29/30 Sivan, 5771 • July 1-2, 2011 Parsha Chukas Shabbat Candles: 8:13pm
Rome'News and Upcoming Events
Happy 4th of July! Special Events at Romemu Shabbat Services Rome'Member Social
Saturday, July 9, 7:40pm The Membership Committee with Rabbi David and Ariel, invite all members to join them at Riverside Park for a shabbat third meal picnic potluck. If you would like to contribute, please bring salad, fruit, dessert or drinks to share, and blankets to lounge on. Get to know your Rabbi, Rebbetzin and fellow community members at this community meal. In case of rain please come to the home of Rabbi Ingber. RSVP to attend: membership@romemu.org
In the Community Baruch Dayan Emet
It is with deep sorrow that we inform you of the passing of Dr. Charles Steiner, father of Romemu member Charlie Steiner and father-in-law to Leona Strassberg Steiner. The family will gather for shiva on Sunday, July 3, at the home of Leona and Charlie Steiner, 323 4th Avenue, #2, Jersey City, New Jersey, from 4:00-10:00pm. Minyan is expected to begin at 8:00pm.
The Swami & the Rabbi All You Need is Love
Wednesday, July 13, 6:30pm Join Rabbi David Ingber and Swami Ramananda at the Integral Yoga Institute (227 West 13th Street) for a dialogue between these two great teachers. This class will focus on how love wounds and heals. This event is free and no registration is necessary. Donations are welcome. For more information: 877-781-2349
West End Presbyterian Church 165 W 105th Street July 1/2 Shabbat Services Friday: 7:00pm Shabbat Services led by Shir Yaakov Feinstein-Feit
Saturday: 8:30am: ShabbatAsana Yoga taught by Rhonda Rose 9:30am:Â Meditation
The entire Romemu community joins together to extend our deepest sympathies to the Steiner Family. We hold them in our hearts and prayers as they mourn their loss. May the memory of Dr. Charles Steiner bless and inspire our lives
Refuah Shlemah
We would like to wish a speedy recovery and blessings of healing upon Karen Miriam Rosenbaum, Batia and Chaim Melamed, Sally Staver, Blanche and Jack Frank, Frank Palmer and Phillip Jones.
10:00am: Shabbat Services led by Shir Yaakov Feinstein-Feit Please refrain from using all electronic devices during services including cell phones and cameras. We thank you for your cooperation. For your safety Romemu will be conducting random bag searches at the entrance of our sanctuary. Thank you for your coooperation. To sponsor Shabbat flowers or a kiddush, please contact: info@romemu.org
Featured Committee: Adult Education Committee Co Chairs: Rita Kozak & Jonathan Rubinstein During the Annual Community Meeting more than thirty of you expressed an interest in participating in the establishment of a Romemu Adult Education program. It has taken several months to get going but we're going now! Know this: Romemu is going to have a wonderful, rich adult education program beginning after the High Holy Days. We need your help. We really do. We ask each of you who have interest in contributing time, thought, and effort over the next two months to respond to this call to action. The Adult Education Committee will be organizing a meeting in the next two weeks. If you feel inspired to contribute time and thought to this group email adulteducation@romemu.org
Contact Romemu:
308 W. 92nd Street, Ste. 5B 212.580.4294, info@romemu.org Rabbi David Ingber rabbi@romemu.org Founder & Spiritual Director Shir Yaakov Feinstein-Feit shir@romemu.org Creative & Musical Director Jane Graver jane@romemu.org Director of Operations Jade Netanya Ullmann jade@romemu.org Development, Membership & Outreach Cassie Pena cassie@romemu.org Administration
Get Involved at Romemu Kabbalah Cafe Tuesday, July 5
Kabbalah Cafe resumes in the month of July. We will focus on the wisdom of the Jewish mystical tradition and its application to our daily lives. Attention will be given to the weeks Parsha. These teachings are free for Romemu Members; a $5 donation is suggested for non members. Please RSVP at info@romemu.org
Living Deeply with a Sacred Text Thursday, July 7
As we approach Simchas Torah in October, the last leg of the journey continues for those who have been involved in a deep relationship with a line of Torah. July's monthly Rome-chevra group moves to Thursday, July 7 at 6:30pm. For more information and location contact Nili Weisman at livingdeeply@romemu.org
Sha'baby Shabbat Service Friday, July 8, 5:30pm
Even your baby can experience the sweetness of music, dance and fun on Shabbat in this Romemu Friday Shabbat service catered especially for children 0 to 2 years old. Rabbi Jennifer Tobenstein, Ariel Rosen Ingber and Zach Fredman invite you to accompany your little one and celebrate Shabbat at Romemu. minis@romemu.org
Rome' Red Tent Monday, July 11
Calling all women, girls, grandmothers and female-identified friends and members of Romemu. Come to honor the new month of Tamuz, wear red and bring something delicious to share in sisterhood. This group meets at 320 Central Park West, Apartment 16D at 7:00pm. For more information contact redtent@romemu.org.
Check out our website for more events coming up in July. Have a question? Email us at info@romemu.org
Thank You
The following community members gave special donations. We want to acknowledge their generosity and all they do for our community. Education Fund: Janet & Howard Kagan Gala Fund: Honoring Rabbi David Ingber Wendy & Sidney Ingber, Bettina, Spencer, Sara, Alec And Nathaniel Waxman, Rebekah, Adam, Eva, Bella and Israel Ingber, Amara Ingber, Wendy, Phllip & Max Rothman, Shari Melamed-Kaplan & Steven Kaplan, Sally & Steve Paridis, Paula & Jeffrey Yormak, Laurel & Howie Borowick, Jeffrey Cahn & Lili Schad, Deborah David Shimko, Ben Klapper & Barbara Braffman, David Solomon, Elaine & Joel Winograd, Judy & Robert Fuhrer, Randy Kanter, Neal Kaunfer, Sarah Kater, Meny Vaknin, Miriam Kanter, Susie Kessler, Robert Kushner, Samuel Rosen, Marci Wilf, Aliza Rosen & Bryan Clobes, Robin Staver, Steve, Karen & Ben Kanter, Howard Katz, Shawn Zevit, and Rachel Horowitz Makleff In Memory of Mike Ellis Pam & Peter Takiff General Operations Fund: In honor of the wedding of Adam Marcus Eileen Weiss In honor of the wedding of Daniel Savin & Lydia Vilars: Herbert & Brenda Dean In honor of Caren & Arthur Fried Judy & Robert Fuhrer In memory of Mike Ellis Joseph Yasgur, Mali & Ben Gruszecki Nourishment Committee Fund: To the DeLevie Family David Gottlieb Romemu Community Music Fund: In memory of Mike Ellis Johanna Ellis Rabbi's Discrectionary Fund: In memory of Mike Ellis Johanna Ellis