5 minute read
Remembrance Day 11 Nov
Rollingstone RSL will conduct the end of year General Meeting on 06 November at Mystic Sands Golf Resort, commencing at 11.30 am followed by lunch for those in attendance. The business will include information on the RSL Queensland Annual General Meeting to be conducted in Brisbane on 8/9 December 2021. Members will have recently received the Notice of Meeting. The dates for the AGM are of course out of synch with our traditional governance activities but that is COVID for you. Our Meeting is the opportunity to inform the members of the business to be conducted and to have “your say”.
REMEMBRANCE DAY- 11th November 2021
Our last service in 2021! A special one in that it is part of our remembering the anniversary of the ending of World War 1, it
is is always a special service as we remember all who have served our country to maintain our freedom; it is a time to remember all of those who have given their lives in different conflicts or who have served our country in some way.
We will conduct the REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE at
the Memorial at BALGAL BEACH as usual. Unfortunately, this year Rollingstone State School students will be attending swimming activities in Ingham and so will be absent on duty this year.
The Service commences at 10:40 am to coincide with
the 11am 2 minutes silence. We will be supported by the RAAF from Townsville as a Catafalque Party as has become usual for our Remembrance Day services. They always look smart and drill well. Please be there if you can! and after at Mystic Sands Golf Resort, the home of Rollingstone RSL for lunch and fellowship. CHRISTMAS PARTY- this year to be held in November, date to be confirmed shortly. All RSL members and guests are most welcome. We have a number of people who support us with our raffles and Goose Club, and we would love you to join us if you can. We will follow our usual format. We meet from 6pm onwards, with dinner from 7pm. In the last couple of years we have found selling one raffle ticket with a number of draws throughout the evening has proved to be quite popular. It is an opportunity to meet fellow members in a convivial atmosphere. The Goose Club jackpotted last Friday night and a lucky couple won $800.00. The win was well received as they had recently paid a motza for a family members motor vehicle repairs. The Goose club restarts with a $200.00 jackpot and raffles are still available on Friday nights. See you at the club and at our REMEMBRANCE DAY Service. Ewan Cameron President Rollingstone RSL
Helpline. If you, or someone you know, needs support call Open Arms - Veterans & Families Counselling on 1800 011 046. It is a national mental health service that provides 24-hour free and confidential counselling, group programs and suicide prevention training for current and ex-serving ADF members, and their families...
The busiest term is well underway and the count down is on for Christmas. This year we reviewed our school values to update our behaviour policies and focus on Positive Behaviour for Learning. Each week a specific behaviour is taught and discussed under our three core values:
We are Courageous We are United We are Responsible
Students are awarded tokens when seen demonstrating these values or going above and beyond at school and in the community. These tokens are placed in our token tower and whole school celebrations are held when reaching a specific target. It was agreed upon that if student’s filled our tower token, then we would celebrate with a colour run. A huge thank you to the Rollingstone Lions and Leos for organising the colour run to celebrate all students exceeding our positive behaviour targets. Everyone had a colour blast for the afternoon and it was a great way of finishing Term 3. Rollingstone State School. Taking Enrolments for 2022 for Prep to Year 6. Please come in for a visit or contact us on: admin@rollingstoness.eq.edu.au phone: 0747707313
Eligibility for enrolment in Prep for 2022: Child turning 5 before 30 June 2022
Andrew Stallman Principal Rollingstone State School (07)47707313
We are Courageous We are United We are Responsible
Some independent descriptive writing from Year 2
Rollingstone State School TAG Playgroup.
Every Tuesday from 9 to 11:30 All kids below school age welcome Come and have a morning of fun with Miss Fitzy Please contact the school for further information Phone: 0747707313
Colour Run fun
Our School’s Azalea
As pink and freckled as a soft marshmallow, the flower sits in the sun shining amongst a forest of lush green leaves, as smooth as a banana peel. The smell of the azalea is the smell of the dirt on a rainy day. Not a very nice smell at all! By Coby
Our School’s Amazing Playground
People talking, screaming and laughing is all I can hear at lunch. But when it’s not lunch time, all I can hear is the wonderful wind whistling. When I touch the playground all I can feel is warm, loved metal. I can look around and see huge, lovely trees that are giants and the huge, rainbow playground standing as still as a tree. When I run around it I can hear my shoes grabbing onto the softfall. I can smell the clean air serenading me. It smells like nothing, but it still feels lovely. By Edie