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T abl eofCont ent s Resume


Cor ona,NY 10321 Condomi ni um New 4St or yMi xedUseCommer i cal& Resi dent i alBui l di ng


Mel r ose,MA 10 Cor eyApar t mentBui l di ng New 5St or yResi dent i alBui l di ng


J amai ca,NY 14601 Commer ci alBui l di ng Renovat i on/Conver si onofExi st i ngMi xedUseBui l di ng i nt oCommer ci al/Busi nessBui l di ng


CapeCod,MA 245 Har mesW ayVacat i on House New Vacat i onHouse


Br ookl yn,NY 1432 New Si ngl eFami l yHouse New Si ngl eFami l yLuxur yHouse


Queens,NY 807 Si ngl eFami l yHouse Renovat i onofExi st i ngSi ngl eFami l yHouse


Fl ushi ng,NY 13215 Condomi ni um New 6St or yMi xedUseCommuni t yFaci l i t y& Resi dent i alBui l di ng


Mel r ose,MA 130 Tr emontCondomi ni um New 4St or yResi dent i alBui l di ng


Br ookl yn,NY 1942 ConeyIsl and Ave.Rest aur ant Renovat i on/Conver si onofExi st i ngRet ai lSt or ei nt oaRest aur ant


Sudbur y ,MA 273 Goodman' sHi l lRoad Houses New 3OneFami l yLuxur yHouses


Leeds,UK TheRai l way-Bur khar d Homes New 10OneFami l yHouses

10321Condomi ni um

Render i ng

New 4 St or yMi xed UseCommer ci al& Resi dent i alBui l di ng 10321Nor t her nBl vd. ,Queens,NY -Angel oNg& Ant honyNgAr chi t ect sSt udi o,PC Thi smi xedusebui l di ngi sl ocat ed,i nNor t her nBl vd. ,whi chi soneoft hemai n ar t er i esofQueens,NY . I tpr ovi des,i nt hef i r stf l oor ,f or4000 sq.f t .ofr ent edcommer ci alspacewi t h anopenendedf unct i onconsi der i ngt hechangi ngnat ur eofcommer ce. AsperCl i ent ' sr equest ,at t ent i on wasgi ven t ot hedesi gn ofan uni nt er r upt ed openspace.


Si t e

Fi r stFl oorPl an

SecondFl oorPl an

Four t hFl oorPl an

The r esi dent i alpar tof9500 sq.f t .i ncl udes10 apar t ment s. Mai nt ai ni ng a maxi mum open space atf i r stf l oordemanded unusualdesi gn sol ut i on of accessi bi l i t yt or esi dent i alspaces.Thi sr equi r edconsi der at i onofbui l di ngcode i ssues,zoni ngr egul at i onsaswel lasst r uct ur alcoor di nat i on. Wi t hi nt ent i on t o pr eser ve t he desi gn concept ,whi ch coul d be i mpact ed by costf act or s,ext ensi ve mat er i alr esear ch wasper f or med i n or dert o pr ovi de t heCl i entwi t hsever alopt i onsf orhi mt ochoosef r om.

10Cor eyApar t mentBui l di ng

Render i ng

New 5 St or yResi dent i alBui l di ng 1014Cor eySt r eet ,Mel r ose,MA -Bur khar dCor por at i onThepr oj ecti sl ocat edi nMel r osedownt ownar ea.Theexi st i ngusessur r oundi ngt hepr oj ectar edi ver se.Theyi ncl udecommer ci al ,mi xed use commer ci aland r esi dent i al ,and busi ness ones.Anot hersi gni f i cantadded val ue t ot he pr oj ecti si t s di st anceofappr oxi mat el y400’f r om t heMBTA Commut erRai lWyomi ngSt at i on. Thepr oj ectconsi st si na40dwel l i nguni tapar t mentbui l di ngpr ovi di ng39000S. F .ofr esi dent i alspace,and9700S. F .open par ki nggar age. The bui l di ng si t ei si r r egul ar ,and sl opesacr osswi dt h and dept h oft he l ot .These const r ai nt sand t hose i mposed by t he exi st i ngadj acentbui l di ngsr esul ti napodi um desi gnconcept . Par ki nggar ageofoccupancyS2andconst r uct i oncl assi f i cat i ont ypeI Bi sonest or yabovet hegr ade.Resi dent i alpor t i onof t hebui l di ngi sabovet heopengar age,andi ssepar at edf r om i tbya2hourf i r er at edf l oorassembl y .Thi ssol ut i onal l owsf or t her esi dent i alpor t i ont obeconst r uct i oncl assi f i cat i ont ypeVA,andi t snumberofst or i est obemeasur edf r om t hef l oorabove t hepar ki nggar age. The2hourf i r er at edf l oorassembl yi scomposi t econcr et est eeldeckwi t hf i r epr oofspr ayedst eelbeams.Theconcr et edeck pr ovi desf r eedom ofwoodf r amel oadbear i ngwal l sdesi gn.Thi si scr uci alwhenconsi der i ngt hatal mostal lapar t ment shave di f f er entl ayout s,whi chdon’ tf ol l ow at ypi calmodul arr hyt hm. Theext er i ormat er i al spal et t ei sacombi nat i onoff acebr i ckandext er i ori nsul at edf i ni shsyst em.


Si t ePl an

2ndFl oorPl an

Render i ng


EastEl evat i on

Nor t hEl evat i on

Sect i onAl i gnedWi t hCor eySt r eet

Sect i onAl i gnedWi t hTheDr i veway


Concr et eDeckandExt er i orWal lDet ai l

Coor di nat i onofBr i ckFace,Wi ndow,andEI FS Det ai l I nHor i zont alSect i on

I nVer t i calSect i on

Coor di nat i onofPat i oDoor ,Guar dRai l ,Bl ocki ngSuppor tandBui l di ngCodeRequi r ement s

14601Commer ci alBui l di ng

Renovat i on/Conver si on ofExi st i ng Mi xed UseBui l di ng i nt oCommer ci al /Busi nessBui l di ng 14601J amai caAve. ,Queens,NY -Ki ngDavi dAr chi t ect ur eP . C.I nt hi sr enovat i on/ conver si on ofan exi st i ng mi xed use bui l di ng,t he exi st i ng commer ci alspace f l oorar ea wasr et ai ned, whi l ei t sf acadeandi nt er i orar r angementwasr adi cal l ymodi f i ed.Theexi st i ngr esi dent i alspacewasconver t edi nt ocommuni t yf aci l i t yandext endedby2200S. F .amount i ngt oat ot alof4400S. F . .Typi calf l oorar ear esul t si nt oappr oxi mat el y1460 S. F . . Deal i ng wi t h an exi st i ng st r uct ur e posed chal l enges,and r equi r ed coor di nat i on ofCl i ent ' sexpect at i onswi t h St r uct ur al Engi neereval uat i ons and r ecommendat i ons.Renovat ed spaces speci f i cf unct i ons wer el ef topen ended,f ort he f ut ur e t enant scoul dhavemaxi mum desi gnf l exi bi l i t y .Thi sr equi r edr eor gani zi ngt heexi st i ngi nt er i orhor i zont alandver t i calci r cul at i on.

Exi st i ngCondi t i ons


146t hSt r eetEl evat i on

Fi r stFl oorPl an

SecondFl oorPl an

245Har mesWayVacat i onHouse

Render i ng New Vacat i on House 245Har mesWay,East ham,MA -Bur khar dCor por at i onLocat edi nEast ham,i nCapeCodBay ,t hi snew houser epl acesanexi st i ngdi l api dat edone. Si nceEast ham hasqui t eanat t r act i venat ur alenvi r onment ,t our i sm andl ei sur ear et heeconomi cact i vi t i est hatchar act er i zet hi s t own.Thi sgoesal ongwi t ht hepr ot ect i vemeasur est akent opr eser vet heenvi r onment ,andmi ni mi zeatopt i mum t hescal eofany i nt er vent i on.I n addi t i on t ot hese f act or s,i mpor t antonest o consi derf orany new st r uct ur e ar et he wi nd speeds,and f l oodi ng hazar ds. Asar esul t ,t hi snew vacat i onhousei snotat ypi calst andar dst r uct ur e.I tf ol l owsasmuchaspossi bl et hesamebui l dupar eaof t heexi st i nghouse.However ,i ncont r astwi t ht heexi st i nghouse,i ti sel evat edf orenvi r onment alandf l oodhazar dsr easons. Thehousedesi gnr ef l ect st henat ur eofavacat i onhome.I ti ssi mpl e,andr educedt oact i vi t i esofat empor ar yr esi dence.Li vi ng andsl eepi ngar easar esepar at edhor i zont al l yandver t i cal l y .Thedesi gnobj ect i vesar emai nl yf ocusedonachi evi ngt hebestvi ews andsol argai nandpr ot ect i on.Thel i vi ngar ea,di ni ngandki t chenar ei nonespacehi gh12’ ,andwi ndow openi ngsar eonopposi t e si des.Thi sar r angementpr ovi desf orcr ossvent i l at i onandmi ni mum useofHVAC equi pment .Thedeckandmai nvi ewsar eposi t i onedonSout handWest .The2’ 8”r oofover hangpr ovi dessol arcont r ol . Thesi t ei si n VE zone( asperFEMA) ,whi ch i sSFHA ( speci alf l oodhazar dar ea)andr equi r est hest r uct ur et obeabovet heBFE ( base f l ood el evat i on) .Thi si st he cause t hatappl yi ng open f oundat i ons,such ast he dr i ven wooden pi l es,i st he sol ut i on t hat pr ovi dest hemostst r uct ur alst abi l i t y ,andt hel eastsi t ei mpact .


Si t ePl an

Exi st i ngCondi t i ons

Cr ossSect i onThr oughTheLi vi ngAr ea

Fi r stFl oorPl an


Render i ngOfTheDeckAr ea

Ki t chenRender i ng

Render i ng-Vi ew Fr om Har mesWay

1stFl oorSt r uct ur alPl an


Cr ossSect i on

Thedesi gnoft hi shouser equi r escoor di nat i on ofwood pi l ef oundat i ons wi t ht he 1stf l oor st r uct ur alf r ami ng. Wood pi l esar e not ched t o pr ovi de a bear i ng sur f acef ort hebeams. Fur t her mor e,t hest r uct ur eabovet hebeamsi s anchor ed t ot hem al ong t he shearwal l s,as speci f i edbyt hest r uct ur alengi neer . The ent i r e habi t abl e ar ea must be l ocat ed above t he BFE,and al l ow f ort he Fr eeboar d, whi ch i sa f act orofsaf et yt r ansl at ed i nf eet abovet heBFE. The st r uct ur es bel ow t he BFE ar e nothabi t abl e,andmustbedesi gnedt of ai lunderwat er orwi ndl oadswi t houtexer t i nganyst r esst hat coul d st r uct ur al l y damage t he r est of t he house.

Br eakawaySt r uct ur eDesi gn

1432New Si ngl eFami l yHouse

New Si ngl eFami l yLuxur yHouse 1432East10t hSt r eet ,Br ookl yn,NY -Ki ngDavi dAr chi t ect ur eP . C.Thi s7000 S. F .new 1 f ami l yl uxur yhousei sl ocat ed i n ahi ghend ar eaofBr ookl yn.Fur t her mor e,i ti si ncl uded i nt he Speci alDi st r i ctofOceanPar kway ,whi chpr eser vest hechar act eroft hel ar ge,det achedandsemi det achedoneandt wo f ami l yhouses. Asar esul t ,t hedemandi ngCl i ent ' sexpect at i onsr equi r edconsi der at i onandsol ut i onofcompl exzoni ngi ssues. Fore. g. ,i nor dert opr ovi denat ur all i ght i ngandvent i l at i ont oswi mmi ngpool ,l ocat edi nt hecel l ar ,weusedt hegr een house,whi chi sanel ementbeyondt heal l owabl ef l oorar ea.Ont heot hersi de,i tser vedasaconnect i onpoi ntbet ween swi mmi ngpooland1stf l oor . Thegr oundl eveldesi gni sagr adualt r ansi t i onf r om publ i cst r eet ,f r ontpor ch,t owar dsmor epr i vat ear easl i kef ami l yand di ni ngr oom. Consi der i ngt hel engt hoft hehouseandwal ki ngdi st ancesi nsi det hehouse,t hest ai r swer edesi gnedi nt hecent eroft he house;andbyt hi sway ,att hesamet i mebecomi ngt hemai ni nt er i oraest het i cf eat ur eofi t .


Cr ossSect i on

WestSi deEl evat i on

Fi r stFl oorPl an


Longi t udi nalSect i on

Cel l arFl oorPl an

807Si ngl eFami l yHouse

Render i ng Renovat i on ofExi st i ng Si ngl eFami l yHouse 807Par sonsBoul evar d,Queens,NY -Angel oNg& Ant honyNgAr chi t ect sSt udi o,PC I ni t i al l y ,t her enovat i onoft hi shouseconsi st edi n900S. F .addi t i onat2ndf l oor .Theaddi t i onalspaceswer et obet henew enl ar ged mast erbedr ooms.However ,dur i ng pr el i mi nar ysi t evi si t sweagr eed wi t ht heownert hatt heent i r ehouseneeded r edesi gn,as t her ewasat i nyki t cheni nt he1stf l oor ;acompl et esecl udedr ecr eat i onar eai nt hebasement ;f ornopur poseatal lamai nent r y cor r i dor ;andqui t er est r i ct ednat ur all i ght i ng. Theexi st i nghousehasaspl i tl evelsyst em,whi chof f er scer t ai nadvant ages,l i kevi sual l yconnect i ngcer t ai nspaces.If oundi tnecessar yt oconnectt hel i vi ngr oom i nt he1stf l oorwi t ht her ecr eat i onar eai nt hebasement . Consi der i ngf act or sl i ket hecompl et er edesi gnoft hehouse,andt henew r oofhavi ngani ncr easedl oadbecauseofnew cl ayt i l es, t henr ealst r uct ur ali ssuesdemandedpr act i calsol ut i ons.Theut i l i zat i onofLVLengi neer edwoodenbeamswasoneoft hem.


Si t ePl an

Exi st i ngCondi t i ons

Cr ossSect i on


Exi st i ngI nt er i orCondi t i ons

Gr oundFl oorPl an

Cr eat i ngVi sualConnect i on

Fi r stFl oorPl an

St r uct ur alRei nf or ci ng


Cr ossSect i on

Ext er i orRender i ngs

Fi r stFl oorSt r uct ur alPl an

Longi t udi nalSect i on


SecondFl oorSt r uct ur alPl an

DeckFoot i ngPostDet ai l

DeckLongi t udi nalSect i on

13215Condomi ni um

New 6 St or yMi xed UseCommuni t yFaci l i t y& Resi dent i alBui l di ng 1321541stAvenue,Fl ushi ng,Queens,NY -Angel oNg& Ant honyNgAr chi t ect sSt udi o,PC Thear eaofFl ushi ng,Queenswher et hi sbui l di ngi sl ocat edi sunder goi ngani nt ensi vedevel opmentpr ocessi nr ecentyear s. Thi spr oj ecti sabout25000 S. F .ofmi xedusebui l di ngwi t h 23 f ami l ydwel l i nguni t s.Thedesi gn i nt entwast ocompl ement andadval uest oexi st i ngadj acentbui l di ngs.Theof f st r eetpar ki ngi sl ocat edi n1stf l oor ,sot heuseofunderdr i vewayspaces, i nt hecel l ar ,canbeopt i mi zed. I nor dert osat i sf yt hezoni ngmaxi mum bui l di nghei ghtr est r i ct i on,andobt ai nanent i r eaddi t i onalf l oorwechangedt hest r uct ur alsyst em f r om t hatofst r uct ur alst eelt of l atpl at er ei nf or cedconcr et e. Thi schangewast ober ef l ect edi nar chi t ect ur al ,mechani cal ,pl umbi ngandf i r epr ot ect i ondesi gnsol ut i onsal so.Fur t her mor e, Icoor di nat edt hepr oj ectwi t ht hePar ks& Recr eat i onDept . ;t heDept .ofEnvi r onment alPr ot ect i on;andt heDept .ofBui l di ngs.Anot herpr obl em t hatr equi r edmanagementandsol ut i onwast hel ocat i onofexi st i ngLongI sl andRai l r oadf oundat i on adj acentt ot her earpr oper t yl i ne. Speci alat t ent i onwasgi vent ot hesel ect i on,speci f i cat i on,andi nst al l at i onmet hodol ogyofext er nalmat er i al swhi char est one ( gr ani t e)andal umi num panel s.


Si t e

Cr ossSect i on

Gr oundFl oor


Concept ualandSchemat i cDesi gnPr ogr ess

Si xt hFl oorAr chi t ect ur alandSt r uct ur alDesi gnI nt egr at i on

Foundat i onWal lDet ai l

Met alSt ai rDet ai l


Bal conyDet ai l

Sect i onThr ought heBeam

Lat er alWal lDet ai l

Sect i onThr ough30x24Beam

Longi t udi nalSect i onThr oughBeam at2ndFl . Suppor t i ngCMU Wal lBet weent heSt ai r s

2ndFl oorSt r uct ur alPl an

130Tr emontSt r eetCondomi ni um

Render i ng New 4 St or yResi dent i alBui l di ng 130Tr emontSt r eet ,Mel r ose,MA -Bur khar dCor por at i onThi snew 26 dwel l i nguni tbui l di ngi sl ocat edi nt hepr oxi mi t yoft heBost on commut err ai l ,andcl oset oMel r osedownt own ar ea.Thear eal andusedensi t yi sl ow.However ,i ncr easedhousi ngdemandi sbei ngr ef l ect edi nsever all ow andmedi um r i se mul t i f ami l yr esi dent i albui l di ngsdevel opment s. Thebui l di ngpr ovi desf or36000S. F .ofr esi dent i alspace,6000S. F .cover edand6000S. F .openofpar ki ngspace. Thef i r stf l oordesi gnconceptconsi der sexi st i ngadj acentusesbyl ocat i ngapar t ment snextt oexi st i ng1f ami l yhouses,and ont heot hersi depar ki ngandpar ki ngent r ancesnextt oaut obodyshop. Bui l di ngCodeal l owsf oraVAconst r uct i oncl assi f i cat i onbui l di ngt ype,whi chcanbeat hr eest or ycombust i bl ewoodenf r ame. Becauseaut omat i cspr i nkl ersyst em i spr ovi dedt hr oughent i r ebui l di ng,anaddi t i onalst or ywi t hmezzani necanbeobt ai ned. Asper521CMR9ofAr chi t ect ur alAccessBoar dal ldwel l i nguni t sar eGr oup1.However ,5% of26dwel l i nguni t smustcompl y wi t hGr oup2A r equi r ement s. St r uct ur alsyst em consi st si nl oadbear i ng wal l s and wooden t r uss,whi ch pr ovi des f orl ongerspan and mechani caland pl umbi ngi nst al l at i oncont i nui t y . Cement i t i ouspanel sandl apsi di ngcombi nedwi t hHomeSl i ckerr ai nscr eenar ecomponent soft hebui l di ngenvel ope.


TheSi t eofPr oposed26Uni tCondomi ni um Pr oj ect -130Tr emontSt r eet ,Mel r ose

TheAdj acentPar celt oTheNor t hofThePr oj ect I sAnAut obodyShop. TheBui l di ngi s1St or yand Appr oxi mat el l y20'Hi gh TheAdj acentPar cel st oTheSout handWestofThePr oj ect Ar eResi dent i alSi ngl eandTwoFami l yHomes. Hei ght sVar yBet ween30'-40' TheSi t et oTheEasti sTheCi t yofMel r oseHi ghSchool TheBui l di ngi s4St or yandAppr oxi mat el y50'Hi gh

HAVERHI LLLi neCommut erRai l

Si t eCont extandTypol ogy

Gr oundFl oorPl an

Four t hFl oor

Four t hFl oorMezzani ne

Fi r eResi st anceBui l di ngCodeAnal ysi s


Nor t hWestEl evat i on

Ki t chenEl evat i onB

Ki t chenLayout Ki t chenEl evat i onC

Ki t chenEl evat i onD

Cr ossSect i on

HeaderDet ai l

Tr ussWal lConnect i onDet ai l


Mol di ngDet ai l

Mol di ngDet ai lRender i ng

Wal lSect i on

1942ConeyI sl andAve.Rest aur ant

Exi st i ngAvenuePEl evat i on

Renovat i on / Conver si on ofExi st i ng Ret ai lSt or eInt oaRest aur ant 1942ConeyI sl andAve. ,Br ookl yn,NY -Ki ngDavi dAr chi t ect ur eP . C.The l ocat i on oft hi sexi st i ng r et ai lst or e of f er ed a qui t e pr omi si ng pot ent i alf ora successf ulpr oj ect . Desi gnconceptwasf ocusedonpr eser vi ng,enhanci ngandpayi ngat t ent i ont odet ai loft heexi st i ng1st f l oorf acade. Meanwhi l e,t hei nt er i ordesi gni ncl udi ngl i ght i ngandf i ni sheswoul dbemoder ni st ,uni queandi ncor por at et henat ur eandconceptofcui si neser vedi ni t . OurCl i entwasr ent i ngonl yt he1stf l ooroft hi st hr eest or ymi xeduser esi dent i al / commer ci albui l di ng. Deci di ng aboutoursuggest i on ofr el ocat i ng,and/ ort r ansf er r i ng t he ver t i calci r cul at i on i n or dert o achi evet heopt i mum r esul t s,wasbeyondhi saut hor i t y .


Pr oposedAvenuePEl evat i on

Pr oposedConeyI sl andAve.El evat i on

Fi r stFl oorPl an

273Goodman' sHi l lRoadHouses

Lot3House-AsBui l t

Lot2HouseRender i ngandPhot oEdi t edwi t hAsBui l tLot3House New 3 OneFami l yLuxur yHouses 273Goodman' sHi l lRoad,Sudbur y,MA -Bur khar dCor por at i onSudbur yi sahi ghendr esi dent i alsubur banar ea,wi t ht ypi cal l yonef ami l yl uxur yhouses. Thepr oj ectconsi st si nt hr eenew l uxur yhousesbui l tandmar ket edondi f f er entst ages. I compl et ed desi gn and ar chi t ect ur aldet ai l sr evi si ons and updat es,dur i ng const r uct i on admi ni st r at i on pr ocess. Formar ket i ngr easonsIpr epar edhouses3D model i ng,r ender i ngs,andphot oedi t edpr esent at i ondr awi ngs. Fur t her mor e,i nt er i ordesi gnwasmodi f i edandt r ansl at edi nt ovi sualr ender i ngst obepr esent edt opot ent i al cl i ent s.


Render i ng-Lot2andLot1House

Render i ng-Lot1House( Desi gnRevi si on)

I nt er i orRender i ng-Lot1House( Desi gnRevi si on)

TheRai l way-Bur khar dHomes

Render i ng

New 10 OneFami l yHouses TheRai l way,CommonLane,EastAr dsl ey,Wakef i el d,UK -Bur khar dCor por at i on-

Render i ng-Houses610

EastAr dsl eyvi l l agei sl ocat edi nt heout ski r t soft heCi t yofLeeds. TheRai l waypr oj ecti sdevel opedi napr edomi nant l yvacantl ot ,att hecor nerofwhi cht her ei st heRai l waypub.The pr oj ectconsi st si nsubdi vi di ngt hel ot ,anddevel opi ng10new houses.Thecommuni t ydeci dedt opr eser vet heexi st i ng st r uct ur eoft hepub,anddevel opi ti nt oanapar t mentbui l di ng.Thi si spar tofanot herpr oj ectst age. Iwor kedwi t ht het eam i npr oj ectpl anni ngandpr ogr ammi ng,schemat i cdesi gnoft hesi t eandoft het ypi calhouses l ayout s.Fur t her mor e,Iassi st edt hemar ket i ngandwebsi t edesi gni ngt eam bypr epar i ngpr oj ect3D model i ng,r ender i ngs,andphot oedi t edpr esent at i ons.


Vi ew Fr om CommonLane

Aer i alVi ew

Si t ePl an

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