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Have you heard about the "Freshman 15" syndrome that is very common among the newbie's in college? It is commonly found that the fresher's at college seem to gain around 15 pounds due to various reasons and the major one being stress and overeating. This is due to the inability to adjust with the new environment that is just more paced and fast moving than the earlier high school life that was an easy going one. Due to this, the freshman gets stressed out that leads to overeating and skipping exercises ending up in weight gain. Now, do you wish to shed out these extra kilos? Here are a few tips to lose weight while in college: • Walking is the best way to lose weight: Do not study by just sitting idly. Instead, you can easily exercise by walking and learning by saying out loudly. This will keep you alert always preventing from feeling sleepy thus helping in burning up those extra pounds. • Run instead of walking to the college: This tip might seem to be unusual for many, but it is one of the easiest methods to lose weight in college. Keep a hand towel to wipe it off when you reach the place. • Be vibrant: Do not stay idle at college, instead all those calorie burning sports and other activities. Keep yourself active with proper sleep and getting to bed early and waking up by sunrise. This will keep you fit, clean and most importantly fresh. • Stop Drinking: Have you ever known how much calories you are adding up while depending on alcohol? It is simply against your healthy diet program and therefore it is important to stay away from it. When it comes to college life, it is difficult to stay away from drinks, but it is all up to you to decide as to lose weight or to add more? • Stop eating while you Study: One of the greatest mistakes that the freshmen make while studying is nothing other than eating and they just simply don't know how much they have munched until the bottle is empty. • Abort Snacks at midnight: This is something that many of them follow to keep them awake all night and to stay active. It is one way to gain more weight and to be on the safer side, you can have a healthy and nutritious dinner meal keeping yourself fuller. • Regular exercise: Exercising is the best way to weight loss not only in college but otherwise too. Therefore, just indulge yourself into exercise for at least half an hour everyday so that even if you miss a day or two in between it does not make any big difference.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Wadlow_Chris
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