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If you want to learn to speak Spanish free online, the choices have never been greater for you. The resources available to you and all other students of Spanish will help you to learn to speak Spanish free online, relatively quickly, but unfortunately not much above basic level though. Hopefully this article will offer you some direction with regards to what free resources are available and will save you wasted hours trawling the internet whilst on your quest to learn to speak Spanish free online. 1. Want to Learn to Speak Spanish Free Online?: I think the best place to start is the BBC website, in my opinion if you want to learn to speak Spanish free online you cannot do so without visiting this site. There are many course resources here including worksheets and streamed video, and although the resources available are designed and intended to accompany the BBC language TV programs televised on BBC2 (the website tells you when they are scheduled) they are still more than useable without the TV programs. Besides, you can print off the transcripts from all the TV programs from the website. This is excellent free stuff from the BBC. 2. You Can't Learn to Speak Spanish Free Online without Using Free Translation Tools. You will undoubtedly struggle with the meanings of words and phrases from time to time and these three tools will offer free translation from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English for you: Freetranslation.com; Babelfish.com and the Google language tool. It is probably wise to use these translation tools in combination with each other to get a reasonably correct translation. The reason for this is that all three of these services are automated translators and do not have the versatility to deal with anything other than straightforward language and grammar. 3. Learn to Speak Spanish Free online with Conversational Courses. You will be able to find free Spanish courses on the internet but they will be very short and very basic, and I've already mentioned that you should visit the BBC website that I believe is virtually impossible to surpass for free content. But the one part of Spanish Study that even the BBC site falls down on is the conversational side of language study. No matter how hard you look, you will struggle to find anything worthwhile that is free to cover this area so I would suggest looking at the free 6 day conversational course currently being offered by
Rocket Languages. There are links at the foot of this article to help you check this free course out. In conclusion; if you want to learn to speak Spanish free online then check out the BBC site as it is awesome, and by the way, I forgot to mention that the BBC site covers Castilian Spanish, which is the Spanish spoken in Spain and is the base language used by all other Spanish speaking nations in the world. But if you are serious about achieving a good level of spoken and therefore conversational Spanish you need to check out Rocket Spanish.
If you would like to know the best way to learn Spanish All you need to do is click here now
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_Major
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