APRIL 2017
Free official newsletter of Rollingstone and District Community Association Incorporated. AED (DEFIBRILLATOR) at FISHERMANS LANDING for PUBLIC USE
Emergency Shelters and Evacuation Centres
Council has agreement to use a number of buildings throughout the Townville area within its disaster management processes and plans. The buildings may be used as: Public Cyclone Shelters (Pre-Impact Centres) - A building where people can be temporarily housed if a cyclone was to come near to or cross the coastline with local areas threatened by storm surge or major flooding. Place of Refuge - are refuges that provide a haven for special needs group during a disaster event should they be seeking alternative refuge. Evacuation Centres (Post-Impact Centres) - Where people may be temporarily housed before (non cyclonic) or after an event. Recovery Centres - Established to provide information and a range of services to help people affected by a disaster event. This process is managed by the Department of Communities. Public Cyclone Shelter - The new category-five cyclone shelter is ready for use if a Tropical Cyclone crosses the Queensland Coast. The shelter is located at Heatley Secondary College, Fulham Road Townsville. Shelters and evacuation routes. The decision to prepare and open buildings as a Place of Refuge, Cyclone Shelter and Evacuation Centre is made by the Local Disaster Management Group and will be broadcast to the community via local media. You should listen to radio or contact council for the location of buildings which are designated for this use during an event. Voluntary evacuation notices and mandatory evacuation notices can be issued by the District Disaster Coordinator and the Local Disaster Management Group. Click here for Storm Tide Evacuation Maps - http://www.townsville.qld.gov.au/resident/ Disaster/Pages/storm_tide_evacuation.asp Source:http://www.star1063.com.au/weather-warnings/emergency -shelters,
FRONT COVER: Dredging the entrance to the creek at Borton Street in Mystic Sands. Photo supplied by Barbara Drew
ITEMS FOR SALE • Changhong two door
• Timber rocking chair • Timber love chair with
• Whirlpool s/s two door • • • • • • • • • • • • •
fridge Samsung microwave Sharp microwave 2 breakfast stools Timber tallboy with mirror Timber three door sideboard Queen size Bed 2 timber bedside tables 2 timber coffee tables Wall mounted TV Samsung Simpson 4kg front loader 7.5kg Hisense dryer 2 lounge chairs Timber Outdoor setting with 4 chairs
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
storage Camping table Timber Queen bed Timber 2 bedside tables 2 bedside lamps Palsonic wall mounted TV Settee/bed 2 recliners Timber table & 4 chairs Timber 6 shelf cupboard TCI wall mounted TV Timber 3 door leadlight sideboard Deep freezer An assortment of beach house type ornaments, prints etc.
All in good condition, must be removed by the end of April Mobile 0408 966 469. P2
Community Noticeboard Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome.
Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris. at the RTC centre.
Easter Markets at Paluma Sunday 16th April 9am till 1pm. Stalls, sausage sizzle, drinks. Looking for something to do on Easter Sunday? Take a drive up the mountain to beautiful Paluma!
Public information session 12.30 on Wednesday, 26th April at the Community Centre
My Health Record Accommodation options for Seniors
A number of regular contributors to this publication have been unable to provide their articles this month due to TC Debbie requiring their services elsewhere!
SAVE THE DATES FOR THESE ACTIVITIES AT THE COMMUNITY CENTRE Snake and spider talk 6th May CORES 9th May Biggest Morning Tea 23rd May Country Music concert 4th June
THE BOOK STATION At the Community Centre Monday to Friday 9-3pm
DON’T FORGET Family cricket day Sunday 2nd April.
12th and 26th April
All welcome, see page 8 for details
ANZAC Day Tuesday 25th April Services are held at the Memorial at Balgal Beach Dawn Service commences at 5.40am March and morning Service 10am, form up for march 9.30
Seniors/Wildlife Carers fundraiser
Morning tea 9am, introduction to wildlife talk, 29th April at the Community Centre
PARCEL COLLECTION SERVICE If anyone in the community would like a parcel picked up in Townsville and delivered to your door on the day our Community Bus goes into town (weekly on Thursdays), just call Chris (855), organise it with her and it will be done. Cost is $5.
SCHOOL HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES AT THE COMMUNITY CENTRE Check out the poster on page 16. For online up to date information on what's happening in the Community
Balgal Beach News look us up on Facebook
This service is not part of the Rollingstone Rag but it was set up and is administered by Janine Jones ( editor Rollingstone Rag) as a community service
NOTES FROM THE R.T.C Happy Easter for the weekend of the 14-17 April. We have a busy calendar over the next three months or so. Have a look at the list below – and this is only from the RTC, RaDCA and Seniors. • Cricket Match at Pace Park (weather permitting) 2 April starting at 10am • Thursday 6 April at 10am-12pm Community Centre - “caJam Circus” workshop. High energy activities - Gold Coin Donation • Gardening Group and Seniors outing to the Field day in Ingham 9 April to be in Ingham by 8am • Thursday 13 April at 3pm-5pm Community Centre - “JoJo’s Magic for Kids” workshop A great chance to learn magic tricks. Gold Coin Donation • Wednesday 26 April at 12.30pm at the Community Centre - a combined information session for My Health Records info session and Accommodation Options for Seniors by Mark Hargreaves Financial Advisor Centrelink. This is a free session open to all residents • Messy Play with the TCC First 5 Forever team – April 28 10am-11.30am Open to all kiddlywinks not going to school. Something special for this age group. • Seniors/ Wildlife Carers fundraiser 29 April at the Community Centre. More details in the Seniors contribution. • Hands on Wildlife snake and spider workshop – Saturday 6 May time yet to be decided. • CORES PTY LTD Suicide Intervention Training Saturday 9 May commencing 8.30am-4pm BYO Lunch. • Seniors Biggest Morning Tea 23 May • Country Music Afternoon Sunday 4 June starting 1pm door charge $5.00 Local artists and Judyana, Tony and Friends Band. Afternoon tea, bar and soft drinks available. • Carboot Sale 9am 24 June under the trees of Pace Park. If anyone says there is nothing to do in Rollingstone, I would say they are hard to please. There are 12 activities or workshops listed above that that does not include what the Bowls Club, Fisherman’s Landing and Balgal Beach Social Clubs, and other clubs are organising in the District. The Calendar is very full indeed. By the time this is in print we would know the results of the Tropical Low in the Coral Sea. It is a fine balancing act when it comes to Cyclones. The best policy is to plan ahead – whether to stay or go, plan for the worst and hope for the best. Be prepared with all potential missiles packed away or tied down, batteries, food and water supplies organised and keep up to date with the weather updates. In the meantime there is plenty of free information on the Townsville City Council’s website: being new to the area does not mean you have to be un-informed. The Accommodation Option’s workshop has come about by Seniors and Carers asking what are the options once Seniors get to the point they need some extra assistance or to move into supported accommodation. Mark Hargreaves has many years’ experience providing information for Seniors to make the big decisions. To everyone who volunteers with the Community Association in any capacity, we say thank you. It is always wonderful to get our volunteers together, as we did February, to say a well-earned thank you. The function went well and a very enjoyable afternoon was spent in extremely good company. The official BOM Rain Gauge has registered well over 450mls at the Community Centre for March at the time of writing. This is a wonderful amount of rain and a long time coming. Now all we need to do is get it to rain over the Ross Dam. Happy Easter – if you are travelling over the Easter Period please stay safe on the roads and avoid the fatal five: • • • • •
Texting while driving Not wearing a seatbelt Tailgating Speeding Driving tired
Take care always, Chris
THE BOOK STATION At the Community Centre Monday to Friday 9-3pm
Centrelink Access Point Centrelink provides phone, fax and photocopier for individuals wanting to access Centrelink services. If you want to make a claim or an enquiry please come and make use of the services available through the Access Point. You can also do small amounts of Medicare business.
Sunny Days Carer's Support Group available Contact 47258853 for more P6
on Bruce Highway, Ph. 47708184
The best and most unique Ice-cream and sorbets, fresh fruit juices, cakes and coffee, sandwiches and light tropical meals. Our ice-creams are made with skim milk and our fruit sorbets are dairy free. Frosty Mango is ideal for small meetings, family reunions, birthday parties or just relax with a tropical meal, an ice-cream, coffee and cake in air-conditioned comfort or under the veranda. We also look after you if you have gluten or lactose intolerance.
We are open every day from 8:00am to 6:00pm
Locally, it seems to have been a somewhat better month health-wise. We know numerous folk have appointments with the “sawbones” (surgeon), but no reports of those feeling unwell. However, sadly, we lost Doug RAYNER during March. Doug and Barbara were great community members until he went into full-time care and our hearts go out to Barbara and the family at this time. • • •
We are in desperate need of more volunteer Bus Drivers please, having just lost 3 of our team. We are also appealing for anyone who can help with the mowing and outside yard work, having lost 2 from this area as well. Thank you for your consideration. A new split system air conditioner and substantial sliding glass door is to be fitted to the Op Shop. Our Association has approached the relevant politicians regarding the dredging of Rollingstone Creek mouth. Can’t get pinched for asking!!
Sorry that this month’s contribution is so brief, but I can think of nothing more to report that is of note. We’ve been “taking care of business” with little fanfare, and “squirreling” away in the background – and achieving, which is how it should be. PINEAPPLE SALSA: 400g. Fresh Pineapple, peeled, finely diced; 1 Shallot, thinly sliced; 1 yellow Capsicum finely diced; 1x green Chilli, seeded, finely chopped; 2 tabs. Lemon Juice. Place pineapple, onion, capsicum, chilli and lemon juice in a glass or ceramic bowl. Stir to combine. Cover. Set aside.
Humour/laughter is the force of life!!
Live well, love much, laugh often ...........“Sancho Panza”.
Junior Golf News Junior Golf News
Wanted: Budding Jason Days or Karrie Webbs Not really, just any students interested in learning to play golf. Mr Reinke, who has been teaching golf for many years, would love to see a few more juniors at the club on Saturday mornings. So, if you don’t have a sport or would like to become involved in another sport, come on over on a Saturday morning and have a go. Mr Reinke will teach you the basics, which take a few lessons and then you graduate to playing a few holes and learn the rules and etiquette of golf. TIME: 7.30am on Saturdays at Mystic Sands Golf Club COST: ONLY $2. Equipment, clubs and balls are provided, so there is no big outlay for parents. Give it a go. If you like it, then keep trying. ALL SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN ARE MOST WELCOME P8
MARCH RAINFALL REPORT Monthly Rain totals as at 27/03/2017 Rainfall for March 434.4ml Year to date: 850.4 ml Wet Days: 16 days Max Temp: 35 deg on 26/3/2017 Min Temp: 21 deg on 09/03/2017 To access all the data from our local weather station go to: www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/ dashboard?ID=IQUEENSL849
APRIL 25th
ROLLY RAG ADVERTISING RATES (per issue incl. GST as at March 2012) Full Page (18 x 26cm) Half Page (18 x 13cm) Quarter Page (9 x 13cm) Business Card (9 x 6.5cm) Classifieds (up to 20 words) Flyers/Inserts*
$120.00 $80.00 $50.00 $25.00 $10.00 $120.00
Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours, into the mailbox located at the end of the veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Ensure your name and details are on the envelope. We can design an ad for you and we accept .jpg file formats of your existing ads. The Rag is a great place to advertise and very cost effective. For more information or to discuss your ad, call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email rollingstonerag@bigpond.com or rollingstonertc@bigpond.com. * extra costs for supplying the photocopying if required
RURAL TRANSACTION CENTRE Internet Access $2/hour (or part of) FREE for Students doing school Projects and FREE for Job Seekers. Printing & Photocopying (Black & White) A4 Single Sided .10¢ / page A4 Double Sided .20¢ / page A4 50 or more off 1 original . 5¢ / page A3 Single Sided .20¢ / page A3 Double Sided .40¢ / page A3 50 or more off 1 original .10¢ / page Colour Photocopying A3 or A4 .50¢ / page Printing from Computer Black & White .20¢ / page Colour $1 / page Scanning & Printing (B&W) .50¢ / page Fax First page $1.10 (incl. GST) Consecutive pages $0.55 (incl. GST) Laminating - Business Card .50¢ - A4 $1.10 (incl. GST) - A3 $2.20 (incl. GST) Room Hire 1/2 Day $20 (incl. GST) Evening $20 (incl. GST) Important document scanning $5.00 •
RollyRag’ Disclaimer The ‘RollyRag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc P.O. Box 35, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher). The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published. The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to. P 10
Evening Indoor Carpet Bowls At The Community Centre Wednesday evenings 7-9pm!!!! This is a FUN activity and is guaranteed to be a winner!! All skill levels & All age groups (cost $2 pp per evening) Just turn up and see how much fun you can have! Further info contact Chris on 47707855
Come and join us for a great night!
Board Games Played on the third Tuesday of each month between 2-4pm at the RTC. Scrabble, Mahjong, Yahtzee and MORE!!! Bring along your favourite game if you want or play with any of our games!
$2 for an afternoon of fun with like minded people .
BALGAL BEACH MARKET 1st SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH Held in the Park @ The Landing Loads of Stalls with Food, Coffee, Jewellery, Clothes, Massage, Plants, Books, Bric a Brac etc NEW Stallholders ALWAYS Welcome Always need Car boot, Bric a Brac etc
0457 815 453 Presented by
Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club For online information on what's on look up
Your Local Community Pharmacy Bluewater
Balgal Beach
2 Purono Parkway, Yabulu 4818
114 Mystic Avenue, Balgal Beach 4816
Healthsave Pharmacy
PH: 07 4778 6233 FAX: 07 4778 6733
PH: 07 4770 7400 FAX: 07 4770 7399
www.bluewaterpharmacy.com.au 8.30am – 6pm Monday – Friday 8.30am – 1pm Saturday
FREE Blood Pressure Checks
us on FACEBOOK 8.30am – 5pm Monday – Friday 8.30am – 12pm Saturday
* Hire Equipment
*NDSS Agent – Diabetes Supplies
Blister Packaging for your medicines * Full Prescription Service
* Delivery available for those in need
MLE – Making Life Easy (Large range of Home Healthcare aids)
* Ear Piercing *Faulding Vitamins
Pharmacy Choice Brand Products (Quality product made affordable with 100% money back guarantee) Easy parking available
HEALTH TOPIC OF THE MONTH Contributed by Balgal Beach Healthsave Pharmacy
DO I NEED A FLU SHOT EVERY YEAR We support annual vaccination of all those at risk of complications from influenza and of anyone over 6 months of age wishing to avoid infection. Free influenza vaccine is available under the National Immunisation Program (NIP) for people in the following risk groups: *Older adults (65+), *Indigenous Australians (6 months to <5 years and 15+), *Pregnant Women, *People aged 6 months and over with medical conditions that can lead to complications from influenza, such as:
Severe Asthma
COPD and other lung conditions
Kidney problems
Malignant cancers
Heart conditions
Diabetes (type 1 and type 2)
Impaired immunity such as HIV infection
Chronic neurological disorders
Residents of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are also at increased risk of severe complications from influenza.* This group may qualify for a Free Vaccine under the Australian government’s National Immunisation Program.Other conditions that might put people at high risk of influenza complications include: • Obesity • Stroke • Tobacco Smoking • Down Syndrome We believe everybody should be protected by an annual flu vaccination.Pretty much everyone can benefit from the flu vaccine. Remember, even if you’re fit and healthy you could pass the virus onto someone who is at risk of becoming very sick if they catch the flu.If you care for children, older parents or any other at risk person then a flu shot is highly recommended. The Team at your local Community Pharmacy.
REFERENCE: www.flusmart.orq.au
P 12
ARE YOUR DRUGS “STORM READY” AS WELL !!! Have you enough supply to last? Keep each product in a zip lock bag (Most medications don’t like water or humidity !!) Be sure to keep everything together in an airtight container for any emergency evacuation. For those using a Blister Pack System service, please contact your provider for any special storage requirements.
It is with great pleasure that we can introduce
Dr Tayebeh (Sima) Kazerouni
Commencing from Monday 13th February, 2017, Dr Sima will be our first full-time bulk billing GP.
Stay safe and happy, Your Local Community Pharmacist Frank Ferlazzo, Balgal Beach Pharmacy Emergency contact 0419166766
OPEN - Monday to Friday from 8am For appointments please call 47707244 General Practitioners: Dr Olga Hasa Dr Lloyd Malone Dr Bruce Robertson Dr Vladimir Hasa Dr Sima Kazerouni Podiatrist: Teresa Matai Physiotherapist: Nicole Cochrane Email: manager@balgalmedical.com.au
Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club News Robert did what he does best at the BBQ. A huge thank you everyone, Robert, salad Ladies and Brooke, Rebecca and Shoene for giving very valuable assistance with the raffle and serving dinner. The Club Monthly Fishing Competition winners were, Senior Dan Dale, Junior Jack Jones and Mystery, Bruce Woolard. Well done. Members, keep weighing them in for a chance at our monthly prizes Congratulations to Tony and Kerrie Cochrane on their recent purchase of their pride and joy, a Coromal Caravan. Most of us know Tony Cochrane, the amiable concordant man well known for his forbearance, equanimity and poise. The story goes that his dear wife Kerrie (you all know her for her fishing, or lack of, expertise) asked Tony if he would be able to back their newly acquired van down the side of their residence to which Tony replied in a very loving, calm manner that he was a highly experienced Triple-B long haul truck driver; of course he could! Later, Tony was seen roaming the street, a shattered, broken man, muttering to himself who the bloody Rhodes Scholar was who saw fit to install a water meter in such a place in front of every bloody house including his own to be run over. My informant said the new water feature was quite impressive. Tony, we hear your good mate Bill K. gave you plenty of sympathy; after he stopped laughing. We have on our sick list Ron Condren (Condo) who gave the medical world a bit of a scare with his recent blood pressure reading of 217 over 119. In truth though, his high blood pressure had nothing to do with any medical problem as he just had a good round (for him) of golf and he pumped himself up so much he gave all a scare. He is back on the course but otherwise taking things very easy. We just hope he doesn’t have another good round anytime soon. Dickie Charleston has had the long awaited medical procedure and is on the mend, albeit slowly. He recently indicated that he will be off the soda water or iced tea soon so he must be well on the way to a full recovery. Tony Cochrane has been laid up with a ham string problem which happened when he tried to climb onto a bar stool. We are confident he is being an excellent patient for Kerrie. Get well soon everyone. The next Club Trip Away will be during May. The dates and destination are to be decided at the next Committee Meeting and full details will, as always, be advised. Please, open your mail or you may miss out on a great weekend away. A rerun of the Club’s Closed Barra Fishing Competition will be held from Friday 24 March to Sunday 26 March. Members will recall that the last competition was originally held 3rd to 5 th February but the weather beat us and none were landed so we hope for a better result this time around. There are great prizes to be won including 2 car/boat fridges, a huge tackle box and a beaut prize for the junior winner all of which are taking up space in an already crowded garage so be sure to enter. ANZAC Day will soon be upon us and I urge everyone to attend either or both Services conducted on the day at the Cenotaph near The Landing. An hour of your time is a miniscule price to pay for the freedom we all enjoy today in our Country. Come along and show your respect for those who served your Country. The Club’s first Market Day for the year is on Saturday 6 May so please come along and support the stall holders or to just have a chat, we would love to see you all there. As I said at the beginning, this has been a relatively quiet month within our Club but a lot still goes on behind the scenes so don’t think your Committee has been having a bludge. More will be revealed next month so stay tuned. Don’t forget, there is an AED (Defibrillator) at The Landing for use by anyone in the community in an emergency. Stay safe. Until next month, Ninger
All the pictured fish were caught off the beach on The Esplanade. Who needs a boat! Even the cute doggies are taught to catch a fish
Merry We Meet. Hi All, I can’t believe this is the last Rolly Rag before we break up for another very successful “season in the sun” and pool. We would like to thank Chris and the new management team & all the staff at the Rollingstone Beachfront Resort for making our exercise regime such an enjoyable process. Most of us look forward to the great coffees and drinks our Barista Jodie whips up for us after the workout. The licenced bar and pizza oven are open to the public Friday and Saturday nights with live music on the Saturday between 4.30pm & 7.30pm. Just ring the office by 5pm to let them know you are coming up. As most of you already know we are having our end of season party at the Resort on Saturday the 22nd of April at 5.30pm for a 6pm start. So anyone (and partner) who has attended pool sessions this season is welcome to join us. Please let me know if you are coming so they have numbers for catering. Also if you are interested in the community bus to and fro, my no. is 47707375 phone or 0438686127 text or babzrich@bigpond.net.au email. So “Bring out the Bling”, “Tune up the voices”, “Put on the dancing shoes” and let’s have another fun party. A little birdie just told me that a new musical group in town could be making an appearance on the night. Another little birdie told me they need a lot more practice. We would also like to thank Rollingstone Seniors for their continued support for our group. We have had lots of fun in the pool this past year with lots of laughs but good workouts with it. Great to see heaps of new faces joining us. Good on the Blokes who have come along and to their surprise, enjoyed themselves but most of all to all of the loyal supporters who come along year after year and keep us going as the successful summer activity that it is. 1 st or 2nd week of October (depending on the weather) we will start next season so, Stay Healthy & Keep Fit. Remember last class for the season is Friday 21st April and Break-up Saturday 22d April. Babz.
Aquarobics participants enjoying a well earned “cuppa” following a rigorous workout
Councillor for Division 1
Cr Margie Ryder
P 0439 915 033 F 07 4727 9050 E Margie.Ryder@townsville.qld.gov.au W www.townsville.qld.gov.au Naming of Isabella Fitzpatrick Bridge The recently upgraded Rollingstone Bridge has been renamed in honour of Isabella Gertrude Fitzpatrick, one of the first women elected to local government and one of the first sugar growers in the Rollingstone area. The bridge provides safe and convenient access between neighbouring areas and a sense of heritage for the local community. The $850,000 upgrade was funded jointly by the council and the Australian Government’s Bridges Renewal Programme. Volunteering North Queensland Update (VNQ) The right volunteer position is the one that fits with your circumstances, interests and the results you want to achieve. When looking to volunteer it may help to consider the following: Would you like to work with adults or children? Do you prefer to work alone or as part of a team? Would you like to work indoors or outside? How much time are you willing to commit? What skills can you offer? What skills would you like to develop? Would work experience assist your employment prospects? VNQ has numerous volunteer opportunities available and a team of Referral Officers who can assist you to find your right fit with a not-for-profit or community organisation. Keep an eye out for VNQ training dates which will be released soon. Visit www.vnq.org.au to search the volunteer positions available or call (07) 4725 5990 to book an appointment For more information please go to: www.vnq.org.au
Basketball Term 2: we are hoping to get Basketball up and running next term details of training and games times to come, so if you are on the Troupies text message list or an avid Facebook'er we will send as details soon. This will replace Monday Beach Boot Camp Little Day Out: We held our first Little Days out for the Troupies kids a few weeks ago at the Big 4 Rollingstone Beach Report. Massive thank you to Chris and his team at the caravan park for allowing us to use all the amazing facilities on offer. The kids had a great time and we were super happy to see so many parents joining in as well. We think our last count was about 40 Rollingstone kids utilising the Pool, BMX track, Jumping Pillow and catching some Barra in the catch and release fishing. Touch Footy: We haven't been able to access the field at Pace Park for a few weeks now due to the water lying around but we are still committed to making sure Touch Footy continues every Wednesday and Sunday from 5.30 to 6.30pm during the school term. We are having a break school holidays (a few of us are going away, so adult numbers will be too low to commit during this time) but we will be back on deck the first Wednesday of the school term, weather permitting. Rubbish Pick up: Our monthly rubbish pick up is set for Friday the 21st of April, we are always happy to see as many people as possible helping the kids as our numbers have dropped off in recent months. Believe it or not the kids really do make the most of their time picking up the rubbish around the park and creek, and it is a good laugh. They also welcome the regular words of encouragement from passing locals but please remember these kids are not there to collect rubbish from your eskys and cars. Please don't ask them to do so when you see them on a rubbish pick up. There are a million reasons why this should not happen for safety reasons but we also expect that our kids are treated better than this by locals. Please put your own rubbish in the bin. We are currently working towards obtaining Troupies shirts for the kids, it is a work in progress as we try to raise the money to purchase the shirts... we hope to have this task completed soon so that are kids are highly visible when they are participating in activities. Enjoy the beach, Allison Gough
Troupies is a youth group developed for the local children of Rollingstone and districts, all ages are welcome. Troupies was formed by local parents under the banner of Rollingstone and District Community Association. Our aim and vision is to provide local children with activities, crafts, sport, community involvement, entertainment and at all times FUN! P16
ANZAC Day- Tuesday, 25th April 2017
Rollingstone RSL will be conducting a Dawn Service, commencing at 5:40am, at the Memorial at Balgal Beach Park. Gunfire from 5am, followed by the service and then breakfast in the park at the completion of the service. We are very lucky to have a number of regular contributors for the breakfast which enables us to keep the cost down. The Rollingstone Lions cook and do a wonderful job in preparing a yummy breakfast. The bar will be open following the Dawn Service until 8am. Visitors to the area who may like a break prior to the 10am service can make their way to the Mystic Sands Golf Club which will be open from 8am. The March will form up along The Esplanade, just down from the corner of Balgal Beach Road and The Esplanade. Form up from 9:30am with the March starting at 9:45am under the guidance of Goughy and co. The Second Service begins at 10am at the Memorial. Following the second service all are invited back to Mystic Sands Golf Club for refreshments, nibblies and presentations. We will be selling a few raffles and possibly having two-up, if our two-up man is not working. A very pleasant afternoon was had last year and we hope to have the same this year. I will be in touch with those groups that regularly order a floral wreath, but if there are other community groups who would like one organised please let me know. We also have permanent wreaths available for those who wish to lay a wreath. We are still in the Centenary of World War 1 and hopefully a good crowd will again attend and show their respect for those who have fallen or were injured and had their lives so dramatically changed. Sadly we have had two long serving members die in February and members from our RSL attended the funerals for Alf Coleman and Phil Ryan. Our thoughts are with Betty, Maureen and their families at this sad time. Both served their county admirably and were great family men. A big thank you, in advance, to Andrew Cripps, Member for Hinchinbrook, for the donation of an Australian Flag and a Queensland Flag to our RSL. This presentation will occur on Tuesday, 4th April at Mystic Sands Golf Club. Jamo has noticed the Queensland Flag has deteriorated due to being flown at the beach, so he requested a new one. Popped into Andrew’s office with our request and secretary Jess organised the donation with Andrew. Hopefully I can have a photo in the May Rolly Rag. Another thank you to our social members Pam Mac and Maree K for taking on the garden around the flagpole at the golf club. They have transplanted some of the plants and re-planted rosemary as a sign of respect. Two small plants that were special to Di S remain in the garden to remind us of the wonderful effort Di put into our golf club. Whilst discussing the garden the reason as to why rosemary is used came up. I knew I had some information in regard to this. From the Department Of Veterans’ Affairs: Rosemary is an ancient symbol of remembrance. It has added significance for Australians on ANZAC Day as it grows wild on the Gallipoli Peninsula. Sprigs of rosemary are traditionally worn on ANZAC Day and sometimes on Remembrance Day. We have started a new raffle roster and I would like to commend Megan, Ken, Anne, Joe, Annie and Doug for being there to sell tickets. I think they find it fun and a way to get to know other club members. Faye is always willing to help if someone can’t make it but it is pleasing to see people following the roster. If you would like to be on the roster please let me know and I will remember you for the future. Our club will be represented at the North Queensland District Congress, to be held in Bowen, by Vice-President Rod Girvan. Rod will be continuing as a Vice- President of the District and Jan Battersby is the Treasurer for the District. The congress is to be held over the weekend of the 1st and 2nd of April and we will receive a report from Rod at a future committee meeting. Friday nights have been going well. We sometimes get there and wonder if we can sell a raffle, particularly if golf has been cancelled due to rain, but then people arrive and join in, making a fun, happy atmosphere. Our Goose Club jackpot is now up to $240 and hopefully will continue to grow for a while. See you on Friday nights if you would like to try your luck. Finally, hopefully many of you are free on ANZAC Day to attend either of the services. It is also pleasing to see so many school students marching in their uniforms along with the service members and other community groups. Take care.. Cheers, Rhonda.
9th May 8.30am—4pm Free Training, BYO LUNCH
Rollingstone Community Centre 4770 7855 Bookings Essential P18
Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News G’day all, it was game on at our last BBQ, we played golf putting and all were very excited. Team two won the gold; it’s always a lot of fun, they love the rivalry. The Lound’s fresh seafood for the barbie was great and the cooks did a wonderful job as always. The desserts were tops again, thanks to our wonderful ladies. Rob Thomson won the fish of the month with a 74 cm barra. Tom Ruddick was the lucky winner of the Lound’s Fresh Seafood Raffle, a top prize, YUM. We welcomed two new members, Jim and Laurel Akers; welcome aboard guys. Khristine Freeman was a very welcome visitor and she always enjoys herself. Meals are $10 dollars, children under 12 are free. See you at the next BBQ 2nd April Kindest regards from your committee.
If you are bitten by a snake, call 000 Licensed snake catchers (Northern Beaches) Dan and Jackie Bamblett (Hands on Wildlife) Phone 043705657
Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc Another busy month has been had by our club. Clean up Australia Day was very productive with both Lions and Leos involved. The main areas cleaned were Bushy Parker Park, around the Bridge swimming hole and up on Pace Corner. We were able to fill 12 large bags of rubbish; this is unbelievable considering the small area covered. Unfortunately, due to the wet we were unable to clean the sides of most roads in Balgal Beach. We put on a great breakfast for the kiddies at the Rollingstone State School as this was a Junior Leos Activity. The young ones really enjoy helping out. We have had our Election Night with most of the positions being filled but we would really love to see new faces in the club. On 28 March our club has it’s 10 year celebration. This is a great milestone for not only us but the whole community. During the last ten years we have raised tens of thousands of dollars for various charities and supported, in kind, many others. We have helped many, many members of our community both past and present through hard times and generally have been there when we are most needed. Our contribution during Tropical Cyclone Yasi is a great testament to that. We will continue to assist this lovely community for years to come. On a very sad note – the passing of Lion Phil Ryan was a great loss to our club and the community. He was a much loved gentleman and our thoughts are with Maureen. Unfortunately, the Community Bowls Day had to be cancelled due to wet weather. Our club had entered two teams (we were so looking forward to giving the rest of the community teams a lesson in Bowls) Ha-ha! Lions always think positive. We have been invited to do car parking duties at the Brothers for the next cowboys home game. The League’s Club really looks after our people and we get to see the game on the large screen. “GO THE COWBOYS”. With Easter coming up soon, we will be cooking a lovely breakfast on Easter Saturday for the campers at the Big 4 Caravan Park. On 25 April Anzac Day, Lions and Leos will cook the Gunfire Breakfast at the Landing. This is a great event and generally well attended for the Dawn Service. “LEST WE FORGET”. 30 April – we are involved in the dedication of the 75th Anniversary of the Coral Sea Memorial in Cardwell. This is a very significant day, remembering the battle of the Coral Sea. The service will be attended by many people from all over Australia and Representatives from America. Anyone wishing to attend the day is quite welcome to do so. We have a large mobile cold room for hire. Anyone wishing to hire the cold room please contact Lion David Birse on 0411180605
Rollingstone SES We have had a quiet start to the year, with only one activation as at the date of writing this report. We welcome three more new members Luke, Jaime & Mark. We are always looking for new recruits, so if you feel you have something to offer please come along to our Monday night meetings at 6.45pm. All our new recruits are starting their basic training and things are going along smoothly. Sandy joined us before the Christmas break. She comes with years of experience and training and we are lucky to have her. Stay safe out there everyone.
Remember if it's flooded forget it. Till next month, Cheers, Jeni Maxwell
4770 7698 0437 555 469 futurefurnishingsmk@gmail.com
Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre. Phone: 4771 5411 P 22
Les Hyland St Patrick’s Night St Patrick was duly celebrated in Paluma on Saturday 18th March 2017. Some 25 gathered to enjoy the fare which had a distinctly Irish flavour : green potatoes and an excellent Colcannon. The bar did a brisk trade in the traditional black beverage - Guinness. Surprisingly scores were quite low in the quiz prepared by the writer who thought he had prepared an easy paper ! It was an excellent night with lots of chatter and discussion. PDCA AGM As always, the Paluma and District Community Association will hold its Annual General meeting on Easter Saturday 15th April in the Community Hall at 17.00hrs. The primary purposes are to elect the Executive for 2017/18 and just as importantly to hear what has been achieved in the past 12 months and the actions proposed for the coming year. We do hope that as many of our members as possible will attend this meeting so that they are reliably informed as to what is taking place - avoiding the rumour mill ! The meeting lasts about 1 to 1½ hours depending on the amount of discussion engendered. It is also the forum where you can have your say on anything pertinent to Paluma. Easter Market On Easter Sunday 16th April the usual markets will be held from 09.00 hrs to 13.00 hrs in the Community Hall. Again as always, we welcome any stallholders who wish to participate and ask that they advise Lynn Hyland that they will be present; email preferred <lhyland@optusnet.com.au> or phone 4773 67675 and leave a message on the answering machine. As it is realised that stallholders may have to travel to the markets the fee for a table is only $5. The customary sausage sizzle will run from about 09.30hrs until we sell out and cold drinks are also available. Cruises During the last couple of months there has been an influx of cruise ships into the port of Townsville to and from various destinations. Almost all seem to have enjoyed good weather which is not by any means guaranteed in these months. Hidden Valley Cabins have had a shore excursion for the visiting ships and while this does not impact on the village of Paluma we have noticed that when they call on a Tuesday we have had an increase of visitors to our regular History display. Apparently passengers have hired cars and made the journey to enjoy the rainforest walks and they have also called in to the display. Probably March 7th was the busiest day from this cause with visitors from many countries enjoying a beautiful if warmish day.
Paluma Environmental Information Centre
Another year, another brush with Nature. A visit to the beach will bring you in contact with sand, with salt water, with plants that are used to growing in sand or sandy soils. And then you may see seabirds, shore birds, crabs and other seashore wildlife. While you may see these a lot of these each time you go to the beach, you will probably not see all of these things every time you go there. It is because all the wildlife have different lives and very few of them have lives that keeps them in the one place all year. One example is migratory seabirds. One bird that is well known on our coasts is the White-bellied Sea Eagle. While it is most common on all our coasts, it is not unusual to find them well inland, even as far inland as Mt Isa, Broken Hill and Hall’s Creek. What prompted me to look up the distribution of this bird was its presence in Hidden Valley west of Paluma. While I did not see the bird actually hunting, there was a colony of Red Flying Foxes in the same place and the bird was watching them. I presume he bird was preying on them. Yes, it doesn’t only eat fish. This example shows why I love natural history so much. There is always something new to learn – all the time. Even though there is a list of birds seen in your area over many years, this does not mean that new additions cannot be made or that some species may not be seen there again. These changes make the study of Natural History so appealing. It is not only birds that can change their distribution. Keep looking and listing. P 23
ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL Hi there everyone from the best little school in the world! Last week we participated in the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. Each class discussed what bullying is, and what bulling isn’t. Each member of our school wore a wrist band to remind us that at Rollingstone State School we say
‘NO’ to bullying. If you would like further information about bullying and what you can do to help, check the Bullying. No Way!’ website at: www.bullyingnoway.gov.au. Last week we also had our first disco of the year. The students and staff all dressed up as ‘Hippies’ as we danced the night away. (I am pretty sure that the teachers just went to their wardrobe and pulled out their old outfits!) We all had a great night! Well done, Chappy Trav for organising such a successful night. We raised Our School, united, says “NO” to bullying over $400 for our school P&C. On the 10th of March, our Junior Leos conducted their first fundraising activity of the year. They hosted a breakfast for the staff and students. The Junior Leos made pancakes, toast, cereal and fruit sticks! They made $85 to donate to our School Chappy! Well done Junior Leos! At Rollingstone State School, we implement the Peer Support program. This program supports the social and emotional wellbeing of our students. The senior students lead small groups, and teach the younger students how to communicate, to be assertive and resilient, and to work well with others. The senior students spent a day at Bushy Parker Park, developing their team work and leadership skills in preparation to start the program at our school. All students will be put into their Peer Support groups this week, ready to start. Mr Isaac and Bu Lumbi will be attending their own training later on in the year. A few weeks ago I joined 1300 principal at the Gold Coast, for the biannual conference, the conference featured a welcome function, keynote speakers and masterclasses as well as a trade exhibition and conference dinner. There were some outstanding speakers and the message that came out strongly during the conference was that to be a great leader you need to be part of a great team. When I reflect on our school, I know that our team is what makes this school great. I particularly enjoyed listening to Corporal Mark Donaldson, Victoria Cross recipient as he gave his message of mateship and looking after each other… The entertainment was also great at the conference dinner… Can you recognise the entertainment? Reading is vital to the education of our students. To get the best out of our students we need families to be reading at home with their children. Just 20minutes of reading each day adds one million more words to a child’s vocabulary!
GROOVY. Our students had a great night at our disco Cheers J Kacey (principal).
“I’ve heard people will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel” Maya Angelou.
We have had an extremely busy start to the year and we have been having a lot of fun. Firstly, our bowling days have been very successful with our Jackpot Pairs for affiliated bowlers really taking off. We have had one jackpot ($140) go off already (congratulations Ruth & Craig) and the second one has built up to $115. The food has been a welcome addition and a favourite of our visitors. Birrin-bowls (Footy Tipping) is becoming a weekly highlight for our regular bowlers with some increased skill levels resulting. Our first Brekky Bowls morning was a big success with about twenty people joining us for breakfast and a game of bowls. Brekky Bowls is on the first Sunday of each month at 8am. $12 for breakfast and a game of bowls. Please let us know if you are joining us to confirm catering. Enter the weather; the Community Bowls Challenge was all ready to go until a severe electrical storm took out the power and the resort was unable to open for business. Unfortunately it has been postponed to a date to be advised, but it will go ahead as there was too much interest for it not to. Thanks to Dowie and Michael for the shield they have put together for this biennial event. Who will be the first winners? Will they be able to defend it later in the year? By the time this edition is distributed, we will have had our second ‘course’ of Brekky Bowls and our club championships will be underway. Congratulations to Michael Blake on being selected for the North Queensland Men’s District. He will join fifteen other North Queenslanders on the Gold Coast in early May to contest the State District Championships. We believe Michael is the first Mystic Sands member to be selected for our district and wish him and the rest of the team a successful week of bowling. If you have any queries or want to book in for a game of bowls, please call Craig on 0479 059 905. Keep checking the bias!!
Things have been a little quiet at the Op Shop recently - which is good in one way. We are able to sort through the stock removing items that have outstayed their welcome and are able to fill the gaps with new stock. Thanks to the generosity of the community we have a constant flow of good quality stock being donated. We do not knock back any donations however before putting it in the bag to donate, please ask yourself - "would this be good enough for my best friend?" If the answer is "no" perhaps the recycling bin or rag bag would be a better place for it. The Op Shop will be closed on Friday 14th April and Monday 17th April, for the Easter break— but will be opening on Saturday 15 April between 9am-12pm. There are some small renovations being planned for the Op Shop to provide more comfort for our customers and our staff. Watch this space. As always, we very much appreciate all the donations given to the Op Shop and also very much appreciate our very professional
4770 7540 / 0427 074 816
4770 7356 / 0412 965 535
There is no newsletter this month. The local Wildlife carers can be contacted on the above phone numbers
Rollingstone & District Seniors
Hello everyone, well how about that lovely rain you have been having. Note I say "you" as I am over the ditch having a holiday but thanks to technology I am still aware of all that happens in our little part of the world. Ok ok maybe not all but a lot of it. The Seniors had their AGM and welcomed in a new committee. President: Rhonda Muller, Vice President: David Birse Treasurer: Lynne Prytherch Secretary: Gaye Lovell Committee members are Deb Calder, Wendy Clark and Helene Haack. Helene is our representative from Toomulla and we welcome her with open arms, so great to have her on board. Events coming up: 4th April: Morning Melodies or movies and lunch at Dalrymple hotel. 9th April: Garden field day in Ingham early start. 7am no dawdlers. 19th April: General Meeting 11.30 am, you be there!!!! 29th April.: Wildlife Introduction. 9 am morning tea. Community Hall. Donations go towards the upkeep of our furry, feathered friends and any in between. 30th April: Pin pac concert, 2pm. Car pooling. See Bernice if interested. P26 I think that's about it for April, forgive me if I have missed anything . Cheers, Gaye
INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY IN INGHAM Last week I attended the annual International Women's Day breakfast at the Royal Hotel I in Ingham. Congratulations to the ladies who organised this event and the sponsors who supported it. We heard from two great guest speakers. Kara Schifilitti from Ingham spoke about women being a driver for change and Nicole Robertson from Townsville spoke about managing life's many risks. Funds raised from the morning's breakfast were donated to Ingham Palliative Care and Ingham Disability Support Services. I'm pictured here with Kara and Dr Carmel Cockburn from the Ingham Hospital. TOWNSVILLE COMMUNITY FORUM A robust and lively community forum at the QCWA in Townsville was held on Wednesday night with Opposition Leader Tim Nicholls and Deputy Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington, including some of my constituents in the Hinchinbrook electorate from Townsville's Northern Beaches. It wasn't dull. Along with Burdekin MP Dale Last, Townsville candidate Casie Scott and Mundingburra candidate Matt Delargen, our team faced a crowd of voters with questions about many different issues from homelessness to the taxi industry and from water security to education. POLITICS IN THE PUB - INGHAM Thanks very much to the locals in the Herbert River district who gave up their lunch hour to attend the 'Politics in the Pub' event yesterday in the front bar at the Royal Hotel in Ingham, with Opposition Leader Tim Nicholls, Deputy Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington and myself. We had a very interesting conversation with the audience asking questions ranging from flying foxes and vegetation management to sugar marketing and local infrastructure. Thanks to Tim and Deb stopping in the Herbert River district as part of their North Queensland tour. HINCHINBROOK – BIGGEST COMMUNITY SURVEY - ONLINE I recently distributed my Summer 2017 newsletter to the Hinchinbrook electorate, which included a community survey. If you missed out on a hard copy in the mail, or you would prefer to complete the survey online, you can use the link below. I'll be collecting these replies until the end of March. I will then collect the data and produce a report to you about the results of the survey. Thanks very much for taking the time to share your views. I use this feedback to inform the work I do as your local MP. https://apps.facebook.com/communitysurvey/form/hinchinbrooksurvey STOCKLAND COMMUNITY GRANTS PROGRAM – NORTH SHORE The annual Stockland Community Grants programs is an opportunity for community groups in Townsville’s North Shore area to apply for funding to support local infrastructure, programs and opportunities. Community organisations are encouraged to apply for grants of up to $1000, prior to applications closing at 5pm on Friday 31 st March 2017. For more information, visit www.stockland.com.au/communitygrants PROPERTY VALUATIONS UPDATE The Valuer-General, within the Department of Natural Resources and Mines, issued the 2017 statutory land valuations for identified local government areas recently. These valuations reflect the property market (land values) on 1 October 2016 (the date of valuation) and will take effect for local government rating, state land tax and state land rental purposes from 30 June 2017. Within the Hinchinbrook electorate, the Cassowary Coast Regional Council area and Townsville City Council area received revised valuations. The Hinchinbrook Shire was not re-valued within this round. Valuation methodology Under the Land Valuation Act 2010, there are two methodologies used to determine statutory land valuations in Queensland. Site value is the methodology used to value all non-rural land. Land that is zoned rural under a local government planning scheme is valued using unimproved value. Landowner objections Landowners who believe their valuation is incorrect, and can provide information to support their claim, can lodge their objection online at www.qld.gov.au/landvaluation or at the address shown at the top of their valuation notice by 8 th May 2017. For those landholders without internet access, an objection kit that includes a step-by-step guide and form is available by phoning 1300 664 217. Electronic delivery of valuation information Landowners can receive future valuation notices and other valuation information via email by visiting www.qld.gov.au/landvaluation or calling 1300 664 217. Further information Further information about statutory valuations is available on the Land Valuation website detailed above, by phoning 1300 664 217, or by visiting a business centre Follow me on Facebook to keep up-to-date on how I’m delivering for the Hinchinbrook Electorate and regional Queensland.
I hope everyone has enjoyed all of God’s fertiliser that has been falling from the sky. Lovely to see everything so green again. The Easter raffle will be drawn on Friday 7th April. Don’t forget to grab some lucky tickets. $1 each or 6 for $5. Prize: $100 Easter Hamper. I hope everyone has a wonderful time over Easter and safe driving for those who may be going on a road trip. Well, those people who attended the AGM in January would have had the chance to see the proposed plan and costings that Rudi has had drawn up for the proposed Community Hall. The plans have been submitted to TCC and now we await for the council’s decision. The TBCA are working on a date for a Garage/ Car Boot Sale/ Market Stall for June. This will be held down at Toomulla Park. So, if you are interested in having a site please contact me - 47707813. Cost will be $10 per 3x3m site. We will also send an invitation out to other northern beaches communities to join us. We have already had some residents donate items for sale. Thank you to those people. All proceeds will go to the Toomulla Beach Community Association Inc. Eddie & Shirley Rouse do a lot of extra work in Rouse Harvey Park. I know the Council mow and take rubbish away but…… Eddie is out there everyday picking up branches & rubbish, hand watering on the selected days and times and generally keeping the garden beds tidy to look good for visitors to the park. Shirley is always repotting plants for Eddie to plant in the gardens. This is certainly an outstanding effort for them considering their ages ! Good on you Eddie & Shirley and thank you for all your hard work in keeping the park looking so magnificent and so enjoyable to walk through. We appreciate your time making the park look so good. If any one would like to help Eddie at anytime, please go and make yourself known to Eddie, you will always find him in the park somewhere doing something. He would love a helping hand sometimes ! Can residents please remember that the speed limit in and around Toomulla is 50kms…….. especially along Herald Street. We have lots of kids riding around on bikes now, and we need to keep them safe so they can continue to enjoy riding with their mates. So Pleeeaase…… remember the speed limit. And kids, please remember to keep a look out for the cars before turning. Thank you to all those people who help deliver the Rollingstone Rag in Toomulla. It makes it so much easier when there are a few people doing it. If you would like to help whenever you have spare time please give me a call or you can drop in at 62 Herald Street or email schwarzee1959@gmail.com and let me know when you would like to help. Congratulations to those celebrating a birthday or an anniversary in April. Cheers, Rhonda.
13 HEALTH—Health advice over the phone | Health and wellbeing ... https:// www.qld.gov.au/health/contacts/ advice/13health/13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) is a confidential phone service that provides health advice to Queenslanders. ... Registered nurses provide health–related advice over the phone. P28
COMMUNITY DIRECTORY Rollingstone & District Community Assoc Inc. 44 Community Cres, Rollingstone 4816 Committee: President: Sue Von Wald 0407753562 Treasurer: Lynne Prytherch 47707 689 All Correspondence to: The Secretary, 44 Community Crescent, Rollingstone Qld 4816 Community Centre Manager Chris Martin RTC Monday - Friday 47707 855 8am - 4pm Fax: 47707 811 e-mail: rollingstonertc@bigpond.com
Ambulance C/o Northern Beaches Station
47786 033
Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club Inc. President Faye Thomson 47707 616 Secretary Kerrie Cochrane 47707 034 NORTH TOWNSVILLE COMMUNITY HUB
47516 511
Fishermanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Landing Fishing & Social Club Inc. President Di Thompson 0427240472 Secretary Neil Thompson 0427240472
Playgroup North Townsville Community Hub
47516 511
Community Hall Phone (M-F 9am-3pm)47707 153 ROLLY RAG e-mail: Contact:
rollingstonerag@bigpond.com Rag office 47707 799 Janine Jones 0407882009
Police 47707 144 Office Hours 9.30am - 2.00pm Monday to Thursday (excluding Public Holidays) Senior Sergeant Brad Gough Senior Constable Shaun Sutton Front Desk Admin Christine Ruston Rural Fire Brigade Rollingstone Raymond Pace Hencamp Creek Fire Permit John Pace Toomulla Eddie White
47707 285
Paluma & District Community Association President Lynn Hyland 47737 675 1st. Vice President Colwyn Campbell 47708 559 2nd. Vice President Wilf Karnoll 47788 441 Secretary Michael Drew 0428779302 Email: drewma@gmail.com Treasurer John Tubman Rollingstone RSL President Ewan Cameron Secretary Rhonda Coulson
0417719043 47707 058
Rollingstone & District Lions Club President Ian Dow 0412396450 Secretary Jodie Bartrop 0407824700
47707 348 47707 619
S.E.S. Emergency - Flood or Storm Group Leader Rob Wilson
Rollingstone & District Seniors Inc. President Rhonda Muller 47707 957 Secretary Gaye Lovell 47707 356
13 2500 47707 498
Toomulla Community Association President Rhonda Schwarz
Rollingstone State School Principal Kacey Constantine
47707 313
Rollingstone state school P & C Assoc. President Brad Gough Secretary Christine Ruston Mutarnee State School Principal Lydia Jamieson
47708 131
Alcoholics Anonymous For More Information
47715 411
47707 813
Animal Contact Numbers Animal Refuge 47745 130 Animal Ambulance (after hours) 47745 130 RSPCA Inspection 47744 714 Straying Stock 47738 411 National Parks & Wildlife Service 47212 399 N.Q. Wildlife Care Group 0414717374 Bird Rescue 47707 356 / 041296553 Margaret Preston (Vet) 0403262212 Justices Of The Peace Nellie Berra After 4pm 47707 352 Chris Martin B/H 47707 855
P 29
Rollingstone General Store & Post Office POST OFFICE Fax and Colour Photocopier Services Open for business from 7.00am to 6.00pm every day of the week
Pay bills, (Rego, Rates, Phone, Electricity, etc); Bank your Cheques and Withdraw Cash; Post Letters and Parcels on a Sunday! Phone recharge for all networks 1/N recharge International calling cards
Gas Refills
Phone: 4770 7340 Fax: 4770 7470
Potatoes Onions Tomatoes Lettuce
Eggs Bananas Pineapples
Plus Extensive Frozen Vegetables Full Hams 1/2 Hams (Knuckle or Knob) Sliced Ham
PHARMACY GOODS S2 Medication for winter colds at cheaper prices than the chemist
Double Smoked—the Old– Fashioned Way!
Barbeque Sausages Lean Mince Rump Steak Double Smoked Local Bacon
NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display.
Check out our range of DVDs for hire Only $4 overnight or $10 weekly
Going Fishing?
Rosco, Olga & Allison PHONE: 47707340 FAX: 47707470
We stock tackle, lines and lures for local conditions
Need some Bait?
Prawn, Squid, Pillies, Mullet, Crab Bait and Crab Pots P30
APRIL 2017 Sunday
30 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church 5.30pm Troupie Touch F/b training
1 8 am -3 pm Balgal Beach Markets 9 -12 Op Shop 10.30am Yoga
2..7.30 am St Anthony’s Church 10am C’unity Cricketmatch @Pace Park 5.30pm Troupie Touch F/b training 5.30 BB Boating & Leisure club dinner
3 9 am - Cards 9 am Line dancing 5.00pm Bootcamp at Rotunda at F/ Landing. 6.45 pm SES Meeting 7 pm - AA Meeting
4 9am Aquarobics at Caravan Park
5 9am Indoor bowls 9am Craft Group 4.45 -6pm Troupie TouchF/b training 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls
6 8-3 pm Community Bus Shopping
9 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church 8am Gardening group Ingham Plant show 5.30pm Troupie Touch F/b training
10 9 am - Cards 9 am -Linedancing 5.00pm Bootcamp at Rotunda at F/ Landing. 6.45 pm SES Meeting
11 9am Aquarobics at Caravan Park
12 9am Indoor Bowls 9am Craft group 11.30 1pm MOBILE LIBRARY 4.45 -6pm Troupie TouchF/b training
16 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church
7 pm - AA Meeting
EASTER Visiting mobile Dentist @ Doctors surgery 23 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church 5.30pm Troupie Touch F/b training
24 9 am - Cards 9 am - Linedancing 5.00pm Bootcamp at Rotunda at F/ Landing. 6.45 pm SES Meeting 7 pm - AA Meeting
6.30 pm Lions Business Meeting at the Den
7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls
7 8 am Weight Circuit Class 11am Computer class 9am Aquarobics at Caravan Park
8 10.30am Yoga
13 8-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards 3-5pm Magic workshop 6.30 pm Yoga
21 8 am Weight Circuit Class 9am Aquarobics at Caravan Park (last for season)
9am Cards 10-12md Circus workshop 6.30 pm Yoga
18 9am Aquarobics at Caravan Park 2pm Board Games at the RTC
19 9 Indoor Bowls 9 Craft Group 4.45 -6pm Troupie Touch F/b training 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls
20 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards
25 ANZAC DAY Memorial at Balgal Beach 5.40am Dawn Service 10am Service and march
26..9 Indoor Bowls 9 Craft Group 11.30 am -1pm Mobile Library 12.30 My health record, C/link talk 4.45 -6pm Troupie TouchF/b training 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls
27 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall 6.30 Yoga
9 -12 Op Shop
22 10.30am Yoga From 5.30pm Aquarobics break up
9.30 am Playgroup at Hall 6.30 Yoga 29 28 8 am Weight Circuit Class 6pm Fishermans Landing Fishing & Soc BBQ
9.30am 9 -12 Op Shop
10.30am Yoga
Troupies having fun
Bookmobile in action
Say NO to bullying - Rollingstone School
Our local Councillor, Margie Ryder with Centre Manager, Chris Martin