==== ==== This is a really informative website on the topic od American Bulldog Obedience Training. http://www.bullbreeds.org/american-bulldog-obedience ==== ====
You have a new puppy and now you're ready for to undertake some serious puppy obedience training. This can be a great thing to do with your dog. You will start some important communication and socialization with your puppy and get him on track very quickly. Puppy obedience training can mean different things to different people, you may only want to teach your do to sit or stay, or on the other hand you may want to train your dog in a wide range of commands. If you can't get your dog obey basic commands, he will seem wild. You don't want the dog to do things like dig a hole in the yard or damage your property. If you can teach the dog to behave well, you will find that life with him is better. You also want the dog to think of you as the alpha animal - this is a vital first step in puppy obedience training. This means you need to get him to obey your commands. Dogs will show obedience when they give you their paw, sit, or roll over. If your dog behaves badly, you need to let him know this is bad. Don't wait too long to teach him the better behavior. He needs to know right away that he isn't following the rules. You can start by telling your dog a simple "No." You don't have to get physical with him. You could also try to rattle a box you fill with coins. You can also make a noise. Don't let the dog know you were the one who made the noise. If the dog understands who made the noise, he will ignore it and keep doing the bad thing. You can teach the dog not to bite while he is still a puppy. You might let him chew on your hand while he is still very young, but once he gets to be four months old, you should stop this behavior. When he bites, you can yowl and walk away. That's how he understands he won't get attention if he carries on with this behavior. You can also find nice toys for your puppy to chew on instead. If your dog is a barker, you have a different problem. You want to keep them inside until they learn to control this behavior. Tell the dog "Be quiet." You can do this and still give him a treat for behaving. If he stops barking, praise him for being quiet. You might want to praise him before you give him the treat. If he barks again, try this process once again. Make him wait a little longer for the treat. You can continue to practice this method until he really learns to stop barking. Another thing you might be interested in teaching your dog during puppy obedience training is to walk up the stairs (you might need a leash for this). You can guide him up the stairs. Stand at the bottom of the stairs and hold the dog. Start to walk up. If he doesn't go with you, start over and try again. It might take a little time before the dog climbs the first step. You should climb a couple steps and see if he follows. You can try to encourage him with a toy. Puppy obedience training is most effective when your dog is still young. If you can teach him how
to behave while still a puppy, life will be much easier for everyone. Obedience training puppies is not always easy however and sometimes it can be of great benefit to use a step by step guide. Consider using a guide such as "Secrets to Dog Training" or "Dog Training Secrets" to help train your puppy. You will really enjoy the training process as outlined in these two guides and will notice rapid improvement in your dog's behavior. To find out more about these puppy obedience training guides and much more about dog training in general, visit the links highlighted below.
Craig Clemins is a long time dog owner who has successfully trained hundreds of dogs. Learn more about Puppy Obedience Training and discover lots of tips and tricks for training your dog at http://www.dog-solutions.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Craig_Clemins
==== ==== This is a really informative website on the topic od American Bulldog Obedience Training. http://www.bullbreeds.org/american-bulldog-obedience ==== ====