Know More. Know More.
Quarterly Newsletter For Aircraft Dealer/Brokers & Financial Institutions
Volume 2 - Spring 2010
In this Newsletter: • Are You Truly Excited About What You Sell • Utilize Your Databases • Is “Contractual Relationship” an Oxymoron? • The New Definition of Insanity • Market Viewpoint
Are You Truly Excited About What You Sell By Brad Sugars | Face to Face Sales | ActionCOACH
Utilize Your Databases
Are You Truly Excited About What You Sell
By Chris Brogan
We all know that sales are really all about “closing the sale.” There is not a salesperson alive who does not use a variety of techniques to help them be successful with customers. However, I believe passion is the most underrated and underutilized sales tool in our arsenal because it is too hard to measure and no one has found an effective way to teach it.
Apr 15, 2010 Lately, I’ve been thinking that we have too much data. We can collect data all day: Web site stats, sentiment analysis, survey results. The thing is, if we never act on what we’re collecting, then it’s just as bad as not having collected the data in the first place. (For instance, one of my jobs is as a professional speaker.) I’ve never yet prospected my email newsletter list for whether I could find speaking gigs there. When I finally took some time to look, I was stunned by the quality of companies I could reach with my messages. I’m betting you will find similar success, if you start looking at your own information. Your Email Database Have you ever gone back to trim out the dead wood? Have you ever looked through to see who hasn’t been contacted lately outside of mechanized means? Take a look there, and make a quick list of 10 people to contact TODAY. There’s a method to this advice: if you do more than 10, you won’t do anything personal. If you don’t do it today, you probably won’t do it. Give it a try. I promise you’ll get at least one positive result from the effort. Your Customer Database Have you looked at your database of customers lately? Have you shuffled around how you look at them lately? Sort them by dollars spent. Sort them by hours of customer service consumed. Sort them by difficulty level. Sort them by their market segment. It’s amazing what you can come up with these ways. Continued on next page
Passion is an effective sales tool because it isn’t artificial and can’t be faked for a long period of time. It is displayed in people who genuinely care and are willing to take the time to serve their clients in whatever manner is necessary. Passion in sales is evident when the coach takes the time to listen to their prospect and attempts to really understand what it is they are looking for. It is displayed not only in the questions that are asked, but also in the tone of voice and body language that is used and the follow-up that is demonstrated after the sales call. Coaches who have passion are able to create long-term profitable relationships with their customers. They also routinely benefit from referrals by their existing clients and, on many occasions, these prospects come to them ready to buy. Before you rush out to practice your body language and tone of voice in an attempt to find passion, let me add the secret ingredient: heart. Passion comes from a genuine belief of wanting to help the client in both good times and bad. Passion can actually be measured in a couple of ways. Begin by asking yourself this simple question: “When the day is over and my clients are reflecting back on the people they’ve interacted with and the activities they’ve done, do they think of me in a positive light that contributed to them having a good day?” It is important to consider whether your clients truly believe you are helping improve their day and their business. Another assessment tool is found in analysing the number of referrals you get. Referrals are an accurate measurement of how your clients view you. If they honestly believe in you, they recommend you to others. Passion in sales is underrated. Therefore, your ability to genuinely care about your clients, to show an interest in them, and to serve them will determine your long-term business success. The New Definition of Insanity: Doing the Same Things with Less and Expecting the Same Results! Remember the old definition: Doing the same things, expecting different results? Now it seems worse. With cutbacks and tight credit, most people have learned to work harder, expect less and just hope that it all turns out like before! If you own your firm, and buy from or sell to small business, your reaction is probably, “Welcome to my world!” or, “Tell me something I don’t know!” JETNET LLC 101 First Street, Utica, New York 13501 USA