Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 1 JUNE 2023 Free official newsletter of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Incorporated AED (Defibrillator) available at Fisherman’s Landing, Mystic Sands Golf Resort, R&D Lions Club, Toomulla Little Library and Paluma Hall, for public use. A PUBLICATION OF ASSOCIATION
COVER: Suzi Vincent
Is a free publication produced by the Rollingstone & District Community Association Incorporated with news and information for residents and visitors to Rollingstone, Balgal Beach, Mystic Sands, Crystal Creek, Paluma, Mutarnee, Bluewater, Toomulla and surrounding suburbs in North Queensland, Australia.
EDITOR: June 2023 Edition: Kerrie Cochrane
TEL: 47707 799
For permission to reprint any part of this publication, contact the Publisher. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Rollingstone & District Community Association Incorporated.
The ‘Rolly Rag’ is produced by a team of volunteers any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher).
The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the Publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the Publisher.
The Publisher accepts no responsibility for
views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavour to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published.
The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive.
In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to.
The Rag is a great place to advertise and is very cost effective. You can provide your ready-made file or we can design an Ad for you for a small fee!
For more information or to discuss your Ad, please call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email: or Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after
hours in the mailbox located at the end of veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Please make sure your name and details are on the envelope.
*extra costs for supplying the photocopying, if required
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 2
Full Page (18 x 26cm) $120 incl GST Half Page (18 x 13cm) $80 incl GST Quarter Page (9 x 13cm) $50 incl GST Business Card (9 x 6.5cm) $25 incl GST Classifieds (up to
$10 incl GST Flyers / Inserts*
incl GST Rollingstone / Balgal Beach Rainfall Report for May 2023 Rainfall as at 26 May 2023 8.1mm Year to Date 1269.3mm Wet Days 5 Maximum Temp 30.50 16th May Minimum Temp 110 10th May Local Weather Station Information at:
20 words)
$2/hour (or part of) FREE for Students doing school projects and FREE for Job Seekers.
The Community Association has the following items available for hire. All prices include GST. Tables $5.50 each Chairs $0.55 each Eskies $11.00 each Cold Room* per day or part thereof $55.00 (including GST)
Cold room, and Bain Marie are fixtures
Note: Pick up of hire tables and chairs is between 8am and 2pm Monday to Friday only unless by prior arrangement with staff.
Centrelink provides phone, fax, copier and computer access for individuals wanting to access Centrelink services. To make a claim or an enquiry please make use of the equipment and services available through the Access Point. Limited Medicare services also available.
Price on application
All large functions ...........$330.00 (including GST) (includes the use of all hall facilities with the exception of cold room and chip cooker)
For more information regarding the Hall and Equipment Hire please call the Centre Manager on 4770 7855
If anyone in the community would like a parcel picked up in Townsville and delivered to your gate. Call Chris at the Community Centre on 47707 855 to arrange.
Collections are available weekly on Thursdays only.
COST is only $5!!
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 3
Printing & Photocopying
A4 Single Sided .10¢
A4 Double Sided .20¢
A4 50 or more off 1 original .05¢ / page A3 Single Sided.........................................20¢ / page A3 Double Sided.......................................40¢ / page A3 50 or more off 1 original .....................10¢ / page Colour Photocopying A3 or A4 .................50¢ / page Printing from Computer Black & White .20¢ / page Colour $1 / page Scanning & Printing (B&W). .50¢ / page Fax First page $1.10 incl. GST) Consecutive pages $0.55incl. GST) Laminating Business Card .50¢ A4 $2.00(incl. GST) A3 $2.50 (incl. GST) Room Hire 1/2 Day $20 incl. GST) Evening $20 (incl. GST) Important document scanning ...............................$5.00
(Black & White)
/ page
/ page
Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome. Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris at the RTC.
We are in desperate need of new Editors!!!! Our Editors are all flying the coup this year to go travelling around Australia and abroad.
All you need is some computer skills and hopefully Publisher knowledge but not really necessary as we can help you with everything.
Please reply to the Centre Manager: Chris at the RTC on 47707855 or
Lots of Stalls
Next Market: SATURDAY JUNE 3rd 8am–1pm
The Esplanade, Balgal Beach
A new Hairdresser is starting up in the RTC.
Carmerita will be insitu from the 1st Monday of the month. Please book through Carmerita on ph: 0448 294 992
Short cuts $20; long hair or styled $30.
Put your desire to get involved to good use, become a State Emergency Service (SES) volunteer.
For more information visit your local SES HQ training night on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month or phone 0460 692 749 for more information.
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 4
(3rd Thursday of each month)
Thursday JUNE 15th at 9am
The Community Association requests when attending the vet clinic at the Community Centre that you please take a seat and wait your turn, regardless of the nature of your visit.
Thursday 15th June will be the LAST day for Margaret to visit at the Hall.
As from the 20th July visit; Margaret will be doing home visits. If you need an appointment for a home visit;
Text Margaret on: 0403 262 212
Played on the 3rd Tuesday of each month between 24pm at the Hall. Scrabble, Mahjong, Yahtzee and MORE!!!
Bring along your favourite game if you want or play with any of our games!
$2 for an afternoonof fun with likeminded people.
14th & 28th, June 2023
At the Community Centre
Wednesday Mornings 9-11.30am only $2.50
This is a FUN activity and is guaranteed to be a winner!! All skill levels & all age groups.
Just turn up and see how much fun you will have!
Come and join us for a great time! For further info contact Chris on 47707855
13th June Craft @ Hall
15th June VET @ Hall
10th June Bingo @ Hall
12th June—Men’s Meet Up
14th & 28th June—Mobile Library
15th June Bubbles n Brushes
20th June Board Games
24th June Bee Centric & Park Opening
28th,29th & 30th—A@rt Art Exhibition
1st July—Kids Classic fishing Comp.
You don’t need to be a member of a Group to join in activities at the Community Centre. Just come along if there’s something happening and you’d like to be part of it. It usually costs $2 to participate. For more information, call Chris on 4770 7855.
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 5
Covid-19 - Social Distancing, Hygiene practices and staying at home if unwell are still to be observed.
Monday Cards, Community Hall
Craft - 2nd Tuesday of Month
Board Games - 3rd Tuesday of Month
Indoor Bowls - Each Wednesday
Your Pace or Mine Walking Group – See Facebook
Thursday Cards; Thurs Cards in Community
Barefoot Bowls @ Mystic Sands Golf Resort
Balgal Markets 1 Sat of ea mth at the Landing
Weight Circuit - Each Friday at Hall
15 June 9am MARGARET THE VET Text 0403262212 15 June 7pm Bubbles & Brushes at Hall 24 June Bee Centric Learning Day working with TCC and the Townsville Bee Club Opening of the new play equipment TCC 24 June CORES Mental Health Training – Free to the public 29 June, 6 July 9-11am School Holiday Fun Morning
5 June 9am at the RTC - booking through Carmerita 0448294992
4 Aug Juniors and Seniors Morning Tea
Grab your calendars and jot down these dates down…...and there are a lot of them.
• Changes to the Monthly Vet visit. June will see the end of an era. Due to changes in legislation, the verandah clinic at the hall will need to cease. Margaret is holding a final Clinic in June at the hall to let everyone know of the changes. After June you will need to text Margaret with an indication of what assistance your animal/s require and she will schedule an appointment for you and your animal/s, to be seen in your own home. These appointments will be scheduled for the 3rd Thursday of the Month only.
• The Association is working with the Townsville City Council and the Townsville Bee Society to present a BEE CENTRIC Learning Day on Saturday 24 June starting at 9am. The day will all about Honeybees and Native Bees.
• An official Townsville City Council opening of the new play equipment, will be happening the same day as the BEE CENTRIC DAY starting from 9am, with all the bells and whistles.
• Hearing Australia will at the Community Centre Wednesday 7 June Book through Chris at RTC,
• Congratulations to LeeAnn the Lucky Winner of the Purple Poppy Mother’s Day Raffle. LeeAnn won a Gift Voucher from Otto’s, 2 bottles of wine and a box of chocolates.
• School Holiday’s Activities: 2 x Fun Mornings – 29th June and 6 July, come and see what has been organised and say a big G’day to Miss Nina. On Saturday 8 July is a Drone workshop presented by FPVR Townsville starting at 9am. Please call to book your place for this activity. Adults and Children are encouraged to attend. Children accompanied by adults please
• CORES Training: please go online or call the mobile number in the advert in this Rolly Rag.
• We are taking bookings for the July Carboot Sale. Please call 47707855.
• A new Hairdresser is coming up to cut hair at the RTC. Carmerita is her name, and she will be here on the 1st Monday of each month. Short hair $20, long hair/ style $30.
• Transit Care see flyer in this Rag. Transit Care have gained funding to transport people under and over 65 to Townsville and Ingham. The only requirement is that you register with Transit Care and that you have a My Aged Care Number (not necessarily be getting services through My Aged Care). Please call the number on the flyer for more details.
• Thank you to all you lovely special people who Volunteer at the Association – you are the backbone of the organisation.
• Thank you Mike P for your generous donation, they will be very useful, Greatly appreciated.
“Strong people don't put others down... They lift them up.” Cheers - Chris
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 6
June 7pm Beginner’s Mosaic Workshop at Hall
Covid-19 Antigen Self-Test kits available at the Community Centre cost free to eligible card holders. June Australian Hearing
book 47707855
10 June 9am-4pm Camp Oven Cooking Workshop 12 June 9am Men’s Meet Up Lion’s Den 9am 1pm 1.30pm 2pm 9am 5pm 1pm 5.30pm 8am 8am 12.30pm
Every Sunday 7:30am Catholic Mass at Com/Centre Hall
Linedancing - Each Monday at Hall
June Rollingstone
Coming Events in July/ August 1 July 7-11am Kid’s Fishing Classic @ Fisherman’s Landing 1,8,15,22 June 9:30am NoTCH Mobile Playgroup in hall NoTCH Second Bite Food Relief 8 July Drone Workshop 14,28 June 11.30am Mobile Library (two bin day) July 28,29,30 July, Art Exhibition presented by A@RT
13,27 June 7pm Nina’
Bingo 2nd Saturday of month at Hall
1,8,15,22 29
Bus – Each Thursday – leaving the hall
bookings essential
30 May,
Crochet/Knitting Group 29 July Carboot Sale call Chris 47707855 to book
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 7
Your Local Community Pharmacy
Bluewater Healthsave Pharmacy
2 Purono Parkway, Yabulu 4818
PH: 07 4778 6233
FAX: 07 4778 6733
8.30am – 6pm Monday – Friday
8.30am – 1pm Saturday
Balgal Beach Healthsave Pharmacy
114 Mystic Avenue, Balgal Beach 4816
PH: 07 4770 7400
FAX: 07 4770 7399
8.30am – 5pm Monday – Friday
FREE Blood Pressure Checks
*Hire Equipment
*NDSS Agent – Diabetes Supplies Blister Packaging for your medicines
*Full Prescription Service
*Ear Piercing *Faulding Vitamins
*Delivery available for those in need
MLE – Making Life Easy (Large range of Home Healthcare aids) Pharmacy Choice Brand Products (Quality product made affordable with 100% money back guarantee). Easy parking available
Hello everyone, Well, its half a year gone already.
We have had some questions in regards to the government’s latest budget with the announcement of 60-day dispensing.
60-Day Dispensing has not yet taken effect.
60-day dispensing will further cause a nationwide medicine shortage.
We are already having trouble providing our patients in our community with common medicines to treat conditions like;
High Blood pressure Diabetes
The Albanese Labor Government can’t give a guarantee to either patients or community pharmacies that they won’t be worse off.
Australia’s healthcare system is already under pressure, and the Albanese Federal Labor Government is making the situation worse by introducing 60-day dispensing in the budget.
If Labor wants to help Australians with the cost of medicines, they should make medicines cheaper by lowering the PBS co-payment from $30 to $19 dollars. That will make everyone’s medicine cheaper, without threatening your access to medicines.
All we want is to provide accessible, affordable, quality care to the community, but these changes put those at risk.
Please help us, ‘Your Community Pharmacy’, by scanning the QR code below to help voice our concerns. There is also more information to help you with any questions.
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 8
The Team at Balgal Beach Pharmacy, Frank and Kristie
120 Mystic Avenue Balgal Beach
Open Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm Saturday 8.30am to 1pm Tel: 07 4778 6444
OR you can book ONLINE via our website
General Practitioners and Allied Health Services
Queensland Health has provided the Rollingstone Community Centre with a quantity of Covid 19 Antigen Self-Test kits.
The RAT kits are available at no cost to specified Card Holders and can be picked up from the RTC
Mon-Fri 8am-4pm.
Please wear a mask and use hand sanitiser if you are experiencing flu like symptoms.
Tel: 47707 244 Fax: 47707 100
OPEN Monday to Friday 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. CLOSED Saturday, Sunday & all Public Holidays. Appointments are required.
The General Practitioners:
Dr Olga Hasa
Dr Vladimir Hasa
Dr Diana Hopkins
Dr Lucia Rajnoch
Dr Clyton Banya
Dr Renee Brown
Free Movement Physio (Fortnightly)
Pathology collection
Wednesday 8.00am-2.00pm
Every third Saturday of the Month
Saturday June 17th
For all other appointments and dental emergencies, we welcome you to your dental home at MYTOOTHDOCTOR TM Family, Paediatric and Special Care Dentistry
Bushland Beach Medical Centre T 07 4751 8999
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 9
Balgal Beach Medical Centre
Fortunately, this month we don’t get to mention any passings. A great relief. And at time of writing, neither do we have any “sickies”, which is also a blessing; although I don’t doubt there are those of whom we are unaware. Anyhow, good fortune and good luck to all!
• Our Pot Luck Dinner evening was a lovely, happy gathering but once again very poorly attended. Our Guest Speaker was a jewel and those who brought meal contributions, did themselves proud. Not sure what we need to do to please the community.
• And so many said what a great idea it would be to have a Men’s Only Group with quite a number of men saying they’d be there at an inaugural meeting. Well, that didn’t happen either, with only 4 men turning up! However, they chatted and made some plans, so we’ll see what eventuates there.
• The Cancer Morning Tea was a wonderful success with around 100 in attendance. There were people from Black River, Bluewater, and Ingham along with a good local representation. There was lots of laughter (thanks to Margie Ryder and friends), lots of tea and coffee to drink, lovely sweet and savoury morning tea fare to eat, lots of bonhomie, and most importantly, around $3,000 donated to pass on to Cancer research. A most worthy function - so, many thanks to all those who gave of their time to make it just that.
• For your interest: The Dept. of Transport & Main Roads commenced the North Townsville Road, Northshore Boulevard to Ingham Road, safety, and capacity planning project last year and will complete preliminary planning by the end of this year. The Palaszczuk Government is investing $1.16 million in the current preliminary planning for this project which encompasses Woolcock Street, North Shore Boulevard, Ingham Road, several rail crossings, and the Bohle River bridges. (There’s more, but this is the bottom line.)
• Otherwise, life at the Rollingstone Community Centre has been chugging along reasonably calmly with the usual niggles from disenchanted community members but happy faces from those enjoying the fact we actually exist. Much organising, planning, and discussion going on behind the scenes as per usual and hopefully it will all bear positive fruit.
• Any questions…………….???
FRY SAUCE (originated in Utah, USA. Great with fish, crustaceans, chips, burgers, beef, chicken, and many other food items of your choice): 1 cup Mayonnaise; ¾ cup Tomato Sauce; 1 teasp. W’shire Sauce; 1 tabs. Pickle Brine; 1 teasp. Paprika; pinch Cayenne or small glug of Sciracha Sauce (optional).
So it is with our lives: Those who want to live meaningfully and well must help enrich the lives of others, for the value of a life is measured by the lives it touches. And those who choose to be happy must help others find happiness, for the welfare of each is bound up with the welfare of all.
Live well, love much, laugh often....................... “Sancho Panza”.
Hello again Rollingstone and surrounding areas, and just letting you know that the 2023 Rollingstone Pineapple Festival Committee are hard at work doing the planning for what we hope will be another fantastic celebration of the Humble Pineapple at our 2023 Festival.
Great to see the interest from members of the Community at our Information Briefing, and especially welcomed the support and input from our State Member Nick Dametto. Some great suggestions on how we can introduce some new attractions this year, as well as freshen up some of our long-standing signature events. Remember, this is “Your Festival” and we need the support of our local Community to help us with the planning, set-up, help on the day, plus the pull down and pack away on completion. Every little bit helps!
Want to join our dynamic “Team Pineapple” for 2023! Please contact us!
John Muller, President. 0407 114 687
Suzi Vincent, Secretary. 0409 880 902 Facebook @ “Rollingstone Pineapple Festival”
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 10
Rollingstone State School
Crows vs Cranes
The Cross Country Carnival
The much-anticipated cross country event took place, pitting the mighty red team, Crows, against the valiant blue team, Cranes, the defending champions, The Cranes. The atmosphere was electrifying as students, teachers, and parents gathered to witness the showdown that was about to unfold.
Luckily, thanks to our parent ‘falconers,’ he was guided back to the flock to complete the race without disqualification or losing too much time.
Spectators cheered as the race unfolded, witnessing a symphony of grit and determination. The Crows darted through the winding paths of Bushy Parker Park, their wings cutting through the air like arrows, while the Cranes gracefully navigated every twist and turn. All morning it was beak to beak, wingtip to wingtip, and it came down to the final race where the Crows celebrated with a triumphant ‘CAW’, grasping victory by a mere 10 points.
While the Crows were crowned champions, the race showcased the true essence of sportsmanship and unity. Thank you to all the athletes, spectators and volunteers for making it a memorable morning.
Goodluck to our competitors who will run cross country in Townsville on the 23rd of May. Our next big competition
Waiting at the starting line, both teams decided it was a perfect opportunity to showcase their flexibility and flex their mindfulness through Yoga-ing on one leg while trying not to hop around like a pogo stick. Competition was already fierce!
As the signal sounded, the Crows and the Cranes sprang into action, dashing across the school grounds like a flock of energized birds. Each teams’ onlookers, unleashed a flurry of electrifying chants spurring the runners on.
between the mighty flocks takes place at Pace Park on Friday 23rd June. Please come and support the students.
Rollingstone State School’s Review:
We are currently undertaking a four-year review of our school’s processes and partnerships to further enhance our shared vision and learning framework for Rollingstone State School. We recognise the importance of Community involvement and partnerships that creates a shared vision for the school's future, where students learn in an environment shaped by the collective wisdom of the community.
We would love to hear your thoughts. Please contact the school if you wish to put forward any thoughts/ideas or enhance our partnerships and support our students learning.
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 11
A Crane named Connor, convinced he saw a worm for lunch, veered off track in pursuit of a culinary adventure.
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 12 1st Saturday of Every Month! 8am to 1pm The Esplanade Balgal Beach NEXT MARKET 3rd JUNE
Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club
Hi Everyone. So, Mother’s Day has passed again; hoping all mothers had a great day. We had a Mother’s Day Trivia, which as usual was a lot of fun and got the brain thinking.
Phil, Sue, Layne and John were the winners. Cheryl and Nina won the raffle and members
draw. Thanks to Lounds’ Fresh Seafood again. Thanks to Phil and Bruce for a good job on the BBQ, and the ladies for the yummy sweets we all look forward to. A bus load plus some, went to Ingham markets for some goodies then onto Silly Solley’s
for more bargains. How we like to shop. Next stop was the Hinchinbrook Hotel for a very satisfying lunch which all enjoyed immensely. Since our last newsletter we attended the Anzac Day Service and our President Bruce and Patron Ken laid a wreath on behalf of our club. Sadly, we recently lost another well-known resident and Club Member, Gwen Cahill. Gwen and Peter were long time members of our club. Now they are together forever. Next outing, will be to Willows Markets and lunch at Brothers Leagues Club on Sunday 21st. May. Then on the 11th June, we will be lunching at the Bushland Beach Tavern. Should be another great day. For enquiries or to join our friendly club, contact Linda on 0499343573
Till next month
I visited the Townsville Museum and Historical Society and was very impressed with their display of all things relating to history. Well worth the visit if you have not done so yet.
This flyer below caught my eye, just thought I would share it with you all. How tough were times back then.
Stay safe and all the best from your Committee.
TUESDAY 30TH MAY, 7pm to 9pm
TICKETS $2.00 EACH OR 3 FOR $5.00
Just a little about the Artist: Mr. Fred Hannigan was born in S.A. He enlisted in the army in World War 11 and fought in New Guinea as a tank driver. During that deployment he was injured and returned to Australia.
He already had an interest in drawing and in later life was a self - taught painter. He died in the 1980’s.
You can purchase your tickets from RTC or Op Shop
Raffle drawn 29th July 2023 at the Art Exhibition.
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 14
Hello Rollingstoners,
If you are an artist, or know someone who is, please consider participating in this year’s Exhibition. Planning is already under way. The dates are July 28th, 29th and 30th . Once again in concert with the Car-boot Sale.
Contact: Ann Martin: 0408 100 083 JULY
Mark your calendars folks. It will be bigger and better than ever. We are open to a wider area this
year reaching from Black River to Ingham and back to Paluma. Any painting is acceptable unless it has already been in one of our exhibits. We are really hoping for more sculptural 3D work, including pottery and carving. Multi-media work also very welcome along with the regular 2D paintings, of course.
Markets We have tables and a marquee at the Balgal Beach markets. Please come along and support us.
There are other exciting initiatives bubbling along, as well. Watch this space. A@RTeam
Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club Inc
The fishing competition was a bit light on last month, even though the weather was fair. Gavin Love won the monthly competition with a very respectable 120cm GT.
Check out the Fishermans Landing Fishing and Social Club Facebook page for more on the competition, prizes and the ‘RULES’ pertaining to the kids competition.
Reminder: This competition will be run in conjunction with the July Markets. So, keep the day free and get your kids involved.
Stinger Net:
As all will probably have noticed by now, the Stinger Net has been removed for this season. The Net will be put back in the water in the beginning of November in time for the next Wet
Don’t forget you are required to send photos of your catch on
Kids Classic Fishing Comp:
The club will be running the on the first Saturday in July (01 July 2023).
• The fishing will commence at 7:00AM, and finish at 11:00AM.
• Registration will commence at 06:30am.
• Competition will be open to all children under 16 and children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
• Presentation of prizes will follow, with a sausage sizzle for all participant children.
• Prizes include 3 x $100.00 vouchers for: 1: Most fish, 2: Biggest fish & 3: Most species as well as a Mystery
Season.Thank you to all involved with the Net this year. Markets:
This month’s market will have ‘Carter’s Petting Zoo’, so come along and enjoy the day for the whole family.
Don’t forget to grab a Steak or Breakfast Burger while you are there.
Refer to the ‘Balgal Beach Markets’ Facebook page to keep up to date with the Markets and upcoming events/displays/Stall Holders associated with the Balgal Beach Markets.
Annual Club membership is coming due for renewal from 01 July 2023.
New members welcome
As we are a Fishing & Social Club, we offer our members monthly fishing comp prizes, at least one inter-club challenge, Kids Fishing classic, at least one trip away for a great social and fishing weekend, Club BBQ last Friday of each month, a couple of Themed dinner nights and social get-togethers.
For more information regarding our club please contact us. email:
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 16
Rollingstone & District Lions Club Inc.
G’day Rollingstone, and welcome to some cooler weather! And let me start this report with a huge Congratulations to the group of volunteers who staged such a great Community Morning Tea to raise awareness of and funds for the Qld Cancer Council. A great morning of entertainment, fun and yummy food.
Well done everyone!
So what have the Lions been up to in the last month. Our Service Projects this month have included;-
The Lions stall at the Balgal Beach Markets promoting “Who are the Lions and what do we do?” Some yummy food for sale there too!
Another Bunnings BBQ with proceeds helping to provide Interpretive Goggles to assist Cancer Patients in their recovery at the Townsville University Hospital.
Conducted our Monthly Sunday morning Brunch – this time we “visited” Mexico and enjoyed some great Mexican Food
The Lions Sponsored “Your Pace or Mine” Walking Group continues– why not join the group every Wednesday afternoon for a social walk in a different location. All about promoting healthy lifestyle and Wellbeing. Check out the “Your Pace or Mine” Facebook page for details of next weeks walk, or contact Troodz Atkins direct!
Provided Beverage Support to the Community Associations “Pot Luck Dinner”, and what a great night and guest speaker Leigh Caldwell is, promoting the terrific work she is leading by providing
opportunities through dance to the “Happy Feat Dancing Group” of people with Special Abilities. Such a shame more residents didn’t avail themselves of this opportunity to support another Community hosted Activity. And very pleased too that our Club has provided Financial Support to the ”Happy Featers” on several occasions over the years to support them and their activities.
See you again next month, most probably in our Community supporting local Activities, and if you are looking for an opportunity to join a dynamic group and volunteer a little of your time to “Make a Difference” in your Community, please give me a call. We would love to talk with you!
Michelle Ambia President 0490 338 668
Rollingstone & District Leo Club
Hello Rollingstone, and a quiet month for our Leo Club. Planning continues for several events on our horizon including our Stall at the Balgal Beach Markets in July and the Rollingstone Pineapple Festival in August.
For one of our members, Past President and Townsville Youth Councillor Morgan McMahon, it has been a very exciting period with Morgan jetting off to Brisbane after being nominated for the 7NEWS QLD Young Achiever Awards. Morgan’s Family accompanied her and all enjoyed the occasion, with Morgan being a very worthy Semi-Finalist.
Congratulations Morgan on such an achievement. You are a great asset to the Rollingstone and the greater Townsville Communities, and a wonderful role model for other young people to follow. You have brought much credit to yourself,
your Family and Community, and we are all incredibly proud of you and your Achievements! Well Done!
Want to know more about Leos and what we do in our local community? Please talk to any of the Leos, or contact one of our Leo Advisors:- Travis Johnson: Mob 0439 540552 or Shirley Muller: Mob 0458 156 646. It’s great to be a Rollingstone and District Leo Club Member!
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 17
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 18
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 19
The role of a wildlife carer is fraught with challenges, sadness, elation, and complete exhaustion but we keep going on, trying to save the lives of the native animals that come into our lives.
There are many simple things that the member of the public should be aware of if they find a native animal on the ground. Most natives do not live on the ground, possums and wallabies and kangaroo babies do not live on the ground.
If you find a young one laying on the ground, it means most times the mother is not nearby unless you can see the possum mother up in the tree above you. If this happens then the baby could be reunited with its mother, but checks need to be done to make sure this does happen. Wallabies and kangaroo young laying on the ground usually means that the mother has been chased by something and has thrown her baby to save it (in her mind). The mother could go for miles and not know where she left her baby as she has been in a sheer panic. In these instances, it is unwise to leave the baby where it is as the chance of the mother returning is very slim and it leaves the baby open to all sorts of prey and the
weather also. The very young are more susceptible to the weather than older furred babies and need a certain temperature to survive.
Many young birds are kidnapped by well-intended people as fledglings need to learn to fly and often land on the ground and cannot figure out how to get back up to their parents. In time the parents will sort this out but not if the bird has been taken to the vet and must go into care. Some birds will mimic an injury causing good Samaritans to remove it once again from its area.
A lot of time when animals are taken to a vet, the place it came from is not told, so the animal is unable to be returned and they could have young there or a mate in the only place they know.
If a joey is still in the pouch on the teat, you cannot pull it off as they are attached to the teat, and you can do damage. It is best to take the whole animal to someone who knows how to detach. Or you can ring wildlife care, and someone can come out. If the joey is not attached, then you can remove and keep it warm remembering if not furred they cannot radiate their heat so need to have a heat replacement. Your body or a heat pad is fine for this and will save their life. Wrapping in a blanket or towel, does not work.
These are just a few tips on how the general public can help a carer ciao
a deceased
Council on 13 48 10
If you require
animal to
removed, please contact
Thank you to those wonderful people who have been donating the books for our Little Library. Rudi has done a fantastic job sorting through them all. He just needs a bigger library!
Sadly, we have lost our long-term resident of Toomulla who lived here for around 30 years. Gunther (George) Duvel passed away on 25th May. He will be so happy being up there with his beloved wife & friend Sue. George will be sadly missed by his friends and especially by his boys Ben, Shane, their partners & his grandchildren who George loved to talk about. George also didn’t mind a cold VB on a hot day along with the many interesting & funny stories he would tell his friends. RIP Gunther.
Congratulations to Chloe on winning our Mother’s Day Giveaway Gift Basket. Hoping you enjoyed all the lovely gifts. Our next giveaway will be Father’s Day in September for all financial members.
Congratulations to all five Lucky Numbers winners for Round 2. Each winning $50 -Shelly S, Daryn G, Eddie R, Debbie W &
Dan C. Thank you to everyone who supported this round of lucky numbers. Round 3 will start in September. Tickets in our Winter Raffle will be for sale early July.
Just wondering if anyone has any unwanted gifts suitable to giveaway for Bingo prizes. I call Bingo each Tuesday at the St Vincents Aged Care Home in Douglas. This is my 3rd year of doing this as well as personally donating the prizes each week. So, if you would like to donate any unwanted gifts to me for prizes please give me a call – Rhonda 47707813 & I can pick them up or you can drop them at 64 Herald Street. The residents on Level 2 at St Vincents look forward to Bingo each week and winning a prize is a bonus for them. Thank you to Eddie R for your generous donation of gifts, the oldies will love them!
Well, I hope everyone enjoys the cooler weather we are experiencing now, shame it couldn’t be like this all year round. Our wonderful author Len will be back next month to write the July newsletter. Happy Birthday to all those celebrating in June. Enjoy your day!
Toomulla News AED (Defibrillator) available at little library in Herald Street
— 10th JUNE
Doors Open 12.30pm Eyes Down 1pm
Calls $100
Next Sitting
2nd Saturday
Every Month!
The working-bee on Saturday May 6th was attended by Colin, Anneshka, Julia, Ian, Don, Charlie and Wilfred. They continued track and drainage work on the rain forest track. This centrally located track allows even people with limited capabilities to experience our rare and special Wet Tropics Rain Forest on this 600m long track constructed with steps and viewing platforms. It now even has a park bench (made from recycled plastics) installed at the halfway mark. Jamie and Juanita continued cleaning up the corner of Mt Spec Road and Loop Road to make visible the previously overgrown signs directing visitors to McClelland’s Lookout and various businesses and accommodation places in the village. The next working bee will be held on the 3rd of June and will focus on giving the Community Hall a much needed spring (or autumn) clean, as hopefully we now head into the dryer months and will attack the mould in and outside the building. Come along and lend a hand, refreshments will be served after the event.
After the recent attempted break in at the Rain Forest Inn there has been a reported case of squatters taking over one of the residences along the main street, when they found the key to the property that was hidden in a "safe" place. The "visitors" helped themselves to some of the alcohol, left a mess and caused some water damage when they left a tap running. Just another reminder that our little village is not immune from these kinds of acts of wilful damage and vandalism. All property owners should reconsider and upgrade their security precautions!
The History Display reopened on Tuesday May 9th and will be open on most Tuesday Mornings through the winter months from 1100 hrs to 1300 hrs. There is no admission charge and all visitors are welcome to view the extensive photographic collection. Tea or coffee is available for a gold coin donation and there is normally a slice of cake as well. The Bird DVD is showing on the screen and copies can be purchased for $12. This is a superb collection of bird photos and videos taken by Brian O’Leary which runs for just over half an hour. We also have for sale Linda Venn’s “Paluma - The first 80 years” and an excellent book on the walking tracks in North Queensland. And if you just want to chat about the area that is OK too.
On Saturday June 24th Wattle ’n Gum will provide their Annual Bush Dance in the now regular afternoon slot from 1300 hrs to 1600 hrs. This will be preceded by a Sausage Sizzle run by the PDCA from 1200 hrs till the dance begins. The bar will also be open from 1200 hrs. This is a most entertaining afternoon and only costs a gold coin donation entry. The sausage sizzle and drinks are at very reasonable prices.
The following day, Sunday June 25th, there will be the June Markets at the Community Hall from 0900 hrs to 1300 hrs. There will be some diverse stalls and the community Cake stall in the hall and a Sausage Sizzle outside in the Gazebo. Even if you only come up for the day bring the kids who can enjoy the playground and do the Rainforest Walk. New stall holders may contact Lynn (
On Saturday 1st July there will be a Christmas in July social evening in the Community Hall starting at 1830 hrs. This will be on the usual “bring a plate to share” principle and it has been decided that there will be no present giving this year. Keep the date on your diary - visitors welcome.
It is with regret that we have to record the recent passing of Sid Roveda - a long time property owner of Paluma. The winter has come in with a very decided cool change seeing smoke rising from many chimneys in Paluma. Certainly it is more pronounced at our higher altitude. Day time temperatures are still hitting high 20s but overnight single figures have been the norm. However it is decidedly more pleasant than the 30º plus we have been enduring earlier in the year
It is entitled “Fire and Rain” and following on from an opening on Friday May 12th at the Perc Tucker Gallery, Len Cook - a long time resident of Paluma - will have his exhibition of some 40 years of pottery on view to August 13th. Len Cook is one of Australia’s foremost wood-fired potters. The exhibition draws together nearly 80 artworks created over 40 years of ceramic practice with loans from public and private collections, as well as key works from the artist’s own collection. The exhibition highlights the artists lifelong passion for wood-fired kilns and pots that are glazed by natural ash deposits over extended firing in traditional Japanese anagama (cave) kilns. Len Cook’s practice encompasses domestic ware, ceramic sculpture inspired by the coral forms of the Great Barrier Reef, and his anagama-fired work.
Rumour has it that there will be a celebration of Les’ 92nd Birthday on Saturday 17th June - three days after the event. There will be the usual “bring a plate to share” arrangement starting at 18:30 hrs at the hall.
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 22
AED (Defibrillator) available at Paluma Community Hall for public use (near the main entrance door to the hall up the ramp)
Len Cook and two examples of his pottery on display
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 23 TRANSFER STATIONS Domestic Waste and Recyclables Only GREEN WASTE/ WHITEGOODS/ METALS/ ELECTRONIC WASTE AND FLUORESCENT TUBES ARE FREE No Bulky Items No Furniture or Rubber Tyres TOOMULLA Saturday Only 7.30am - 4.30pm BLUEWATER Saturday & Sunday 7.30am - 4.30pm MOBILE MOWER REPAIRS I COME TO YOU! Repairs to all types of mowers including ride-ons, brush cutters and any small engines. PROMPT SERVICE, REASONABLE RATES Based in Toomulla PHONE: 4795 5904 MOBILE: 0431 639 193
3 cups S.R. Flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. ground clove
1 tsp. ground ginger
1 tsp. ground nutmeg
1 tsp. salt
4 eggs
2 cups sugar
2 cups pumpkin puree
Zest of 1 orange
1 tsp. vanilla essence
Pepita seeds to scatter on top.
Prep time: 20mins
Cooking time: 45mins
1. Preheat oven to 175c
2. Whisk together the flour, baking soda, spices and salt
3. In a larger bowl, whisk together the eggs, sugar, pumpkin puree, orange zest, vegetable oil and vanilla.
4. Whisk the wet ingredients into the dry. Pour into a lined baking tin and scatter the pepita seeds on top.
5. Bake for 35-40mins
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 24
Peter & Jan Cooke
Mystic Sands Golf Club
Its all happening. Great to see all the visitors on course and staying for a few days Welcome.
It is also a delight to see many returnees to our area and enjoying what our wonderful town has to offer.
It is a great idea if you are planning to have an evening meal, to please book ahead so we can accommodate all your requests.
The course is well on its way back to its finest with some clearing of the land and Megan doing her best with garden improvements. Keep up the good job team.
We will have some great news in next edition but here is a hint, get your dancing shoes on for July.
Results May Monthly Medal : Fantastic to see some of our New members in the winners list. Congratulations!
Ladies Winner: Natalie Pace. Nett 77
Runner up: Anja Devereaux. Nett 79
Mens Div 1 Winner: Jason Hrycyk. Nett 68
Runner up: Chris Wadey. Nett 72
Div 2 Winner. Tim Shaw. Nett 73
Runner Up: Tony Griffiths. Nett 76
Div 3 Winner: Rod Charleston. Nett 77
Runner up: Nick Walker. Nett 77
Our First closed Club Foursomes Championship event was held 13th May.
Trophies will be presented at our presentation in early December
Mens Gross Winners: Jason Hrycyk and Rodney Smith
Score 83
Gross Runner up: Ron Reinders and Travis Reinders. Score 87
Mens Nett Winners: Bruce Ferrett and Phil Thompson. Score 75
Nett runners up: Michael McMahon and Brett Logan. Score 77.5
Ladies Gross winners: Emma Perkins and Teresa Jewell Score 99
Gross Runners up: Megan Jeffree and Anja Devereaux. Score 106
Ladies Nett winners: Natalie Pace and Merle Dickenson
Score 80.5
Remember to hit ém straight and long but most of all have fun Gurdie
Rhonda Gurd
Mystic Sands Golf Resort
Mystic Sands Bowls
Well what a month we have had with a good attendance at barefoot bowls on Thursday nights.
There are always places available for locals who want to learn or just have a fun night. We only play 10 ends, starting at 6 pm and over by 7.20pm then it's sausage sizzle time before the NRL starts.
Our locals have been preforming well on the district greens (that should be maybe on the synthetics).
Tim Mawson was a winner at Friday pairs at Ingham. Irene played at Jubilee, Thuringowa and Macknade performing with excellent results. Another of our new bowlers Trudie has also played the circuit and is showing great improvement.
Our gold medallist Bruce is getting lots of practice in for his defence of the Queensland title in August. The Pres and Bruce Smallbon represented Cutheringa in the District pennant titles at Ayr and Brandon with success. Our locals have been showing great results in mid week bowls at Noorla. Welcome back to Tracy who played as though she never had a break.
The Pres has been winning consistently at Noorla and Cutheringa, so all our bowlers are showing the quality of our coaching. If you need coaching or just want to try out, bowls are available at all times just contact the Resort reception. The Bowls Club is proud of our own Morgan MacMahon for receiving top result in State Young Achievers Awards in Brisbane. Morgan is a classy and talented young lady with a big future.
That's all for this month….remember to keep fit and join us at the Mystic anytime.
Are you thinking of cleaning out your cupboards of unused or unwanted objects and ornaments?
If you are not sure what to do with them, the items (in good condition) can be donated to
Whilst we are grateful for all of your kind donations. Please ensure your goods are in reasonable, sellable condition. We are unable to accept any electrical goods; large knives; bulky, chipboard furniture in any condition and definitely NO mattresses please
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 26
27 MOSAIC WORKSHOP Very Basic for 12 years to Adult 6.45pm for 7pm Tuesday 6 June 2023 At the Rollingstone Community Hall • Presented by local Mosaic Artists. • Basic equipment supplied. • No cutting of tiles will be involved with the projects. • Learn to plan and lay out a mosaic. • Learn how to grout. • BYO Rubber Gloves BOOK YOUR PLACE AT THE RTC 47707855
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 28
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 30
Seniors Enquiry Line is a state-wide information and referral service for Queensland seniors, families, friends, grandparents and carers.
We can help you with concessions, social activities, household assistance, retirement accommodation, financial and legal matters, health, education,
Kids Helpline
1800 551 800
Kids Helpline is a national, free, private and confidential phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25 years.
(24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
DVConnect Womensline
1800 811 811
DVConnect Womensline is a statewide telephone service offering free professional and non-judgemental telephone support to women who are experiencing domestic or family violence. They can help women to obtain safe refuge accommodation, confidential counselling and referral to other services.
(24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous
Supporting Queensland Grandparents
The service was set up by the Queensland Government Department of Communities to support grandparents who are raising their grandchildren. For more information visit:
Lifeline 131114
Lifeline provides Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to crisis support and suicide prevention services.
(24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
DVConnect Mensline
1800 600 636
DVConnect Mensline is a statewide telephone service offering free confidential counselling, referral and support to men affected by domestic or family violence.
(9am to 12 midnight, 7 days a week)
membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre…...Phone: 4771 5411
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 31
Service Number All Emergency Calls (including Police, Fire, Ambulance and for reporting fallen powerlines) 000 Townsville Local Disaster Management Group Local Disaster Coordination Centre (only activated during declared emergencies) 1800 738 541 Townsville State Emergency Service (SES) - Tarping/Branches down 13 25 00 Queensland Police Service - Police Link (Non life-threatening calls) 13 14 44 Queensland Ambulance Service (Non lifethreatening calls) 13 12 33 Townsville City Council (includes Emergency After Hours, Flood information, Dengue outbreaks, Sun safety information) 13 48 10 Ergon Energy Loss of Supply and Emergencies 13 16 70 Origin Energy Natural Gas and LPG Gas Emergencies - leaks only 1800 808 526 North Regional Gas LPG Gas Emergencies 07 4774 5111 Telstra 13 22 03 Optus 13 13 44 Townsville Hospital and Health Service 07 4433 1111 Department of Transport and Main Roads (Road Closures) 13 19 40 Translating and Interpreting Service 13 14 50 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS
BE FIRE AWARE and BE PREPARED Help Keep our Community Safe Stay up to date with current fire restrictions: or https:// Rural Fire Brigade Rollingstone/Hencamp: Raymond Pace: 4770 7285 / 0427 116 604 Fire Warden: Rob Pratt: 0407 634 361
from anywhere in Australia—24 hours/7 days
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 33 Rollingstone & District Community Assoc Inc. 44 Community Cres, Rollingstone 4816 Committee: President: Sue Von Wald 0407 753 562 Treasurer: Lynne Prytherch 0427 707 689 Hon. Secretary Chris Martin 47707 855 Deb Calder ............................................47707 474 Geoffrey Prytherch 0427 707 689 Phil Thompson……………………..…………..0412 416 027 Suzie Vincent…………………………………….0409 880 902 All Correspondence to: The Secretary 44 Community Crescent, Rollingstone Qld 4816 Community Centre Manager Chris Martin RTC Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm………………….47707 855 Fax: …………………………………………………….. 47707 811 E-mail: Community Hall Phone (M-F 9am-3pm) @ kitchen 47707 153 ROLLY RAG E-mail: …………………………… Contact: Rag office 47707 799 Police OIC: Sgt Anthony Jacobs; Refer to Police Link 2IC: Snr Constable: Brendan Pownall POLICE LINK 131 444 EMERGENCY 000 CRIMESTOPPERS .......................................................... 1800 333 000 Rural Fire Brigade Rollingstone Raymond Pace ..............47707 285 / 0427 116 604 Fire Permit Rob Pratt 0407 634 361 Toomulla Rudi Schwarz 47707 813 S.E.S. Emergency - Flood or Storm 13 2500 Duty Phone ………………………………………………………..0460 692 749 Rollingstone State School Principal: Andrew Stallman 47707 313 Rollingstone state school P & C Assoc. President: Annie O’Brien…………………………….……0418 252 450 Email : Mutarnee State School Principal: Michael Blake ........................................47708 131 Alcoholics Anonymous For More Information………………………………………………………..47715 411 Ambulance C/O Northern Beaches Station…………………………………………..47786 033 Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club Inc. President: Bruce Smith ................................ 0407 157 515 Secretary: Kerrie Cochrane 0412 492 861 Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club Inc. Email: President: Gary Luff 0448 137 008 Secretary: Mystic Sands Golf Resort………………………………………..47707 355 Playgroup North Townsville Community Hub 47516 511 Paluma & District Community Association President: Jamie Oliver................................ 0408 710 030 Email:. 1st. V. President: Anneshka Brown 0472 768 227 Secretary: Juanita Poletto Treasurer: Wilfred Karnoll 47788 441 Email:............. Committee Member (Hall Bookings) Lynn Hyland PH: 47737 675 Rollingstone RSL President: Ewan Cameron 0417 719 043 Secretary: TBA Rollingstone & District Lions Club President: Michelle Ambia........................... 0490 338 668 Rollingstone & District Social Group President: Secretary: Cheryl Pearson 47707 027 Toomulla Community Association President: Rhonda Schwarz .............................. 47707 813 Animal Contact Numbers Animal Refuge 47745 130 Animal Ambulance (after hours) 47745 130 RSPCA Inspection 47744 714 Straying Stock 47738 411 National Parks & Wildlife Service 47212 399 Bird Rescue, Patricia.................................................. 0447 755 861 WRAPT 0474 630 785 Snake Catchers: Alan Berry, Mt. Low $......................0418 714 082 Ranger Dan Hands on Wildlife Nth Beaches……….…..0437 056 157 Margaret Preston (Vet).................................... TXT 0403 262 212 Livestock on Highway REPORT TO .................................. 13 19 40 Justice Of The Peace Chris Martin, Community Centre, M-F 8am-4pm..........47707 855
Rollingstone General Store
6.30am to 5pm every weekday
21 Rollingstone Street, North Queensland 4816
Cheap petrol, diesel, oil and car products
Gas cylinder refills
Newspapers and magazines
Gift cards and stationery
Milk and fresh bread
Pet food and bones
Cold soft drinks, iced tea, flavoured milk
Hot pies and sausage rolls
Groceries and small goods
Pay bills, (Rego, Rates, Phone, Electricity, etc); Bank your Cheques and Withdraw Cash; Post Letters and Parcels
Phone recharge for all networks
Pay bills (rego, phone, power etc)
Phone credit (all networks)
Post parcels and letters
Lots of new stock on display.
Gas Refills
Phone: 4770 7340
Fax: 4770 7470
Barista quality Bounce coffee
Latte, cappuccino, caramel, skinny, etc.
Try our chocolate muffins
Going Fishing?
We stock tackle, lines, lures, BAIT for local conditions
Rosco & Olga
Plus Extensive range of Frozen Vegetables
Barbeque Sausages
Lean Mince
Rump Steak
Rosco’s famous ham off the bone
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 34
June 2023
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 35
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community) 9.30am NoTCH Mobile Playgroup @ Hall 5.30pm Barefoot Bowls @ Golf Resort 2 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class 9.15am Guitar @ Hall 5.15pm RSL Meat Tray, Raffles & Goose Club @ Mystic Sands Golf Resort 3 8am Balgal Beach Market, at The Landing. 9am-12 noon Op Shop 4 7.30am Mass at Hall 5 9am Line dancing at Hall 9am Hairdresser @ RTC 0448 294 992 12.30pm Cards @ Hall 6 6.45pm Beginners Mosaic W/Shop @ Hall 7 9am Indoor Bowls @ Hall 9am Hearing Aust. @ RTC 8 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community) 9.30am NoTCH Mobile Playgroup @ Hall 5.30pm Barefoot Bowls @ Golf Resort 9 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class 9.15am Guitar @ Hall 5.15pm RSL Meat Tray, Raffles & Goose Club @ Mystic Sands Golf Resort 10 9am Camp Oven Workshop 12.30 BINGO @ Hall 11 7.30am Mass at Hall 12noon BBBALC @ Bushland Beach Hotel 12 9 am Line dancing at Hall 12.30pm Cards @ Hall 9am MEN’S MEET UP @ Lions Den 6.30pm Lion’s meeting @ “Den” 13 1.30pm Crafts Afternoon @Hall 7-9pm Learn to Crotchet @Hall 14 9am Indoor Bowls@ Hall 11.30am MOBILE LIBRARY 6.45pm SES training 15 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am VET at Hall 9am Cards (in Community) 9.30am NoTCH Mobile Playgroup @ Hall 5.30pm Barefoot Bowls @ Golf Resort 7pm Bubbles & Brushes 16 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class 9.15am Guitar @ Hall 5.15pm RSL Meat Tray, Raffles & Goose Club @ Mystic Sands Golf Resort 17 18 7.30am Mass at Hall 19 9am Line dancing at Hall 12.30pm Cards @ Hall 20 2-4pm Board Games @ Hall 21 9am Indoor Bowls@ Hall 22 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community) 9.30am NoTCH Mobile Playgroup @ Hall & Second Bite Food Stall 5.30pm Barefoot Bowls @ Golf Resort 23 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class 9.15am Guitar @ Hall 5.15pm RSL Meat Tray, Raffles & Goose Club @ Mystic Sands Golf Resort 24 9am Bee Centric Learning Day 9am Opening of Pace Park Playground 9am 4pm Cores Mental Health Training 25 7.30am Mass at Hall 12noon Lion’s Changeover Lunch @ “Den” 26 9am Line dancing at Hall 12.30pm Cards @ Hall 27 7pm Crochet Night 28 9am Indoor Bowls@ hall 11.30am MOBILE LIBRARY 6.45pm SES training 29 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community) 9.30am Kids Fun Morning @ Hall 5.30pm Barefoot Bowls @ Golf Resort 30 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class 9.15am Guitar @ Hall 5.15pm RSL Meat Tray, Raffles & Goose Club @ Mystic Sands Golf Resort 1st. JULY 7am 11am Kids Fishing Classic @ Fishermans Landing
The new kids playground will be officially opened by Councillor Margie Ryder on 24th June 2023 between
Happy Raffle winners at the Biggest Morning Tea
Rollingstone Rag, June 2023 36
1st. Prize Teapot goes Chrissie from the RTC