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Ideally the iPad does not need much more other than its name to try and impress a person who's never played with one before. You've seen the commercials. It's magical! For those who are cynics, however, it takes a little more than a shiny outer shell and a clever advertising campaign to make them say, "wow!" Here are a couple of ways to impress an iPad cynic. A way through any guy's heart is not through his stomach, rather through his inherent need to enact mass destruction in video game form. For this type of person, you can show off two video games for the iPad: 1) Command and Conquer Red Alert and 2) Madden 2011. The first one, Command and Conquer, gets them all the time! Anybody who's a computer nerd remembers waging war against wayward nations when they were younger. As soon as they see the app icon they exclaim, "Wow, Command and Conquer? Cool! I played that a ton when I was in college!" Already, they're sold. For the latter, Madden 2011, need I say more? Now let's not stereotype, shiny electronic devices aren't just limited to the male sex. Certainly, throughout the history of mankind, women are not immune to the charms of all things shiny. The iPad isn't an exception. What you do is you promise to mount her iPad on a kitchen wall and then download a whole host of recipe based iPad apps. If you can't promise a wall mount, then use one of the many stands available in order to prop up the iPad in the kitchen for easy access to scrumptious recipes. Know someone that dabbles in music? Help bring out their inner jam by showing them applications that can make music from scratch without much educational background needed. Magic Piano was one of the first music related apps available for the iPad. There's a dance music creator made by Korg that let's people sequence beats and rhythms and tweak sound waves to finally produce the next club hit. There's even a rockstar app where you upload guitar pro-tab files so that it shows you what notes to play on your guitar and it plays the music for you at the same time. It's understandable that there are quite a number of iPad cynics out there who believe that the iPad is just a bigger version of the iPhone. In fact, it's less impressive because it can't take pictures nor can it make phone calls. However, there is so much more to the iPad that meets the eye. It takes finding the right app that sparks that memory of something nostalgic or improve on a classic way of doing something. Once you find that connection, the iPad becomes magical!
DeepMoz, the genius behind the donut milkshake and the bacon donut, hopes to enlighten you with an objective view of Apple's suite of products with the iPad as the anchor. For more
information, go to http://www.ipaduseful.com or follow at http://www.twitter.com/ipaduseful
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Deep_Moz
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