Romemu Newsletter July 8, 2011

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6/7 Tamuz, 5771 • July 8-9, 2011 Parsha Balak Shabbat Candles: 8:12pm

Rome'News and Upcoming Events

Happening Now at Romemu Rome'Member Social

Saturday, July 9, 7:40pm The Membership Committee, Rabbi David and Ariel Rosen Ingber, invite all members to join them at Riverside Park for a shabbat third meal picnic potluck. If you would like to contribute, please bring salad, fruit, dessert or drinks to share, and blankets to lounge on. Get to know your Rabbi, Rebbetzin and fellow community members at this community meal. In case of rain please come to the home of Rabbi Ingber. RSVP to attend:

Sacred Quilt Workshop

Thursday, July 14, 7:00pm Leona Strassberg-Steiner, Chair of the Romemu Decorations Committee, invites all new and existing members to the Sacred Quilt Workshop, located at Jump Apparel (1400 Broadway). Help decorate our sacred space by creating your very own pice of art. We will gather to work on our squares, share prayer and meditation. Materials are available but please feel free to bring your own. RSVP to Leona at 201-610-1412

The Swami & the Rabbi All You Need is Love

Wednesday, July 13, 6:30pm Join Rabbi David Ingber and Swami Ramananda at the Integral Yoga Institute (227 West 13th Street) for a dialogue between these two great teachers. This class will focus on how love wounds and heals. This event is free and no registration is necessary. Donations are welcome. For more information: 877-781-2349

Shabbat Services

West End Presbyterian Church 165 W 105th Street July 8/9 Shabbat Services Friday: 5:30pm Sha'Baby Shabbat with Zach Fredman, Rabbi Jennifer Tobenstein & Ariel Rosen-Ingber 7:00pm Shabbat Services led by Rabbi David Ingber 8:30pm Shabbat Potluck & Zimmun


Sound Committee Meeting

Thursday, July 14, 7:00pm Would you like to learn a new skill while also giving back to your spiritual community? Join the Sound Commitee during their once a month learning session to help create a full services experience at Romemu. Technical knowledge is not a requirement but a willingness to learn is. This group meets at West End Presbyterian Church, 165 West 105th Street at Amsterdam in the main sanctuary.

8:30am: ShabbatAsana Yoga taught by Howie Katz 9:30am:Â Meditation 10:00am: Shabbat Services led by Rabbi David Ingber Please refrain from using all electronic devices during services including cell phones and cameras. For your safety Romemu will be conducting random bag searches at the entrance of our sanctuary. Thank you for your coooperation. To sponsor Shabbat flowers or a kiddush, please contact:

Featured Committee: Adult Education Committee Co Chairs: Rita Kozak & Jonathan Rubinstein During the Annual Community Meeting more than thirty of you expressed an interest in participating in the establishment of a Romemu Adult Education program. It has taken several months to get going but we're going now! Know this: Romemu is going to have a wonderful, rich adult education program beginning after the High Holy Days. We need your help. We really do. We ask each of you who have interest in contributing time, thought, and effort over the next two months to respond to this call to action. The Adult Education Committee will be organizing a meeting in the next two weeks. If you feel inspired to contribute time and thought to this group email

Get Involved at Romemu Recurring Classes

Our Community

Rome' Red Tent

Refuah Shlemah

Monday, July 11

Calling all women, girls, grandmothers and female-identified friends and members of Romemu. Come to honor the new month of Tamuz, wear red and bring something delicious to share in sisterhood. This group meets at 320 Central Park West, Apartment 16D at 7:00pm. For more information contact

Kabbalah Cafe Every Tuesday

Kabbalah Cafe focuses on the wisdom of the Jewish mystical tradition and its application to our daily lives. Attention will be given to the weeks Parsha. These teachings are free for Romemu Members; a $5 donation is suggested for non members. Please RSVP at


2nd Friday of Every Month Contact Romemu:

308 W. 92nd Street, Ste. 5B 212.580.4294, Rabbi David Ingber Founder & Spiritual Director Shir Yaakov Feinstein-Feit Creative & Musical Director Jane Graver Director of Operations Jade Netanya Ullmann Development, Membership & Outreach Cassie Pena Administration

Join Romemu for this musical and fun Shabbat program for children, 0 to 2 years old. This will be an engaging Shabbat experience for babies and their families. Zach Fredman, Rabbi Jennifer Tobenstein, and Ariel Rosen-Ingber will be leading you and your baby in music and prayer.

Living Deeply with a Sacred Text

As we approach Simchas Torah in October, the final months of this Rome'chevra group will meet together to complete their exploration of a sacred line of Torah. To join, contact Nili Weissman at

We would like to wish a speedy recovery and blessings of healing upon Karen Miriam Rosenbaum, Batia and Chaim Melamed, Sally Staver, Blanche and Jack Frank, Frank Palmer and Phillip Jones.

Bikur Cholim Meeting

Wednesday, July 13 7:30pm

Many of you have expressed an interest in participating in a new initiative begun by Romemu Nourishment Chair, Cymone Speed. Come to learn more about what Bikur Cholim does for you and the community. Location of this meeting will be announced upon RSVP. Contact Cymone Speed:

Shomer Love

Help volunteer to prepare our sacred space Friday and Saturday by volunteering to be a Shomer. Sign up is now beginning for volunteer help at Romemu's upcoming Passover Seder. Email

Volunteer to Leyn

Interested in reading Torah during a Saturday service or during the upcoming Passover Services? This is a great way to honor someone or an important event in your life. Honor Romemu and yourself.

Dedicate a Siddur

For a small donation of $18 you can dedicate a Siddur in loving memory of a family member, to commemorate an event or honor Romemu. Call or email the Romemu Office for more information: 212-580-4294 or

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