To all Hall Users – May I please request that all concerns, complaints, feedback or otherwise be reported directly through the Centre Manager or the Admin Assistance instead of accosting the members of the Management Committee when they are trying to enjoy social outings. Please be advised that all concerns, complaints etc are taken seriously and as per previous incidents/reports - are rectified to the best of our ability as quickly as humanly possible. The suggestion box in the Coldroom corner is checked daily, should you wish to remain anonymous. We are here to help make your experiences at the Community Centre as pleasant as possible and your co-operation with this request is gratefully appreciated. Cheers………..Chris Centre Manager TRANSFER STATION
Domestic Waste and Recyclables Only NO Bulky Items, Furniture or rubber tyres GREEN WASTE/ WHITEGOODS/ METALS/ ELECTRONIC WASTE AND FLORESCENT TUBES ARE FREE
Saturday Only 7.30am - 4.30pm
Sunday Only 7.30am - 4.30pm
10 Week Health & Lifestyle Challenge Starting 15th July - 20th September This challenge is about making healthy lifestyle changes that you can sustain forever. It is not about a fad or a yoyo diet plan that you would most likely loose weight on. But what happens when the 10 weeks are up? You guessed it you go back to old habits and put all that weight back on plus usually more. We work with your goals of what you want to achieve whether it be weight loss, general health and wellness or improved fitness levels, it’s all about you. We have options to suit all budgets and goals. Call Benita for more information or to book your spot……….0408 395 850
What is happening in the Community—Current Online information ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Look us up on Facebook
Community Noticeboard Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome. Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris. at the RTC centre.
8th JUNE 8am—12noon 8 HOWITSON DRIVE CAR BOOT SALE SATURDAY 15th JUNE 9am-12noon See Page 15
JOIN OUR D.Y.I. LADIES NIGHT WEDNESDAY 5th JUNE 5.30pm—8.30pm Special Guest—Adam Dovile Light Refreshments Displays & Workshops Entertainment For more information or to book please contact us on 4421 0200 or visit ————————————————————
RaDCA are looking for expressions of Interest from the Community in getting Bunnings out to our Community Centre at regular intervals for various Workshops. If anyone is interested please ring Chris at the RTC on 47707855
Held in the Park @ The Landing Loads of Stalls with Food, Coffee, Jewellery, Clothes, Massage, Plants, Books, Bric a Brac . NEW Stallholders ALWAYS Welcome Car boot or Bric a Brac etc to sell Fishermans Landing Fishing and Social Club Balgal Beach inc. Presented by Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club For online information on what's on look up BALGAL BEACH MARKET
Catholic Mass at Com/Centre 7:30am
Weds 5/19 June
11.30am Mobile Library (two bin day)
Check Diary
Yoga, Weight Circuit, Waterobics
15 June
9am til noon Carboot Sale at Pace Park
TCC Computer Tutorial at the RTC
5/12/19/26 June
Hairdresser at the RTC from 9am
Sun 16 June
Outback Dental @ Doctors
Tues 18 June
2.00pm Board Games
Thurs 20 June
Visiting Vet 9am on Hall Veranda (3rd Thurs of ea Mth)
Thurs 20 June
1.30 – 3.30 Carers Qld @ RTC
7 June Thursdays 6/13/20/27 June Thursday 6/13/20/27 June
Celebrating the Achievements of the Pioneers of the Townsville Northern Beaches 12pm for 12.30pm start. Rollingstone Bus – Each Thursday – leaving hall at 8am – limited seats booking essential – No Bus Anzac Day 25 April. Notchies Playgroup 9:30am at the hall.
Welcome to all the new families to the district. I have had the pleasure to meet many new families who have moved into our patch of Paradise. Welcome to you all. We, at the Community Centre/ Rural Transaction Centre are here to assist with any enquiries or questions you may have; if you need help on any level please do not hesitate to seek us out. If you have any concerns about Privacy and Confidentiality it is our No. 1 Priority. Expression of interest – Clock making Woodworking Workshop – A Clock Making workshop is being organised. We currently are looking for expressions of interest – 1 class is almost full – (6 participants per class) – The subsidised cost is $30 to attend this workshop and you get the tuition and a clock to take home. Call the RTC 47707855 for more details. The Rollingstone & District Community Association memberships are due by 30 June 2019 – Thank you to all you early birds who have already paid your memberships for the 2019-2020 year. Memberships can be paid at the RTC. See Mark or myself, forms are in the Rolly Rag. Biggest Morning Tea – Well done R&D Seniors for another successful Biggest Morning Tea, what a great morning and large roll up. There were plenty of people to greet, plenty of delicious treats, the tea and coffee plentiful and many good quality “Cups of Hope” to bid on, congratulations to Linda B for her contribution, winning the highest bid prize. Carboot Sale – 15 June 9 til noon at Pace Park under the trees. We have over 20 people booked in as sellers for the Carboot Sale. Come along and bag a bargain or book a place to sell your unwanted goodies. See you there. Celebrating the Achievements of the Pioneers of the Townsville Northern Beaches Luncheon is happening on 7 June. We have been advertising this event for some time now – Hopefully you have your place booked. We called for nominations of the people you believe have contributed to their communities of the Northern Beaches. Nominations are now closed but keep your thinking caps on, as there will be opportunity to nominate someone again next year. Top dressing of the oval at Pace Park – Is spoken about in the Community Shorts the Top dressing of Pace Park has commenced with sand being delivered as I type this. Once the second round of top dressing is done in a couple of months time Pace Park will be as good as any of the fields in and around Townsville. Carers Qld Mothers Day Lunch was held at Fisherman’s Landing Thursday 5 June. The lunch was open to the regular attendees of the Carers meetings and from the relaxed faces returning to the Community Centre, it was a very enjoyable outing. Thank you Sherree for putting on this outing. Community Kitchen Dinner Date - May 30 will see the first of the Community Kitchen’s Dinner Dates. This is a group of people getting together to cook and share a meal together. It was identified in our community, there are a number of people who are great cooks but as they are living on their own loose the motivation to cook for themselves. With the assistance of the Community Kitchen scheme this group will be planning a meal, cooking it and sharing a meal together. This will happen at the Community Centre. The contacts for this group are Monica Schweir, Bernice Ivett and Linda Burse (I think happy to be corrected). If you live on your own and want to have a monthly outing with a good group of people please do not hesitate to contact these Ladies. Thank you to our garden angels, Bob and Deb, Carol P, Merle D, Moira, Margaret H and Leigh M (for the loan of the Trailer). The Garden is getting a cut back and will look wonderful once the work is complete. Raffle tickets are available at the RTC or Op Shop to assist one of our own young sports people Khloe from the Matt Fiddes Martial Arts School represent Australia in the Martial Arts in November in Bath UK. Khloe achieved her Black Belt with Distinction when she was 8 years of age. Let’s get behind this little dynamo and help her make it to the UK. As usual, I get to this point and know there is more I need to include that is sadly eluding me just now and Kerrie is being so patient with me. Soooo……..if I have forgotten to thank you for your contribution to the Community Centre this month, thank you. There are so many who do such nice things for the Association and Centre who need to be thanked. No one is in charge of your happiness but you………..As always look after yourselves…………...Chris P4
on Bruce Highway, Ph. 47708184
The best and most unique Ice-cream and sorbets, fresh fruit juices, cakes and coffee, sandwiches and light tropical meals. Our ice-creams are made with skim milk and our fruit sorbets are dairy free. Frosty Mango is ideal for small meetings, family reunions, birthday parties or just relax with a tropical meal, an ice-cream, coffee and cake in air-conditioned comfort or under the veranda. We also look after you if you have gluten or lactose intolerance. We are open every day from 8:00am to 6:00pm P5
Gordon Payne has recently had hip surgery. Home now and, as we write, recovering well. Rob Thomson is back in hospital for more surgery on that pesky back of his. Let’s hope they really fix it this time. Bruce Urquhart (Terri Dallman’s partner) is also back in hospital not doing too well. Please get better soon, Bruce. And Alf Morgan isn’t too well recently. We wish him all the best for an improvement.
Our own Michael Blake (Headmaster, Mutarnee SS) took a team of North Queensland men down to the Gold Coast for the Lawn Bowls State Championships during May. Michael was there in the capacity of Selector and Coach and was most pleased with the performance of the team. These men came from Clubs from Bowen to Ingham and out to Hughenden. Congratulations, boys!! Well, we had our “Chick Flick” movie night in May. What a disappointment – only 13 people attended. When we first mooted this little “soiree” on Facebook, everyone thought it such a great idea and was going to come along. But that didn’t happen so we won’t do it again. Requires too much planning by willing volunteers to have this response, so like our Trivia Nights, we’ve tried and it didn’t work so we’ll not be doing it or the Trivia nights again. Sorry, but we can’t make people turn up and as I said above, takes too much effort to organise to regularly have these functions fall flat.............. We have successfully applied for and received a funding grant of $25,000 to top-dress and help maintain the oval at the Centre (in Pace Park) for 12 months. A grant through Council (Works for Qld.) contributed $5,000 last year to top-dress it but the flood took most of that away and Council had no plans for any further top-dressing. It was then up to us to do our own thing and fix this large problem. As it turns out, we were most fortunate in our application and are most grateful for this windfall. Works started late in May and will be completed in June with further maintenance ongoing during the year. We will be applying shortly for funding for a new bus. It won’t be bigger than this one because that brings with it more conditions/issues/complications and costs. Let’s hope we get looked at favourably this time.
“If you eat well, sleep well, exercise, and drink plenty of water, you’ll die anyway.” Live well, love much, laugh often....................... “Sancho Panza”.
8th JUNE 12.30pm
Verses 5th June
Rollingstone State School Hi Community This year, one of our specific learning focuses is improving our writing. Last term I had the privilege of working with Lisa and Year 5/6 to analyse and write the first chapter of a new fantasy text. All students did a wonderful job and many exceeded their own expectations with creativity and description. Below is a sample from one of our Year 5 students, Kirri…..Enjoy
The Valley of Magic Mayhem………………..By Kirri
Fiery Flames Walking through the palace it seemed empty. The silence was deafening, until it was rudely interrupted by a ringing getting louder and louder every second. Looking outside, the village seemed still with the moon shining over the lake like a torch in the dark lighting up the sky. This was my home and it filled my heart with joy. As the sun rose, the village filled with happiness. The Unicorn Parade was to be scheduled today. “Tessa can you please come here.” While waiting for a reply, I searched for my hairbrush. “Yes your Elf Majesty, what are you after?” she hummed as soon as she’d walked through the door. “Today is a special day and I need a special hair-do. Would you please style my hair,” I asked in hope of a good reply. “Of course!” she squealed in joy Minutes later, she surprised me with one of the best surprises ever. My long blonde hair had transformed into a beautiful braid, covered in an assortment of rainbow flowers flowing neatly down. This accompanied my astonishing rainbow dress and my long white cloak sprinkled with gold. The pride filled me with strength and power. “It’s time to go to the race, is everyone ready?” I asked at the palace doors. Nodding their heads, the guards pushed them open. As a gust of sweet, fresh aromas filled the air, my heart pounded with pleasure. The lush green grass, flowers and trees covered the land for miles and miles. Waterfalls flowing into the centre of the valley could be seen from all directions. The unicorns were placed at one end of the field waiting for their riders to parade through town. Suddenly, there was a screeching sound from the distance. Expecting it to be my eagle companion Lucey, I turned to call her over. Turning around I felt the long, hard gushes of wind and the heat up against my face made me feel like I was melting. The snow and ice on the hills in the distance were melting like ice cream on a hot sunny day and the fires in the distance were spreading faster and faster. Suddenly, the land fell into darkness. Looking above, there were glimpses of red and orange scales all over a dragon’s huge body. Trembling with fear, I tried to think rationally. Running to the crowd, I grabbed all the little kids I could carry and signalled everyone to do the same. Mounting them onto Lucey, she beat her wings like drums. “Take them to Mt Marvellous. They will be safe there,” I whispered to her. As I signalled, she left. “GUARDS! Summon the Pegues!” I yelled trying to overpower the screams and cries. “You heard the lady!” the head chief guard’s voice boomed through the town. The gates opened. The Pegues were set through the town trying to escape the dark shadow of the beast. Sparks were flying from their horns as they fled across its body. This distraction gave me some time to run to the palace’s secret room which was guarded by 13 mysterious jaguars that only let royal blood pass. My footsteps echoed through the walls. The stairs spiralled, twirled and then stopped. At the end of the corridor stood the door, black and mysterious and somewhere out of sight, I knew the black jaguars were waiting. The door was straight ahead, until all of a sudden… the room went cold and I froze. I could see their fur glowing slightly in the candle light. They growled, teeth pointing and their sharp claws poised to strike. I looked them firmly in the eyes and they let me pass. I let out a sigh of relief. Now right in front of me, I could see the sword floating in its glass case. Its blade gleaming with glory. Its handle made of pure gold with silver placed perfectly to create the kingdom seal.
Office of Nick Dametto MP Member for Hinchinbrook
P: 07 4765 4700 | F: 07 4765 4709 | Visit: 86-92 Herbert Street, Ingham QLD 4850 E:
Paying it forward RECENTLY, I had a nice surprise at home which served as a wonderful reminder about how great our local community really is. As I pulled up at home to have a quick bite to eat before my next meeting, I realised something wasn’t right with my lawn. It was no longer a foot high as it was when I left it at 6:30am that morning. After coming to the conclusion that my wife, who was at work and my dog could have not possibly mown my lawn, I was left pointing the finger at an unknown good Samaritan. Not only was I thankful, but I decided to share this act of kindness on social media, encouraging others to “pay it forward”. Paying it forward encourages people who have benefited from a good deed to repay it to others instead of to the original benefactor. It’s definitely not a new concept but one which I believe makes our community a better place to live. As a resident of the northern beaches of Townsville, we are constantly plagued with bad news stories of break-ins, car theft and anti-social behaviour. I believe the best way to combat this undesirable path society is following, is to work against it through kindness. I encourage people to get to know their neighbours. When we build relationships with the people that live in our street, it galvanises our community spirit. As North Queenslanders, we are a little different compared to the rest of the state. We still give a one fingered wave off the steering wheel when passing a stranger along the highway, we do things for others without the need for recognition and most of all, we look out for each other. This month, I challenge everybody to do one act of kindness without reward in the spirit of paying it forward. Nick Dametto MP Member for Hinchinbrook
PARCEL COLLECTION SERVICE If anyone in the community would like a parcel picked up in Townsville and delivered to your door on the day our Community Bus goes into town (weekly on Thursdays), call Chris (855), organise it with her and it will be done. COST is $5. P8
Trip Advisor
THE BOOK STATION At the Community Centre Monday to Friday 9-3pm
ROLLY RAG ADVERTISING RATES (per issue incl. GST as at March 2012) Full Page (18 x 26cm)
Half Page (18 x 13cm)
Quarter Page (9 x 13cm)
Business Card (9 x 6.5cm)
Classifieds (up to 20 words)
Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours, into the mailbox located at the end of the veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Ensure your name and details are on the envelope. We can design an ad for you and we accept .jpg file formats of your existing ads. The Rag is a great place to advertise and very cost effective. For more information or to discuss your ad, call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email or * extra costs for supplying the photocopying if required
$2/hour (or part of)
FREE for Students doing school Projects and FREE for Job Seekers.
Printing & Photocopying (Black & White) A4 Single Sided
.10¢ / page
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.20¢ / page
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. 5¢ / page
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.20¢ / page
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.40¢ / page
A3 50 or more off 1 original
.10¢ / page
Colour Photocopying A3 or A4
.50¢ / page
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.20¢ / page
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$1 / page .50¢ / page First page $1.10 incl. GST)
Consecutive pages $0.55incl. GST) ◼
- Business Card
- A4 $1.10 (incl. GST) - A3 $2.20 (incl. GST) ◼
Room Hire
1/2 Day $20 (incl. GST) Evening $20 (incl. GST)
Important document scanning
Rolly Rag’ Disclaimer
The ‘Rolly Rag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc P.O. Box 35, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher). The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published. The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to. P 10
Indoor Carpet Bowls At The Community Centre Wednesday Morning and Night 9-11.30am & 7-9pm!!!! Morning: $2.50 Night: $2.00 This is a FUN activity and is guaranteed to be a winner!! All skill levels & All age groups Just turn up and see how much fun you will have! Further info contact Chris on 47707855
Come and join us for a great time!
Board Games Played on the third Tuesday of each month between 2-4pm at the Hall. Scrabble, Mahjong, Yahtzee and MORE!!! Bring along your favourite game if you want or play with any of our games!
$2 for an afternoon of fun with like minded people.
Your Local Community Pharmacy Bluewater
Healthsave Pharmacy
Balgal Beach Healthsave Pharmacy
2 Purono Parkway, Yabulu 4818
114 Mystic Avenue, Balgal Beach 4816
PH: 07 4778 6233
PH: 07 4770 7400
FAX: 07 4778 6733
FAX: 07 4770 7399
8.30am – 6pm Monday – Friday
8.30am – 5pm Monday – Friday
8.30am – 1pm Saturday
8.30am – 12pm Saturday
FREE Blood Pressure Checks
* Hire Equipment
*NDSS Agent – Diabetes Supplies
Blister Packaging for your medicines
* Full Prescription Service
*Delivery available for those in need
MLE – Making Life Easy (Large range of Home Healthcare aids)
*Ear Piercing
*Faulding Vitamins
Pharmacy Choice Brand Products (Quality product made affordable with 100% money back guarantee) Easy parking available
PREVENTION IS ALWAYS BETTER – GIVE YOUR BODY THE WEAPONS TO FIGHT – DON’T SUFFER THIS YEAR!!! This time of year is a great time to help boost our immune systems. Natural vitamins and herbs like Vitamin C, Zinc, Andrographis, Echinacea and Olive Leaf extract can help to boost the immune system. Andrographis helps to reduce the duration of a cold Echinacea has traditionally been used in western society for the relief of sore throat and cough associated with the common cold. Olive Leave extract is traditionally used to relieve the symptoms of coughs, cold and sore throats and is a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a great way to help strengthen your body’s natural defences as vitamin c is a strong antioxidant. Antioxidants are molecules that boost the immune system by protecting cells from harmful molecules called free radicals. Vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables like oranges, strawberries, kiwi fruit, capsicum, broccoli, kale and spinach. Most of these lines are in season now and a great way to boost your immune system. Zinc is found in cells throughout the body. Zinc helps the immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses. The best source of zinc are beans, animal meats, nuts, fresh fish and other seafood eg raw oysters, whole grain cereals and dairy products. There are natural IMMUNE BOOSTERS AND Cold and Flu products available in your local Pharmacy that contain these ingredients in high concentrations. (Practitioner Strength products are now available) Check with your Pharmacist if you are able to take these natural remedies as some ingredients can interfere with your medication Our personal favourite is half a squeezed lemon with honey in hot water drink. Great for a sore throat. Stay healthy over the Winter period………...Your local Pharmacy Team
P 12
Call from 8am for Appointments Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. CLOSED Thursday, Saturday & Sunday General Practitioners Dr Vladimir Hasa Friday (Private billing) Dr Olga Hasa Tues & Fri (Private billing) DrZakia Sultana Mon & Wed (Bulk Billing) Dr Lucia Rajnoch Tuesday (Bulk Billing) Allied Health Services PHYSIOTHERAPY - Katrina Davey SOCIAL WORK – Amanda Kruger PSYCHOLOGY – Natalie Arnel Pathology collection WEDNESDAY only 8.30am to 12.00noon
See your GP for referrals to these services.
SUNDAY 16th JUNE 2019
Upcoming Events (one night only). Tickets through:
12th June: – Morning Melodies A wonderful morning with live entertainment and morning tea for the senior members of the community.
20th June: – Toy Story Premiere. Hosted by Ingham State High School. 2nd August: – Johnny Lee Memphis Elvis Show. A fun live show with heaps of energy and all of Elvis’s greatest hits. 30th August: – Joe Avarti. A wonderful Italian comedian that will have the crowd in stitches. 25th September: – Justice Crew. The hit boys band will perform live on stage.
Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre…….Phone: 4771 5411
4770 7698
0437 555 469
4770 7540 / 0427 074 816 4770 7356 / 0412 965 535 0402 084 588
As carers, we have a lot of heart-ache as well as success stories. I would like to tell you about one of my success stories. Last October I was handed a 690gm pretty face baby wallaby (whip tail). She was a skinny girl with not much on her and she had come straight from her mum that was hit by a car and killed. She needed a lot of tender loving care. This little Wallaby just happen to come to me on the same day that my Niece passed away. So of course I named her Niki after my niece. They both had pretty faces. Niki was up and down with her health, but she was a little fighter and got over the hard bits. She stayed with me all the way through to grow into a loving Wallaby. When it was time to go, Niki was 6kg so now it was time to get ready for the real world. We took her up to Herberton on the table lands to a wonderful big property with Wallabies of her own kind. The people were lovely that took her and they could tell I was a bit hesitant to leave her after all I had had her from a baby and named her after my Niece so it was a bit like losing a bit of her. They showed me around the property and with all the other animals, I new that my Niki would be okay. I’d had this Wallaby from when she was a baby. So to see her with her own kind and free, it was very fulfilling to say the least. It’s sad to see them go after so long but they are a wild animal and in the wild is where they belong……………So that is my story, rescued....rehabilitated....released... See you in the great outdoors....Chris
Can everyone keep their can ring tops off the aluminium cans please? There will be a tin in the Community Hall for collection. The ring tops go towards the making of new Wheelchairs Collection Tin in the Hall
Rollingstone Community Association yearly memberships are due Only $1.00 per person See Mark or Chris at the RTC
Volunteers required for delivery of the Rolly Rag to the local community once a month (excluding Jan and Feb) Please contact Chris at the Centre on: 4770 7855. P15
CHRONIC PAIN WOMEN’S HEALTH (Menarche to Menopause) Sho Ni Shin for Children (No Needles) FACIAL REJUVINATION (Cosmetic Accupuncture)
YOGA work to your edge and your limits A general guided Hatha light flow class Sundara Yoga Garden Studio 17 Salamander St, Bluewater Tuesday 6.30—7.30 pm Restore and release Yin Saturday 8am to 9am—General Hatha flow Rollingstone Community Centre, Balgal Beach Saturday 10.30 to 11.30 am Nicole: 0410 474 460 Facebook—Sundara Yoga
Lions are taking up a collection of old mobile phones that are no longer being used. Collection bin (plastic container) is in the Community Hall
The Bookmobile visits twice each month on Yellow Bin day. Located in the carpark at RollingstoneCommunity Centre
R ollingstone & D istrict C ommunity A ssociation I nc 44 Community Crescent, Rollingstone Qld 4816 ABN: 90413441725 Community Centre Manager
Ph: 07) 47707855
Fax No: 07) 47707811
NOTIFICATION This is a timely reminder to let everyone know – Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc Memberships are now due. Membership fees are $1.00 per year and due before 30 June 2019. Please note: this is a RaDCA Membership and is totally SEPARATEto the Rollingstone Seniors membership. RaDCA membership fees can be paid to Chris/Mark at the RTC Office. Interested in becoming an Association member –
see application below.
GOLF Membership
Prices are the best around. Give us a call to find out what membership best suits you.
139 Mystic Avenue, Balgal Beach PH: 47 707 355 Email: Web Site:
JUNE SUPER SPECIAL New Members only 13 months golf only $500 That’s awesome value! Course Fees – 9 holes front and back $20 Golf Carts - $25.00 and we have 12 carts available for hire.
Pizza night : Tuesday Restaurant open Wednesday and Friday night for meals Friday night : RSL and Goose club Happy hour: Friday 4-6pm $5 Cans, Stubbies, Schooners, Basic Spirits and Wine. PHONE FOR BOOKINGS:……...47707355
Members Game Days: Tuesday - VETS Saturday - Competition
Visitors and Members Days: Friday - Social Friday Club Sunday - Bushrangers
Barefoot Bowls Thursday night Register 5:30pm Play 6 pm onwards
Op Shop Please be mindful, that while all donations are gratefully received, your goods need to be in reasonable condition. Please ask yourself “if it is not good enough to give to my best friend—is it good enough to give to the Op Shop?”
9am—3pm Monday to Friday and 9am—12noon 1st. SATURDAY of the MONTH
Please be advised the Op Shop cannot accept: Electrical goods; large knives; bulky, chipboard or damaged furniture NOVEMBER RAINFALL REPORT Monthly Rain totals as at 27/05/19 Rainfall for May: 30mm Year to date: 2292.7mms Wet Days: 9 Max Temp: 30° on 10/05/19 Min Temp: 14° on 11/05/19 Access the data from our local weather station at: dashboard?ID=IQUEENSL849
5th and 19th JUNE FREE WIFI now available from Mobile Library
Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club News Hello and welcome. The Family Business take-over bid story so far. It is always pleasing to see a family business tussle finish amicably. I refer of course my 3 dear readers to the ongoing business turmoil in a local family when the Lady of the house decided to retire from real work, became bored at home watching endless dreary Soapies on TV so began a take-over bid of the Family business very successfully run by her extremely hard-working Husband. The grave situation came to a head when the now down-trodden Husband even had his key to the Executive Wash-room wrenched from his frail grasp before the champion third share-holder stepped in and Dad was once again restored to his rightful position as head of the company; the Boss Man! The story continues: To show there were no sour grapes or animosity, Gavin has taken on Kim as Secretary and general company dogs-body and set her up in a very stylish office in the lap of luxury. Her desk is 2 thick wood planks there a hidden meaning here Gavin?) laid out on 2 saw horses. There is no office chair as Gavin (is believes Kim will be too busy to sit. No computer to confuse, just an old Olivetti typewriter which Kim happily taps away on whilst humming little ditties to herself as the sun beats down on her face, her back, her head in fact all over but Gavin to his credit did say one day he will tack up some shade cloth. Her side table is Gavin’s tackle box which he admitted he always forgets to take fishing particularly on over-night trips so it may as well be put to some good use. Her desk is strategically placed outside between the washing machine and pizza oven where Gavin hopes Kim will learn to multi-task; you know, do the washing and cook the evening meal while performing her mundane tasks at her desk. Gavin, being the all round good bloke said he is trying to improve Kim’s work by replacing the round typewriter eraser which cuts holes in the paper (don’t we all remember that) with the more modern white-out and he is looking for a newer Olivetti but he has searched all the museums to no avail. Gavin has his Executive Wash-room key back and they all lived happily ever after. So that ends this fascinating story, which at this stage I admit is entirely fictional. I have not spoken to or seen either Kim nor Gavin since I began their fictious journey over 3 months ago as Di and I have been absent from Paradise on an extended holiday. I do hope they have kept their sense of humour but be assured on my first meeting with Kim the only question I shall be asking myself “ in which hand is she holding the knife”? The End of Month Club BBQ on the last Friday in April went very well as did the Club Balgal Beach Markets held on Saturday 4 th May. Thanks to all our Members who assisted at both functions, your help is always appreciated. I am elated to report that Richard Pickering who has been doing it tough now looks his old healthy, happy cheeky self again. His beard has partly grown back which Babz said he grows to hide his double chin. In that case Babz, we should all be sporting a beard. Great to see you looking so well again old mate. Barry Mugeli has defied a near-death experience and is again back on the golf course and beach walking. Good on you Barry and stay away from those hospitals with their “routine” procedures. Garry Luff and Ron Condren (Condo) are also back on the road to recovery. I should go away more often as everyone seems to get well when I am away. Upcoming events are the Family Fun Weekend Away to Lucinda from 24th to 26th May and at the time of writing this article which is late (yes, the nasty Editor is again chewing out my back-side for being late) there were not too many starters. However, in line with Club policy, the event will not be cancelled due to a lack of interest as each and every Member has an opportunity to attend. Next is the Club Balgal Beach Markets on Saturday 1st June. As always, Club volunteers are very much appreciated. Following the completion of repairs to the boat ramp the Boat Licence Course which had to be deferred earlier this year due to the damaged boat ramp will now be conducted in July. We await the course provider to give us a date in July. The repairs to the pontoon walkway have stalled; in fact, they never started. We were informed in mid-May by Council that as the pontoon was not owned by Council, we should affect our own repairs. However, soon after the floods that swept the walk-way away, we were told that the repairs would be arranged and paid for by Council from the Disaster Recovery Fund so after this latest stalling tactic by Council, Club Management responded with a heap of paper-work showing that Council was in fact responsible for the pontoon. We thank Cr. Margie Ryder who has been championing our cause with Council Administrators. In the meantime, as we all know, the wheels turn slowly. As the repairs will not be done in time, the very popular Kids Fishing Classic planned for the upcoming school holidays has been deferred. Now, the reason you have all read this article this far in eager anticipation, for your edification, education and enjoyment, here is whatshisname? Why, Richard the Turd of course with ta da….Dickie’s Fishing News. Enjoy…. Giday Folks. A lot of 15 to 20 kts south easterly trade winds for the last month have put paid to any reef trips. However, the creek and shoal fishing especially on the shoals in the early morning trips and back by 9 or 10 before the wind gets back up has produced some good catches of Grunter, Nannygai and Doggie Mackerel. Pilchards and squid and also dead or live mullet are the best bait but be careful using a cast net due to the big crocs in the area; make sure you are not the one on the deep end. Some good catches of Coral Trout have been reported on the inner shoals from Cattle Creek to mystic Sands with a good number of Crabs in Cattle, Olera, Scrubby and Rollingstone Creeks. Be warned though that there are persons out there who still believe in share-farming when it comes to Crab pots so check them regularly. If you catch such a thief, don’t hesitate to dob them in to the Fisheries. Winter Whiting are being landed in all the creeks and the best bait are Yabbies or Mantis Prawns but these fish will take anything if they are on the bite. Well that is it for this month. Hopefully the winds will abate during the next month and more island and reef trips are possible. Safe boating and tight lines and don’t forget to put in a trip sheet with either Townsville or Ingham Coast Guards or at the very least tell someone responsible when you expect to return. You can leave your out of date EPIRBS and flares at The Landing for safe disposal ………Regards, Dickie To finish this month a couple of short notices. The Club Memberships expire on 30th June so get in now and renew. New members may also join now and enjoy an extra month of membership with all the great Club benefits. Secondly, the Stinger Net has been removed until next season, thanks Dickie for keeping us all safe during the Stinger season by maintaining the net, a huge task. The Balgal Beach swimming area will again be patrolled during the school holidays by Life Savers from Townsville but only during P21 business hours. There Madam Editor, it is finished, stop beating me please……...Until next month, Ninger
Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News Good Day All…….We celebrated Mothers Day with much love and appreciation for the entire good things Mothers do. It was a perfect night for them all. We had a TRIVIA NIGHT that was organised by our Merle Dickinson and with her great expertise she had us all thinking hard. The team that won the Triva was ‘KEN’S MOB’: Shirley Cattle, Kym Lawson, Riley Lawson and Ken Turner. They finished well in front and took the GOLD. Carol Phillips was given the honour of cutting the special Mothers Day Cake and received a large applause. All MUMS deserve to be honoured every day. The Mothers Day Raffle was won by Vanda Simmons. On ya Vanda. More Chockies…...The Lucky member’s number was won by Rob Thomson. Well done Rob. The Lound’s Seafood Raffle was won by Ken Turner. Such a great prize. LOUNDSY has the best seafood in Townsville. YUM. Our next BBQ night is on 9 of June and will be a Mexican night so come dressed as a Mexican and enjoy the special food. It will be another special night with a difference. Visitors are always welcome, come along and enjoy the night with us. Visitors are $10 per person and children under 12 are free. Members are always free. Good Food, Good Company, Good night. Your Committee Members would like to wish you all good health, stay safe and looking forward to seeing you all at our Mexican Night.
ROAD RULES This month I would like to discuss an issue that I believe is becoming quite prevalent at the intersection of the Bruce Highway & Balgal Beach Road (just south of the Rollingstone Creek bridge) and other places along the Highway. There is hardly a day when I am approaching this intersection from the south, that I see drivers crossing the double continuous centre line on the Highway, to cut the corner so that they don’t have to reduce speed to take the left bend in Balgal Beach Road just down from the intersection. This in itself is a breach of Section 132 (3) of the Road Rules which states “A driver on a road with 2 continuous lines must drive to the left of the diving lines. It is bad enough that these drivers commit a breach of Section 132(3) on the Highway, they commit the offence again in Balgal Beach Road and if caught by a conscientious Police Officer, could receive two Traffic Offence Notices for crossing the two sets of double white centre lines. Queensland Transport and Main Road have marked this intersection this way as if there was a vehicle leaving Balgal Beach Road there is a danger of the two vehicles colliding. You are required to reduce speed and travel to the END of the double diving lines before you start to turn and this will then take you onto the correct side of the double white diving lines on Balgal Beach Road. It is immaterial that there is no vehicle near the intersection on Balgal Beach Road. I have discussed this with a number of local drivers and the majority rely on the legislation at a 4 way intersection in town where the driver can turn to the right of the intersection, but as I explained, the intersections are bigger and if there were double white driving lines, they would have to obey them at these intersections as well. Folks, although I have not worked as a Police Officer for some 18 years, I am still very passionate about saving lives on our roads by explaining the Road Rules to you in the hope that it will make our roads safer, but also to save you money. In the past I have offered to conduct lectures on the Road Rules and if need be, get some operational traffic enforcement officers to assist me. I am still willing to offer this service to the Community of Balgal Beach which I hope will make you better drivers on our roads. There is no such thing as “Good Drivers”. There are some who know the Road Rules better than others, but unless you UNDERSTAND what these Rules mean (not just know the Rules) you are a possible risk on our roads. If you would like me to conduct these lectures, please notify Chris at the RTC who will pass the information onto me. I would also ask that you nominate whish Road Rule/s that you would like explained and I will draw up a program so you know when I will be addressing your queries…...Warren BUTTERWORTH
Mystic Sands Golf Resort Report Wow it’s a big month ahead for all golfers with the Mystic Sands Men’s and Ladies Open on the weekend of 22 and 23 June. We will see golfers from as far south as Sarina / Mackay and Proserpine and out west from Charter Towers. Entries are already being received with an estimate of 60 players per day and course preparations are well on the way. Our Gardens are still requiring lots of attention and a working bee is planned to do some tree lopping. Volunteers will be asked to assist on the day. By having Men play on Saturday 22nd and Ladies on 23rd we are hoping that our local accommodation and businesses get some spin off. There will be a 2 course buffet and live music on Saturday night, which you are all most welcome to come along but bookings are essential. Hoping to see lots of locals coming along to support this wonderful event. In May, the club introduced its new membership drive with a letter box drive and local markets being our key focus. Welcome to our new members and thanks to everyone who has help with the drive. Remember our key focus is new memberships to make the club grow into the future. Later in the year our focus will be introducing Juniors and a coaching clinic. Results for May saw our first Closed Club Championship 4 BBB Stableford with Darren Beavis and Phil Thompson taking the honours in Men’s. One of our returnee members Anja Devereaux and Joan Johnson were very popular winners of the Ladies. Monthly Medal Winners Men’s Div 1: Wayne Butler, Div 2: Rosco Jessop, Ladies: Maree King. The Club is buzzing along with pizza Tuesdays, meals Wednesday and Friday nights and don’t forgot Barefoot bowling on Thursday night $2pp and Bushrangers Golf on Sunday mornings. Hope to see you down the club or on the course soon……..Hit ém long and straight but most of all enjoy……….Gurdie
SOCIAL NEWS There was a fantastic attendance for our Mother’s Day luncheon. We had Roast Lamb, Chicken and Pork with Roast Vegetables and Salad with yummy desserts. On the 19th May, we had Breakfast by the Lake with a great turnup for the breakfast of Bacon, Sausages, Eggs, Tomato, Mushrooms and toast. After brekky we played a 3 Ball Ambrose game. After the golf, in the afternoon there was more fun with the band “Make Us Famous” playing. Everyone was up dancing and having a great time.
P 24
P 25
Rollingstone & District Seniors Well it is this time again when the Cancer Council Biggest Morning tea is upon us and by the time this comes out it will be all over, rover. The committee members and volunteers have been working hard selling the door tickets and the separate raffle tickets and they are going well. Due to legislation there have had to be a few changes but they no way take the meaning away and hope to see you there. Well of seen you there. The seniors went off to Upper ross over 50s this month and I heard that we had some very lucky raffle winners. I unfortunately had been away and returned the same day so unable to go. I’ve missed a few things lately due to clashing dates. Bingo is going along strongly and most of our regulars are back after illnesses and such. Lovely to see them. The jackpot has been changed, it now sits at $100 each time starting with xx numbers of calls and going up each month. We are hoping this will encourage folk to come along as we do not have to close due to lack of support. Those who go are staunch supporters. The cost now is $20 for your cards. Still cheap entertainment for the afternoon and the possibility of winning some back. Voting is over with and our travellers will soon be home and we are nearly half way through the year, yipes….where has the year gone. Next it will be the pineapple Festival and all go, go again. The good thing about this time of year is the weather, just glorious. I always say when the cooler months arrive I am going to do this and that and this and that and I do nothing. Well nothing major anyway. We still have the problem of speeding vehicles on our roads. It does not matter what time of day or night. I am fed up with them passing me as I am doing 80km and I only see their dust after that. All complaints fall on deaf ears and I have had some ridiculous suggestions said to me from the powers that be. I was recently told no one else has complained so if you want things to change please get off your seat and complain, the squeaky wheel gets the oil as they say. Are we so complacent that we wait for someone to die before we complain? We have so many folk walking with or without dogs that it is quite scary…..Ok rant over…...ciao
BIGGEST MORNING TEA Well, we did it once again you clever people of northern beaches, what a morning eh? Thankyou for all those who turned up to our annual Biggest Morning Tea for the Cancer council and a HUGE thanks to all those people who donated items for the raffles, cent sale and auctions. What a great selection and without all your help we could not pull this morning off. I doubt very much if any one has a complaint but if they do please refer to the Seniors and we will table at the next meeting to try and rectify. The cup of hopes’ were so lovely and inspiring and I think everyone who entered were just amazing. The lady from the Cancer Council was in the thick of things and had a ball, Nick (our MP) looked so relaxed and did a magnificent job. Well done mate. There were some lovely 50s outfits but the winner had to be Shirley Cattle without a doubt, but to all the ladies who dressed for the day, well done. A lot of thought went into the smallest details, bobby socks with the lace, a typical 50s housewife, a drive-in waitress and some very stylish ladies. The door prize went to our friends in Bluewater, Rita and David Gurr who will be handing on to grandchildren I would say. Free passes to water world, movie world, wet and wild etc, way to go. The 5 night holiday at the Whitsunday resort went to Leigh Mundey who unfortunately due to illness could not make it to the morning tea but what a lovely get well incentive. The Cup of Hope was won by Linda Birse for her entry, a gorgeous idea who got the highest bid. Congratulations to all. The total of money raised was $6240!!! We have bettered last years total!!!! A list of all the people and companies that donated for this years Biggest Morning Tea will be posted in the August Rolly Rag as the list was not available at the time of printing. I would like to thank the Seniors committee for their hard work especially the President and his lady and all the helpers who made this morning another success, we may be a small community but we are mighty!!!!!
12.30pm, eyes down 1.00pm P28
Rollingstone SES has welcomed 3 new member to our Emergency Service Family. Training has taken on a new look too – much more ‘Hands-on’ approach which gives members an opportunity to evaluate their limits in a controlled environment. After many months of no internet or phone, we can now access the www and hopefully in the very near future, have a working phone line once again. WOW Day was held at Bunnings Fairfield Waters this year and was an opportunity for much needed fundraising. Our goals for this year:
• • •
Support local communities to be ‘Storm Prepared’ Improve learning capabilities for members through IT access Enhance operational activities around safety of members and community TRAINING NIGHTS: next 03 June, (fortnightly thereafter) PHONE: 132500 for assistance GENERAL ENQUIRIES: 47707498
The National Redress Scheme (the Scheme) commenced on 1st July 2018 and will run for 10 years. The Scheme provides redress to people who experienced childhood institutional child sexual abuse. The wallet cards are a discreet way to provide details of where people can get information about the Scheme.
You don’t need to register for phone counselling, just give our professional counsellors a call on 1300 059 625, any day, anytime.
Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc. Hi Folks, Rollingtone had another very popular Anzac Day. The Dawn Service attracted a large crowd of supporters as usual and the Lions provided a hearty breakfast for the attendees. The 10 o’clock March was well attended with a large number of Lions and Leos forming a contingent. Well done Rollingstone. We have now had two further Pineapple Committee Meetings’ and all is on track for a magnificent Family Day (as usual). A few of our members attended the Australian Lions Convention in Geelong during the weekend 4-6 May. These Conventions are a marvellous opportunity for like minded Lions and guests to meet and be informed of points of interest involving Lions throughout Australia and around the world. The Election day 2019 is done and dusted. Lions provided a snack of Bangers on Sangers and cold drinks at the Rolly School Polling Booth, the proceeds of which are donated back to our Rolly School and at the same time; the Leos and Junior Leos were busily washing cars and 4wheel drives at the back of Roscos shop. I don’t know who won the water fight but from where I was standing, they were having a great time. It is good to see young folk working together and having fun. The Red Shield Appeal was on Sunday 26th May. A group of our Rolly Lions were out and about knocking on everyone’s door, we hope everyone gave generously as this is a worthwhile Appeal. As always, if anyone in our lovely Community needs a helping hand; please contact me on 0412 396 450. Until next month, stay safe and look after one and another……Dowie Don’t forget Members that we are having a “State of Origin” night at the Den on Wednesday June 5th. Don’t forget to bring your friends and let us know numbers please…...
ROLLINGSTONE AND DISTRICT LEO CLUB G’day Rollingstone, and another exciting month for our Leos Club. What a fantastic turnout of Leos and Rollingstone School Junior Leos for the Car Wash on “Election Day” Saturday – heaps of Fun and Laughter while we all worked very hard washing and parking cars to raise funds for the School Chappies Fund. All up we washed 19 cars, 4 Four-wheel drives, a separate “combo” deal to wash a 4WD and Caravan for $50, plus our last challenge of the day was another absolutely filthy 4WD that had been bogged at Crystal Creek and caked with sticky mud. Thank you to the Leos who also prepared the Posters before the event and to all Leos and Junior Leos who enthusiastically worked on the day to wash the vehicles and also to splash water on Chappie (Lion) Travis and our School Principle Mr Stallman. And….a special “Thank You” to Rosco who allowed us to use the area behind the store – it was very much appreciated. All up $323.00 was raised for the Chappie Fund – Thank you Rollingstone for supporting us. And finally, thank you to the Leos who supported the Lions with their collection for the Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal last weekend. The Salvos will really appreciate your efforts. Want to join our local Leo Club and have a lot of Fun – just give me a call. Open to all young people over 12 years of age who live in our local community. John Muller Leo Advisor Mobile 0407 114687: Email
Centrelink Access Point at the Community Centre Centrelink provides phone, fax, copier and computer access for individuals wanting to access Centrelink services. To make a claim or an enquiry please make use of the equipment and services available through the Access Point. Limited Medicare services also available. P30
R.S.L.NEWS Our next members Quarterly General Meeting will be held on Sunday 9 June commencing at 10.30am at Mystic Sands Gold Club. Many thanks to Mystic Sands Golf Club and to our volunteers who ensure that the Goose Club and raffles continue to be a great success each Friday night.
Just in time for the Pioneers Luncheon, This photo was discovered online and forwarded to us by a local resident. Thank you for sharing and we thought it was valuable enough to share in the Rag. P31
Cauliflower Pizza Crust 1 x head (about 1kg) Cauliflower cut into florets 2 x eggs lightly beaten 1 x teasp. Dried oregano ½ cup grated Parmesan Cheese Place florets in food processor or blender in 2-3 batches. Blend the florets until finely chopped, retaining some texture. Transfer the cauliflower to a microwave-safe bowl. Cover and micro-wave on high for 8 minutes, or until just tender. Drain well and leave to cool completely. Place all remaining ingredients in a large bowl and mix until well combined. Preheat oven to 200c. Line two large pizza trays with baking paper. Press cauliflower mixture on trays into 2 x 22cm rounds, each about 3-4mm thick. Spray bases with olive oil. Cook for 15 minutes or until golden. Then add your toppings and cook until ready.
COMMUNITY DIRECTORY Rollingstone & District Community Assoc Inc.
Alcoholics Anonymous
44 Community Cres, Rollingstone 4816
For More Information
Committee: President:
Sue Von Wald
Lynne Prytherch
47707 689
Hon. Secretary
Chris Martin
47707 855
Ian Dow
Deb Calder
47707 474
Narelle Wallace
Geoffrey Prytherch All Correspondence to:
47707 689
The Secretary
Community Centre Manager
Chris Martin
Community Centre Assistant
Mark Eberle
8am - 4pm E-mail:
47707 855 Fax: 47707 811
Community Hall Phone (M-F 9am-3pm) @ op shop 47707 153 ROLLY RAG E-mail:
Rag office
47707 799
Police Office Hours 9.30am - 3.30pm Tuesday to Thursday
47707 144
(excluding Public Holidays) Senior Sergeant
Brad Gough
Senior Constable
Shaun Sutton
Front Desk Admin
47707 285
Fire Permit
John Pace
47707 348
Eddie White
47707 619
Hencamp Creek
HQ Group Leader
13 2500 47707 589
Rob Wilson
47707 498
Rollingstone State School Principal:
Andrew Stallman
47707 313
Rollingstone state school P & C Assoc. President:
Sophie Connolly
47707 001
Mutarnee State School Principal:
Michael Blake
Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club Inc. President
Faye Thomson
47707 616
Kerrie Cochrane
47707 034
Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club Inc. President
Di Thompson
Neil Thompson
47516 511
Paluma & District Community Association President
Jamie Oliver
1st. Vice President
Sarah Swan
Michele Bird
Wilfred Karnoll
47788 441
Ewan Cameron
Suzi Vincent
Rollingstone RSL
Rollingstone & District Lions Club President
Ian Dow
John Holliday
Joh Schwier
Gaye Lovell
47707 356
Toomulla Community Association
Raymond Pace
Emergency - Flood or Storm
47786 033
Rollingstone & District Seniors Inc.
Rural Fire Brigade Rollingstone
C/o Northern Beaches Station
North Townsville Community Hub
Rollingstone Qld 4816
Monday - Friday
44 Community Crescent,
47715 411
Rhonda Schwarz
47707 813
Animal Contact Numbers Animal Refuge
47745 130
Animal Ambulance (after hours)
47745 130
RSPCA Inspection
47744 714
Straying Stock
47738 411
National Parks & Wildlife Service
47212 399
N.Q. Wildlife Care Group Bird Rescue
0414717374 47707 356 / 041296553
Margaret Preston (Vet)
Livestock on highway—REPORT TO
13 19 40
Justices Of The Peace Chris Martin Max Agnew
M-F 8am-4pm
47707 855 0409689320
47708 131
P 33
Rollingstone General Store 6.30am to 6pm every day Cheap petrol, diesel, oil and car products Gas cylinder refills Newspapers and magazines Gift cards and stationery Milk and fresh bread Pet food and bones Ice-cream Cold soft drinks, iced tea, flavoured milk Hot pies and sausage rolls
Groceries and small goods
Pay bills (rego, phone, power etc)
Phone credit (all networks) Post parcels and letters
Barista quality Bounce coffee
Latte, cappuccino, caramel, skinny, etc.
Try our chocolate muffins
NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display.
Plus Extensive range of Frozen Vegetables
Going Fishing? We stock tackle, lines, lures, BAIT for local conditions
R os co, Olga, N ess i e & Eamo n
Barbeque Sausages
Lean Mince
Rump Steak
Rosco’s famous ham off the bone P34
JUNE Sunday
30 7.30am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre
Saturday 1 9am-12 Op Shop 10am Yoga at the Hall
2 7.30am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre
3 9am Line dancing 12.30 Cards @ Hall 7 pm AA Meeting at RTC
5 9am Indoor bowls at hall 9.00am Hairdresser @ RTC 11.30am-1pm MOBILE LIBRARY 6.45pm SES training 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls
6 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community) 9.30am Playgroup at Hall 9.30am NOTCH ERF (Emergency Food Relief) Including Rent Relief etc ERF @ RTC
7 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class 12noon PIONEERS LUNCHEON at the Hall
8 10am Yoga at the Hall 12.30 BINGO at HALL
9 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre 5pm BBBaLC BBQ at hall
10 9am Line dancing at Hall 12.30 Cards @ Hall 7 pm AA Meeting at RTC
11 6.30pm Lions Bus. Meeting at Den
12 9am Indoor Bowls 9.00am Hairdresser @ RTC
13 8am-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community) 9.30am Playgroup at Hall 9.30am NOTCH ERF
14 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class
15 10am Yoga at the Hall 9am-12 CAR BOOT SALE
16 7.30am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre Mobile Dentist at Doctors
17 9 am Line dancing 12.30 Cards @ Hall 7 pm AA Meeting at RTC
18 2.00pm Board Games
19 9am Indoor Bowls 9.00am Hairdresser @ RTC 11.30am-1pm MOBILE LIBRARY 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls
20 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community) 9am VET at Hall 9.30am Playgroup at Hall 9.30am NOTCH ERF
21 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class
22 10am Yoga at the Hall
23 7.30am St Anthony's Church Community Centre
24 9am Line dancing 12.30 Cards @ Hall 7 pm AA Meeting at RTC
25 6.30pm Lions Dinner Meeting at Den
26 9am Indoor Bowls 9.00am Hairdresser @ RTC 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls
27 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community) 9.30am Playgroup at Hall
28 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class 1.30 Carers Meeting 6pm Fishermans Landing BBQ
29 10am Yoga at the Hall
7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls
9.30am NOTCH ERF
Cake Stall at Rollingstone School on Election Day
At a recent Cowboys game the Cowboys cheergirls presented Fred with a signed football by
Biggest Morning Tea
Playgroup Messy Day with Shaving Cream