15/16 Sivan, 5771 • June 17-18, 2011 Parsha Beha'aloscha Shabbat Candles: 8:11pm
Rome'News and Upcoming Events Upcoming Events Kallah 2011 - Or Chadash
June 27-July 3 Be enriched, inspired and brighted by connecting with Renewal communities from around the world. Join Rabbi Ingber at this ALEPH sponsored bi-annual conference. Romemu Members receive a 10% discount if 10 or more people register. Contact Jonathan Baron for more details: 212-242-6567
Sha'baby Shabbat Service
Friday, July 8, 5:30pm Even your baby can experience the sweetness of music, dance and fun on Shabbat in this Romemu Friday Shabbat service catered especially for children 0 to 2 years old. Rabbi Jennifer Tobenstein, Ariel Rosen Ingber and Zach Fredman invite you to accompany your little one and celebrate. minis@romemu.org
Rome'Member Social
Saturday, July 9, 7:45pm The Membership Committee with Rabbi David and Ariel, invite all new members to join them at Riverside Park for a picnic potluck shabbat third meal, Seudah Shlishit. If you would like to you may bring salad, fruit, dessert or drinks to share, and blankets to lounge on. Get to know your Rabbi, Rebbetzin and fellow community members. In case of rain please come to the home of Rabbi Ingber. RSVP to attend: membership@romemu.org
The Swami & the Rabbi All You Need is Love
Wednesday, July 13, 6:30pm Join Rabbi David Ingber and Swami Ramananda at the Integral Yoga Institute (227 West 13th Street) for the first of two dialogues between these two great teachers. This class will focus on how love wounds and heals. For more information: 877-781-2349
In the Community Nourishment for the Sykora Family
The Nourishment Committee welcomes baby Matthew Sykora to our community and invites you to support the Sykora Family by preparing a meal, providing snacks, or having a healthy meal delievered from one of their favorite restaurants to their home. Please email Cymone Speed, we need your help. nourishment@romemu.org
Bereavement Groups
JBFCS/UJA Partners in Caring Social Worker, Aliza Scharf-Bendov invites members interested in attending a bereavement support group to a Focus Group Meeting (time/date TBA). Please contact Aliza Scharf-Bendov directly at ascharf@jbfcs.org.
Mazal Tov
We congratulate Daniel Savin & Fryda Villars on their upcoming wedding. Gabe Siegel will become Bar Mitzvah. Rebecca Sharzer will be celebrating her birthday this Shabbat
Refuah Shlemah
We would like to wish a speedy recovery and blessings of healing upon Karen Miriam Rosenbaum, Batia and Chaim Melamed, Sally Staver, Blanche and Jack Frank, Frank Palmer, Mortan Tankus and Phillip Jones
Romemu Center Questionnaire Thank you to everyone who took the Romemu Center Questionnaire. We had a response of over 160 completed and are grateful for the wonderful comments and feedback. We will continue to keep you informed as we digest these responses and discuss next steps.
Shabbat Services West End Presbyterian Church 165 W 105th Street June 17/18 Shabbat Services Friday: 7:00pm Shabbat Services led by Rabbi David Ingber with Shir Yaakov Feinstein-Feit & the Romemu Community Band 8:30pm Shabbat Community Dinner sponsored by Judy & Jon Siegel in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Gabe Siegel The Siegel's will be hnored for you to join Romemu for a vegetarian kosher dinner in honor of Gabe Siegel becoming Bar Mitzvah. Gabe is a 7th grader at Solomon Schechter School of Westchester who enjoys chess, technology, gaming and jazz saxophone.
Saturday: 8:30am: ShabbatAsana Yoga taught by Yehuda Hyman 9:30am:Â Meditation 10:00am: Shabbat Services led by Rabbi David Ingber 12:00pm Auf Ruf Kiddush sponsored by Daniel Savin & Fryda Villars Please refrain from using all electronic devices during services including cell phones and cameras. We thank you for your cooperation. To sponsor Shabbat flowers or a kiddush, please contact: info@romemu.org
Featured Committee: Production & Sound Committee
In Gratitude We Thank You!
Historic, Momentous & Extraordinary
Last Sunday Romemu was honored to have Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi and Rabbi Joseph Telushkin join us for a panel discussion with Rabbi Ingber. Over 600 people were in attendance. The learning was tremendous. Monday, June 13, Romemu celebrated five years of success at the Romemu Gala, bringing Reb Zalman for a second night into our community. We rasied $40,000 with your love and support. We want to congratulate Rabbi David Ingber for receiving the first Reb Zalman Awared for Visionary Leadership.
Thank you to everyone who made this night possible. A special thank you to.... Romemu's first Sound Committee led by Andrew Finkel and Jonathan Bickoff meets once a month to ensure the Romemu congregation hears and experiences every holy sound of prayer and music. They invite you to join this production volunteer group even if you think you lack the technical skills. A willingness to help, learn and serve is all that is necessary to help. Contact sound@romemu.org for more information. Contact Romemu:
308 W. 92nd Street, Ste. 5B 212.580.4294, info@romemu.org Rabbi David Ingber rabbi@romemu.org Founder & Spiritual Director Shir Yaakov Feinstein-Feit shir@romemu.org Creative & Musical Director Jane Graver jane@romemu.org Director of Operations Jade Netanya Ullmann jade@romemu.org Development, Membership & Outreach Cassie Pena cassie@romemu.org Administration
Paula Yormak, Romemu Gala Committee Chair, and Felice Winograd, Romemu Development Chair, Evey Adelsohn-Mason, Jonathan Bickoff, Rande Brown, Jeff Cahn, Andrew Finkel, Arthur Fried, Caren Fried, Dan Fried, Elise Gura, Marcy Kalish, Iva Kaufman, Paul Mason, Shari Melamed-Kaplan, Jonathan Pillot, Jorian Polis Schutz, Ariel Rosen Ingber, Ellen Shapiro, Deborah Shimko, Leona & Charlie Steiner, Cymone Speed, Howard Weiner and our event host committee. Thank you to performers and artists Peter Max, Peter Yarrow, Bethany Yarrow, Rufus Cappadocia, Minx Boren and Amelia Cormack.
And of course...
We must thank our generous and supportive donors: Wendy & Sidney Ingber, Betina, Spencer, Sara, Alec and Nathaniel Waxman, Rebekah, Adam, Eva, Bella and Israel Ingber, Amara Ingber, Wendy, Phillip & Max Rothman, Shari Melamed-Kaplan & Steven Kaplan, Sally & Steve Paridis, Paula & Jeffrey Yormak, Laurel & Howie Borowick, Jeffrey Cahn & Lili Schad, Deborah Shimko, Ben Klapper & Barbara Braffman, David Solomon, Elaine & Joel Winograd, Judy & Robert Fuhrer, Abby & Randy Kanter, Neal Kaunfer, Sarah Kater & Meny Vaknin, Miriam Kanter, Susie Kessler, Robert Kushner, Samuel Rosen & Marci Wilf, Aliza Rosen & Bryan Clobes, Robin Staver, Steve, Karen & Ben Kanter, Howard Katz, Shawn Zevit, and Rachel Horowitz Makleff.