Diet Plans

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All diet plans are not created equal. Some are good, most are worthless, some are downright dangerous. The 6 Golden Rules of a Good Diet Plan will steer you away from the dangerous diets that employ unhealthy weight loss measures to the ones that are safe. By learning these rules you should be able to discover the LAST diet plan you will ever need. 1. Promotes Health over Weight Loss It seems counter intuitive to place weight loss in second position to health when it comes to diet plans. After all, isn't dieting all about weight loss? Not really. Let me explain. Your primary concern should be health, not weight loss. Too many people gamble away their health trying to achieve quick weight loss fixes. Remember, you're the one who has to live with the consequences of your weight loss choices, not diet planners. Here's a reality pill we all need to swallow when it comes to "for sale" diet plans. The PRIMARY interest of many marketers in the weight loss industry is to make money. If they can get your money by promising fast weight loss results using methods that compromise your health they'll do it. So BUYER BEWARE! 2. Not Drastic By drastic I mean the starvation diets, the super low carbohydrate diets, or the ultra restricted calorie diets. Put simply, your body works better and healthier with a proper intake of nutrition, carbohydrates included. Did you know that your body stops burning fat the moment it's selfpreservation mechanism is triggered? The thyroid gland in your neck has been programmed to recognize when the body is being starved and will virtually shut down the burning of fat to protect itself. Therefore, starvation style weight loss measures are doomed to failure because your body won't allow it. 3. Easy to Understand If you need a degree in nutrition science to understand a diet program then it's too complicated. Diet programs should be clearly written in everyday language that average people use. Any highcaliber words that the diet author uses should be defined the first time used and included in a glossary in the back of the book. If the diet instructions are confusing and too technical then dump that diet plan. 4. Easy to Follow

The recommended diet plan meals should be easy to prepare without your need to buy every expensive kitchen gadget on the market. The ingredients for the meals should be relatively easy to acquire. You shouldn't have to visit the Amazon jungle or fly to the moon to get spices for the recipes in your diet program. Don't laugh, some diet plan ingredients are impossibly difficult to get. Worse yet, they cost as much as gold. 5. Easy to Maintain The diet plan you choose should be easy to maintain for long periods of time, like months, if not years. It should be oriented towards long-term lifestyle changes. Once the lifestyle changes are implemented the diet plan should become so much a part of your life it can be followed instinctively. I hate the two week diet plans that resemble Marine boot camp hell week. You shouldn't be expected to muster up super human determination to maintain them. 6. Enjoyable Yes, enjoyable. If you hate the diet program you're on you won't last long enough to achieve positive results. The food menu choices should look and taste good and the exercise recommendations should be doable. Think about it, how often will you eat cardboard flavored glop or scream for mercy attempting to perform agonizing exercises before quitting? Conclusion Don't be seduced by diet plans that promise instant massive weight loss results, with either no work expected on your part, or dangerous health threatening ideas on the plans part. If the diet plan promotes long term health over short term results, isn't drastic, is easy to understand, follow, and maintain, then it's probably worth your while to try out.

About the Author: Mark A Hanson specializes in helping you get fit and lose weight and is the host of the highly acclaimed Safe Fat Loss Revealed Podcast. You are invited to download his FREE Report "10 Weight Loss Myths Exposed".

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