Holy Week 2013
Good Friday, March 29th Commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary.
5:00pm - Church mourns for Christ’s
death and the Passion account from the Gospel of John is read and meditated in St. Peter’s Basilica (the Pope officiates).
9:00pm - until midnight
A very
peculiar celebration, called “Forty Hours” will take place in the church of Santa Maria dell’Orto in Trastevere.
8:30pm -
An alternative and very
popular Good Friday ceremony in Rome with the Stations of the Cross is held in Rome at
Palm Sunday, March 24
the Sanctuary of our Lady of the Divine Love
The feast that commemorates Jesus’
(Vicolo del Divino Amore 12)
triumphal entry into Jerusalem, an event
mentioned in all four Canonical Gospels.
Stations of the Cross at the Colosseum
the Pope begins
(no tickets required).
9:30am - Mass will be held in St Peter’s Square.
Holy Thursday, March 28th Or Maundy Thursday commemorates the Maundy and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles as described in the Canonical Gospels.
9:30am - The Chrism Mass for the blessing of the Holy Oils takes place at 9:30am in St. Peter’s Basilica. 5:30pm - The Mass of the Lord’s
Information on how to reserve tickets: Write to: Prefecture of the Papal Household 00120 Vatican City State Fax: +39 06 6988 5863 Indicating:
Supper held in St John Lateran basilica officiated by the Pope – this opens the
Easter Triduum that includes Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. (Free tickets required for indoor ceremonies at the Prefecture of the Papal Household.)
Date of the General audience or Liturgical celebration Number of tickets required Name / Group Mailing Address Telephone and Fax numbers
Holy Saturday, March 30 The Easter vigil Day. 9:00pm in the Vatican with the Pope. Paschal candle is lit since Christ is light and life.
Easter Sunday, March 31 The day when Jesus rises. 10:15am - Blessing by the Pope in St. Peter’s square. “Urbi et Orbi” blessing at noon (no tickets required).