Branches of Government

Physical Science

Structure of Matter (Part 1)

Structure of Matter (Part 2)

Energy (Part 1)

SOS CV $44.95

Government by Relationship to the People the World Energy (Part 2)

Machines (Part 1)

Machines (Part 2)

Science and Technology

Our Atomic World

Volume, Mass, and Density

Order Online 24/7 at

Science and Tomorrow

SOS PHYS $74.95



Benefits LIFEPAC stands alone in its parent-friendly layout and instructional flow. LIFEPAC organizes five core subjects—Bible, Language Arts, Mathematics, History & Geography, and Science—into one-year curriculum units composed of ten worktexts per subject. This worktext format is designed specifically for parents who want the advantage of extensive, pre-developed curricula with integrated lesson plans. Whether you are a current homeschooler or want to start homeschooling, let us show you how the LIFEPAC curriculum for grades K–12 will work for you.

Benefits of LIFEPAC Curriculum Individualized LIFEPAC gives parents the ability to handle multi-grade students by allowing them to create individual academic programs. Students can also benefit from the LIFEPAC curriculum because it allows them to work through the material at their own pace.

Flexible Students work at their own pace to master the material before moving on to new concepts. This flexibility allows students to spend more time where needed.

Economical With the LIFEPAC curriculum, your child will receive a biblically-based education at a fraction of the price of regular textbooks and workbooks. You order only the materials you need.

Up-to-date LIFEPAC is the culmination of 30 years of creativity and development by hundreds of authors, editors, and designers. However, education is a dynamic endeavor, and our resources must be continually improved. That’s why since 1996 more than 650 of our titles have been revised and redesigned. Alpha Omega Publications ® is committed to improving the curriculum on an ongoing basis through continuous reinvestment in product development.

Parent-friendly Because the integrated lesson plans in LIFEPAC follow the curriculum, parents are free to tutor, grade, and encourage without having to create the educational design. Clear objectives and built-in reviews make material mastery worry-free. Each LIFEPAC worktext takes approximately three to four weeks to complete. A comprehensive Teacher’s Guide comes complete with teaching tips and answer keys. Correct student placement into the curriculum is easy with our customized diagnostic testing materials found on page 15.


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time



LIFEPAC History & Geography


LIFEPAC Mathematics

LIFEPAC Bible provides in-depth study of the Old and New Testaments. The Bible curriculum assists students in developing a Christian worldview and integrating this view into academic studies and practical living. While each grade level has its own unique study, the Bible curriculum covers seven major themes: theology, attributes of God, biblical literature, biblical background, Christian growth, Christian evidences, and special themes. Grades 1-12.

LIFEPAC History & Geography gives students an understanding and appreciation for God’s activity as seen in the record of man and his relationships. While each grade level has its own unique study, the History & Geography curriculum has six major content strands that are covered on most levels. They include geography, history, government and citizenship, economics, and social studies skills. Grades 1-12.

LIFEPAC Math is a fully comprehensive math curriculum designed to train students to successfully use math in real-life situations. The major content strands developed at all grade levels include number skills, geometry, algebra, data analysis, and probability. LIFEPAC Math uses curriculum spiraling and mastery learning to encourage student success. Grades K-12.


LIFEPAC Language Arts

LIFEPAC Electives

LIFEPAC Science focuses on developing observation skills while studying the physical universe God created. The elementary and junior high grades (1-9) present each area of science in an independent survey basis, usually unit by unit. The high school grades (10-12) focus on an area of science, specifically biology, chemistry, and physics. The 4 major strands that flow throughout this curriculum are life sciences, earth and space sciences, physical sciences, and the nature of science. Grades 1-12.

LIFEPAC Language Arts focuses on reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Because Language Arts is an integrated program, the elementary grades (K-6) weave skills topics, such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking, together within units. In the upper grades, these skills are handled unit by unit. While each grade level has its own unique study, the Language Arts curriculum has six major content strands. They are reading, writing, spelling, grammar, composition, and speaking and listening. Grades K-12.

LIFEPAC now has over fifteen elective courses. Choose from Accounting, American Literature, Art, British Literature, Computer Literacy, Consumer Math, Drawing Basics with Thomas Kinkade, Essentials of Communication, Civics, Foundations for Living, Health, Health Quest, Home Economics, Spanish I & II, and LIFEPAC Select. See pages 94-99 for more information.

“I searched for a Bible curriculum and found what I needed in LIFEPACs. My daughter just finished the 2nd grade series. A few months ago she came to Jesus. I believe that AOP LIFEPACs played a role.”

Melissa M., Florida

Order Online 24/7 at



Core Scope & Sequence GRADE













N.T. Survey Sharing Christ God’s Will

O.T. Survey

BIB 0915 $51.95

BIB 1015 $51.95

BIB 1115 $51.95

Anthropology Sociology U.S. History Economics State History

Civics Career World Geography

Ancient & Western History

U.S. History

HIS 0715 $51.95

HIS 0915 $51.95

HIS 1015 $51.95

HIS 1115 $51.95




God & You


BIB 0115 $70.95


Your World


HIS 0115 $70.95





Phonics Grammar Word Recognition Writing

Christian Growth Theology Themes Christian Evidences Special Themes BIB 0215 $51.95

BIB 0315 $51.95

Your U.S. Neighborhood Communities

HIS 0215 $51.95

HIS 0315 $51.95

Bible Literature Attributes of God Bible Geography & Archaeology

O.T. & N.T Bible Survey

BIB 0415 $51.95

BIB 0515 $51.95

BIB 0615 $51.95

World Geography & Culture

U.S. History


HIS 0415 $51.95

HIS 0515 $51.95

HIS 0615 $51.95

Seven Major Themes

BIB 0715 $51.95

BIB 0815 $51.95

HIS 0815 $51.95


LAN 0115 $70.95

MAK 015 $42.95

MAT 0115 $70.95

LAN 0215 $51.95

Handwriting (100-800) Speaking (700-1200) Nature & History of English (800-1200)

Word Study Vocabulary Literature LAN 0315 $51.95

BIB 1215 $51.95

Government & Economics

HIS 1215 $51.95


Grammar Composition Reading Comprehension

LAK 015 $42.95 Counting Shapes & Colors Problemsolving Addition Subtraction

Seven Major Themes

LAN 0415 $51.95

LAN 0515 $51.95

LAN 0615 $51.95

LAN 0715 $59.95

LAN 0815 $51.95

Spelling (200-800) Vocabulary Literature

LAN 0915 $63.95

LAN 1015 $55.95

LAN 1115 $71.95

LAN 1215 $56.95

Algebra I


Algebra II

Functions Trigonometry

BASIC MATH SKILLS Counting Time, Calendars Fractions Geometry

Basic Number Facts Addition & Subtraction Multiplication & Division Decimals & Metrics

MAT 0215 $51.95

MAT 0315 $51.95

MAT 0415 $51.95

Factors & Multiples Word Problem Money Equations MAT 0515 $51.95

MAT 0615 $51.95

Pre-Algebra Pre-Geometry

MAT 0715 $56.95

MAT 0815 $56.95

MAT 0915 $56.95

MAT 1015 $56.95

MAT 1115 $56.95

MAT 1215 $56.95

Earth Science Human Anatomy

Physical Science I

Physical Science II & Health




GOD’S CREATION Man Animals Universe Earth Science



Plants Earth Physical Laws & Properties Life Science

SCI 0115 $93.95

SCI 0215 $51.95

SCI 0315 $51.95

SCI 0415 $51.95

SCI 0515 $51.95

SCI 0615 $51.95

SCI 0715 $51.95

SCI 0815 $51.95

SCI 0915 $51.95

SCI 1015 $51.95

SCI 1115 $51.95

SCI 1215 $51.95
















LCSK $83.50

LCS 0100 $366.50

LCS 0200 $252.50

LCS 0300 $252.50

LCS 0400 $252.50

LCS 0500 $252.50

LCS 0600 $252.50

LCS 0700 $264.75

LCS 0800 $257.00

LCS 0900 $268.75

LCS 1000 $261.00

LCS 1100 $276.50

LCS 1200 $262.00

LIFEPAC Diagnostic Tests LIFEPAC diagnostic tests from Alpha Omega Publications offer you the best method of accurate student placement in Bible, History & Geography, Language Arts, Math, and Science courses. They identify learning gaps for each student and help you target and prescribe specific LIFEPACs for students to review. Don’t wonder about placement any longer. Make wise decisions about your child's educational program with this valuable testing resource today! See page 15 for more information.


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time













Accounting Overview

Starting a System

Analyzing Journal Transactions

Posting to General Ledger

Work Sheet

Proprietorship Financial Statement

Adjusting Closing Entries

Payroll Records

Payroll Accounting

Business Simulation Activity

ES 9315 $51.95


Concepts in Design

Principles of Color

Design Personality


Figure Drawing





Art Appreciation

ES 9115 $51.95

Consumer Math

Creative Arithmetic

Advanced Skills

Family Finances I

Family Finances II

Construction Trades

Service Occupations


Business Services

Occupational Diagrams


ES 2315 $43.95

Understanding Groups

Presenting & Interpreting Public Messages


Essentials Communication Language Interpersonal of Foundation Characteristics Skills Communication

ES 9015 $36.45

Foundations for Living

What is a Biblical Worldview?


The Doctrines of the Bible

God’s Creation

The Family

The Bible & Marriage

Engagement to Parenting

Christian Education

Politics and Art

Tying it All Together

ES 8915 $51.95

Home Economics

Personal Hygiene & Appearance

What’s Cookin’

Let’s Eat

The Clothes You Wear

The Clothes You Sew

Interior Decorating

Your Home and You

Financial Freedom

Child Development & Care


ES 9815 $55.95

The Modern Age

From Modern to Post-modern

ES 9415 $38.95

American Literature

Early American The Romantic War & Literature Period Reconciliation


Elective Scope & Sequence

British Literature

The Middle Ages

The 16th Century

The 17th and 18th Centuries

The 19th Century

The 20th Century

ES 9515 $38.95


Body Essentials

Physical Health

Social & Mental Health

Preventive Healthcare & First Aid

Responsible Living

ES 9715 $36.95

Spanish I


In the School

The Family and Home

Around the Town


In the Resturant

Personal Care



Lets’ Use Our Spanish

ES 9216 $77.95

Spanish II

Grammar Review

Forms of the Past Tenses

Usages of the Past Tenses

Possession & Present Participles

Prepositions & Pronouns

Comparisons & Negatives

Future & Conditional Tenses

Compound Tenses

Adverbs & Commands

Subjunctive Mood

ES 9916 $77.95


A New Nation


Branches of Government

Government by the People

Relationship to the World

ES 8815 $53.95

Health Quest

Physical Health

Mental Health

Nutrition & Food Groups

Saftey & Disease Prevention

Stewardship of God’s Creation

ES 9615 $39.45

Drawing Basics

Line & Shape

Space & Proportion

Tone & Texture

Art History

Review & Final Project

ES 4516 $54.45

Order Online 24/7 at



Benefits Horizons is a diverse curriculum offering a variety of courses for students in preschool through 12th grade. Engaging lessons are packed with activities that make learning fun and teacher materials make ensuring students’ progress easy. Since teacher/student interaction is an integral part of the Horizons program, both the teacher and the student materials are necessary for comprehensive learning. A balance of teaching methods are also included to reach multiple learning styles.

Benefits of Horizons Curriculum Engaging Lessons Students using Horizons curriculum will find both the workbook and hands-on lessons interesting and exciting. Much of the student material is filled with colorful illustrations and complimentary activities to help students understand concepts.

Thorough Teacher’s Guides The helpful teacher’s guides available in Horizons for each subject make teaching with this curriculum very simple. Complete materials aid lesson planning and provide structure so that preparation time is minimized and more time can be allotted for teaching.

Effective Spiral Learning Method Horizons language arts and math courses for grades K-6 use a spiral learning method that helps students grow academically while keeping them interested in the material. In this method students are frequently introduced to concepts that are fresh and new and given material to review from previous lessons. This method helps students master concepts through a natural process of introduction, review, and reinforcement.

Important Christian Worldview Horizons courses support a Christian worldview that complements parents in their biblical teaching. Several of the courses integrate Scripture directly into the lessons. Horizons Preschool uniquely uses the Bible to direct all academic studies, encouraging parents to present a Christian worldview with even the youngest pupils.


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time



Horizons Preschool

Horizons Math

Based upon the most perfect source available— the Bible, Horizons Preschool allows you and your students to study the world from the viewpoint of the Creator. Materials are written following a verse-by-verse explanation, and the academic subjects are applied as the Bible discusses them. Students gain the important knowledge that God is the beginning of all things and get a unique perspective of the world.

Horizons Mathematics takes a balanced and well-organized approach to primary math by focusing on analytical reasoning, manipulatives (hands-on learning), memorization, and drill. Brightly illustrated lessons and spiral learning help students master math concepts such as numbers, ratios, measurements, fractions, equations, angles, graphs, multiplication, and division. Grades K-6.

Horizons Penmanship Horizons Penmanship teaches the fundamentals of proper penmanship. Students practice spelling, vocabulary, and writing while learning the mechanics of penmanship which are letter formation, spacing, capitalization, punctuation, and pencil grip. As the program progresses, students transition from print or manuscript writing to cursive writing. Grades 1-5.

Horizons Spelling & Vocabulary Horizons Spelling & Vocabulary uses a phonicsbased approach to teach students spelling and vocabulary skills. Fun, colorful workbooks and student dictionaries help students learn how to recognize and spell new words. Through a variety of activities, puzzles, and lesson formats, students practice spelling concepts and increase their personal vocabulary. Grades 1 & 2.

Horizons Phonics & Reading

Horizons Electives

Horizons Phonics & Reading is a phonetically based word recognition and early reading program. Using creative, colorful readers and a variety of fun activities, students learn to identify the name and sounds of letters through picture association. As students move through the program they develop important comprehension and language arts skills that help them decode new words and become strong readers. Grades K-2.

New to the Horizons curriculum are two electives, Health and Physical Education. In Health, students in grades K-8 will study the power and importance of the human body while learning practical skills and information based on a Christian perspective. In Physical Education, students in Preschool to 12th grade will develop their motor skills, flexibility, and athleticism as they cultivate positive teamwork skills with others. See pages 100-103 for more information.

“Horizons Math is the only curriculum that I don’t feel I need to question each year. I started using something else for my son then switched to Horizons in 1st grade. Since then, I have used it consistently and know that it is thorough. It’s simple for me to teach and I have been very happy with it. I started my 5-year-old daughter on it this year and she loves it.”

Joy J., South Carolina

Order Online 24/7 at



Core Scope & Sequence Grade K


Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Numbers, Order, & Value Addition & Subtraction Ratios, Measurement, & Decimals Fractions & Comparison Equations, Colors, & Geometry Graphs, Estimation, & Solving Multiplication Division Properties of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, & Division Exponents, Statistics, & Percent Integers, Congruency, & Constructions

PENMANSHIP Practice Manuscript Letter Strokes Practice Lower- & Upper-case Manuscript Letters Practice Manuscript Numbers & Punctuation Write Manuscript Words & Sentences Copy Verses, Poems, or Quotations Practice Lower- & Upper-case Cursive Letters Write Cursive Words & Sentences Practice Manuscript One Day Each Week Copy & Answer Comprehension Questions Practice Cursive Letter Strokes & Joinings Practice Cursive Numbers & Punctuation Convert Cursive Samples to Manuscript & Manuscript to Cursive Write Unpracticed Quotations Write on Lines without Guidelines Self-evaluate Penmanship Quality


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time


Core Scope & Sequence Grade 1


Grade 2

Horizons Math Readiness Evaluation These tests help determine the level a student new to Horizons Math is ready to begin the program. Tests are provided for grades 1-6, and each test takes approximately 30-60 minutes. Students should be able to complete the tests on their own as long as they understand the activity directions. The first grade test is given orally with special instructions for scoring and the remediation of weaknesses. Instructions for scoring and evaluating the test results for grades 2-6 are given on the answer key pages. The successful completion of a test indicates that the student has sufficient background in math to begin the Horizons program at that level. You may also download readiness tests for Horizons Math on our website at

Recognize and Spell Words with Short and Long Vowels Recognize, Spell, and Understand Contractions Recognize and Spell Plural Words Recognize and Spell Words Used in Comparisons Recognize and Spell Words with Silent Letters Recognize and Spell Words with Dipthongs Spelling Compound Words Recognize and Spell Synonyms, Antonyms, and Homophones Recognize and Spell Irregular Plurals Recognize and Spell Number Words

HMRTO1 Grade K


Grade 1


Grade 2

Letter Recognition Long & Short Vowel Sounds Consonant Digraphs & Silent Letters Consonant Blends & Triple Consonant Blends Suffixes

“We switched over to Horizons for a more structured phonics base and my daughter’s reading skills have improved substantially. I just wish we had started sooner!”

Vowel Digraphs & Diphthongs R-controlled Vowels

Monique W., California

Alphabetical Order Rhyming Words Plurals, Possessives, & Contractions Syllables & Compound Words Diacritical Marks Prefixes Synonyms, Antonyms, & Homonyms Medial Double Consonants Syllabications Rules & Accented Syllables Spellings of the Schwa Sound

Order Online 24/7 at



Electives Scope & Sequence Grade K


Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7&8

Growth & Development Disease Prevention Substance Use/Abuse Nutrition Emotional & Mental Health Social Health & Interpersonal Skills Family Life & Human Sexuality Personal Health Community Health Consumer Health Safety & First Aid

PreK &K

Physical Education

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Sensorimotor Body Control Skills Integrate Physical Education with Other Learning Fitness Awareness Promote Core Values Manipulative Object Control Skills Specific Motor Abilities Creative Movement Skills Specialized Sport Skills Strength and Flexibility Game Skills Sport Rules Game & Sport Tactics Recreational Games & Sport Skills Lifetime Fitness Habits


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

Grade 7&8

Grade Grade 9 & 10 11 & 12


Preschool Scope & Sequence Preschool


“I just received the new preschool curriculum and it is absolutely awesome. The format is easy to follow and the colorful pages and activities are very exciting to my preschooler. I looked at several different publishers before purchasing this one. It is by far the most teacher-friendly course, and it is very appealing for the child. An added benefit is that it is truly created for the preschooler and is not trying to push the child to do work at the kindergarten or first grade level. This builds up the child’s self esteem and is a wonderful atmosphere for learning. I wish I had been able to use it for my other children.”

Day 1-Day 7 of Creation Noah’s Flood Letter Recognition Aa-Zz Number Recognition 0-12 Oral Counting 0-20 Write First Name Letter Sounds Aa-Zz Analog & Digital Time to the Hour Shapes & Colors Calendar & Seasons Blend Letter Sounds Aa-Zz Addition & Subtraction with Number 1 Social Studies, Science, & Language Arts Verse Memory

Elizabeth D., Texas

Action Songs & Poems Arts & Crafts Motor Skills Health & Safety

Order Online 24/7 at




Alpha Omega Academy (AOA) is an exciting distance learning alternative accredited through NCA and CITA and structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families. With qualified teachers, administrative services, flexible options, and curriculum choices, Alpha Omega Academy is committed to creating a successful partnership with each parent and student who enrolls. As a distance learning school, Alpha Omega Academy offers the perfect combination of these elements at an affordable price. Read on and see why over 20,000 students have enrolled in Alpha Omega Academy.

Who should enroll in Alpha Omega Academy? Families that want the benefits of educating from home… Flexible daily schedule More family time Increased safety Affordability Direct involvement in child’s education …while also enjoying the benefits of being enrolled in an accredited Christian school!

Alpha Omega Academy®

Qualified teachers providing reliable academic support Guidance and placement in a structured academic program Connection with other students Transcript and diploma provisions Record keeping services

“Both of our daughters completed their high school education through AOA. We had a strong commitment in our home to our children learning to write well, so we were very satisfied with the number of projects and papers that honed their writing skills and encouraged them to think critically. We have recommended AOA again and again to friends and acquaintances and even strangers! As our oldest child enters her senior year of college, we remain satisfied and pleased with the education our daughters received. Thank you AOA.”

Sharon F., New York

r more information and pricing details, call 877-688-2652 or email 32 Register Online at

For parents and families who need a comprehensive, distance learning solution, Alpha Omega Academy is the answer. AOA has enrolled students from all around the globe—in all 50 states and 38 countries.



The Academy has been recognized to meet high educational standards. Students earn credits toward graduation and a high school diploma upon completion of course requirements. Alpha Omega Academy is a member school of ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) and is accredited by CITA (The Commission on International and TransRegional Accreditation) and NCA (North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement).

Alpha Omega Academy faculty and staff believe in the cause of Christian education. AOA provides qualified faculty members to assist you and your student in each subject area and an Academy Service Representative to serve as your family’s key point of contact.

Curriculum Quality Christian education is available through both the computerbased and print-based courses offered by AOA. Each course is biblically-based and offers personalized instruction for your student.



Highlights of Alpha Omega Academy

Student-centered Service Structure AOA has built a flexible service structure based on what students need to be successful in a distance education program, including an individualized learning model and rolling enrollment.

21st Century Skills AOA students develop valuable skills to engage in today’s world through a challenging curriculum and a distance learning environment that fosters adaptability and self direction.

The Academy offers support to families throughout each year, overseeing each student’s progress from course placement to graduation.

“We have served as missionaries for over 20 years and have had our kids in Alpha Omega Academy the last seven years. The Academy has done so much to make our lives easier as we’ve sought to educate our children. All four of our kids have completed some of their education through AOA and our two sons are still enrolled. To everyone, a big THANK YOU.”

Gib & Kathy W., New York

Alpha Omega Academy Mission Statement Alpha Omega Academy exists to educate, inspire, and change lives. We strive to create partnerships with families that provide an environment of academic and spiritual growth for students. We desire that students use their talents and abilities to influence the world for Jesus Christ.

Call 800-682-7396 for More Information



Highlights of Alpha Omega Academy Accreditation


Historically, schools desiring to assure the public of the quality of their educational programs have joined in associations that place member schools under extensive scrutiny in a process called accreditation. Accreditation approved by the world’s largest and best-known of such organizations, as is the case with Alpha Omega Academy, assures parents of the school’s integrity and educational validity, and makes course credits earned in Alpha Omega Academy more readily acceptable to other schools and colleges. Alpha Omega Academy has met the high accreditation standards of both CITA and NCA.

AOA offers customized curriculum based on your student’s placement tests and previous credits. During enrollment, an AOA counselor suggests a program that meets your student’s academic needs and addresses any major learning gaps. Throughout our courses, a Christian worldview is adopted while a focus on mastery learning and cognitive reasoning is emphasized.

Faculty/Staff Upon enrollment, families are assigned to an Academy Service Representative (ASR), a Guidance Counselor, and qualified teachers in each subject area. Your ASR assists you throughout the school year, from registration to the completion of the assigned courses, providing consistent oversight and serving as your primary point of contact for all non-academic issues. Additionally, qualified teachers are available to provide academic support to your student to help him succeed in his studies. The Academy also oversees the grading of all assigned student work or of unit tests and selected projects depending on the curriculum your student uses.


Alpha Omega Academy®

During enrollment, placement testing is done to determine the appropriate level of learning for your student. An appointment with an AOA Guidance Counselor to discuss specific course selections as well as any academic concerns you have as you begin your year also occurs. During this appointment, the Guidance Counselor will provide your high school student with a plan chart that outlines his remaining years of schooling and ensures that he is on track to fulfill all graduation requirements and receive an AOA diploma. Additional features: Full-time, part-time, and credit recovery programs available Achievement testing offered Transfer of credits from previous schools handled (pending AOA approval) School code for college entrance testing provided National Honor Society membership opportunity available (by invitation) Exciting graduation event each year

Student-centered Service Structure Our service structure is primarily centered on the need for students to be successful. Students are placed in classes for each subject and have access to qualified teachers just as they would in a traditional classroom setting. Throughout the year, students are monitored to assure they are making adequate academic progress towards the completion of their courses. With rolling enrollment, students also are able to join the Academy at any point during the calendar year.

21st Century Skills AOA’s distance learning program allows students to engage in the learning process in a 21st century environment. How? Students in AOA participate in online chemistry labs with interactive experiments, online tests (for students using our paper-based curriculum option), an online student center where students can interact with other AOA students and AOA faculty and staff members, and can take advantage of additional online electives for 2008-2009 school year.

Letter from the Alpha Omega Academy Administrator

Dear Parents, Alpha Omega Academy is a full service, Christian, distance education institution that is seeking to serve families by helping to ensure the success of young people in their academic pursuits as well as provide parents with a confident solution for their families’ educational needs. Our faculty and staff are qualified and caring individuals committed to serving your family in whatever way we are able. We are confident that enrolling in Alpha Omega Academy will prove to be a beneficial, educational experience for you and your child. Like thousands of others have done, please join us, from the convenience and safety of your own home, in your pursuit of an affordable, quality, Christian education. We look forward to serving you.

Academy Administrator


Register Online at


Complete the online registration form at


Receive your orientation information and an online placement testing account for your student.


Have your student complete the placement tests. AOA will request transcripts from the previously attended school for 9th-12th grade students during this time. When the placement tests are complete and transcripts have been received, an appointment with an AOA Guidance Counselor is scheduled with you.


Attend the guidance appointment to discuss Academy policies, your student’s courses, and payment of tuition.


Tuition payment is processed, curriculum materials are sent, and your student’s school year begins!



Yes! It’s that easy. So don’t wait any longer. Register online today at or call 800-682-7396 for more information.

Call 800-682-7396 for More Information



Horizons Preschool Horizons Preschool introduces preschoolers to social studies, language arts, math, phonics, and science. To add variety and depth to this foundational curriculum, additional topics such as health and safety, arts and crafts, music, and physical education are included. This flexible program, which is biblically-based and filled with hands-on activities, can be easily adapted to a variety of daily schedules and program objectives. The Preschool Curriculum has 180 lessons in two student books, two teacher’s guides, a sing along music CD, and a resource packet. Basic flashcards and other manipulatives are included in the resource packet. An optional set of recommended multimedia contains videos, CDs, and CD-ROMs which coordinate with lesson themes and develop students’ motor skills. PRS 100 Preschool Curriculum Set PRS 011 Student Book 1 PRS 012 Student Book 2 PRT 011 Teacher’s Guide 1 PRT 012 Teacher’s Guide 2 PRR 001 Resource Packet* PRS CD Sing Along Music CD PRM 100 Multimedia Set** † PRC 200 Complete Curriculum & Multimedia Set

$109.95 $24.95 $24.95 $19.95 $19.95 $24.95 $7.95 $299.95 $399.95

For a limited time, free ground U.S. standard shipping is provided with the purchase of this set. * Resource Packet Includes: Full-color Teaching Aids Alphabet Puzzle Memory Verse Cards Colorful Flashcards Reproducible Materials ** Multimedia Set features over 25 titles including: The Amazing Series - Music CDs Music Machine® Series - Music CDs Music Machine Video Series - DVD Bullfrogs and Butterflies® Series - Music CDs Agapeland Adventures - Music CDs Character Builders Video Series - DVD Kingdom Under the Sea® Video Series - DVD Rev-Up Series - CD-ROMs Once Upon A Christmas - Music CD


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time


Advantages of the Horizons Preschool Curriculum

Character Builders® Thousands of families have enjoyed teaching their children godly values for years with the heart-warming Character Builders. Now these same adorable classics have been remade in state-of-the-art animation for today’s generation to enjoy. Great for car rides or at home with the family, the newly animated Character Builders series is sure to entertain as it teaches children the important truths of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. Parents will love seeing their little ones grow in kindness, responsibility, thankfulness, love, patience, and other positive character traits. Lesson pages in the Horizons Teacher’s Guides clearly indicate what topics and activities are going to be covered in that lesson. In lesson 42, students review the letter M on a colorful and illustrated worksheet as a part of their Phonics lesson. The Teacher’s Guide directs teachers to have students trace the letter M and students trace by running their finger along the large letters that appear on their worksheet. Both uppercase and lowercase letters appear on the worksheet and helpful guide lines encourage the students toward correct letter formations. The student worksheet includes the entire alphabet and highlights the letter of study for that day. With this visual reference right at their students’ fingertips, a parebt can lead a letter recognition exercise by calling out a letter and having the students point to it on their worksheet.


Obedience & Self-Control Goodness & Faith Honesty & Responsibility Thankfulness & Gentleness Sharing & Kindness Politeness & Joy Confidence & Love Patience & Peace 8 DVD Set

$9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $59.95

Color Phonics® Color Phonics pairs sounds with colors to teach simplified phonics rules. Loaded with automatic reviews and reinforcements, the program will help students learn essential reading skills. CP 5010


ABC Memory Verse Program The bright, colorful pages and clear bold letters make these essential Bible verses fun for young students to commit to memory while learning to recognize their alphabet. With teacher tips and insights into each verse, this program assists parents in helping their children apply these truths to their lives. Verses are taken from the KJV. ER 2011 KJV ER 2051 NASB

Order Online 24/7 at

$16.95 $16.95


Grade K

LIFEPAC 2-Subject Set

LIFEPAC Mathematics

LIFEPAC Language Arts

Solidify your student’s learning with the LIFEPAC Kindergarten 2-subject Set which contains both Language Arts and Math. Your student will enjoy colorful, fun-filled lessons with this worktext curriculum! In Language Arts, your student will learn the alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors, sounds, vowels, consonants, and phonics in 160 exciting lessons. In Math, 160 fun-filled lessons will teach your student about time, number lines, addition and subtraction, writing and spelling numbers, and money. This set includes two Math and two Language Arts worktexts as well as two corresponding teacher’s guides.

Lay a strong foundation in mathematics with LIFEPAC Kindergarten Math. Using an engaging format, this course covers the following principles: time, number lines, addition and subtraction, writing and spelling numbers, and money. Filled with fun-to-do lessons, this program offers diverse activities created to teach math skills. Eye-catching illustrations engage students keeping them involved in their lessons. The LIFEPAC Kindergarten Math curriculum has two worktexts and a teacher’s guide.

Introduce students to reading with LIFEPAC Kindergarten Language Arts! Students will learn the alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors, sounds, capital and lower case letters, vowels, consonants, and phonics. Practice exercises include tracing letters, numbers, and simple words. Students will also develop matching skills and learn how to follow directions in this colorful worktext. The LIFEPAC Kindergarten Language Arts curriculum has two worktexts and a teacher’s guide.

LIFEPAC LCSK Kindergarten 2-Subject Set Language Arts Mathematics

LIFEPAC Mathematics MAK 015 Math K Set MAK 001 Student Book 1 MAK 002 Student Book 2 MAK 003 Teacher’s Guide

LIFEPAC Language Arts LAK 015 Language Arts K Set LAK 001 Student Book 1 LAK 002 Student Book 2 LAK 003 Teacher’s Guide


$42.95 $14.50 $14.50 $15.95

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today! See page 9 for details.


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

$42.95 $14.50 $14.50 $15.95

Horizons Health

Horizons Kindergarten Math gives students a balanced, organized approach to learning fundamental math concepts. Bright, colorful lessons teach: counting, adding, and subtracting single digits; money values; time and days of the week; direction and positions; and shapes with color recognition. Best-selling and awardwinning, this math curriculum has two student books with removable pages, a helpful teacher’s guide, and 160 engaging student lessons. The additional worksheet packet may also be purchased separately from the teacher’s guide.

Colorful, highly acclaimed Horizons Kindergarten Phonics and Reading is a phonetic-based word recognition and early reader course. Students will learn to identify the names and sounds of letters through exciting stories and picture association. This vibrant 160-lesson course covers: consonant sounds and blending, vowel sounds, consonant beginnings and endings, syllables, and non-phonetic sounds. This appealing, hands-on course has four student workbooks with removable pages, four helpful teacher’s guides, four brightly illustrated readers, an alphabet floor puzzle, and a wipe-off tablet.

Horizons Math JKC 120 Math K Set JKS 021 Student Book 1 JKS 022 Student Book 2 JKT 030 Teacher’s Guide JMW 005 Student Worksheet Packet*

Horizons Phonics & Reading KS 100 Phonics & Reading K Set KP 001 Student Book 1 KP 002 Student Book 2 KP 003 Student Book 3 KP 004 Student Book 4 KR 001 Reader 1: Ann’s Cat KR 002 Reader 2: Mike’s Bike KR 003 Reader 3: Clem’s Snake KR 004 Reader 4: Van’s Scarecrow KT 001 Teacher’s Guide 1 KT 002 Teacher’s Guide 2 KT 003 Teacher’s Guide 3 KT 004 Teacher’s Guide 4 KA 001 Alphabet Floor Puzzle KW 001 Wipe-off Tablet KRS 01 Student Reader Set

*Reproducible masters are in TG or may be ordered separately

$59.95 $12.50 $12.50 $40.00 $7.95

Grade K

Horizons Phonics & Reading

Horizons Math

$127.25 $13.50 $13.50 $13.50 $13.50 $10.50 $10.50 $10.50 $10.50 $7.95 $7.95 $7.95 $7.95 $2.50 $4.50 $40.00

The Horizons Kindergarten Health curriculum helps children recognize God’s will for healthy living. The teacher’s guide has 48 lessons for teaching kindergarteners age-appropriate health themes such as living in a family, getting along with others, taking care of the body, and being safe. The step-by-step lessons in the teacher’s guide include a list of needed materials, objectives, background information, lesson overviews, and related activities. The student workbook contains over 40 perforated black-and-white student visuals and drawing activities which are teacher-administered. The Horizons Health curriculum is designed to be taught 2 to 3 days per week. JHT 000 Teacher’s Guide JHW 001 Student Workbook

$14.95 $7.95

Horizons Physical Education Horizons PreK-2nd Grade Physical Education gives you the guidelines you need to give your children a healthy start! This curriculum includes body terms, fitness techniques, and movement activities that help develop motor skills. Horizons PreK-2nd Grade Physical Education is a complete teacher’s guide divided into sections for preschool and kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade levels. Sections contain teaching material for each grade level for a full school year, based on a three-day per week program. Because this curriculum develops teamwork skills and fitness disciplines, it is best used in a group setting. JPE 002 Teacher’s Guide

Order Online 24/7 at



Grade 1

LIFEPAC 5-Subject Set Get an entire year’s curriculum at once and save! The LIFEPAC 1st Grade 5-subject Set contains five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math. Each subject contains ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. This engaging curriculum set creates a solid educational foundation with colorful self-paced worktexts and diverse activities. It’s a stepby-step, comprehensive curriculum based on concept mastery, biblical integration, flexibility, and personalized instruction. Filled with motivating lessons, review questions, and tests, this curriculum will give your student a complete, well-rounded education!

Students will learn about God’s grand design with LIFEPAC 1st Grade Bible. Eye-catching illustrations capture students’ imaginations as they dive into exciting lessons about biblical truths! Scripture memorization is also integrated into the worktexts along with skills such as tracing and writing simple words, matching, and color recognition. The LIFEPAC 1st Grade Bible curriculum has ten worktexts and two teacher’s guides. A tenunit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guides is also available.

With engaging LIFEPAC 1st Grade History & Geography, students will learn about themselves, their families, their country, and the world. Lessons are easy to understand and help students master topics. Skills such as matching people and places, and recognizing the sequence of an event are also taught! The LIFEPAC 1st Grade History & Geography curriculum has ten separate worktexts and two teacher’s guides. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guides is also available.

LIFEPAC LCS 0100 1st Grade 5-Subject Set Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

God & You BIB 0115 1st Grade Bible Set BIB 0101 God Created All Things BIB 0102 God Loves His Children BIB 0103 We Can Pray BIB 0104 God Wants You to Be Good BIB 0105 Old Testament Stories BIB 0106 God’s Promise to Men BIB 0107 Jesus, Our Saviour BIB 0108 God Calls Missionaries BIB 0109 New Testament Stories BIB 0110 God Gave You Many Gifts BIB 0121 Teacher’s Guide Part 1 BIB 0122 Teacher’s Guide Part 2 BIB 0100 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

Your World HIS 0115 1st Grade Hist/Geo Set HIS 0101 I Am a Special Person HIS 0102 Communicate with Sound HIS 0103 I Have Feelings HIS 0104 I Live in a Family HIS 0105 You & God’s Family HIS 0106 Places People Live HIS 0107 Community Helpers HIS 0108 I Love My Country HIS 0109 I Live in the World HIS 0110 The World and You HIS 0121 Teacher’s Guide Part 1 HIS 0122 Teacher’s Guide Part 2 HIS 0100 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today! See page 9 for details.


LIFEPAC History & Geography



$70.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $15.95 $15.95 $41.00

Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

$70.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $15.95 $15.95 $41.00

Grade 1

LIFEPAC Mathematics


LIFEPAC Language Arts

With engaging LIFEPAC 1st Grade Math, students will learn basic math concepts like addition, subtraction, and number sequence. Self-paced and entertaining, worktexts also include fun skill activities such as drawing colors and shapes, dot-to-dots, and matching. Eye-catching illustrations keep students involved in their lessons, aiding mastery learning. The LIFEPAC 1st Grade Math curriculum has ten worktexts and two teacher’s guides. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guides is also available.

With engaging LIFEPAC 1st Grade Science, students will jump into worktexts that explore God’s beautiful world! Students will learn about the different senses while they are introduced to the amazing world of science. Filled with fun activities and colorful illustrations, this course is also designed for self-paced learning. Additional skills such as drawing colors and shapes, matching, and defining objects are also included. The LIFEPAC 1st Grade Science curriculum has ten separate worktexts and two teacher’s guides. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

With engaging LIFEPAC 1st Grade Language Arts, students will learn sounds, write letters and simple words, and associate pictures with beginning letters. Additional skills taught are tracing letters and words, matching objects by sound, reading short stories and nursery rhymes, and defining objects with words. The LIFEPAC 1st Grade Language Arts curriculum contains ten worktexts and two teacher’s guides. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guides is also available. Reading Basics, a set of five readers, is required reading material and is sold with the set or can be purchased separately from the course.

Basic Math Skills MAT 0115 1st Grade Math Set $70.95 MAT 0101 Number Order, Add/Subtract to 9 $4.20 MAT 0102 Add/Subtract to 10, Shapes $4.20 MAT 0103 Fractions, Time, Symbols = and ≠ $4.20 MAT 0104 Add to 18, Money, Measurement $4.20 MAT 0105 Column Addition, Estimation, Charts $4.20 MAT 0106 Number Words to 99 $4.20 MAT 0107 Count to 200, Subtract to 12, Graphs $4.20 MAT 0108 Adding & Subtracting to 18 $4.20 MAT 0109 Sensible Answers $4.20 MAT 0110 Review $4.20 MAT 0121 Teacher’s Guide Part 1 $15.95 MAT 0122 Teacher’s Guide Part 2 $15.95 MAT 0100 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

God’s Creation SCI 0115 1st Grade Science Set SCI 0101 You Learn With Your Eyes SCI 0102 You Learn With Your Ears SCI 0103 More About Your Senses SCI 0104 Animals SCI 0105 Plants SCI 0106 Growing Up Healthy SCI 0107 God’s Beautiful World SCI 0108 All About Energy SCI 0109 Machines Around You SCI 0110 The Wonderful World of Science SCI 0121 Teacher’s Guide Part 1 SCI 0122 Teacher’s Guide Part 2 SCI 0100 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, & Composition LAN 0115 1st Grade Lan. Arts Set* $93.95 LAN 0101 Alphabet & Short Vowel Sounds $4.20 LAN 0102 Rhyming Words, Adding “ing” $4.20 LAN 0103 Consonant Digraphs, Soft c & g $4.20 LAN 0104 Verbs, Blends & Silent Letters $4.20 LAN 0105 Long Vowels & Syllables $4.20 LAN 0106 R-Controlled Vowels & Plurals $4.20 LAN 0107 Vowel Digraphs, Sentences $4.20 LAN 0108 Vowel Digraphs, Possessives & Verb $4.20 LAN 0109 Diphthongs, Contractions & Poetry $4.20 LAN 0110 Phonics & Grammar Review $4.20 LAN 0121 Teacher’s Guide Part 1 $15.95 LAN 0122 Teacher’s Guide Part 2 $15.95 LAN 0100 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00 *Set includes Reading Basics.

$70.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $15.95 $15.95 $41.00

Distance Learning Option

See page 113 for details.

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 1

Horizons Spelling & Vocabulary

Horizons Math

Horizons Penmanship

Award-winning Horizons 1st Grade Math teaches students math in an interactive, hands-on format. Students use common manipulatives such as a clock, ruler, or coins to learn concepts. Full-color lessons teach: counting by 2s, 5s and 10s; ordinal and cardinal numbers; time and money; fractions and shapes; and graphs. Highly acclaimed by teachers and students alike, this solid math curriculum has two student books with removable pages, a comprehensive teacher’s guide, and 160 appealing student lessons. The additional worksheet packet may also be purchased separately from the teacher’s guide.

Motivating Horizons 1st Grade Spelling and Vocabulary contains clear lessons with fun weekly word lists and various practice formats. Students will enjoy learning: short and long vowel sounds; basic contractions; plurals, suffixes, and compound words; basic beginning and ending letters; and synonyms, antonyms, and homophones. This course keeps students engaged with eye-catching illustrations and hands-on activities. This spelling curriculum has a student book, a student dictionary, a helpful teacher’s guide, and 160 fundamental student lessons.

With Horizons 1st Grade Penmanship, students will learn how to print manuscript letters and words. Filled with fun cartoon figures, exciting writing lessons cover: tracing manuscript lowerand upper-case letters, words, and sentences; writing and memorizing a weekly Bible verse; and practicing punctuation, numbers, and proper writing positions. Students will also build spelling and vocabulary skills. This penmanship curriculum has one student workbook with removable pages, a corresponding teacher’s guide, and 160 fundamental student lessons. The helpful teacher’s guide includes a daily lesson planner, duplication masters, teaching tips, and more.

Horizons Math JMC 100 Math 1 Set JMS 011 Student Book 1 JMS 012 Student Book 2 JMT 010 Teacher’s Guide JMW 015 Student Worksheet Packet* *Reproducible masters are in TG or

Horizons Spelling & Vocabulary JSC 100 Spelling & Vocabulary 1 Set JSS 011 Student Book 1 JST 010 Teacher’s Guide JSD 010 Dictionary

Horizons Penmanship JSP 115 Penmanship 1 Set JLP 101 Student Book JPT 010 Teacher’s Guide

$69.95 $12.50 $12.50 $50.00 $7.95

$35.95 $15.50 $15.95 $5.95

may be ordered separately


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

$27.00 $14.00 $15.95

Grade 1

Horizons Phonics & Reading

Horizons Physical Education

Character Builders®

Engaging Horizons 1st Grade Phonics and Reading contains 160 bright, entertaining lessons about phonics rules and word relationships. Memorization techniques and creative hands-on activities help students master concepts. Fundamental lessons cover: consonant and vowel sounds, vowel pairs, diphthongs, syllables, and various writing lessons. Fast paced lessons and concept reviews are included in colorful, easy-to-understand workbooks. This bestselling phonics and reading curriculum has two colorful student workbooks with removable pages, a invaluable teacher’s guide, and two illustrated readers.

Horizons PreK-2nd Grade Physical Education gives you the guidelines you need to give your students a healthy start! This curriculum includes body terms, fitness techniques, and movement activities that help develop motor skills. Horizons PreK-2nd Grade Physical Education is a complete teacher’s guide divided into sections for preschool and kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade levels. Sections contain teaching material for each grade level for a full school year, based on a three-day per week program. Because this curriculum develops teamwork skills and fitness disciplines, it is best used in a group setting.

Thousands of families have enjoyed teaching their children godly values with the heart-warming Character Builders series. Now these same adorable classics have been remade in state-of-the-art animation for today’s generation to enjoy. Great for homeschools, the newly animated Character Builders series entertains as it explains important truths about the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. Parents will love seeing their as little ones grow in kindness, responsibility, thankfulness, love, patience, and other positive character traits.

JPE 002 Teacher’s Guide


Horizons Phonics & Reading JPC 100 Phonics & Reading 1 Set JPS 011 Student Book 1 JPS 012 Student Book 2 JPR 011 Reader 1: The Fox in the Box JPR 012 Reader 2: The Deer in the Woods JRT 010 Teacher’s Guide


$93.95 $13.50 $13.50 $25.00 $25.00 $19.95

Obedience & Self-Control $9.95 Goodness & Faith $9.95 Honesty & Responsibility $9.95 Thankfulness & Gentleness $9.95 Sharing & Kindness $9.95 Politeness & Joy $9.95 Confidence & Love $9.95 Patience & Peace $9.95 8 DVD Set $59.95

Horizons Health Teach growing students the importance of health with the Horizons 1st Grade Health curriculum! This fun-filled, Christian-based course has a teacher’s guide and a student workbook. The teacher’s guide has 50 lessons for teaching young students important health themes like understanding emotions and their growing body, making healthy choices, preventing health problems, and developing safety awareness. The step-by-step lessons in the teacher’s guide include a list of needed materials, objectives, songs, background information, lesson overviews, and related activities. The student workbook contains over 30 perforated black-andwhite student visuals and writing activities which are teacher-administered. The Horizons Health curriculum is designed to be taught 2 to 3 days per week. JHT 010 Teacher’s Guide JHW 011 Student Workbook

I Can Draw Elementary Art Books I Can Draw Animals and I Can Draw People uses very clear step-by-step picture instructions. Precise drawing is not required, so even very young children will be able to achieve some delightful results using just crayons and markers. Ages 3 and up. EB 1998 I Can Draw Animals


EB 1997 I Can Draw People


$14.95 $7.95

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 2

LIFEPAC History & Geography

LIFEPAC 5-Subject Set


Get an entire year’s curriculum at once and save! The LIFEPAC 2nd Grade 5-subject Set contains five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math. Each subject contains ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. This engaging curriculum set creates a solid educational foundation with colorful self-paced worktexts and diverse activities. It’s a stepby-step, comprehensive curriculum based on concept mastery, biblical integration, flexibility, and personalized instruction. Filled with motivating lessons, review questions, and tests, this curriculum will give your student a complete, well-rounded education!

God’s omnipresence is the focus of LIFEPAC 2nd Grade Bible. Packed with Bible stories and vibrant illustrations, this course engages as it explains the truth of God’s Word. Scripture memorization is also integrated into the text along with vocabulary and spelling, word pronunciation and recognition, and memorization skills. Word activities are added to solidify comprehension. The LIFEPAC 2nd Grade Bible curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC 2nd Grade History & Geography teaches students the importance of appreciating others and how to be a good neighbor in the community. Worktexts are filled with vibrant illustrations, word activities, and tests to solidify comprehension. Self-paced and entertaining, this consumable course also explains how to help neighbors and why people communicate with others and with God. The LIFEPAC 2nd Grade History & Geography curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC LCS 0200 2nd Grade 5-Subject Set Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

Seven Major Themes BIB 0215 2nd Grade Bible Set BIB 0201 Who Am I? BIB 0202 The Story of Moses BIB 0203 God and You BIB 0204 How the Bible Came to You BIB 0205 David’s Sling BIB 0206 God Is Everywhere BIB 0207 The Story of Joseph BIB 0208 God and the Family BIB 0209 God Made the Nations BIB 0210 God, His Word, and You BIB 0220 Teacher’s Guide BIB 0200 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

Your Neighborhood HIS 0215 2nd Grade Hist/Geo Set $51.95 HIS 0201 Families and Neighbors $4.20 HIS 0202 Community Helpers $4.20 HIS 0203 Neighborhood Stores $4.20 HIS 0204 Farms and Cities $4.20 HIS 0205 Neighbors Around the World $4.20 HIS 0206 A Japanese Family $4.20 HIS 0207 How We Travel $4.20 HIS 0208 Messages from Far and Near $4.20 HIS 0209 Caring for Our Neighbors $4.20 HIS 0210 People Depend on Each Other $4.20 HIS 0220 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 HIS 0200 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today!


$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

See page 9 for details.


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

Grade 2

LIFEPAC Mathematics


LIFEPAC Language Arts

LIFEPAC 2nd Grade Math entertains as it explains math concepts one by one. Appealing illustrations capture attention while practice exercises and tests reinforce comprehension. Fun learning techniques enable students to grasp lessons about fractions, rounding, time, money, temperature, and the calendar. Students will also learn valuable skills such as making change, skip-counting, using standard measurements, and solving story problems. The LIFEPAC 2nd Grade Math curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A tenunit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

With LIFEPAC 2nd Grade Science, students dive into biblically-based worktexts filled with vibrant illustrations and exciting lessons. Selfpaced and entertaining, this course explains how people are alike and different, how to care for our world, and teaches about plants, animals, and the senses. Additional academic skills include learning vocabulary words and matching words with pictures. The LIFEPAC 2nd Grade curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC 2nd Grade Language Arts teaches students sounds, letters, word and sentence structure, vocabulary, and spelling. Students will also learn cursive writing, consonants, vowels, root words, prefixes and suffixes, and much more. The entertaining worktexts contain vibrant illustrations and word activities that enhance comprehension and build a solid grammar foundation. The LIFEPAC 2nd Grade Language Arts curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

Basic Math Skills MAT 0215 2nd Grade Math Set MAT 0201 Numbers and Words to 100 MAT 0202 Add/Subtract, Even/Odd, Fractions MAT 0203 Add w/ Carrying to 10’s Place MAT 0204 Numbers/Words to 999, Graphs MAT 0205 Add/Subtract to 100’s Place MAT 0206 Subtract w/Borrowing from 10’s MAT 0207 Add w/Carrying to 100’s Place MAT 0208 Volume, Coin Conversion MAT 0209 Area/Square Measurement MAT 0210 Review MAT 0220 Teacher’s Guide MAT 0200 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

God’s Creation SCI 0215 2nd Grade Science Set SCI 0201 The Living and Non-living SCI 0202 Plants SCI 0203 Animals SCI 0204 You SCI 0205 Pet and Plant Care SCI 0206 Your Five Senses SCI 0207 Physical Properties SCI 0208 Our Neighborhood SCI 0209 Changes in Our World SCI 0210 Looking at Our World SCI 0220 Teacher’s Guide SCI 0200 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, & Composition LAN 0215 2nd Grade Lan. Arts Set $51.95 LAN 0201 From Sounds to Words $4.20 LAN 0202 Words to Sentences $4.20 LAN 0203 How the Sentence Begins $4.20 LAN 0204 A Second Look at Letters $4.20 LAN 0205 The Sentence from Beginning to End $4.20 LAN 0206 More about Punctuation $4.20 LAN 0207 Words: Getting to the Roots $4.20 LAN 0208 Words: Beginning and Ending $4.20 LAN 0209 Words: How to Use Them $4.20 LAN 0210 Looking Back $4.20 LAN 0220 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 LAN 0200 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

Distance Learning Option

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 2

Horizons Spelling & Vocabulary

Horizons Math

Horizons Penmanship

Fun-filled Horizons 2nd Grade Math offers students easy-to-grasp lessons in fullcolor workbooks. Diverse lessons cover: advanced addition and subtraction, English measurements, ratios and decimals, multiplication, and the Fahrenheit thermometer scale. With this course, math concepts are introduced, reviewed, and reinforced for complete mastery. This best-selling math curriculum has two student books with removable pages, a complete teacher’s guide, and 160 vibrant student lessons. The additional worksheet packet may also be purchased separately from the teacher’s guide.

Horizons 2nd Grade Spelling and Vocabulary uses phonetics to develop and reinforce spelling skills. Colorful consumable workbooks cover: reviewing consonant sounds; spelling compound and plural words; recognizing contractions, vowel sounds, comparative words, and silent letters; and spelling words with various prefixes and suffixes. Daily writing lessons and weekly word lists are included for student practice. This popular spelling and vocabulary curriculum has a student book, a student dictionary, a supportive teacher’s guide, and 160 engaging student lessons.

Time to teach cursive! Horizons 2nd Grade Penmanship begins to transition students from manuscript to cursive writing. The 160 easy-to-follow lessons include guide lines to help students learn correct writing formations. Motivating lessons cover: tracing cursive lowerand upper-case letters, words, and sentences; writing and memorizing a weekly Bible verse; and writing and memorizing short poems. Filled with valuable capitalization and punctuation rules, this penmanship curriculum has one student workbook with removable pages, and a corresponding teacher’s guide.

Horizons Math JMC 200 Math 2 Set JMS 021 Student Book 1 JMS 022 Student Book 2 JMT 020 Teacher’s Guide JMW 025 Student Worksheet Packet* *Reproducible masters are in TG or

Horizons Spelling & Vocabulary JSC 200 Spelling & Vocabulary 2 Set JSS 021 Student Book JST 020 Teacher’s Guide JSD 020 Dictionary

Horizons Penmanship JSP 215 Penmanship 2 Set JLP 201 Student Book JPT 020 Teacher’s Guide

$69.95 $12.50 $12.50 $50.00 $7.95

$39.95 $15.50 $15.95 $9.95

may be ordered separately


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

$27.00 $14.00 $15.95

Horizons Phonics & Reading JPC 200 Phonics & Reading 2 Set JPS 021 Student Book 1 JPS 022 Student Book 2 JPR 021 Reader 1: The Fox in the Box JPR 022 Reader 2: The Deer in the Woods JRT 020 Teacher’s Guide

Horizons Physical Education

Horizons Health

Build your students’ reading skills with fun workbook lessons and entertaining activities from Horizons 2nd Grade Phonics and Reading. This rewarding course will help students master letters and phonics concepts through picture association and alphabet stories. Creative lessons include: syllables, consonant blending, vowel diphthongs, silent letters, and possessives. Brilliantly illustrated, this complete 160-lesson course approaches reading concepts in various ways to aid student comprehension. This popular, easyto-teach phonics and reading curriculum has two student books, two illustrated student readers, and a beneficial teacher’s guide.

$93.95 $13.50 $13.50 $25.00 $25.00 $19.95

Grade 2

Horizons Phonics & Reading

The Horizons 2nd Grade Health curriculum has informative, practical lessons filled with tips for healthy living! This hands-on, activity-filled course has a teacher’s guide and a student workbook. The teacher’s guide has 54 lessons for teaching students Christian-based health themes like family life, fitness, personal grooming, and medicine and drugs. The step-by-step lessons in the teacher’s guide include a list of needed materials, objectives, songs, background information, lesson overviews, and related activities. The student workbook contains over 40 perforated black-and-white student visuals and writing activities which are teacheradministered. The Horizons Health curriculum is created to be taught 2 to 3 days per week.

Horizons PreK-2nd Grade Physical Education gives you the guidelines you need to give your students a healthy start! This curriculum includes body terms, fitness techniques, and movement activities that help develop motor skills. Horizons PreK2nd Grade Physical Education is a complete teacher’s guide divided into sections for preschool and kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade levels. Sections contain teaching material for each grade level for a full school year, based on a three-day per week program. Because this curriculum develops teamwork skills and fitness disciplines, it is best used in a group setting.

JHT 020 Teacher’s Guide

JPE 002 Teacher’s Guide

JHW 021 Student Workbook




Distance Learning Option

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs.

See pages 32-35 for additional information

Visit to register today

Speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 3

Switched-On History & Geography

Switched-On 5-Subject Set

Switched-On Bible

Save money and get an entire year’s curriculum in one box! The Switched-On Schoolhouse 3rd Grade 5-subject Set conveniently combines five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math and costs less than ordering each subject separately. With this computer-based curriculum, your student will build knowledge in a fun, interactive learning environment. Exciting multimedia tools, such as video clips and learning games are included to capture your student’s interest. Plus, it includes time-saving administration features like automatic lesson planning and grading!

In Switched-On 3rd Grade Bible, students are introduced to the fundamentals of the Bible and Christianity with eye-catching illustrations and timeless topics. This course is packed with helpful background information to teach students verse memorization, the books of the Bible, and Christ’s life story. Students will develop their understanding of biblical principles through the study of Joseph, Abraham, Paul, and the Bible writers. Friendship and caring for others is also covered.

In Switched-On 3rd Grade History & Geography, students learn about the establishment of American communities as well as various occupations and industries. Students will also learn about farms during the seasons, crops, and livestock in an engaging and interactive format. Fun-filled and enriching, this course is a superb building step for future history study.

Switched-On Schoolhouse 2008 Edition SOS 0315 3rd Grade 5-Subject Set

Introduction to the Bible SOS 300B Bible

U.S. Communities SOS 300H History & Geography

Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today!



You Can Use the Bible The Life of Jesus Christ O Joseph! What Was God’s Plan? Living for God God Takes Care of His People The Bible Is the Word of God Archaeology & the Bible God Gave Us the Need for Friends God Wants Man to Help Man Review

Farm Communities Specialized Farms Animal Farms Fishing Communities Mining Communities Logging Communities Manufacturing Communities Technology Space Communities in Review

See page 9 for details.


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time


Grade 3

Switched-On Mathematics

Switched-On Science

Switched-On Language Arts

Are your students ready to dive into math? Switched-On 3rd Grade Math has never been easier or more fun for young minds! Give students positive encouragement and colorful lessons that will build their confidence. Packed with comprehensive topics, this course introduces students to fractions, graphs and probability, decimals, and story problems. Great at teaching the basics, this course builds firm foundations for understanding future math concepts with engaging illustrations and attention-grabbing content.

Let students leap into the exciting world of science with Switched-On 3rd Grade Science! Clear, fun-to-learn lessons teach students scientific facts step-by-step and are based on a biblically-solid foundation. Colorful and captivating, this course introduces sound, time and seasons, rocks and their change, and heat energy. Filled with attention-grabbing activities students will love, this course is perfect for younger minds!

With easy-to-teach Switched-On 3rd Grade Language Arts, students will learn basic grammar and phonics with stepby-step spelling lessons. Feel a sense of pride as students write their first sentences! This easy-to-grasp course interweaves literary content into lessons so students can begin to understand structure and composition. Students will start learning about poetry forms and composition with book reports and projects. Using reference material, writing thank-you’s and friendly letters, and composing essays with paragraphs is also taught.

Basic Math Skills SOS 300M Mathematics

Plants & Animals / Energy SOS 300S Science

Reading & Sentence Building SOS 300L Language Arts

Mathematics Whole Numbers Number Patterns Whole Numbers & Fractions Place Value Shapes & Symmetry Multiples Graphs & Probability Fractions & Decimals Story Problems Basic Math Review



You Grow & Change Plants Animals: Growth & Change You Are What You Eat Properties of Matter Sounds & You Time & Seasons Rocks & Their Change Heat Energy Review

Distance Learning Option


Vowels, Main Idea, Capitalization Sentences, Capitalization, ABC Order Dictionary Skills, Word Parts, Vocabulary Parts of Speech, Irregular Vowels, Comprehension Reading to Understand, Commas, Silent Letters Cause & Effect, Homographs, Haiku Poetry Following Directions, Suffixes, Pronouns, Friendly Letters Reading a Play, Comparing with Adjectives, Root Words Classifying, References, Thank-you Letters, Predicting Outcomes Review

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 3


Get an entire year’s curriculum at once and save! The LIFEPAC 3rd Grade 5-subject Set contains five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math. Each subject contains ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. This engaging curriculum set creates a solid educational foundation with colorful self-paced worktexts and diverse activities. It’s a stepby-step, comprehensive curriculum based on concept mastery, biblical integration, flexibility, and personalized instruction. Filled with motivating lessons, review questions, and tests, this curriculum will give your student a complete, well-rounded education!

LIFEPAC 3rd Grade Bible helps teach Christian living and explores stories about biblical characters such as Abraham, Joseph, and Paul. Integrated with mastery-learning techniques and Scripture memorization, worktexts make grasping biblical concepts easy. Filled with color illustrations and review exercises, this course’s worktexts also include fun writing activities that develop students’ grammar skills. The LIFEPAC 3rd Grade Bible curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

Students are introduced to states and industries with LIFEPAC 3rd Grade History & Geography! They will learn about different states in worktexts filled with captivating illustrations and easy-to-understand lessons. Students will also develop vocabulary, geography, and map reading skills. Tests and review exercises like true or false and matching questions are integrated throughout the worktexts. The LIFEPAC 3rd Grade History & Geography curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC LCS 0300 3rd Grade 5-Subject Set Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

Seven Major Themes BIB 0315 3rd Grade Bible Set $51.95 BIB 0301 Living for God $4.20 BIB 0302 The Life of Jesus Christ $4.20 BIB 0303 God’s Plan for Joseph $4.20 BIB 0304 You Can Use the Bible $4.20 BIB 0305 God Takes Care of His People $4.20 BIB 0306 Knowing the Bible Is the Word of God $4.20 BIB 0307 Archaeology & the Bible $4.20 BIB 0308 God Gave Us the Need for Friends $4.20 BIB 0309 God Wants Man to Help Man $4.20 BIB 0310 God’s Word, Jesus, & You $4.20 BIB 0320 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 BIB 0300 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

U.S. Communities HIS 0315 3rd Grade Hist/Geo Set HIS 0301 Fishing in Maine HIS 0302 Farming in Kansas HIS 0303 Fruit Growing in Washington HIS 0304 Forests in Oregon HIS 0305 California: A Golden Land HIS 0306 Cattle Raising in Texas HIS 0307 Coal Mining in Pennsylvania HIS 0308 Manufacturing in Michigan HIS 0309 Florida: Gateway to Space HIS 0310 Review of Nine States HIS 0320 Teacher’s Guide HIS 0300 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today! See page 9 for details.


LIFEPAC History & Geography

LIFEPAC 5-Subject Set


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

Grade 3

LIFEPAC Mathematics


LIFEPAC Language Arts

LIFEPAC 3rd Grade Math, an illustrated course filled with attention-grabbing activities, explains math problems step-bystep. Students will want to dive into their worktexts because the easy-to-understand lessons make math exciting and fun to learn! Lessons teach operation symbols, estimation, Roman numerals, graphs, probability, metric units, and decimals. The LIFEPAC 3rd Grade Math curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC 3rd Grade Science teaches science from a biblical perspective with attentiongrabbing activities and colorful illustrations. Easy-to-understand lessons make mastery learning achievable as students leap into the exciting world of plants, animal growth and change, sounds, times and seasons, and physical changes. With this course, students will learn concept-by-concept with a worktext curriculum filled with practice exercises. The LIFEPAC 3rd Grade Science curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

Students are introduced to reading and writing with LIFEPAC 3rd Grade Language Arts. Packed with helpful reviews of words and sentences, brightly illustrated worktexts will develop students’ sentence building skills, reading comprehension, and word structure. Students will also be introduced to reading for information, book styles, book reports, and thank-you letters. The LIFEPAC 3rd Grade Language Arts curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

Basic Math Skills MAT 0315 3rd Grade Math Set $51.95 MAT 0301 Add/Subtract to 18, Place Value $4.20 MAT 0302 Add w/Carry, Sub. w/Borrowing $4.20 MAT 0303 Add/Sub. Facts, Fraction of a Set $4.20 MAT 0304 Rounding, Estimation, Fractions $4.20 MAT 0305 Plane Shapes, Symmetry $4.20 MAT 0306 Multiplication, Lines, & Angles $4.20 MAT 0307 +/- Mixed Numbers, Probability $4.20 MAT 0308 Addends, Decimals, Multiplication $4.20 MAT 0309 Multiplication, Metric, Perimeter $4.20 MAT 0310 Probability, Units of Measure, Shapes $4.20 MAT 0320 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 MAT 0300 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

God’s Creation SCI 0315 3rd Grade Science Set SCI 0301 You Grow & Change SCI 0302 Plants SCI 0303 Animal Growth & Change SCI 0304 You Are What You Eat SCI 0305 Properties of Matter SCI 0306 Sounds & You SCI 0307 Times & Seasons SCI 0308 Rocks & Their Changes SCI 0309 Heat Energy SCI 0310 Physical Changes SCI 0320 Teacher’s Guide SCI 0300 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, & Composition LAN 0315 3rd Grade Lang. Arts Set $51.95 LAN 0301 Old & New Skills $4.20 LAN 0302 Building Words & Sentences $4.20 LAN 0303 Words: Getting to the Roots $4.20 LAN 0304 Words: How to Use Them $4.20 LAN 0305 Sentences: Start to Finish $4.20 LAN 0306 All about Books $4.20 LAN 0307 Reading & Writing $4.20 LAN 0308 Reading Skills $4.20 LAN 0309 More Reading & Writing $4.20 LAN 0310 Looking Back $4.20 LAN 0320 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 LAN 0300 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

Horizons Curriculum

Horizons Math

Horizons Penmanship

Award-winning Horizons 3rd Grade Math is filled with various creative activities to make learning math exciting! Play money, flashcards, and games are all used to engage students in learning. Motivating lessons cover: geometry, the metric system, map and graph reading, and multiplication and division. This brightly illustrated math curriculum, perfect for interactive learning, has two student books with removable pages, a thorough teacher’s guide, and 160 entertaining student lessons.

Filled with fun writing activities, Horizons 3rd Grade Penmanship will build and strengthen writing skills. Lessons transition students from manuscript to cursive by having them trace letters and words, practice writing manuscript and cursive sentences, write quotations, and write answers to questions. Exciting Bible stories about Noah, Abraham, and Joseph are integrated throughout lessons. This best-selling penmanship curriculum has one student book with removable pages, a corresponding teacher’s guide, and 160 colorful student lessons. The teacher’s guide includes: a lesson planner, duplication masters, answer keys, teaching tips, and additional worksheets.

JMC 300 JMS 031 JMS 032 JMT 030 JMW 035

Math 3 Set Student Book 1 Student Book 2 Teacher’s Guide Student Worksheet Packet*

$69.95 $12.50 $12.50 $50.00 $7.95

*Reproducible masters are in TG or may be ordered separately

JSP 315 Penmanship 3 Set JLP 301 Student Book JPT 030 Teacher’s Guide

Order Online 24/7 at

$27.00 $14.00 $15.95


Grade 4

Switched-On History & Geography

Switched-On 5-Subject Set

Switched-On Bible

Save money and get an entire year’s curriculum in one box! The Switched-On Schoolhouse 4th Grade 5-subject Set conveniently combines five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math and costs less than ordering each subject separately. With this computer-based curriculum, your student will build knowledge in a fun, interactive learning environment. Exciting multimedia tools, such as video clips and learning games are included to capture your student’s interest. Plus, it includes time-saving administration features like automatic lesson planning and grading!

Switched-On 4th Grade Bible challenges students to grow academically and spiritually as it teaches them the importance of living for God. Students will discover the amazing rewards and benefits of living a God-centered life in this engaging and interactive course. Christ-centered content explores salvation, praying for others, biblical geography, witnessing, and studies on Saul, David, and Daniel.

With easy-to-grasp lessons, Switched-On 4th Grade History & Geography introduces students to topography and climatology. Starting with concepts about earth, students will travel through a wide, colorful array of important topics. Build students’ enthusiasm for the world with this course’s dynamic and enriching format! Compelling subject matter such as islands, sea ports, and rainforest animals will capture students’ attention. Students will also learn about cities, countries, continents, climates, and North America.

Switched-On Schoolhouse 2008 Edition SOS 0415 4th Grade 5-Subject Set

Christian Discipleship SOS 400B Bible

World Geography SOS 400H History & Geography

Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today!


How Can I Live for God? God’s Knowledge Saul Begins to Live for God The Bible and Me God Cares for Us How Can I Know God Exists? Geography of the Old Testament God-given Worth Witnessing for Jesus God’s Way Is Perfect


Our Earth Seaport Cities Desert Lands Grasslands Tropical Rainforests The Polar Regions Mountain Countries Living in Island Countries North America Our World in Review

See page 9 for details.


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time


Switched-On Science

Switched-On Language Arts

Switched-On 4th Grade Math, packed with helpful information, offers students a unique, thorough examination of arithmetic fundamentals. Students will study essential information such as Roman numerals, plane and solid shapes, decimals, and fractions. This fun, motivating course also contains easy-to-grasp answers for those challenging questions! Students’ understanding of math concepts will increase as they study factors, multiples, expressions, and missing number problems.

Switched-On 4th Grade Science covers the solar system and includes updated information on Pluto’s planetary status. Filled with in-depth topics that engage, this course offers students an enjoyable learning experience in a fun, interactive format. Additional topics covered include changes in water, weather, our solar system and the universe, and planet earth. Filled with experiments, this course is great for hands-on application and for understanding God’s creation.

Switched-On 4th Grade Language Arts will build your student’s understanding of English with captivating stories that are integrated into spelling and grammar lessons. Wonderful at introducing students to different literature forms, this course creates an environment where students can learn in a progressive, innovative format. Lessons include root words, prefixes, and suffixes; kinds of sentences; book reports; and writing poetry.

Basic Math Skills SOS 400M Mathematics

Changes in Matter / Solar System & Planet Earth SOS 400S Science $74.95

Word Study: Grammar Skills & Composition SOS 400L Language Arts $74.95

Number Sense & Place Value Rounding & Estimation Whole Numbers & Fractions Lines & Shapes Division & Measurement Multiplication & Fractions Fractions & Patterns Division & Fractions Decimals & Fractions Graphing & Review


Plants Animals Man & His Environment Machines Electricity & Magnetism Changes in Water Weather Our Solar System & the Universe The Planet Earth Understanding God’s Wonderful Creation

Grade 4

Switched-On Mathematics

Reading & Writing Reading for Meaning Word Play Words in Season Reading & Writing Stories Rhymes & Reports Forms of Literature Language in Literature Reading & Researching Review

Distance Learning Option

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 4

LIFEPAC History & Geography

LIFEPAC 5-Subject Set


Get an entire year’s curriculum at once and save! The LIFEPAC 4th Grade 5-subject Set contains five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math. Each subject contains ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. This engaging curriculum set creates a solid educational foundation with colorful self-paced worktexts and diverse activities. It’s a stepby-step, comprehensive curriculum based on concept mastery, biblical integration, flexibility, and personalized instruction. Filled with motivating lessons, review questions, and tests, this curriculum will give your student a complete, well-rounded education!

LIFEPAC 4th Grade Bible challenges students to grow academically and spiritually as it teaches them the importance of living for God. Students will discover the amazing rewards and benefits of living a God-centered life in this engaging and selfpaced course. Scripture memorization and word activities such as multiple choice, true and false, fill-in-the-blank, and crossword puzzles are integrated throughout the units to enhance students’ comprehension. The LIFEPAC 4th Grade Bible curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC 4th Grade History & Geography is filled with easy-to-grasp lessons about topography and climatology. Vibrant illustrations and engaging lessons will broaden students’ understanding of mountain countries, island countries, and North America. Students will also learn about explorers, space, continents, and animals in this selfpaced course. The LIFEPAC 4th Grade History & Geography curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC LCS 0400 4th Grade 5-Subject Set Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

Seven Major Themes BIB 0415 4th Grade Bible Set BIB 0401 How Can I Live for God? BIB 0402 God’s Knowledge BIB 0403 Saul Begins to Live for God BIB 0404 The Bible and Me BIB 0405 God Cares for Us BIB 0406 How Can I Know God Exists? BIB 0407 Old Testament Geography BIB 0408 God-given Worth BIB 0409 Witnessing for Jesus BIB 0410 God’s Way Is Perfect BIB 0420 Teacher’s Guide BIB 0400 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

World Geography & Culture HIS 0415 4th Grade Hist/Geo Set HIS 0401 Our Earth HIS 0402 Seaport Cities HIS 0403 Desert Lands HIS 0404 Grasslands HIS 0405 Tropical Rain Forests HIS 0406 The Polar Regions HIS 0407 Mountain Countries HIS 0408 Island Countries HIS 0409 North America HIS 0410 Our World in Review HIS 0420 Teacher’s Guide HIS 0400 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today!


$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

See page 9 for details.


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

Grade 4

LIFEPAC Mathematics


LIFEPAC Language Arts

Multiply students’ math skills with LIFEPAC 4th Grade Math! Students stay engaged from unit to unit because concepts are simply explained and lessons are fun to do. This course examines numbers to 100,000s, plane and solid shapes, and division with one digit divisors, along with improper and mixed fractions. Cross multiplication, charts and graphs are also part of the course. The LIFEPAC 4th Grade Math curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

Spark your students’ imaginations with LIFEPAC 4th Grade Science! This motivating course provides engaging lessons about planets, atmospheres, and matter, along with a review on plants and animals. Students will be rewarded with a sense of accomplishment as they finish each full-color worktext. The LIFEPAC 4th Grade Science curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available. For an excellent video covering the experiments in this course, see page 111.

Writing is the focus of LIFEPAC 4th Grade Language Arts. Students will also discover different literary styles through worktexts filled with engaging illustrations and grammar exercises. Interesting stories, included for developing comprehension, are integrated among spelling and grammar lessons. Lessons also include writing an outline and stories, studying dictionary parts, and reading Haiku poetry, fables, and parables. The LIFEPAC 4th Grade Language Arts curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

Basic Math Skills MAT 0415 4th Grade Math Set $51.95 MAT 0401 Whole Numbers & Fractions $4.20 MAT 0402 Whole Number Multiplication $4.20 MAT 0403 Sequencing, Rounding, & Estimation $4.20 MAT 0404 Lines & Shapes, Multiplication $4.20 MAT 0405 Division & Measurements $4.20 MAT 0406 Division, Factors, and Fractions $4.20 MAT 0407 Multiplication, Fractions, & Decimals $4.20 MAT 0408 Whole Numbers & Fractions $4.20 MAT 0409 Decimals & Fractions $4.20 MAT 0410 Estimation, Charts, & Graphs $4.20 MAT 0420 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 MAT 0400 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

God’s Creation SCI 0415 4th Grade Science Set SCI 0401 Plants SCI 0402 Animals SCI 0403 Man’s Environment SCI 0404 Machines SCI 0405 Electricity and Magnetism SCI 0406 Changes in Water SCI 0407 Weather SCI 0408 The Solar System & The Universe SCI 0409 The Planet Earth SCI 0410 Understanding God’s Creation SCI 0420 Teacher’s Guide SCI 0400 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, & Composition LAN 0415 4th Grade Lan. Arts Set  $51.95 LAN 0401 Written Communication $4.20 LAN 0402 Sounds to Words $4.20 LAN 0403 Words: How to Use Them $4.20 LAN 0404 More Words: How to Use Them $4.20 LAN 0405 Writing for Clarity $4.20 LAN 0406 Fun with Fiction $4.20 LAN 0407 Fact and Fiction $4.20 LAN 0408 Grammar and Writing $4.20 LAN 0409 The Written Report $4.20 LAN 0410 Looking Back $4.20 LAN 0420 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 LAN 0400 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

Horizons Curriculum

Horizons Math

Horizons Penmanship

Students will practice solving multiple problem types with highly regarded Horizons 4th Grade Math! With diverse math exercises, students will master concepts and build confidence with concept repetition. Eye-catching lessons cover: fractions and decimals, equations, division, multiplication, and pre-algebra. Visually appealing, this dynamic, award-winning math curriculum has two student books with removable pages, a teacher’s guide, and 160 engaging student lessons. The worksheet packet may be purchased separately from the teacher’s guide.

Horizons 4th Grade Penmanship interweaves cursive writing practice with important lessons from the parables of Jesus. Engaging lessons cover: tracing letters and words, defining words by using them in a sentence, practicing printing sentences, and writing sentences to answer questions. Penmanship skills are developed as students learn about The Parable of the Good Shepherd, The Parable of the Lost Son, and The Parable of the Mustard Seed. The appealing penmanship curriculum has one student book with removable pages, a corresponding teacher’s guide, and 160 bible-based student lessons.

JMC 400 JMS 041 JMS 042 JMT 040 JMW 045

Math 4 Set Student Book 1 Student Book 2 Teacher’s Guide Student Worksheet Packet*

$71.95 $13.50 $13.50 $50.00 $7.95

JSP 415 Penmanship 4 Set JLP 401 Student Book JPT 040 Teacher’s Guide

$27.00 $14.00 $15.95

*Reproducible masters are in TG or may be ordered separately

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 5

Switched-On 5-Subject Set Save money and get an entire year’s curriculum in one box! The Switched-On Schoolhouse 5th Grade 5-subject Set conveniently combines five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math and costs less than ordering each subject separately. With this computer-based curriculum, your student will build knowledge in a fun, interactive learning environment. Exciting multimedia tools, such as video clips and learning games are included to capture your student’s interest. Plus, it includes time-saving administration features like automatic lesson planning and grading!

Switched-On 5th Grade Bible defines and clarifies God’s magnificent power and presence. Students will study God’s greatness and gifts! Rewarding and encouraging, this course covers biblical characters that lived for God, like Paul during his missionary journeys. Students will also strengthen their beliefs by studying the reasons for angels, how to be a Christian in the world, eternity and heaven, God’s judgment and authority, and the need for government.

Students will conquer the Western Hemisphere with Switched-On 5th Grade History & Geography! By pioneering into the past they will learn about America from its beginnings to its rise as a world power. Essential for every student, this course encompasses the major points of American History. Students will gain a patriotic appreciation for their citizenship within an enterprising nation. Additional lessons cover transportation, communication, U.S. regions, Mexico, and Canada.

Switched-On Schoolhouse 2008 Edition SOS 0515 5th Grade 5-Subject Set

Christian Basics I SOS 500B Bible

History of the Western Hemisphere SOS 500H History & Geography

Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today! See page 9 for details.


Switched-On History & Geography

Switched-On Bible


How Others Lived for God Angels The Presence of God Bible Methods & Structure The Christian in the World Proving What We Believe Paul’s Missionary Journeys God Created Man for Eternity Authority & Law Review



Exploring the New World Colonial American Life Thirteen Colonies Become a New Nation New Lands & Troubled Times The United States Becomes a World Leader United by Transportation & Communication The U.S.: One Nation with Many Regions Our Southern Neighbors Canada: Our Northern Neighbor Review

Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

Grade 5

Switched-On Mathematics

Switched-On Science

Switched-On Language Arts

Want an easy, fun way to teach students how to multiply? Switched-On 5th Grade Math, filled with proven, powerful techniques, incorporates multiplication tables for solid memorization. Nothing is as exciting as seeing students grasp mathematical concepts! Give them the best help by investing in this course which covers fractional numerators and denominators, calculators, reciprocals, ratios, and random samples. Weaving together past topics with new concepts, this curriculum strengthens students’ knowledge.

Watch as students experience the miracles of science with Switched-On 5th Grade Science! Students will gain an appreciation for the wonderfully complex world God created. Appealing lessons teach about fossils, geology, and nature cycles. Students will love digging into fun-filled, confidence-building material while learning about the intricate balance of nature and the foundations of life. Interactive multimedia, learning tools, and diverse question formats will help build students’ comprehension.

With Switched-On 5th Grade Language Arts, students will learn how Jesus used language to effectively communicate to others, and why the world has different languages. Students will look forward to doing schoolwork with this course! Filled with nuggets of interactive information, this innovative curriculum covers poetry forms, reading comprehension, and word working. The life-long, important technique of integrating reading and study skills is also covered.

Basic Math Skills SOS 500M Mathematics

Life Cycles: Balance in Nature SOS 500S Science

Literature, Poetry, & Reports SOS 500L Language Arts


Fractions & Integers Fractions & Facts Division, Averaging, Polygons Protractors, Shapes, Arithmetic Times Tens, Time, Missing Numbers Place Value, Fractions, Decimals Fractions, Denominators, Multiplying Calculators & Review Reciprocals, Ratios, Graphs, Decimals Estimation, Random, Review


Cells Plants: Life Cycles Animals: Life Cycles The Web of Life Transformation of Energy Records in the Rock: The Flood Records in the Rock: Fossils Records in the Rock: Geology Cycles in Nature Look Ahead


Jesus, Our Example Working with Information The Story of Our Language Effective Communication Reading & Writing Stories Poetry Reading Comprehension Working with Words Reading & Study Skills Review

Distance Learning Option

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 5

LIFEPAC History & Geography

LIFEPAC 5-Subject Set


Get an entire year’s curriculum at once and save! The LIFEPAC 5th Grade 5-subject Set contains five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math. Each subject contains ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. This engaging curriculum set creates a solid educational foundation with colorful self-paced worktexts and diverse activities. It’s a stepby-step, comprehensive curriculum based on concept mastery, biblical integration, flexibility, and personalized instruction. Filled with motivating lessons, review questions, and tests, this curriculum will give your student a complete, well-rounded education!

In LIFEPAC 5th Grade Bible, students will study about God’s powerful presence, His greatness, and the gifts He gives. Students will grasp life-changing concepts in this self-paced curriculum that is integrated with mastery-learning techniques and colorful illustrations. Vocabulary words, character qualities, and map reading skills are also taught. The LIFEPAC 5th Grade Bible curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

Students will conquer the Western Hemisphere with LIFEPAC 5th Grade History & Geography! Filled with entertaining illustrations, worktexts explain the voyages that led to America’s discovery and expansion. Conflicts from the Revolutionary War to the First Gulf War are covered in comprehensive detail. With this course, students will master concepts and gain a patriotic appreciation for their country. The LIFEPAC 5th Grade History & Geography curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC LCS 0500 5th Grade 5-Subject Set Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

Seven Major Themes BIB 0515 5th Grade Bible Set $51.95 BIB 0501 How Others Lived for God $4.20 BIB 0502 Angels $4.20 BIB 0503 The Presence of God $4.20 BIB 0504 Bible Methods & Structure $4.20 BIB 0505 The Christian in the World $4.20 BIB 0506 Proving What We Believe $4.20 BIB 0507 Missionary Journeys of Paul $4.20 BIB 0508 God Created Man for Eternity $4.20 BIB 0509 Authority & Law $4.20 BIB 0510 Angels, the Bible, & Living for God $4.20 BIB 0520 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 BIB 0500 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

U.S. History HIS 0515 5th Grade Hist/Geo Set HIS 0501 A New World HIS 0502 A New Nation HIS 0503 A Time of Testing HIS 0504 A Growing Nation HIS 0505 A Divided Nation HIS 0506 A Changing Nation HIS 0507 Depression & War HIS 0508 Cold War HIS 0509 The End of the Millennium HIS 0510 The United States of America HIS 0520 Teacher’s Guide HIS 0500 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today!


See page 9 for details.


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

Grade 5

LIFEPAC Mathematics


LIFEPAC Language Arts

Your students plus LIFEPAC 5th Grade Math equal success! Students achieve mastery learning because the easy-tograsp instructions reduce the frustration of understanding mathematical concepts. Each unit filled with full-color illustrations covers calculators, prime factors, ratios, fractions, multiplication, and graphing. The LIFEPAC 5th Grade Math curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC 5th Grade Science will expand students’ knowledge of our wonderful complex world with lessons on geology and fossils. Filled with full-color illustrations, worktexts explain scientific concepts one at a time, making lessons easy to grasp. Your student will love digging into fun-filled, confidence-building material while learning about the foundation of life. The LIFEPAC 5th Grade Science curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available. For an excellent video covering the experiments in this course, see page 111.

LIFEPAC 5th Grade Language Arts has engaging lessons about story elements and structures! Filled with entertaining illustrations, worktexts explain literary concepts one-by-one so that students can achieve mastery learning. Short story writing, recognizing main ideas, and understanding word usage are just a few of the easy-tograsp concepts included. Poetry and Bible stories are integrated throughout the units to build reading comprehension. The LIFEPAC 5th Grade Language Arts curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

Basic Math Skills MAT 0515 5th Grade Math Set $51.95 MAT 0501 Operations of Whole Numbers $4.20 MAT 0502 Multiplication and Division $4.20 MAT 0503 Perimeter, Area, Division $4.20 MAT 0504 Shapes, Decimals, Multiplication $4.20 MAT 0505 Measurement and Fractions $4.20 MAT 0506 Fractions & Decimals $4.20 MAT 0507 Division, Multiplication, Metric Units $4.20 MAT 0508 Calculators and Prime Factors $4.20 MAT 0509 Decimals & Fractions $4.20 MAT 0510 Probability, Charts, & Graphs $4.20 MAT 0520 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 MAT 0500 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

God’s Creation SCI 0515 5th Grade Science Set SCI 0501 Cells SCI 0502 Plants: Life Cycles SCI 0503 Animals: Life Cycles SCI 0504 Balance in Nature SCI 0505 Transformation of Energy SCI 0506 Records in Rock: The Flood SCI 0507 Records in Rock: Fossils SCI 0508 Records in Rock: Geology SCI 0509 Cycles in Nature SCI 0510 Look Ahead SCI 0520 Teacher’s Guide SCI 0500 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, & Composition LAN 0515 5th Grade Lan. Arts Set $51.95 LAN 0501 Story Messages $4.20 LAN 0502 Main Ideas $4.20 LAN 0503 Words to Stories $4.20 LAN 0504 Written Report $4.20 LAN 0505 Story Elements $4.20 LAN 0506 Poetry $4.20 LAN 0507 Word Usage $4.20 LAN 0508 All about Verbs $4.20 LAN 0509 Reading Fluency $4.20 LAN 0510 Looking Back $4.20 LAN 0520 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 LAN 0500 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

Horizons Curriculum

Horizons Math

Horizons Penmanship

Award-winning Horizons 5th Grade Math is a fun, motivating math course! Students will love learning math from games and activities designed to reinforce concepts. Students will also be introduced to more practical math-related skills like check writing. Lessons cover: problem solving, percents, averages, weights, and measurements. This best-selling math course has two student books with removable pages, a teacher’s guide, and 160 student lessons. The worksheet packet may also be purchased separately from the teacher’s guide.

Colorful Horizons 5th Grade Penmanship uses presidential speeches to teach cursive writing. Students will perfect their writing skills and learn pieces of history at the same time! Enriching lessons cover: letter strokes and joinings, manuscript skills, writing quotations, and penmanship selfevaluation. Sample presidential speeches are: The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln, Thanksgiving Proclamation by George Washington, and the Inaugural Address by John F. Kennedy. This historical penmanship curriculum has one student book with removable pages, a corresponding teacher’s guide, and 160 patriotic student lessons.

JMC 500 JMS 051 JMS 052 JMT 050 JMW 055

Math 5 Set Student Book 1 Student Book 2 Teacher’s Guide Student Worksheet Packet*

$71.95 $13.50 $13.50 $50.00 $7.95

JSP 515 Penmanship 5 Set JLP 501 Student Book JPT 050 Teacher’s Guide

$27.00 $14.00 $15.95

*Reproducible masters are in TG or may be ordered separately

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 6

Switched-On History & Geography

Switched-On 5-Subject Set

Switched-On Bible

Save money and get an entire year’s curriculum in one box! The Switched-On Schoolhouse 6th Grade 5-subject Set conveniently combines five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math and costs less than ordering each subject separately. With this computer-based curriculum, your student will build knowledge in a fun, interactive learning environment. Exciting multimedia tools, such as video clips and learning games are included to capture your student’s interest. Plus, it includes time-saving administration features like automatic lesson planning and grading!

In Switched-On 6th Grade Bible, students will dive into the world of the Bible. They will discover the wonderful acts of God by traveling the biblical timeline, from Creation to Revelation! Students will learn about Jesus’ ministry, miracles, and His Twelve Disciples. Illuminating stories like the Ten Commandments, David and Goliath, and Daniel and the Lion’s Den will also capture their imagination!

Students will be globetrotters with SwitchedOn 6th Grade History & Geography as they travel through time to exciting places and fascinating civilizations. Watch students’ imagination flourish as this course brings them compelling and creative content! Engaging topics include a comprehensive overview of world geography, continents, and world development. Students will also explore the thirteen dynamically diverse countries of South America like Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and more!

Switched-On Schoolhouse 2008 Edition SOS 0615 6th Grade 5-Subject Set

Bible Survey SOS 600B Bible

World History & Culture SOS 600H History & Geography

Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today!


From Creation to Moses From Joshua to Samuel The Kingdom of Israel The Divided Kingdom Captivity & Restoration The Life of Jesus The Followers of Jesus The Apostle Paul Hebrews & General Epistles Revelation & Review


World Geography The Cradle of Civilization The Civilizations of Greece & Rome Life in the Middle Ages Six South American Countries Other South American Countries Africa Western Europe Eastern Europe Development of Our World

See page 9 for details.



Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

Switched-On Science

Switched-On Language Arts

Students will discover the amazing order and method of math with Switched-On 6th Grade Math! Perfect for students because of its progressive and colorful lessons, this curriculum ensures comprehension and retention. Students will learn how to recognize geometric shapes and find percentages. Metric and English measurements, equations, and statistics are also taught. This curriculum offers both flexibility and convenience for easily changing lesson schedules!

Students will discover the spectacular vacuum of space and earth’s role within our solar system with Switched-On 6th Grade Science. They will explore the grandeur and vastness of space, the unique planets, and the never-ending cosmos. By learning about our intricate, interrelated solar system, your students’ imagination will take off! They will gravitate toward topics like molecular genetics, animal and plant systems, physics, and chemistry.

Along with reading, Switched-On 6th Grade Language Arts teaches the lifelong skill of grammar usage. Watch as your students grow in knowledge of the English language as they study sentence structure and form. Written communication is also taught with interesting lessons on newspapers and propaganda. In-depth studies of poetry structure and biblical literature—Parables, Psalms, and Proverbs—will capture students’ imaginations and cultivate memory retention.

Basic Math Skills SOS 600M Mathematics

Plants & Animal Behavior / Molecular Genetics SOS 600S Science $74.95

Reading for a Purpose: Sentences & Poetry SOS 600L Language Arts $74.95

Plant Systems Animal Systems Plant & Animal Behavior Molecular Genetics Chemical Structure & Change Light & Sound Motion and Its Measurement Spaceship Earth The Sun & Other Stars Review

Elements of Grammar Grammar Usage Reading Skills Writing Skills Newspapers & Propaganda Literary Forms Reading for a Purpose Poetry Bible Literature Review


Whole Numbers Operations with Whole Numbers Decimal Numbers Fractions, Decimals, Shapes & Formulas Geometry Percent Measurements Metrics & Equations Statistics Review

Grade 6

Switched-On Mathematics

Distance Learning Option

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 6

LIFEPAC History & Geography

LIFEPAC 5-Subject Set


Get an entire year’s curriculum at once and save! The LIFEPAC 6th Grade 5-subject Set contains five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math. Each subject contains ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. This engaging curriculum set creates a solid educational foundation with colorful self-paced worktexts and diverse activities. It’s a stepby-step, comprehensive curriculum based on concept mastery, biblical integration, flexibility, and personalized instruction. Filled with motivating lessons, review questions, and tests, this curriculum will give your student a complete, well-rounded education!

With LIFEPAC 6th Grade Bible, students relive the wonderful acts of God with every lesson. God’s goodness is revealed in a concept-by-concept format filled with colorful illustrations and scripture memorization. Fun writing activities are also included to develop students’ grammar skills. The LIFEPAC 6th Grade Bible curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC 6th Grade History & Geography focuses on world history and continent geography. Filled with full-color illustrations and self-explanatory lessons, worktexts allow students to work independently with confidence. Engaging lessons about latitude, longitude, hemisphere, and different regions take the guesswork out of teaching students geography. Topics on Modern Western and Eastern Europe and world development are also included. The LIFEPAC 6th Grade History & Geography curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC LCS 0600 6th Grade 5-Subject Set Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

Old Testament & New Testament Bible Survey BIB 0615 6th Grade Bible Set $51.95 BIB 0601 From Creation to Moses $4.20 BIB 0602 From Joshua to Samuel $4.20 BIB 0603 The Kingdom of Israel $4.20 BIB 0604 The Divided Kingdom $4.20 BIB 0605 Captivity and Restoration $4.20 BIB 0606 The Life of Jesus $4.20 BIB 0607 The Followers of Jesus $4.20 BIB 0608 The Apostle Paul $4.20 BIB 0609 Hebrews and General Epistles $4.20 BIB 0610 Revelation and Review $4.20 BIB 0620 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 BIB 0600 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

Civilizations HIS 0615 6th Grade Hist/Geo Set $51.95 HIS 0601 World Geography $4.20 HIS 0602 The Cradle of Civilization $4.20 HIS 0603 Greece and Rome $4.20 HIS 0604 The Middle Ages $4.20 HIS 0605 Six South American Countries $4.20 HIS 0606 Other South American Countries $4.20 HIS 0607 Africa $4.20 HIS 0608 Modern Western Europe $4.20 HIS 0609 Modern Eastern Europe $4.20 HIS 0610 The Development of Our World $4.20 HIS 0620 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 HIS 0600 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today!


See page 9 for details.


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time


LIFEPAC Language Arts

Teach students the purpose and structure of math with LIFEPAC 6th Grade Math! Students will explore order and method by studying entertaining lessons that clearly explain concepts. Bright and colorful illustrations also will motivate students to learn geometric shapes, percentages, Metric and English measurements, equations, and statistics. The LIFEPAC 6th Grade Math Set contains ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC 6th Grade Science focuses on the spectacular vacuum and vastness of space, the earth’s role within our solar system, the unique planets, and the never-ending cosmos. Filled with color illustrations and review exercises, this course also includes fun writing activities, designed to develop grammar skills. Plant and animal systems, DNA and reproduction, the Periodic Table, light and sound waves, and stars are also taught. The LIFEPAC 6th Grade Science curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available. For an excellent video covering the experiments in this course, see page 111.

LIFEPAC 6th Grade Language Arts focuses on written communication, and has interesting lessons on newspapers and propaganda. Students will develop practical reading skills as they complete each worktext filled with entertaining stories and full-color illustrations! This course also teaches parts of speech, handwriting, and vocabulary words. Short answers, tests, and additional fun writing activities help develop grammar skills. The LIFEPAC 6th Grade Language Arts curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

Basic Math Skills MAT 0615 6th Grade Math Set MAT 0601 Fractions and Decimals MAT 0602 Finding Common Denominators MAT 0603 Multiplying Mixed Numbers MAT 0604 Dividing Mixed Numbers MAT 0605 Lines and Shapes MAT 0606 Decimals and Percent MAT 0607 Measurements and Graphs MAT 0608 Estimation and Ratios MAT 0609 Calculators and Estimation MAT 0610 Whole Numbers and Fractions MAT 0620 Teacher’s Guide MAT 0600 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

God’s Creation SCI 0615 6th Grade Science Set SCI 0601 Plant Systems SCI 0602 Body Systems SCI 0603 Plant and Animal Behavior SCI 0604 Molecular Genetics SCI 0605 Chemical Structure & Change SCI 0606 Light and Sound SCI 0607 Motion and Its Measurement SCI 0608 Spaceship Earth SCI 0609 Astronomy & the Stars SCI 0610 The Earth and the Universe SCI 0620 Teacher’s Guide SCI 0600 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

Handwriting, Spelling, Vocabulary, & More LAN 0615 6th Grade Lan. Arts Set $51.95 LAN 0601 Reading for a Purpose $4.20 LAN 0602 Forming New Words $4.20 LAN 0603 Better Reading $4.20 LAN 0604 Sentences $4.20 LAN 0605 Reading Skills $4.20 LAN 0606 Poetry $4.20 LAN 0607 Stories $4.20 LAN 0608 Newspapers $4.20 LAN 0609 Reading the Bible $4.20 LAN 0610 Looking Back $4.20 LAN 0620 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 LAN 0600 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

Horizons Curriculum

Distance Learning Option

Horizons Math

Alpha Omega Academy®

Horizons 6th Grade Math reinforces previous math concepts while presenting new material. Because of concept repetition and reinforcement, students will strengthen their current math skills as well as learn and grasp more complex concepts. Colorful lessons include: square roots, advanced geometry, rounding and graphing, money transactions, and personal finance skills. This award-winning, consumable math curriculum has two student books with removable pages, a teacher’s guide, and 160 colorful student lessons. The additional worksheet packet may also be purchased separately from the teacher’s guide. JMC 600 JMS 061 JMS 062 JMT 060 JMW 065

$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

Grade 6

LIFEPAC Mathematics

Math 6 Set Student Book 1 Student Book 2 Teacher’s Guide Student Worksheet Packet*

$71.95 $13.50 $13.50 $50.00 $7.95

A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

*Reproducible masters are in TG or may be ordered separately

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 7

Switched-On History & Geography

Switched-On 5-Subject Set

Switched-On Bible

Save money and get an entire year’s curriculum in one box! The Switched-On Schoolhouse 7th Grade 5-subject Set conveniently combines five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math and costs less than ordering each subject separately. With this computer-based curriculum, your student will build knowledge in a fun, interactive learning environment. Exciting multimedia tools, such as video clips and learning games are included to capture your student’s interest. Plus, it includes time-saving administration features like automatic lesson planning and grading!

Switched-On 7th Grade Bible explores the life and events of Christ on earth. Students will gain valuable insights as they follow His astonishing actions of love. This course entertains as it explains the meaning of worship, mankind’s sinful nature, and God’s divinity. Other easy-to-grasp lessons include studying the purpose of Advent, how to live a balanced life, forms of worship, the Psalms, and Hebrew poetry.

With Switched-On 7th Grade History & Geography, students will learn the significance of written history, sociology, and documentation methods. Eye-catching pictures and easyto-understand lessons give students a fun environment in which to study. Packed with information on ancestry, this course brightens students’ understanding of culture and human behavior. In addition, this grade covers economics and political science. Students will read about markets, political thinkers, government structure, state financing, and social groups.

Switched-On Schoolhouse 2008 Edition SOS 0715 7th Grade 5-Subject Set

Christian Basics II & Life of Christ SOS 700B Bible

Social Science Survey SOS 700H History & Geography

Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today!


Worship Mankind Attributes of God Christian Evidences Living the Balanced Life The Psalms Life of Christ (1) Life of Christ (2) Life of Christ (3) Review


What Is History? What Is Geography? The United States Anthropology: The Study of Mankind Sociology - Man in Groups Anthropology & Sociology of the U.S. Economics - Resources & Needs Political Science Economics & Politics of a State Social Sciences Review

See page 9 for details.



Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

Grade 7

Switched-On Mathematics

Switched-On Science

Switched-On Language Arts

Introduce students to shapes and formulas with Switched-On 7th Grade Math. This course teaches the fundamentals of geometry and algebra in an exciting, interactive format. Math isn’t boring with this course as it solidifies students’ understanding of math by reviewing whole numbers; multiplication and division; and adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions. Statistics and graphs are also covered.

Switched-On 7th Grade Science gives students a fun and functional science education about the earth and scientists! Terrestrial topics are also covered in an eye-engaging, interactive format that takes the chore out of explaining scientific terms! Students will love studying the weather, as well as the human body and its interesting, intricate systems. Additional topics covered are perception, measurement, graphs, and much more.

Switched-On 7th Grade Language Arts teaches students how to speak and write in an effective and courteous way. Not only do students learn the technical structure of communication but they also gain insights about what words should be used in certain situations. Colorful, comprehensive lessons on biographies, formal and informal English, and nonfiction literature are also taught. The Hiding Place, a World War II story of faith, is a required reader that is included in this course.

Pre-Algebra & Pre-Geometry SOS 700M Mathematics

Earth Science SOS 700S Science

Composition & Literature SOS 700L Language Arts*


Sets & Number Systems Place Value Whole Numbers Whole Numbers: Multiplication & Division Fractions: Addition & Subtraction Fractions: Multiplication & Division Geometry Statistics & Graphs Formulas, Functions, Ratios, & Proportions Review: In Sports


What Is Science? Perceiving Things Earth in Space (1) Earth in Space (2) The Atmosphere Weather Climate The Human Anatomy (1) The Human Anatomy (2) Review


Nouns, Pronouns, & Using Words Correctly Language Usage Biographies & Grammar Structure of Language The English Language Mechanics & Structure of English The Hiding Place: A Study Guide Nonfiction & Communication Writing & Pronunciation Review *Includes required reader: The Hiding Place

Distance Learning Option

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 7

LIFEPAC History & Geography

LIFEPAC 5-Subject Set


Get an entire year’s curriculum at once and save! The LIFEPAC 7th Grade 5-subject Set contains five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math. Each subject contains ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. This engaging curriculum set creates a solid educational foundation with colorful self-paced worktexts and diverse activities. It’s a stepby-step, comprehensive curriculum based on concept mastery, biblical integration, flexibility, and personalized instruction. Filled with motivating lessons, review questions, and tests, this curriculum will give your student a complete, well-rounded education!

LIFEPAC 7th Grade Bible studies Christ’s life on earth. Intriguing lessons and engaging illustrations keeps students involved in this worktext curriculum about the astonishing actions of Christ! Watch students grow as they learn about God’s only begotten Son. Scripture memorization, section objectives, vocabulary words, question and answer sections, and tests are integrated into the worktext lessons. The LIFEPAC 7th Grade Bible curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC 7th Grade History & Geography provides an in-depth study of anthropology, the record of mankind. Students will learn about the significance of written history, sociology, and documentation methods. Students will also learn about markets, state financing, and social groups. Integrated with mastery-learning techniques, each worktext contains section objectives, vocabulary words, question and answer sections, and tests. The LIFEPAC 7th Grade History & Geography curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC LCS 0700 7th Grade 5-Subject Set Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

Seven Major Themes BIB 0715 7th Grade Bible Set BIB 0701 Worship BIB 0702 Mankind BIB 0703 The Attributes of God BIB 0704 Fulfilled Prophecies of Christ BIB 0705 Living the Balanced Life BIB 0706 The Psalms BIB 0707 The Life of Christ: Part One BIB 0708 The Life of Christ: Part Two BIB 0709 The Life of Christ: Part Three BIB 0710 In Summary BIB 0720 Teacher’s Guide BIB 0700 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

Anthropology, Sociology, Economics, & State History HIS 0715 7th Grade Hist/Geo Set $51.95 HIS 0701 What Is History? $4.20 HIS 0702 What Is Geography? $4.20 HIS 0703 U.S. History and Geography $4.20 HIS 0704 Anthropology $4.20 HIS 0705 Sociology $4.20 HIS 0706 U.S. Anthropology $4.20 HIS 0707 Economics $4.20 HIS 0708 Political Science $4.20 HIS 0709 State Economics and Politics $4.20 HIS 0710 Social Sciences Review $4.20 HIS 0720 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 HIS 0700 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today!


$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

See page 9 for details.


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

Grade 7

LIFEPAC Mathematics


LIFEPAC Language Arts

LIFEPAC 7th Grade Math provides an exciting, fun-filled study on geometry! Data, statistics, graphs, and a review of whole numbers, multiplication, and division are covered in an easy-to-follow, comprehensive format along with a review of addition and subtraction. Students can work independently because lessons explain challenging concepts one at a time. The LIFEPAC 7th Grade Math curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide that includes detailed solutions for the problems. A tenunit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

With LIFEPAC 7th Grade Science, students’ imaginations grow as they learn about God’s unique designs! This course provides an in-depth study of human anatomy and earth in space! Each lesson in this fun-filled course contains section objectives, vocabulary words, question and answer sections, and tests. Students will receive a solid science education with these diverse worktext activities. The LIFEPAC 7th Grace Science curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available. For an excellent video covering the experiments in this course, see page 111.

LIFEPAC 7th Grade Language Arts looks indepth at English mechanics. Students learn the technical structure of communication and how to choose effective words. Vibrantly illustrated lessons discuss formal and informal English, nonfiction literature, biographies, and more! Worktexts, designed for self-paced learning, contain section objectives, vocabulary words, question and answer sections, and tests. The LIFEPAC 7th Grade Language Arts curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available. The Hiding Place is a required reader and is included.

Pre-Algebra & Pre-Geometry MAT 0715 7th Grade Math Set $56.95 MAT 0701 Whole Numbers $4.20 MAT 0702 Multiplication and Division $4.20 MAT 0703 Geometry $4.20 MAT 0704 Rational Numbers $4.20 MAT 0705 Sets and Numbers $4.20 MAT 0706 Fractions: Addition & Subtraction $4.20 MAT 0707 Fractions: Multiplication & Division $4.20 MAT 0708 Formulas and Ratios $4.20 MAT 0709 Data, Statistics, and Graphs $4.20 MAT 0710 Mathematics in Sports $4.20 MAT 0720 Teacher’s Guide $16.95 MAT 0700 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

Earth Science & Human Anatomy SCI 0715 7th Grade Science Set SCI 0701 What Is Science? SCI 0702 Perceiving Things SCI 0703 Earth in Space I SCI 0704 Earth in Space II SCI 0705 The Atmosphere SCI 0706 Weather SCI 0707 Climate SCI 0708 Human Anatomy I SCI 0709 Human Anatomy II SCI 0710 Careers in Science SCI 0720 Teacher’s Guide SCI 0700 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

Handwriting, Speaking, Spelling, Vocabulary, & More LAN 0715 7th Grade Lan. Arts Set* $59.95 LAN 0701 Word Usage $4.20 LAN 0702 More Word Usage $4.20 LAN 0703 Biographies $4.20 LAN 0704 Structure of Language $4.20 LAN 0705 The Nature of English $4.20 LAN 0706 The Mechanics of English $4.20 LAN 0707 Novel: The Hiding Place $4.20 LAN 0708 Literature $4.20 LAN 0709 Compositions $4.20 LAN 0710 Looking Back $4.20 LAN 0720 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 LAN 0700 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00 *Includes required reader.

$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

Distance Learning Option

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 8

Switched-On History & Geography

Switched-On 5-Subject Set

Switched-On Bible

Save money and get an entire year’s curriculum in one box! The Switched-On Schoolhouse 8th Grade 5-subject Set conveniently combines five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math and costs less than ordering each subject separately. With this computer-based curriculum, your student will build knowledge in a fun, interactive learning environment. Exciting multimedia tools, such as video clips and learning games are included to capture your student’s interest. Plus, it includes time-saving administration features like automatic lesson planning and grading!

Filled with fascinating facts, Switched-On 8th Grade Bible explains about the development of past and present churches. It also points out the purpose of gathering together in Christ! Additional engaging exercises cover making personal choices, understanding family, sin and salvation, Proverbs, and God’s eternality. Your students will gain illuminating insights into the purpose of worship and learn the Lord’s Prayer. Added topics include martyrdom, early missionary journeys, and memory verses.

Switched-On 8th Grade History & Geography looks in-depth at America’s prolific past concentrating on America’s birth, expansion, and wars. Fun-filled lessons make learning about America’s story exciting! Extensive and expanded, the curriculum allows students to follow the events of America’s growth by studying the Westward Expansion, slavery and Civil War, the Industrial Revolution, and America’s important role in today’s world.

Switched-On Schoolhouse 2008 Edition SOS 0815 8th Grade 5-Subject Set

Practical Christianity & Church History SOS 800B Bible

U.S. History SOS 800H History & Geography

Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today!


Prayer Sin & Salvation Attributes of God Early Church Leaders Early Church History The Early Churches The Book of Proverbs Choices Understanding the Family Review


European Backgrounds The Colonization of America War for Independence The Emergence of a Nation The Westward Movement The Civil War The Industrial Nation Twentieth Century World Power The United States in a Changing World American History Review

See page 9 for details.



Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

Grade 8

Switched-On Mathematics

Switched-On Science

Switched-On Language Arts

Put the right equipment in your students’ hands with Switched-On 8th Grade Math! Its review of essential geometry and algebra concepts help students master and remember concepts for a long time. Other information covered in this fun-filled course includes story problems, understanding place value, and using the four operations. Students will also learn about pyramids, prisms, and the Pythagorean Theorem.

Put your students’ imaginative wheels in motion with Switched-On 8th Grade Science! This course will help students understand the fundamentals of science, atoms, molecules, and elements. Packed with useful facts, students will also learn about society’s involvement in science, health and nutrition, and details behind motion and friction. Students will also love the fun-filled experiments which demonstrate exciting scientific concepts. This course’s diverse topics will definitely capture students’ imaginations!

Switched-On 8th Grade Language Arts, reviews past lessons and reiterates important grammar skills. Keep students’ grammar talents up-to-par with this easy-to-grasp course that creates solid foundations for effective speaking and writing. Improve students’ understanding of language and literature, sentence coordination and subordination, and autobiographies. Students review basics like etymology, modifiers, oral reports, and mood and tense.

Pre-Algebra & Pre-Geometry SOS 800M Mathematics

Physical Science I SOS 800S Science

Speaking & Writing Skills SOS 800L Language Arts

Place Value Statistics, Graphs, & Probability Factors & Multiples Fractions & Rounding Fractions & Percent Numbers Formulas & Geometry Integers The Variable Pre-Algebra Review



Science & Society Structure of Matter (1) Structure of Matter (2) Health & Nutrition Energy (1) Energy (2) Machines (1) Machines (2) Balance in Nature Science & Technology


Communication The English Language Punctuation & Literature Words & How to Use Them Correct Language Usage Language & Literature Critical Reading & Paragraph Skills Writing, Listening, & Reading The English Language Review

Distance Learning Option

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 8

LIFEPAC History & Geography

LIFEPAC 5-Subject Set


Get an entire year’s curriculum at once and save! The LIFEPAC 8th Grade 5-subject Set contains five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math. Each subject contains ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. This engaging curriculum set creates a solid educational foundation with colorful self-paced worktexts and diverse activities. It’s a stepby-step, comprehensive curriculum based on concept mastery, biblical integration, flexibility, and personalized instruction. Filled with motivating lessons, review questions, and tests, this curriculum will give your student a complete, well-rounded education!

LIFEPAC 8th Grade Bible teaches students about the establishment of the church and the purpose of worship. Scripture memorization, vibrant illustrations, review exercises, and tests are added throughout each colorful worktext. Bible lessons and verses, applicable for every young student, are given in an easy-to-grasp format. The LIFEPAC 8th Grade Bible curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC 8th Grade History & Geography is a captivating course about America! Colorful illustrations and review exercises enhance comprehension as students follow America’s growth by studying: the Westward Expansion, slavery and Civil War, the Industrial Revolution, America’s important role in today’s world, and America’s emergence as an international power. The LIFEPAC 8th Grade History & Geography curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC LCS 0800 8th Grade 5-Subject Set Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

Seven Major Themes BIB 0815 8th Grade Bible Set $51.95 BIB 0801 Prayer $4.20 BIB 0802 Sin and Salvation $4.20 BIB 0803 Attributes of God $4.20 BIB 0804 Early Church Leaders $4.20 BIB 0805 Early Church History $4.20 BIB 0806 The Early Churches $4.20 BIB 0807 The Book of Proverbs $4.20 BIB 0808 Understanding Today’s Problems $4.20 BIB 0809 Understanding Parents $4.20 BIB 0810 Walking with God $4.20 BIB 0820 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 BIB 0800 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

U.S. History HIS 0815 8th Grade Hist/Geo Set $51.95 HIS 0801 Europe Comes to America $4.20 HIS 0802 British America $4.20 HIS 0803 The American Revolution $4.20 HIS 0804 A Firm Foundation $4.20 HIS 0805 A Growing Nation $4.20 HIS 0806 The Civil War $4.20 HIS 0807 Gilded Age to Progressive Era $4.20 HIS 0808 A World in Conflict $4.20 HIS 0809 Cold War America $4.20 HIS 0810 Recent America and Review $4.20 HIS 0820 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 HIS 0800 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today!


See page 9 for details.


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

Grade 8

LIFEPAC Mathematics


LIFEPAC Language Arts

With LIFEPAC 8th Grade Math, students review essential pre-geometry and prealgebra concepts. Repetition of mathematical principles helps students master concepts in this colorful, enriching course. Other topics covered are story problems, understanding place value, and using the four operations. Number lines, pyramids, prisms, and the Pythagorean Theorem are also taught. The LIFEPAC 8th Grade Math curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide that includes detailed solutions for the problems. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC 8th Grade Science is a comprehensive course that covers basic science, physical science, life science, energy, and matter. Students will also learn about health and nutrition, magnetism, photosynthesis, and electricity. Types of machines are also discussed in-depth as well as: wheels, axles, pulleys, gears, planes, force, and friction. The LIFEPAC 8th Grade Science curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available. For an excellent video covering the experiments in this course, see page 111.

LIFEPAC 8th Grade Language Arts reiterates past lessons to strengthen grammar skills. Integrated with mastery-learning concepts, this course creates a solid foundation for effective, life-long communication. Easy-to-grasp worktexts improve students’ understanding of language and literature, sentence coordination and subordination, and autobiographies. Reviews cover etymology, modifiers, oral reports, and mood and tense. The LIFEPAC 8th Grade Language Arts curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

Pre-Algebra & Pre-Geometry MAT 0815 8th Grade Math Set MAT 0801 Whole Numbers MAT 0802 Numbers and Factors MAT 0803 Rational Numbers MAT 0804 Fractions and Rounding MAT 0805 Fractions and Percent MAT 0806 Statistics, Graphs, and Probability MAT 0807 Integers MAT 0808 Formulas and Geometry MAT 0809 Algebraic Equations MAT 0810 Numbers, Fractions, and Algebra MAT 0820 Teacher’s Guide MAT 0800 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

Physical Science I SCI 0815 8th Grade Science Set SCI 0801 Science and Society SCI 0802 The Structure of Matter I SCI 0803 The Structure of Matter II SCI 0804 Health and Nutrition SCI 0805 Energy I SCI 0806 Energy II SCI 0807 Machines I SCI 0808 Machines II SCI 0809 Balance in Nature SCI 0810 Science and Technology SCI 0820 Teacher’s Guide SCI 0800 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

Handwriting, Speaking, Spelling, Vocabulary, & More LAN 0815 8th Grade Lan. Arts Set $51.95 LAN 0801 Improving Communication $4.20 LAN 0802 All about English $4.20 LAN 0803 Punctuation and Literature $4.20 LAN 0804 Words: How to Use Them $4.20 LAN 0805 Correct Language Usage $4.20 LAN 0806 Language and Literature $4.20 LAN 0807 Critical Thinking $4.20 LAN 0808 Write, Listen, and Read $4.20 LAN 0809 Speak and Write $4.20 LAN 0810 Looking Back $4.20 LAN 0820 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 LAN 0800 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

$56.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $16.95 $41.00

$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

Distance Learning Option

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 9

Switched-On History & Geography

Switched-On 5-Subject Set

Switched-On Bible

Save money and get an entire year’s curriculum in one box! The Switched-On Schoolhouse 9th Grade 5-subject Set conveniently combines five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math and costs less than ordering each subject separately. With this computer-based curriculum, your student will build knowledge in a fun, interactive learning environment. Exciting multimedia tools, such as video clips and learning games are included to capture your student’s interest. Plus, it includes time-saving administration features like automatic lesson planning and grading!

Switched-On 9th Grade Bible presents a diverse survey of the New Testament! Beginning in the Gospels, students will gain concepts from colorful and purposedriven assignments. The appealing assorted topics contain rewarding and relevant information for every student. Students will get an intuitive look at the Bible by studying the Bible, its writers, and the sufferings of Christ. Packed with practicality, assignments include personal evangelism, examining God’s will, and knowing your gifts.

Students will circle the earth in a fun, appealing format with Switched-On 9th Grade History & Geography! Lessons connect students with far away lands and exciting places with informative and interesting geography studies. This course highlights civics by discussing U.S. government, state and local governments, and citizenship. Practical information such as being responsible, planning a career, and developing Christian character is also taught.

Switched-On Schoolhouse 2008 Edition SOS 0915 9th Grade 5-Subject Set

New Testament Survey SOS 900B Bible

Civics & World Geography SOS 900H History & Geography

Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today!



Introduction to The New Testament The Gospels The Acts of the Apostles The Pauline Epistles The General Epistles The Revelation of Jesus Christ Biblical Literature: Job & Suffering How to Share Christ with Your Friends God’s Will for Your Life Review

The Earth and Man The Tools of the Geographer Regions of the World The Heritage of the United States Our National Government State and Local Government Citizenship Man’s Responsibility Responsibility to the Future: Planning a Career Man in a Changing World

See page 9 for details.



Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

Switched-On Science

Switched-On Language Arts

Want students to look forward to learning algebra? With Switched-On 9th Grade Math’s encouraging and rewarding environment, students will! Watch students grow and learn algebra by studying algebraic fractions, radical expressions, and graphing. Put the stress of explaining those difficult concepts behind you! This course is simply perfect at helping teachers explain difficult problems. Also taught are algebraic systems and quadratic equations.

Are your students tired of those dry textbooks? Switched-On 9th Grade Science is an exciting course that lets students tap deeper into the world of physics in a fun interactive way. Students will learn key scientific concepts in a fresh approach to learning that will fine-tune their grasp of physics! They will not only learn the laws of nature; but also experience a sense of accomplishment as they complete lessons. Additional innovative topics include body health, oceanography, and astronomy.

Switched-On 9th Grade Language Arts provides a computer-enhanced learning curriculum perfect for parents and students alike! Parents can emphasize the importance of using words to build powerful sentences that correctly convey meaning. Students learn comprehensive topics about drama, paragraphs, listening, visual aids, and reading to recognize patterns. Information about the library and the novel are also included. The books Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and The Miracle Worker are required readers that are included.

Algebra I SOS 900M Mathematics

Physical Science II SOS 900S Science

Elements of Literature: Structure & Language SOS 900L Language Arts* $74.95

Variables & Numbers Solving Equations & Inequalities Problem Analysis & Solution Polynomials Factors Algebraic Fractions Radical Expressions Graphing Systems Quadratic Equations & Review



Our Atomic World Volume, Mass, & Density Physical Geology Historical Geology Oceanography Astronomy Body Health (1) Body Health (2) Science & Tomorrow Review

Grade 9

Switched-On Mathematics

The Structure of Language Nature of Language Words and Writing Language in Literature Reading with Skill Enhancing Reading Skills & Poetic Understanding Communication The Library and Drama Studies in the Novel Review *Includes required readers:

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea & The Miracle Worker

Distance Learning Option

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 9

LIFEPAC 5-Subject Set


LIFEPAC History & Geography

Get an entire year’s curriculum at once and save! The LIFEPAC 9th Grade 5-subject Set contains five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math. Each subject contains ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. This engaging curriculum set creates a solid educational foundation with colorful self-paced worktexts and diverse activities. It’s a stepby-step, comprehensive curriculum based on concept mastery, biblical integration, flexibility, and personalized instruction. Filled with motivating lessons, review questions, and tests, this curriculum will give your student a complete, well-rounded education!

LIFEPAC 9th Grade Bible presents an exciting survey of the New Testament, beginning in the Gospels. The survey is presented with appealing illustrations that compliment the Bible lessons. This Bible course’s conceptto-concept approach helps students achieve mastery learning. Topics about personal evangelism, setting goals, knowing your gifts, as well as scripture memorization are also included in this course. The LIFEPAC 9th Grade Bible curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

With LIFEPAC 9th Grade History & Geography, students will learn about governmental branches, man’s development of the earth, man’s responsibility to his environment, and world regions. Students will grow academically and feel rewarded as they complete each motivating worktext. Practical personal information, such as Christian character, is also taught. The LIFEPAC 9th Grade History & Geography curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC LCS 0900 9th Grade 5-Subject Set Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

New Testament Survey / Sharing Christ / God’s Will BIB 0915 9th Grade Bible Set $51.95 BIB 0901 The New Testament $4.20 BIB 0902 The Gospels $4.20 BIB 0903 The Acts of the Apostles $4.20 BIB 0904 The Pauline Epistles $4.20 BIB 0905 General Epistles $4.20 BIB 0906 The Revelation of Jesus Christ $4.20 BIB 0907 Job & Suffering $4.20 BIB 0908 How to Share Christ $4.20 BIB 0909 God’s Will for My Life $4.20 BIB 0910 The Walk with Christ $4.20 BIB 0920 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 BIB 0900 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

Civics, Careers, & World Geography HIS 0915 9th Grade Hist/Geo Set HIS 0901 United States Heritage HIS 0902 Our National Government HIS 0903 State and Local Government HIS 0904 Planning a Career HIS 0905 Citizenship HIS 0906 The Earth and Man HIS 0907 Regions of the World HIS 0908 Man and His Environment HIS 0909 Tools of the Geographer HIS 0910 Man in a Changing World HIS 0920 Teacher’s Guide HIS 0900 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today!


See page 9 for details.


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00


LIFEPAC Language Arts

Students will love learning algebra with engaging LIFEPAC 9th Grade Math! This hands-on course has a concept-by-concept approach to learning that will fine-tune students’ grasp of algebra! Students will not only learn graphing, determinants, and quadratic equations, but will also feel rewarded as they complete each worktext lesson. The LIFEPAC 9th Grade Math curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide filled with detailed solutions for the problems. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

Engaging LIFEPAC 9th Grade Science focuses on geology physics, and body health. Its fun approach to learning helps students sharpen their understanding of physics! Students will not only learn the laws of nature, but will also be rewarded with a sense of accomplishment as they complete each worktext. Each unit contains section objectives, vocabulary words, along with question and answer sections. The LIFEPAC 9th Grade Science curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available. For an excellent video covering the experiments in this course, see page 111.

Engaging LIFEPAC 9th Grade Language Arts emphasizes the importance of using powerful sentences. Easy-to-understand lessons about drama, paragraphs, listening, visual aids, and reading to recognize patterns make mastery learning achievable in this self-paced course. The LIFEPAC 9th Grade Language Arts curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and The Miracle Worker are required readers included in the set and may also be purchased separately.

Algebra I MAT 0915 MAT 0901 MAT 0902 MAT 0903 MAT 0904 MAT 0905 MAT 0906 MAT 0907 MAT 0908 MAT 0909 MAT 0910 MAT 0920 MAT 0900

Physical Science II & Health SCI 0915 9th Grade Science Set SCI 0901 Our Atomic World SCI 0902 Volume, Mass, & Density SCI 0903 Physical Geology SCI 0904 Historical Geology SCI 0905 Body Health: Part One SCI 0906 Body Health: Part Two SCI 0907 Astronomy SCI 0908 Oceanography SCI 0909 Science & Tomorrow SCI 0910 Scientific Applications SCI 0920 Teacher’s Guide SCI 0900 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

Speaking, Vocabulary, Literature, & More LAN 0915 9th Grade Lan. Arts Set* $63.95 LAN 0901 The Structure of Language $4.20 LAN 0902 The Nature of Language $4.20 LAN 0903 Practical English $4.20 LAN 0904 Short Story Fundamentals $4.20 LAN 0905 Language in Literature $4.20 LAN 0906 Enhanced Reading Skills $4.20 LAN 0907 Communication $4.20 LAN 0908 Library and Drama $4.20 LAN 0909 Studies in the Novel $4.20 LAN 0910 Looking Back $4.20 LAN 0920 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 LAN 0900 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00 *Includes required readers:

9th Grade Math Set Variables & Numbers Solving Equations Problem Analysis & Solution Polynomials Algebraic Factors Algebraic Fractions Radical Expressions Graphing Systems Quadratic Equations & Review Teacher’s Guide Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

$56.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $16.95 $41.00

$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

Distance Learning Option

Grade 9

LIFEPAC Mathematics

The Miracle Worker & 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 10

Switched-On 5-Subject Set

Switched-On Bible

Switched-On History & Geography

Save money and get an entire year’s curriculum in one box! The Switched-On Schoolhouse 10th Grade 5-subject Set conveniently combines five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math and costs less than ordering each subject separately. With this computer-based curriculum, your student will build knowledge in a fun, interactive learning environment. Exciting multimedia tools, such as video clips and learning games are included to capture your student’s interest. Plus, it includes time-saving administration features like automatic lesson planning and grading!

Switched-On 10th Grade Bible surveys the Old Testament by reviewing the chronicles of Christianity. Students will strengthen their Bible knowledge by re-examining stories and reiterating past lessons. This course also gives students a firm foundation for Christ-centered living. Additional topics cover King Saul and David, Jeremiah to Ezekiel, and Daniel to Nehemiah. This course also overviews the Divided Kingdom of Israel, the Rebuilding of the Temple, and Jerusalem.

Created to give students a rich and culturefilled understanding of the past, Switched-On 10th Grade History & Geography features major highlights in World History. Students glean facts from colorful lessons about early civilizations, the Middle Ages, and world empires. Students will also be intrigued by lessons about the English, French, and American Revolutions; the English and United States’ Industrial Revolutions; the World Wars; and much more!

Switched-On Schoolhouse 2008 Edition SOS 1015 10th Grade 5-Subject Set

Old Testament Survey SOS 1000B Bible

World History SOS 1000H History & Geography

Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today!



Creation to Abraham Abraham through Joseph The Exodus & the Wilderness Israel in Canaan The Judges & Spiritual Decline The Kingdom The Divided Kingdom The Remaining Kingdom The Captivity The Restoration

See page 9 for details.


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

Ancient Civilizations I Ancient Civilizations II The Medieval World Renaissance & Reformation Growth of World Empires The Age of Revolution The Industrial Revolution Two World Wars The Contemporary World Ancient Times to the Present


Grade 10

Switched-On Mathematics

Switched-On Science

Switched-On Language Arts

Switched-On 10th Grade Math will give students a solid foundation in geometry by exploring the amazing different shapes that God has created! Students will study shapes and focus on the deeper dimensions of their real-world use and purpose. Rich and rewarding, this course offers an individualbased, step-by-step learning system! Other topics covered are congruent triangles, quadrilaterals, similar polygons, and circles.

Students will discover a new way to look at the structure of life and biology with SwitchedOn 10th Grade Science! Using cutting edge technology, this course’s motivating and innovative lessons are flexible, convenient, and content-refined. Students will gain a new understanding of God’s astonishing system of renewal and growth! Human anatomy and physiology, genetics, chromosomes, ecology, and cell reproduction are also covered. Parents will also love this easy-to-use curriculum which has flexible lesson planning.

Want to build students’ imaginations? You can with Switched-On 10th Grade Language Arts! This course is full of illustrated stories that teach long-lasting lessons relevant to students. Focusing on different literary genres, students will learn about the short story, the novel and novelist, drama development, and the meaning of poetry. Included are exciting and attention-grabbing short stories such as “The Lady or the Tiger?” and “Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”. In His Steps is a required reader for this course and is included.

Geometry SOS 1000M Mathematics

Biology SOS 1000S Science

Literary Genres: Effective Writing SOS 1000L Language Arts*

Introduction Logic Angles & Parallels Congruent Triangles & Quadrilaterals Similar Polygons Circles Area & Volume Coordinate Geometry Transformations Geometry Review



Taxonomy: Key to Organization Basis of Life Microbiology Cells Plants: Green Factories Human Anatomy & Physiology Genetics: God’s Plan of Inheritance Cell Division & Reproduction Ecology, Pollution, & Energy Principles & Applications of Biology


Language Structure Writing Effective Sentences Writing & Reading Skills Speaking & Listening The Development of English The Short Story Studies in the Novel Drama Poetry Looking Back *Includes required reader: In His Steps

Distance Learning Option

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 10

LIFEPAC History & Geography

LIFEPAC 5-Subject Set


Get an entire year’s curriculum at once and save! The LIFEPAC 10th Grade 5-subject Set contains five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math. Each subject contains ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. This engaging curriculum set creates a solid educational foundation with colorful self-paced worktexts and diverse activities. It’s a stepby-step, comprehensive curriculum based on concept mastery, biblical integration, flexibility, and personalized instruction. Filled with motivating lessons, review questions, and tests, this curriculum will give your student a complete, well-rounded education!

LIFEPAC 10th Grade Bible strengthens students’ Bible knowledge by focusing on the Old Testament. Worktexts, filled with helpful illustrations, entertain as they explain about the first descendants of the Bible and the beginnings of Christianity. Section objectives, question and answer activities, and tests are integrated throughout the worktexts. Students can learn independently and master topics with confidence. The LIFEPAC 10th Grade Bible curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC 10th Grade History & Geography gives students a rich, culture-filled understanding of the past, by featuring highlights in World History. Students will learn concept-by-concept with a selfpaced worktext curriculum filled with practice exercises, fun activities, and tests. Self-explanatory lessons make masterylearning easy as students study about early civilizations, the Middle Ages, world empires, the Revolutions, and much more! The LIFEPAC 10th Grade History & Geography curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC LCS 1000 10th Grade 5-Subject Set Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

Old Testament Survey BIB 1015 10th Grade Bible Set BIB 1001 Creation to Abraham BIB 1002 Abraham to Moses BIB 1003 Exodus & Wanderings BIB 1004 Israel in Canaan BIB 1005 The Judges & Spiritual Decline BIB 1006 The Kingdom BIB 1007 The Divided Kingdom BIB 1008 The Remaining Kingdom BIB 1009 The Captivity BIB 1010 The Restoration BIB 1020 Teacher’s Guide BIB 1000 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

Ancient & Western History HIS 1015 10th Grade Hist/Geo Set HIS 1001 Ancient Civilizations I HIS 1002 Ancient Civilizations II HIS 1003 The Medieval World HIS 1004 Renaissance & Reformation HIS 1005 Growth of World Empires HIS 1006 The Age of Revolution HIS 1007 The Industrial Revolution HIS 1008 Two World Wars HIS 1009 The Contemporary World HIS 1010 Ancient Times to the Present HIS 1020 Teacher’s Guide HIS 1000 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today!


$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

See page 9 for details.


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00


LIFEPAC Language Arts

Students will shape up in geometry with LIFEPAC 10th Grade Math! Rich and rewarding, this course offers an individualized, step-bystep learning format about shapes! Lessons about circles, tangents, angles, triangles, area and volume, and points are also included. Engaging worktexts are filled with easy-tofollow lessons and applicable illustrations. The LIFEPAC 10th Grade Math curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide that includes detailed solutions for the problems. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

The amazing structure of life and biology is the focus of LIFEPAC 10th Grade Science. In this exciting high school course, human anatomy and physiology, genetics, biology, along with cell division and reproduction are taught. Engaging worktexts are filled with easy-to-understand lessons, diverse activities, question and answer sections, and applicable illustrations. The LIFEPAC 10th Grade Science curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available. For an excellent video covering the experiments in this course, see page 111.

LIFEPAC 10th Grade Language Arts focuses on different literary genres. Students will learn about the short story, the novel and novelist, drama development, and the meaning of poetry. Students will read poetry and classic stories which are integrated into the text to develop an appreciation for literary styles. The LIFEPAC 10th Grade Language Arts curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available. In His Steps is a required reader and is included in the set and also sold separately.

Geometry MAT 1015 MAT 1001 MAT 1002 MAT 1003 MAT 1004 MAT 1005 MAT 1006 MAT 1007 MAT 1008 MAT 1009 MAT 1010 MAT 1020 MAT 1000

Biology SCI 1015 SCI 1001 SCI 1002 SCI 1003 SCI 1004 SCI 1005 SCI 1006 SCI 1007 SCI 1008 SCI 1009 SCI 1010 SCI 1020 SCI 1000

Speaking, Vocabulary, Literature, & More LAN 1015 10th Grade Lan. Arts Set* $55.95 LAN 1001 The Development of English $4.20 LAN 1002 Listening & Speaking $4.20 LAN 1003 Writing Sentences $4.20 LAN 1004 The Power of Words $4.20 LAN 1005 Elements of Composition $4.20 LAN 1006 Structure & Reading $4.20 LAN 1007 Oral Reading & Drama $4.20 LAN 1008 The Short Story $4.20 LAN 1009 The Novel: In His Steps $4.20 LAN 1010 Looking Back $4.20 LAN 1020 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 LAN 1000 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00 *Includes required reader.

10th Grade Math Set A Mathematical System Proof Angle Relationships & Parallels Congruency Similar Polygons Circles Construction & Locus Area & Volume Coordinate Geometry Geometry Review Teacher’s Guide Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

$56.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $13.56 $41.00

10th Grade Science Set Taxonomy Basis of Life Microbiology Cells Plants: Green Factories Human Anatomy & Physiology Genetics & Inheritance Cell Division & Reproduction Ecology, Pollution, & Energy Applications of Biology Teacher’s Guide Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

Grade 10

LIFEPAC Mathematics

Distance Learning Option

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 11

Switched-On 5-Subject Set

Switched-On Bible

Switched-On History & Geography

Save money and get an entire year’s curriculum in one box! The Switched-On Schoolhouse 11th Grade 5-subject Set conveniently combines five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math and costs less than ordering each subject separately. With this computer-based curriculum, your student will build knowledge in a fun, interactive learning environment. Exciting multimedia tools, such as video clips and learning games are included to capture your student’s interest. Plus, it includes time-saving administration features like automatic lesson planning and grading!

Delving into the ancient past, Switched-On 11th Grade Bible examines the lives of Christians during the tumultuous period of the Roman Empire. Students will develop an appreciation for their religious heritage as they look at the faithfulness of Christ’s followers under persecution. Students will also recognize the importance of Christians’ role in history. This course also teaches about the Roman Church, the Nation of Israel, the Deity of Christ, the formation of the Bible, and provides an in-depth study on friendship, dating, and marriage.

Reviewing the basics of American History, Switched-On 11th Grade History & Geography re-examines previous lessons in a broader application. With this course, students will review events such as World War II, the Korean and Vietnam conflicts, Kennedy’s assassination, and 9/11. Valuable information about the Constitution, government parties, and American regions are also covered. Other topics include recent events like Hurricane Katrina, the War in Iraq and Saddam’s Trial, updates on Pluto and the Space Shuttle program, and more!

Switched-On Schoolhouse 2008 Edition SOS 1115 11th Grade 5-Subject Set

Doctrine & Application SOS 1100B Bible

U.S. History SOS 1100H History & Geography

Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today!



The Faithfulness of God Romans (1) Romans (2) The Doctrine of Jesus Christ The Nation of Israel The History of the Canon Friendship, Dating, and Marriage The Pursuit of Happiness Apologetics Review

Foundations of the American Republic Development of Constitutional Government National Expansion A Nation Divided A Nation Divided & United United States Involvement at Home & Abroad The Search for Peace A Nation at War Contemporary America United States History Review

See page 9 for details.



Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

Switched-On Science

Switched-On Language Arts

Switched-On 11th Grade Math simplifies advanced algebra. Students will grasp tough lessons with this award-winning curriculum that breaks down questions for easier understanding. Exciting lessons cover exponential functions, counting principles, linear equations, quadratic relations, real numbers, and other algebraic concepts. As students understand concepts with this user-friendly, media-enriched course, their confidence in math will soar.

Teaching chemistry has never been easier! Switched-On 11th Grade Science takes the guesswork and mystery out of understanding more advanced chemistry procedures. Filled with uncomplicated explanations and easy-to-understand facts, this course gives students capability without complexity. Students will learn estimation, measurement, carbon chemistry, equilibrium systems, the periodic table of elements, atomic structure, and more. Stimulating experiments will teach students important chemistry concepts and keep their undivided attention!

While reviewing in-depth grammar rules, Switched-On 11th Grade Language Arts teaches the uses and varieties of the English language. Grammar topics include: nonstandard English, clauses and phrases, verbals, participles, and conjunctions. Students will also be introduced to the drama and the novel as they explore American writing and other writing styles. Required readers include the play Our Town and the novel The Old Man and the Sea. These books are included.

Algebra II SOS 1100M Mathematics

Chemistry SOS 1100S Science

American Literature: Research & Reports SOS 1100L Language Arts* $74.95


Set, Structure, & Function Numbers, Sentences, & Problems Linear Equations & Inequalities Polynomials Algebraic Fractions Real Numbers Quadratic Relations & Systems Exponential Functions Counting Principles Review


Estimate & Measurement Elements, Compounds, & Mixtures Gases & Moles Atomic Structure & Periodicity Molecular Structure Chemical Reactions, Rates, & Equilibrium Equilibrium Systems Carbon Chemistry: Hydrocarbons Carbon Chemistry: Functional Groups Chemistry Review

Grade 11

Switched-On Mathematics

The Uses & Varieties of English Writing Effective Sentences Sentence Workshop Why Study Reading? Poetry Nonfiction American Drama Studies in the American Novel Research Reviewing Communication Skills & Literature *Includes required readers: Our Town & The Old Man and the Sea

Distance Learning Option

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 11

LIFEPAC History & Geography

LIFEPAC 5-Subject Set


Get an entire year’s curriculum at once and save! The LIFEPAC 11th Grade 5-subject Set contains five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math. Each subject contains ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. This engaging curriculum set creates a solid educational foundation with colorful self-paced worktexts and diverse activities. It’s a stepby-step, comprehensive curriculum based on concept mastery, biblical integration, flexibility, and personalized instruction. Filled with motivating lessons, review questions, and tests, this curriculum will give your student a complete, well-rounded education!

Students will examine the life and times of Christians during the Roman Empire with LIFEPAC 11th Grade Bible. Roman emperors and Paul’s missionary journeys come alive with exciting detail as students complete each colorful worktext. Practical topics like friendship, dating, and marriage are also discussed. Scripture memorization, question and answer sections, and tests are part of each fun-filled worktext. The LIFEPAC 11th Grade Bible curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC 11th Grade History & Geography reviews America’s dynamic past. Filled with interesting lessons and colorful illustrations, this course comprehensively discusses U.S. History, from America’s birth to present day. Each lesson contains section objectives, vocabulary words, question and answer sections, and tests to solidify comprehension. The LIFEPAC 11th Grade History & Geography curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC LCS 1100 11th Grade 5-Subject Set Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

Seven Major Themes BIB 1115 11th Grade Bible Set $51.95 BIB 1101 The Faithfulness of God $4.20 BIB 1102 Romans: Part One $4.20 BIB 1103 Romans: Part Two $4.20 BIB 1104 The Doctrine of Jesus Christ $4.20 BIB 1105 The Nation of Israel $4.20 BIB 1106 The History of the Canon $4.20 BIB 1107 Friendship, Dating, and Marriage $4.20 BIB 1108 The Pursuit of Happiness $4.20 BIB 1109 Apologetics $4.20 BIB 1110 God, His Word, and the Christian Life $4.20 BIB 1120 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 BIB 1100 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

U.S. History HIS 1115 11th Grade Hist/Geo Set $51.95 HIS 1101 Foundations of Democracy $4.20 HIS 1102 Constitutional Government $4.20 HIS 1103 National Expansion $4.20 HIS 1104 A Nation Divided $4.20 HIS 1105 A Nation United Again $4.20 HIS 1106 U.S. Involvement at Home and Abroad $4.20 HIS 1107 The Search for Peace $4.20 HIS 1108 A Nation at War $4.20 HIS 1109 Contemporary America $4.20 HIS 1110 United States History $4.20 HIS 1120 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 HIS 1100 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today!


See page 9 for details.


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time


LIFEPAC Language Arts

With LIFEPAC 11th Grade Math, students can master advanced algebra! This course’s concept-by-concept approach and clearly written lessons make comprehension easy. The guesswork is taken out of understanding exponential functions, counting principles, real numbers, and more. Students will build their knowledge of math with this easy-tounderstand algebra course. The LIFEPAC 11th Grade Math curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide that includes detailed solutions for the problems. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC 11th Grade Science presents uncomplicated explanations of exciting chemistry procedures. Students can work independently because this engaging course takes the mystery out of understanding more advanced chemical processes! Easy-to-grasp lessons will build your student’s knowledge in estimation, measurement, basic chemical units, and equilibrium systems. The LIFEPAC 11th Grade Science curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

While reviewing in-depth grammar rules, LIFEPAC 11th Grade Language Arts helps teach English usage and variety in a conceptby-concept format. Grammar covered in this exciting course includes nonstandard English, clauses and phrases, verbals, participles, and conjunctions. Students will also explore American writing and other writing styles. The LIFEPAC 11th Grade Language Arts curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available. Our Town and The Old Man and the Sea are required readers that are included in the set and sold separately.

Algebra II MAT 1115 MAT 1101 MAT 1102 MAT 1103 MAT 1104 MAT 1105 MAT 1106 MAT 1107 MAT 1108 MAT 1109 MAT 1110 MAT 1120 MAT 1100

Chemistry SCI 1115 11th Grade Science Set SCI 1101 Introduction to Chemistry SCI 1102 Basic Chemical Units SCI 1103 Gases and Moles SCI 1104 Atomic Models SCI 1105 Chemical Formulas SCI 1106 Chemical Reactions SCI 1107 Equilibrium Systems SCI 1108 Hydrocarbons SCI 1109 Carbon Chemistry SCI 1110 Chemistry Review SCI 1120 Teacher’s Guide SCI 1100 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

Speaking, Vocabulary, Literature, & More LAN 1115 11th Grade Lan. Arts Set* $71.95 LAN 1101 Uses and Varieties of English $4.20 LAN 1102 Effective Sentences $4.20 LAN 1103 Sentence Workshop $4.20 LAN 1104 Why Study Reading? $4.20 LAN 1105 Poetry $4.20 LAN 1106 Nonfiction $4.20 LAN 1107 American Drama: Our Town $4.20 LAN 1108 American Novel $4.20 LAN 1109 Research and Composition $4.20 LAN 1110 Looking Back $4.20 LAN 1120 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 LAN 1100 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00 *Includes required readers.

11th Grade Math Set $56.95 Sets, Structure, and Function $4.20 Numbers, Sentences, Problems $4.20 Linear Equations and Inequalities $4.20 Polynomials $4.20 Radical Expressions $4.20 Real Numbers $4.20 Quadratic Relations and Systems $4.20 Exponential Functions $4.20 Counting Principles $4.20 Algebra II Review $4.20 Teacher’s Guide $16.95 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

Grade 11

LIFEPAC Mathematics

Distance Learning Option

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 12

Switched-On History & Geography

Switched-On 5-Subject Set

Switched-On Bible

Save money and get an entire year’s curriculum in one box! The Switched-On Schoolhouse 12th Grade 5-subject Set conveniently combines five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math and costs less than ordering each subject separately. With this computer-based curriculum, your student will build knowledge in a fun, interactive learning environment. Exciting multimedia tools, such as video clips and learning games are included to capture your student’s interest. Plus, it includes time-saving administration features like automatic lesson planning and grading!

With Switched-On 12th grade Bible students will learn more about the themselves and the amazing difference they can make for Christ. Packed with wisdom and guidance, this interactive course helps prepare high school students for life after graduation. Students will glean from captivating lessons about the attributes of God, world religions, spiritual gifts, and practical Christian living. Additional topics, including ministry options and biblical literature, give students a rock solid foundation for their future.

Switched-On 12th Grade History & Geography delves into the history of governments and how they affected societies throughout the world. Students are taught the basics of working and trading within an economic system, budgeting and financing, personal banking, currency terms, economic definitions, and how to interact in business and in the stock market. Invest in your students’ futures with this exciting and interactive course!

Switched-On Schoolhouse 2008 Edition SOS 1215 12th Grade 5-Subject Set

Essentials for Christian Service SOS 1200B Bible

Government & Economics SOS 1200H History & Geography

Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today!



Knowing Yourself Knowing about Christian Ministries Making Your Choice of a Christian Ministry Godhead The Attributes of God: Holiness & Goodness The Epistles of James and John Biblical Literature (Daniel) Comparative Religions Wisdom for Today’s Youth Practical Christian Living

International Governments United States Government American Party System History of Governments The Christian and His Government Free Enterprise Business and You The Stock Market Budget and Finance Banking International Issues

See page 9 for details.



Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

Switched-On Science

Switched-On Language Arts

Give students an assertive, positive attitude toward calculus with Switched-On 12th Grade Math! This course will conquer anxiety with easy-to-understand instructions and visually-appealing lessons. Students will grasp calculus operations as they study inverse trigonometric functions, polar coordinates, quadratic equations, and probability. Because this course builds a solid understanding of calculus, it is a great preparatory course for college math classes!

Are your students’ physics lessons static? Charge them up with Switched-On 12th Grade Science! Interesting lessons are written clearly so students can learn relevant information easily. Packed with fascinating facts, this course will spark your students’ imaginations and expand their scientific understanding. Topics range from static electricity, to magnetism, to atomic and nuclear physics. This all-inclusive course might be the best investment you’ll ever make for teaching students physics!

Switched-On 12th Grade Language Arts focuses on British authors and their written works. Students will study cultivating and illuminating literature such as Beowulf, Canterbury Tales, Paradise Lost, Hamlet and sonnets; as well as dive into a diverse array of inspiring poems by Shakespeare, Tennyson, and others. Literary genres and creative writing techniques are also taught in this fun-filled course. Hamlet is a required reader that is included and also sold separately.

Advanced Math & Trigonometry SOS 1200M Mathematics

Physics SOS 1200S Science

British Literature: Structure of Language & Poetry SOS 1200L Language Arts* $74.95


Relations & Functions Functions Trigonometric Fractions Circular Functions & their Graphs Identities & Functions of Multiple Angles Application of Trigonometric Functions Inverse Trigonometric Functions & Polar Coordinates Quadratic Equations Probability Calculus & Review


Kinematics Dynamics Work & Energy Introduction to Waves Light Static Electricity Electric Currents Magnetism Atomic & Nuclear Physics Review

Grade 12

Switched-On Mathematics

The Worth of Words The Structure of Language Reading, Researching, and Listening Skills Language: God’s Gift to Man Medieval English Literature Elizabethan Literature 17th-18th Century English Literature Romantic and Victorian Poetry Creative Writing Review *Includes required reader: Hamlet

Distance Learning Option

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

Order Online 24/7 at


Grade 12

LIFEPAC 5-Subject Set


LIFEPAC History & Geography

Get an entire year’s curriculum at once and save! The LIFEPAC 12th Grade 5-subject Set contains five core subjects: Bible, History & Geography, Science, Language Arts, and Math. Each subject contains ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. This engaging curriculum set creates a solid educational foundation with colorful self-paced worktexts and diverse activities. It’s a stepby-step, comprehensive curriculum based on concept mastery, biblical integration, flexibility, and personalized instruction. Filled with motivating lessons, review questions, and tests, this curriculum will give your student a complete, well-rounded education!

With LIFEPAC 12th Grade Bible, students will learn how they can make a unique difference for Christ. Preparing young adults for the world, this course is perfect for learning about personality traits, understanding individual’s roles, and living a Christian life in today’s world. Scripture memorization, diverse question sections, and tests are integrated throughout the worktexts filled with colorful illustrations. The LIFEPAC 12th Grade Bible curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

Focusing on different types of government, LIFEPAC 12th Grade History & Geography shows the reason for law and order in society. After learning in-depth details about leadership, students also study the basics of working and trading within an economic system. Lessons about budgeting and financing, personal banking, and currency terms are also integrated. The LIFEPAC 12th Grade History & Geography curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC LCS 1200 12th Grade 5-Subject Set Bible History & Geography Science Language Arts Mathematics

Seven Major Themes BIB 1215 12th Grade Bible Set BIB 1201 Knowing Yourself BIB 1202 Christian Ministry BIB 1203 Choosing a Ministry BIB 1204 The Trinity BIB 1205 Attributes of God BIB 1206 The Epistles of James and John BIB 1207 Daniel BIB 1208 Comparative Religions BIB 1209 Wisdom BIB 1210 The Christian BIB 1220 Teacher’s Guide BIB 1200 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

Government & Economics HIS 1215 12th Grade Hist/Geo Set $51.95 HIS 1201 Introduction to Governments $4.20 HIS 1202 United States Government $4.20 HIS 1203 American Party System $4.20 HIS 1204 The History of Governments $4.20 HIS 1205 The Christian and Government $4.20 HIS 1206 Free Enterprise $4.20 HIS 1207 Business and You $4.20 HIS 1208 The Stock Market $4.20 HIS 1209 Budget and Finance $4.20 HIS 1210 Geography and Review $4.20 HIS 1220 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 HIS 1200 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

FREE Tutoring! Families who purchase this curriculum set receive more – a FREE 15-minute trial session of Tutoring with one of our qualified academic advisors. Take advantage of this great value today!


$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

See page 9 for details.


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time


LIFEPAC Language Arts

With LIFEPAC 12th Grade Math, students are given a comprehensive study of advanced math, trigonometry, and pre-calculus. Easy-tounderstand instructions ease anxiety and give students an assertive, positive attitude toward calculus. Packed with valuable information, this course, which covers functions and identities, is a great preparatory course for college math classes. The LIFEPAC 12th Grade Math curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide that includes detailed solutions for the problems. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

Motivating LIFEPAC 12th Grade Science incorporates biblical truths in its comprehensive study of physics! This exciting course, with its easy-to-follow worktext format, covers atomic and nuclear physics, theories, and reactions. Students will study appealing topics such as gravity, Newton’s and Kepler’s Laws of Motion, electric fields, and radiation. This all-inclusive physics course contains section objectives, vocabulary words, and more! The LIFEPAC 12th Grade Science curriculum has ten separate worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC 12th Grade Language Arts focuses on rich and interesting British Literature. Color illustrated worktexts inspire students as they study Beowulf, Canterbury Tales, Paradise Lost, and sonnets. Students will also dive into a diverse array of poems by Shakespeare, Byron, Shelley, Keats, Tennyson, and more! Creative writing techniques are also taught in this exciting course. The LIFEPAC 12th Grade Language Arts curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available. Hamlet is a required reader and is included in the set and also sold separately.

Functions & Trigonometry MAT 1215 12th Grade Math Set MAT 1201 Relations and Functions MAT 1202 Special Functions MAT 1203 Trigonometric Functions MAT 1204 Circular Functions and Graphs MAT 1205 Identities and Functions MAT 1206 Trigonometric Functions MAT 1207 Inverse Trigonometric Functions MAT 1208 Quadratic Equations MAT 1209 Probability MAT 1210 Calculus and Review MAT 1220 Teacher’s Guide MAT 1200 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

Physics SCI 1215 SCI 1201 SCI 1202 SCI 1203 SCI 1204 SCI 1205 SCI 1206 SCI 1207 SCI 1208 SCI 1209 SCI 1210 SCI 1220 SCI 1200

Speaking, Vocabulary, Literature, & More LAN 1215 12th Grade Lan. Arts Set* $56.95 LAN 1201 The Worth of Words $4.20 LAN 1202 The Structure of Language $4.20 LAN 1203 Read, Research, and Listen $4.20 LAN 1204 The Gift of Language $4.20 LAN 1205 Medieval Literature $4.20 LAN 1206 Elizabethan Literature: Hamlet $4.20 LAN 1207 17th &18th Century Literature $4.20 LAN 1208 Writing: Short Story and Poetry $4.20 LAN 1209 Romantic and Victorian Poetry $4.20 LAN 1210 Language & English Lit. Review $4.20 LAN 1220 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 LAN 1200 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00 *Includes required reader.

$56.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $16.95 $41.00

12th Grade Science Set Kinematics Dynamics Work and Energy Waves Light Static Electricity Electrical Currents Magnetism Atomic and Nuclear Physics Kinematics to Nuclear Physics Teacher’s Guide Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

Grade 12

LIFEPAC Mathematics

Distance Learning Option

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

Order Online 24/7 at



Switched-On Spanish I

Switched-On Spanish II

Switched-On Elementary Spanish

With Switched-On Spanish I, students will develop and enhance Spanish speaking skills. Designed for interaction and with helpful learning techniques, this exciting course for grades 7-12 builds confidence as students practice dialogue. Students will also hear Spanish speakers pronounce vocabulary words and verb tenses. After completing this ten-unit course, students will be able to ask and answer basic questions and respond to simple statements.

Acclaimed Switched-On Spanish II for grades 7-12 is packed with easy-to-grasp, self-explanatory lessons for students. This exciting course uses common words found in everyday situations to give students applicable skills and language familiarity. This course also focuses on increasing language skills by teaching advanced Spanish grammar, such as parts of speech. After completing this ten-unit course, students will be able to read, write, and listen to more complex structures. Spanish cultural heritage is also covered.

Switched-On Elementary Spanish, an innovative course for grades 3-6, provides learning exercises and proven strategies to help beginner students learn Spanish easily. Filled with eye-catching visuals, fun exercises, and cultural insights, this five-unit course will keep young students engaged. Vocabulary, pronunciation, and listening and reading comprehension are effective learning techniques used to aid in speaking and to provide a solid groundwork for future lessons. No extra materials required.

Spanish I SOS SP1

Spanish II SOS SP2

Elementary Spanish SOS ESP


We’re Going to Mexico Personal Information Personal Information-Necessities Flight to Mexico What Happened? We Need Help? The Good Samaritan Let’s Eat! Are We There Yet? We Arrive at Last!


Study Spanish Everyday! Those Were the Days! Plan a Career! Suddenly Everything Changed! Tourism! Cuisine! Education! Health Is Everything! How Do They Live? Contrasting Cultures


Vocabulary Pronunciation Listening Comprehension Speaking Fluency Reading Comprehension

Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time



Switched-On Secondary Spanish

Switched-On Consumer Math

Switched-On Civics

Switched-On Secondary Spanish, a 12-unit introductory program for grades 7-12, is an exciting foreign language study that blends effective learning techniques and innovative technology. With an engaging learning format, this course helps students with pronunciation and vocabulary. Filled with memory enhancing aids and exciting adventures, this course teaches verb tense, pronouns, locations, plurals, action and auxiliary verbs, conjugations, irregular verbs, and listening comprehension. No extra materials required.

High school students will learn important money management skills with SwitchedOn Consumer Math! Packed with life-long practicality, this ten-unit course teaches students how to plan and organize personal finances. Interactive lessons review basic math concepts and teach students how to examine loans and credit cards. Useful topics such as taxes, insurance, and retirement are also discussed. Appropriate for students who have completed Algebra I and Geometry.

Want a civics course your students will love? Filled with attention-grabbing activities and colorful graphics, Switched-On Civics explains the foundations and structure of American government, state and local government, leadership roles, worldwide politics, the election process, economics, and comparative governments. Fun learning games are also included to aid comprehension in this one-semester course. For advanced junior high students and high school students.

Secondary Spanish SOS SSP

Consumer Math SOS CM

Civics SOS CV

Vocabulary Pronunciation Parts of speech Sentence patterns Translation Listening Comprehension Speaking Fluency Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Verb Tenses Pronouns Locations Plurals Action & Auxiliary Verbs Conjugations Irregular verbs Listening and Reading Comprehension



Basic Math Review Personal Finance Statistics Taxes & Insurance Banking Services & Investments Banking & Credit Costs Purchase & Sale of Goods Leisure, Travel, & Retirement Job-related Services Consumer Math Review


A New Nation The Constitution Branches of Government Government by the People Relationship to the World

Distance Learning Option

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

Order Online 24/7 at



Switched-On Elementary French

Switched-On Secondary French

Switched-On High School Health

Switched-On Elementary French, a beginner’s course, will captivate students with fun-filled lessons. Students become part of a jungle island adventure where they learn to speak and write French. Created for students in 3-6 grades, this five-unit course uses engaging learning formats to keep lessons fresh and appealing for all types of learners. Vocabulary, pronunciation, and listening and reading comprehension are all used in this flexible and self-paced program to aid in speaking. No extra materials required.

Switched-On Secondary French, a 12-unit introductory program for grades 7-12, is an exciting foreign language study. In this course, students become secret agents that must accomplish a mission by learning how to read, write, listen, and speak in French. This course includes numerous fun and interactive exercises to help students with pronunciation. Filled with adventures, this indepth course teaches verb tense, pronouns, locations, plurals, action and auxiliary verbs, conjugations, irregular verbs, and listening comprehension. No extra materials required.

Designed for grades 8-12, Switched-On High School Health delves into topics that affect maturing students. With topics applicable for adulthood, this five-unit course interweaves practical lessons about proper eating habits, social health, home safety, burns, immunizations, drug use and abuse, tobacco, and sexually transmitted diseases with accountable Christian living. This engaging, computer-based course is a perfect compliment to any curriculum!

Elementary French SOS EFR

Secondary French SOS SFR

High School Health SOS HH

Vocabulary Pronunciation Listening Comprehension Speaking Fluency Reading Comprehension



Vocabulary Pronunciation Parts of speech Sentence patterns Translation Listening Comprehension Speaking Fluency Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Verb Tenses Pronouns Locations Plurals Action & Auxiliary Verbs Conjugations Irregular verbs Listening and Reading Comprehension



Body Essential Physical Health Social & Mental Health Preventative Healthcare & First Aid Responsible Living

Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time


Switched-On Health Quest

Switched-On College Planner

Switched-On Physical Science

With Switched-On Health Quest, a five-unit course designed for grades 4-7, students will learn how to take care of their bodies. Students will study growth and adolescence, mental and emotional health, basic food groups, emergency planning, along with personal hygiene. Proper exercise techniques are also demonstrated! This fun-filled course is great for teaching elementary grade students the basics of health, human anatomy, and taking care of their environment.

Switched-On College Planer, a five-unit course, helps soon-to-be graduates evaluate and select options for their future. Students are guided in finding the right college, preparing for college entrance exams and applications, paying for college, and considering non-college options. Filled with step-by-step instructions and reminders to seek God’s will, this interactive course is a great prep course for high school students.

Get your child ready for chemistry and physics with Switched-On Physical Science! This unique elective course was created for students new to Switched-On at the 9th grade level or for those who have not previously completed Switched-On 8th or 9th grade Science. Through interesting lessons and experiments, this 10-unit course lays a foundation for future science studies by covering the fundamentals of science, atoms, molecules, elements, friction, energy, and more!

Health Quest SOS HQ

College Planner SOS CP

Physical Science SOS PHYS

Your Body Health Nutrition & Fitness Health Maintenance Stewardship



My Educational Future Choosing a College Entrance Exams & Applications Paying for College Non-college Options


Structure of Matter (Part 1) Structure of Matter (Part 2) Energy (Part 1) Energy (Part 2) Machines (Part 1) Machines (Part 2) Science and Technology Our Atomic World Volume, Mass, and Density Science and Tomorrow

Distance Learning Option

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

Order Online 24/7 at



Switched-On The Story of the Constitution

Switched-On Home Economics

Switched-On American Literature

With Switched-On The Story of the Constitution, students will follow the exciting steps that led to the birth and development of the U.S. Constitution, the supreme law of the United States. Students will discover the events and people which influenced the writing of the country’s most important document. This course, for grades 7-12, is ideal for students who want to understand the principles of the Constitution and how those principles apply to everyday life. Also presented is an in-depth look at the Amendments.

Students will learn how to keep a house with Switched-On Home Economics! This course has lessons on those necessary, everyday tasks your students will do throughout life. Created for grades 7-12, this one-year course also teaches about building Christian character, relationships, and more. Give students the homemaking skills they need along with an understanding of the importance of living a Christian life in the home. Practical steps on how to build solid financial skills are also covered.

Students will cover a variety of literary periods with Switched-On American Literature! Packed with enriching content, this course gives students a clear look at the beginning and development of written works in America. This one-semester course, for grades 7-12, is a perfect supplement to the SOS Language Arts curriculum. Filled with works from renowned American writers, this course covers Walt Whitman, Edgar Allen Poe, Emily Dickinson, Mark Twain, and much more! A required reader Our Town is sold separately on page 113.

The Story of the Constitution SOS CS

Home Economics SOS HE

American Literature SOS AM


The Colonies Struggle for Independence A New Nation Is Formed Writing & Ratifying The Constitution Preamble & Article I Articles II-VII Amendments I-XV Twentieth Century Amendments The Principles & Nature of Our Constitution


Christian Character & Appearance What’s Cookin’ Let’s Eat The Clothes You Wear The Clothes You Sew Interior Decorating Your Home and You Financial Freedom Children Development and Care Relationships



Early American Literature 1600-1800 Romantic Period 1800-1885 War & Reconciliation 1855-1865 The Modern Age 1915-1946 From Modern to Postmodern 1946-present Required Reader: Our Town

Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time


Switched-On British Literature

Switched-On State History

With Switched-On British Literature, students will explore the dynamic, rich world of British Literature! Packed with enriching content, this course gives students an indepth look at the beginning and development of written works in Great Britain. This one-semester course, for grades 7-12, is a perfect supplement to the SOS Language Arts curriculum. Filled with works from acclaimed British writers, this course covers William Shakespeare, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Robert Browning, and many more! Literary periods are also discussed.

Switched-On State History is filled with interesting facts about each state’s history, birth, and growth in the United States. Filled with informative exercises ideal for grades 7-12, these courses teach the unique and various differences of the individual fifty states. Because each State History is presented separately, students can gain an exclusive, focused look at every state in detail. This course is excellent at enhancing writing skills, applying math skills, and learning about businesses and resources!

British Literature SOS BL

State History

The Middle Ages The 16th Century The 17th & 18th Century The 19th Century The 20th Century

$44.95 SOSAL Alabama*


SOSMT Montana

SOSAK Alaska


SOSNE Nebraska


SOSAZ Arizona*


SOSNV Nevada


SOSAR Arkansas*


SOSNH New Hampshire


SOSCA California*


SOSNJ New Jersey


SOSCO Colorado*


SOSNM New Mexico


SOSCT Connecticut


SOSNY New York*


SOSDE Delaware


SOSNC North Carolina*





SOSND North Dakota


SOSGA Georgia*







SOSOK Oklahoma*





SOSOR Oregon





SOSPA Pennsylvania*









SOSSC South Carolina*

SOSKS Kansas*


SOSSD South Dakota


SOSKY Kentucky*


SOSTN Tennessee*


SOSLA Louisiana


SOSTX Texas*






SOSMD Maryland*


SOSVT Vermont


SOSMA Massachusetts


SOSVA Virginia*


SOSMI Michigan*


SOSWA Washington


SOSMN Minnesota


SOSWV West Virginia


SOSMS Mississippi


SOSWI Wisconsin*


SOSMO Missouri* *Revised in 2002


SOSWY Wyoming


Order Online 24/7 at

Rhode Island


$26.95 $26.95






Using a selection of LIFEPAC worktexts, LIFEPAC Select Sets were designed to provide alternative semester courses for junior high and high school students. These flexible sets work well as unit studies, supplementary electives, or for meeting various school or state requirements. Each set has 5 unit worktexts and a teacher’s guide and is equivalent to a half credit of study. Select sets feature Astronomy, Composition, Geography, Geology, Life of Christ, Life Science, and Mankind: Anthropology & Sociology. These worktexts were taken from LIFEPAC core subjects: Bible, Language Arts, History & Geography, and Science.

LIFEPAC Spanish I, a ten-unit course for grades 9-12, is filled with fun, creative lessons to teach students how to read, write, and speak the Spanish language. Through dialogue practice, students will learn Spanish vocabulary and basic word order. Printed materials emphasize reading comprehension and allow for writing practice. Audio CDs are required for listening and comprehension activities; they are available in a complete set, or separately for units 1-5 or units 6-10. LIFEPAC Spanish I has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

With newly revised LIFEPAC Spanish II, students will receive an intense review and an in-depth study of the Spanish language. Designed for grades 9-12, this ten-unit course focuses on dialogue practice and is packed with engaging, interactive lessons. This course also provides extensive practice in writing, listening, reading and writing comprehension. Audio CDs are required for listening and comprehension activities; they are available in a complete set, or separately for units 1-5 or units 6-10. LIFEPAC Spanish II has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC Select LIFEPAC Electives Select (Includes 5 LIFEPACs) ES 3010 Astronomy Set* $25.95 ES 3013 Composition Set* $25.95 ES 3015 Geography Set* $25.95 ES 3016 Geology Set* $25.95 ES 3017 Life of Christ Set* $25.95 ES 3018 Life Science Set* $25.95 ES 3019 Mankind: Anthropology & Sociology Set* $25.95 *Set price includes all LIFEPACs &

LIFEPAC Spanish I ES 9216 Spanish I Set with CDs EL 9201 Introduction EL 9202 In the School EL 9203 The Family and Home EL 9204 Around the Town EL 9205 Pastimes EL 9206 In the Restaurant EL 9207 Personal Care EL 9208 Traveling EL 9209 Idioms EL 9210 Lets Use Our Spanish EH 9200 Teacher’s Guide ES 9200 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only ED 9216 Spanish I CD Set ED 9201 CDs for LIFEPACs 1-5 ED 9206 CDs for LIFEPACs 6-10

LIFEPAC Spanish II ES 9916 Spanish II Set with CDs EL 9901 Grammar Review EL 9902 Forms of the Past Tenses EL 9903 Usages of the Past Tenses EL 9904 Possession & Present Participles EL 9905 Prepositions & Pronouns EL 9906 Comparisons & Negatives EL 9907 Future & Conditional Tenses EL 9908 Compound Tenses EL 9909 Adverbs & Commands EL 9910 Subjunctive Mood EH 9900 Teacher’s Guide ES 9900 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only ED 9916 Spanish II CD Set ED 9901 CDs for LIFEPACs 1-5 ED 9906 CDs for LIFEPACs 6-10

Teacher’s Guides. All sets are 1/2 credit.


$77.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $16.95 $41.00 $19.90 $9.95 $9.95

Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

$77.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $16.95 $41.00 $19.90 $9.95 $9.95


LIFEPAC High School Health

LIFEPAC Health Quest

LIFEPAC High School Health, designed for grades 8-12, teaches health from a Christian perspective. This five-unit course emphasizes more than having good eating habits and regular exercise; it also teaches spiritual, emotional, social, and environmental well-being. In addition, this course focuses on building a responsible attitude toward living and avoiding substance abuse. LIFEPAC High School Health has five worktexts and a teacher’s guide that may be purchased individually.

LIFEPAC Health Quest teaches students how to maintain a healthy body and attitude in today’s world. Ranging in a variety of applicable topics, this informative course covers body framework, emotional disorders, the basic food groups, safety and emergency care, drugs, alcohol, and smoking. This informative five-unit course is designed for grades 4-7. LIFEPAC Health Quest has five worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A supplementary Health Quest poster is included in the set.

LIFEPAC High School Health ES 9715 High School Health Set $36.95 EL 9701 Body Essentials $4.20 EL 9702 Physical Health $4.20 EL 9703 Social and Mental Health $4.20 EL 9704 Preventive Healthcare and First Aid $4.20 EL 9705 Responsible Living $4.20 EH 9700 Teacher’s Guide $16.95

LIFEPAC Health Quest ES 9615 Health Quest Set EL 9601 Physical Health EL 9602 Mental Health EL 9603 Nutrition and Food Groups EL 9604 Safety and Disease Prevention EL 9605 Stewardship of God’s Creation EH 9600 Teacher’s Guide EP 9600 Health Quest Poster

“My husband and I are so happy that we decided to homeschool our children. We feel that they are receiving the best education possible with AOP curriculum. Our children enjoy their home education. Our son especially enjoys it, since he remembers what it was like in school: noisy classrooms, not enough individual time with teachers, bullies, etc.”

$39.45 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $16.95 $2.50

Yvonne S., Michigan

First Aid for Kids Teaches first-aid tricks, how to respond in emergency situations, when to call for help, and how to prevent injuries. Ages 9 and up. ER 2013


Foreign Language Flashcards with Audio CDs This powerful and award-winning vocabulary resource provides students with over 200 noun or verb cards in 6 languages. Audio CDs provide translation and practice for each word in each language. Use them as simple flashcards for easy learning or play games with others using the directions enclosed with each box. Laminated for durability and containing bright, colorful pictures, these oversized cards are sure to find a permanent place in your family library. PFN 500 Noun


PFV 500 Verb


PFC 2PK Noun & Verb Set (Save 5.00!)


Order Online 24/7 at


Electives 96

LIFEPAC Drawing Basics®

LIFEPAC Home Economics


Want an engaging art course your students will love? Try the best-selling LIFEPAC Drawing Basics course, a comprehensive, easy-to-follow art class featuring renowned artist Thomas Kinkade! This top-selling course teaches students the principles of design and art history with an engaging tutorial DVD or video. From simple lines to final details, students will learn how to draw the world around them! Created for grades 3-8, this fun-filled five-unit course includes both beginner and intermediate activities. The LIFEPAC Drawing Basics curriculum has five worktexts, a teacher’s guide, and a DVD.

Looking for a colorful art curriculum that teaches students the fundamentals of art? LIFEPAC Art is just what you need! With worktexts filled with helpful illustrations, students will discover different art styles and how to incorporate their personality into their artwork. They will also learn artistic perspectives, portraiture, carving, and cartooning in this fun-filled, ten-unit course for grades 7-12. Previous art experience is not required. LIFEPAC Art has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide that may be purchased individually. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC Home Economics, an allencompassing ten-unit course, teaches everything from cooking to first aid to getting a job. Filled with fun, relevant lessons for grades 7-12, this course gives students the life-long skills they need to make solid financial decisions, develop good character qualities, and build Christian relationships. LIFEPAC Home Economics has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC Drawing Basics® ES 4516 Drawing Basics Set with DVD EL 4501 Line and Shape EL 4502 Space and Proportion EL 4503 Tone and Texture EL 4504 Art History EL 4505 Review and Final Project EH 4500 Teacher’s Guide ED 4500 DVD

LIFEPAC Art ES 9115 Art Set EL 9101 Concepts in Design EL 9102 Principles of Color EL 9103 Design Personality EL 9104 Perspective EL 9105 Figure Drawing EL 9106 Sculpture EL 9107 Comics EL 9108 Printmaking EL 9109 Calligraphy EL 9110 Art Appreciation EH 9100 Teacher’s Guide ES 9100 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

LIFEPAC Home Economics ES 9815 Home Economics Set* $55.95 EL 9801 Personal Hygiene and Appearance $4.20 EL 9802 What’s Cookin’ $4.20 EL 9803 Lets Eat $4.20 EL 9804 The Clothes You Wear $4.20 EL 9805 The Clothes You Sew $4.20 EL 9806 Interior Decorating $4.20 EL 9807 Your Home and You $4.20 EL 9808 Financial Freedom $4.20 EL 9809 Child Care and Development $4.20 EL 9810 Relationships $4.20 EH 9800 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 ES 9800 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00 ER 2103 Nutritive Value of Foods* $4.20 *Required for 9803 (Included in set)

$54.45 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $21.95 $13.95

$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

Order Toll Free All Pricing 800.622.3070 Reflects School M-F 7am Discounts - 5pm Central Time


LIFEPAC Accounting

LIFEPAC Consumer Math


LIFEPAC Accounting, a ten-unit course for grades 7-12, is a wonderful supplemental math course for students who want to pursue a math or accounting degree, own a business, or enjoy money management. Students jump into worktexts filled with easy-to-understand lessons and colorful illustrations. Worksheets include payroll records and journal entries are included to aid comprehension. This course uses mastery learning techniques so that students can work independently with confidence. LIFEPAC Accounting has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

With LIFEPAC Consumer Math, students will develop essential, daily math skills for planning and organizing personal finances. This practical course filled with full-color illustrations and story problems helps students build money management skills by showing them how to examine loans and credit cards and how to purchase goods. This ten-unit course is appropriate for students who have completed Algebra I and Geometry. LIFEPAC Consumer Math contains ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A tenunit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC Civics helps students understand the foundation and structure of American government. Colorful worktexts explain the roles and responsibilities of individual citizens, America’s role abroad, and the structure of American leadership. Additional topics are learning about state and local government, the election process, economics, and comparative governments. This five-unit course is designed for advanced junior high students or high school students. LIFEPAC Civics has five worktexts and a teacher’s guide.

LIFEPAC Accounting ES 9315 Accounting Set $51.95 EL 9301 Accounting Overview $4.20 EL 9302 Starting an Accounting System $4.20 EL 9303 Analyzing Transactions $4.20 EL 9304 Posting to General Ledger $4.20 EL 9305 Preparing the Worksheet $4.20 EL 9306 Financial Statements $4.20 EL 9307 Adjusting and Closing Entries $4.20 EL 9308 Payroll Records $4.20 EL 9309 Payroll Accounting, Taxes, & Reports $4.20 EL 9310 Business Simulation $4.20 EH 9300 Teacher’s Guide $12.95 ES 9300 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only $41.00

LIFEPAC Consumer Math ES 2315 Consumer Math Set* EL 2301 Creative Arithmetic EL 2302 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents EL 2303 Family Finances I EL 2304 Family Finances II EL 2305 Construction and Building Trades EL 2306 Service Occupations EL 2307 Transportation EL 2308 Business Services EL 2309 Occupational Diagrams EL 2310 Looking Back EO 2300 Solution/Test Key ES 2300 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only *Set price includes Solution/Test Key.

LIFEPAC Civics ES 8815 Civics Set* EL 8801 A New Nation EL 8802 The Constitution EL 8803 Branches of Government EL 8804 Government by the People EL 8805 Relationship to the World EH 8800 Teacher’s Guide ER 8800 Resource Guide *Set includes Resource Guide.

$43.95 $3.25 $3.25 $3.25 $3.25 $3.25 $3.25 $3.25 $3.25 $3.25 $3.25 $13.50 $29.50

$53.95 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $15.95 $5.00

Distance Learning Option

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs. To learn more, see pages 32-35, visit, or speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396.

Order Online 24/7 at


Electives 98

LIFEPAC Foundations for Living

LIFEPAC Essentials of Communication

LIFEPAC Foundations for Living is the perfect supplemental course to teach students practical Christian living. This ten-unit course, for grades 9-12, shows students that God’s Word has practical instructions for every situation in life. Students will also learn how to apply what the Bible teaches to their lives so that they can be Christian servants and leaders. LIFEPAC Foundations for Living has ten worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A ten-unit set of LIFEPACs without the teacher’s guide is also available.

LIFEPAC Essentials of Communication shows students how to successfully interact with others in personal, professional, and public settings. This exciting fiveunit course for grades 9-12 teaches communication theories, characteristics of language, interpersonal relationships, nonverbal communication, group dynamics, and public speaking. Worktexts contain practical application exercises such as speech writing, etiquette, and interviewing. LIFEPAC Essentials of Communication has five worktexts and a teacher’s guide.

Students will discover works from renowned American writers with LIFEPAC American Literature! Filled with enriching masterpieces, this five-unit course, for grades 7-12, is a wonderful supplement to the LIFEPAC Language Arts curriculum. Colorful worktexts are filled with monumental U.S. writers such as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Walt Whitman, Edgar Allen Poe, Emily Dickinson, Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, and F. Scott Fitzgerald. LIFEPAC American Literature has five worktexts and a teacher’s guide. A required reader, Our Town, is sold separately on page 113.

LIFEPAC Foundations for Living ES 8915 Foundations for Living Set EL 8901 What Is a Biblical Worldview? EL 8902 Presuppositions EL 8903 The Doctrines of the Bible EL 8904 God’s Creation EL 8905 The Family EL 8906 The Bible and Marriage EL 8907 Engagement to Parenting EL 8908 Christian Education EL 8909 Politics and Art EL 8910 Tying It all Together EH 8900 Teacher’s Guide ES 8900 Set of 10 LIFEPACs Only

LIFEPAC Essentials of Communication ES 9015 Essentials of Communication Set EL 9001 Communication Foundation EL 9002 Language Characteristics EL 9003 Interpersonal Relationships EL 9004 Understanding Groups EL 9005 Presenting and Interpreting Public Messages EH 9000 Teacher’s Guide

LIFEPAC American Literature ES 9415 American Literature Set $38.95 EL 9401 Early American Literature $5.00 EL 9402 Romantic Period 1800-1855 $5.00 EL 9403 War and Reconciliation 1855-1915 $5.00 EL 9404 Modern Age 1915-1946 $5.00 EL 9405 Modern to Post-modern 1946-present $5.00 EH 9400 Teacher’s Guide $15.95

$51.95 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $12.95 $41.00

LIFEPAC American Literature

$36.45 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $16.95

Required Reader: Our Town

Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time


LIFEPAC British Literature

LIFEPAC Computer Literacy

With LIFEPAC British Literature, students will explore the delightful, vibrant world of British Literature! Monumental British writers such as William Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Keats, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Robert Browning, and C.S. Lewis are covered in these exciting lessons. Created as a supplement to LIFEPAC Language Arts, this enriching five-unit course is for grades 7-12. LIFEPAC British Literature has five worktexts and a teacher’s guide.

With LIFEPAC Computer Literacy, students can learn computer software programs with ease. Courses include a tutorial CD with step-by-step instructions and practical exercises. As students progress through the tutorial, two LIFEPAC worktexts test the students’ knowledge of the material presented. A test key is also available. System Requirements: Pentium® PC or higher; double speed CD-ROM drive; 2 MB hard drive space available; sound card with speakers or headphones; Microsoft® Windows® 98 or 2000; 16 MB RAM available; 256 Color VGA or higher display. In order for students to complete a course, the Microsoft® computer program must be installed on the computer.

LIFEPAC British Literature ES 9515 British Literature set EL 9501 The Middle Ages EL 9502 The 16th Century: Reformation & Renaissance EL 9503 The 17th & 18th Centuries: Neoclassical & Romantic EL 9504 The 19th Century: Victorian EL 9505 The 20th Century: Modern Era EH 9500 Teacher’s Guide

LIFEPAC Computer Literacy ES 2203 Excel 2000 Complete Set ED 2203 Excel 2000 CD EL 2203 Excel 2000 LIFEPAC 1 EL 2204 Excel 2000 LIFEPAC 2 ET 2203 Excel 2000 Test Key ES 2205 FrontPage® 2000 Complete Set ED 2205 FrontPage® 2000 CD EL 2205 FrontPage® 2000 LIFEPAC 1 EL 2206 FrontPage® 2000 LIFEPAC 2 ET 2205 FrontPage® 2000 Test Key ES 2207 Outlook® 2000 Complete Set ED 2207 Outlook® 2000 CD EL 2207 Outlook® 2000 LIFEPAC 1 EL 2208 Outlook® 2000 LIFEPAC 2 ET 2207 Outlook® 2000 Test Key ES 2209 PowerPoint® 2000 Complete Set ED 2209 PowerPoint® 2000 CD EL 2209 PowerPoint® 2000 LIFEPAC 1 EL 2210 PowerPoint® 2000 LIFEPAC 2 ET 2209 PowerPoint® 2000 Test Key ES 2201 Access 2000 Complete Set ED 2201 Access 2000 CD EL 2201 Access 2000 LIFEPAC 1 EL 2202 Access 2000 LIFEPAC 2 ET 2201 Access 2000 Test Key ES 2213 Word 2000 Complete Set   ED 2213 Word 2000 CD EL 2213 Word 2000 LIFEPAC 1 EL 2214 Word 2000 LIFEPAC 2 ET 2213 Word 2000 Test Key ES 2217 Word 2002 (XP) Complete Set   ED 2217 Word 2002 (XP) CD EL 2217 Word 2002 (XP) LIFEPAC 1 EL 2218 Word 2002 (XP) LIFEPAC 2 ET 2217 Word 2002 (XP) Test Key ES 2219 Windows® XP Complete Set   ED 2219 Windows XP® CD EL 2219 Windows XP® LIFEPAC 1 EL 2220 Windows XP® LIFEPAC 2 ET 2219 Windows XP® Test Key

$38.95 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $15.95

$21.45 $10.00 $4.20 $4.20 $4.90 $21.45 $10.00 $4.20 $4.20 $4.90 $21.45 $10.00 $4.20 $4.20 $4.90 $21.45 $10.00 $4.20 $4.20 $4.90 $21.45 $10.00 $4.20 $4.20 $4.90 $21.45 $10.00 $4.20 $4.20 $4.90 $21.45 $10.00 $4.20 $4.20 $4.90 $21.45 $10.00 $4.20 $4.20 $4.90

“My daughter is proof that LIFEPACs work. She is a senior in college, was a national merit scholar finalist, and has attended our public college on scholarship. All her professors comment on what a marvelous educational foundation she received at home. LIFEPACs allow you to let your children excel in the areas in which they are especially gifted while still acquiring a firm foundation in all subjects. Homeschooling works and LIFEPACs make it easy.”

Elizabeth S., Mississippi

Christian Charm Course Teaches junior and senior high girls methods for improving their appearance and gives spiritual instruction on developing an inner beauty that comes from a heart surrendered to Christ. Topics include diet, posture, hygiene, wardrobe, and etiquette. See page 114 for male book counterpart. EB 8055 Student Manual


ER 8056 Teacher’s Manual


Order Online 24/7 at


Electives 100

Horizons Physical Education PreK-2

Horizons Physical Education 3-5

Horizons Physical Education 6-8

Horizons PreK-2nd Grade Physical Education gives you the guidelines you need to give your students a healthy start! This curriculum includes body terms, fitness techniques, and movement activities that help develop motor skills with age appropriate games. Horizons PreK-2nd Grade Physical Education is a complete teacher’s guide divided into sections for preschool and kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade levels. Sections contain teaching material for each grade level for a full school year, based on a three-day per week program. Because this curriculum develops teamwork skills and fitness disciplines, it is best used in a group setting.

Activity-packed Horizons 3rd-5th Grade Physical Education is perfect for strengthening young minds and muscles. With this motivating Christian curriculum, you can teach fun, indepth lessons that cover body part movements, anatomy and physiology, and flexibility training. Horizons 3rd-5th Grade Physical Education is a complete teacher’s guide divided into sections for 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade. Sections contain teaching material for each grade level for a full school year, based on a three-day per week program. Because this curriculum develops teamwork skills and fitness disciplines, it is best used in a group setting.

Horizons 6th-8th Grade Physical Education focuses on team and recreational sports, intramural athletics, and health fitness. Teach Christian-based lessons covering: soccer, volleyball, football, basketball, hockey, golf, tennis, skiing, skating, cycling, wrestling, and more. Horizons 6th-8th Grade Physical Education is a complete teacher’s guide divided into sections for 6th grade, 7th grade, and 8th grade. Sections contain teaching material for each grade level for a full school year, based on a three-day per week program. Because this curriculum develops teamwork skills and fitness disciplines, it is best used in a group setting.

Horizons Physical Education PreK-2 JPE 002 Teacher’s Guide

Horizons Physical Education 3-5 JPE 005 Teacher’s Guide

Horizons Physical Education 6-8 JPE 008 Teacher’s Guide



Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time



Horizons Physical Education 9-12

Horizons Health K

Horizons Health 1

Create healthy habits for life with Horizons 9th-12th Grade Physical Education. You can teach students how to build a firm foundation for responsible living and athletic discipline. Lessons which teach from a Christian perspective cover: the benefits of sports, lifespan fitness and recreation, and general health maintenance. Horizons 9th-12th Grade Physical Education is a complete teacher’s guide divided into semesters and includes options for team or individual sports. The teacher’s guide contains teaching material for each semester, based on a threeday per week program. Because this curriculum develops teamwork skills and fitness disciplines, it is best used in a group setting.

The Horizons Kindergarten Health curriculum helps students recognize God’s will for healthy living. The teacher’s guide has 48 lessons for teaching kindergarteners age-appropriate health themes such as living in a family, getting along with others, taking care of the body, and being safe. The step-by-step lessons in the teacher’s guide include a list of needed materials, objectives, background information, lesson overviews, and related activities. The student workbook contains over 40 perforated black-and-white student visuals and drawing activities which are teacher-administered. The Horizons Health curriculum is designed to be taught 2 to 3 days per week.

Teach growing students the importance of health with the Horizons 1st Grade Health curriculum! This fun-filled, Christian-based course has a teacher’s guide and a student workbook. The teacher’s guide has 50 lessons for teaching young students important health themes like understanding their growing body, making healthy choices, preventing health problems, and developing safety awareness. The step-by-step lessons in the teacher’s guide include a list of needed materials, objectives, songs, background information, lesson overviews, and related activities. The student workbook contains over 30 perforated black-andwhite student visuals and writing activities which are teacher-administered. The Horizons Health curriculum is designed to be taught 2 to 3 days per week.

Horizons Physical Education 9-12 JPE 012 Teacher’s Guide

Horizons Health K JHT 000 Teacher’s Guide JHW 001 Student Workbook

Horizons Health 1 JHT 010 Teacher’s Guide JHW 011 Student Workbook


$14.95 $7.95

$14.95 $7.95

Distance Learning Option

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs.

See pages 32-35 for additional information

Visit to register today

Speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396

Order Online 24/7 at


Electives 102

Horizons Health 2

Horizons Health 3

Horizons Health 4

The Horizons 2nd Grade Health curriculum has informative, practical lessons filled with tips for healthy living! This hands-on, activity-filled course has a teacher’s guide and a student workbook. The teacher’s guide has 54 lessons for teaching students Christian-based health themes like family life, fitness, personal grooming, and medicine and drugs. The step-by-step lessons in the teacher’s guide include a list of needed materials, objectives, songs, background information, lesson overviews, and related activities. The student workbook contains over 40 perforated black-andwhite student visuals and writing activities which are teacher-administered. The Horizons Health curriculum is designed to be taught 2 to 3 days per week.

Teach students about their amazing body systems with Horizons 3rd Grade Health. Students will learn everything from proper manners to first aid to eating smart. This comprehensive course has a teacher’s guide, a student workbook, and a student book. The 55 lessons in the teacher’s guide include a list of needed materials, objectives, lesson overviews, and related activities. The student workbook contains unit evaluations and over 30 perforated black-andwhite student visuals and writing activities. The bright, full-color student book includes photos and illustrations, additional readings, and questions to help reinforce lessons. The Horizons Health curriculum is designed to be taught 2 to 3 days per week.

Horizons 4th Grade Health teaches students how God made them! This fun-filled health course has a teacher’s guide, a student workbook, and a student book. Essential health themes included are living in the community, eating healthy food, learning how the body works, understanding nutrients, and making wise choices. The 55 lessons in the teacher’s guide include a list of needed materials, objectives, lesson overviews, and related activities. The student workbook contains unit evaluations and over 40 perforated black-and-white student visuals and writing activities. The full-color student book includes photos and illustrations, additional readings, and questions to help reinforce lessons. The Horizons Health curriculum is designed to be taught 2 to 3 days per week.

Horizons Health 2 JHT 020 Teacher’s Guide JHW 021 Student Workbook

Horizons Health 3 JHT 030 Teacher’s Guide JHW 031 Student Workbook JHS 003 Student Book

Horizons Health 4 JHT 040 Teacher’s Guide JHW 041 Student Workbook JHS 004 Student Book

$14.95 $7.95

$14.95 $7.95 $9.95

Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

$14.95 $7.95 $9.95


Horizons Health 5

Horizons Health 6

Horizons Health 7 & 8

Wellness is the focus of Horizons 5th Grade Health! In this Christian-based course, students will develop fitness disciplines such as taking care of their lungs, connecting with other people, and understanding that they are growing up and changing. The 54 step-by-step lessons in the teacher’s guide include a list of needed materials, background information, lesson overviews, and related activities. The student workbook contains unit evaluations and over 40 perforated blackand-white student visuals and writing activities. The full-color student book includes photos and illustrations, additional readings, and questions to help reinforce lessons. The Horizons Health curriculum is designed to be taught 2 to 3 days per week.

Teach students how to be healthy inside and out with Horizons 6th Grade Health! Building relationships, choosing healthy lifestyles, reviewing body systems and diseases, and understanding the uniqueness of each person is all taught in this Christian-based course. The 62 step-bystep lessons in the teacher’s guide include a list of needed materials, objectives, background information, and related activities. The student workbook contains unit evaluations and over 50 perforated black-and-white student visuals and writing activities. The vibrant full-color student book includes photos and illustrations, additional readings, and questions to help reinforce lessons. The Horizons Health curriculum is designed to be taught 2 to 3 days per week.

Horizons 7th and 8th Grade Health is a comprehensive course that can be used in either 7th or 8th grade. This Christian-based health course helps students identify their spiritual gifts, communicate with others, and understand gender differences. The 107 step-by-step lessons in the teacher’s guide include a list of needed materials, objectives, background information, lesson overviews, and related activities. The student workbook contains over 40 perforated black-and-white student visuals and writing activities which are teacher-administered. The Horizons Health curriculum is designed to be taught 2 to 3 days per week.

Horizons Health 5 JHT 050 Teacher’s Guide JHW 051 Student Workbook JHS 005 Student Book

Horizons Health 6 JHT 060 Teacher’s Guide JHW 061 Student Workbook JHS 006 Student Book

Horizons Health 7 & 8 JHT 070 Teacher’s Guide JHW 071 Student Workbook

$14.95 $7.95 $9.95

$19.95 $7.95 $9.95

$19.95 $7.95

Distance Learning Option

Alpha Omega Academy® A better way to teach, a better way to learn™! That’s the motto of Alpha Omega Academy—an exciting distance learning program for students in grades K-12. Accredited through NCA and CITA, Alpha Omega Academy is structured to meet the needs of a wide variety of families through curriculum, service options, and distance learning convenience. This excellent educational option features qualified teachers, administrative support staff, and full-time and part-time programs.

See pages 32-35 for additional information

Visit to register today

Speak with a friendly Educational Specialist by calling 800-682-7396

Order Online 24/7 at



The Weaver Curriculum Overview The Weaver Curriculum makes learning a wonderful experience. Imagine yourself teaching about the plagues in Egypt in Bible, frogs and hail in science, the topography of Egypt in geography, the pharaohs in history, hieroglyphics in language arts, and Egyptian jewelry in art. Do you see the theme? That’s what Weaver does and it allows you to teach several students of different ages all at the same time. This unit-based curriculum for preschool through 12th grade students teaches both parents and students that learning can be fun!

Benefits of The Weaver Curriculum Family friendly Weaver is unit study at its best! Whenever possible, all the students in the family are studying the same topics at the same time, with individual lesson assignments geared to each student’s age and grade level. When the first grader is drawing a frog and learning where the frog lives, the sixth grader is studying the life cycle of a frog and drawing it in detail. It’s a very family-friendly curriculum.

Biblically integrated The Weaver Curriculum is a unique program because it is biblically integrated—it doesn’t add Scripture when it’s appropriate or add it to something that has already been written. It starts with Scripture and then draws in the various topics and subjects to be studied.

Hands on Weaver is a very hands-on, activity-based curriculum. Students learn by using as many senses as possible and the Weaver guides them to use them all! Lessons include projects, maps, murals, timelines, models, collections, field trips, research, experiments and many other hands-on activities. These features work together to help students retain more information.

Weaver Interlock

Weaver Review Questions

Preschool Program This foundational program establishes an understanding of Scripture while integrating social studies, science, language arts, arithmetic, art, physical education, health, and music. Flexibly designed to work as a unit study, Interlock can be used for preschoolers only or in conjunction with an older kindergarten student. WIN 01 Interlock Program



Each chapter of Volumes 1-5 now has questions in multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, matching, essay, illustration, and more. The questions are divided into grades 1 & 2, 3 & 4, and 5 & 6. Questions are also divided by subject just like the Volume materials. WR 101 WR 201 WR 301 WR 401 WR 501

Review Questions Volume 1 Review Questions Volume 2 Review Questions Volume 3 Review Questions Volume 4 Review Questions Volume 5

Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

$14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95


The Weaver Curriculum Subjects

Weaver Volume 1

Weaver Volume 2

Weaver Volume 3

Weaver Volume 1 will take your child from the basic architecture of city buildings to the amazing layout of the solar system; from the water cycle to the life cycle; from transportation to preservation. Hands-on activities and in-depth discussions make this Bible-based curriculum a good balance for any child’s learning style.

Weaver Volume 2 includes a unique study of character traits at the end of each chapter, making the hands-on activities more personal for your children and allowing them to retain more of what you teach. The unit on celebrations allows you to focus your studies on your family’s personal beliefs and traditions.

Weaver Volume 3 Bible studies pick up where Volume 2 leaves off. Journey through the exploration of the Promised Land as American settlers explore the West. Learn about the recording of history while studying the natural passage of time. Discover the steps of reasoning while studying how the human brain works.

Genesis 11-50 WV 001 Volume 1* (K-6) WS 001 Supplement, Volume 1 (7-12)

Exodus & Books of Law WV 002 Volume 2 (K-6) WS 002 Supplement, Volume 2 (7-12)

Joshua, Judges, & Ruth WV 003 Volume 3 (K-6) WS 003 Supplement, Volume 3 (7-12)

Topics Include: City Language Transportation Plant Life Economics Covenants Character Insects Slavery


$150.00 $30.00

Includes Teacher’s Friend

$150.00 $50.00

Topics Include: Royalty Deserts Leadership Miracles Celebrations Mt. Sinai Character Egyptian Civilization U.S. History (1600-1790)

Topics Include: Exploration Communication Fortifications Music Thinking Skills Time Service Ancient Civilizations U.S. History (1790-1860)

Weaver Volume 4

Weaver Volume 5

Volume 4 balances hands-on activities with in-depth discussion while focusing on Bible themes such as physical and spiritual giants, slavery, stewardship, covenants, and ancient civilizations. Types of poetry are also studied throughout the Volume.

Volume 5 takes you through an in-depth study of the life of Christ through His resurrection. Learn about ancient Rome, follow the footsteps of Jesus as He preaches from town to town, and relive the miracles surrounding His life and death. The first four Weaver Volumes all lead up to this fascinating study.

Old Testament Period of Kings & People WV 004 Volume 1 (K-6) WS 004 Supplement, Volume 4 (7-12)

Life of Christ WV 005 Volume 2 (K-6) WS 005 Supplement, Volume 5 (7-12)

Topics Include: World Missions Civil War Learning Biology Ancient History Miracles Captivity Reconstruction The Period of Silence

$150.00 $50.00

$150.00 $50.00

$150.00 $50.00

Topics Include: Covenants Government Ancient Rome Solar System Human Body Biographies Agriculture Geology World & U.S. History (1895-present)

“I am teaching my five children and two additional children with Weaver. I love it! It saves me so much time because I only end up teaching a subject once. When using this program, kids remember everything you do. I first started homeschooling with The Weaver Curriculum, then switched because a friend told me it was too much work. After spending a lot of money and wasting a lot of time, I found she was totally wrong. My kids begged me to go back to Weaver. We make learning fun and create family memories. Its most rewarding point is that it centers our lives and learning around God’s Word.”

Cynthia L., Indiana

Order Online 24/7 at



The Weaver Curriculum Essentials Add these Weaver essentials and resources to your studies in the Volumes to help you use this curriculum in the best way possible. Materials available include Skills Evaluation to determine grade placement, Day by Day to prepare daily lesson plans, and a variety of other useful teaching aids. For those new to The Weaver Curriculum, The Basic Five is available as a complete starter package.

Weaver Day by Day

Weaver Wisdom Words

Weaver Skills Evaluation

A daily lesson plan book that saves time because lesson planning is only needed for reading, arithmetic, and special activities. The daily Bible lessons and academics are already organized for each grade level.

Wisdom Words is a step-by-step guide for teaching grammar and composition to grades K-6. Highly recommended to accompany the first purchase of a Weaver Volume and is referred to in each Day by Day. May be used year after year with The Weaver Curriculum or independently.

A subject-by-subject list of skills to be taught at each grade level for social studies, science, language arts (includes phonics), arithmetic, and health and safety. Provides grade placement in The Weaver Curriculum; may also be used independently. Grades K-6.

WW 001 Wisdom Words

WK 001 Skills Evaluation

WB 001 WB 002 WB 003 WB 004 WB 005

Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5

$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $55.00 $55.00


Weaver Teaching Tips & Techniques “The Weaver Curriculum has allowed me to have both of my children learning about the same topics at the same time, at their own individual levels. Prior to beginning homeschooling, I thought I knew how my son would best learn. I thought it would be with workbooks and lots of reading. While he does learn that way, I’ve found that he learns even better with the hands-on focus of The Weaver Curriculum. I love it and wish more people knew about it.”

Robin M., New Mexico


Weaver On Eagles Wings

A comprehensive teaching guide that demonstrates lesson planning, multi-level classroom teaching, and motivational activities. Also contains excellent reading lists for each grade level, including classics.

A highly recommended resource of supplies, books, and teaching materials needed for 7-12th grade social studies, science, and language arts, also overviews general subjects. WE 001 On Eagles Wings

WT 001 Teaching Tips




Weaver Basic Five Starter Set Weaver offers one beginner’s package called The Basic Five, which includes Weaver Volume 1, Day by Day 1, Wisdom Words, Teaching Tips & Techniques, Skills Evaluation, and a FREE Teacher’s Friend. WKV 01 WV 001 WW 001 WB 001 WT 001 WK 001 WF 001

The Basic Five Volume 1 Wisdom Words Day by Day, Volume 1 Teaching Tips & Techniques Skills Evaluation Teacher’s Friend

Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

$255.00 $150.00 $50.00 $50.00 $30.00 $20.00 $5.00


The Weaver Curriculum Resources Weaver Success in Spelling

Weaver Penmanship to Praise

A level-by-level guide to spelling, this book contains daily instructions, test sheets, and games. May be used independently. Grades 2-12.

This resource features 5-day-a-week lesson plans that takes students step-by-step through the writing process. Designed to encourage the natural progression of large to small motor development in grades K-3. Scripture verses are used for writing practice. May be used independently. Grades K-6.

WSS 01 WSS 02 WSS 03 WSS 04 WSS 05 WSS 06

Level 1 (grade 2) Level 2 (grade 3) Level 3 (grade 4) Level 4 (grade 5) Level 5 (grade 6) Level 6 (grade 7-12)

$8.00 $10.00 $12.00 $15.00 $20.00 $20.00

Weaver High Way to English Grammar A comprehensive two-year grammar program for grades 7-12. Consumable worktext explains concepts and provides practice. One student worktext is necessary for each student. WH 001 Teacher Text WH 002 Student Text

$50.00 $20.00

WP MAN WP K01 WP 001 WP 002 WP 003 WP 004 WP 005 WP 006

Manuscript Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6

Weaver 1-2-3 Read!

$10.00 $10.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00

A biblically-based phonics program that begins with reading readiness then progresses to teaching alphabet recognition, sounds, phonics rules, and ultimately reading independence. Includes easy-to-use teaching instructions, games, reinforcement activities, three cassette tapes, a student workbook, and a flip chart. Recommended for preschool children and those in older grades who struggle with reading. The Early Reader series levels 1-3 are supplements to 1-2-3 Read! WR 123 1-2-3 Read! Program WS 123 1-2-3 Read! Student Book

Weaver Learning to Love Literature

Reading Between the Lines

A step-by-step teacher’s notebook that contains lesson plans, classical reading lists, and discussion questions and activities. Integrates writing with literature. Used with Reading Between the Lines.

Gives a Christian perspective throughout all areas of literature. Also used as a supplement for the Learning to Love Literature program. WR 001 Reading Between the Lines

WL 001 Learning to Love Literature

Early Reader Series

BR 0101 Level 1 BR 0102 Level 2 BR 0103 Level 3

$25.00 $25.00 $25.00

Weaver Teacher’s Friend

Children make a life-size replica of the human body.This project-oriented activity teaches not only organ placement but also how to follow directions. Book includes project instructions, a supply list, and patterns. May be used independently. Grades K-6.

Learning how to use unit studies can take time. This book can make the difference in getting started with this curriculum. Complete instructions are given from opening binders to opening minds. Included with Volume 1. WF 001 Teacher’s Friend

W3 001 3-D Body Book



Weaver 3-D Body Book

Emphasizing various stages of phonics through Bible stories, this series progresses from shortvowel words to consonant blends and more. Each level contains five story books.

$95.00 $15.00



Order Online 24/7 at



Kingdom Under the Sea: Return of the King®

Character Builders®

The Amazing Book®

For years, thousands of families have enjoyed teaching their children godly values with the heart-warming Character Builders series. Now these same adorable classics have been remade in state-of-the-art animation for today’s generation to enjoy. Great for car rides or at home with the family, the newly animated Character Builders series entertains as it explains important truths about the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Parents will love seeing their little ones grow in kindness, responsibility, thankfulness, patience, and other positive character traits.

Splash and his sister Coral have long awaited the return of the great whale king, but when Splash lets the secret slip, the evil squid Krakken sets a trap. When the king does arrive, everyone is in for a surprise!


Kingdom Under the Sea: The Red Tide®

Obedience & Self-Control Goodness & Faith Honesty & Responsibility Thankfulness & Gentleness Sharing & Kindness Politeness & Joy Confidence & Love Patience & Peace 8 DVD Set

$9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $59.95




$9.95 $7.98

The Amazing Miracles®

A deadly red tide, concocted by Professor Pinch and the evil squid Krakken, threatens the reef village where the Finley family lives. When King Pacificus intervenes and offers an unlikely shelter of protection, he teaches the reef fish about trust and forgiveness. DVRT DVD

The creators of the Music Machine present an animated adventure to teach children about the Bible. Doc Dickory and his friends tell viewers about the authors, history, stories, and books in the Bible.

Doc, Rikki, Revver, and friends need a giant miracle when they buzz Giant Cat in their airplane and interrupt his catnap. DVAM DVD AMCD Music CD

$9.95 $7.98


The Indestructible Book: The Story of the Bible This two-part video series retraces the path of God’s Word from Mt. Sinai to Plymouth Rock. Filmed on location in Israel, Europe, Britain, and the U.S., this series documents an incredible story of faith and sacrifice. Meet the scholars, teachers, and missionaries who were inspired by God to protect the Bible and carry its message of hope and salvation through the centuries. DVINBK DVD


Doc and Dewey tell about the amazing kids in the Bible to teach today’s children that they are important, too. DVAC DVD ACCD Music CD

$9.95 $7.98

Kingdom Under the Sea: The Gift®

Sara loves spending summer vacation with her family at their cottage by the sea. But when a violent storm washes a baby starfish onto the shore, Sara discovers that their paths are destined to cross in a profound way. It will take the combined efforts of Sara, her brother Josh, their friend Toby, and their faithful dog Flagg to save the tiny starfish from tragedy.



The Amazing Children™


Sara and the Starfish


Kingdom Under the Sea: Return of the King® & The Red Tide® Set

It’s Christmastime and the kingdom has been transformed into a holiday wonderland, but somewhere between the lights, presents, and decorations, everyone in the kingdom has forgotten what Christmas is really about until the town’s archenemies try to destroy it.

The Amazing Bible 3 PK




This three-pack is the entire Amazing series which includes: The Amazing Book, The Amazing Children, and The Amazing Miracles.


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time


Jam-packed with musical and visual entertainment, Revver, Rikki, and Doc Dickory inspire children with a lineup of delightful songs. DVAS DVD

Where the Red Fern Grows Part I & II

Natalie’s Rose


A young girl loses her mother to cancer and a white rose is the only tangible link between the mother she lost and the hope she desperately needs to find. She spends Christmas on her aunt’s ranch and a white stray horse helps her learn to accept death as a season of life. A metaphorical story of comfort and assurance for all of us who struggle with understanding death. DVNR DVD



Viewers visit the colorful garden kingdom of Agapeland as Stevie and Nancy explore the realm to see and hear the famous Music Machine with all its bells and whistles. Features the voice of Pat Boone. DVMM ALCD FSCD MGCD

DVD All About Love Music CD Fruit of the Spirit Music CD Majesty of God Music CD

This awarding-winning song and story series will fill your home with fun-filled praise to the Lord. Each CD provides wholesome music and messages that last a lifetime.

The Chronicles of Narnia®


The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe Prince Caspian The Silver Chair The Chronicles of Narnia Set


God Is Great God Is My Friend God Loves Fun I’ve Been Born Again Bullfrogs & Butterflies CD Set

$7.98 $7.98 $7.98 $7.98   $29.95

Snowy River The McGregor Saga A romantic, family-oriented western set in Australia in the late 1800s, these DVD films embody the classic virtues of courage, quiet determination, modesty, loyalty, and fortitude.

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe®

An inspiring story which shows how a determined coach uses her unorthodox coaching style to bring a handful of indivduals from the failure of a dark and dusty gym into the glaring light of a state championship!


$14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $29.95

$9.95 $7.98 $7.98 $7.98

The St. Tammany Miracle

$14.95 $14.95 $19.95

Bullfrogs & Butterflies™

Welcome to a magical world where animals speak, mythical creatures roam, and four children fight an epic battle of good versus evil. The BBC production of C.S. Lewis’ classic fantasy series is available in a DVD box set or individually.

Music Machine®

DVRG Part 1 DVD DVRG2 Part 2 DVD DVRG2-2PK Part 1 & 2 DVD


Benny’s Biggest Battle Benny learns about self-control after he gives in to his honey cravings and puts Agapeland in danger of being taken over by the evil Mr. Pimms. Features the voice of Pat Boone.

Two timeless stories of Billy Coleman and two hound dogs who face adventure and find love in these heartwarming videos.


The Amazing Sing Along

Emmy® Award winner for Best Animated Special tells the story of four children who pass through a wardrobe closet and discover Narnia, a kingdom of talking animals and mythical creatures. An evil witch’s spell has cast Narnia into eternal winter, and only Aslan, noble lion king, can help the children defeat the witch and return springtime to Narnia. DVAL DVD DVSAL DVD Spanish

DVSR1 Comeback/Grand Opening DVSR2 Black Sheep/Prince DVSR3 Grand Duke/New Business

$14.95 $14.95 $14.95

$14.95 $19.95


Order Online 24/7 at



St. John in Exile

Roy Rogers

Imprisoned, John, the last living disciple of Jesus’ twelve, remains full of humor, strong in spirit and obstinately spry. Through his eyes we relive the moving events in which Jesus Christ changed the course of human history.

Roy Rogers is a legend in the film industry with over ninety starring roles and a film career that spanned 1937 through 1951. Old and young alike will thrill at the adventures as they’re transported back to the Old West with the King of the Cowboys. They’ll watch with excitement as Roy thwarts smugglers at a mine in Mexico (The Bells of San Angelo), saves a railroad right-of-way from a notorious conman (Silver Spurs), and attempts a daring rescue to save his horse, Trigger, from kidnappers (Under the California Stars). These films are on DVD.



Reggie’s Prayer Football superstar, Reggie Knox (Reggie White), retires to become a coach at an inner-city high school. Reggie realizes that his biggest challenge is not winning the big game but saving his players from getting tangled up in a dangerous life of street crime. DVRP DVD


Second Chances Based on a true story, this is an uplifting tale of a little girl’s physical and emotional reawakening after a car crash claims her father and her spirit. DV2C DVD


Cotton Patch Gospel A leg slappin’, toe-tappin’, hand-clappin’ musical hoe-down of a story that retells the Gospels of Matthew and John in present day Southern vernacular. DVCPG DVD



Apache Rose Billy the Kid Returns Bells of San Angelo Bells of Rosarita Under California Stars Eyes of Texas Far Frontier The Gay Ranchero Nighttime in Nevada In Old Cheyenne Springtime in the Sierras Silver Spurs Grand Canyon Trail Cowboy & Senorita Old Corral Heldorado Idaho Days of Jesse James King of the Cowboys Under Nevada Skies Home in Oklahoma My Pal Trigger Song of Arizona Light of Old Santa Fe Old Spanish Trail Roll on Texas Moon Song of Texas Under Western Stars

The ARC Reading Enhancement Program is designed to develop and enhance reading, spelling, and comprehension skills using both phonics and phonemic awareness. The 96, 45-minute lessons were developed by a linguist through 35 years of research. Each lesson employs the Quadriad-Perception Building technique: hearing to speaking; hearing to writing; seeing to writing; seeing to speaking. The ARC Reading Enhancement Program typically produces a three-month or more gain for each month invested. RS100

Through Joy and Beyond This powerful documentary looks at the remarkable life of C.S. Lewis and the legacy he left behind. Hosted by Lewis’ private secretary and friend, Rev. Walter Hooper. DVTJB DVD


$9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95

Reading Enhancement Program


Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time


Here’s a great way to do science experiments without the expense of buying hard-to-find chemicals and lab equipment! Created as supplemental videos to LIFEPAC Science, each video features a fun scientist who takes students step-by-step through numerous LIFEPAC Science experiments and projects. DVDs are available for grades 4-10 and cover the topics studied in that particular grade of LIFEPAC Science. SD 0401 SD 0501 SD 0601 SD 0701 SD 0801 SD 0901 SD 1001

4th Grade DVD 5th Grade DVD 6th Grade DVD 7th Grade DVD 8th Grade DVD 9th Grade DVD 10th Grade DVD

$19.95 $19.95 $19.95 $19.95 $19.95 $19.95 $19.95

Improve Your English Series

American Kids in History Series

This series tackles punctuation, grammar, and spelling to help students develop and refine their language ability. Improve Your Punctuation introduces the signs and conventions of punctuation and addresses frequently made punctuation errors. Improve Your Grammar assesses grammar skills through entertaining tests and puzzles and helps the students master grammar. Improve Your Spelling includes fun activities that give students practice at spelling difficult and confusing words. Ages 6 and up.

Discover the past with fun projects, games, activities, and recipes. Learn how to churn butter, write with a quill, make soda pop, or use clay to create pottery. These books are filled with fun facts about growing up in days gone by. Ages 8-adult.

RB 8044 Improve Your Punctuation RB 8045 Improve Your Grammar RB 8046 Improve Your Spelling

$6.95 $6.95 $6.95

Reproducible Maps, Charts, TimeLines, & Illustrations

MM 0020



Get a handle on measurement, multiplication, division, fractions, percents, geometry, and more, while cooking up tasty treats! A great addition to LIFEPAC math, this book contains over 60 math activities and recipes for kids. Ages 9-12.

Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution


SD 0311 DVD I SD 0312 DVD II SD 0313 DVD III

$12.95 $12.95 $12.95 $12.95 $12.95 $14.95 $12.95

This isn’t a typical tour of ruins and dusty artifacts. In a style all his own, Dave Stotts speeds through the ancient world giving viewers a fast-paced encounter with the people, places, and events that have shaped our world and the Christian faith. His adventures include on-location explorations, loads of animations, and narration that’s definitely “outside the classroom.” HR 7085 HR 7086 HR 7087 HR 7088

This DVD series enters the fascinating world of animals to reveal sophisticated and complex designs that shake the traditional foundations of evolutionary theory. Featuring Dr. Jobe Martin, a former evolutionist, these videos present powerful evidence that prove that animal designs can only be attributed to a creator.

The Math Chef

MM 0115

From simple visuals to detailed drawings, the graphics in this book will enhance understanding of the Bible for teacher and student alike. The pages are perforated to make reproducing the visual learning aids and student handouts easy. A study outline for each Bible book includes a theme, key verses, key thoughts and a timeline. BR 1108

Colonial Days Pioneer Days Civil War Days Wild West Days World War II Days Victorian Days Revolutionary War Days

Drive Thru History

Exploring Time This colorful interactive workbook contains comprehensive lessons covering telling time, reading clocks, the calendar and seasons, and problem solving. This workbook comes with a CD-ROM filled with audio guidance, games, activities, and colorful graphics to encourage creativity and enhance learning skills. Ages 5-7. System Requirements for CD-ROM: Windows ® 98 or higher 166 MHz Processor 64 MB of RAM Macintosh system 8.6 or higher 200 MHz Power PC, and 64 MB of RAM Technical support is provided by the publisher.

HR 7020 HR 7021 HR 7022 HR 7023 HR 7026 HR 7027 HR 7028


LIFEPAC Science Experiment Videos

$22.95 $22.95 $22.95

Rome If You Want To Greece and the Word Turkish Delight East Meets West

$19.99 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99

The U.S. Government Give your students a close-up look at the inner workings of our government in action with this helpful book. Take them inside the Constitution, the justice system, Congress, the elective process, military, and more. Each lesson includes a crossword puzzle, definitions, fill-in-the-blank questions, and matching quizzes to reinforce key concepts. Grades 6-12. ER 2015

Order Online 24/7 at




Introduction to the Second World War

Handwriting Tablet Grow-A-Frog

From 1939 to 1945, an estimated 50 million people died. This book tells you why the Second World War exacted such a high toll. Find out about huge battles and mighty weapons, the bombing of cities and the treatment of occupied nations, the Holocaust and D-Day. Discover how Adolf Hitler led his once-unbeatable armies to annihilation, and why Pearl Harbor was the greatest mistake of the war. Stunningly illustrated with contemporary photographs, and useful maps, this is a thought-provoking introduction to the most destructive conflict the world has ever known. Grades 9 and up. HR 7082

GE 9286


Evaluation Knowledge Drawing Solutions Classification Similarities & Differences

$6.99 $6.99 $6.99 $6.99 $6.99

Designed for intermediate students with more than just a casual interest in the language, this dictionary is unmatched in quality and dollar value. The Spanish-English and English-Spanish sections allow easy access to over 40,000 words in both languages. EB 2218



Typing Instructor Deluxe 17.0

Hamlet This classic play tells about the life of a young prince from Denmark. He is visited by a ghost who informs him of the real cause of his father’s death. Contains mature themes. Teachers may wish to review before issuing to students. Grades 7 and up. Required for 12th grade Language Arts LR 1206

Need ideas for things to paint or draw? This inspiring book shows how to use different kinds of pastels, inks, and crayons to create stunning paintings and drawings. Just follow the simple step-by-step instructions, or use the suggested ideas to create your own pictures. Ages 10 and up. EB 2000



The Illustrated Dictionary of Math

The Miracle Worker This powerful play by William Gibson tells the story of deaf, blind, and mute 12-year-old Helen Keller and her devoted teacher, Annie Sullivan. Required for 9th grade Language Arts

Everyone studying math needs this book. Its concise explanations, enhanced by examples and diagrams, provide the key to exam success. Comprehensive cross-referencing and a detailed index guarantee easy access to information.

LR 0908

RB 8055


ER 2004


Sisters in Time Series These fictional stories are a series of twelve books that explore different periods in American history. Discover the joys and trials of living in colonial America, the American Revolution, or World War II through the fictional characters of Sarah, Lydia, and other girls. Ages 8-12.

Art Ideas


WR 8107

Students learn to type all the keys on the keyboard, including the numeric keypad, by using repetitive keystoke drills. Combines typing instruction, a variety of personalized typing plans, travel themes, and ten action-packed, multi-level games that keep students entertained while they improve their skills. Ages 10 and up. Designed for Windows.

Langenscheidt Pocket Spanish Dictionary

Uses fun activities to challenge students to improve their critical thinking skills. Each book teaches an essential component of the thinking process broken down into easy-to-use steps. Grades 2-6. 2033 2045 2046 2047 2048

Watch as a clear-bodied tadpole develops legs, loses its tail, and becomes a little frog. Unlike ordinary frogs, Grow-A-Frog lives in the water; it never needs land. The kit contains an aquarium, underwater landscaping, special frog food, Fun ‘N Facts handbook, and a coupon for your tadpole (delivered First Class Mail in 7 to 14 days). Simple to care for and guaranteed to grow! Note: not available in AZ, CA, NV, or HI.

This lined, spiral-bound handwriting tablet is designed to support penmanship activities in Grade 1 Lang. Arts. Also suitable for grades 2-3.


Thinking Skills Workbook



LR 1010 Sarah’s New World The Mayflower Adventure LR 1011 Rebekah in Danger Peril at Plymouth Colony LR 1012 Lydia the Patriot The Boston Massacre LR 1013 Kate and the Spies The American Revolution LR 1014 Betsy’s River Adventure The Journey Westward LR 1015 Meg Follows a Dream The Fight for Freedom LR 1016 Daria Solves a Mystery Ohio Experiences the Civil War LR 1017 Rachel and the Riot The Labor Movement Divides a Family LR 1018 Emily Makes a Difference A Time of Progress and Problems LR 1019 Maria Takes a Stand The Battle of Women’s Rights LR 1020 Anna’s Fight for Hope The Great Depression LR 1021 Mandy the Outsider Prelude to World War 2

Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time

$4.97 $4.97 $4.97 $4.97 $4.97 $4.97 $4.97 $4.97 $4.97 $4.97 $4.97 $4.97

Our Town

Each book addresses a specific historical topic written from a fictitious eyewitness account. Historical data, discussion questions, and student activity sheets are included. Ill., 32 pp, pb. Grades 6-12.

A play that portrays life and values of a small town. Press notices called this play “memorable and uplifting.” Grades 7 and up. Required for 11th grade Language Arts

HR 4011 HR 4012 HR 4014 HR 4016

LR 1107

World War I World War II: Pacific Holocaust Vietnam

$5.99 $5.99 $5.99 $5.99


LAN 0130 LAN 0131 LAN 0132 LAN 0133 LAN 0134 LAN 0135 LAN 0136

The Old Man and the Sea Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea This Jules Verne classic will take you on an action packed undersea expedition with Captain Nemo. Grades 7 and up. Required for 9th grade Language Arts LR 0909

This classic novel records an old man’s struggle for identity among the other fishermen in his village. Contains some objectionable language. Teachers may wish to review before issuing to students. Deluxe edition printed on high-quality paper. Grades 7 and up. Required for 11th grade Language Arts LR 1108



Live Butterfly Garden® The Hiding Place This book is a true story of a courageous young woman who helped the Jews during the Nazi invasion and occupation of Holland. Grades 7 and up. Required for 7th grade Language Arts LR 0707


Includes a beautiful butterfly garden, certificate for 5 painted lady caterpillars, and a complete care and instruction guide bursting with fascinating butterfly facts. The whole family will enjoy watching the miracle of metamorphosis as the caterpillars change into beautiful butterflies. (A small $3.00 fee is required by the vendor to process the mail-in certificate.) Can be used with the study of metamorphosis in 3rd Grade Science GE 9285


In His Steps

Alphabet Penmanship Chart

“What would Jesus do?” This was a question that a minister and five faithful members of the First Church of Raymond asked themselves as they faced adversity in their lives. Their desire was to be like Christ and walk in His steps. Grades 7 and up. Required for 10th grade Language Arts

This 8.5” x 11” chart illustrates upper and lower case manuscript and cursive forms. A handy desk reference for your students! Referenced in LIFEPAC 1st Grade Language Arts Teacher’s Guide

LR 1009

WR 8111


Each reader includes twelve stories that will delight your first grade student. Corresponding comprehension questions have also been added to the Reader Study Guide. Required for LIFEPAC 1st Grade Language Arts


Set of Five Readers Book 1: Dog in the Tub Book 2: Cotton Candy Book 3: Oats Are for Goats Book 4: Flying My Kite Book 5: The Gold Coin Reader Study Guide


Reading Basics

Eye on History Series

$22.95 $4.95 $4.95 $4.95 $4.95 $4.95 $4.95

Alfred’s Interactive Musician For pianists, singers, and instrumentalists at all levels, this CD-ROM course helps you enhance your musicianship through ear training and sightreading. Improve your ability to recognize single notes, intervals, melody, scales, and chords. Also learn to sight-read more quickly and accurately and perform simple to complex rhythms. Compatible with Windows and Macintosh. For system requirements, visit ER 2024


Human Anatomy Model Kits Standing 16” high when complete (incl. display stand), these easy-to-build and paint models help students learn the different parts of the human body. On each model, the breastplate comes off and vital organs can be removed and replaced. Major veins and arteries are shown, as well as a complete skeleton with eyes and brain. Also includes a 12-page illustrated instruction manual written by medical experts! Grades 5 and up. SR 0210 SR 0211

Man Model Woman Model

Order Online 24/7 at

$22.00 $22.00



Music Made Easy! Guitar

Man in Demand

Market Math

Teaches junior and senior high boys to become dynamic Christian leaders in today’s world. Topics include physical and spiritual fitness, habits, manners, hygiene, dating, grooming, and attire. Excellent for individual study. See page 99 for female book counterpart.

Teaches basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division through real-life shopping situations! Comes with a durable price chart of grocery items. Grades 3-6.

EB 8053 Student Manual ER 8054 Teacher’s Manual

MM 0129


$8.99 $10.99

Checks and Balances Model 3000F Student Microscope This precision-built, tamper-proof compound microscope is a must-have for science. Featuring a 360-degree rotatable head, wide-field 10x eyepiece and coarse/fine coaxial focusing, this microscope will be an asset to any student. The Model 3000F also has a built-in 20 watt illuminator, spring-loaded stage clips, heavy-duty cord, and a dust cover. SR 0315

MM 0221

Teach the FUNdamentals of finance with this hands-on activity kit. Go beyond play money and teach real-life personal finance skills with imitation ATM transactions, check and deposit slips, monthly statements, and more. Includes a 16-page lesson plan filled with activities, a credit card, checkbook and checks, 25 merchant slips, and a credit card imprinter. Grades 6 and up. MM 0430

Learn guitar the fun way with this CD-ROM course featuring easy-to-understand lessons that teach you how to read music and how to play chords and individual notes so that you can play songs right away! Video examples, an interactive song player, and games are included to help make concepts clear. Parents will be effective guides through this course, even if they’ve never had any musical training! Ages 5 and up. Compatible with Windows and Macintosh. For system requirements, visit


Personal Care Series: Exercise, Nutrition, Grooming An excellent addition to the LIFEPAC Health course, students learn the importance of nutrition, hygiene, and exercise. Includes fun activities such as crossword puzzles and word searches. Grades 6 and up. ER 2008 Exercise ER 2009 Grooming ER 2010 Nutrition



$7.99 $7.99 $7.99

40 Easy-To-Make Math Manipulatives The Privileged Planet Through stunning computer animation, this 60-minute video documentary explores current astronomical evidence that suggests Earth is more than an ordinary speck of dust. SD 0316 DVD



States and Capitals Card Game Match wits and earn points by pairing question and answer cards for the fifty U.S. states and capitals. Each card features a state map and colorful illustrated facts about each state. Ages 8-13. HR 0239

American Adventures

Using state-of-the-art computer animation, Unlocking the Mystery of Life transports you into the interior of the living cell to explore systems that bear the unmistakable hallmarks of intelligent design. 65 min.


MM 0260


Unlocking the Mystery of Life

SD 0315 DVD

Math becomes meaningful and fun with motivating manipulatives like Count ‘n’ Cliposaurus, Zip & Skip Number Line, and Computation Cookies! Make these manipulatives with easy-to-find materials. Grades 1-3.

Fifteen true stories, arranged chronologically, breath life, meaning, and excitement into America’s past. A timeline and summary of important historical events accompany each story. Discussion activities challenge students and encourage creativity. Grades 5 and up. RB 7840 Part 1 (1770-1870) RB 7841 Part 2 (1870-Present) RB 7056 American Characters

$9.95 $9.95 $9.95


Understanding Mathematics: From Counting to Calculus This book is full of easy-to-read, non-technical discussions from counting to calculus. Hundreds of detailed examples, step-by-step instructions, and pictures emphasize important concepts and support surrounding text. MM 0221

Order Toll Free 800.622.3070 M-F 7am - 5pm Central Time


Featuring the charming, animated characters from the Amazing Book video series, this innovative program couples traditional teaching methods with creative CD-ROM technology to teach preschoolers the “three R’s.” Each program features colorful, animated graphics plus a unique Teacher’s Module that allows parents to customize the program. The set includes all three CD-ROMs: Rev-Up for Reading, Rev-Up for Writing, and Rev-Up for Arithmetic.

Rev-Up for Reading CD-ROM Rev-Up for Writing CD-ROM Rev-Up for Arithmetic CD-ROM Rev-Up Set of 3 CD-ROMs

$12.95 $12.95 $12.95 $34.95

Some Body: The Human Anatomy Game A great basic anatomy game using information cards and brightly colored reusable plastic transfers. Your whole family can learn basic anatomy and have fun! Designed for players ages 6-10. GE 9226

Brightly illustrated, with clear diagrams, this straightforward resource guide covers every major topic in Physics. Comprehensive cross-linking, and a detailed index makes it easy to find the information you need.

This CD-ROM has everything you need to know to start playing piano now! With video lessons, ear training, and fun games this course helps beginners of all ages or those needing a refresher course learn the entire keyboard in a step-by-step approach. Compatible with Windows and Macintosh. For system requirements, visit

RB 8050

$12.95 ER 2023

The Illustrated Dictionary of Chemistry

Rev-Up CD-ROM System Requirements: Microsoft Windows® 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000, or XP. 133Mhz processor, 16 MB of RAM, SVGA graphics card, 16-bit sound card, CD-ROM drive, and mouse. RRCD RWCD RACD RSCD3

Teach Yourself To Play Piano


Body By Design Defines the basic anatomy and physiology in each of the eleven human body systems from a creationist viewpoint, while exposing faulty evolution-based reasoning. Special explorations in each body system look closely at disease aspects, current events, and discoveries, while profiling scientists who have made remarkable breakthroughs. Appropriate for high school levels.

RB 8051

SR 1015



Alfred’s Essentials of Music Theory This CD-ROM program presents narration, animation, games, and exercises that motivate while strengthening musical skills. The bonus glossary offers complete definitions of each term, including spoken pronunciations, visual references, and audio examples. $59.99

Student Microscope This inexpensive, easy-to-use microscope includes two prepared slides, six blank slides, tweezers, and two vials. A basic model with a magnifier for 100x, 300x, and 600x, this great science tool uses two AA batteries (not included). For ages 8 and older. SR 0224

Daily Focus

Learning Wrap-Ups

Be inspired and start your morning right with short, uplifting devotionals that will warm your heart. Discover new hope and encouragement for each day as you read real-life homeschooling experiences that relate to God's Word! You'll laugh, you'll cry, but mostly you'll be empowered to grow in your walk with the Lord as you enjoy the wonderful blessings of homeschooling. Contains 365 daily devotionals.

Offers a fun and unique way to help students memorize their math facts. Students wrap the string from the problem on the left to the answer on the right, then turn the Wrap-up over to see if they got it right. Use a stop watch to measure improvement. Excellent with LIFEPAC Math.



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