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Travel phrasal verbs Back up If traffic backs up, the vehicles have to wait in a long line because there are too many of them. “It's difficult to back up a truck when a trailer is attached.” Pull over (a vehicle) / pull someone (a driver) over If a vehicle pulls over, it moves to the side of the road and stops. “When he saw the flashing lights in the rear-view mirror, he pulled over.” Pull out (a vehicle) If a vehicle pulls out, it starts moving onto a road or onto a different part of the road. “A car pulled right out in front of me.” Stop over (verb) a stopover (noun) To stay at a place for one night or a few nights on the way to somewhere else or before returning home “We stopped over in Miami on the way here.” Set out To start a journey. “They set out for London early the following day.” See off To go to the place that someone is leaving from in order to say goodbye to them. “He came to the airport with me to see me off.” Look forward To feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen. “We look forward to seeing you on Christmas Day.”

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