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Though iPad has been a dream device to many, some owners are still grappling with technical issues. While some believe it is overheating, some are facing issues with the wireless connectivity. Then there are some who experience power issues. Apple has responded to these problems and offered a set of instructions to fix the Wi-Fi on Apple iPad. Believing that the issue may be caused due to dual band routers, where they suggest band splitting to make the process easier. Setting Reset Another suggestion elaborates on resetting iPad network settings. The idea lies in double checking firmware on the connecting router, ensuring it is running the latest version. It is, of course, a hard one to track down. Nevertheless, as plenty of routers are available in the market, some may face issues. From experience, old D-Link routers used in wireless networking create issues with devices connected to it. Below is the detailed set of instructions from Apple that would help you to resolve the issue. Technical Symptoms iPad under certain conditions doesn't rejoin Wi-Fi network automatically after waking from sleep or after restart. This works with some Wi-Fi routers that are dual-band capable while:-Using different security settings for every network -Using the same network name for every network Resolution Try the following if you encounter this issue: -Form separate wireless network names for identifying each band. This is done by appending more than one character to the present network name. For instance, add an N to the 802.11n network name and G to the 802.11 b/g network name. -Check to ensure that the networks use the same type of security (WPA 2, WPA, WEP). -If you feel the issue persists, reset network settings with the help of general, settings, reset
network settings, reset. -Check your Wi-Fi router firmware is up to date.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathy_Mercado
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