18-19 Nisan, 5771 • April 22-23, 2011 Shabbat Chol HaMoed Shabbat Candles: 7:23pm
Rome'News and Upcoming Events Shabbat Services West End Presbyterian Church 165 W 105th Street Please refrain from using your mobile devices within the sanctuary, whether texting or merely checking the time. Please consider the time we are together worshipping to be beyond the reach of time and other mundane matters and worthy of our undivided attention.
April 22/23 Shabbat Services
Count Me In - The Romemu Membership Drive 2011
Our annual membership drive is now underway. If you’re already a member of Romemu, now is the time to renew your membership. We rely on your friendship and commitment as the cornerstones of Romemu’s foundation. Our existence and growth over these past five years is directly attributable to your loyalty, passion and vision. If you’re not yet a member of Romemu, now is the perfect time to join us. There are many benefits to membership, including guaranteed complimentary tickets to our High Holiday services, invitations to members-only events, preferred access to our clergy for counseling and support for all life cycle events.
But more than all of these benefits are the benefits that can’t be counted or quantified. By becoming a member of Romemu, you express your desire and commitment to playing a vital role within this growing community. You join us on a deeper level as a stakeholder—and as a stakeholder, we both experience sustenance and well being far beyond dollars and cents. Your participation helps to shape and define our present and our future. By joining Romemu now, you actually become our future. So current or contemplating, each of us can step forward with enthusiasm and generosity and together ensure that Romemu will continue to thrive for years to come. Please join us now.
In the Community Book Circle, Wednesday, April 27, 8:00pm The focus for this reading group will be on Arthur Green's Seek My Face, which can be purchased online at Amazon or Abe Books. To volunteer your home for a future Book Circle meeting or to RSVP contact: bookcircle@romemu.org
Refuah Shlemah
Volunteer to Leyn: Interested in reading
Baruch Dayan Emet
Torah during a Saturday service or during the upcoming Passover Services? This is a great way to honor someone or an important event in your life. Honor Romemu and yourself. Contact torahreading@romemu.org
We would like to wish a speedy recovery and blessings of healing upon Miriam Rose, Batia and Chaim Melamed, Sally Staver, Blanche and Jack Frank, Frank Palmer, Mortan Tankus, Phillip Jones, and Joshua Guesel, newborn baby of parents Anna & Lenny Gusel. With deep sorry we inform you of the passing of Paulette Hanania Shohet, grandmother of Romemu member Mijanou Mosher. May Paulette Shohet's memory be for a blessing.
Friday: 7:00pm Shabbat Services led by Rabbi David Ingber with Shir Yaakov Feinstein-Feit Saturday: 8:30am: ShabbatAsana Yoga Practice 9:30am: Meditation 10:00am: Shabbat Services led by Rabbi David Ingber with Shir Yaakov Feinstein-Feit To sponsor Shabbat flowers or a kiddush, please contact: info@romemu.org
April 25/26 Pesach Services
Monday & Tuesday: 8:30am: ShabbatAsana Yoga Practice 9:30am: Meditation 10:00am: Services led by Rabbi David Ingber with Shir Yaakov Feinstein-Feit
Classes with Rabbi Ingber Kabbalah Cafe' Tuesdays, 7:00pm Class will resume May 3 Join us as we explore the mysteries of the Kabbalah in an intimate setting, focusing on the wisdom of the Jewish mystical tradition and its application to our daily lives. Please RSVP for address and directions info@romemu.org
Featured Event:
Dedicate a Siddur Today For a small donation of $18 you can dedicate a Siddur in loving memory of a family member, to commemorate an event or honor Romemu. Call or email the Romemu Office for more information: 212-580-4294 or info@romemu.org
13th Annual Upper West Side Communal Observance of Yom HaShoah Carlebach Shul, 305 West 79th JCC, 334 Amsterdam Ave. Sun & Mon, May 1-2, 10:00pm-6:00pm
Gather with us for this annual vigil to remember the lives lost during the Holocaust and to reinforce our commitment to Jewish history and the future of the Jewish people. Bring names of family or friends to read or witness through listening to the reading. Romemu will be reading at the Carlebach Shul beginning at 5:30am. To read, contact Laurie Wolko 212-580-3075. For more information please visit: jccmanhattan.org
Romemu Community Music Fund Conceived of and generously funded by Romemu members Dr. Shari MelamedKaplan and Dr. Steve Kaplan, the Romemu Community Music Fund represents our focus on community in all its rich diversity. Please consider honoring someone special or marking a life cycle event by donating. Visit romemu.org/music for more information.
Living Deeply with a Sacred Text Sunday, May 1, 6:00pm
This Rome-chevra is an opportunity to make a year long commitment to living deeply with a sacred line of text. This Contact Romemu: group meets once a month to share the Hours: Mon-Thur 10-5pm, Fri 10-2pm journey of this relationship and learn 308 W. 92nd Street, Ste. 5B together not only how to live with a text, 212.580.4294, info@romemu.org but also the deeper teachings. For more information: livingdeeply@romemu.org Rabbi David Ingber rabbi@romemu.org Founder & Spiritual Director Shir Yaakov Feinstein-Feit shir@romemu.org Creative & Musical Director
Rome'Member Social Saturday, May 7, 7:30pm
Rome' Red Tent
Monday, May 9, 7:00pm Calling all women, girls, grandmothers, aunties, sisters, mothers and daughters -- come join the Rome’Red Tent, Romemu’s group for all femaleidentified friends and members of Romemu. Spend time in a safe and sacred space where we will explore what it means to be Jewish and femaleidentified in the 21st century. Bring something yummy to eat, an object for the altar and wear red! For more information: redtent@romemu.org
Sha' baby Shabbat
Friday, May 13, 5:30pm Join Romemu for this musical and fun Shabbat program for children 0 to 2 yrs old. Please come with at least one caregiver. This will be an engaging Shabbat for babies and their families. For more information: minis@romemu.org
The Dialogue Project Interfaith Teach-in Sunday, May 15, 1:30pm
Romemu is co-sponsoring this dialogue event focused on open conversations amongst New Yorkers concerning the 10th Anniversary of 9/11. Rabbi David Ingber will be in attendence, sharing Romemu music. Location: 199 Chambers, at West Street. For more information call The Dialogue Project at 718-768-2175 or visit their website: www.dialogueproject.org
We invite all new members to join Rabbi David Ingber and Ariel Rosen-Ingber at in April & May their home for a light buffet and havdallah. Upcoming Mon 4/25 Shvi'i shel Pesach Service Jane Graver jane@romemu.org Begin the new week with us while getting Tues 4/26 Shvi'i shel Pesach Service Director of Operations to know your Rabbi and fellow Romemu Wed 4/27 Book Circle Meeting Sun 5/1 Living Deeply with a Sacred Text Members. If you are a Romemu member Jade Netanya Ullmann and your birthday falls in May or June we Sun 5/1 Yom HaShoah jade@romemu.org Tue 5/3 Kabbalah Cafe starts again Dir. of Development, Membership and invite you to join to honor your birthday. Mon 5/9 Rome'Red Tent To RSVP and for more information please Fri 5/ 13 Sha'baby Shabbat Outreach contact: membership@romemu.org Sun 5/15 The Dialogue Project: Interfaith Teach-in