December 30, 2011 Newsletter

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4-11 Tevet, 5772 • December 30- January 6, 2011 Shabbat Candle Lighting Time This Week: 4:19 p.m. Shabbat Parsha/Weekly Torah Portion: Vayigash

Rome'News and Upcoming Events

Chanukah Appeal !"#$%"#&'"$(")#*+#$,,+-,."#*/$*#0"#/$1"#2$*./")# +-%#3+$'#4+%#5+*/#+4#+-%#./$''",3"#3%$,*(6##!"#$%&' ()'*)+,'we've raised $120,000! That means we are only $55,000 away from reaching our goal to raise $175,000 before December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Friday, January 6 at 5:00 p.m. 165 West 105th Street

Shabbat Services

West End Presbyterian Church 165 W 105th Street Please refrain from using all electronic devices during services including cell phones and cameras. For your safety, Romemu will be conducting random bag searches at the entrance of our sanctuary. Thank you for your cooperation.

Engage your child's spirit and celebrate Shabbat with guitar, singing and dancing. For 0-4 year olds.

Friday, December 30th

Saturday, January 7 at 10:50 p.m. 165 West 105th Street

Saturday, December 31st


Young ones march and dance with the Torah, sing songs, and learn prayers. This is a fun engaging service for 5-9 year olds, but all children are welcome.

Online Chanukah Auction:

We have extended our SILENT AUCTION for all the wonderful items that are still available. The auction will remain open until January 1 at 1:00 a.m. -all proceeds will go to the year-end campaign

Looking to Give Back to the Romemu Community? Creating Sacred Space

We are looking for new volunteers and leaders to join our team of Shomerim. Shomerim transform the sanctuary into a sacred space.

The Spirit of Sound

We are looking for new sound and production volunteers. These volunteers ensure that the sound technology for each service is set up and running. Special for Shomerim: Kiddush and study session with Rabbi David Ingber on January 21st. Interested in volunteering? Email Allison at

6:30 p.m: Kabbalat Shabbat 8:30 p.m: 9:30 p.m: 10:00 p.m: 11:00 p.m: 4:30 p.m:

ShabbatAsana Yoga Meditation Shacharit Services Torah Service Shivti Meditation

Celebrate Shabbat with the Whole Family Starting in January, join us for Sha'Baby and Sha'Boker Tov every week!


Fridays, January 6, 13, 20, 27 at 5:00 p.m.

Sha'Boker Tov

Saturdays, January 7, 14, 21, 28 at 10:50 p.m.

Refuah Shlema

We would like to wish a speedy recovery and blessings of healing upon Eileen Ain, Phillip Aranow, David Belaga, Michael Cole, Blanche and Jack Frank, Donna Gallers, Bonnie Impagliazzo, Frank Palmer, Phillip Jones, Tova Ladley, Chaim Melamed, Karen Miriam Rosenbaum, Bernard Schneiderman, Sally Staver, Hal Steiner, and Shira Zeller.

Upcoming Events:

Learning Opportunities with Romemu: Feed your Heart. Move your Body. Expand your Mind.

Isabella Freedman in NYC Saturday, January 7 at 7:00 p.m. 165 West 105th Street

Come celebrate the road ahead with the Isabella Freedman community! Win credits for free retreats, enjoy delicious snacks from Adamah, and participate in a late night jam-session.

Spiritual Transformation of Israel and America

Monday, January 23, 7:30 p.m. 165 West 105th Street

Join Rabbi Michael Lerner and Rabbi David Ingber in a dialogue exploring spiritual strategies of healing and transforming the conflicts in the Middle East.

Tree b'Earthday: A Tu b'Shevat Celebration

February 3-5 Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center

Enjoy spirited Shabbat services, guided hikes, workshops, farm-to-table kosher dining, and a beautiful Tu b'Shevat seder on Saturday night.

Contact Romemu:

308 W. 92nd Street, Ste. 5B New York, New York 10025 212.580.4294, Rabbi David Ingber Founder & Spiritual Director Shir Yaakov Feinstein-Feit Creative & Musical Director Jane Graver Director of Operations Jade Netanya Ullmann Development, Membership & Outreach Allison Adges Administration

Ongoing Classes and Special Events Next Month: Shivti: Shabbat Meditation Shabbat Afternoons 4:30pm - 5:45 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 31, 4:30 p.m. New Location: 2nd floor Auditorium Jewish Home Lifecare 120 West 106th St There is no better time to meditate than on Shabbat. No prior experience required.

Rome'Red Tent

Monday, January 9, 7:00 p.m. 320 Central Park West, 16D

Celebrate with Romemu's comunity group for all female-identified friends and members.

The Zohar: The Book of Light...and Darkness

Every Sunday until January 23 at 8:00 p.m

This course is offered by member Nathaniel Berman, who has been studying the Zohar for many years. This course will be an intensive intellectual and experiential introduction to the Zohar, the central text of Kabbalah, also called the "poetry of Kabbalah." No prior background, except spiritual questing, is required for this course.

Kabbalah Café

Every Tuesday Next Class: Jan. 3, 7:00 p.m. 260 RiversideDrive Apt 7B

Led by Rabbi David Inbger. Explore the mysteries of the Kabbalah in an intimate setting and discover the many paths to wisdom.


Beginning Thursday, January 12

Thursdays, 8:00PM-10:00 p.m. 260 Riverside Drive, 7B

This class, taught by Rabbi Ingber, will follow one thinker/one book through the cycle of the yearly Torah Reading. Week by week, we will explore a teaching from this particular Master’s approach to the Parsha (weekly portion). This year we will be learning “Me’or Eynayim," a Chassidic classic written by Rabbi Nachum of Chernobyl.

Please register for all classes at

Living Deeply with a Sacred Text

First Sunday of Every Month Next Session: Sunday, Jan. 1 at 6:30 p.m 131 Riverside Drive, Apt 10D

Led by Nili Weissman. This popular course is back for another round of Torah cycle. This course will help you develop skills to live deeply with your pasuk, verse of Torah, that you chose on Simchat Torah. We meet once a month to witness, support and listen to stories of the verse's unfolding in our lives. This year-long journey offers a unique experience of learning Torah from each other as we learn how to listen deeply to a sacred text in our lives.

Mazal Tov: Astrology and the Kabbalah

Every Other Monday until January 23 Next Session: Monday, Jan. 2 at 7:00 p.m

Co-led by Alina Bloomgarden & Rina Lankry. This course will explore astrology as a language and tool for self-knowledge. Together, western astrology and Kabbalistic Astrology will be introduced. Students will be invited to have their charts calculated and then used as a learning tool as well as an element of analytic methodology.

Limmud NY 2012

Martin Luther King Weekened Friday, January 13 - 16 Hudson Valley Resort, Kerhonkson NY

Join with over 700 people of all ages and backgrounds at a volunteer-run Jewish festival in beautiful upstate New York. Romemu's Rabbi David Ingber will be teaching at this special weekend. Experience art, film, literature, music, philosophy, politics, text study, sessions about Israel, and much more from early morning to late night. Take advantage of over 300 sessions and performances, grab a Shabbat nap, or just schmooze. Programming for the whole family, including free babysitting and children’s camp. Special $100 discount for members of Romemu who live in the tri-state area. Register at or call 212-908-2525

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