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Three simple steps to begin losing weight 1. Mind How to loose weight fast through the mind? Mind is the best friend or your worst enemy. If your mind loses control of the body, you still can reverse it. For most of us, the body slowly takes over the mind. That means the mind begins to listen to the pleasures of the body and obeys the body. You need to take a moment and re-evaluate your life. Go to a quiet place. Take a notepad and pen with you. Write down what is important to you right now. List the ways your mind has lost its grip on your body. If you can do this, you have not lost your mind yet, just the power over the body. Take control and say it our loud, 'I am not going to listen to the body anymore'. You need a little bit of self-control, determination, and motivation. Motivation plays a vital role in bring about what you want. If your desire to lose weight has no compelling reason, you will not begin to lose weight in 7 days or in 70 years. You need to know without a shadow of doubt why you want to lose weight. Write it down or print it in large bold letter and pin it where you can see it everyday. 2. Food How to loose weight fast through the food? In computer terminology we call it GIGO 'garbage in garbage out'. You just have to watch what you eat. You know what you should and should not. This is common knowledge now. It is not that you do not know, but you are not motivated to stop what you are doing. If your motivation is strong, you will do it. Stop eating junk food. It is as simple as that. Watch the first food that goes into your mouth and the last bite or drink. Start eating plenty of fresh vegetable and fruits. Drink lots of water not soda! At least 10 glass a day. Reduce amounts of sugar, fat and carbs. Do not make a big thing about it just do it! 3. Physical Activity How to loose weight fast through the physical activity? Most of us do not get enough physical activity during the workday to burn calories we normally consume. So schedule a time to walk briskly everyday for at least 20-30 minutes. This is enough to start with. Get some material from the library, bookstore or online about simple home exercises and try them out. Just about half-hour will produce miracles in your body.
The key here is everyday regularly. If you follow this simple rule, you will see results immediately. These simple three step philosophy will lay the foundation to solve your question of how to loose weight fast.
#1 Secret to find out how to loose weight fast... How To Lose Weight Fast [http://howtolooseweightfast.rfenn.org/]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_R_Fenn
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