Rome'News and Events May 20

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16-17 Iyyar, 5771 • May 20-21, 2011 Parsha Behar Shabbat Candles: 7:52pm 31-32nd Day of the Omer

Rome'News and Upcoming Events Shabbat Services West End Presbyterian Church 165 W 105th Street Please refrain from using your mobile devices within the sanctuary, whether texting or merely checking the time. Please consider the time we are together worshipping to be beyond the reach of time and other mundane matters and worthy of our undivided attention.

Count Me In The 2011 Membership Drive

commitment to playing a vital role within this growing community.

As so many developments arise at Romemu we rely on you, our Romemu Members, to renew your membership today. You can continue the special relationship you have already cultivated with Romemu by being the hands that build our sacred space.

There are several financial tiers, listed on the Support Page of the Romemu Website, to fit your financial position.

Visit our Facebook page and fill out the short Romemu Center Questionnaire, giving us a picture of your ideal sanctuary and spiritual practice. We want to know what the future of Romemu looks like to you. If you’re not yet a member of Romemu, now is the time to join us. By becoming a member of Romemu, you express your desire and

Upcoming Member Events: - Sunday, May 22 Romemu Families at Eden Village Farm for Lag b'Omer - Shabbat Potluck Dessert & Fruit Oneg, Friday, June 3 - Plus festive events with poet Minx Boren By joining Romemu and forge towards building a better tomorrow. We are couting on you. For more information on how to renew or join:

Upcoming Community Events Romemu Family Day at Eden Village - A Lag b'Omer Event

Sunday, May 22, 1:00pm Join Romemu's Hebrew Kids at Eden Village for an educational tour, handson volunteer project, and lessons from Rabbi David Ingber. The cost is $10 for adults and $5 for kids. Eden Village offers an immersive education in Jewish values to build a sustainable, just and a spiritually connected world. To register visit:

Shabbat Potluck Dessert & Fruit Oneg

Friday, June 3, 8:30pm We love when Romemu members stay after services and schmooze, so we thought we would sweeten the Shabbat mood and offer fruit and dessert to the conversation. Friday, June 3, bring a sweet to share and stay a little late. You too, can know what it means to be a Romemu member. Joining can sweeten your Shabbat in more ways than one.

May 20/21 Shabbat Services Friday: 7:00pm Shabbat Services led by Rabbi David Ingber with Shir Yaakov Feinstein-Feit & the Romemu Community Band 9:00pm Rome'hosting Shabbat Dinners Saturday: 8:30am: ShabbatAsana Yoga 9:30am: Meditation 10:00am: Shabbat Services led by Rabbi David Ingber 12:30 Kiddush sponsored by Shir Yaakov Feinstein-Feit in honor of the Auf Ruf of Emily Peck & Shir Yaakov Feinstein-Feit To sponsor Shabbat flowers or a kiddush, please contact:

Classes with Rabbi Ingber Kabbalah Cafe'

Tuesdays, 7:00pm

Join us as we explore the mysteries of the Kabbalah in an intimate setting. Free for Members, $10 for Non-members. RSVP to attend:

Featured Event: Shavuot with Reb Zalman: The Festival of First Fruits Tuesday-Friday, June 7-10

Join Reb Zalman SchachterShalomi, Eve Ilsen, Rabbi David Ingber, Shir Yaakov Feinstein-Feit, Marcia Prager and Hazzan Jack Kessler at this ALEPH, P'nai Or and Romemu co-sponsored retreat. To celebrate the holiday of Shavuot, the Festival of First Fruits, we will take part together in study, lectures, practices and discussions that will open your heart and mind to your own first fruits. The program fee for this class is $350 for adults, $100 for children. For more information and to register call 1-800-398-2630 or visit

The Transformative Teachings of Kabbalah: Rabbi David Ingber at the NYC Open Center Wednesdays, May 25- June 22 6:00pm

In the Community

Rabbi David Ingber Founder & Spiritual Director

Romemu Book Circle:

Shir Yaakov Feinstein-Feit Creative & Musical Director Jane Graver Director of Operations Jade Netanya Ullmann Development, Membership & Outreach Cassie Pena Administration

Monday, June 13, 6:00pm

Join us for a very special evening with Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, founder of Renewal Judaism and mentor Rabbi David Ingber joins once again of Rabbi David Ingber. Reb Zalman will with the Open Center (22 East 30th be making a rare visit to New York City Street) to offer an interesting course to honor Rabbi David Ingber's exploring the teachings of Kabbalah. leadership and vision for Renewal Judaism. This exciting evening will raise This class explores Kabbalistic funds to spark a new path towards perspectives on the meaning of life, building Renewal Judaism in New York relationships, purpose, death and reincarnation, drawing on ancient texts City and beyond. Look for more information on other upcoming events from the Sefer Yetzirah, Sefer HaZohar, and the writing of several leading with Reb Zalman. To attend this RSVP only event, please contact the Romemu figures of Kabbalah.You will be introduced to the mystery of the sefirot, Office or visit: the esoteric power of the Hebrew letters romemu-five-years and a range of other transformative Kabbalistic teachings. The 14th International Kallah June 27 to July 3 Cost: Registration for the Kallah, the biIntroductory Course: $5 annual Jewish Renewal retreat, is now Series: $90 for Romemu Members underway. Visit or contact Jonathan Baron, our local To register, call 212-219-2527 representative at 212-242-6567.

Contact Romemu:

308 W. 92nd Street, Ste. 5B 212.580.4294,

Honoring Rabbi David Ingber: An Event Celebrating the First Five Years of Romemu

Wednesday, June 1 at 8:00pm. This group is reading Arthur Green's Ehyeh that can be purchased online at To RSVP and for location email:

Sacred Quilt Project:

Leona Strassberg Steiner invites you to help build our sacred space through the creation of a Romemu Sacred Quilt. Please decorate your own quilt square (at the back of the schul) and mail to 308 W. 92nd Street, Suite 5B, by June 6.

Refuah Shlemah

We would like to wish a speedy recovery and blessings of healing upon Karen Miriam Rosenbaum, Miriam Rose, Batia and Chaim Melamed, Sally Staver, Blanche and Jack Frank, Frank Palmer, Mortan Tankus and Phillip Jones.

Mazal Tov

Romemu Members Yiska Obadia and Sam Gedal have announced their recent engagement to be married. Yehuda Hyman is appearing in the Target Margin Production of William Shakespeare's The Tempest, in the role of Gonzalo, playing now through May 27.

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