YOUNG PARENTS AND PEOPLE MEETING TO DISCUSS YOUR VIEWS with Cr Margie Ryder After the last Community Meeting hosted by Clr. Margie Ryder down at the Landing, the Rollingstone Community Association received an unusual amount of feedback regarding the wants and needs of the younger parents/adults living locally. It was felt that most initiatives/ projects/improvements, etc., were made in favour of the old/older generation. This was most concerning and taken very seriously because this really is not the case, but obviously there is much to be done to help refute this feeling/perception. This being the case, we approached Clr. Ryder with the suggestion we convene a meeting at the Community Centre specifically for the purpose of hearing what the younger folks have to say, and that as our Divisional representative, she hosts that meeting. She has agreed and a meeting is scheduled for SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd at 1pm.
Thank you to the Rollingstone Community for supporting the Fund Raising Concert held on 31st August to assist our family following a fire at their home in Yabulu. Special thank you to : Rollingstone Lions; Maori Culture Group; Judyana and and Band and RaDCA
We are appealing to as many as possible of young parents and adults living locally to PLEASE attend to put forward your ideas, suggestions and requirements that you feel are needed in this area that will impact your age group and that of your children. This meeting is designed FOR YOU, so please don’t waste it.
A big thank you from the Centre and RaDCA to Ian Dow for placing an extension on to our generator exhaust following the addition of the new roof.
Your support was greatly appreciated. Carol and Doug Jennings
Chris has had her long hair cut off and donated it to Alopecia Areata Association . Well done and Thank You Chris!
BALGAL BEACH MARKETS 1st SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH Held in the Park @ The Landing Loads of Stalls with Food, Coffee, Jewellery, Clothes, Massage, Plants, Books, Bric a Brac . NEW Stallholders ALWAYS Welcome Car boot or Bric a Brac etc to sell Fishermans Landing Fishing and Social Club Balgal Beach inc. Presented by Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club For online information on what's on look up BALGAL BEACH MARKET
What is happening in the Community—Current Online information ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Look us up on Facebook
Community Noticeboard Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome. Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris at the RTC.
INCLUDING FIRE RING 000 Rural Fire Brigade contacts:
Goughy’s “Open House”
Rollingstone/Hencamp; Raymond Pace 47707285/ 0427116604
Saturday 16th November
Fire Warden; John Pace 47707348
VISITING VET PROTOCOL The Community Association requests that when attending the vet clinic at the Community Centre, that you please take a seat and wait your turn regardless of the nature of your visit. It has come to our attention that on several occasions certain people have queue jumped as they say they are only wanting scripts filled for tablets. Please be advised that many of those patiently waiting are also only wanting scripts filled. PLEASE TAKE YOUR PLACE IN THE QUEUE
12 midday to 4pm Rollingstone Community Hall See page 27
Come along and join in, find out about other groups and activities there are in the area
See pages 24 & 25
on Bruce Highway, Ph. 47708184
The best and most unique Ice-cream and sorbets, fresh fruit juices, cakes and coffee, sandwiches and light tropical meals. Our ice-creams are made with skim milk and our fruit sorbets are dairy free. Frosty Mango is ideal for small meetings, family reunions, birthday parties or just relax with a tropical meal, an ice-cream, coffee and cake in air-conditioned comfort or under the veranda. We also look after you if you have gluten or lactose intolerance. We are open every day from 8:00am to 6:00pm P5
I guess there are people in our community who are presently unwell or suffering some form of debilitation. However, we’ve had none reported to us so I’m sorry not to be able to recognise those not having a good time of it at the moment. BUT, we do send them our very best wishes to get better soon. •
I had the pleasure of presenting some trophies at the Fisherman’s Landing Fishing Club Kids’ Fishing Competition during October. How wonderful it was to see the kids outdoors AND enjoying themselves. I was so thrilled to be there and grateful to be asked to attend. Do you know Warren and Margie Butterworth’s grandson caught a fish and won a fishing rod and a tackle box – he is 3 YEARS OLD! And there were others there only 4 and a little older who also caught numerous fish and won prizes. Such a lovely morning………such great stuff. We haven’t had to do this for a while BUT the roadside chalk notice boards are a disgrace. The idea is that if you use them, you remove your sign once it’s reached its use-by state. This is not being done with the result the boards look gross and there’s no room left for others to use. If you have a sign still up on the board and it’s now irrelevant, please wash it down and leave room for others. It’s called respect. You’ve heard of the movie “We Bought A Zoo”, well, WE BOUGHT A BUS!! (We’ve already got the Zoo – and that’s meant to be a joke. Please don’t take offence.) It’s 4 years old with all the good points of the old one, except it’s so much younger and has 2 more seats. This has been a case of waiting until something good came along because we couldn’t afford a completely new one and there are no grants to cover that amount of money as best in that category is around $35,000 and a new bus would cost around $70,000. Well, our patience finally paid off: most timely and fortuitously. Some stuff is happening for us……… last. Work should start on the Railway Display any time now, AND the Bush Tucker Gardens. Hope to have more ‘capital activities’ about which to advise in the last newsletter of this year. Presently, we’re also getting geared up for several important events: Brad’s “Open House”, the Lions’ Activities Day (incorporating “Cyclone Sunday” information per courtesy of the SES), Carols by Glowlight, Remembrance Day, hundreds of the dreaded Christmas parties, Closure of the Centre for our Christmas/Summer break, and probably lots of others I’ve forgotten about.
Live well, love much, laugh often ...................... “Sancho Panza”.
Townsville Snake Catchers Facebook page has a list of snake catchers If you are bitten, ring 000 and treat any bite or suspected bite immediately. Remove children and pets to a safe place. P6
Rollingstone State School
Beach Clean-up Timetable The beach walk is a school program to help save our reefs. It is a fun and educational day where you learn about the reef and how to help protect it. The reef is one of the most valuable thing in the ocean. Kody Rollingstone has done a great job collecting rubbish along Balgal Beach for many years. However, 2012 was the first year we recorded any results. The pile of rubbish was over waist high and the weight was over 50kgs. We do the beach walks to save our ocean. -
In 2013 we had the Tangora Blue people help us count and sort out the rubbish for the first time. The rubbish weighed 45+ kg. During the rubbish pick up, the lady of Tangora Blue had a friend that wanted to help us. This shows us that are people are dedicated in helping the ocean life. Karina
September 2013
Unfortunately there was no decrease in rubbish in 2014. That means more rubbish had been dropped on the beach. The Rollingstone State School students got about 44kg that year.
Why do we do it?
Rollingstone State School has been taking part in a school beach walk for over 20 years now. The day has prevented many animals from dying. A plastic bait bag looks like a jelly fish which is a green turtle’s main food. Shelby
September 2014
A big reduction in rubbish picked up at Rolly Beach in 2019
Do you have any old memories of the first beach walks? Mr Bruce would love to hear from you so we can trace the history back to the beginning?
P7 P7
Office of Nick Dametto MP P: 07 4765 4700 | F: 07 4765 4709 | Member for Hinchinbrook Visit: 86-92 Herbert Street, Ingham QLD 4850 E:
Government needs to get tough on crime In parliament last month, I gave a speech highlighting the lack of real consequences for criminals who continue to destroy people’s lives.
My mother lost 12 months of her life because of the stress that one incident put on her. The perpetrators of crimes do not deserve to be out roaming our streets. If we do not come down hard on crime, all we are creating is a gangsters’ paradise for the perpetrators. People go to bed at night concerned that when they wake up in the morning their vehicle may not be in the driveway or their house or business may have been broken into. For business owners, it’s the little things that add up. The juvenile delinquents who are breaking into these places are only stealing the float, a couple of drinks and those sorts of things, but it is the $600 door that has to be replaced every time this happens or the cash register that has been ripped out and stolen. According to the Queensland Government Statistician’s Office Crime Report, there were more than 240,000 reported property offences in Queensland during 2017-18.
The State Labor Government has failed in their duty of care to make our communities feel safe and need to drastically rethink their approach to crime. There needs to be real consequences and deterrents or else this misery will just continue for honest, hardworking people.
Trip Advisor
THE BOOK STATION At the Community Centre Monday to Friday 9-3pm
ROLLY RAG ADVERTISING RATES (per issue incl. GST as at March 2012) Full Page (18 x 26cm)
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Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours, into the mailbox located at the end of the veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Ensure your name and details are on the envelope. We can design an ad for you and we accept .jpg file formats of your existing ads. The Rag is a great place to advertise and very cost effective. For more information or to discuss your ad, call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email or * extra costs for supplying the photocopying if required
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Room Hire
1/2 Day $20 (incl. GST) Evening $20 (incl. GST)
Important document scanning
Rolly Rag’ Disclaimer
The ‘Rolly Rag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc P.O. Box 35, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher). The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published. The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to. P 10
Indoor Carpet Bowls At The Community Centre Wednesday Morning and Night 9-11.30am & 7-9pm!!!! Morning: $2.50 Night: $2.00 This is a FUN activity and is guaranteed to be a winner!! All skill levels & All age groups Just turn up and see how much fun you will have! Further info contact Chris on 47707855
Come and join us for a great time!
Board Games Played on the third Tuesday of each month between 2-4pm at the Hall. Scrabble, Mahjong, Yahtzee and MORE!!! Bring along your favourite game if you want or play with any of our games!
$2 for an afternoon of fun with like minded people.
Your Local Community Pharmacy Bluewater
Healthsave Pharmacy Balgal
Beach Healthsave Pharmacy
2 Purono Parkway, Yabulu 4818 114 Mystic Avenue, Balgal Beach 4816
PH: 07 4778 6233 PH: 07 4770 7400 FAX: 07 4778 6733 FAX: 07 4770 7399 8.30am – 6pm Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5pm Monday – Friday 8.30am – 1pm Saturday 8.30am – 12pm Saturday
FREE Blood Pressure Checks * Hire Equipment *NDSS Agent – Diabetes Supplies Blister Packaging for your medicines * Full Prescription Service *Delivery available for those in need MLE – Making Life Easy (Large range of Home Healthcare aids) *Ear Piercing *Faulding Vitamins
Pharmacy Choice Brand Products (Quality product made affordable with 100% money back guarantee) Easy parking available
Keeping yourself Hydrated Dehydration can happen when your body loses too much fluid, sweating excessively is one example. You are dehydrated if your body doesn’t have enough water to keep it working properly.
Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration Dry lips, mouth and tongue Headache Dark urine and not so much of it Dizziness or light headed (particularly when standing up)
Severe Dehydration symptoms can be Extremely thirsty Have a very dry mouth Breathing fast Have a fast heart rate but low blood pressure Have a fev Have little or no urine Be irritable, drowsy or confused
Babies who are severely dehydrated have a sunken fontanel, the soft spot on top of a baby’s head. If you experience any of these above severe symptoms SEEK MEDICAL TREATMENT IMMEDIATELY
Signs of dehydration in the Elderly Increased thirst Loss of skin elasticity Fatigue and lethargy Sticky or dry mouth Dizziness Dark urine Headaches Severe Hydration needs IMMEDIATE MEDICAL TREATMENT, usually in Hospital where fluids are given via a drip
Seniors are at an increased risk of dehydration for a number of reasons As you get older your thirst reflex diminishes, you don’t feel thirsty You have less fluid in the body Some older people suffer from medical conditions like dementia or a physical immobility, which inhibits them from drinking water
Causes of dehydration
Strenuous exercise, especially in hot weather Severe vomiting and diarrhoea Drinking too much alcohol Certain medications Complications of Diabetes Simply not drinking enough water Mild dehydration can be fixed by drinking more fluids. You can get pre-made solutions from the pharmacy which help replace the salts back into your body. Please check with your Pharmacist if you are taking any medications. If you have any questions please contact your local Pharmacy The Team at Balgal Beach Pharmacy P 12
BALGAL BEACH MEDICAL PRACTICE Tel: 47707 244—Fax: 47707 100 Please listen to any recorded message for information on out of hours services
Open Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm Saturday 8.30am to 1pm Tel: 07 4778 6444
Call from 8am for Appointments
OR you can book ONLINE via our website
General Practitioners and Allied Health Services
General Practioners Dr. Zakia Sultana:
Monday and Wednesday (bulk Billing)
Dr. Lucia Rajnoch:
Tuesday and Friday (bulk Billing)
Dr. Vladmir Hasa:
Friday (Private Billing)
Dr. Olga Hasa:
Tuesday and Friday (Private Billing)
Allied Health Services PHYSIOTHERAPY:
Katrina Davey (Weekly)
Natalie Amel (Fortnightly)
Rachel McKellar (Monthly)
See your GP for referrals to these services. PATHOLOGY: Wednesday 8.30am to 12.00noon
SUNDAY 17th November 2019
11th November Remembrance Day Service commences at 10.45 am at the Balgal Beach Cenotaph.
Rollingstone RSL Members and their Guests are invited to the:
Rollingstone RSL’s Christmas Celebration
Enjoy a three course meal, live music, lots of prizes and fun! (Some wine included) When: Saturday 30 November at 6pm Where: Mystic Sands Golf Club Cost: $30 per person RSVP by: 16 November to RSL Secretary Suzi Vincent on: or 0409880902.
BABZ AQUA GROUP Our splash and exercise group have kicked off a new season with energy and fun at the Rollingstone Big Four Resort pool. Everyone is welcome to join on Tuesday and Friday morning at 9.30am. Movement, exercise and great social interaction plus cooling down as the weather warms! Remember the slow speed in the Resort grounds to ensure the safety of their guests. Hope to see you all at the pool!
SPLASH.…..FUN…...FITNESS Centrelink Access Point at the Community Centre Centrelink provides phone, fax, copier and computer access for individuals wanting to access Centrelink services. To make a claim or an enquiry please make use of the equipment and services available through the Access Point. Limited Medicare services also available.
4770 7698
0437 555 469
Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre‌‌.Phone: 4771 5411 P15
CHRONIC PAIN WOMEN’S HEALTH (Menarche to Menopause) Sho Ni Shin for Children (No Needles) FACIAL REJUVINATION (Cosmetic Accupuncture)
YOGA work to your edge and your limits A general guided Hatha light flow class Sundara Yoga Garden Studio 17 Salamander St, Bluewater Tuesday 6.30—7.30 pm Restore and release Yin Saturday 8am to 9am—General Hatha flow Rollingstone Community Centre, Balgal Beach Saturday 10.30 to 11.30 am Nicole: 0410 474 460
Lions are taking up a collection of old mobile phones that are no longer being used. Collection bin (plastic container) is in the Community Hall
The Bookmobile visits twice each month on Yellow Bin day. Located in the carpark at Rollingstone Community Centre P16
6th and 20th
Rollingstone & District Seniors Time is galloping along merrily, leaving me no time to do anything. A small group of Seniors recently hired a bus and took off to the Outback, well... we did go West and we had a great time. We started in Hughenden where we saw the dinosaur memorabilia, very interesting stuff if you are into dinosaurs and called in to Corfield for lunch and a quick snort at the lone pub. We went on to Winton, where the water leaves a lot to be desired but once you get the hang of it, it’s not a problem, just boil it first. We went to the outdoor Movie Theatre, sat in canvas chairs and ate popcorn and lollies. Encountered cattle droving along the highway, which was an unexpected sighting. Onward to Longreach where we spent three days, as we had so much to do. We were welcomed to the caravan park by a couple of brolgas who stayed around the whole visit. It could have been the fruit cake they liked! Beautiful birds. We attended the Stage Coach Show which was fantastic, great laughs had by all. Nice to sit quietly to settle the scones, jam and cream before we went off on the Stage Coach ride. That was unreal, I never thought I would get to ride in a Kinnon and Co. Longreach coach. Then we had the river cruise which took us lazing down river while we snacked on cheese, crackers, salami, pickled onions and relish. Back ashore we were entertained while we waited for the Stockman’s Tea to be ready and enjoyed a Bush Ranger movie. I would encourage anyone to spend the money and go along to a great entertaining evening. This family run entertainment is tops and really worth your while. The young sons had us in stitches all evening even while driving the coach taking us there and back. Brilliant. The Hall of Fame was next on our list and we spent a very interesting time going through. I don’t like it though, when you see things you recognise from childhood displayed in glass cases as relics and antiques. Bah humbug. As we left Longreach, we passed a different mob of cattle, the two will never meet. We saw the travelling set up the Drovers had. They are so self-sufficient. We called into Ruby Vale where there were several jewellers, uh oh bad move!! Barcaldine was in the mix also where we stayed in a lovely house. I rather liked that place. There were some places of interest there. On to Emerald which we did not see much of at all and from there back to Charters Towers where we managed to go look at a few shops before we headed home. We also stopped at a few interesting places along the way and found some very good bakeries. I think everyone who went had a great time, thanks Peter and Gwen. The Seniors went over to Magnetic Island last week for the day with some staying overnight. A shame that so many pulled out but those who went enjoyed themselves and were made to feel very welcome. Melbourne cup day is coming up, anyone interested?? Ciao.
Domestic Waste and Recyclables Only NO Bulky Items, Furniture or rubber tyres GREEN WASTE/ WHITEGOODS/ METALS/ ELECTRONIC WASTE AND FLORESCENT TUBES ARE FREE
Saturday Only 7.30am - 4.30pm
Sunday Only 7.30am - 4.30pm
Volunteers wanted to learn to do the Rolly Rag so we can share the workload Call Chris: 4770 7855 P17
GOLF Membership
Prices are the best around. Give us a call to find out what membership best suits you.
139 Mystic Avenue, Balgal Beach PH: 47 707 355 Email: Web Site:
Course Fees – 9 holes front and back $20 Golf Carts - $25.00 and we have 12 carts available for hire.
RESTAURANT Pizza night : Tuesday Restaurant open Wednesday and Friday nights for meals Friday night: RSL and Goose Club Happy hour: Every day, 4-6pm $5 Cans, Stubbies, Schooners, Basic Spirits and Wine.
Members Game Days: Tuesday - VETS Saturday - Competition
Visitors and Members Days: Friday - Social Friday Club Sunday - Bushrangers
Barefoot Bowls Thursday night Register 5:30pm Play 6 pm onwards
Op Shop Please be mindful, that while all donations are gratefully received, your goods need to be in reasonable condition.
9am—3pm Monday to Friday and 9am—12noon 1st. SATURDAY of the MONTH
Please ask yourself “if it is not good enough to give to my best friend—is it good enough to give to the Op Shop?” Please be advised the Op Shop cannot accept: Electrical goods; large knives; bulky, chipboard or damaged furniture
OCTOBER RAINFALL REPORT Monthly Rain totals as at 23/10/19 Rainfall for October 11mm Year to date: 2348.7mms Wet Days: 5 Max Temp: 32° on 20/10/19 Min Temp: 14° on 08/10/19 Access the data from our local weather station at: dashboard?ID=IQUEENSL849
6th & 20th November FREE WIFI now available from Mobile Library
Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc. Hello all, well the biggest day on our calendar, The Pineapple Festival has been and gone. It was a great success and enjoyed by all who attended. The feedback we have received from many of the stallholders and members of the public has been fantastic. It makes all the hard work that’s involved worthwhile. The music and entertainment was terrific. Thank you all for making it a great day. Ten members of our club went to Mareeba for an annual district convention. This event was for 3 days and the people from the Tablelands spoilt us with their hospitality. You could see that this area is also being affected by the droughts. During the Pineapple Festival and the Country Music event at the Rollingstone Pub, we were able to collect just under $3,000 for drought relief. This will be distributed to those poor farmers in need. A few of the club members went to our Camp Kanga west of Proserpine to carry out some improvements on BBQ areas. For people who are interested Camp Kanga has a small caravan park and accommodation. Proserpine Dam is only one kilometre away from the camp. The Dam has great fishing with monster size barra and red claw. As always, any person who is interested in the work that Lions do can contact me on 0412396450. Dowie
Volunteers required for delivery of the Rolly Rag to the local community once a month (excluding Jan and Feb) Please contact Chris at the Centre on: 47707855.
Rollingstone Community Association yearly memberships Only $1.00 per person If you want your say on how the Community Association is run See Mark or Chris at the RTC
Can everyone keep their can ring tops off the aluminium cans please? There will be a tin in the Community Hall for collection. The ring tops go towards the making of new Wheelchairs Collection Tin in the Hall P20
Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club News
Hello and welcome. Another quite busy month has passed in your Club with lots happening so we hope you participated and enjoyed yourselves. Saturday 28 September was the Annual Member for Hinchinbrook Inter-Club Fishing Challenge Presentation Night at The Landing and what a night we had. The trophy winners were; Senior Male, Mick Wellington from Toomulla and Senior Female was Debbie Wellington also from Toomulla. We can now see what this couple get up to in their spare time. The Junior Champion is Hunter Truscott from our Club. Congratulations to you all. The Champion Club for the year was bestowed on our Club again so well done those of you who participated. We also thank Mick Wellington and all Members of the Toomulla Beach Fishing Club for their participation and attendance at the function. Our Club Fishing Coordinator Dan Dale worked tirelessly to organize the event and he also drove the courtesy bus on the night. A huge thanks Dan. There are heaps of other Club Members who contributed to the success of the night, Robert Pratt, Col Pace, Mon Dale, Khwan Williams, Booie Haggerty, Di, and Kerrie Cochrane and the rest of the Committee all pitched in for which we are most grateful. Not forgetting, of course, Mr. Nick Dametto, MP, Member for Hinchinbrook who sponsors this annual event and who took time out from a very busy schedule to present the awards. How good was the Thai food Mon, Khwan and Booie prepared and served for our taste bud pleasure? Congratulations Ladies. No, Members, the prawns and oysters are not going to be an addition to the menu for our normal End of Month Club BBQs. We welcome new Members Geoff and Wendy Cooke, Dan, Jo and Anglic Kakela who hail from Toomulla and welcome back to this Gentleman after a very long absence from the Club, Gordon Payne and Sue Von Wald. On behalf of us all, welcome. From 25th to 27th October our half yearly Family Fun Weekend Away was conducted in Lucinda and 26 Club Members have registered to attend. A full report on the trip will appear next month. Don’t forget the Club Markets on Saturday 2 November at The Landing Park from 8.00 am to 1.00 pm. Vice-President Graham would welcome a couple of Club volunteers to help him out. It is a very social outing and not much work is involved so come along and contribute to your Club. Please note that the 7th December Market is the last Market until April 2020. Monday 11th November is a very important event to remember and to attend is Remembrance Day at The Landing Cenotaph from 10.30 am. Your President will be laying a wreath on the Club’s behalf and please wear your Club shirt if you are able. Black Friday 13th December there will be informal drinks at The Landing from 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm. Sorry no BYO drinks. Come along to celebrate Friday 13th and the end of the working week (for some!). Catch up on the latest Club news and mingle/meet fellow Club Members. Free nibbles and perhaps a raffle. No booking required, just turn up in your brightest shirt to ward-off the evil spirits. Note there is no Club End of Month BBQ in December instead we are going to a New Year’s Eve Party at the Mystic Sands Golf Resort on 31 December. Members will be personally emailed full details of any costs etc at a later date as usual you will need to purchase your own drinks from the bar. A courtesy bus, a meal, live music, fireworks are included for Club Members and not forgetting Rebecca dancing the night away bare footed and complaining thereafter about sore feet. A very merry night is guaranteed. Full details including booking requirements will be advised later. Koy Luff recently returned from a quick trip to Thailand to visit her sick Mother. Be assured, Husband Garry was not the only local to miss her happy face, welcome home! On the sick list we have Ron Condren (Condo) recovering from a recent operation, Richard Pickering has been seen out and about which is great news and Babz Armfield is out of hospital and on the mend but watch out, Babz now has a walking stick and reports are that she can use it to strike a swift blow; poor Richard. Russell Rowe is in Melbourne for a very long stint in hospital in something called a bubble which has something to do with having a bone marrow transplant. We all wish him well in his recovery. Our thoughts and best wishes are with you all. Saturday 12th October dawned just like any other typical day in Paradise, clear blue sky, the sea as smooth as glass, a cool breeze making conditions comfortable so what more could you ask for to make it that perfect day? Well, the kids Fishing Classic which started at 7.00 am of course. While the Mums and Dads sat in the shade shouting encouragement and expert advice to their offspring, the little ones had a great time showing off their fishing skills. After a free sausage sizzle lunch with drinks for all participants, including grand-parents, parents and friends, the children received other goodies before prizes were awarded to; Jade Cunningham for the biggest fish, May Dale (a Club Member) for the most fish, Talon Buckby, most species, Darren Cunningham, crazy hat competition and Tyrall Hutchinson (a Club Member) mystery prize. The prizes were presented to the young excited children by the event sponsors, Mr. Nick Dametto, MP, Member for Hinchinbrook, Sue Von Wald, President of Rollingstone and District Community Association (RADCA) and President Di. Mr. Dametto also stood in for Councillor Margie Ryder who was unable to attend at the last moment. We do thank the sponsors, Member for Hinchinbrook, Townsville City Council and RADCA for their generous support Finally, we have been advised by UNINET that the Stinger Net is scheduled to be installed for the season on Tuesday 29 October. President Di will shortly put out a call to all Members to seek volunteers to undergo a half day formal training course to maintain the net, P21 your participation is encouraged, Dickie cannot do the lot himself. Until next month, Ninger P21 P21
Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News G.Day All. Another wonderful night at our monthly BBQ. The Cooks did an excellent job once again and the Ladies’ sweets were yum. I ate too much again. Can’t help it; was all so scrumptious. Food, food, food glorious food. We played Hookey and everyone got involved, laughing and cheering; they were very keen players. The winning team was team two who were stoked when they won the GOLD.
The raffle winner was Clyde..Congratulations. Loundsy has the best seafood in town. The lucky members draw was unclaimed this month. BIRTHDAY as he cut the cake.
It was Don’s birthday and we all sang HAPPY
Bob and Judyana Holt celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary. Congratulations on such an achievement. They are a magic couple.. Teresa won the carton of assorted fruit. Congratulations it looked pretty good. Visitors are always welcome at our BBQs. Cost $10 per head children under 12 are free. Members are always free. Good food and good company.
Hope to see you all at our next BBQ., Sunday 10th Nov. Stay safe and enjoy life, Kindest regards from your Committee.
Warren Butterworth
In an article that was published in the Rollingstone Rag in August, 2018, I wrote about Section 83 of the Offence of “Driving without Due care and Attention” under Section 83 of the TORUM Act, (a copy of article is reproduced hereunder). “There is one offence under this Act which is not taught to Learner Drivers and yet is one of the main causes of Traffic Incidents on our roads, not only today, but in years past. It is contained in Section 83 of the Act and is more commonly known as “Driving without Due Care and Attention or Without Due Consideration for other Road Users”. I will address the offence of Driving without Due Care and Attention first, as it is imperative that you fully understand the responsibilities that this Section imposes on the driver of a vehicle on a “Road or Elsewhere”. I would be certain that the majority of drivers are not aware of this offence, even though it is only “Common Sense”, yet it is one of the most important requirements placed on a driver, as you MUST drive with Due Care and Attention at all times. If you do not obey this Section, there is a very good chance that you could be involved in a Traffic Incident. From the time that you sit in the driver’s seat of the vehicle, start to motor and start to move off, this “requirement” must be obeyed. REMEMBER NEITHER VEHICLES NOR ROADS CAUSE ACCIDENTS NOR THE DEATHS NOR INJURIES. IT’S ALWAYS THE NUT ON THE STEERING WHEEL. You must at all times remember that once put into motion a motor vehicle, it becomes a “Lethal Weapon capable of killing”, (it is more dangerous than a firearm). A vehicle can kill at any speed. An excellent example is when a small child in run over by the family car in the family’s yard. In most of these could have been avoided, if the driver had been driving with Due Care and Attention, and these children would be alive today. If the driver had just taken more care to ensure that there was no child /ren in the area or if they were properly supervised, these things would never happen. As the old saying goes, don’t “assume” anything as that word stands for make an “Ass” of “U” and “ME”. Don’t rely on rear vision mirrors or reversing cameras, as they can’t see sideways and have blind spots. Remember, the faster the speed, the more dangerous the vehicle becomes. As the term reads, “Driving without Due Care and Attention” means that all times when you are driving you must pay attention to the road (or place) where you are driving. Be aware of the road conditions and drive to those conditions. Be aware of any possible livestock that maybe on the roads edge (horses, cattle, pigs, kangaroos, dogs, cats, etc) and be ready to take appropriate action when one enters onto the carriageway (road). Never swerve to miss them as you could cause more damage, injury or death. It’s better to damage the front of your vehicle than lose control and roll it. You should be travelling at a speed at which you can either stop you before colliding or reducing the amount of damage to your vehicle. Another important thing is to be aware of the environment in which you are driving. Your eyes should always be to the front, watch the road ahead, watching for oncoming traffic, intersections you have to negotiate and what traffic is on all the roads, and what those vehicle/s may try to do, so you can take appropriate action to avoid a collision. If it has been or is raining and the road is wet, you must realise that your braking distance will increase dramatically. Moisture on the surfaces mixed with oil etc., make the road surface very slippery and regardless of what tyre company ads claim that “their tyres dry the road” they are false, as the road remains wet and the tyres cannot deal with the oil residue on the road surface. That if the reason for this Section, “to prevent traffic Incidents”. (By the way this term was introduced by our legislators, as statistics indicate that very, very few incidents occur by accident, but are caused by drivers’ inattention. Some obvious things that can be classed as driving without “Due Care and Attention” are: not driving to the road and weather conditions, turning your head to the left to talk to your passenger/s, adjusting the rear vision mirrors, (should be done before the vehicle is put into motion), changing radio station, music etc., bending down to pick something up off the floor, drinking from a container where you tilt your head back to drink the liquid, putting makeup on and one that may shock many, breast feeding bub whilst you are driving has been detected. In other words, anything you do that stops you from paying full attention away from your driving”.
You will notice in the last paragraph, where I gave some things that a driver could be doing which would constitute “Driving without Due Care and Attention” and on the 5th line of the final paragraph above, I refer to “Drinking from a container where you tilt your head back to drink the liquid”. Some of you may not be aware of the publicity on Facebook, in the newspapers and on Television where a driver was recently issued with a $173.00 on the spot fine for Driving Without Due Care and Attention when he was drinking water out of a plastic bottle on a day when the temperature was 39 degrees. I could say that to avoid a similar fine, carry a straw, but if you have to put the straw in the bottle whilst you are driving, you would still be committing the offence whilst you are putting the straw in the bottle. THE SOLUTION. Pull over, have your drink and then proceed. It might make you lose a couple of minutes, but what’s the choice “arrive a couple of minutes late, or be responsible P23 for taking someone else’s life or your own”.
Living with Flying Foxes part one. If you live near Flying Foxes, you may be concerned about risks to your health and curious to know more about them. Flying Foxes are not a health risk to you unless scratched or bitten, so please do not handle them. As forest-makers, Flying Foxes do a lot of good deeds in our environment. But they are threatened and in decline and to conserve Flying Foxes we need to share our neighbourhoods and protect their habitat. INTRODUCING YOUR BATTY NEIGHBOURS.. They do make a lot of noise, they eat your fruit and you hear they’re dangerous, It’s no wonder they are not over popular. The Flying Foxes, the biggest of the Bats, are really not so bad when you get to know them. A local colony can be something to celebrate. Flying Foxes contribute greatly to the local environment and economy. When they fly out at sun down Flying Foxes are off to do their job as forest- makers. Incurable sweet-tooth’s,Flying Foxes eat fruit, nectar and blossom. In the process, they pollinate flowers and disperse seeds of important native trees. Winging their way around the land, up to a 100km in a night, Flying Foxes are responsible for the upkeep of many forest species. To be continued, part two next month when they return from their night out. See you in the great outdoors......Chris..
Sunday 17 November Activities Day and Lions Lap the Map Walk for Diabetes
Commencing at 12.00 noon at the Community Hall and Village Green Have you read about our social activities and Service Organisations in the Rolly Rag and would like to know more about them? This is the day to see them ‘Show Case’ what they do and ask questions. Perhaps one or two may attract your interest. There will be demonstrations in the Community Hall, the Balgal Beach Pharmacy will be offering advice along with a free blood pressure tests and an opportunity to walk around Pace Park to help the local lions Club raise awareness of World Diabetes Day The Community Association will have their new Community Bus on display – what a wonderful opportunity to thank the Community Association for proving this wonderful service. The Firies and the SES will be there, they would love to talk to interested parties who may wish join their service. The Golf Club will have a “try your skills” area. Join Benita with some simplified exercises from her Circuit Class. Try out Indoor Bowls. Pace Farming is an integral part of our Community and will be there to answer any questions - did you know they do more than pineapples? There will be a Slip and Slide, food at the Lion’s Den, a Colour Run, Demonstration Touch Football and at 3.30 registration to walk the oval for World Diabetes Day, A Lion’s Lap the Map project throughout Australia Donations of a gold coin for each lap you can do will make a difference with Diabetes Research The Op-shop will be open with specials and we will have a small selection of market stalls. Something for everyone, so bring your phone to take photos or short videos to post on your Facebook page P 24
P 25
It’s believed Charlie Chaplin wrote the poem below at age 70 As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is Authenticity.
As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I know it is Love of Oneself.
As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody if I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me. Today I call this Respect.
As I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right, and ever since I was wrong less of the time. Today I discovered that is Modesty.
As I began to love myself I stopped craving for a different life, and I could see that everything that surrounded me was inviting me to grow. Today I call this Maturity.
As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worrying about the future. Now, I only live for the moment, where everything is happening. Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it Fulfillment.
As I began to love myself I understood that at any circumstance, I am in the right place at the right time, and everything happens at the exactly right moment. So I could be calm. Today I call this Self-Confidence. As I began to love myself I quit stealing my own time, and I stopped designing huge projects for the future. Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do and that make my heart cheer, and I do them in my own way and in my own rhythm. Today I call this Simplicity.
As I began to love myself I recognized that my mind can disturb me and it can make me sick. But as I connected it to my heart, my mind became a valuable ally. Today I call this connection Wisdom of the Heart. We no longer need to fear arguments, confrontations or any kind of problems with ourselves or others. Even stars collide, and out of their crashing, new worlds are born. Today I know: This is Life!
Paluma in the Clouds - Colwyn Campbell
Having just returned from three weeks interstate, and not yet having had time to catch up on the local ‘goss’, I feel rather fraudulent contributing anything from Paluma this month. But my first duty is to report with sorrow, the passing in Maleny late in September of former Paluma resident, Andy Bishop. Many people in Balgal and Rollingstone will have known Andy and Ann Bishop who regularly attended social gatherings in the community. Andy and Ann Bishop were popular long-time residents having come to Paluma from Mt Isa in 1989 to take ownership of the renowned Ivy Cottage Tea Rooms. People came from far and wide to experience the warm hospitality of Ann and Andy, sample the Devonshire teas and see at close hand the many birds that flocked to the cottage gardens. One distinguished guest was David Attenborough. Bishops sold Ivy Cottage in 1998 and Andy took up the position of groundsman at Paluma Environmental School where he worked until retirement. During his time here, Andy built as their residence the unusually designed house at Number 13 Mount Spec Road. Always involved in community activities, Andy rode every year until 2017 in the Paluma Push cycle race. He and Ann were keen tap dancers and regularly attended aqua-aerobics. They moved from Paluma to Maleny in 2016. Our sympathy goes to Ann in her sad loss. Residents of the rural blocks outside Paluma have reported an invasion of currawongs on their properties – some have counted up to 80 of the birds. Although very dry, conditions here must be more acceptable than in their usual habitat west of Paluma. Another invasion has been that of feral pigs. Groups of four to six pigs have been seen on some properties where they have wreaked havoc, uprooting banana plants and devastating beds of valuable bulb plants and anthuriums. For the past three years a writers’ camp has been held at the Paluma Environmental School attended by primary school children selected from several schools around Townsville and environs. Students from Rollingstone school were among those who attended the first of these camps in 2016 with Leonie Norrington as mentor. At the fourth of these camps, during the week of 21 st to 25th October students honed their writing skills with author Kirsty Murray. Students have a great time exploring the rainforest, discussing issues then develop a story based on their experiences within this environment. Social activities for the month have included a very successful market day early in October; and a Dinner Under the Stars held at the High Ropes course. Coming events will be an International Night dinner at the community hall on 2nd November and a Tropical barbecue on 7th December. Photos from Facebook
12.30pm, eyes down 1.00pm P28
PARCEL COLLECTION SERVICE If anyone in the community would like a parcel picked up in Townsville and delivered to your door on the day our Community Bus goes into town (weekly on Thursdays), call Chris (855), organise it with her and it will be done. COST is $5.
OP SHOP NEWS We are always looking for new donations, so if you are clearing out your cupboards, please remember us! In particular, we are currently very low on Bric-a-Brac and any donation of these items will be appreciated.
We currently have a large supply of baby clothes in stock Christmas is fast approaching and we have ample good quality Christmas Decorations to choose from. Call in and have a look.
ROLLINGSTONE AND DISTRICT LEO CLUB Hello Rollingstone, and here is a big “Shout out” to all young people in our beautiful part of paradise with an update of what your local Leo Club is up to, with an open invitation to come along to The Lions Den at the Community Centre next Saturday 2 nd November @ 3.00PM. The Leos will be going over several things and finalising arrangements for some up-coming Community Fun activities:Sunday 17 November – where the Leos will be hosting a “Colour Run” that afternoon in conjunction with the Lions Diabetes Lifestyle event. All young people regardless of age in our community are welcome to come and join in the fun with the Leos that afternoon They will also coordinate and help run with the School Junior Leos a School Colour Run during the last week of School and conduct a collection of “Basic Toiletries” (soap, tooth paste and tooth brush etc) for forwarding to the Lions Birthing Mothers Project in the Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea. And most importantly, plan and hold their own Christmas Breakup on Saturday 30th November. So – if you are 12 years of age or about to turn 12, why not grab your friends and come along to see what our Leo Club is all about. And there will be some Fun activities to finish the afternoon! Shirley Muller Assistant Leo Advisor Mobile 0407 114687: Email
BALGAL BEACH WEBSITE Hi to All Businesses Owners in Balgal Beach and surrounds. We now have our very own website. It’s free to advertise your business or upcoming event. Jump onto The more people that register the bigger and better it will be for our Community. Email for further information.
Mystic Sands Golf Resort Report What a month we have had,,,,,, MEN’S Pennants, WOMEN’S Pennants No trophies brought home, but a great effort and lots of PR for our small club. We had our golf and Bowls BREAST CANCER day, where fun was had by all and a chance for our men and women to dress in their finest pink outfits. Money raised on the day from raffles and donations came to $726. Thankyou to: Mystic Sands Golf Resort, Flexi Hire Townsville, D & L Cleaver, N Pace, K & M Jeffree, K Ruddick
Golf results for the Month 5/10 Single Stableford W M McCarthy 39pts S Thompson 32 pts 12/10 Monthly Medal Div 1 Mens G Smiley 72 nett CB C Farlow 72 nett Div 2 Mens P Simpson 71 nett CB B Beavis 71 nett
Womens M Dickinson 72 nett M Jeffree 74 nett Breast Cancer Day Winners J Flynn, T Wright & L Wright 2nd R Geritz, D & E Alderson 3rd J O’Kane,T Small & L Adams Thank you to everyone who made this a very successful day.
The Inaugural Rollingstone Art Community Exhibition was held over the weekend of 25th, 26th and 27th October. The Exhibition, including the Opening Night and Auction, was an outstanding success. The featured local Artists were: Peter Simpson, Vicki West, Gloria Bowgett, Sentoria Blackwood, Cindy Pace, Ann Martin, Anja Devereaux, Rhonda Wallace, Rosa Christian
COMMUNITY DIRECTORY Rollingstone & District Community Assoc Inc.
Alcoholics Anonymous
44 Community Cres, Rollingstone 4816
For More Information 47715 411
Committee: President:
Sue Von Wald
Lynne Prytherch
47707 689
Hon. Secretary
Chris Martin
47707 855
Ian Dow
Deb Calder
47707 474
Geoffrey Prytherch
47707 689
All Correspondence to:
The Secretary 44 Community Crescent,
Community Centre Manager
Chris Martin
Community Centre Assistant
Mark Eberle
Monday - Friday
47707 855
8am - 4pm E-mail:
Fax: 47707 811
Community Hall Phone (M-F 9am-3pm) @ op shop 47707 153 ROLLY RAG E-mail:
Rag office
Police 47707 144
(excluding Public Holidays) Senior Sergeant Senior Constable
Shaun Sutton
Front Desk Admin
Raymond Pace 47707 285 / 0427116604
Hencamp Creek Fire Permit
John Pace
Rudi Schwarz
47707 348 47707 813 / 0408021690
S.E.S. Emergency - Flood or Storm HQ Group Leader
13 2500 47707 589
Rob Wilson
47707 498
Rollingstone State School Principal:
Andrew Stallman
47707 313
Rollingstone state school P & C Assoc. President:
Sophie Connolly
47707 001
Mutarnee State School Principal:
Michael Blake
Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club Inc. President
Faye Thomson
47707 616
Kerrie Cochrane
47707 034
Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club Inc. President
Di Thompson
Neil Thompson
North Townsville Community Hub
47516 511
Paluma & District Community Association President
Jamie Oliver
1st. Vice President
Sarah Swan
Michele Bird
Wilfred Karnoll
47788 441
Ewan Cameron
Suzi Vincent
Rollingstone & District Lions Club President
Ian Dow
John Holliday
Rollingstone & District Seniors Inc.
Rural Fire Brigade Rollingstone
47786 033
Rollingstone RSL 47707 799
Office Hours 9.30am - 3.30pm Tuesday to Thursday
C/o Northern Beaches Station
Rollingstone Qld 4816
47708 131
Joh Schwier
Gaye Lovell
47707 356
Toomulla Community Association President
Rhonda Schwarz
47707 813
Animal Contact Numbers Animal Refuge
47745 130
Animal Ambulance (after hours)
47745 130
RSPCA Inspection
47744 714
Straying Stock
47738 411
National Parks & Wildlife Service
47212 399
N.Q. Wildlife Care Group Bird Rescue Margaret Preston (Vet) Livestock on highway—REPORT TO Justices Of The Peace Chris Martin M-F 8am-4pm Max Agnew
0414717374 47707 356 / 041296553 0403262212 13 19 40 47707 855 0409689320
P 33
Rollingstone General Store 6.30am to 6pm every day Cheap petrol, diesel, oil and car products Gas cylinder refills Newspapers and magazines Gift cards and stationery Milk and fresh bread Pet food and bones Ice-cream Cold soft drinks, iced tea, flavoured milk Hot pies and sausage rolls
Groceries and small goods
Pay bills (rego, phone, power etc)
Phone credit (all networks) Post parcels and letters
Barista quality Bounce coffee
Latte, cappuccino, caramel, skinny, etc.
Try our chocolate muffins
NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display.
Plus Extensive range of Frozen Vegetables
Going Fishing? We stock tackle, lines, lures, BAIT for local conditions
R os co, Olga, N ess i e & Eamo n
Barbeque Sausages
Lean Mince
Rump Steak
Rosco’s famous ham off the bone P34
NOVEMBER 2019 Sunday
1 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class
9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4, Hencamp Road
9am-12 Op Shop
10am Computer Class 3 7.30am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre
10 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre 5.30pm BBBaLC BBQ at Hall
17 7.30am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre Mobile Dentist at Doctors
24 7.30am St Anthony's Church Community Centre
4 9am Line dancing 12.30 Cards @ Hall 6.45pm SES training 7 pm AA Meeting at RTC
11 9am Line dancing at Hall 12.30 Cards @ Hall 7 pm AA Meeting at RTC
18 9 am Line dancing 12.30 Cards @ Hall 6.45pm SES training 7 pm AA Meeting at RTC
25 9am Line dancing 12.30 Cards @ Hall 7 pm AA Meeting at RTC
5 9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4, Hencamp Road
6 9am Indoor bowls at hall 9.00am Hairdresser @ RTC 11.30 MOBILE LIBRARY
7 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community) 9.30am Playgroup at Hall
8 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class
9 12.30 BINGO at HALL
9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4, Hencamp Road
7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls
12 9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4, Hencamp Road 6.30pm Lions Business Meeting at Den
19 9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4, Hencamp Road 2.00pm Board Games at Hall
13 9am Indoor Bowls
7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls
20 9am Indoor Bowls 9.00am Hairdresser @ RTC 11.30 MOBILE LIBRARY 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls
26 9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4, Hencamp Road 6.30pm Lions Dinner Meeting at Den
14 8am-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community) 9.30am Playgroup at Hall
15 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class 9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4, Hencamp Road
21 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community)
22 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class 9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4, Hencamp Road
29 Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class 9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4, Hencamp Road
30 10.30 Yoga at the Hall
9am VET at Hall
9.30am Playgroup at Hall
27 9am Indoor Bowls
28 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping
7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls
9am Cards (in Community)
10.30 Yoga at the Hall
Goughy’S Open House 12-3 at the Hall. Alcohol free event
10.30 Yoga at the Hall 1-4 PM @ Community Hall Margie Ryder meeting for all families to see what they want from Council and the Community,
6pm Fishermans Landing BBQ
9.30am Playgroup at Hall
The Maori Culture Group at Judyana’s Fundraising Concert
On October 5th and 6th three local youth residents joined their Touch Football Team, Crocs, in the NQ Championships. All three girls played amazingly and one, Taylah McMahon, was selected for NQ Cyclones Youth Squad. Kids Fishing Classic held at The Landing on 12th October by Fisherman’s Landing Fishing and Social Club
Breast Cancer Charity Day at Mystic Sands Golf Resort