The Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection of Ptolemaic Coins

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i ROMA NUMISMATICS LIMITED The Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection 22 March 2024 Lots closing from 13:00 UK time 1 lot closing every 15 seconds Roma Numismatics Limited 40 Villiers Street London WC2N 6NJ United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 7846 7115 email:

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The Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection of Ptolemaic Coins

Ex Morton & Eden 72, 2014


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter, as satrap, AR Tetradrachm. In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Arados, circa 320/19311/0 BC. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress / Zeus Aëtophoros seated to left, holding sceptre; AΛEΞANΔPOY to right, AP (civic monogram) in left field. Price 3426 (Byblos); Müller 1375 (same); Taylor W.H., On the Reattribution of some Byblos Alexanders to Arados II, AJN 32, Series 4 (unlisted dies). 16.79g, 27mm, 12h.

Extremely Fine; small area of delamination on cheek, beautiful old cabinet tone.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Morton & Eden, Auction 72, 15 December 2014, lot 36.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter, as satrap or king, AR Tetradrachm. In the name of Alexander III of Macedon. Alexandria, circa 306300 BC. First reduced Ptolemaic standard. Diademed head of deified Alexander to right, wearing elephant skin headdress; tiny Δ on aegis / Athena Alkidemos advancing to right, brandishing spear and holding shield; AΛEΞANΔPOY and ΠΑ monogram in left field; to right, ΔΟΦ and ΑΤ monograms above eagle standing to right on thunderbolt. CPE 59; Svoronos 146 (slightly different first monogram above eagle); SNG Copenhagen 18 corr (monogram 7 behind). 15.42g, 28mm, 1h.

Extremely Fine; ‘A’ graffito on obv. and ‘X’ and ‘Λ’ on rev. Attractive light cabinet tone with gold and blue iridescent highlights.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, March 2004.

Only Two Others on CoinArchives

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter, as satrap, Æ Hemiobol. In the name of Alexander III of Macedon. Alexandria, circa 311-306 BC. Head of deified Alexander to right, wearing mitra with horn of Ammon / Eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΑΛΕ upwards to left, EV to lower left, ΑΠ monogram to right. CPE B8; Svoronos 46; SNG Copenhagen -; CNG E-296, 86; CNG E-533, 281. 4.98g, 17mm, 3h.

Very Fine. Extremely Rare; seemingly only two other examples on CoinArchives.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Münz Zentrum Rheinland. Auction 145, 3 September 2008, lot 1885 (part of).

900 705.
Lot Starting Price


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter, as satrap, Æ Chalkous. In the name of Alexander III of Macedon. Alexandria, circa 311-306 BC. Head of deified Alexander to right, wearing mitra with horn of Ammon / Eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΑΛΕ upwards to left, Π to lower left. CPE B13; Svoronos 53; SNG Copenhagen -. 0.86g, 11mm, 6h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Morton & Eden, Auction 57, 3 July 2012, lot 144 (part of).


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, circa 294-282 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis; tiny Δ behind ear / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ BAΣΙΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; P above ΠΥ monogram to left. CPE 147a; Svoronos 259; SNG Copenhagen 72; BMC 72-3; Meydancikkale 3105-3140; Noeske 20. 13.83g, 27mm, 12h.

Very Fine; graffiti and bankers’ marks on both sides, attractively toned.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 7.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, circa 294-282 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis; tiny Δ behind ear / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ BAΣΙΛEΩΣ,

Very Fine; graffiti on both sides and banker’s marks on obv.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 4; Ex Spink, Coinex Sale 26, 27 September 2006, lot 789

Good Very Fine; bankers’ marks

both sides.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 3.


eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; P above ΠΑΡ monogram to left. CPE 168; Svoronos 255, pl. ix 11 & pl. xxvii 18 & 24; SNG Copenhagen 70-71; BMC -. 14.19g, 26mm, 12h.
(part of). 709. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, circa 294-282 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis; tiny Δ behind ear / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ BAΣΙΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; P over M and ΠΑ monogram to left. CPE 170; Svoronos 254; SNG Copenhagen 74; BMC 15; Meydancikkale 3620-3643; Noeske 44. 14.12g, 26mm, 12h. on


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, circa 285-282 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ BAΣΙΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; A and ΠΟ monogram above Α and ΠΜ monogram to left. CPE 176; Svoronos 348 (Ptolemy II Philadelphos); SNG Copenhagen -; BMC -; Meydancikkale 3724-3728; Noble 113, 4436. 14.06g, 25mm, 12h. Very Fine; graffiti on both sides. Very Rare; seemingly only one other specimen on CoinArchives.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 9.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, circa 294-282 BC. Diademed head to right; tiny Δ behind ear / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ BAΣΙΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΑΡΓ and ΠΥ monograms to left. CPE 181; Svoronos 244; SNG Copenhagen -. 16.69g, 28mm, 12h.

Very Fine; minor flan crack at 12h. Very Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 2; Ex Morton & Eden, Auction 6, 11 December 2004, lot 75 (part of).



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter Æ Hemiobol. Alexandria, circa 306-294 BC. Head of deified Alexander to right, wearing mitra with horn of Ammon / ΠΤΟΛΕΜ[ΑΙΟΥ], eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, KΛ above helmet. CPE B22; Svoronos 171; SNG Copenhagen -. 3.35g, 18mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter Æ Hemiobol. Alexandria, circa 306-294 BC. Head of deified Alexander to right, wearing mitra with horn of Ammon / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, aphlaston above helmet. CPE B23; Svoronos 172; SNG Copenhagen 36-7. 5.16g, 17mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Münz Zentrum Rheinland. Auction 145, 3 September 2008, lot 1885 (part of).

Very Rare


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter Æ Hemiobol. Alexandria, circa 306-294 BC. Head of deified Alexander to right, wearing mitra with horn of Ammon / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, aphlaston above helmet. CPE B23; Svoronos 172; SNG Copenhagen 36-7. 5.23g, 19mm, 1h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Ex Morton & Eden 57, 2012



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter Æ Hemiobol. Alexandria, circa 306-294 BC. Head of deified Alexander to right, wearing mitra with horn of Ammon / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, aphlaston above helmet. CPE B23; Svoronos 172; SNG Copenhagen 36-7. 5.16g, 17mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Morton & Eden, Auction 57, 3 July 2012, lot 144 (part of).



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter Æ Hemiobol. Alexandria, circa 306-294 BC. Head of deified Alexander to

wearing mitra with horn of Ammon / [ΠΤΟΛΕ]ΜΑΙΟΥ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on

Copenhagen 38-41. 5.07g, 17mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter Æ Obol. Alexandria, circa 294-282

skin headdress / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ,

Copenhagen 52. 7.25g, 19mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Amin Rezai, March 2008.


right, thunderbolt; to left, aphlaston. CPE B24; Svoronos 156; SNG BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander to right, wearing elephant’s eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΠY monogram to left. CPE B47a; Svoronos 220; SNG


Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Near Very Fine.


Ex Lockett Collection

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Spink, Auction 36, 30 May 1984, lot 73 (part of); Ex R. C. Lockett Collection, Glendining & Co, 21


About Very

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 294-282 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / [ΠΤΟΛΕΜ]ΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΠΜΔ monogram in left field. CPE B55; Svoronos 206; SNG Copenhagen 91-3. 15.55g, 28mm, 12h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 294-282 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, A above Φ. CPE B59; Svoronos 287; SNG Copenhagen -. 16.81g, 27mm, 12h. February 1961, lot 3015 (part of). 720. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 294-282 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; AΠ monogram above ΕΠ monogram before. CPE B73; Svoronos 292; SNG Copenhagen 83-4. 17.28g, 26mm, 12h.
722. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 294-285 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΑΠ monogram above Φ before. CPE B68; Svoronos 302; SNG Copenhagen 81. 18.56g, 28mm, 12h.
Fine. Rare.


Ex Glendining’s 2001

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter Æ Obol. Alexandria, circa 294-282 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander to right, wearing elephant’s skin headdress / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; Δ to left. CPE B74; Svoronos 186; SNG Copenhagen -. 8.41g, 22mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, ‘Ex Glens collector’s ticket included; Ex Glendining’s Auction, 13 July 2001, lot 54 (part of).



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter Æ Dichalkon. Alexandria, 294-282 BC. Head of deified Alexander to right, wearing mitra with horn of Ammon / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, HP monogram. CPE B79; Svoronos 239; SNG Copenhagen 59-61. 2.34g, 15mm, 11h.

Good Very Fine; attractive brown patina. Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, March 1987.

Ex Lockett Collection



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter Æ Diobol. Alexandria, 294-282 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, ΑΠ monogram

Very Fine. Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Spink, Auction 36, 30 May 1984, lot 78 (part of); Ex R. C. Lockett Collection, Glendining & Co, 21 February 1961, lot 3015 (part of).

Extremely Rare



Good Very Fine. Extremely Rare; only one other example on CoinArchives.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


above HP monogram. CPE B96; Svoronos 293; SNG Copenhagen 85. 13.66g, 27mm, 12h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter Æ Obol. Uncertain mint 6A, circa 305/4-282 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander to right, wearing elephant’s skin headdress / [ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ], eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΠA monogram within wreath or Ω to left. CPE B103; Svoronos -; SNG Copenhagen -; CNG, E-551, 155. 8.24g, 19mm, 11h.
2x 2x


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint 10 on Cyprus (Salamis or Citium), circa 294-282 BC. Reformed Coinage. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis; tiny Δ behind ear / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ BAΣΙΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΣΤ above KI to left. CPE 239; Svoronos 366 (Ptolemy II Philadelphos; no Δ); SNG Copenhagen -; BMC 25; Meydancikkale 4949-4996. 14.01g, 27mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 12; Ex Morton & Eden, Auction 6, 11 December 2003, lot 75 (part of).



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter Æ Hemiobol. Tyre, circa 294-282 BC. Head of deified Alexander to right, wearing mitra with horn of Ammon / [ΠTO]ΛEMAIOY [BAΣIΛEΩΣ], eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; club above ΠA monogram to left. CPE B134; Svoronos 630; SNG Copenhagen -. 4.52g, 14mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired at the London Coin Fair, July 2002.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter Æ Hemiobol. Kyrene, circa 299-294 BC. Diademed head of Ptolemy I to right / ΠTOΛEMAIOY, eagle with spread wings standing on thunderbolt to right; before, two monograms above silphium plant and crab. Cf. CPE B145-6; cf. Svoronos 70-1; cf. SNG Copenhagen 427; cf. BMC 5d-e. 3.97g, 17mm, 12h.

Very Fine. Very Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

An Unpublished Variant


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy Keraunos and Meleager Æ Obol. Cassandreia(?), 281-279 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / Eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, head reverted, monograms to right and left. Unpublished in the standard references, but cf. CPE 155a for retrograde left monogram. 8.06g, 22mm, 8h.

Near Very Fine. Extremely Rare; an apparently unpublished variant.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired at Charing Cross Collectors Market, April 2004.


30 Ex Morton & Eden 6, 2003


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, circa 275/4-272 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; monogram above Galatian shield (erased) to left, E between eagle’s legs. CPE 283; Svoronos 567, pl. xiii, 9; SNG Copenhagen 107-8; BMC 7-9; Noeske -. 13.90g, 28mm, 12h. Very Fine; banker’s marks on obv., graffiti on both sides, shield beneath monogram erased from die.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 24.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, circa 275/4-272 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; monogram above Galatian shield to left, AT monogram to right. CPE 305; Svoronos 552, pl. xiv, 6; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC 3-4 (Ptolemy III, Idalion?); Meydancikkale 3867-3882; 13.41g, 27mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine; graffiti and minor test punch on rev., attractively toned.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 19.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, circa 275/4-272 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; monogram above Galatian shield to left, ΔH monogram to right. CPE 306; Svoronos 555, pl. xiv, 8; SNG Copenhagen 113; BMC 1-2; Meydancikkale 3883-3900; Noeske -. 14.16g, 27mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine; banker’s mark on obv., minor surface marks.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 20.


Good Very Fine.


From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 79.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, 263/2 or 261/0-255/4 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis; B behind / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt. CPE 377; Svoronos 430, pl. xvi, 17; SNG Copenhagen 137; BMC -; Meydancikkale 3901. 14.06g, 27mm, 1h.


Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 23; Acquired from Stanley Gibbons, May 1979.

A Rare Countermark


Ptolemy II



CPE B165f. 16.23g, 27mm, 12h.

Good Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Marcus Philips, June 2003.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Obol. Alexandria, circa 275/4-246

elephant headdress / [ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ], eagle with wings spread standing to

Svoronos 601; SNG Copenhagen -. 7.21g, 20mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Mark Thomas, April 1989.

None on CoinArchives


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Diobol. Alexandria,

spread standing to

571; SNG Copenhagen 127. 15.70g, 28mm, 1h.


Near Extremely Fine. Extremely Rare; no other examples on CoinArchives.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 282-246 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / [ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ], eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; monogram above Galatian shield to left, uncertain additional controls (if any); c/m: incuse trident. Cf. CPE B165ff. 14.04g, 26mm, 12h.
Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Philadelphos Diobol. Alexandria, circa 282-246 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right; c/m: eagle standing to right within circular eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; uncertain controls (if any). Cf.
circa 275/4-246 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings left thunderbolt; to left, monogram above Galatian shield; ⵙ between legs. CPE B173; Svoronos
BC. Head of deified Alexander to right, wearing left on thunderbolt; to left, monogram above Galatian shield. CPE B167;


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 275/4-246 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, monogram above Galatian shield; I between legs; c/m: incuse trident. CPE B174; Svoronos 576; SNG Copenhagen -. 17.83g, 28mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 275/4-246 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / [ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ], eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, monogram above Galatian shield; I between legs. CPE B174; Svoronos 576; SNG Copenhagen -. 17.55g, 27mm, 1h.

Very Fine; lightly tooled.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 25; Acquired from Baldwin’s, December 1987.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 275/4-246


Good Very Fine. ‘V’ banker’s mark on obv.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Richard Swan, January 2007.

Good Very Fine.

the Pavlos




BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, monogram above Galatian shield; I between legs. CPE B174; Svoronos 576; SNG Copenhagen -; 16.00g, 28mm, 1h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 275/4-246 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, monogram above Galatian shield; Y between legs. CPE B179; Svoronos 598; SNG Copenhagen -. 17.21g, 27mm, 2h. From S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Richard Swan, January 2007. 742.


Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 27; Acquired from Baldwin’s, July 2003.

Very Rare


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Obol. Alexandria, circa 260s BC. Head of deified Alexander

wearing elephant headdress / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to

CPE B184; Svoronos 602; SNG Copenhagen - ; VAuctions, Triskeles 28, 83. 6.97g, 20mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine. Very Rare; seemingly only one example on CoinArchives.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 260s BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / [ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ], eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, Galatian shield between two monograms, A(?) between legs; c/m: incuse trident. Cf. CPE B185; cf. Svoronos 561. 14.02g, 27mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 260s BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜ[ΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ], eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, Galatian shield between two monograms; A(?) between legs; c/m: incuse trident. Cf. CPE B185; cf. Svoronos 561. 15.78g, 28mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 21; Privately purchased from Ian Roper, February 2007.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 275/4-246 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / [ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ] ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, monogram above Galatian shield; Y between legs. CPE B179; Svoronos 598; SNG Copenhagen -. 16.76g, 28mm, 12h.
to right, left on thunderbolt; to left, Galatian shield between two monograms.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 260s BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt;

CPE B187; Svoronos -; SNG Copenhagen 124. 14.32g, 27mm, 11h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 22.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 260s BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / [ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ] ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, Galatian shield between two monograms; Λ between legs; c/m: incuse trident. CPE B190; Svoronos 581; SNG Copenhagen 129. 13.45g,

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Very Fine. Rare with these countermarks.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection,


Rare Countermarks



Very Fine. Very Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

to left, Galatian shield between two monograms; Δ between legs; c/m: incuse trident. 26mm, 12h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 260s BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right; c/m: helmeted head to right eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, Galatian shield between two monograms; Λ between legs; c/m: male figure standing facing within incuse. CPE B190 note (this coin mentioned); Svoronos 581; SNG Copenhagen 129. 15.13g, 24mm, 1h. collector’s ticket Ex Auction 36, 30 May 1984, lot 78 (part of); Ex R. C. Lockett Collection, Glendining & Co, 21 February 1961, lot 3015 (part of).
749. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 260s BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt. CPE B205; Svoronos 415; SNG Copenhagen 155. 21.82g, 30mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Tritartemorion. Alexandria, circa 260-246 BC. Head of deified Alexander


Very Fine. Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Tritartemorion. Alexandria, circa 260-246 BC. Head of deified Alexander to


Good Very Fine. Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Alan Cherry, June 2013.


Very Fine.

8.47g, 21mm, 12h.



Good Very Fine.


45 Ex DNW A10, 2011

Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Obol.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Alan Harrison Collection, Dix Noonan Webb, Auction A10, 22 June 2011, lot 1111 (part of).


to right, wearing elephant headdress / eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt. CPE B206; Svoronos 416; SNG Copenhagen 159-160. 7.17g, 22mm, 12h. right, wearing elephant headdress / eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt. CPE B206; Svoronos 416; SNG Copenhagen 159-160. 7.56g, 22mm, 12h. Kingdom of Alexandria, circa 260-246 BC. Head of the deified Alexander to right, wearing elephant’s skin headdress / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; A between legs. CPE B211; Svoronos 424; SNG Copenhagen -. 9.65g, 23mm, 11h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Tritartemorion. Alexandria, circa 260-246 BC. Head of deified Alexander to right, wearing elephant headdress / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt. CPE B206; Svoronos 416; SNG Copenhagen 159-160.
From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Drachm. Alexandria, circa 260-246 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, two eagles with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; Δ between legs of left eagle. CPE B217; Svoronos 437; SNG Copenhagen -. 70.48g, 41mm, 1h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, 8 April 1998.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 260-246 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; ∆ between legs; to right, c/m: cornucopia within incuse. CPE B218; Svoronos 438; SNG Copenhagen 156. 20.09g, 29mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Obol. Alexandria, circa 260-246 BC. Head of deified Alexander to right, wearing elephant headdress / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; Δ between legs. CPE B219; Svoronos 439; SNG Copenhagen 158. 10.72g, 23mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, March 1988.




Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 260-246 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; E between legs. CPE B225a; Svoronos 449; SNG Copenhagen -. 18.37g, 30mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 16; Ex Münz Zentrum Rheinland. Auction 145, 3 September 2008, lot 1885 (part of).


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Drachm. Alexandria, circa 260-246 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, two eagles with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; Λ

legs of

eagle. CPE B247; Svoronos 479; SNG Copenhagen 149. 67.16g, 39mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Cumberland Coin Fair, 3 February 2001.

Ex Roma E-Sale 7, 2014


Very Fine.

Egypt, Ptolemy II


From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Roma Numismatics Ltd, E-Sale 7, 26 April 2014, lot 820.



between left Ptolemaic Kingdom of Philadelphos Drachm. Alexandria, circa 260-246 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, two eagles with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; Λ between legs of left eagle. CPE B247; Svoronos 479; SNG Copenhagen 149. 64.70g, 41mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Obol. Alexandria, circa 260-246 BC. Head of deified Alexander to right, wearing elephant headdress / [ΠTOΛE]MAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; Λ between legs. CPE B250; Svoronos 482; SNG Copenhagen -. 11.59g, 23mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately acquired from C J Martin Coins Ltd, London Coin Fair, November 1987.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Obol. Alexandria, circa 260-246 BC. Head of deified Alexander to right, wearing elephant headdress / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; Λ between legs. CPE B250; Svoronos 482; SNG Copenhagen -. 12.07g, 23mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Amin Rezai, October 2008.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Hemiobol. Alexandria, circa 260-246 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; Λ between legs. CPE B252; Svoronos 484; SNG Copenhagen 165. 6.41g, 19mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Hemiobol. Alexandria, circa 260-246 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; Λ(?) between legs. Cf. CPE B252; cf. Svoronos 484; cf. SNG Copenhagen 165. 5.36g, 19mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Howard Simmons, February 2002.




Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Drachm. Alexandria, circa 260-246 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, two eagles with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; P between legs of left eagle. CPE B261; Svoronos 497; SNG Copenhagen -. 72.09g, 41mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex K. Wicker Collection; Acquired at Coinex, October 2011.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 260-246 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛ[ΕΩΣ], eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; TY monogram between legs. CPE B276; Svoronos -; SNG Copenhagen 157. 23.63g, 29mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine. Very Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately acquired from Howard Simmons, February 2010.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Hemidrachm. Uncertain mint 26 in Caria or on Cyprus, circa 260-246 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / [ΠTOΛEMAIOY] BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; double cornucopiae to left. CPE B315; Svoronos 759; SNG Copenhagen -. 41.15g, 38mm,

Near Very Fine. Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Dara Antiques Museum, E-Auction 2, 9 October 2021, lot 316.





Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Hemidrachm. Uncertain mint 26 in Caria or on Cyprus, circa 260-246 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; double cornucopiae to left. CPE B315; Svoronos 759; SNG Copenhagen -. 44.31g, 38mm, 12h.

Good Fine. Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Amin Rezai, September 2018.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint 9 on Cyprus, before 275 BC. Coinage on system of Ptolemy I. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ATP monogram above A to left. CPE 413; Svoronos 349, pl. ix, 22; SNG Copenhagen -. 14.19g, 26mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine; banker’s mark on obv., graffito on rev.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 10.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint 9 on Cyprus, circa 275/4-262/1 BC. Coinage on system of Ptolemy I. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΠT above ΔΩ monogram to left, Galatian shield to right. CPE 418; Svoronos 530, pl. xii, 4; SNG Copenhagen 104; BMC 87 (Ptolemais); Meydancikkale 39413954; Noeske -. 14.20g, 28mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine; bankers marks on both sides.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 17.



Very Rare

Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint 19 on Cyprus (perhaps Paphos), circa 275-246 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis; tiny Δ behind ear / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΠT above ΓΑΥ monogram to left, Galatian shield to right. CPE 469 (no Δ); Svoronos 534, pl. B, 16; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC 86; Meydancikkale 3972-3973; Noeske

Triton XX, 383. 14.17g, 27mm, 12h.

Very Fine. Very Rare; seemingly only one other on CoinArchives.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 18.

AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint 19 on Cyprus (perhaps Paphos), circa 261/0 BC. Reformed Coinage. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ


Near Very Fine; graffiti on both sides.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 14.


Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 44.




Near Very Fine; banker’s marks and graffiti on both sides.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of -;
Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΠΤ above ΞΕ to left. CPE Svoronos 389, pl. xviii 1-2; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC 36-7 (Ptolemy III Euergetes); Meydancikkale 3981-3988; Noeske -. 14.26g, 24mm, 12h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Sidon, possibly 274 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis; tiny K behind ear / [ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ] ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΣΙ in left field. CPE 505; Svoronos 715, pl. xxi, 3-4; SNG Copenhagen 506-7. 13.96g, 28mm, 1h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Sidon, possibly 274 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΣΙ in left field. CPE 505a; Svoronos 713, pl. xxi, 2 & pl. xxvii, 22; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC -. 14.10g, 25mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Sidon, possibly 261/0 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩ[Σ], eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΣΙ above ON monogram in left field. CPE 506; Svoronos 717, pl. xxi, 6; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC -; Meydancikkale 4664-4670; Noeske -. 14.18g, 26mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 45; Purchased from Andy Hayler, 2 July 2011; Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 256, 25 May 2011, lot 151.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Sidon, dated RY 29 = 257/6 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ [ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ], eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΣΙ above ΜΤ monogram in left field; KΘ (date) in right field. CPE 518; Svoronos 731, pl. xxi, 13; SNG Copenhagen 510; BMC -; Meydancikkale 4694; Noeske -; DCA 21. 14.08g, 25mm, 11h.

Very Fine; bankers’ marks on both sides.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 47.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Sidon, dated RY 30 = 256/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΣΙ above ΜΤ monogram in left field; Λ (date) in right field. CPE 520; Svoronos 732, pl. xxi, 14; SNG Copenhagen 511; BMC -; Meydancikkale 4699-4703; Noeske 103; DCA 21. 14.14g, 27mm, 12h.

Very Fine; attractive gold iridescence around the devices.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 48.


Good Very Fine; graffiti on rev.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 49.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Sidon, dated RY 30 = 256/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΣΙ above ΔΙ in left field; Λ (date) in right field. CPE 521; Svoronos 733, pl. xxi, 15; SNG Copenhagen 512; BMC -; Meydancikkale 4695-4698; Noeske 102; DCA 21. 14.20g, 26mm, 12h.
Ex CNG E-256, 2011


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Sidon, dated RY 32 = 254/3 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ] ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΣΙ above ΔΙ in left field; ΛB (date) in right field. CPE 525; Svoronos 738; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC -; Meydancikkale 4718-4721; Noeske -; DCA 21. 14.16g, 25mm, 12h.

Very Fine. Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 50.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Sidon, dated RY 33 = 253/2 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΣΙ above MT monogram in left field; ΛΓ (date) in right field. CPE 527; Svoronos 740; SNG Copenhagen 515; BMC -;

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 51.


with closed wings standing to

Near Extremely Fine; minor scrape on rev., attractive old cabinet tone.


From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 52.

Ex Spink 9026, 2009


ΔΙ in left field; ΛE

in right field. CPE 534; Svoronos 745,

xxi, 21; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC -; Meydancikkale 4736-4738; Noeske -; DCA 21. 14.12g, 26mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine; graffiti on both sides, attractive old cabinet tone with gold iridescence around the devices.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 53; Ex Spink, Auction 9026, 1 October 2009, lot 895 (part of).


Meydancikkale 4732-4733; Noeske -; DCA 21. 14.08g, 26mm, 12h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Sidon, dated RY 35 = 251/0 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; above (date) pl.
782. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Sidon, dated RY 34 = 252/1 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ eagle left thunderbolt; ΣΙ above ΔΙ in left field; ΛΔ (date) in right field. CPE 531; Svoronos 744; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC 73; Meydancikkale 4734; Noeske 104; DCA 21. 14.20g, 27mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Sidon, dated RY 38 = 248/7 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤΟ]ΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΣΙ above ΔΙ in left field; ΛH (date) above ΛΗ monogram in right field. CPE 545; Svoronos 755, pl. xxii, 6; BMC 77; Meydancikkale 4741; Noeske -; DCA 21. 14.11g, 25mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine; minor scrapes on rev.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 55; Privately purchased from David Miller, 2010.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Tyre, dated RY 21 = 265/4 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; TYP

Very Fine; banker’s marks and graffiti on rev.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 29.


Good Very Fine; attractive light cabinet with golden iridescence around the devices.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions,

Very Rare

Good Very Fine; attractive golden iridescence around the devices. Very Rare; seemingly no other examples on CoinArchives, one on AC Search.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018,



civic monogram above club in left field, KA monogram (date) in right field. CPE 563; Svoronos 646, pl. xix, 16; SNG Copenhagen 484; BMC -; Meydancikkale 4354-4359; Noeske -; DCA 11. 14.08g, 26mm, 12h. 784. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Tyre, dated RY 22 = 264/3 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; TYP civic monogram above club in left field, KB monogram (date) in right field. CPE 564; Svoronos 647, pl. xix, 17; SNG Copenhagen 485; Meydancikkale 4360-4366; Noeske -; DCA 11. 14.21g, 27mm, 12h. E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 30; Privately purchased from Andy Hayler, 2016.
785. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Tyre, dated RY 28 = 258/7 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; TYP civic monogram above club in left field, KH monogram (date) in right field. CPE 570; Svoronos 652; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC -; Meydancikkale 4394-4397; DCA 15; Heritage 232217, 64197. 14.05g, 27mm, 12h.
lot 33. 786.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Tyre, dated RY 31 = 255/4 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤ] ΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; TYP civic monogram above club in left field, ΑΛ (date) above MA monogram in right field; Θ between eagle’s legs. CPE -, but cf. 590 (RY 32) 599 (RY 33) & 606 (RY 34); Svoronos -; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC -; Meydancikkale -; Noeske -; cf. DCA 20. 14.18g, 27mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine. Exceedingly Rare; unpublished in the standard references with these controls for this date.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 34.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Tyre, dated RY 33 = 253/2 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis

Good Very Fine; banker’s mark on rev., some minor

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 36; Acquired from A .H. Baldwin & Son Ltd.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Tyre, dated RY 33 = 253/2 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ [ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ], eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; TYP civic monogram above club in left field, ΛΓ (date) above MA monogram in right field;

Very Fine; graffito on rev.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 37.

head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜ[ΑΙ]OΥ [ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ], eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; TYP civic monogram above club in left field, ΛΓ (date) above MA monogram in right field; ON monogram between eagle’s legs. CPE 601;

4439-4440, 4442; Noeske -; DCA 20. 13.22g, 26mm, 11h.

Near Very Fine; banker’s marks on both sides.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 38; Ex Spink & Son Ltd., Auction 13015, 2 December 2013, lot 150 (part of).

/ ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; TYP civic monogram above club in left field, ΛΓ (date) above MA monogram in right field; Θ between eagle’s legs. CPE 599; Svoronos 675; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC -; Meydancikkale 4438, 4443; Noeske 91; DCA 20. 14.25g, 28mm, 12h. cleaning marks beneath attractive light cabinet tone. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Tyre, dated RY 33 = 253/2 BC. Diademed Svoronos 677, pl. xix, 28; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC -; Meydancikkale
790. MY monogram between eagle’s legs. CPE 600; Svoronos 676; SNG Copenhagen 490; BMC -; Meydancikkale -; Noeske -; DCA 20. 14.16g, 27mm, 11h.
Exceedingly Rare and Unpublished


Extremely Rare

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Tyre, dated RY 34 = 252/1 BC. Diademed head to

wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; TYP civic monogram above club in left field, ΛΔ (date) above MA monogram in right field; ΔΙ between eagle’s legs. CPE 605;

Very Fine. Extremely Rare; only three listed in Svoronos, seemingly no others on CoinArchives.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 40.


Others on CoinArchives

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Tyre, dated RY 34 = 252/1 BC. Diademed head to

ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt;

MA monogram in right


Very Fine. Very Rare; seemingly no other examples on CoinArchives, one on AC Search.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 41.

Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Tyre, dated RY 35 = 251/0 BC. Diademed


Good Very Fine; banker’s mark on rev.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 42.

No Others on CoinArchives

Very Fine. Very Rare; seemingly no other examples on CoinArchives.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 43.




right, Svoronos 682; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC 93; Meydancikkale 4444; Noeske -; DCA 20. 14.16g, 24mm, 11h. right, wearing aegis ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ TYP civic monogram above club in left field, ΛΔ (date) above field; MY monogram between legs. CPE 607; Svoronos 683; SNG Copenhagen 491; BMC -; Meydancikkale -; Noeske -; DCA 20; Heritage 231811, 63062. 14.18g, 26mm, 12h. 792. Ptolemaic head to right, wearing aegis ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; TYP civic monogram above club in left field, ΛE (date) above MA monogram in right field; Θ between eagle’s legs. CPE 615; Svoronos 686, pl. xx, 4; SNG Copenhagen 492; BMC -; Meydancikkale -; Noeske -; DCA 20. 14.23g, 27mm, 11h.
793. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Tyre, dated RY 36 = 250/49 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤΟ]ΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; TYP civic monogram above club in left field, ΛC (date) above A in right field; MY monogram between eagle’s legs. CPE 625; Svoronos 692; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC -; Meydancikkale -; Noeske -; DCA 20. 14.22g, 26mm, 11h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Hemiobol. Tyre, circa 274-271 BC. Head of deified Alexander to right, wearing mitra with horn of Ammon / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; Π above club to left. CPE B328; Svoronos 641; SNG Copenhagen 481. 3.62g, 15mm, 12h.

Very Fine. Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Ptolemais (Ake), dated RY 30 = 256/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡ[ΟΣ], eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΠΤ civic monogram above ME monogram in left field; Λ (date) above Θ in right field. CPE 645; Svoronos 770, pl. xxv, 7; SNG Copenhagen 469; BMC 111; Meydancikkale 4060-4066; Noeske 81; DCA

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 56; Ex Spink, Auction 9026, 1 October 2009, part of lot 895.

Very Fine; banker’s marks on obv., graffito on rev.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 57.

RY 31 = 255/4 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΠΤ civic monogram above ME monogram in left field; AΛ

Good Very Fine; graffito on rev.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 59.


19; Hendin GBC 6, 6090. 14.24g, 27mm, 11h.
Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Ptolemais (Ake), dated (date) above Θ in right field. CPE 647; Svoronos 774, pl. xxv, 10; SNG Copenhagen 470; Noeske -; DCA 19; Hendin GBC 6, 6090. 13.98g, 28mm, 12h.
Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Ptolemais (Ake)?, dated RY 30 = 256/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; civic monogram above ME monogram in left field; Λ (date) above Θ in right field. For a slightly different civic monogram attributed to Ptolemais, cf. CPE 645; Svoronos 770, pl. xxv, 7; SNG Copenhagen 469; BMC 111; Meydancikkale 4060-4066; Noeske 81; cf. DCA 19; Hendin GBC 6, 6090. 14.14g, 25mm, 2h. 797.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Ptolemais (Ake), dated RY 32 = 254/3 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡ[ΟΣ], eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΠΤ civic monogram above ME monogram in left field; ΛB (date) above Θ in right field. CPE 649; Svoronos 775, pl. xxv, 11; SNG Copenhagen 471; BMC 115; Meydancikkale 4079-4082; Noeske -; DCA 19; Hendin GBC 6, 6090. 14.07g, 26mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 60.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Ptolemais (Ake), dated RY 34 = 252/1 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ

Extremely Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 62.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Ptolemais (Ake), dated RY 35 = 251/0 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΠΤ civic monogram above ME monogram in left field; ΛE (date) above Θ in right field. CPE 653; Svoronos 780, pl. xxv, 15; SNG Copenhagen 474; BMC 121; Meydancikkale 4091-4094; Noeske 82; DCA 19; Hendin GBC 6, 6090. 14.09g, 27mm, 12h.

Very Fine; bankers’ marks on both sides, graffiti on rev.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 64.


ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΠΤ civic monogram above ME monogram in left field; Λ エ (date) above Θ in right field. CPE 655; Svoronos 783, pl. xxv, 17; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC 123; Meydancikkale 4095-4096; Noeske -; DCA 19;

GBC 6, 6090. 14.14g, 25mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 65; Acquired from Spink, February 2008.

ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΠΤ civic monogram above ME monogram in left field; ΛΔ (date) above Θ in right field. CPE 651; Svoronos 778, pl. xxv, 13; SNG Copenhagen 473; BMC 120; Meydancikkale 4087-4090; Noeske -; DCA 19; Hendin GBC 6, 6090. 12.98g, 29mm, 12h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Ptolemais (Ake), dated RY 37 = 249/8 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ Hendin


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Tetrobol. Ptolemaïs (Ake), circa 260-246 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY [BAΣIΛEΩΣ], eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, double cornucopia bound with diadem above mint monogram. CPE B337; Svoronos 789; SNG Copenhagen -; Hendin GBC 6, 6091a. 47.62g, 36mm, 12h.

About Very Fine; well-detailed for the type. Very Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Baldwin’s, Argentum Auction, 7 June 2014, lot 36 (part of).



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Tetrobol. Ptolemaïs (Ake), circa 260-246 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, double cornucopia bound with diadem above mint monogram. CPE B337; Svoronos

Good Fine. Very Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Marcus Phillips, November 1996.



Good Fine. Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

789; SNG Copenhagen -; Hendin GBC 6, 6091a. 44.45g, 36mm, 12h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Diobol. Ptolemaïs (Ake), circa 260-246 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, double cornucopiae over shoulder, mint monogram to left. CPE B338a; Svoronos 790; SNG Copenhagen -; Hendin GBC 6, 6091b. 19.89g, 31mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Ioppe, dated RY 31 = 255/4 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; IOΠ civic monogram in left field; AΛ (date) above Θ in right field; A between eagle’s legs. CPE 664; Svoronos 800; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC 128 var. (no A between legs); Meydancikkale -; Noeske -; DCA 18; Hendin GBC 6, 6103. 14.20g, 25mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine; bankers’ marks on both sides, graffito on rev.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 67.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Ioppe, dated RY 35 = 251/0 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; IOΠ civic monogram above MT monogram in left field; ΛE (date) above Θ in right field. CPE 672; Svoronos 810, pl. xxiii, 11; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC 132; Meydancikkale 4044; Noeske 78; DCA 18; Hendin GBC 6, 6103. 14.25g, 25mm, 11h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 70.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Ioppe, dated RY 37 = 249/8 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ] ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; IOΠ civic monogram above ΓΑ monogram in left field; Λエ (date) above Θ in right field. CPE 677; Svoronos 814, pl. xxiii, 15;

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 71.




eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; IOΠ civic monogram above ΓΑ monogram in left field; ΛH (date) above Θ in right field. CPE 678; Svoronos 816, pl. xxiii, 17; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC -; Meydancikkale 4050; Noeske -; DCA 18; Hendin GBC 6, 6103. 14.12g, 26mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 72; Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 258, 22 June 2011, lot 231.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Ioppe, dated RY 38 = 248/7 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤΟΛ]EΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, SNG Copenhagen -; BMC 144; Meydancikkale 4047, 4049; Noeske -; DCA 18; Hendin GBC 6, 6103. 13.88g, 27mm, 11h.
CNG E-258, 2011
808. Ex


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Gaza, dated RY 32 = 254/3 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ] ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΓΑ civic monogram above ΑΝ monogram in left field; ΛΒ (date) above ΦΑ monogram in right field. CPE 690; Svoronos 829, pl. xxiv, 9; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC 138; Meydancikkale 4020-4024; Noeske 76; DCA 17; Hendin GBC 6, 6101. 14.20g, 26mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 73.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Gaza, dated RY 33 = 253/2 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΓΑ civic monogram above ΑV in left field; ΛΓ (date) above ΦΑ monogram in right field. CPE 693; Svoronos 831, pl. xxiv, 11; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC -; Noeske -; DCA 17; Hendin GBC 6, 6101. 14.18g, 27mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine; attractive old cabinet tone with hints of gold iridescence around the devices.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 74; Ex Bonhams, 24 March 1999, lot 11 (part of).

Good Very Fine; attractive light cabinet tone with hints of golden


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphus Æ Hemiobol.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Uncertain mint, circa 266-261 BC. Diademed head of Zeus to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopia over shoulder. CPE B342; Svoronos 762; SNG Copenhagen 151. 5.55g, 18mm, 12h.
Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos AR Tetradrachm. Gaza, dated RY 37 = 249/8 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤΟΛEΜ]ΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΓΑ civic monogram above ΑN in left field; Λエ (date) above エ in right field. CPE 695; Svoronos 833, pl. xxiv, 12; SNG Copenhagen 459; BMC 141; Meydancikkale 4030; Noeske -; DCA 17; Hendin GBC 6, 6101. 14.20g, 27mm, 11h. iridescence around the devices.
Ex Bonhams 1999
From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 75.

Very Rare


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Trihemiobol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, filleted cornucopiae; Λ between legs. CPE B362; Svoronos 1169; SNG Copenhagen 223; CNG E-348, 125 (group lot); AMC Canada 3, 70. 13.31g, 28mm, 12h.

Very Fine. Very Rare; seemingly only one example on CoinArchives, one other on acsearch.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Trihemiobol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, filleted cornucopiae; Λ between legs. CPE B362; Svoronos 1169; SNG Copenhagen 223; CNG E-348, 125 (group lot); AMC Canada 3, 70. 13.60g, 28mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine. Very Rare; seemingly only one example on CoinArchives, one other on acsearch.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Alan Cherry, July 2005.



Very Fine. Very Rare; seemingly only one on CoinArchives.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Very Fine. Very Rare; seemingly only one on CoinArchives.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, July 2003.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Obol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Head of deified Alexander to right, wearing elephant’s skin headdress / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right, filleted cornucopiae over shoulder; Λ between legs. CPE B363; Svoronos 1170; SNG Copenhagen -; Noonans 185, 810. 9.39g, 24mm, 11h.
Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Obol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Head of deified Alexander to right, wearing elephant’s skin headdress / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right, filleted cornucopiae over shoulder; Λ between legs. CPE B363; Svoronos 1170; SNG Copenhagen -; Noonans 185, 810. 9.41g, 24mm, 12h.


Extremely Rare

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Hemiobol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right, filleted cornucopiae over shoulder; Λ between legs. CPE B364; Svoronos 1171; SNG Copenhagen -. 5.57g, 21mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine; attractive brown patina. Extremely Rare; seemingly no examples on CoinArchives, only one in PCO.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Spink & Son Ltd., Auction 36, 30 May 1984, lot 78 (part of); Ex R. C. Lockett Collection, Glendining & Co, 21 February 1961, lot 3015 (part of).



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Oktobol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ, eagle with wings spread standing to

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III


Very Fine.


Æ Tetrobol.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Andy Hayler, March 2008.

left on thunderbolt, head to right; E between legs. CPE B365; Svoronos 446 (Ptolemy II); SNG Copenhagen 142 (Ptolemy II). 97.88g, 46mm,12h. Euergetes Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right; filleted cornucopia over shoulder, E between legs. CPE B366; Svoronos 974; SNG Copenhagen 224-6 (Ptolemy IV). 42.70g, 39mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Tetrobol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right; filleted cornucopia over shoulder, E between legs. CPE B366; Svoronos 974; SNG Copenhagen 224-6 (Ptolemy IV). 42.23g, 38mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Andy Hayler, December 2008.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Tetrobol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right; filleted cornucopia over shoulder, E between legs. CPE B366; Svoronos 974; SNG Copenhagen 224-6 (Ptolemy IV). 48.08g, 40mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Andy Hayler, August 2012.

Ex Lockett Collection


Near Very Fine.

Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Spink & Son Ltd., Auction 36, 30 May 1984, lot 73 (part of); Ex R. C. Lockett Collection, Glendining & Co, 21 February 1961, lot 3015 (part of).



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Trihemiobol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, filleted cornucopiae; E between legs. CPE B368; Svoronos 975; SNG Copenhagen 230-1. 14.80g, 29mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Trihemiobol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, filleted cornucopiae; E between legs. CPE B368; Svoronos 975; SNG Copenhagen 230-1. 13.62g, 27mm, 11h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired at London Coin Fair, November 2008.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ 38mm. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right; filleted cornucopia over shoulder, EP monogram between legs. CPE B371; Svoronos 974; SNG Copenhagen 227-9

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Andy Hayler, December 2008.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Tetrobol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt,

Very Fine; some scratches.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Andy Hayler, December 2008.




(Ptolemy IV). 47.16g, 38mm, 12h. head to right; filleted cornucopia over shoulder, EP monogram between legs. CPE B371; Svoronos 974; SNG Copenhagen 227-9 (Ptolemy IV). 42.48g, 37mm, 12h.



Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Andy Hayler, March 2008.


Very Fine.




From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Maureen Omar Collection.

of Egypt, Ptolemy III


Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Andy Hayler, August 2012.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, III Euergetes Æ Tetrobol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right; filleted cornucopia over shoulder, EP monogram between legs. CPE B371; Svoronos 974; SNG Copenhagen 227-9 (Ptolemy IV). 44.54g, 38mm, 12h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Octobol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right; no control mark. CPE B388; Svoronos 412; SNG Copenhagen 141. 83.82g, 45mm, 12h. Ptolemaic Kingdom Euergetes Æ Tetrobol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right; filleted cornucopiae over shoulder. CPE B389; Svoronos 1172; SNG Copenhagen -. 40.31g, 38mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Tetrobol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle, with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right; filleted cornucopiae over shoulder. CPE B389; Svoronos 1172; SNG Copenhagen -. 46.98g, 37mm, 11h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Andy Hayler, December 2008.

Ex DNW A10, 2011


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Drachm. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopia to left, XP monogram between legs. CPE B395; Svoronos 964; SNG Copenhagen 171-2. 67.07g, 42mm, 12h.

Near Extremely Fine; attractive brown patina.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Alan Harrison Collection, Dix Noonan Webb, Auction A10, 22 June 2011, lot 1105 (part of).


Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ


Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired at CoinEx, October 2007.




Ptolemaic Drachm. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopia to left, XP monogram between legs. CPE B395; Svoronos 964; SNG Copenhagen 171-2. 73.19g, 42mm, 11h.




Good Very Fine.


From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Andy Hayler, 2007.


Very Fine.

Egypt, Ptolemy III



From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Amin Rezai, September 2016.




Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III


Good Very Fine.

Æ Triobol.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Andy Hayler, December 2008.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, III Euergetes Drachm. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopia to left, XP monogram between legs. CPE B395; Svoronos 964; SNG Copenhagen 171-2. 61.39g, 41mm, 12h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Euergetes Triobol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopia to left, XP monogram between legs. CPE B396; Svoronos 965; SNG Copenhagen 173-5. 20.64g, 30mm, 12h. Ptolemaic Euergetes Alexandria, circa BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopia to left, XP monogram between legs. CPE B396; Svoronos 965; SNG Copenhagen 173-5. 35.06g, 35mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopiae to left, XP monogram between legs. CPE B397; Svoronos 966; SNG Copenhagen 176-7. 23.18g, 31mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine; minor flan flaw, attractive brown patina.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, March 1987.

Ex Glendining’s 2001



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Obol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, double cornucopiae bound with fillet in left field, XP monogram between legs. CPE B398; Svoronos 967; SNG Copenhagen 178-80. 9.86g, 24mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 87; Ex Glendining’s Auction, 13 July 2001, lot 54 (part of).

Ex Morton & Eden 57, 2012



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Obol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopiae to left, XP monogram between legs. CPE B398; Svoronos 967; SNG Copenhagen 178-80. 11.63g, 24mm, 11h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Morton & Eden, Auction 57, 3 July 2012, lot 131 (part of).



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Obol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopiae to left, XP monogram between legs. CPE B398; Svoronos 967; SNG Copenhagen 178-80. 11.50g, 24mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired at Charing Cross Collectors Market, January 1984.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Obol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopiae to left, XP monogram between legs. CPE B398; Svoronos 967; SNG Copenhagen 178-80. 9.63g, 24mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, September 1988.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Hemiobol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; cornucopiae over shoulder, XP monogram between legs. CPE B399; Svoronos 968; SNG Copenhagen 181-2. 5.01g, 18mm, 11h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired at Charing Cross Collectors Market, June 1984.




Ex Lockett Collection

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Trichalkon. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Head of the deified Alexander to right, wearing elephant skin headdress / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, filleted cornucopiae to left, XP monogram between legs. CPE B400; Svoronos 969; SNG Copenhagen 183-4. 3.74g, 16mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Spink, Auction 36, 30 May 1984, lot 78 (part of); Ex R. C. Lockett Collection, Glendining & Co, 21 February 1961, lot 3015 (part of).



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Dichalkon. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, filleted cornucopiae to left, XP monogram between legs. CPE B401; Svoronos 970; SNG Copenhagen 185-7. 2.81g, 15mm, 11h.

Near Extremely Fine; of fine style.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Dichalkon. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, filleted cornucopiae to left, XP monogram between legs. CPE B401; Svoronos 970; SNG Copenhagen 185-7. 2.34g, 15mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

A Rare Denomination

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Chalkous. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Head of deified Alexander to right, wearing elephant skin headdress / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, filleted cornucopiae to left, XP monogram between legs. CPE B402; Svoronos 971; SNG Copenhagen 188. 1.48g, 13mm, 12h.

Very Fine. A Rare Denomination.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Spink, Auction 36, 30 May 1984, part of lot 78; Ex R. C. Lockett Collection, Glendining & Co, 21 February 1961, lot 3015 (part of).

Two Portrait Bronzes of Ptolemy III



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Hemiobol. Corinth, circa 246-222 BC. Laureate bust to right, wearing aegis / ΠT[O]ΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopiae to right. CPE B407; Svoronos 1000; SNG Copenhagen 193-5. 5.87g, 20mm, 11h.

Near Very Fine. Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from David Miller, August 2000.

845. 30


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Hemiobol. Corinth, circa 246-222 BC. Laureate bust to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopiae to right. CPE B407; Svoronos 1000; SNG Copenhagen 193-5. 5.55g, 20mm, 1h.

Good Fine. Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 90; Acquired from Baldwin’s, 8 April 1998.

Extremely Rare



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes AR Tetradrachm. Unattributed mint in Asia Minor(?), circa 246-222 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠTOΛEM[AIOY] BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt. CPE 801; Svoronos 909β, pl. xxvii, 4. 14.25g, 26mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine. Extremely Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Dichalkon. Kaunos(?) mint, circa 246-222 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ [ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ], eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, trident to left. CPE B434; Svoronos 839; SNG Copenhagen 519. 2.91g, 15mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Chalkous. Kaunos(?) mint, circa 246-222 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ [ΒΑΣΙΛΕ]ΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, trident to left. CPE B435; Svoronos 840. 1.82g, 12mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included. 24


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Obol. Telmessos, circa 246-222 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, tripod to left. CPE B436; Svoronos 791; SNG Copenhagen 476. 10.87g, 23mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Dichalkon. Telmessos, circa 246-222 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ [ΒΑΣΙ]ΛΕΩΣ eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, tripod to left; c/m: A in incuse circle. CPE B437; Svoronos 793; SNG Copenhagen -. 3.25g, 17mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Dichalkon. Telmessos, circa 246-222 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, tripod to left. CPE B437; Svoronos 793; SNG

About Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired at CoinEx in 2012.


854. 24

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex BAC Numismatics, Auction 3, 22 March 2017, lot 33 (part of).

Copenhagen -. 3.41g, 16mm, 12h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Trihemiobol. Paphos, circa 246-222 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, lotus blossom to left. CPE B440; Svoronos 841. 16.11g, 26mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Hemiobol. Paphos, circa 246-222 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, lotus blossom to left. CPE B441; Svoronos 842. 8.23g, 21mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex BAC Numismatics, Auction 3, 22 March 2017, lot 33 (part of).



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Dichalkon. Paphos, circa 246-222 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, lotus blossom to left. CPE B442; Svoronos 843. 3.96g, 17mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex BAC Numismatics, Auction 3, 22 March 2017, part of lot 33.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Dichalkon. Paphos, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / [ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ], eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; lotus flower to left. CPE B442; Svoronos 843. 3.89g, 16mm, 1h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Lennox Gallery, January 1996.



Very Rare

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Trihemiobol. Paphos, circa 246-222 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, facing statue of Aphrodite Cypria on low basis, holding lotus blossom in her right hand and poppies or myrtle branches in her left; c/m: cornucopia or dolphin. CPE B447; Svoronos 1005; SNG Copenhagen 644. 17.34g, 28mm, 11h.

Very Fine. Very Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Helios Numismatik, June 2011.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Obol. Paphos, circa 246-222 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, facing statue of Aphrodite Cypria on low basis, holding lotus blossom in her right hand and poppies or myrtle branches in her left. CPE B448; Svoronos 1006; SNG Copenhagen 645. 12.18g, 25mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, March 1987.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Hemiobol. Paphos, circa 246-222 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, facing statue of Aphrodite Cypria on low basis, holding lotus blossom in her right hand and poppies or myrtle branches in her left. CPE B449; Svoronos 1007; SNG Copenhagen 646. 6.76g, 20mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Dichalkon. Paphos, circa 246-222 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, facing statue of Aphrodite Cypria on low basis, holding lotus blossom in her right hand and poppies or myrtle branches in her left. CPE B450; Svoronos 1008; SNG Copenhagen 647. 3.08g, 15mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes AR Tetradrachm. Sidon, dated RY 3 = 245/4 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙ]OΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΣΙ above エ or エH in left field, Γ (date) above HΛ monogram in right field. CPE 816 or 817; Svoronos 1026, pl. Γ, 17 or 1027, pl. xxxii, 3; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC 18-19 (エH); Meydancikkale -; Noeske -; DCA 31. 14.08g, 26mm, 12h.

About Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 95. 30

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, 1998. 30





CPE 823;

Near Extremely Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 97; Ex Bonhams, 24 March 1999, lot 10 (part of).


ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 92.

Very Rare



Good Very Fine. A Very Rare variant.

Very Fine.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes I AR Tetradrachm. Sidon, dated RY 6 = 242/1 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ eagle closed standing to left on thunderbolt; ΣΙ above エH in left field, C (date) above HΛ monogram in right field. Svoronos 1033, pl. xxxii, 11; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC 21; Meydancikkale -; Noeske 134; DCA 31. 14.19g, 26mm, 12h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy Euergetes AR Tetradrachm. Tyre, dated RY 2 = 246/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [Π] ΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ thunderbolt; TYP civic monogram above club in left field, B (date) above I in right field; Θ between eagle’s legs. CPE 835; Svoronos 1013, pl. xxxi, 3; SNG Copenhagen 499; BMC -; Meydancikkale -; Noeske -; DCA 30. 14.19g, 26mm, 12h. 864. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes AR Tetradrachm. Tyre, dated RY 2 = 246/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤΟ] ΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; TYP civic monogram above club in left field, B (date) above I in right field; MY monogram between eagle’s legs. CPE 836; Svoronos -, but cf. 1013; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC -; Meydancikkale -; Noeske -; DCA 30. 14.20g, 24mm, 12h. From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 93.
865. 60
Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Diobol. Tyre, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; club in left field. CPE B467; Svoronos 707; SNG Copenhagen -. 22.51g, 30mm, 12h. From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 81.
30 Ex Bonhams 1999


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Diobol. Tyre, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt;

-. 23.00g, 30mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 82; Acquired from Baldwin’s, February 1988.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Diobol. Tyre, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; club in left field. CPE B467; Svoronos 707; SNG Copenhagen -. 22.13g, 30mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Obol. Tyre, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; club to left. CPE B468; Svoronos 708 (Ptolemy II); SNG Copenhagen 495 (Ptolemy II). 13.16g, 26mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 84. 18


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Hemiobol. Tyre, 246-221 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; club to left. CPE B469; Svoronos 709 (Ptolemy II);

SNG Copenhagen 496 (Ptolemy II). 5.91g, 19mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

club to left. CPE B467; Svoronos 707; SNG Copenhagen
From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, August 2000. 30
From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 86; Privately acquired from Howard Simmons, February 2002. 24


Ex Spink 13015, 2013

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes I AR Tetradrachm. Ptolemais (Ake), dated RY 2 = 246/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡ[ΟΣ], eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΠΤ civic monogram above ME monogram in left field, B (date) above A in right field. CPE 857; Svoronos 1035, pl. xxxii, 13; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC 25; Meydancikkale -; Noeske -; DCA 29; Hendin GBC 6, 6093. 14.10g, 25mm, 12h.

Very Fine; ‘X’ graffito on rev.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 98; Ex Spink & Son Ltd., Auction 13015, 2 December 2013, lot 150 (part of).



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes AR Tetradrachm. Ioppe, dated RY 3 = 245/4 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; IOΠ civic monogram above MT monogram in left field, Γ (date) above Θ in right field. CPE 873;

14.10g, 27mm, 11h.

Very Fine. Very Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 99.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes AR Tetradrachm. Ioppe, dated RY 4 = 244/3 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; IOΠ civic monogram above Θ in left field, Δ (date) above エ in right field. CPE 876;

Very Fine. Very Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 100.


Very Fine; graffito on rev.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 101.



Svoronos -; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC -; Meydancikkale -; Noeske -; DCA 28; Hendin GBC 6, 6105. Svoronos 1042, pl. xxxii, 23; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC -; Meydancikkale 4051; Noeske -; DCA 28; Hendin GBC 6, 6105. 14.09g, 26mm, 12h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes AR Tetradrachm. Gaza, dated RY 2 = 246/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛEΜΑΙOΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΓΑ civic monogram above AN monogram in left field, B (date) above エ in right field. CPE 883; Svoronos 1045, pl. xxxii, 26; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC 28; Meydancikkale -; Noeske -; DCA 26; Hendin GBC 6, 6101. 14.18g, 27mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Obol. Kyrene, circa 246-222 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ, head of Libya to right, wearing tainia; cornucopiae below chin. CPE B487; Svoronos 871 (Ptolemy II); SNG Copenhagen 442-4 (Ptolemy IV-VIII). 5.85g, 21mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, April 1998.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Obol. Kyrene, circa 246-222 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΠTOΛEMAIOY, head of Libya to right, wearing tainia; cornucopiae below chin. CPE B487; Svoronos 871 (Ptolemy II); SNG Copenhagen 442-4 (Ptolemy IV-VIII). 10.12g, 22mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Triobol. Alexandria, circa 222-220/19


Very Fine; attractive brown patina.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Triobol. Alexandria, circa 222-220/19 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopia to left, ΛI between legs. CPE B494; Svoronos 1128; SNG Copenhagen 203-4. 34.12g, 36mm, 12h.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Andy Hayler, December 2008. 45

BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopia to left, ΛI between legs. CPE B494; Svoronos 1128; SNG Copenhagen 203-4. 34.65g, 32mm, 12h.
From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired at Cumberland Coin Fair, February 1984. 30
Good Very Fine.




Svoronos 1125; SNG Copenhagen -. 76.14g, 41mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, November 2006.



CPE B496; Svoronos 1127; SNG Copenhagen 201-2. 33.53g, 34mm, 12h.

Very Fine; attractive brown patina.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Morton & Eden, Auction 57, 3 July 2012, lot 131 (part of).




Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, IV Philopator Æ Drachm. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopia to left, ΔI between legs. CPE B495; Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Triobol. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, filleted cornucopiae over his shoulder; ΔΙ between legs. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Drachm. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopiae to left, ΣE between legs. CPE B502; Svoronos 992; SNG Copenhagen 205-6. 64.97g, 39mm, 11h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Drachm. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopia to left, ΣE between legs. CPE B502; Svoronos 992; SNG Copenhagen 205-6. 69.99g, 42mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, 5 August 1986.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Tetrobol. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right; ΣE between legs. CPE B503a; Svoronos 1148; SNG Copenhagen 207-9. 53.22g, 38mm, 11h.

883. 30

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Amin Rezai, September 2016.



884. 45

Very Fine; attractive brown patina.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, 27 April 1998.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, IV Philopator Æ Tetrobol. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right; ΣΕ between legs; c/m: cornucopia within rectangular incuse. CPE B503b; Svoronos 1149; SNG Copenhagen 207-9. 44.92g, 38mm, 11h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Tetrobol. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right; ΣΕ between legs; c/m: cornucopia within rectangular incuse. CPE B503b; Svoronos 1149; SNG Copenhagen 207-9. 50.63g, 37mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Tetrobol. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right; ΣΕ between legs; c/m: cornucopia within rectangular incuse. CPE B503b; Svoronos 1149; SNG Copenhagen 207-9. 47.56g, 36mm, 11h.

886. 30

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, filleted double cornucopiae over his shoulder; ΣE between legs. CPE B506; Svoronos 1151; SNG Copenhagen 213 and 215-8. 20.09g, 31mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Münz Zentrum Rheinland. Auction 145, 3 September 2008, lot 1885 (part of). 45


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, filleted double cornucopiae over his shoulder; ΣE between legs. CPE B506; Svoronos 1151; SNG Copenhagen 213 and 215-8. 22.46g, 31mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, April 1998.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Drachm. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopia to left, ΣE monogram between legs. CPE B508; Svoronos 992; SNG Copenhagen 205-6. 67.17g, 42mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, 21 April 1998.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Drachm. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopia to

CPE B508;

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Glendining’s Auction, 13 July 2001, lot 54 (part of).




left, ΣE monogram between legs. Svoronos 992; SNG Copenhagen 205-6. 70.35g, 41mm, 12h.
Ex Glendining’s 2001


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Drachm. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings closed standing to

CPE B508;

Good Very Fine.


From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from David Miller, February 2008.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Drachm. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC.

taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings

legs. CPE B508; Svoronos 992; SNG Copenhagen 205-6. 70.16g,

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Amin Rezai, September 2013.





Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Glendining’s Auction, 13 July 2001, lot 54 (part of).


left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopia to left, ΣE monogram between legs. Svoronos SNG Copenhagen 205-6. 72.94g, 42mm, 12h. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing closed standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopia to left, ΣE monogram between 41mm, 12h. 892. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Drachm. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopiae to left, ΣE monogram between legs. CPE B508; Svoronos 992; SNG Copenhagen -. 69.88g, 42mm, 12h.
Glendining’s 2001


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Tetrobol. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right; ΣΕ monogram between legs. CPE B509; Svoronos 1145 corr. (control); SNG Copenhagen -. 48.28g, 37mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Triobol. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopia to left, ΣE monogram between legs. CPE B510; Svoronos 993; SNG Copenhagen 212. 34.18g, 32mm, 12h.

895. 30

Very Fine; attractive brown patina.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Mark Thomas, October 1988.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Triobol. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings closed standing to


Very Fine.


left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopia to left, ΣE monogram between legs. B510; Svoronos 993; SNG 212. 36.84g, 34mm, 12h.
From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included. 30


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Triobol. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopia to left, ΣE monogram between legs. CPE B510; Svoronos 993; SNG Copenhagen 212. 42.30g, 33mm, 12h.

Very Fine; attractive brown patina.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from John Cummings, October 1998.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, filleted double cornucopiae over his shoulder; ΣE monogram between legs. CPE B511; Svoronos 994; SNG Copenhagen 214. 21.47g, 30mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Spink & Son Ltd., Auction 36, 30 May 1984, lot 78 (part of); Ex R. C. Lockett Collection, Glendining & Co, 21 February 1961, lot 3015 (part of).


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, filleted double cornucopiae over his shoulder; ΣE monogram between legs. CPE B511; Svoronos 994; SNG Copenhagen 214. 22.73g, 30mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Purchased from Andy Hayler, October 2010.




Lockett Collection


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Tetrobol. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; monogram between legs; c/m: cornucopia within rectangular incuse. CPE B514; Svoronos 1140; SNG Copenhagen -. 46.52g, 36mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Tetrobol. Alexandria, circa 219-204 BC. Head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; monogram between legs; c/m: cornucopia within rectangular incuse. CPE B514; Svoronos 1140; SNG Copenhagen -. 46.62g, 35mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Drachm. Tyre, circa 217-204 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; club to left, ΔI between legs. CPE B542; Svoronos 1129; SNG Copenhagen -. 65.88g, 42mm, 12h.

Very Fine; tooled.


From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Richard Swan, June 2000. 45

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Drachm. Tyre, circa 217-204 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; club to left, ΔI between legs. CPE B542; Svoronos 1129; SNG Copenhagen -. 67.85g, 42mm, 12h.

903. 30

About Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Chris Martin, 1998.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV Philopator Æ Triobol. Tyre, circa 217-204 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; club to left, ΔI between legs. CPE B543; Svoronos 1130; SNG Copenhagen -. 36.18g, 35mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

An Abortive Era?


BC. Diademed head

right, wearing

Philopator AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint 39, dated year


era’, possibly

/ ΠTOΛEMAIOY ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; Γ (date) between eagle’s legs. CPE 943; Hosking 9; Svoronos -; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC -; Noeske -. 13.50g, 25mm, 11h.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Morton & Eden.

Lorber has noted that this issue, with a control letter between the legs of the eagle, was replaced by an issue with no controls (see CPE 944 & 946). It has also been argued by Lorber that the control is unlikely to represent an administrative mark or regnal year but rather an era date. Only the victory at Raphia against the Seleukid forces of Antiochos III in 217 BC seems plausible for the declaration of a new era date during the reign of Ptolemy IV. The erasure of the era date from subsequent issues suggests the era was cancelled during or immediately after its third year and is described by Lorber as an ‘abortive era’ (see CPE, p. 447). 90

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included. 30
Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IV 3 an ‘abortive 216/5 or 215/4 to aegis Very Fine; area of corrosion on obv., cleaning marks. Extremely Rare.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1231; SNG Copenhagen 245; Noeske 176-177. 13.69g, 25mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine; minor flan crack at 10h.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Baldwin’s Auctions Ltd, Auction 100, 27 September 2016, lot 317 (part of).


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 31mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 1. Wreathed head of Isis to right / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Lorber & Faucher Series 6A; Svoronos 1491 (joint reign of Ptolemy VI and VIII); SNG Copenhagen 332 (Ptolemy VIII). 28.99g, 31mm, 11h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Fred Risk, April 1990.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 35mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 1. Wreathed head of Isis to right / [ΠTOΛEMAIOY] BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to

Copenhagen 246. 32.03g, 35mm, 12h.

Good Fine; overstruck.


left on thunderbolt. Faucher & Lorber Series 6B; Svoronos 1233; SNG
From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included. 18

Ex Lockett Collection


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 28mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 1. Bearded head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Faucher & Lorber Series 6A; Svoronos 1492 (joint reign of Ptolemy VI and VIII); SNG Copenhagen 333 (Ptolemy VIII). 19.93g, 28mm, 10h.

Near Very Fine; cleaning marks.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 29mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 1. Bearded head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Faucher & Lorber Series 6A; Svoronos 1492 (joint reign of Ptolemy VI

and VIII); SNG Copenhagen 333 (Ptolemy VIII). 16.49g, 29mm, 11h.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Münz Zentrum Rheinland. Auction 145, 3 September 2008, lot 1885 (part of).

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 24mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC.

series 1. Head of the deified Alexander to right, wearing elephant skin headdress / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Faucher & Lorber Series 6A; Svoronos 1493 (joint reign of Ptolemy VI and VIII); SNG Copenhagen 334-8 (Ptolemy VIII). 13.14g, 24mm, 11h.



From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included. 24

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Spink & Son Ltd., Auction 36, 30 May 1984, lot 67 (part of); Ex R. C. Lockett Collection, Glendining & Co, 21 February 1961, lot 3015 (part of). 24
Very Fine.
Unmarked Near Very Fine.
Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 24mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 1. Head of the deified Alexander to right, wearing elephant skin headdress / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Faucher & Lorber Series 6A; Svoronos 1493 (joint reign of Ptolemy VI and VIII); SNG Copenhagen 334-8 (Ptolemy VIII). 15.05g, 24mm, 11h. Near Very Fine. From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included. 30


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 28mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 1. Head of the deified Alexander to right, wearing elephant skin headdress / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Faucher & Lorber Series 6A; Svoronos 1493 (joint reign of Ptolemy VI and VIII); SNG Copenhagen 334-8 (Ptolemy VIII). 19.01g, 28mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, April 1990.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 28mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 1. Head of the deified Alexander to right, wearing elephant skin headdress / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Faucher & Lorber Series 6A; Svoronos 1493 (joint reign of Ptolemy VI and VIII); SNG Copenhagen 334-8 (Ptolemy VIII). 19.77g, 28mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Münz Zentrum Rheinland. Auction 145, 3 September 2008, lot 1885 (part of).


Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


914. 24
Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 29mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 2. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / [ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ] ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, two eagles with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; cornucopia to left. Faucher & Lorber Series 6C; Svoronos 1424 (joint reign of Ptolemy VI and VIII); SNG Copenhagen 305-7 (Joint reign of Ptolemy VI and Ptolemy VIII). 24.15g, 29mm, 11h.

Ex Sotheby’s 2001


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 29mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 2. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, two eagles with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; cornucopia to left. Faucher & Lorber Series 6C; Svoronos 1424 (joint reign of Ptolemy VI and VIII); SNG Copenhagen 305-7 (Joint reign of Ptolemy VI and Ptolemy VIII). 25.17g, 29mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Sotheby’s, 2 May 2001, lot 631 (part of).


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 31mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 2. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, two eagles with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; cornucopia to left. Faucher & Lorber Series 6C; Svoronos 142 (joint reign of Ptolemy VI and VIII); SNG Copenhagen 305-7 (Joint reign of Ptolemy VI and Ptolemy VIII). 19.66g, 31mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, September 1988.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 27mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 2. Wreathed head of Isis to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Faucher & Lorber Series 6B; Svoronos 1234; SNG Copenhagen 247-248. 19.24g, 27mm, 11h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Alan Harrison Collection, Dix Noonan Webb, Auction A10, 22 June 2011, lot 1105 (part of). 30


Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 28mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 2. Wreathed head of Isis to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Faucher & Lorber Series 6B; Svoronos 1234; SNG Copenhagen 247-248. 18.48g, 28mm, 12h.

About Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, August 2000.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 28mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 2. Wreathed head of Isis to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Faucher & Lorber Series 6B; Svoronos 1234; SNG Copenhagen 247-248. 19.43g, 28mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 29mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 2. Wreathed head of Isis to right / [ΠΤΟ]ΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Faucher & Lorber Series 6B; Svoronos 1234; SNG Copenhagen 247-248. 18.46g, 29mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S.

Near Very Fine.

S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, November 2006.


Ptolemaic Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Christopher Martin, 1998. 921.
Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 23mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 2. Bearded head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Faucher & Lorber Series 6C; Svoronos 1494 (Joint reign of Ptolemy VI and Ptolemy VIII); SNG Copenhagen 339-43 (Ptolemy VIII). 10.06g, 23mm, 12h.
From the Pavlos 24


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 23mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 2. Bearded head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Faucher & Lorber Series 6C; Svoronos 1494 (Joint reign of Ptolemy VI and Ptolemy VIII); SNG Copenhagen 339-43 (Ptolemy VIII). 10.99g, 23mm, 10h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Christopher Martin, 1997.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 24mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 2. Bearded head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Faucher & Lorber Series 6C; Svoronos 1494 (Joint reign of Ptolemy VI and Ptolemy VIII); SNG Copenhagen 339-43 (Ptolemy VIII). 12.46g, 24mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Christopher Martin, 1997.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 21mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 2. Head of Alexandria to right, wearing elephant skin headdress / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Faucher & Lorber Series 6E; Svoronos 1236; SNG Copenhagen 250. 9.68g, 21mm, 11h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes 18mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 2. Wreathed head of Isis to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, head to

holding filleted cornucopiae over shoulder. Lorber & Faucher Series 6E; Svoronos 1238; SNG Copenhagen 256-259. 4.03g, 18mm, 12h.

Extremely Fine; a superb example of the type.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired at Bloomsbury Coin Fair, July 2007. 45


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes 17mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180C. Unmarked series 2. Wreathed head of Isis to right / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right, filleted cornucopiae over shoulder. Faucher & Lorber Series 6E; Svoronos 1238; SNG Copenhagen 256-9. 4.75g, 17mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, March 1988.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes 17mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180. Unmarked series 2. Wreathed head of Isis to right / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right, cornucopiae over shoulder. Faucher & Lorber Series 6E; Svoronos 1238 var. (filleted cornucopiae); SNG Copenhagen 256-9 var. (same). 4.24g, 17mm, 11h.

Very Fine. Rare variant.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, 1998.

Ex Glendining’s 1990



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 25mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 3. Wreathed head of Isis to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Faucher & Lorber Series 7C; Svoronos 1235; SNG Copenhagen 248. 16.14g, 25mm, 11h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex A. L. Phillips Collection, Glendining’s Auction, 7 March 1990, lot 723 (part of).




248. 11.06g, 23mm, 11h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, April 1998.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, V Epiphanes Æ 23mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 3(?). Wreathed head of Isis to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Cf. Faucher & Lorber Series 7C; cf. Svoronos 1235; cf. SNG Copenhagen


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 23mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series, unknown. Wreathed head of Isis to right / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right, filleted cornucopiae over shoulder. Faucher & Lorber Series 6A; Svoronos 1154 (Ptolemy IV); SNG Copenhagen 240-242 (Ptolemy IV). 8.89g, 23mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Morton & Eden, Auction 57, 3 July 2012, lot 131 (part of).



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 23mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series, unknown. Wreathed head of Isis to right / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right, filleted cornucopiae over shoulder. Faucher & Lorber Series 6A; Svoronos 1154 (Ptolemy IV); SNG Copenhagen 240-242 (Ptolemy IV). 8.69g, 23mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from John Cummings, February 2002.

Ex Lockett Collection



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 18mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series, unknown. Draped male bust to right, wearing Attic helmet / [ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ] ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopia over shoulder. Faucher & Lorber Series 6B; Svoronos 1155 (Ptolemy IV); SNG Copenhagen 235-236 (Ptolemy IV). 3.49g, 18mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 14mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series, unknown. Draped male bust to right, wearing Attic helmet / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; cornucopia to left. Faucher & Lorber Series 6E; Svoronos 1156 (Ptolemy IV); SNG Copenhagen 237-8 (Ptolemy IV). 2.11g, 14mm, 12h.

Very Fine. Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, April 1998. 30

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Spink & Son Ltd., Auction 36, 30 May 1984, lot 67 (part of); Ex R. C. Lockett Collection, Glendining & Co, 21 February 1961, lot 3015 (part of). 30


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 14mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series, unknown. Draped male bust to right, wearing Attic helmet / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; cornucopia to left. Faucher & Lorber Series 6E; Svoronos 1156 (Ptolemy IV); SNG Copenhagen 237-8 (Ptolemy IV). 2.11g, 14mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine; harshly cleaned. Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

None on CoinArchives



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 20mm. Alexandria, circa 181-174 BC. Marked series class 1. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right; K between legs. Faucher & Lorber Series 6D;Svoronos 1378 (Ptolemy VI); SNG Copenhagen 273. 5.74g, 20mm, 11h.

About Very Fine. Extremely Rare; no other examples on CoinArchives.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired at Charing Cross Collectors Market, April 1996.


937. 24


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 16mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Marked series class 1. Helmeted and draped male bust to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, sceptre over shoulder; K between legs. Lorber & Faucher Series 6D; Svoronos 1379 (Ptolemy VI); SNG Copenhagen -. 2.91g, 16mm, 11h.

Near Very Fine. Very Rare; seemingly only two examples on CoinArchives.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Münz Zentrum Rheinland. Auction 145, 3 September 2008, lot 1885 (part of).

Extremely Rare

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 31mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Bearded head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; IΠ to left. Faucher & Lorber Series 6A; Svoronos 1497 (Joint reign of Ptolemy VI and Ptolemy VIII); SNG Copenhagen -. 22.00g, 31mm, 11h.

Near Very Fine. Extremely Rare; seemingly no other examples on CoinArchives.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Münz Zentrum Rheinland. Auction 145, 3 September 2008, lot 1885 (part of).



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 20mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Wreathed head of Isis to right / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; Λ(?) between legs. Cf. Svoronos 1237 (no Λ); cf. SNG Copenhagen 253-5 (same). 7.19g, 20mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Morton & Eden, Auction 57, 3 July 2012, lot 131 (part of).



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 34mm. Tyre, 202-200 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, filleted cornucopiae above shoulder; to left, club; monogram between legs. Svoronos 1251; SNG Copenhagen 528. 29.53g, 34mm, 12h.

About Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Gregory Conlin Collection, Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 185, 2 April 2008, lot 129.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint (Arados?), dated year 78 of an uncertain era = 185/4 BC. Diademed head of Ptolemy I to right, aegis around neck / ΠTOΛEMAIOY ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; OH (date) in left field. Svoronos 1098; Mørkholm, Ptolemaic 78 (Arados); SNG Copenhagen -; DCA 73 (Cyprus or Pelusium mint). 13.70g, 28mm, 12h.

Near Extremely Fine; rea of corrosion. Very Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 103; Privately purchased from Amin Rezai, December 2012.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VI Philometor AR Tetradrachm. First sole reign. Uncertain mint (Arados?), dated year 84 of an uncertain era = 179/8 BC. Diademed head of Ptolemy I to right, aegis around neck / [ΠTO]ΛEMAIOY ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; ΠΔ (date) in left field. Svoronos 1106; Mørkholm, Ptolemaic 102 (Arados); SNG Copenhagen 545 (Arados?); DCA 73 (Cyprus or Pelusium mint). 14.34g, 26mm, 1h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 104; Privately purchased from Amin Rezai, December 2012.


Ex CNG E-185, 2008


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VI Philometor AR Tetradrachm. First sole reign. Uncertain mint (Arados?), dated year 85 of an uncertain era = 178/7 BC. Diademed head of Ptolemy I to right, aegis around neck / ΠTOΛEMAIOY ΣΩTHPOΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; ΠЄ (date) to left. Svoronos 1107; Mørkholm, Ptolemaic 127 (Arados); SNG Copenhagen Supp. 1311 (Arados?); DCA 73 (Cyprus or Pelusium mint). 14.27g, 28mm, 12h.

Near Extremely Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 105.

Very Rare

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VI Philometor AR Tetradrachm. First sole reign. Uncertain mint (Arados?), dated year 87 of an uncertain era = 176/5 BC. Diademed head of Ptolemy I to right, aegis around neck / ΠT[O]ΛEM[AIOY] ΣΩTHPOΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; ΠZ monogram (date) to left. Svoronos 1109; Mørkholm, Ptolemaic 131-5 (Arados); SNG Copenhagen -; DCA 73 (Cyprus or Pelusium mint). 13.98g, 26mm, 12h.


944. 120

Extremely Fine. Very Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 106; Privately purchased from Amin Rezai, December 2012.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VI Philometor AR Tetradrachm. First sole reign. Uncertain mint (Arados?), dated year 87 of an uncertain era = 176/5 BC. Diademed head of Ptolemy I to right, aegis around neck / ΠTOΛEMAIOY ΣΩTHPOΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; ΠZ monogram (date) to left. Svoronos 1109; Mørkholm, Ptolemaic 131-5 (Arados); SNG Copenhagen -; DCA 73 (Cyprus or Pelusium mint). 13.84g, 27mm, 12h.

Near Extremely Fine; areas of delamination. Very Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 107; Privately purchased from Amin Rezai, December 2012.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VI Philometor AR Tetradrachm. First sole reign. Uncertain

Extremely Fine;

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 57, 25 March 2018, lot 108; Acquired from Spink, June 2005.


mint (Arados?), dated year 89 of an uncertain era = 174/3 BC. Diademed head of Ptolemy I to right, aegis around neck / ΠTOΛEMAIOY ΣΩTHPOΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; ΠΘ monogram (date) to left. Svoronos 1111; Mørkholm, Ptolemaic 148 (Arados); SNG Copenhagen -; DCA 73 (Cyprus or Pelusium mint). 14.06g, 28mm, 12h. minor flan crack at 10h, attractive gold iridescence around the devices. 946.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VI Philometor AR Tetradrachm. Second sole reign. Alexandria, circa 163-145 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1489; SNG Copenhagen 262-268; Noeske 192-193. 14.32g, 27mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine; surface marks.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Ex Lockett Collection


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VI Philometor, with Kleopatra II, Æ 29mm. Second sole reign. Alexandria, circa 163-145 BC. Marked series class 2. [ΒΑΣΙ]ΛΙΣΣΗΣ ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑΣ, horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, two eagles with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; double cornucopiae in left field, ΠΑ monogram between legs of eagle to right. Lorber & Faucher Series 7A; Svoronos 1380; (Ptolemy VI and Kleopatra I as Regent); SNG Copenhagen 274-275 (Ptolemy VI and Kleopatra I as Regent). 25.06g, 29mm, 11h.

Very Fine; attractive brown patina.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Spink & Son Ltd., Auction 36, 30 May 1984, lot 73 (part of); Ex R. C. Lockett Collection, Glendining & Co, 21 February 1961, lot 3015 (part of).




Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VI Philometor, with Kleopatra II, Æ 29mm. Second sole reign. Alexandria, circa 163-145 BC. Marked series

2. ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΗΣ ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑΣ, horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, two eagles with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; double cornucopiae in left field, ΠΑ monogram between legs of eagle

Lorber & Faucher Series 7A; Svoronos 1380 (Ptolemy VI and Kleopatra I as Regent); SNG Copenhagen 274-275 (Ptolemy VI and Kleopatra I as Regent). 21.74g, 29mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Amin Rezai, 2010.


class to right.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VI Philometor, with Kleopatra II, Æ 22mm. Second sole reign. Alexandria, circa 163-145 BC. Marked series class 2. ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΗΣ ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑΣ, head of the deified Alexander to right, wearing elephant skin headdress / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; monogram to left. Faucher & Lorber Series 7A; Svoronos 1381 (Ptolemy VI and Kleopatra I as Regent); SNG Copenhagen 276-7 (Ptolemy VI and Kleopatra I as Regent). 7.93g, 22mm, 11h.

Very Fine; cleaning marks.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, March 1987.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VI Philometor, with Kleopatra II, Æ 21mm. Second sole reign. Alexandria, circa 163-145 BC. Marked series class 2. ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΗΣ ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑΣ, head of the deified Alexander to right, wearing elephant skin headdress / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; monogram to left. Faucher & Lorber Series 7A; Svoronos 1381 (Ptolemy VI and Kleopatra I as Regent); SNG Copenhagen 276-7 (Ptolemy VI and Kleopatra I as Regent). 7.22g, 21mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, March 1987.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VI Philometor, with Kleopatra II, Æ 16mm. Second sole reign. Alexandria, circa 163-145 BC. Marked series class 2. ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΗΣ ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑΣ, Wreathed head of Isis to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right, cornucopiae over shoulder; monogram to left. Svoronos 1382; SNG Copenhagen 278. 3.43g, 16mm, 11h.

Near Very Fine. Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Münz Zentrum Rheinland. Auction 145, 3 September 2008, lot 1885 (part of).



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VI Philometor, with Kleopatra II, Æ 17mm. Second sole reign. Alexandria, circa 163-145 BC. Marked series class 2. ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΗΣ ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑΣ, Wreathed head of Isis to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right, cornucopiae over shoulder; monogram to left. Svoronos 1382; SNG Copenhagen 278. 5.24g, 17mm, 10h.

Near Very Fine. Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Münz Zentrum Rheinland. Auction 145, 3 September 2008, lot 1885 (part of).




Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VI Philometor Æ 25mm. Second sole reign. Alexandria, circa 163-145 BC. Marked series class 3. Wreathed head of Isis to right / [ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ] ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; monogram to left. Svoronos 1384 (Ptolemy VI and Kleopatra I as Regent); Faucher & Lorber Series 7B; SNG Copenhagen 279-87 (Ptolemy VI and Kleopatra I as Regent). 15.07g, 25mm, 11h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VI Philometor Æ 26mm. Second sole reign. Alexandria, circa 163-145 BC. Marked series class 3. Wreathed head of Isis to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; monogram to left. Faucher & Lorber Series 7B; Svoronos 1384 (Ptolemy VI and Kleopatra I as Regent); SNG Copenhagen 279-87 (Ptolemy VI and Kleopatra I as Regent). 16.52g, 26mm, 11h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, August 2000.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VI Philometor Æ 27mm. Second sole reign. Alexandria, circa 163-145 BC. Marked series class 3. Wreathed head of Isis to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; monogram to left. Faucher & Lorber Series 7B; Svoronos 1384 (Ptolemy VI and Kleopatra I as Regent); SNG Copenhagen 279-87 (Ptolemy VI and Kleopatra I as Regent). 19.06g, 27mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, April 1990.

Fine; small area of delamination on rev.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou 30
956. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (Physcon) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 50 = 121/0 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L N (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1524; SNG Copenhagen -; Noeske 249; DCA 54. 14.10g, 25mm, 11h. Very From 90
the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Morton & Eden, Auction 6, 11 December 2003, lot 78 (part of).


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (Physcon) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 50 = 121/0 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L N (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1524; SNG Copenhagen -; Noeske 249; DCA 54. 13.95g, 26mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine; attractive light old cabinet tone.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (Physcon) Æ 24mm. Uncertain mint on Cyprus, dated RY 34 = 137/6 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / [ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ] ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L ΛΔ (date) above lotus to left. Svoronos 1629; SNG Copenhagen 661; DCA 56. 9.93g, 24mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, temp. Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (Physcon) Æ 11mm. Uncertain mint on Cyprus(?), circa 145-116 BC. Head of female (Aphrodite or Arsinoe III?) to right / [ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ], double cornucopiae tied with fillets. Svoronos 1160 (Ptolemy IV); SNG Copenhagen 648. 1.76g, 11mm, 2h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Lennox Gallery, January 1996.

Catharine Lorber has suggested that the usual attribution to Ptolemy IV is too early due to numerous examples of this type found in the excavations at Nea Paphos which indicates that the issue was later, possibly 2nd-1st century BC.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (Physcon) Æ 25mm. Kyrene, circa 145-116 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ, eagle with spread wings standing to right on thunderbolt; Φ to right. Svoronos 1643 (Egypt); SNG Copenhagen -. 10.64g, 25mm, 12h.

Very Fine. Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, August 1987.


Very Rare


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (Physcon) Æ 46mm. Kyrene, circa 145-116 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / BAΣIΛEΩ[Σ ΠTOΛEMAIOY EYEPΓETOY], filleted double cornucopiae; [Φ] in left field. Svoronos 1640; BMCRE 132-3; SNG Copenhagen -. 66.23g, 46mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine; surface marks. Very Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Münz Zentrum Rheinland 145, 3 September 2008, lot 662.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (Physcon) Æ 47mm. Kyrene, circa 145-116 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΠTOΛEMAIOY [EYEPΓETOY], eagle with wings spread standing to right, on thunderbolt; Φ to right. Svoronos 1641; Asolati 84; SNG Copenhagen 651. 48.83g, 47mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, 30 August 1988.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (Physcon) Æ 19mm. Kyrene, circa 145-116 BC.

head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΘΕ to left. Svoronos 1651 (Alexandria); SNG Copenhagen 655-7 (Uncertain mint in Cyprus). 3.70g, 19mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included. 30


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (Physcon) Æ 20mm. Kyrene, circa 145-116 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ΘΕ to left. Svoronos 1651 (Alexandria); SNG Copenhagen 655-7 (Uncertain mint in Cyprus). 4.51g, 20mm, 11h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, July 2003.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 1 = 117/6 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠTOΛEΜAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L A (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1659; SNG Copenhagen 347; DCA 60. 13.91g, 28mm, 12h.

Extremely Fine; flan crack at 1h, pleasant light tone over lustrous metal.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired at London Coin Fair, July 2015.


Good Very Fine; attractive deep old cabinet tone.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Very Fine.


(Lathyros) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 2 = 116/5 BC. Diademed head


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II to right, wearing aegis / ΠTOΛEΜAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L B (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1660; SNG Copenhagen 348; DCA 60. 14.21g, 28mm, 12h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 2 = 116/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠTOΛEΜAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L B (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1660; SNG Copenhagen 348; DCA 60. 14.08g, 27mm, 12h. From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from John Cummings. 968.


Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) Æ 27mm. Alexandria, dated RY 3 = 115/4 BC. Bearded head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin; K behind / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; Ω over Σ to left, L Γ (date) to right. Svoronos 1190 (Ptolemy IV; uncertain mint in Cyprus); SNG Copenhagen 533 (Ptolemy V; uncertain mint in Phoenicia); DCA 35 (Ptolemy V). 16.24g, 27mm, 11h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, April 1998.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) Æ 26mm. Alexandria, dated RY 4 = 114/3 BC. Bearded head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin; [K behind] / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; Ω

1193 (Ptolemy IV;

Good Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s, March 1987.

Good Very Fine; attractive light cabinet tone.

Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included. 30

Ptolemaic over Σ to left, L Δ (date) to right. Svoronos uncertain mint in Cyprus); SNG Copenhagen 536 (Ptolemy V; uncertain mint in Phoenicia); DCA 35 (Ptolemy V). 15.22g, 26mm, 11h.
Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 5 = 113/2 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠTOΛEΜAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L E (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1666; SNG Copenhagen 350; DCA 60. 14.17g, 25mm, 12h.
From 90
the 971. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 5 = 113/2 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠTOΛEΜAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L E (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1666; SNG Copenhagen 350; DCA 60. 14.13g, 23mm, 11h. Very Fine.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 6 = 112/1 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠTOΛEΜAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L C (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1667; SNG Copenhagen 351; DCA 60. 13.86g, 25mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 7 = 111/0 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠTO]ΛEΜAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L エ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1668; SNG Copenhagen -; DCA 60. 13.93g, 24mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 8 = 110/9 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠTOΛEΜAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ,


975. 60

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Near Very Fine.

eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L H (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1669; SNG Copenhagen 352; DCA 60. 14.32g, 24mm, 12h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 8 = 110/9 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠTOΛEΜAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L H (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1669; SNG Copenhagen 352; DCA 60. 13.97g, 25mm, 12h.
From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included. 30


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 8 = 110/9 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠTOΛEΜAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L H (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1669; SNG Copenhagen 352; DCA 60. 13.95g, 24mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Morton & Eden, Auction 6, 11 December 2003, lot 78 (part of).



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 8 = 110/9 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠTOΛEΜAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L H (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1669; SNG Copenhagen 352; DCA 60. 14.45g, 25mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 9 = 109/8 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠTOΛEΜAIOY BAΣIΛE[ΩΣ], eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L Θ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1670; SNG Copenhagen 353-355;

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


DCA 60. 14.32g, 25mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 9 = 109/8 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠTOΛEΜAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L Θ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1670; SNG Copenhagen 353-355; DCA 60. 13.56g, 25mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Spink, Coinex Sale 26, 27 September 2006, lot 789 (part of).



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 10 = 108/7 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠTO]ΛEΜAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L I (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1671; SNG Copenhagen 356-357; DCA 60. 14.02g, 24mm,

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 10 = 108/7 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠTOΛE]ΜAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L I (date)


982. 30

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Very Fine.

12h. to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1671; SNG Copenhagen 356-357; DCA 60. 13.93g, 24mm, 12h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 10 = 108/7 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠTOΛEΜAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L I (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1671; SNG Copenhagen 356-357; DCA 60. 13.61g, 24mm, 12h.
From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included. 30


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 10 = 108/7 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠTOΛEΜAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L I (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1671; SNG Copenhagen 356-357; DCA 60. 14.08g, 25mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Panicos Klitou Collection.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 10 = 108/7 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠTOΛEΜAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L I (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1671; SNG Copenhagen 356-357; DCA 60. 13.76g, 25mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Kleopatra III and


Good Very Fine; area of corrosion to obv.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

RY 10 = 108/7


987. 60

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L I (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1671; SNG Copenhagen 356-357; DCA 60. 14.34g, 24mm, 12h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 10 = 108/7 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠTOΛEΜAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L I (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1671; SNG Copenhagen 356-357; DCA 60. 14.31g, 25mm, 11h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, temp. Kleopatra III & Ptolemy IX to Ptolemy XII Æ 19mm. Alexandria, 116-51 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, two eagles with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; cornucopia to left. Faucher & Lorber pp. 46-7, Series 9; Svoronos 1426 (joint reign of Ptolemy VI and VIII); SNG Copenhagen 311-4 (Joint reign of Ptolemy VI and Ptolemy VIII). 8.94g, 19mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, temp. Kleopatra III & Ptolemy IX to Ptolemy XII Æ 20mm. Alexandria, 116-51 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / [ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑ]ΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, two eagles with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; cornucopia to left. Faucher & Lorber pp. 46-7, Series 9; Svoronos 1426 (joint reign of Ptolemy VI and VIII); SNG Copenhagen 311-4 (Joint reign of Ptolemy VI and Ptolemy VIII). 9.23g, 20mm, 11h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, temp. Kleopatra III & Ptolemy IX to Ptolemy XII Æ 20mm. Alexandria, 116-51 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, two eagles with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; cornucopia to left. Faucher & Lorber pp. 46-7, Series 9; Svoronos 1426 (joint reign of Ptolemy VI and VIII); SNG

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.




991. 30

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired from Baldwin’s,August 1989.

Copenhagen 311-4 (Joint reign of Ptolemy VI and Ptolemy VIII). 7.08g, 20mm, 11h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, temp. Kleopatra III & Ptolemy IX to Ptolemy XII Æ 20mm. Alexandria, 116-51 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, two eagles with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; cornucopia to left. Faucher Lorber pp. Series 9; Svoronos 1426 (joint reign of Ptolemy VI and VIII); SNG Copenhagen 311-4 (Joint reign of Ptolemy VI and Ptolemy VIII). 8.02g, 20mm, 11h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, temp. Kleopatra III & Ptolemy IX to Ptolemy XII Æ 20mm. Alexandria, 116-51 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, two eagles with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; cornucopia to left. Faucher & Lorber pp. 46-7, Series 9; Svoronos 1426 (joint reign of Ptolemy VI and VIII); SNG Copenhagen 311-4 (Joint reign of Ptolemy VI and Ptolemy VIII). 8.78g, 20mm, 11h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, temp. Kleopatra III & Ptolemy IX to Ptolemy XII Æ 20mm. Alexandria, 116-51 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, two eagles with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; cornucopia to left. Faucher & Lorber pp. 46-7, Series 9; Svoronos 1426 (joint reign of Ptolemy VI and VIII); SNG Copenhagen 311-4 (Joint reign of Ptolemy VI and Ptolemy VIII). 8.51g, 20mm, 11h.


993. 30

Very Fine; overstruck.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, temp. Kleopatra III & Ptolemy IX to Ptolemy XII Æ 21mm. Alexandria, 116-51 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, two eagles with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; cornucopia to left. Faucher & Lorber pp. 46-7, Series 9; Svoronos 1426 (joint reign of Ptolemy VI and VIII); SNG Copenhagen 311-4 (Joint reign of Ptolemy VI and Ptolemy VIII). 8.54g, 21mm, 11h.

994. 30

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) Æ Hemiobol(?). Kyrene, 116-107 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / [ΠΤΟ]ΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ [BA]ΣΙΛ[ΕΩΣ], double cornucopiae bound with fillet; Σ over Θ to left, Ω over Ε to right. Svoronos 1718 (Ptolemy X, Alexandria); Weiser 169-70 (Ptolemy IX & X, Alexandria); SNG Copenhagen 678-80 (uncertain mint in Cyprus). 5.81g, 20mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included. 30





Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) Æ Hemiobol(?). Kyrene, 116-107 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / [ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ] BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, double cornucopiae bound with fillet; Σ over Θ to left, Ω over Ε to right. Svoronos 1718 (Ptolemy X, Alexandria); Weiser 169-70 (Ptolemy IX & X, Alexandria); SNG Copenhagen 678-80 (uncertain mint in Cyprus). 4.08g, 19mm, 12h. Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 11 of Kleopatra and 8 of Ptolemy = 107/6 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IA (Kleopatra’s RY date) above H (Ptolemy’s RY date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1727; SNG Copenhagen 358; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I 998-1007; DCA 61. 14.32g, 23mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 12 of Kleopatra and 9 of Ptolemy = 106/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤΟ]ΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IB (Kleopatra’s RY date) above Θ (Ptolemy’s RY date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Near Extremely Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


1728; SNG Copenhagen 359; Noeske 315-318; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I 1008-1056; DCA 61. 13.40g, 24mm, 11h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 12 of Kleopatra and 9 of Ptolemy = 106/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤΟ]ΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IB (Kleopatra’s RY date) above Θ (Ptolemy’s RY date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1728; SNG Copenhagen 359; Noeske 315-318; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I 1008-1056; DCA 61. 12.80g, 23mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 12 of Kleopatra and 9 of Ptolemy = 106/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤΟΛ]ΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IB (Kleopatra’s RY date) above Θ (Ptolemy’s RY date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1728; SNG Copenhagen 359; Noeske 315-318; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I 1008-1056; DCA 61. 14.37g, 24mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 12 of Kleopatra and 9 of Ptolemy = 106/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤΟΛΕΜ]ΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IB (Kleopatra’s RY date) above Θ (Ptolemy’s RY date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1728; SNG Copenhagen 359; Noeske 315-318; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I 1008-1056; DCA 61. 13.83g, 23mm, 1h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 12 of Kleopatra and 9 of Ptolemy = 106/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IB (Kleopatra’s RY date) above Θ (Ptolemy’s RY date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1728; SNG Copenhagen 359; Noeske 315-318; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I 1008-1056; DCA 61. 13.95g, 24mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm.


Near Very Fine.


Ι (Ptolemy’s

Alexandria, dated RY 13 of Kleopatra and 10 of Ptolemy = 105/4 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤΟ]ΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IΓ (Kleopatra’s date) above RY date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1729; SNG Copenhagen 360; Noeske 319; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I 1057-1070; DCA 61. 14.08g, 24mm, 12h.
From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included. 30

1004. 30


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 13 of Kleopatra and 10 of Ptolemy = 105/4 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IΓ (Kleopatra’s RY date) above Ι (Ptolemy’s RY date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1729; SNG Copenhagen 360; Noeske 319; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I 1057-1070; DCA 61. 14.45g, 23mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 13 of Kleopatra and 10 of Ptolemy = 105/4 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IΓ (Kleopatra’s RY date) above Ι (Ptolemy’s RY date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1729; SNG Copenhagen 360; Noeske 319; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I 1057-1070; DCA 61. 13.36g, 25mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 16 of Kleopatra and 13 of Ptolemy = 102/1 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IC (Kleopatra’s RY date) above ΙΓ (Ptolemy’s RY date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1731; SNG Copenhagen 362; Noeske 321; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I 1077-1130; DCA 61. 14.12g, 25mm,

Very Fine; attractive light cabinet tone.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Panicos Klitou Collection.


Very Fine.


From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


12h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 16 of Kleopatra and 13 of Ptolemy = 102/1 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IC (Kleopatra’s RY date) above ΙΓ (Ptolemy’s RY date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1731; SNG Copenhagen 362; Noeske 321; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I 1077-1130; DCA 61. 14.28g, 24mm, 12h.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 16 of Kleopatra and 13 of Ptolemy = 102/1 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IC (Kleopatra’s RY date) above ΙΓ (Ptolemy’s RY date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1731; SNG Copenhagen 362; Noeske 321; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I 1077-1130; DCA 61. 14.20g, 24mm, 12h.

1008. 45

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Ex Glendining’s 1983

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy Apion (as King of Kyrenaika) Æ 14mm. Kyrene, 104/1-96 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / […] [ΠTO]ΛEMA, headdress of Isis. Svoronos 1845 (Ptolemy XIII, Alexandria); SNG Copenhagen 685ff (Ptolemy IX, uncertain mint on Cyprus). 2.88g, 14mm, 11h.

1009. 30

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Glendining’s Auction. 7 December 1983, lot 45 (part of).


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy Apion (as King of Kyrenaika) Æ 14mm. Kyrene, 104/1-96 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΒΑΣΙΛΕ […], headdress of Isis. Svoronos 1845 (Ptolemy XIII, Alexandria); SNG Copenhagen 685 ff. (Ptolemy IX, uncertain mint on Cyprus). 2.17g, 14mm, 11h.

Near Very Fine.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy Apion (as King of Kyrenaika) Æ 14mm. Kyrene, 104/1-96 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΒΑΣΙΛΕ [ΠΤΟ]ΛΕΜ, headdress of Isis. Svoronos 1845 (Ptolemy XIII, Alexandria); SNG Copenhagen 685 ff. (Ptolemy IX, uncertain mint on Cyprus). 2.33g, 14mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Glendining’s Auction, 7 December 1983, lot 45 (part of). 30

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Acquired at Munich Numismata, 2009. 24


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Sole reign. Alexandria, dated RY 14 = 101/0 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ] BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IΔ (date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1674; SNG Copenhagen 363; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I 1132-1169; DCA 68. 14.07g, 23mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Sole reign. Alexandria, dated RY 15 = 100/99 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IE (date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1675; SNG Copenhagen 364; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I 1170-1184; DCA 68. 13.74g, 25mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy X Alexander I and Kleopatra Berenike AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 16 = 99/8 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ,

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Good Very Fine;

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IC (date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1676; SNG Copenhagen 365; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I 1185-1211; DCA 68. 14.09g, 24mm, 11h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy X Alexander I and Kleopatra Berenike AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 16 = 99/8 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IC (date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1676; SNG Copenhagen 365; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I 1185-1211; DCA 68. 14.14g, 26mm, 12h. an attractive example for the type.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 17 = 98/7 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛ[ΕΩΣ], eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L Iエ (date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1677; SNG Copenhagen 366; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I 1212-1245; DCA 68. 14.05g, 24mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 17 = 98/7 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L Iエ (date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1677; SNG Copenhagen 366; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I 1212-1245; DCA 68. 14.41g, 24mm, 11h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 18 = 97/6 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to


Very Fine; areas of flat strike.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Morton & Eden, Auction 6, 11 December 2003, lot 78 (part of).


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy

Good Very Fine; attractive light old cabinet tone.



left on thunderbolt; L IH (date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1678; SNG Copenhagen 367; Olivier Faucher, Paphos Hoard I 1246-1249; DCA 68. 14.10g, 26mm, 12h. X Alexander AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 18 = 97/6 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IH (date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1678; SNG Copenhagen 367; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I 1246-1249; DCA 68. 14.32g, 25mm, 12h.
From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included. 90


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 19 = 96/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤΟΛΕ]ΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IΘ (date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1679; SNG Copenhagen 368; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I -; DCA 68. 13.56g, 24mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 19 = 96/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ B[AΣΙΛΕΩΣ], eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IΘ (date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1679; SNG Copenhagen 368; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I -; DCA 68. 13.66g,

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 19 = 96/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IΘ (date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1679; SNG Copenhagen 368; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I -;

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 19 = 96/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IΘ (date) to



Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



25mm, 12h. DCA 68. 14.39g, 24mm, 12h. left, to right. Svoronos 1679; SNG Copenhagen 368; Olivier Faucher, Hoard I -; DCA 68. 13.40g, 25mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 19 = 96/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IΘ (date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1679; SNG Copenhagen 368; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I -; DCA 68. 14.50g, 24mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 19 = 96/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IΘ (date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1679; SNG Copenhagen 368; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I -; DCA 68. 14.75g, 24mm,

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 19 = 96/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L IΘ (date)

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Very Fine.


Egypt, Ptolemy

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


12h. to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1679; SNG Copenhagen 368; Olivier & Faucher, Paphos Hoard I -; DCA 68. 14.19g, 25mm, 12h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 20 = 95/4 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L K (date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1680; SNG Copenhagen 369; DCA 68. 14.40g, 24mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 20 = 95/4 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩ[Σ], eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L K (date) to left, ΠA to right. For prototype: Svoronos 1680; SNG Copenhagen 369; DCA 68. 11.21g, 25mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Morton & Eden, Auction 6, 11 December 2003, lot 78 (part of).



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 22 = 93/2 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤΟ]ΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L KB (date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1682; SNG Copenhagen 371; DCA 68. 14.17g, 24mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 24 = 91/90 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L KΔ (date) to left, ΠA



1030. 30

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Morton & Eden, Auction 6, 11 December 2003, lot 78 (part of).

Last Year of Reign


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy X Alexander I AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 26 = 89/8 BC. Diademed

aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙ[ΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ], eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L KC

68. 13.65g, 23mm,

Very Fine. Very Rare.

to right. Svoronos 1685; SNG Copenhagen DCA 68. 14.43g, 25mm, 12h. head to right, wearing (date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos -; SNG Copenhagen 374; DCA 11h.
From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included. 60


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) AR Tetradrachm. Second reign. Alexandria, dated RY 29 = 89/8 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; L KΘ (date) to left, ΠA to right. Svoronos 1687; SNG Copenhagen 375; BMC 70; DCA 54. 14.21g, 26mm, 12h.

About Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Mark Davidson, December 2004.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 1 = 81/80 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L A (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1734 (Ptolemy XI) and 1847 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 376; DCA 69. 13.76g, 24mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Andy Hayler.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 1 = 81/80 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L A (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1734 (Ptolemy XI) and 1847 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 376; DCA 69. 14.24g, 24mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 1 = 81/80 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


thunderbolt; L A (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1734 (Ptolemy XI) and 1847 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 376; DCA 69. 13.83g, 25mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 2 = 80/79 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L B (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1848 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 377; DCA 69. 14.44g, 25mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 2 = 80/79 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L B (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1848 (Kleopatra VII) ; SNG Copenhagen 377; DCA 69. 14.69g, 24mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Morton & Eden, Auction 6, 11 December 2003, lot 78 (part of).



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 2 = 80/79 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L B (date) to

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 2 = 80/79 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt;

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1848 (Kleopatra VII) ; SNG Copenhagen 377; DCA 69. 13.78g, 24mm, 12h. L B (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1848 (Kleopatra VII) ; SNG Copenhagen 377; DCA 69. 13.91g, 25mm, 11h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 2 = 80/79 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L B (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1848 (Kleopatra VII) ; SNG Copenhagen 377; DCA 69. 13.69g, 23mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Baldwin’s, Argentum Auction, 7 February 2015, lot 29.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 3 = 79/8 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L Γ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1849 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 378; DCA 69. 14.22g, 23mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 3 = 79/8 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L Γ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1849 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 378; DCA 69. 14.32g,

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 3 = 79/8 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L Γ (date)

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


24mm, 12h. to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1849 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 378; DCA 69. 14.38g, 24mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 4 = 78/7 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L Δ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1850 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 379; DCA 69. 14.04g, 25mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 4 = 78/7 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L Δ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1850 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 379; DCA 69. 14.27g, 24mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 4 = 78/7 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L Δ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1850 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 379; DCA 69. 14.26g, 24mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 5 = 77/6 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L E (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1851 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen -; DCA 69. 13.73g, 24mm,

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.




Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 6 = 76/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L C (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1852 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen -; DCA 69. 14.08g, 24mm, 12h.

Very Fine; attractively toned.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 7 = 75/4 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L エ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1854 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 380; DCA 69. 14.46g, 25mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 7 = 75/4 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L エ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1854 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 380;

Extremely Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 7 = 75/4 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L エ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1854


1051. 30

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

DCA 69. 14.09g, 24mm, 12h. (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 380; DCA 69. 13.70g, 23mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 7 = 75/4 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L エ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1854 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 380; DCA 69. 13.69g, 24mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 7 = 75/4 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L エ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1854 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 380; DCA 69. 14.10g, 23mm, 1h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 8 = 74/3 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩ[Σ], eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L H (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1855 (Kleopatra VII);


Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 8 = 74/3 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt;


1055. 30

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

SNG 381; DCA 69. 14.23g, 23mm, 12h. L H (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1855 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 381; DCA 69. 13.61g, 25mm, 11h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 8 = 74/3 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L H (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1855 (Kleopatra VII);

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 8 = 74/3 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L H (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1855 (Kleopatra VII);

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 8 = 74/3 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L H (date)



1058. 30

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria,


Good Very Fine.

RY 8

SNG Copenhagen 381; DCA 69. 13.78g, 24mm, 12h. SNG Copenhagen 381; DCA 69. 14.34g, 24mm, 12h. to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1855 (Kleopatra VII); SNG 381; DCA 69. 14.04g, 24mm, 12h. dated = 74/3 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L H (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1855 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 381; DCA 69. 13.88g, 23mm, 12h.
From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included. 60


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 8 = 74/3 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L H (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1855 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 381; DCA 69. 14.38g, 24mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 9 = 73/2 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤΟΛ]ΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L Θ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1856 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 382; DCA 69. 13.50g, 24mm, 11h.

Near Extremely Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 9 = 73/2 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt;

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Good Very Fine.


From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



L Θ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1856 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 382; DCA 69. 13.93g, 24mm, 12h. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 9 = 73/2 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L Θ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1856 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 382; DCA 69. 14.18g, 25mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 9 = 73/2 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L Θ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1856 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 382; DCA 69. 14.25g, 25mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Amin Rezai, July 2014.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 9 = 73/2 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L Θ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1856 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 382; DCA 69. 14.52g, 24mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 9 = 73/2 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L Θ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1856 (Kleopatra VII);

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 10 = 72/1 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤ[Ο]ΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt;

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


SNG Copenhagen 382; DCA 69. 14.10g, 23mm, 12h. L I (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1857 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen -; DCA 69. 13.85g, 23mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 10 = 72/1 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L I (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1857 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen -; DCA 69. 14.40g, 23mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 10 = 72/1 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L I (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1857 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen -; DCA 69. 13.85g, 25mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 10 = 72/1 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L I (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1857 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen -; DCA 69. 14.56g, 24mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 10 = 72/1 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L I (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1857 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen -; DCA 69. 14.45g, 23mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.




Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 13 = 69/8 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛ[ΕΩΣ], eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L IΓ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1860 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen -; DCA 69. 14.46g, 24mm, 12h.

Very Fine. Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 13 = 69/8 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L IΓ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1860 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen -; DCA 69. 14.25g, 23mm, 11h.

Good Very Fine. Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 13 = 69/8 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L IΓ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1860 (Kleopatra VII);


Good Very Fine. Rare.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 14 = 68/7 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L IΔ (date) to

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


SNG Copenhagen -; DCA 13.69g, 23mm, 12h. left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1861 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 383-5; DCA 69. 14.53g, 25mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 14 = 68/7 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L IΔ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1861 (Kleopatra VII);

SNG Copenhagen 383-5; DCA 69. 13.61g, 25mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 14 = 68/7 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L IΔ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1861 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 383-5; DCA 69. 14.36g, 24mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 14 = 68/7 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L IΔ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1861 (Kleopatra VII);

Copenhagen 383-5; DCA 69. 13.81g,

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 14 = 68/7 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L ΙΔ (date) to

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



SNG 25mm, 12h. left, to right. Svoronos 1861 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 383-5; DCA 69. 14.15g, 24mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 14 = 68/7 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L ΙΔ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1861 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 383-5; DCA 69. 14.05g, 24mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Amin Rezai, September 2012.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 15 = 67/6 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L ΙE (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1862 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 386; DCA 69. 14.37g, 25mm, 11h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 15 = 67/6 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L ΙE (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1862 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 386;

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 16 = 66/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕ[ΩΣ], eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L ΙC

Near Extremely Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


DCA 69. 14.24g, 24mm, 11h. (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1863 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 387; DCA 69. 14.20g, 24mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 16 = 66/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L ΙC (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1863 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 387; DCA 69. 14.20g, 24mm, 12h.

Extremely Fine; attractive deep old cabinet tone with blue iridescent highlights.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 16 = 66/5 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L ΙC (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1863 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 387; DCA 69. 13.97g, 24mm, 12h.

Near Extremely Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 17 = 65/4 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤΟ]ΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L Ιエ(date)

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 17 = 65/4 BC. Diademed

aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1864 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 388; DCA 69. 13.67g, 24mm, 12h. head to right, wearing thunderbolt; L Ιエ(date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1864 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 388; DCA 69. 13.73g, 25mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 17 = 65/4 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L Ιエ(date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1864 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 388; DCA 69. 13.70g, 25mm, 12h.

Near Extremely Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 17 = 65/4 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L Ιエ(date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1864 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 388; DCA 69. 13.85g, 23mm, 12h.

Near Extremely Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 17 = 65/4 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L Ιエ(date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1864 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 388; DCA 69. 13.87g, 25mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 18 = 64/3 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L ΙH (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1865 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 389; DCA 69. 13.65g, 23mm, 12h.

Near Extremely Fine; light old cabinet tone.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.




Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 18 = 64/3 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L ΙH (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1865 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 389; DCA 69. 14.05g, 25mm, 12h.

Extremely Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 18 = 64/3 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L ΙH (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1865 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 389; DCA 69. 14.16g, 24mm, 11h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 18 = 64/3 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L ΙH (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1865 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 389; DCA 69. 14.54g, 23mm,

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 19 = 63/2 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛ[ΕΩΣ], eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L ΙΘ (date) to


Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



12h. left, to right. Svoronos 1866 (Kleopatra VII); SNG 390; DCA 69. 13.31g, 23mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 19 = 63/2 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕ[ΩΣ], eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L ΙΘ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1866 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 390; DCA 69. 13.82g, 23mm, 12h.

Extremely Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 19 = 63/2 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L ΙΘ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1866 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 390; DCA 69. 13.87g, 25mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 19 = 63/2 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L ΙΘ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1866 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 390; DCA 69. 13.09g, 24mm,

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 20 = 62/1 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛ[ΕΩΣ], eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L K (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1867 (Kleopatra VII);

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


12h. SNG Copenhagen -; DCA 69. 13.00g, 23mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 20 = 62/1 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L K (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1867 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen -; DCA 69. 12.95g, 25mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 20 = 62/1 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L K (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1867 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen -; DCA 69. 13.20g, 24mm, 11h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 20 = 62/1 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L K (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1867 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen -; DCA 69. 14.02g, 24mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 21 = 61/0 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤΟ]ΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛ[ΕΩΣ], eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L KA

Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


(date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1868 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 391; DCA 69. 13.99g, 24mm, 12h.


Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 21 = 61/0 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L KA (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1868 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 391; DCA 69. 13.26g, 24mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 22 = 60/59 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L KB (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1869 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 392; DCA 69. 13.72g, 22mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 23 = 59/8 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BA[ΣΙΛΕΩΣ], eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L KΓ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1870 (Kleopatra VII); SNG Copenhagen 393; DCA 69. 14.43g, 22mm, 12h.

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 24 = 58/7 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; L KΔ (date) to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos -; SNG Copenhagen -; Noeske 356; DCA 69. 13.65g, 24mm, 12h.

Extremely Fine; attractive light old cabinet tone with hints of golden iridescence around the devices. Extremely Rare; seemingly no other examples on CoinArchives.


From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Ex Baldwin’s Auctions Ltd, Auction 100, 27 September 2016, lot 317 (part of).



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 29 = 53/2 BC. Restored. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt, palm frond over shoulder; L KΘ (date) over headdress of Isis to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1839; SNG Copenhagen 396; DCA 69. 13.16g, 26mm, 12h.

About Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 29 = 53/2 BC. Restored. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt, palm frond over shoulder; L KΘ (date) over headdress of Isis to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1839; SNG Copenhagen 396; DCA 69. 13.50g,

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.



Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes) AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 30 = 52/1 BC. Restored. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt, palm frond over shoulder; L Λ (date)

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included; Privately purchased from Maison Palombo at London Coin Fair, 7 November 2015.


Good Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


RY 2 = 51/0


25mm, 12h. over headdress of Isis to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1840; SNG Copenhagen 397; DCA 69. 12.28g, 25mm, 12h. Ptolemaic Kings of Egypt, Kleopatra VII Thea Neotera AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated BC. head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt, palm frond over shoulder; L B (date) over headdress of Isis to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1817 (Ptolemy XIII); SNG Copenhagen 398; DCA 70. 11.07g, 24mm, 11h.


Ptolemaic Kings of Egypt, Kleopatra VII Thea Neotera AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 4 = 49/8 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / [ΠΤΟ]ΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕ[ΩΣ], eagle standing to left on thunderbolt, palm frond over shoulder; L Δ (date) over headdress of Isis to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1819 (Ptolemy XIII); SNG Copenhagen 400-401; DCA 70. 13.62g, 24mm, 12h.

Near Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Ptolemaic Kings of Egypt, Kleopatra VII Thea Neotera AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria, dated RY 9 = 44/3 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ [BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ], eagle standing to left on thunderbolt, palm frond over shoulder; L Θ (date) over headdress of Isis to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1823 (Ptolemy XIII); SNG Copenhagen 403; DCA 70. 13.57g, 22mm,

Very Fine.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.


Ptolemaic Kings of Egypt, Kleopatra VII


Good Very Fine.



Neotera AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria,

on thunderbolt,

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s ticket included.

RY 14 = 39/8


11h. Thea dated BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis eagle standing to left palm frond over shoulder; L IΔ (date) over headdress of Isis to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1828 (Ptolemy XIII); SNG Copenhagen 408; DCA 70. 13.95g, 24mm, 11h.


Lot of 12 Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt Æ Coins. Includes:

1) Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 295-292 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, [A?] above Σ. Cf. CPE B62; cf. Svoronos 286; cf. SNG Copenhagen 77. 15.42g, 27mm, 12h.

Acquired from Baldwin’s, 1998.

2) Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter Æ Diobol. Alexandria(?), circa 300-285 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / [ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ], eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; before, monogram/s(?). 14.79g, 27mm, 12h.

Acquired from Helios Numismatik, June 2011.

3) Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Diobol. Alexandria, 275/4-246 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / [ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ]

ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; ∆ between legs. CPE B218; Svoronos 438; SNG Copenhagen 156. 19.22g, 31mm, 12h.

4) Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Trihemiobol. Alexandria, circa 246-222 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / [ΠTOΛ]

EMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, filleted cornucopiae; Λ between legs; c/m: cornucopiae. CPE B362; Svoronos 1169; SNG Copenhagen 223. 19.22g, 29mm, 11h.

5-6) Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Dichalkon. Paphos, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠTOΛEMAIOY [BAΣIΛEΩΣ], eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; lotus flower to left. CPE B442; Svoronos 843.

7) Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Dichalkon. Kyrene, 246-222 BC. Diademed head to right, wearing aegis / BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ, head of Libya to right, wearing tainia; small cornucopia beneath chin. CPE B488; Svoronos 873; SNG Copenhagen -. 2.24g, 14mm, 11h.

8) Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 34mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 1. Wreathed head of Isis to right / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Faucher & Lorber Series 6B; Svoronos 1233; SNG Copenhagen 246. 28.49g, 34mm, 12h.

9) Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 25mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series 1. Head of deified Alexander to right, wearing elephant skin headdress / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Faucher & Lorber Series 6A; Svoronos 1493 (joint reign of Ptolemy VI and VIII); SNG Copenhagen 334-8 (Ptolemy VIII). 13.45g, 25mm, 11h.

10) Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (Physcon) Æ 24mm. Kyrene, 163-145 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / [ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ], eagle with spread wings standing to right on thunderbolt; Φ to right. Svoronos 1643 (Egypt); SNG Copenhagen -. 11.23g, 24mm, 12h.

11) Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (Physcon) Æ Trihemiobol. Kyrene, circa 145-116 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ, eagle with spread wings standing to right on thunderbolt; K to right. Svoronos 1649 (Alexandria); SNG Copenhagen 654 (Uncertain mint in Cyprus). 19.61g, 32mm, 12h.

Acquired from Baldwin’s, March 1987.

12) Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) Æ Hemiobol(?). Kyrene, 116-107 BC. Horned head of ZeusAmmon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ, double cornucopiae bound with fillet; Σ over Θ to left, Ω over Ε to right. Svoronos 1718 (Ptolemy X, Alexandria); Weiser 169-70 (Ptolemy IX & X, Alexandria); SNG Copenhagen 678-80 (uncertain mint in Cyprus). 5.10g, 18mm, 12h.

Acquired from Baldwin’s, March 1987.

Lot sold as seen - no returns.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s tickets included.


Lot of 11 Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt Æ Coins. Includes:

1116. 90

1) Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter Æ Hemiobol. Alexandria, from 306 BC. Head of deified Alexander to right, wearing mitra with horn of Ammon / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, aphlaston. CPE B24; Svoronos 156; SNG Copenhagen 38-41. 4.15g, 19mm, 12h.

2) Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter Æ Diobol. Alexandria, circa 300-285 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; before, ΑΠ monogram above ΠΑ monogram. CPE B69; Svoronos 298; SNG Copenhagen -. 15.62g, 28mm, 12h.

3) Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Diobol. Alexandria, from 275/4 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, monogram above Galatian shield; c/m: incuse trident. CPE B166; Svoronos 600. 17.28g, 27mm, 12h.

Acquired from Baldwin’s, 6 December 2001.

4) Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphos Æ Diobol. Alexandria, from 275/4 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, monogram above Galatian shield; c/m: incuse trident. CPE B166; Svoronos 600. 17.28g, 27mm, 12h.

Acquired from Baldwin’s, 6 December 2001.

5) Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes(?) Æ Dichalkon. Uncertain mint, circa 246-222 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / [ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ], eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; lotus flower(?) to left. Cf. CPE B442; cf. Svoronos 843. 2.69g, 17mm, 1h.

6-7) Ptolemaic Kings of Egypt, Ptolemy III Euergetes Æ Coins. Kyrene, 246-116 BC. Diademed head of Ptolemy I to right, aegis around neck / Draped bust of Libya to right, wearing tainia; cornucopiae below chin. Cf. CPE B483-9 & Svoronos 868-9.

8) Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy V Epiphanes Æ 22mm. Alexandria, circa 204-180 BC. Unmarked series, unknown. Wreathed head of Isis / ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt, head to right, filleted cornucopiae over shoulder. Faucher & Lorber Series 6A; Svoronos 1154 (Ptolemy IV); SNG Copenhagen 240-242 (Ptolemy IV). 9.11g, 22mm, 12h.

Acquired from Baldwin’s, 1998.

9) Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) Æ 27mm. Alexandria, dated RY 3 = 115/4 BC. Bearded head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin; K behind / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ [ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ], eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; Ω over Σ to left, L Γ (date) to right. Faucher & Lorber Series 8; Svoronos 1190 (Ptolemy IV; Uncertain mint in Cyprus); SNG Copenhagen 533 (Ptolemy V; Uncertain mint in Phoenicia); DCA 35 (Ptolemy V). 17.14g, 27mm, 11h.

Acquired from Baldwin’s, March 1987.

10) Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, temp. Kleopatra III & Ptolemy IX to Ptolemy XII Æ 27mm. Alexandria, 116-51 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing tainia with basileion / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, two eagles with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; cornucopia to left. Faucher & Lorber pp. 46-7, Series 9; Svoronos 1425 (joint reign of Ptolemy VI and VIII); SNG Copenhagen 308–10 (Joint reign of Ptolemy VI and Ptolemy VIII). 15.89g, 27mm, 12h.

Ex Sotheby’s, 2 May 2001, lot 631 (part of).

11) Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) Æ 21mm.Alexandria(?), 88-81/0 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / [ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ], two eagles with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; cornucopia to left. Svoronos 1698; SNG Copenhagen -. 6.33g, 21mm, 1h.

Lot sold as seen - no returns.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s tickets included.



Lot sold as seen - no returns.

From the Pavlos S. Pavlou Collection, collector’s tickets included; Two specimens privately purchased from Lennox Gallery, January 1996; One ex Glendining’s Auction, 7 December 1983, lot 45 (part of); One acquired from Baldwin’s, March 1987.

Lot of 4 Cyprus, Paphos Æ Coins. Late Ptolemaic or early Roman period, mid 1st century BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / Zeus Salaminios standing to left, holding sceptre and grain ears. Zapiti & Michaelidou 69 (Cleopatra VII?); Svoronos -; Nicolaou Paphos II 469-509; Cox Curium 128; BMC Pl. LXXXI, 2.

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