Arts of
age is generated through damage being dealt to and by the warrior and is capped at 100 he original death knights were
insidious necromancers who possessed
created for Orgrim Doomham-
superior intellect and tremendous magi-
mer by Gul’dan as powerful sol-
cal power. They often favored the use of
diers of the Horde. These death knights
terror tactics and reanimated the corpses
were created by placing the souls of the
of enemy soldiers who fell in battle to
slain warlocks of the Shadow Council into
serve them as mindless undead minions.
the corpses of fallen Stormwind knights,
Years after the destruction of Draenor,
the first of whom was Teron Gorefiend.
the immensely powerful Lich King crea-
Unlike modern death knights of the
ted a new breed of death knights: ma-
Scourge, these ghoulish fiends were
levolent, rune-wielding warriors of the
not battle hardened warriors; they were
Garrosh Hellscream arrosh became an important
Undoubtedly he is worried about
A great and fearsome warrior, Grom
chief among the Mag’har. He
The health of his clan’s matriarch, Ga-
Hellscream lusted for power. Despite
was aided by Jorin Deadeye,
rrosh knows that when she dies, he may
his awareness of this weakness, Grom
son of the Bleeding Hollow clan’s former
be expected to lead the Mag’har, and that
nevertheless drank Mannoroth’s blood,
chieftain, Kilrogg Deadeye. When our
troubles him as well. Garrosh believes
which made him stronger and fiercer,
heroes first meet Garrosh, he is sullen,
himself fated to repeat his father’s mis-
but also damned Grom and other orcs to
pessimistic, even depressed.
servitude under Mannoroth.
Cairne Bloodhoof aron Rivendare is a powerful
and he and his patrols do just that. He
death knight in the service of
coordinates the efforts of the Lich King
the Lich King. Originally ru-
in the Plaguelands.
ling over the city of Stratholme for the Scourge.
He currently battles
Once a wealthy human landowner,
With agents of the Argent Dawn sent
the plague corrupted Rivendare and
to Stratholme to kill him. Once, Baron
he pledged himself as a death knight.
Rivendare was a wealthy Lordaeron lan-
Rivendare’s duty is to round up and mur-
downer and a friend of Kel’Thuzad. He fell
der any human survivors he can find,
under the necromancer’s away.
Warrios of
Azeroth Agility
is useful while levelling as critical strike rating on gear is until later levels s long as war is waged on Aze-
rally their allies and spur them to victory,
races. Masters of swords, spears, and
roth, there will be men and
but not only can they rally their allies
weapons of all kinds, warriors share a
women who fight those wars.
into victor.
common way of life on Azeroth. Using
The warrior is no mere sword-swinger; they are skilled combatants, combining
their abilities to deal pain and cause They can themselves charge
bloodshed, warriors are deadly adversa-
strength of arm, knowledge of weapon-
Into the heart of the battle, take seve-
ries and welcome friends in violent times
ry and practiced maneuvers to slice or
ral lives and live to tell the tale. All races
(which seem to be a Warriors have exis-
bludgeon their foes into little red bits.
fight, and all races boast many warriors
ted in every race, from the murlocs to the
The warrior is the most versatile of the
in their ranks. Warriors are common
tauren. Anyone willing to take up arms
combat classes, and they supplement
among dwarves, Forsaken, humans, and
to defend their people can be classed as
their fighting prowess with the ability to
orcs, but are less so among the other
a warrior. ll the time in recent decades).
the final talent, Titan’s Grip, the warrior is able to dual wield two 2-hand weaponse
he arms tree consists of abi-
come unstoppable, unless killed, for the
lities which focus on slow
duration. Due to almost every arms skill
two-handed burst coupled
being based on weapon damage, such as
with heavy bleeding damage to better
[Rend], Overpower, [Deep Wounds] and
effect. The arms talent tree is capped
Mortal Strike, slow two-handed weapons
by the [Bladestorm] ability, which when
are favored by almost every arms warrior
activated, whirlwinds every second for
to maximize effect. Bleeding skills are
6 seconds and causes the warrior to be-
enhanced as well with the talent.
A balanced combat stance that increases the armor penetration of all of your attacks by 10%. RETALATION
Induces a friendly unit into a killing
Temporarily grants the Death Knight
frenzy for 30 sec. The target is Enraged,
15% of maximum health and increases
which increases their physical damage by
the amount of health generated through
20%, but causes them to suffer damage
spells and effects by 35% for 10 sec.
equal to 1% of their maximum health.
After the effect expires, the health is lost.
Converts 1 Blood Rune into 10% of your
Instantly strike the target, causing 50%
maximum health. This talent can be ac-
weapon damage plus X, and it’s near-
tive onlyu when the Death knight is in
est ally for 25% weapon damage plus
battle, in addition give 5% of your friends
X/2, each target takes an additional 10%
maximun health. 1 Minute Cooldown.
bonus damage per disease active on it.
lace a Mark of Blood on an enemy. When-
Summons a second rune weapon that
ever the marked enemy deals damage
fights on its own for 12 sec. doing the
to a target, that target is healed for 4%
same attacks as the Death Knight but for
of its maximum health. Lasts for 20 sec.
50% damage. This talent can be modi-
Costs 1 Blood Rune. 3 Minutes Cooldown.
fied for your power attack. 30 yrd range.
the final talent, Titan’s Grip, the warrior is able to dual wield two 2-hand weaponse
he fury tree bolsters the use
[Slam] burst damage with their already
of dual wielding (but does not
high sustained damage. While the cost
limit the warrior in any way),
to uphold this kind of damage taxes on
to dish out the highest damage that the
rage heavily, dual wielding solves the
warrior is capable of. Critical strikes allow
problem. With the final talent, Titan’s
the fury warrior to [Flurry], while the
Grip, the warrior is able to dual wield
attacks they use most have a chance of
two 2-hand weapons, greatly increasing
proccing Bloodsurge, throwing in high
rage gain in bursts, allowing the warrior.
aggressive stance. Critical hit chance is increased by 3% and all damage taken is
Induces a friendly unit into a killing
Temporarily grants the Death Knight
frenzy for 30 sec. The target is Enraged,
15% of maximum health and increases
which increases their physical damage by
the amount of health generated through
20%, but causes them to suffer damage
spells and effects by 35% for 10 sec.
equal to 1% of their maximum health.
After the effect expires, the health is lost.
Converts 1 Blood Rune into 10% of your
Instantly strike the target, causing 50%
maximum health. This talent can be ac-
weapon damage plus X, and it’s near-
tive onlyu when the Death knight is in
est ally for 25% weapon damage plus
battle, in addition give 5% of your friends
X/2, each target takes an additional 10%
maximun health. 1 Minute Cooldown.
bonus damage per disease active on it.
lace a Mark of Blood on an enemy. When-
Summons a second rune weapon that
ever the marked enemy deals damage
fights on its own for 12 sec. doing the
to a target, that target is healed for 4%
same attacks as the Death Knight but for
of its maximum health. Lasts for 20 sec.
50% damage. This talent can be modi-
Costs 1 Blood Rune. 3 Minutes Cooldown.
fied for your power attack. 30 yrd range.
the final talent, Titan’s Grip, the warrior is able to dual wield two 2-hand weaponse
he protection tree features
absolutely crush anyone foolish enough
the traditional one-handed
to attack him/her in melee, and use it to
weapon + shield combination
harass and silence casters. Protection
with talents to improve its use. It is likely
warriors now scale with attack power
that one would think the overall dama-
more so than they did in the past, cau-
ge is lower due to not using a “power-
sing them to do much more damage. The
ful two-hander” or “dual-wielding two
protection tree boosts overall survivabi-
weapons”. But when facing a protection
lity, but also offense with the kind of tools
warrior, they need to consider the shield
that prot warriors use, namely the one
as well. With it protection warriors could
handed weapon and shield.
defensive combat stance. Decreases damage taken by 10% and damage caused by 5%.
Induces a friendly unit into a killing
Temporarily grants the Death Knight
frenzy for 30 sec. The target is Enraged,
15% of maximum health and increases
which increases their physical damage by
the amount of health generated through
20%, but causes them to suffer damage
spells and effects by 35% for 10 sec.
equal to 1% of their maximum health.
After the effect expires, the health is lost.
Converts 1 Blood Rune into 10% of your
Instantly strike the target, causing 50%
maximum health. This talent can be ac-
weapon damage plus X, and it’s near-
tive onlyu when the Death knight is in
est ally for 25% weapon damage plus
battle, in addition give 5% of your friends
X/2, each target takes an additional 10%
maximun health. 1 Minute Cooldown.
bonus damage per disease active on it.
lace a Mark of Blood on an enemy. When-
Summons a second rune weapon that
ever the marked enemy deals damage
fights on its own for 12 sec. doing the
to a target, that target is healed for 4%
same attacks as the Death Knight but for
of its maximum health. Lasts for 20 sec.
50% damage. This talent can be modi-
Costs 1 Blood Rune. 3 Minutes Cooldown.
fied for your power attack. 30 yrd range.