RØMP Jan / Feb 2014

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your deямБnitive edutainment source Jan/feb 2014 the RISe up issue #13



YOUNG HAWKERS joey's picks for two

ISSUE 13 RISE UP / contents





styLe JoUrnaL 34 SPOTLIGHT






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ISSUE 13 RISE UP / contents










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www.facebook.com/rompmagazine and check out our new website!


EDITOR’S NOTE In the blink of an eye, we have stepped into 2014 territory. Last year, for some, it may have been a creaking and bumpy ride. Storm clouds may have gathered, rained, and drenched what plans you have tediously made for the year. But who’s to say you’re down and out? I take 2014 to be a fresh, out of the oven, steaming pot of opportunities. In other words, it’s reassuring to know that you can give your plans another go. This time round, however, you tweak your methods, you alter your attitude, and you have a better idea of what went wrong the other time. Chase with a sense of renewed fervour, pursue with a reignited spark and rejoice in the fact that, well, we’re alive and ready. This issue talks about rising above the odds. It’s about overcoming stereotypes (pg 10), overcoming being out of your comfort zone and embracing challenges (pg 16), overcoming outside doubt (pg 28), and overcoming physical disabilities (pg 66). So what essentially does the word ‘overcome’ mean? “Succeed in dealing with a problem or difficulty”, Oxford Dictionary says. There you have it. Success follows an overcomer. It doesn’t matter how big or small a problem you have to overcome. Whether it’s a short term blip or that the matter has been brewing for years, every morning sun that you wake up to is a symbol and reminder – that you have another chance to fight on. George Eliot, which is actually a pen name for the late English novelist, Mary Anne Evans, once wrote this: It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are thoroughly alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger after them. I couldn’t have put it more succinctly and as accurately as her. With a very sincere heart, I wish you the best for what is going to be an exciting and encouraging year. I hope you’ll enjoy this magazine as much as my team has delighted in putting it together, and here’s a toast to a tangible (or intangible) year of success! Signing off,


& the team





mcken wong mcken@agapepublishing.sg

xiaoxi teo sheausee@agapepublishing.sg



xiangyun lim xiangyun@agapepublishing.sg WRITER

elizabeth moreira elizabeth@agapepublishing.sg SENIOR CONTRIBUTOR

joey murray


cindy goh cindy@agapepublishing.sg

PUBLISHER & SALES DIRECTOR calvin lai calvin@agapepublishing.sg


MediaWheel Singapore


chow liying | emery lim ON THE COVER Photography: Julie Choo Model: Elizabeth Lazan Apparel: Kennedy blazer and white top from Love, Bonito; Red BB pump from Manolo Blahnik Hair&Makeup: Yanping Location: Pure Fitness Asia Square

RØMP magazine is published bi-monthly by Agape Publishing Pte Ltd. Copyright is held by the publisher. All rights reserved. Opinions expressed or implied are not necessarily those of the editor and publisher. Reproduction in whole or part without permission is prohibited, or else. Printed by Image Printers Pte Ltd MICA (P) 083/11/2013

81 Tanjong Pagar Singapore 088502 Daily Lunch: 11:30am - 2:30pm Dinner: 6:00pm - 10:00pm

Reservation Hotline: 6222 6626

ISSUE 13 RISE UP / choices

the first step Take the first step to being a Chartered Accountant (CA) of Singapore with Kaplan Financial. As one of the pioneers and few institutes in Singapore to offer the Foundation Programme for Singapore QP, Kaplan provides a quality pathway into the Singapore QP for candidates who do not have an Accredited Accountancy Degree, providing candidates with the necessary skills for the subsequent Professional Programme and Practical Experience. RØMP speaks to Esther Thng, Academic Director of Kaplan Financial, for more insight into this programme. As a CFA charterholder and a member of CFA Institute, Esther carries with her extensive experience working in the financial sector as well as in conducting industry and investment research, investment valuation and financial analysis and forecasting. She also worked very closely with Singapore Accountancy Commission to aid in the launching for the Singapore QP Foundation Programme. How is the Kaplan Foundation Programme for Singapore QP different from other similar courses?

Kaplan has vast experience in running professional and university based qualifications in Singapore. In addition, Kaplan Financial in Hong Kong is the provider of the conversion programme for the HKICPA. As such, the Kaplan Foundation Programme in Singapore reflects our collective knowhow of running a conversion programme for the accounting industry. What are some useful aspects of this course?

The Foundation Programme offered by Kaplan is a structured programme that allows non-accredited degree holders to attain the required level of competency to move on to the professional level. An Arts graduate for example, who realizes that the accountancy profession is his calling can become a Chartered Accountant (CA) of Singapore by taking the Foundation Programme as the first step. In the past, such avenues of conversion were not available to these graduates. The Kaplan Foundation Programme also includes practical application of concepts taught. For example, analysis of companies’ performance is done using real companies. Besides imparting the various theoretical concepts, our lecturers also include practical examples and applications in their teaching. In essence, it has both the characteristics of a professional and an academic qualification.

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How has the course honed or enriched your students?

The course takes in students of different academic background with varying degree of accounting and finance knowledge. At the end of the course, they all share the same knowledge base and start at the same footing for the professional programme. So they are a step nearer to their dream of attaining the CA of Singapore. In addition, the various activities conducted during the course allows for interaction and cooperation amongst the students. The camaraderie forged is clearly seen amongst our graduates. How does Kaplan add value to the learning experience for students?

Kaplan campus is situated in the city centre and is conveniently located for students to attend class after work. The lessons are also uploaded onto Kaplan’s e-learning portal to help those who need to miss a lesson due to work commitments. At Kaplan, we pride ourselves for providing support towards the students. Students’ requests for assistance are always attended to and we would put ourselves in their shoes when looking at their requests. For example, we re-scheduled one of the examinations in the Foundation Programme because of students’ feedback. With your experience in both the local and global financial sector, do you feel the Singapore QP is a good academic and career pathway?

Most definitely. Organisations all over the world, large or small, in each and every industry, need a Chartered Accountant. The career choices of a Chartered Accountant of Singapore are wide. Chartered Accountants are also well placed to be senior leaders of an organisation as they have the skills and knowledge to lead the organisation in times of economic uncertainties and challenging business conditions. What motivated/motivates you to be a lecturer and academic director?

I want to make a positive contribution to society and being a teacher is a way to do achieve that. I feel I have made a positive impact in my students when they thank me for what I did for them, whether it was the time I spent in the classroom or outside classroom hours helping them with their studies. Being an academic director is making a positive impact on a wider scale as the programme planning and execution will impact all students who are part of the course. Who would you recommend the Kaplan Foundation Programme for Singapore QP to?

The Kaplan Foundation Programme is recommended for non-accredited degree holders who want to enter into the accounting profession.

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ISSUE 13 RISE UP / choices

image National

Heritage Board

hawker fare text by xiangyun lim


s noon approaches, Elizabeth grows more distracted, her eyes flitting back to the hawker stall Wow Wow West where mounds of baked beans and creamy coleslaw are being piled upon black plates in preparation. Yet throughout our conversation, she never once checked the time. It seems that the surrounding hawkers are better clocks, with established rhythms of operations that tick to the critical times of lunch and dinner. Very soon, she will return to the frontline of the western hawker stall to feed the lunchtime crowd. The growing level of energy is palpable, along with the noise and chatter. I can hear the fizz and metal scraps of wok frying, orders collected and called, Styrofoam packets steaming with hot food packed into plastic bags. The quiet of the morning has crept away without my knowing. This has been the soundtrack that has guided Elizabeth’s daily schedule since she was 12. Now, 25 and married, she continues to help out at her parents’ stall in ABC Brickworks Market & Food Centre while her juggling part-time studies. Her own stall, which she set up two years ago, is temporarily closed, but the young entrepreneur is not giving up the possibility of a career in the hawker trade.

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ISSUE 13 RISE UP / choices

Hawker centres, or kopitiams, are integral to our local diet. We all have our own favourite fish soup and bak kut teh stalls. We love contending over the top hokkien mee and orh luak, scouring the island in search of our “best-ofs” – and where else can “western food” evoke the dish of chicken chop or fried breaded fish flanked by fat crinkle cut fries, canned baked beans and a requisite dollop of coleslaw? There is no lack of fine dining options and international fast food chains in Singapore, but it is in the ubiquitous hawker centre where one finds the quintessential assembly of local dishes. Still, being a hawker is hardly a common aspiration. As significant as they are in our heritage as a symbol of our diversity and diaspora, hawker centres are mostly being kept alive by the older generations. Although a mark of authenticity and taste of a hawker dish is often tied to its legacy in which recipes run like blood within the veins of family bloodlines, even elders may prefer their children to seek more well-perceived livelihoods. It’s not difficult to see why. It is not a cushy or stable job, commanding long hours of work in a tiny stuffy space with the heat of fire and aching limbs as constant companions. A working day often starts before dawn till late in the night, and there are no weekends off. For example, a normal day for the guys behind Vintage Chef starts at 5am. As the sun rises, they cycle to the market for fresh ingredients. Business hours are 11.30am to 9.00pm, and there are still the accounts. By the time they get home, it’s past 11pm – and straight to bed. One of the biggest challenges of hawking remains in satisfying the customers. Singaporeans are a notoriously hard-toplease bunch, with various forms of expectations and demands. There are conflicting complaints about serving portions, requests for unreasonable packets of condiments and cutlery sets. There are even people who grumble about high prices despite having no intention to purchase. There are additional ways of undermining a young hawker and the potential for ridicule is just another – usually coming from peers from the same generation. Elizabeth relates how a group of white-collared ladies once took the time to stop and scrutinise her from head to toe, with one of them commenting how “she so young be hawker, confirmed got something wrong!” The trade simply isn’t viewed as one that is respectable or one with prospects – a perception that these young hawkers are acutely aware of. Keen Low, 30, recalls his self-consciousness upon having to tell people he was a hawker by trade after years of working as a sales consultant in an multinational corporation. It took him much convincing of his wife and family for the opportunity to set up Ah Geok Prawn Noodles, based on a recipe that comes from his father. In the short span of three months, he has already garnered publicity in national news, with acclaim for his rich prawn stock. Despite the long hours of his feet and going home “smelling like prawns” every day, Keen holds pride and optimism in his business.

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ISSUE 13 RISE UP / choices

In this profession in which experience is deemed paramount for authenticity, local dishes face the danger of dying out with the original masters of trade. Ironically, the younger ones who take up the mantle may face faith in their expertise solely because of their youth. Take our traditional coffee, or kopi. The dark treacle brew is filtered through a coffee sock and “pulled” using brass or stainless steel pots, and is usually served with condensed milk or sugar. This staple has fueled the conversation of locals in hawker centres since late 18th century, even spawning business chains based on sets of kopi/teh, soft boiled eggs, and kaya toast. Like other local delicacies, kopi is an art perfected by years of practice. Perhaps this is why Melvin Soh faced an abnormal amount of doubt in his coffee brewing skills when he started Toast Hut at the age of 23, especially from the older generations. “They said I’m too young to and would criticise the way I brew coffee,” he recalls. “At the start, I can feel they order without confidence.” Soon, however, these customers became his regulars, won over by his fragrant brew made from a special blend of 100% Arabica beans. In addition, he offers new renditions of the traditional kaya toast meals, a mark of youthful innovation. An example? Behold the classic golden crackers slathered with kaya and butter slabs – an offering hardly found five years ago.

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ISSUE 13 RISE UP / choices

These entrepreneurs may just be pioneers who will shape the new identity of hawker fare. Growing up with both traditional and global influences, the younger generations infuse new ideas and innovations to challenge older perceptions. Inspired by their culinary experience in Italian and French cuisine, the duo behind Vintage Chef use gourmet ingredients and cooking techniques in their dishes such as Cheesy Pork Piccata with Crispy Roast Potato and Chicken Milanese with Mozarella Cheese. Despite their “atas” names, these dishes are served in porcelain bowls with painted roosters – the very same bowl used for bak chor mee island-wide. “Some youngsters think the bowls are ugly, but the older people who see them think it’s interesting and ask why we use these bowls,” Chef Lim explains. “They say it reminds them of their childhood.” It is this fusion of traditional elements that lures those used to wanton mee and “spaghetti Bolognese” to try their dishes – and they return for more. Heartened by the response, the duo keeps their menu vibrant with specials such as weekend Italian Speidini kebabs and a pending kachang putih cart.

“It’s our dream to bring change the perception of fine dining – to make it an affordable hawker option.”

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ISSUE 13 RISE UP / choices

HAWKER CENTRES Hawker centres, or kopitiam (Malay: kopi = coffee, Hokkien: tiam = shop) have been around in Singapore since 1971, built to solve mounting problems of street hawkers that plied the streets and served food amidst filthy conditions. These food peddlers had been around since the 1860s, manning “stalls” made from portable stoves and baskets that fulfilled the necessary functions of cooking and serving dishes on the streets. It was a popular means of livelihood for the unemployed and unskilled, with a high demand from the urban population for the easy access to affordable meals.

Similarly, Benji Kok, 23, aims to subvert perceptions by bringing quality-assured yet affordable Japanese food into more accessible environments with his Japanese food stall in MATRIX. “I believe the young generation brings a more unconventional thinking as we see things differently compared to our elders – although it’ll definitely be great for the young generation to work and gain experience from the old first,” he says. Koneko is his brainchild after five years of experience in a chain of school canteen stalls selling Japanese inspired food. Although he has met his fair share of naysayers since entering the industry at the age of 18, Benji takes his youth as an advantage. “Being young means we have and can still afford to fail. It’s a very good chance for us to be able to explore the endless potential in this

However, these hawkers created disorder to both traffic as well as to law as they congregated on busy streets and fuelled the activities of secret societies and street gangs by paying them “protection money”. The biggest concern, however, was the threat they posed to public health, as they operated in extremely unhygienic settings, using untreated water to cook and not giving thought to the sanitary state of the food they served. With the prevalence of their food in public consumption, outbreaks of diseases such as typhoid were significant fears. After many rounds of inquiries and new initiatives of licensing, building hawker shelters and developing a policy framework, the first few hawker centres materialised, with proper facilities for cooking and food preparation. In addition, legislations complemented by educational programmes soon established these open-air complexes as places where hawkers earn their livelihoods and people could congregate for meals and gatherings. Today, the trend now for young entrepreneurs in F&B is to set up cafes or eateries delineated by European vibes, with key characteristics of “indie”, “quaint”, “chic”. It is even a legitimate weekend quest to trawl through the selection island-wide, with new establishments regularly joining the scene. The dishes that mark the lifestyle of newer generations often feature all-day breakfast plates or fancy fusion creations. Hawker dishes have become more of a quick lunch or a mundane weekday dinner; substantial and fuss free enough - but nothing special. This much-reduced standing in the Singaporean culinary psyche accompanies a certain taking for granted that the same hawker dishes we grew up with will remain – but will it be so without enough people stepping up to take over the mantle?

A recent campaign, Youth Hawkerprise, threw the spotlight onto hawking and the trade as a viable business opportunity for the younger generations. Their survey of 95 current and ex-culinary students showed a staggering preference for restaurants (casual dining/fine dining) as workplaces. Still, 57% indicated that they may consider a career as a hawker – a nod towards possible investment in this trade. Although no one can know for sure the future identity of Singapore’s street food culture, our love for those dishes and hawker centres we grew up with may just be the impetus to take steps towards preserving this trade, and move towards a time when one can declare as Benji did without hesitation: “I’m proud to be a young hawker.”

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elizabeth huang, 25 Wow Wow West #01-133, ABC Brickworks Food Centre, 6 Jalan Bukit Merah, Singapore 150006

melvin soh, 29 Toast Hut #01-52, Old Airport Rd Food Centre, 51 Old Airport Rd, Singapore 390051

keen low, 30 Ah Geok Prawn Noodles #01-04 1008A Toa Payoh North Singapore 318998

ong jun rong, 25 & lim gui quan, 24 Vintage Chef 1008A Toa Payoh North Singapore 318998


hawker centres in Singapore managed and regulated by NEA


new food centres to be built by 2017: 600 new stalls to fill

New Hawker Master Trainer (HMT) Pilot Programme for hawkerpreneurs to 50 aspiring undergo on-the-job training with four veteran hawkers

facts and figures

benji kok, 23 Koneko / Japanese Food #01-01, MATRIX, 30 Biopolis Street, Singapore 138671

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ISSUE 13 RISE UP / slouch

LUSTING FOR LIFE text by mcken wong / photography by julie choo / styling by yanping

Elizabeth Lazan is a traveller. She’s a traveller not just by clocking air miles and coursing through variant airports, but also a traveller threading through windows and phases in life. All of us are travellers too, but each of us is of a different ilk, personality and character. Some of us move from one window to another, closing the ones we leave behind, springing forth to the next. Closed windows remain that way – shut and never to be revisited. But usually, they are always remembered. Others, like Elizabeth, leave their windows open, easing back and forth through them. In their eyes, life is akin to a carousel of activities and zing. Revisiting is a viable and sensible option, while beginning new phases add excitement and purpose. In the Fly Entertainment artiste’s case, Melbourne is a window. Singapore is another and so is her current base, New York. She shuttles to and fro, shuffles her feet and gets on with her clogged schedule. Be it putting on her coat in the frosty reception of the American winter, or keeping cool under the searing glare of the Southeast Asian sun, Elizabeth steps towards a knowing direction. She has this thirst for living, an enduring penchant for life.

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ISSUE 12 HOORAY / slouch

It is therefore, of no consternation that her views on travelling run parallel with Freya Madeline Stark’s, the late British travel writer and explorer. “To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world,” Stark says. There, ‘a strange town’ equates to new windows, and ‘pleasantest sensations’ point to wonderment and marvel. Each window that Elizabeth ventures through siphons varying degrees of emotion, and it’s more a boon than bane waking up to unfamiliar surroundings. “There is something so challenging and enriching when you expose yourself to this. You learn so much more about yourself and other people. It has made me the strong, creative and ambitious person I am, and still strive to be today.” There is a common denominator in all of these, a lasso that holds everything together despite the changing seasons in her life. And that’s Elizabeth’s deep passion and flair for performance. The svelte (she tries not to eat meat everyday and drinks juice three times a week) actress, TV host and producer, first cut her performing chops at Monash University in Melbourne. There, she pursued an Arts Degree in Media and Theatre Studies. But years before that, a seven-year old Elizabeth was already honing her budding talent - reciting a monologue for Act 3 Theatre’s teacher-parent presentation. “I was terrified, but I honestly remember thinking make-believe and pretending is the best thing ever invented! With a standing ovation after (either because I was good or just a young kid trying her best), I’ve been hooked ever since.” Despite a hefty list of projects chalked on her curriculum vitae (including a highly anticipated stage production by Pangdemonium called ‘Fat Pig’), bouts of stage fright remain part and parcel of the job. Tackling them has also become an expertise, an integral weapon for 17 / 68 | RØMP

ISSUE 13 RISE UP / slouch

Yoga apparel from pure

the international artiste who has taken on roles in Déjà vu, Saise 2 for France Deux (a French television channel), Between Here and There for RY Films, and Love Under The Sign of a Dragon by Oak3 Films. Giving tips on capping stage fright, she recommends to ‘shake it up, breathe and focus on the moment or on the other actor’. “I just tell myself that it’s not about me but about the people watching, who want to walk away with an experience.” Talking about Fat Pig, there has to be something that draws Elizabeth to the world of theatre. It’s different from being on the small screen, different from standing in front of rolling cameras. “The feeling on stage is one of the craziest adrenalines anyone can have. To give yourself physically and emotionally ‘live’ on stage, to hopefully move or inspire the audience, is one of the most sincere and organic things a performer or person can do. It’s addictive!” She further describes theatre work as ‘having a microscope taken away’, where everything becomes ‘simpler and smaller’. Take nothing away from the emotions however, for the foundations of acting remain, and the feelings conjured surfaces with each uttered line. After moving to ‘chaotic and exciting’ New York, Pilates soon became a sort of emotional pillar for Elizabeth to keep calm amidst the city’s cacophony. She also practices meditation through various breathing techniques picked up in acting school, and these activities help to push out existing and enveloping stress. In Singapore, the toned lass swears by working out at Ritual gym, which focuses on highly intensive workouts in a short period of time. Other sports like muay thai boxing and stage combat are also among her repertoire, adding an element of feistiness that draws you in even further.

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ISSUE 13 RISE UP / slouch

Being abroad has its impacts, as it doesn’t just translate to shifting from one place to another. “Many times, I wondered if the path less travelled is really the path worth taking. I missed my family as I’m really close to them and sometimes, you miss those big events in your friend’s lives, such as weddings and baby showers. But I’m a huge believer that following your heart will lead you to where you’re supposed to be, at exactly when you are ready to have it. And that has always brought me smiles, love and wonderful collaborations.” When asked who is the person she’s dying to meet, two people stand out for her – Cate Blanchett and Patti Smith. “My inspirations, muses and these two strong women seem like all-rounded, grounded, and artistic people. I would have so many questions to ask and stories to hear from them.” Her answer is in a way, reflective of her attitude towards her career. Success doesn’t go to her head. Perhaps, 2014 may turn out to be a significant period where she grapples with more projects and handles a growing tree of deserved accolades. And even if a fresh year commences, there might be some things from 2013 that she wants to keep, and some other stuff that she may want to weed out. “I want to keep my lust for life and the joy of exploring and growing as an actress, and now producer. A big part of that is discovering creative collaborations internationally and bridging more work between the east and the west. And I think some of the things I want to change will naturally happen, if I keep to my ideals. Get ready 2014!”

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I’m a huge believer that following your heart will lead you to where you’re supposed to be, at exactly when you are ready to have it.

Johann jumpsuit from Love, Bonito

ISSUE 13 RISE UP / slouch

benjamin kheng

dwayne tan

shakespeare in vogue text by elizabeth moreira

Benjamin Kheng, singer and songwriter of local hit band The Sam Willows, and Dwayne Tan, Singapore Idol finalist and film actor, have led lives in the entertainment field exploring all sorts before becoming the versatile performers they are today. This flexibility has steered them towards Toy Factory’s upcoming musical, Romeo & Juliet, where their skills are put to the test as they take on the rolls of Romeo (Ben) and Prince Escalus (Dwayne) to pitch the perfect modernised version of Shakespeare’s time-honoured play.

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How’s life been going?

What lead you to acting?

ben - Amazing! Been keeping myself busy, but lately I’ve been able to just stop, breathe and appreciate the moments too. It’s such a valuable skill to have. dwayne - Life has been challenging but fun and great!

ben - My parents, actually. They immersed me into the world of storytelling at a young age. Shakespeare, Aesop, Neil Gaiman at a later age and eventually, it lead to film and stage work and the wonders of Jack and Rose on a sinking ship. They also put me in drama class when I was 6 and I got hooked! dwayne - I hung around the drama club because my best friend then was the president, and I got roped in somehow and the acting bug bit.

How’s the Romeo & Juliet play coming along?

ben - We haven’t officially started rehearsals yet, but I’ve already gotten a head start on homework and a little character development. Hoping to do the bard and this piece justice. dwayne - We have been to some workshops that were quite fun. Plus, our director Nell Ng brings great energy to the room.

In your own words, how would you describe your character in Romeo & Juliet?

“When you are acting in theatre, ben - Impulsive, passionate, melodramatic, hasty, idealistic, brimming with young love. the story happens in sequence. In dwayne - A grounded force of authority. film, you could be filming the last scene of the movie before the first one. Continuity is the Are there any dream roles you would like to take on next time? difference.” - dwayne

What should the audience look forward to about the play?

ben - A fresh take on a timeless classic! For starters, it’s a musical. Even we are kept in the dark about some creative details. We can’t wait to hear the original music and what’s in store. It’ll be fun to see how these “I’m not at all hung up on the fame. That’s usually a famous characters tell the story in a new big illusion. But what’s more important is the act of medium. storytelling. If I fail at stringing a clear and powerful dwayne - A Shakespearean musical of course! How rare is that! narrative, I’ve failed as an actor. Being a musician

ben - There’s this amazing musical called ONCE, based on a 2006 film that I would kill to be a part of. Other dream projects include Rent, Hairspray, The Lion King, anything from Stephen Sondheim, has taught me the importance of being in tune – and anything that allows me to wield A few tips to becoming a successful actor? not just with pitches and frequencies, but with a lightsaber. ben - Take criticism and take notes. For the dwayne - Disney’s Aladdin. It has actually former, many performers are afraid to hear your character and the universe you’re opened on Broadway last November! in.” - ben feedback of themselves. Be open and willing to improve or experiment with change. It’s very important to be teachable! For the latter, constantly jot down ideas and expand What or who are your major influences and why? the world of your character. Taking notes helps you put everything ben - Jon Foreman, lead singer of Switchfoot, for his voice of reason in perspective. and eloquence of words, packaged in a rock star crust. Kobe Bryant dwayne - Enjoy your work and be open to criticism and focus on of the Los Angeles Lakers for his out-of-world work ethic and growing rather than giving up. absolute determination. dwayne - Broadway’s Gavin Creel. He is such an inspiration and a Other than Romeo & Juliet, is there anything else that you’re working on? talented singer. He is also an activist for many things. ben - I’m currently filming for season 2 of Code of Law (Channel 5), and a TV musical for Okto. The Sam Willows is currently doing a How did you end up in Romeo & Juliet? little touring – we just came back from Korea and we’re heading off ben - I got the casting notice from a friend (who’s also in the cast). to Perth in a week’s time! We’re also entering pre-production for the Rocked up on audition day with a bit of Romeo swimming in my head next album. from readings the nights before and auditioned. dwayne - Making improvements to a musical I wrote and staged at the dwayne - I was the last person to join the cast because of adjustments Esplanade, but want to stage again. I also just started a school with within the cast at the last minute. This role found me so it must be a partner. something that’s meant to be. If your character had a superpower, what would it be?

ben - I think Romeo would love the ability to control time, particularly freezing it! He steps into so many beautiful moments with Juliet or Friar Lawrence that are cut short by the matter of time. Even upon accepting his fate, he would still very much long for the suspension of time and stretching of a moment. dwayne - To freeze people in place.

What kind of things should aspiring actors or performers do to prepare themselves for this business?

ben - Know your strengths as a performer. I’m not the strongest dancer (and I’m working on it), but I know I’m a decent singer and can pull a bunch of accents. Lobby for roles and jobs that suit your strengths, playing age and ability. At the same time, constantly work on your craft! Minimize your valleys and maximize your peaks.

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BOBBIN’ ON THE RIVER The launch of our sister magazine DOTSG on 12 December 2013 had guests mingling alongside the iconic Singapore River with tantalising canapes and savoury bites. Bubble jet explorers from River Explorer offered exclusive tours amidst a lovely evening breeze and the calm from parting grey clouds. For the discerning traveller, DOTSG rounds up the best of as well as hidden enclaves in Singapore that we feel everyone should know about, whether you’re a local or traveller. Available in limited copies at locations including The Arts House, Artistry, Working Title, M1 Shop at Changi Airport Terminal 3 and River Explorer kiosks.

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ISSUE 13 RISE UP / slouch

events listing text by elizabeth moreira

WyLd Pop-up store From online to the clotheslines! The WYLD online shop comes to our streets with exclusive Australian high street fashion, accessories and beauty brands. Have your fashion appetites whetted by a range of in-vogue Australian cult labels such as Mink Pink, Somedays Lovin’ and Staple The Label, as well as our very own local designers in this two months-long pop-up store. Where: CT Hub 2 Kallang Avenue 339407 When: 1 November 2013 – 31 January 2014 Price: Free entry

MindBLoWn Public educational talks Discover the world of virtual art with their series of FOUR special talks that include Game Programming for Windows and Iphone, Digital Painting and Concept Art, Digital Marketing and Mobile App Development. You could be developing apps of your own after this free learning journey of the Digi-life!

Where: Central Public Library, Multi-purpose Room When: 6, 13, 20, 27 January 2013 Price: Free

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ISSUE 13 RISE UP / slouch

art stage 2014

Chingay Parade 2014 This would probably be one of Singapore’s most kaleidoscopic events on the year. FYI, it’s also one of the grandest street parades in Asia! This year theme, “Colours of Fabric – One People 布海同 心”, celebrates our unity as a country where age, race and language are no barriers.

Art Stage Singapore returns this January for their fourth edition connecting the world to the best of Asian contemporary art. With 600 artists, 29 galleries and a new fair component of 10 curated sales exhibitions divided into country and regional platforms, the fair promises an expo that emphasizes quality art in context and forwardlooking innovation. Where: Marina Bay Sands When: 16-19 January 2014 Price: $10, $25, $30, $50, $60

Where: F1 Pit Building When: 7 & 8 February 2014 Price: $28.50, $40, $50, $60

Pangdemonium’s Fat Pig You know the saying: “Love knows no boundaries”? Well, that’s basically the moral of Pangdemonium’s Fat Pig, a bittersweet love comedy of a handsome young man, Tom, who goes beyond common prejudices and falls deeply for a girl who just happens to be ‘plus-sized’. His integrity is put to test when he can’t keep the secret of his new-found love from his friends - how do you think this is going to end? Where: DBS Arts Centre When: 13 February 2014 – 2 March 2014 Price: $145 for a Season Ticket (3 plays)

M1 Fringe Festival The 10th edition of this cutting-edge arts festival features a total of fifteen international and local works from six countries with the theme Arts & the People. A variety of works spanning across performances, video screenings and visual art installations invites the public to explore and celebrate one another, accepting differences and seeing themselves as integral components of a whole rather than separate elements. 8-19 Jan 2014 Various venues

st Jerome’s Laneway Festival 2014

toy Factory’s romeo & Juliet

The Aussie-born festival rolls in the new year with a stellar line-up of 15 epic bands and three homegrown acts Gema, The Observatory and Vandetta. With so much awesomeness jam-packed together, there’s even going to be a third stage added! It’s 12 hour of non-stop live music from the likes of Daughter, CHVRCHES, XXYYXX and Jamie from the XX.

What better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than with one of the most classic love stories of William Shakespeare? Toy Factory Productions presents their own sexy resurrection of this amorous tale of two star-crossed lovers with renowned Malaysian director, Nell Ng, and a brilliant cast of young talents including Bejamin Kheng from The Sam Willows.

Where: The Meadow, Gardens By The Bay When: 25 January 2014 Price: $150

Where: Drama Centre Theatre When: 13-23 February 2014 Price: $49, $59, $69

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ISSUE 13 RISE UP / slouch

Left to right: Rachel Lim and Viola Tan

28 / 68 | RØMP

ISSUE 13 RISE UP / slouch

LOVING BONITO text by mcken wong

The local blogshop scene never really got going until - you guessed it - Love, Bonito took it by the scruff of its neck and gave the whole platform a revolutionary shake. People view online shopping differently nowadays, and on the lips of young and young-at-heart females everywhere – Love, Bonito takes preferential treatment. It has evolved into the go-to medium for current, yet affordable voguish pieces, as well as putting itself on the fashion map with a recent collaboration with renowned haute couture designer, Julien Fournie. Viola Tan and Rachel Lim, who are co-founders of the brand (alongside Velda Tan), share with us the inner workings to their fabric of success. to improve ourselves by providing different types of styles and lines that will cater to each and every woman. Some examples include Bridesmaids, Petite, Covet, and even a Maternity line that we will be launching soon.

we constantly seek

love, bonito is the first in Singapore to collaborate with French designer, Julien Fournie, and it was really surreal to work with him. He’s been a master of his craft for 20 years, and is both an extremely humble and receptive man. If you haven’t, do check out the collection that is available online! our dream is

to share our passion for fashion, and hopefully, take it onto the international stage.

in the beginning (starting this business). The decision to plunge into the online industry is full of risks and you have to make tough decisions. The future was uncertain then, but getting affirmation from our customers and seeing our pieces being worn outside greatly motivated us.

it wasn’t easy

is not one of our short terms goals at the moment. Since Love, Bonito has a strong online presence, particularly within Singapore, we have decided that this is the platform to really develop the brand and reach out to international clients.

having a retail space

Love, Bonito to be a huge success. We dream big, and have always wanted to share this passion with women from all over the world. There are of course, obstacles, but with every passing challenge, we have learnt to trust our instincts, our business partners and to take calculated risks.

we have always envisioned

singapore’s fashion industry is blossoming. There are an increasing number of Singaporeans who fancy local designers, appreciating and supporting our work. Singaporeans are also more daring to experiment with fashion, and this nation could be the next fashion city to go to.

the apparel will always be trendy, current and accessible. We are also constantly communicating and interacting with our customers on our social handles, listening to their feedback and comments to serve them better.

in order to constantly keep our fans happy,

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ISSUE 13 | RISE UP / audiophile

album reviews

text by joey murray

i know you’re married but i’ve got feelings too

i’m with stupid

MapleMusic, Zoë Records


Martha Wainwright

Back in 2005, Martha Wainwright careened into view when her eponymous debut cast of insecurities, heartaches and hang-ups marked her out as a singular talent. As far as this album’s concerned, I Know You’re Married... offers more of the same: Wainwright cast again and again as the pained, serially disappointed lover of the wrong men, detailing woefully illadvised affairs, late-night dread and plummeting self-esteem. Of course, histrionics remain Wainwright’s bread and butter, and they don’t come much more cathartic and hair-raising than the unexpected dam bursts of “Jimi”. It’s the straightforward simplicity of the chorus that really compels, as Wainwright bears down and rides the music’s rising squall to declaim, “It takes up so much time/ And it makes up for nothing”, with a passion and purpose that seem for a moment to overwhelm even her love of precious language and vocal virtuosity. The fabulous way Wainwright attacks so many of these songs; transforming lyrics that might otherwise be faintly ridiculous into vital testaments, takes music that’s mostly middle-of-the-road and wrings from it a startling wealth of shiver-inducing moments.

30 / 68 | RØMP

aimee mann

Most of the folks who’ve worn a T-shirt with the deathlessly popular slogan “I’m With Stupid” over the years were, presumably, kidding. Aimee Mann, who borrows it for her new album title, isn’t. She hits you with the “f” word in the album’s first line, but most of the soft-spoken daggers that follow are less a bow to fashion than the product of a sharp singer-songwriter’s mind. Mann sings in such sweet, intimate tones that you can practically feel the breath on your ear. Yet her depictions of broken-hearted bitterness and frustration continue to carry a sting, whether she’s lamenting a lover’s inconsideration (“Amateur”) or declaring an affair to be “All Over Now.” And she sounds prouder as well as louder. In tender moments she might own up to her own co-dependent culpability in these quagmires “And all that stuff I knew before/Just turned into “Please love me more”,” she admits in an unusually vulnerable couplet). Mostly, though, Mann is the model of resilience, blaming it on the other guy and — as in “That’s Just What You Are”, where an ex’s lazy declaration of independence is deftly turned back into an insult — making a damn good case why.

ISSUE 13 | RISE UP / audiophile

We all know being single at the start of the year is especially painful, thanks to relatives heckling at you for the lack of a special someone during Chinese New Year and the assault of endless hoards of lovey-doveys on V-Day while you’re still having problems with that ex of yours who’s already moved on... So here’re some perfect anti-Valentine, anti-Chinese New Year soundtracks to your first two annoying months of 2014.

vauxhall & i

life for rent


Cheeky, Arista


It has been stated that Vauxhall feels and sounds like it was intended to be a swansong. A final, epic recording, after which Morrissey could go out on top. Evidently we know now that this was not the case, but the album’s honest, confessional lyrics hint towards it. “Now My Heart Is Full” opens the album darkly, “There’s gonna be some trouble”, he predicts, before it swells into a Brighton Rock referencing bona-fide anthem. Despite the pining manner in which it is delivered, Morrissey typically finds room for humour, representing his friends as “Rain-coated lovers’ puny brothers” - is a knowing reference to what the stereotypical Morrissey devotee is alleged to look like. After experimenting with rockabilly tunes on albums before this, Morrissey returns to his original love for pretty pop ballads, catchy hooks and substantial melodies. His vocals gracefully climb from sad, defeated whispers to rich, hopefilled harmonies as he jokes about his own misery and analyses why he’s bashed by the fickle British music press.


Her voice can be numbingly languid. And she uses every triphop cliche. But Dido’s sharp lyrical point of view gives her otherwise routine chill-out music, focus. On the follow-up, Life for Rent, to her five million-selling debut - from which Eminem took a sample for “Stan” - the British singer smartly picks apart shaky relationships and brings to the subject of romance something rare: a level head. Having come out fresh from a break-up and media-related exhaustion, the resulting album packs messier emotional complications than its predecessor: when she admits, “I’m in love and always will be,” on “White Flag,” it’s after having struggled and lost -- and in this case, her loss is our gain. The obvious singles “White Flag” and “Stoned” are engaging to the extent that you could easily be humming along without it registering in your brain. There’s something unconscious, pleasantly innocuous about them. It’s comfort food for the ears, one could pick any track off the album and place it in the sad, thoughtful scene about three quarters of the way through a Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan romantic comedy.

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ISSUE 13 | RISE UP / gadgets

gadget reviews text by chow liying

asUs transForMer BooK trio

LeiCa C

It’s a laptop, it’s a desktop, it’s a tablet — no, wait. It’s an Asus Transformer Book Trio! Putting the best parts of your favourite technological devices into one supreme machine, Asus defies the traditional 2-in-1 PC market by introducing a unique desktop mode so your laptop can become even more powerful than it ever was. The Transformer Book Trio houses a 4th generation Intel® Core™ processor with dual operating systems so you can seamlessly switch between Android and Windows 8, whichever you may prefer. Crave a little more portability? Just remove the monitor from the keyboard dock and you’ll have a tablet that runs on Android 4.2 to carry around with you wherever you go. Feel like working on a bigger screen? The last and newest function of the Transformer Book Trio is the ability to transform any monitor into the PC Station to achieve a fully functional standalone PC that with the built in Intel Core i7 processor will make your online experience an unforgettable one.

While its name may bring to your mind images of elegant antique cameras, Leica’s release of the Leica C might just change your mind. The first model of a new line of Leica digital compact cameras, the Leica C is a force to be reckoned with despite its small frame. Featuring a high-performance Leica DC Vario-Summicron 6-42.8mm f/2-5.9 ASPH zoom lens and an exceptionally large sensor size with a resolution of 12 megapixels, never leave out another detail in your life. Forget about the days where you had to fuss around with data cards because the Leica C comes Wi-Fi equipped and is NFC capable so wireless transmission of images to your smartphones, tablets and PCs will be a breeze. Also, unlike your regular compact cameras, the Leica C also differentiates itself in terms of aesthetics, with its stylish exterior developed by Audi design. Available in a light gold or dark red finishing, feel the power of having unparalleled functionality and amazing design with the Leica C.

Price: $1698 for the Core i5 version; $1998 for the Core i7 version

Price: $990

sony 3-in-1 WaLKMan Wh series

LogiteCh FaBriCsKin KeyBoard FoLio For iPad air

Groove to your favourite beat with the 3-in-1 Walkman® WH Series that’s a speaker, headphones and digital music player all in a single gadget. While they may look like the more stylish sibling of your run of the mill headphones, the Walkman® WH series is more than meets the eye as it impressively transforms into powerful speakers that you can hang around your neck with its xLOUD and WPT Air technology. Fear of tangles? The Walkman WH series also comes wireless so you relish in the freedom of being unrestrained by cables. Sharing your favourite tunes with friends is also as easy as toggling to the speaker mode of the headphones and swaying to the melody — no more carrying bulky speakers around with you. Holding a full charge of 20 hours playback time and built-in storage of 16GB (or 4000 soundtracks), leave your music devices and trot out with just the Sony Walkman® WH series for a truly fuss free experience. Price: $129 for the NWZ-WH303; $249 for the NWZ-WHW505

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Some things are better when you can’t feel them around. This principle definitely applies to protective gadget cases that we wish would just cradle our beloved tech devices in a transparent case. Perhaps that’s why Logitech’s latest FabricSkin Folio Protective Case for the new iPad catches our attention in all the right ways. Engineered from state-of-theart materials, the folios are protective, ultra-thin and ultra-light, even coming with water-repelling properties. What’s best is that it comes with a thin built-in Bluetooth keyboard that is seamlessly fused into the folio’s interior fabric — talk about functionality and portability. Logitech also reassures with the folio’s new SecureLock system that sports lightweight, low profile clips that keep the corners of your iPad firmly fastened to the frame so you’ll never have to worry about anything again. Price: $189

ISSUE 12 | RØmP / audiophile

locKed up Going out as a group is sometimes not easy. There’s limited activities to do and it’s difficult to converse as a whole. LockdownSG steps in to fill in this gap and revolutionise conventional group gatherings. Inspired by their own experiences in Europe, the founders have brought back the concept of first-person adventure games, creating rooms that require each group to work together in order to “escape”. With three different themes - Kidnapped, Top Secret, and Bail Out – you’ll soon find your group addicted. It almost feels as though you’re in a thriller movie, and you’ll definitely need everyone’s critical thinking skills to save yourselves within the 60 minutes! EM Prices: $19 / $22 Where: 6 Eu Tong Sen Street #03-51/52, The Central, S059817

No. of players : 3 to 6 Difficulty : 3 / 5 stars

No. of players : 4 to 6 Difficulty : 5 / 5 stars No. of players : 3 to 6 Difficulty : 4 / 5 stars 33 / 68 35 | RØMP / 72 | RØMP

ISSUE 13 RISE UP / style journal

spotligHt text by elizabeth moreira

aLCheMy goods

Our world today turns toward a greener environment - we already have eco cars and eco clothes, now Alchemy Goods present their Mercer Mini and Pike eco-friendly bags! These unique creations have been recycled from reclaimed bicycle and truck inner tubes, billboards, banners and are carefully hand-crafted for full functionality and durability. Make your pick between a Mercer Mini bag in blue, grey and white trims, or a Pike bag in ruby, emerald, blue, silver and black trims. Where: Liang Court, Level 2-k4 / www.wedoseelife.com Price: $180, $260

niXon ‘the BLaster’ sPeaKer

Nixon has made recent forays into the audio market with their headphones and portable speakers. The Blaster Portable Wireless Speaker is a palm-size audio box that features a seamless rubber construction that makes it both water-resistant and shockproof. Wireless connectivity via Bluetooth® also removes the mess of tangled wires while precision-tuned acoustics ensure full-range clarity and low distortion at any level. Where: ION Orchard #B3-13 / Tangs Orchard Level 4 / Tangs Vivocity Price: $379

KaPoK Crash Baggage In a world of careless baggage handlers, damage to your luggage is

not uncommon. Crash Baggage has introduced a line of luggage that takes the worry out of dings and dents by pre-moulding them into their luggage line. Other than the unusual design that comes in three sizes and six colours, the luggage also features a “FOLLOW MY BAG” system in each, which connects to an online database with a personal identification code in case you lose your bag. Where: Level 4 Tangs Orchard & Level 4 Robinsons Orchard Price: (S) $335, (M) $375, (L) $435 34 / 68 | RØMP

ISSUE 13 RISE UP / style journal

h&M sPort H&M enters 2014 with a fresh and active start by expanding to a completely different concept - The H&M Sport. By collaborating with world-class professional athletes from the Swedish Olympic team, the new clothes range offers a variety of new sportswear designs, which emphasises on performance and fashion for every active lifestyle. Where: All H&M outlets

Bose soUnddoCK systeM series 3 Consistency in quality sound is a promise Bose upkeeps. The Bose Music

System Series III is an example of their profound works, even in their miniature sound systems. This simple yet modest design produces rich and room-filling music from any of your iPods or iPhones with a Lightning connector, along with a remote to control the system and basic functions from a distance, and is a perfect fit for any home or office. Where: Atlas’ Sound & Vision stores Price: $399

JUst LiKe it (rWs) Just Like It is expanding once more, this time into the

heart of Resort’s World! This revolutionary ice cream has reinvented icecream-making by using liquid nitrogen, which preserves the nutritious goodness of ingredients and results in a texture that’s incredibly smooth. After a long day of fun in the sun, drop by their fun lab-themed shop and watch them make your dose of sweet coolness. Where: 26 Sentosa Gateway #01-201 Price: $5.90 - $9.50

sChiCK hydro PoWer seLeCt Have a nice clean shave with Schick’s Hydro 5 Power Select razor, the first ever to let you customize your speed vibrations according to the comfort level of your skin. The razor also has been designed with a perfect ergonomically structured handle for easy maneuverability, and is built to restore the hydration throughout your shave. Feel refreshed, feel the power! Where: All leading supermarkets and personal care stores Price: $12.90

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progressive designs French contemporary design company, Côte&Ciel, is set to turn heads with its batch of stylish collection comprising rucksacks, backpacks, messengers and even notebook sleeves. We have taken a favourable liking to the rucksacks, which showcase a timeless balance between the usage of modern fabrics and appealing architectural shapes. Tough and in vogue, you’ve got a pleasant fashion back statement that defines taste and substance. The brand has a pop-up store available till mid-February on the second level of Wheelock Place, so do drop by and embrace invention. MW

Price: From $349 onwards

36 / 68 | RØMP

ISSUE 13 | RISE UP / style journal

gold rusH American-Japanese skincare and cosmetic brand, Orogold, is paying special attention to the needs of men with its Men’s Series. What’s significant about it, isn’t about just its fresh foray into the skincare market here, but also the brand’s usage of Acupuncture and Oriental medicine as the foundation for their research. The 24K Men’s Aftershave Balm is a sterling example of prime quality, infused with 24 Karat Colloidal Gold that repairs, treats and regenerates skin cells. It also restores moisture loss and, much to my delight, lays a calming touch to those sore pores during and after a shave. MW

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ISSUE 13 RISE UP / style journal

homme grooming text by mcken wong

Men, we’ve decided to shine more light on the things you can do to revitalise two slightly unchartered areas – your mane as well as the region around your eyes.

esPresso to go

sCaLP PaMPering


We’ve heard of caffeine pills and other ideas that leverage on the perks of caffeine, but within shampoo? Germany’s Alpecin has come up with a revolutionary C1 CAFFEINE SHAMPOO, backed by scientific studies that its caffeine-based formula - which also includes goodies like zinc and menthol – reduces hair loss by rejuvenating hair roots. Competitive athletes might have to watch out for its high caffeine level, although caffeine itself has already been removed from the World Anti-Doping Agency’s list of prohibited substances - but for the rest of us, it’s all good.

The scalp, unknown to most, is the most sensitive region on the human body, registering 230 sensory captors per square centimetre. It is thus imperative to combat unwanted skin irritation that produces itching effects, and even redness and burning sensations. Kerastase acknowledges these problems and has formulated the SENSIDOTE DERMO-CALM MASQUE, which inhibits scalp sensitivity and soothes irritations. Dishing out a heavy treatment on your crop when used (with a convenient rinse-off formula), you would never have thought your scalp could feel this fresh.

Over time, our hair is subjected to mechanical and environmental damages. Be it by the sun or through chemical processing, wear and tear may settle, making our hair brittle, weak and vulnerable. Matrix’s BIOLAGE ADVANCED FIBErSTrONG INTrA-CYLANE FOrTIFYING CrEAM is tasked to step in and reinforce those fragile follicles, tapping on the rejuvenating strengths of Intra-Cylane and Bamboo. The former fills up the gaps within a cuticle for external reinforcement, while the latter aids with hair conditioning and developing resilience.

Price: $12.90 (250ml) Available at: Cold Storage, Giant, Guardian, Watsons and NTUC Fairprice

Price: $69 (200ml) Available at: Kerastase consultant salons (Tel: 67383113)

Price: $30 (200ml) Available at: All Matrix salons

38 / 68 | RØMP

ISSUE 13 RISE UP / style journal

triPLe ProteCtion

roLL oVer PUFFiness

deFy ageing

Biotherm has once again unveiled a terrific range that impacts your skin and bumps up your complexion – the Advanced Age Fitness Active Anti-Aging Care. Putting the spotlight on your eyes, the range’s SMOOTHING ANTI-AGING EYE CARE will prove an excellent investment to vanquish signs of fatigue around your beads. Aided by remarkable contents – spirulina extract (boosts skin protein production), h.pluvialis extract (reinforces skin’s defences) and life plankton extract (stimulates skin renewal) – who says men can’t receive optimal care and experience the smoothing effects caused by the superfood and antioxidant ingredients?

Sometimes, when you wake up and look into the mirror, you spot puffiness and dark circles around your eyes. With Clinique’s remarkable ANTI-FATIGUE COOLING EYE GEL, you’ve got a nifty cooling roll-on wonder that instantly revitalises, brightens and hydrates dreary eyes. If you’ve been through a rough night or had one drink too many, and you don’t want the boss to find out, well, this product is pretty neat. It will definitely boost your confidence going out, and bring a different shade of vibrancy to your face. As Clinique is revamping their Men’s range, do note that this will only be out on shelves in early February.

The skin around our eyes are incredibly sensitive, which means one thing – it’s very susceptible to collagen breakage and irritation. With Dermalogica’s ULTRASMOOTHING EYE SERUM, you’ve got in your hands a pretty powerful concoction of plant actives, aloe Barbadensis leaf juice, and the brand’s trump card - the exclusive UltraCalming™ Complex. It contains great stuff like oat and ginger extracts, red hogweed and Bisabolol, reducing redness and irritation. Overall, this is something that stamps on puffiness and regenerates dry, stressed skin.

Price: $70 (50ml) Available at: Major department stores such as Isetan, Tangs, and Metro outlets

Price: $55 Available at: all Clinique counters at major department stores

Price: $98 Available at: AsterSpring Origin of Beauty Centres, Dermalogica-authorised skin treatment centres

39 / 68 | RØMP

ISSUE 13 RISE UP / style journal

femme grooming text by elizabeth moreira

not JUst For tea


BLooMing BeaUty

sLeePing BeaUty

Chamomile has been long known for its calming properties in teas and fragrances, but did you know it’s also an ultra-effective skincare ingredient? Body Shop centres their newest collection on quality Chamomile flowers – meaning no pesticides – and its efficacy as a makeup remover. The collection consists of a Gentle Eye Makeup Remover, Chamomile Sumptuous Cleansing Butter, a Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover and a Camomile Silky Cleansing Oil to soothe your body and soul.

Thanks to Olay’s breakthrough Hydralock technology in the new AQUATASTIC series, your skin can remain thirst-free for a whole 24 hours. Inspired by legendary Chinese beauty Yang Guifei, Olay uses white jelly leaf (WSK), which has been proven to outperform hyaluronic acid’s ability in holding water. The second key ingredient to this innovation is Niacinamide, which puts the life back into skin fatigue and the energy to renew itself. Moisture is a must!

Skinfood expresses the beauty and innocence of Flora, the flower goddess, in their limited edition FLOrA MAKEUP LINE in a series of saturated pastel colours combined to illuminate femininity. Let your inner beauty bloom with the range that includes the Vita Tok Water Pact SPF 20 PA +, a vitamin moisture foundation for natural smooth skin tone, Nail Vita Alpa polishes, and even Easy Nail stickers for easy floral art!

Make full use of that beauty sleep with Philosophy’s HOPE IN A JAr to restore and rejuvenate your skin from busy days. By morning, you’ll be surprised to see that your skin is looking a lot more radiant and refreshed! In case you’re wondering what sorcery this is - it’s just the power of intensive research by Philosophy for this jar of retexturizing moisturizer that works magic overnight as you dream.

Price: $19.90- $29.90 Where to find: All Body Shop stores

Price: $24.90, $34.90 Where to find: Leading departmental stores and pharmacies

Price: $6.90 - $43.90 Where to find: All Skinfood stores

Price: $59 Where to find: All Sephora outlets

40 / 68 | RØMP

ISSUE 13 RISE UP / style journal

sQUeaKy CLean

droP oF ageLessness

CyCLe VitaL shaMPoo (aFter sUn)

nUXe rose Mist

What do you think are the top three most difficult types of makeup to remove? If you said foundation, mascara and lipstick, you’re right! After comprehensive researching, Orbis has formulated their CLEANSING LIQUID, sworn by many users as a refreshing multipurpose makeup remover that doesn’t leave that film of oil on the skin. Its water-based formula made with over 30% moisturizing ingredients is also suited for any skin type.

After the discovery of the ability of Birds Nest proteins in restoring youthfulness, it has become a key ingredient in Purerskin’s products, especially the MIRACLE SERUM. This little glass dropper bottle of perfection is filled with an intense formulation of Sialic Acid, Collagen, Epidermal Growth Factor and Purer Source Bird’s Nest to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Fly back in time with the help of Bird’s Nest!

It’s not only your skin that needs protection from the harsh UV rays - your hair needs protection too! Faded colour, coarseness, fragility and dullness are results of exposure to the sun. Cycle Vital uses the combination of Marcula oil and sun filters to restore moisture and suppleness back into your strands and also shield your scalp and hair from those harmful rays. The trio of shampoo, cream and mask is a true shielding treatment for sunlovers.

The NUXE rEFrESHING MOISTUrIZING MIST is the first moisture mist to be enriched with petals from the Damascena rose, and is also dedicated to sensitive skin with its non-sticky and nongreasy texture. The extracted rose water instantly moisturizes, soothes and softens your skin with just one spray, and is an all-purpose hot item to carry along for moisture on-the-go, instant rejuvenation and a fantastic makeup setter.

Price: $20.50 Where to find: Robinsons Orchard & Junction 8

Price: $66.90 Where to find: Available at all Watsons stores

Price: $24.90, $34.90, $44.90 Where to find: All John Little & Beauty By Nature stores

Price: $28 Where to find: All Robinsons, John Little, Watsons, BHG, Metro, Unity stores & Beauty By Nature stores

41 / 68 | RØMP

ISSUE 13 RISE UP / style journal




42 / 68 | RØMP

tHe it girl L’oreal defines an IT girl as young women who are known all over the world for ‘their original sense of style and bold hairstyle choices’. Who are their IT girls? L’Oreal Profesionnel reveals.

ISSUE 13 RISE UP / savour

Sicilian Roots Fans of contemporary fine dining restaurant Gattopardo can now look forward to their sister establishment, Morsi & Sorsi, which brings the concept of Stuzzichini in a much more casual setting. Much of the organic produce comes from Chef Lino Sauro’s own family farm in Sicily, including the olive oil that perfumes Piadina Panini ($13), with parma ham, heirloom tomatoes, mozzarella, rucola and truffle sauce between sandwiched between in-house baked bread. Particularly memorable was also the Vitello Tonnato ($14), an explosion of flavours with sliced veals, tuna, mayonnaise and capers, as well as the delectably tender Sous Vide Beef Cheek with Mashed Potatoes ($18). Prices here are affordable for the quality execution of the food, especially in its prime location. morsi & sorsi / 51 telok ayer street, #01-02, singapore 048441 / mon-fri: 8am to 8.30pm

43 / 68 | RĂ˜MP

dinner for two text by joey murray

The guys dread it. The girls have unimaginable expectations to live up to. The prices of roses skyrocket (at least 1000 per cent!) and if you don’t play it well, it might just be your last V-Day with your special someone. Here, we take you through some fantastic restaurant ideas that will most likely tide you over until the next February 14!

ISSUE 13 RISE UP / savour

Unlikely, Unpretentious, Inexpensive

Here’s a perfect idea to build up the excitement – make the reservations early to ensure a good table, and drag him or her from Lavender MRT, past the rows of grungy looking hardware shops and sleazy KTV lounges. After the tiresome nine-minute ‘stroll’, enter the restaurant, say “Tadah!” and flaunt Suprette’s gorgeous insides – enclosed in the swanky Kam Leng Hotel, stylish-retro-American-diner-meets-hipster-enclave décor. Revel in the juicy thickness of The Suprette Burger ($25) that comes with delicious free-flow fries (or Ken’s Heart Attack Burger for patty size-queens – impressive burgers from the ground up. The Braised Beef Cheeks ($26) are also out-of-this-world, tenderised and seasoned for maximum taste and enjoyment. As for the bubblies, it costs $8 for wines and Happy Hour specials change from time to time, but the selection of cocktails (Negroni and Topless in Church being the highlights) and spirits is not to be overlooked. Speak to Zach, and he’ll make you something crazy. Who knows what he’s got behind the counter for you and your sweetheart in the heart of this charming industrial district of. Suprette also batters up a brilliant brunch menu, in case you want to beat the crowds and do a V-Day brunch (Ricotta Pancakes for the win!). Suprette / Kam Leng Hotel / 383 Jalan Besar / Tel: 62988962 / Mon - Sun: 7.30 am - 12 am

45 / 68 | RØMP

ISSUE 13 RISE UP / savour

Snazzy, European, Sibei Good

You know, how we always go for the ‘chao tar’ parts of our claypot rice first? Or how we claim that the taste of char-siew correlates to the amount of charred-ness on it? Burnt Ends takes this concept we harnessed as a culture, and develops on it, and then some. Their cold Smoked Quail Eggs ($6) contained a literal yolk-splosion that came with an almost sweet, fruit-like aftertaste (almost when like Beyoncé snuck up on us by releasing a whole album on 13 Dec with no promo whatsoever). The Burnt Ends’ Sanger ($20) recalls the traditional ‘kong ba pau’ that’s Westlake Restaurant’s claim-tofame, with its shape and size, but replace the buns with charred (heh) brioche, jalapeno pepper slices, and deliciously pulled and cooked pork. Their Whole Redfish ($50) and Onglet (100g - $17) lived up to their restaurant’s name of being (slightly) charred on the outside, lending it the slight bittersweetness on the outside, yet retaining the moistness and juiciness within. The smokiness continues into the dessert, with The Wild Hibiscus, Smoked Ice Cream and Ginger ($10) combining interesting flavours of smoke, ginger, and the slight sweetness of the natural-occuring flower all into one. Burnt Ends is definitely not just smoke and mirrors, and your V-Day date will be swept off their feet. Burnt Ends / 20 Teck Lim Road / Tel: 62243933 / Tue - Sat: 11.30 am – 2 pm Mon - Sat: 6 pm – 12 am

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ISSUE 13 RISE UP / savour

Alternative, Thoughtful, One-of-a-Kind Gourmet Fusion

Everything about Kilo is perfect – from its dynamic four-lettered moniker; its old toy factory facade, its situation on the banks of the Kallang River, the fact that it’s naturally ventilated, and last but not least, their impressive un-clichéd fusion of Japanese, French and Italian. Having a knack for raw seafood, impress yourselves by getting one of the many ceviches or tartares (ranging from octopus, tuna, to salmon) and feeling the multitude of flavours and textures that arise. Their Octopus Carpaccio (lemongrass, coriander, roasted tomatoes) is succulent, appetite-enhancing, and fresh. Their Squid Ink Rice (prawns, crispy baby squid, fried basil, egg yolk) is sensational, with the squid ink lending its salty-sweet texture to the marbled rice grains (mind your teeth!) and the slight spice that the chilli padi juice magnifies the flavours in the seafood and ink. As far as homemade ice creams go, Kilo has my pick for the best Chocolate ice cream. We’re talking about dark gooey chocolate - so dense that it is like solidified chocolate mousse! At $6 a pop, it is most definitely justified by the fact that it tastes like the scoop has the essence five bars of dark chocolate. And you do know the effect that chocolate and seafood have on humans... right? Kilo / #02-01, TURE, 66 Kampong Bugis / Tel: 64673987 / Mon - Sat: 6 pm – 12 am

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ISSUE 12 HOORAY / savour

Frenchy, Parisian, Are we still in Singapore or what?

A bistro is, in its original Parisian incarnation, a small resto that serves reasonably priced food in a modest atmosphere – basically, average all-around. But db Bistro Moderne is not average at all. It is excellent and well decorated from head to toe. The best restaurants in France only rival their breadbasket, and no other restaurant in Singapore has better offerings than db. Their Duck Confit ($36) was perfectly done, with the skin crisp, and the flesh tender, resting on a bed of savoy cabbage and olive oil-crushed potatoes. Another long-time fixture of their menu, the db Burger ($42) features deliciously seared foie gras in the heart of the burger, and a patty that’s the size of two of your clenched fists put together. db Bistro Moderne / 10 Bayfront Avenue / #B1-48 Galleria Level, The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands / Tel: 6688 8525 Mon to Fri: 12 – 5 pm Sat & Sun: 11 am – 5 pm Sun & Mon: 5.30 – 10 pm Tue to Sat: 5.30 – 11 pm

Grand, Exquisite, Cosy

Speaking of hidden hinds, Bar-Roque Grill, set on the ground floor of the Amara Hotel with its rustic French (with Meditarranean and Spanish influence) cuisine and its florid cherry-red and black florid interior just might be the magical spot for the misters and missuses. Stéphane Istel, former Executive Chef at db Bistro Moderne, features his delicious Classic Tarte Flambées, a subtle cheese and crème fraîche mix baked on a thin, crisp crusy bread, served along with bacon – a trademark of his hometown, Alsace. The Roasted Free Range “French” Chicken with pommes purees, mushrooms, garlic jus ($20, for a half-chicken) features French-born, yet ‘grown’ in Malaysia, chickens, ensuring that French stamp of approval on the pedigree - juicy, tender, and flavoursome. End the evening affair with their Crème Brûlée with Madagascar Vanilla ($12), a down-to-earth dessert that shows that simple and sweet is best to close the dinner, especially after all the strong textures and flavours. Bar-Roque Grill / #01-00, Amara Hotel / 165 Tanjong Pagar Road / Tel: 64449672 / Tue - Sun: 12 pm – 12 am

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text by xiangyun lim

ISSUE 13 RISE UP / perspective

Gladys Ng is only 24 years old, but already carries a slew of awards under her belt, including being the first Singaporean to have won the prestigious International Photography Awards for Professional Advertising. It’s hard to believe that her first foray into photography was only a few years ago. With her tenacity and determination, we can’t wait to see what this young photographer will bring to the world of haute couture fashion photography. Most of my biggest problems come from myself, because I’m so difficult to please. With that said, I think that drives me to become better so fast and to never just remain at status quo.

i’m a perfectionist.

i struggled for two years in deciding to take the leap and go straight into photography full time. Everyone told me to get a stable job and just do photography on the side. but I

didn’t want to look back in 10 years and regret being all talk but no action.

I think that drove me even further because I couldn’t just sit by and expect my parents to feed me - I had to make it work.

since i come from a poorer background,

The journey was arduous physically as well. Back then I had no assistants and I usually carry all my lighting equipment myself. Most of them were bigger and heavier than I am.

because I knew it was what I chose for myself. Being able to believe in what you do makes a person a lot stronger.

I didn’t complain

Photography requires

mastering both the technicalities and the aesthetic eye while having to constantly come up with creative concepts and stories, especially in the fashion realm. is to learn how to balance your creative side with business antics. Operating like a businessman has never been my forte or passion. I like to focus purely on the artistic side of my job – but it is also about how you can sell your work if you want to be in this the long run.

One of the biggest challenges

it’s always

a very intense and thrilling procedure to conceptualize and put together a shoot, and when the final image comes out exactly like what I imagined, it just makes me the happiest person in the world.

when i finish a photo, I

have to put it in my laptop, iPad, iPhone and whatever system I have and stare at it obsessively for a couple of days before I okay it. with my favorite model, Sasha Pivovarova for a fashion spread someday. I also want to shoot for National Geographic.

I want to shoot a panther

by paintings, particularly Neo-classical and Romanticism paintings. Music and beautiful lyrics are a huge source of inspiration for me to come up with stories and concepts as well.

I am inspired

There is no such thing as impossible. Don’t

let anyone tell you otherwise.

ISSUE 13 RISE UP / perspective

transience text by xiangyun lim

ISSUE 13 RISE UP / globe trotter

There were yellow daises by the road hills

It was warm enough to be dressed in shorts or loose cotton shirts, yet cool enough to tilt your head up at the sunshine and bathe in her yellow smile. Daytime invited one to sit by the lake and listen to water run over rocks. The sky was often full of plump clean clouds, blue peeping through like shy daisies. People were starting to wear dresses and hats. Bursts of colour surprised trees. More ice-cream carts were jangling bells. Yes, summer was coming soon. Sad things are always more beautiful

One thing that stayed with me was the muted calmness that blanketed the towns. It’s the feeling of watching a movie, where one is immersed yet detached - empathy sharpened as a passer-by. Similarly, I watched giggling schoolchildren, frail elderly couples and mothers, all with a sense of comprehension and serenity that I didn’t belong. It also came with sadness. I didn’t belong.

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ISSUE 13 RISE UP / globe trotter

There are so many ways to travel

We would do most of the sightseeing in the morning and after lunch, thereafter spending the day on the road. Our guide talked about the places we had visited coupled with tidbits about his traditions until heads started nodding. I read, alone in the company of my snoozing loved ones, turning endless green fields into the majestic landscapes of Frodo’s journeys. Where did J.R.R. Tolkien travel to, to write about such grand places? Our Japanese guide was awesome

He was very proud of his heritage. His eyes softened, chin tilted ever so slightly, as he described how rice and pickles were staples for his three meals. He was patient with the brashness and rudeness of the affluent (aka rich tourists: us). One dinner had a karaoke machine that carried a few Chinese classics in its song list. He took turns singing with my dad, both of them ruddy-cheeked from sake. The rest looked on and clapped. I felt embarrassed, amused and proud all at once.

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ISSUE 12 HOORAY / globe trotter

The taste of rice

For each meal, a steaming bowl of rice would be accompanied by a variety of pickles and a bowl of miso soup, delicately arranged in tiny platters. Every town had their own way of preparing rice: some saltier, some plainer, some with sesame seeds, another with the subtle sweetness of chestnut. No matter how different it tasted, the texture of Japanese grains is distinct - fluffy yet with bite, with the sweet fragrance of pearls. The art of distance

Often, we seemed to be a quiet, unassuming tour group traveling on the outskirts of civilisation. Only one town had hints of the city, where young males sported severely plucked eyebrows and casinos revealed a psychedelic clash of harsh lights and jangling. Senses overwhelmed and numbed, we exited within minutes to the quiet cool of the night lanes, searching for the silence of the previous days.

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ISSUE 12 HOORAY / globe trotter

This search will never end

On our last night, we stayed in a small town known for hot springs. One could see glimpses of Mt. Fuji in the tumulus voyages of night clouds opposite the lake. We woke up early the next day to catch a clearer view, walking down meandering paths guided by tall pruned bushes. Fat roses and tiny purple flowers were still dripping with morning dew, nodding in the gentle breeze. Sitting on the stones on the riverbank, watching wisps of clouds floating past the mountain, I buried the calm into a memory. It would be a reminder of the peace found here, a transient presence to hold on to.

This was the last family trip the author embarked on. She enjoyed the two weeks very much. It was a trip that went around Nagoya, Japan, where the scenery and food were always beautiful.

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ISSUE 13 RISE UP / globe trotter

walking on a dream i n n e w y ork cit y

text by emery lim

The Big Apple: city that never sleeps, crossroads of the world. New York City isn’t clean, there are many strange people around, and the subways are always packed and messy. What is there however – the culture, atmosphere, glorious food, museums, Broadway musicals, iconic attractions, hidden spots – I just have this feeling that one will never be able to find any of these in any other parts of the world. And that’s what makes New York, New York.

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ISSUE 13 RISE UP / globe trotter

the high line

The High Line is an elevated park, built on a railway trestle that had been abandoned for 30 years. It is a sliver of green that looks out onto the stark landscape of Manhattan’s west side. The renovation mimics the way nature had begun to overtake the park before two friends who lived in the neighborhood saved it from demolition. Spanning over 10 blocks, it is impossible to walk the entire park at one go. In the summer, people laze on wooden benches and sprawl on the carpet grass to bask in the sun. There are even food trucks selling munchies and ice cream. Looking at the city from this height gives you a different perspective, and a reminder of how this place is really an organized mess.

central park

Now Central Park isn’t as scary as how Macaulay Culkin had made it to be in Home Alone, and the best way to experience the whole 3.41 square kilometres is on a bike. Be prepared to be touted – those bike rental guys can get quite pushy so just choose a decent looking one as it is still much cheaper than renting the city bikes at the park, and you may just score a free guided tour. There were definitely many picturesque moments in the park: the famous F.R.I.E.N.D.S fountain, the waterfall featured in Enchanted, the memorial for John Lennon and the lake featured in Gossip Girl. Those aside, the park exudes exuberance, with joggers and dogs, ongoing games and activities, couples with their picnics.

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ISSUE 13 RISE UP / globe trotter

brooklyn bridge

This is a place to witness both in the day and night. The best time to walk the bridge will be in the evening just before the sun sets. This is where you will end up with too many photographs because you just can’t stop snapping the arresting sight and you can’t decide which perspective looks the best. I highly recommend walking the bridge in the direction from Brooklyn towards Manhattan as that gives a better view. It may take a while but the sight is absolutely breathtaking.

chelsea market

Chelsea Market has been functioning as a hybrid urban public square cum high-end food court since 1997. Housing restaurants, food vendors and book stores, it is basically an bustling indoor market furnished with stonewashed walls, grey tiles, warm lights. Think PasarBella in Singapore, but double the size and triple its offerings. You might not end up buying much, but you’ll definitely wish to enter every store and restaurant there. Do grab a cup of coffee from North Street Espresso while you’re there too.

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ISSUE 13 RISE UP / globe trotter

meatpacking district

Manhattan is at its most glamorous in the Meatpacking District. Here, the city that never sleeps, really never sleeps. With its high-end shops and brash nightspots, this is a must visit. We came here twice after nightfall to fuel tingling needs of partying. If you’re up for some partying, check out Cielo, a small but sturdy music mecca to toss back cocktails and groove to top-flight DJs. The easiest way to enter for free is to hook up with a promoter for the clubs and you can do so with the help of Yelp.

times square

You’ve never been to New York City if you don’t go to Times Square. Right in the centre, you get these fire red tables and chairs to rest your feet and soak in the atmosphere and people-watch. The lights around were hypnotic. In one corner, you can see life-sized Elmos, Batman and a Power Ranger getting their photos taken and in the other, there may be a scantilyclad she-male doing a lap dance. We were taking all these in with the song “Empire State of Mind” blasting on our iPhones – at that moment, the feeling was real. We were in New York City.

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ISSUE 13 RISE UP / work it

UNDER THEMED ROOFS text by elizabeth moreira

Planning for a staycation but shunning away from the conventional? We have rounded up some boutique hotels for you to relish. wanderlust hotel

1 No boutique hotel can get any more vibrant than the Wanderlust. Situated in the colourful and ever-lively Little India, inside this 1920’s building are 29 guest rooms that run on vivid candy colours, arty black and white minimalism, and the deliciously creative duplex apartments on each level. The standout perk of this boutique hotel is its combination of artistic whimsicalities with visionary designs - turning it into a playground for grown-ups. Little India’s MRT station is an 8-minute walk from the hotel / Changi International Airport is a 30-minute drive from the hotel address: 2 Dickson Road, Singapore 209494 transport:

contact: +65 6396 3322 / reservations@wanderlusthotel.com website: http://wanderlusthotel.com/

the sultan hotel

2 Tucked away right on the fringe of the historical Kampong Glam are 2 rows of whitewashed shophouse units which have been faithfully preserved to house 64 homely rooms of hand carved King sized-beds, Japanese platform beds and attic rooms that highlight the old charm of Singapore. This modest and cosy hotel offers a full-length balcony, alfresco dining (that serves daily breakfast) and their Sultan Jazz Bar that allows guests to kick back and enjoy the live music. The Sultan hotel is the perfect home away from home. 15 min walk away from the Bugis MRT station / 20 min drive from the airport address: 101 Jalan Sultan, Singapore 199002 transport:

contact: website:

+65 6723 7101 http://www.thesultan.com.sg

new majestic hotel

3 Nestled in the heart of Singapore’s Chinatown, stands a vintage shop house where the luxurious New Majestic Hotel lies. Featuring 30 distinctive boutique rooms showcasing the creativity of Singapore’s emerging artists, the hotel boasts unabashedly, stylish eccentric rooms. Their continuous mix of vintage and designer furniture along with private gardens and signature six-meter ceilings in attic-style suites has always been a real show-stopper with guests. A two min walk away from the Outram Park MRT station / contact: Enquiries (24h)+65 6511 4700 / 20 min drive from the airport Reservations - +65 6579 2026 / reservation@newmajestichotel.com 31–37 Bukit Pasoh Road, Singapore 089845 website: http://www.newmajestichotel.com/

transport: address:

the club hotel

4 The Club Hotel accommodates 22 exclusively designed guest rooms, intimately arranged within one of Singapore’s landmark buildings to provide both privacy and luxury in one of the city’s most chic locations - Club Street. The ‘black & white’ minimalistic concept transmits an overwhelming blissfulness, along with an up tempo roof top bar, Ying Yang, a chic dessert cafe, Le Chocolat Cafe, an Al-fresco setting French and Vietnamese Restaurant, Le Tonkin and lastly a cosy basement whisky and live jazz bar, B28 for exquisite culinary experiences. transport: 10 mins walk from address: 28 Ann Siang Road,

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the MRT / 20 min drive from the airport Singapore 069708

contact: website:

+65 6808 2188 http://theclub.com.sg/





ISSUE 13 RISE UP / work it

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ISSUE 13 RISE UP / work it

enduring strength text by mcken wong

GEMMA ROSE FOO is a top notch para-equestrian with Team Singapore. Diagnosed with cerebral palsy since she was born, this determined lady has developed a graceful tenacity towards life, and a glittering positivity that pushes her towards success. Theodore Roosevelt’s ‘it is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed’ motivates her, along with her faith in God and staunch support from family members and friends. This self-confessed bookworm, is truly a character that defies logic and odds. You’ve achieved great results on the equestrian field as a national player. How does it feel with all these media attention?

The attention is great as more people are now aware of what Para-dressage. Sports is not only for the strong or limited to the able-bodied. In fact, I feel that more ‘dis-abled’ people should go into it. It is empowering when you discover that you can actually be good at something. It gives you self-worth. I never imagined I could do sports, let alone compete in world-class events for my country. It is such an honour. Are there any stereotypes of people with cerebral palsy that you wish to correct?

Definitely. People tend to think that just because a person is physically disabled or looks different, that person is also mentally challenged. Some of us might speak with a slur, but it doesn’t mean we are ‘slow’ too. I remember a comment I read on an online forum where I was featured celebrating our return from the Paralympics. The author thought that people with disabilities were all ugly. I had to laugh at that as it was quite funny. Growing up, how did you learn to cope with the condition?

I’ve never thought of myself as being different from the other kids. I go to a regular school, hang out at malls, and go to the movies just like any other teenager. Sometimes, I do get stared or pointed at, but I’m used to it already. I guess not many people with mobility problems will go out often – thus it’s still a rare sight. Anyway, my friends do not treat me any differently and that’s encouraging. My mother always tell me that I am just like everybody else, and I can do anything once I set my mind to it. I may be a little slower, a little more clumsy, but eventually, I’ll get the job done. What’s the most difficult part about riding a horse?

Horses are very sensitive animals and react to the slightest movement or sound. Sudden loud noises will freak them out and they are known to jump and run off with the riders on their backs. The most difficult part is to hang on and hope not to get thrown off! How did your love for equestrian sport arise?

At 8 years old, I started riding as a form of physiotherapy to help with my balance and coordination. I have always loved animals and it was such an incredible feeling being on a horse, to move around on it. There’s this amazing bond that develops between us and we learn to trust each other. It is both a calming and exciting sensation. What do you do to maintain your positive outlook on life, and garner this incredible strength to overcome limiting factors?

I always remind myself that there are people worse off than me in this world. I may not walk or be as agile as the next person, but I have my eyes, ears, and my mouth, along with supportive family members and friends surrounding me. I also trust in God to help me overcome any difficulties in life. Personally, what do you think can be done more to help cerebral palsy patients in Singapore?

Persons with cerebral palsy have mobility problems, and it would be great if the streets, shops and offices are more disabled-friendly. For example, all underground crossings on Orchard Road are completely inaccessible to the disabled. None have lifts and if I use my crutches, it is challenging to use the stairs there. Many MRT stations also have escalators that go up - but only stairs to descend. More special schools and educational institutes should also be built to help those with the condition. Any big plans for 2014?

The next big thing is the World Equestrian Games (WEG) to be held in Caen, France, in the summer. I am looking forward to competing against the world’s best and together with my team mates, bring glory to Singapore.

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COQ & BALLS 6 Kim Tian Road



MARBLE SLAB CREAMERY Bugis+ 201 Victoria Street #05-02 Junction 8 Shopping Centre 9 Bishan Place #02-52 PIES & COFFEE Rochester Mall 35 Rochester Drive #01-02 PRAISE Bugis Junction 200 Victoria Street #03-22A

chinatown / cityhall / clarke quay

EGG3 33 Erskine Road #01-10/11/12 HAAGEN-DAZS Esplanade Mall 8 Raffles Avenue #02-01/03 LOMOGRAPHY GALLERY STORE 295 South Bridge Road MARBLE SLAB CREAMERY The Central 6 Eu Tong Sen Street #01-27 ONCE UPON A MILKSHAKE Raffles City #B1-51 ORIOLE CAFÉ 10 Jiak Chuan Road PATISSERIE G Millenia Walk 9 Raffles Boulevard #01-40 THE ARTS HOUSE Box Office 1 Old Parliament Lane Level 1 ANTHESIS CAFÉ 86 Robertson Quay #01-01 THE SUBSTATION 45 Armenian Street


WORKING TITLE 48 Arab Street

HAAGEN-DAZS Holland Village 21 Lorong Mambong ISLAND CREAMERY Holland Village Shopping Mall #01-02 No. 3 Lorong Liput TANGO’S RESTAURANT & WINE BAR 35 Lorong Mambong

SOGURT 617 Bukit Timah Road THREADBARE & SQUIRREL Bali Lane 660 North Bridge Road

EVERYTHING WITH FRIES Holland Village 40 Lorong Mambong

DESOUL Far East Plaza 14 Scotts Road #03-24A

tiong bahru / tanjong pagar

LOWERCASE Lasalle 1 McNally Street Blk D #01-01


J CO DONUTS Bugis Junction 200 Victoria Street #B1-24

LEFTFOOT The Cathay 2 Handy Road #01-19/20


11 King Albert Park #01-02

CHOTA The Cathay 2 Handy Road #03-03

THE BUTTER FACTORY 1 Fullerton Road #02-02/03/04 THE SAUCE BAR Esplanade Mall 8 Raffles Avenue #01-10/12

BOOKSACTUALLY No. 9 Yong Siak Street lick 258 Tanjong Katong ONCE UPON A MILKSHAKE Maxwell Chambers #01-08 RED DOT TRAFFIC 28 Maxwell Road #02-16 SELFISH GENE CAFÉ 40 Craig Road THE ORANGE THIMBLE 56 Eng Hoon Street #01-68

JURONG POINT shopping centre Customer Service #03-07

CUPCAKES WITH LOVE Tampines 1 10 Tampines Central #03-22 EGG3 Tong Yuan Industrial Building 85 Playfair Road #07-01

FEMMEX Orchard Cineleisure 8 Grange Road #03-05

HAAGEN-DAZS Springvale 907 East Coast Road #01-05

FLESH IMP SCAPE 2 Orchard Link #02-20/21/22

MARBLE SLAB CREAMERY 112 East Coast Road #B1-25

FROLICK Cathay Cineleisure Orchard 8 Grange Road #B1-07


LEFTFOOT Orchard Cineleisure 8 Grange Road #02-07A

PENNY UNIVERSITY 402 East Coast Road

MARBLE SLAB CREAMERY Plaza Singapura 68 Orchard Road #03-89


ORIOLE CAFÉ Pan Pacific Serviced Suites 96 Somerset Road #01-01

FROLICK Lot 1 21 Choa Chu Kang Avenue 4 #B1-23


ISLAND CREAMERY Serene Centre 10 Jalan Serene #01-03

ORIOLE CAFÉ Republic Plaza 9 Raffles Place #01-23/23A

PRAISE Orchard Cineleisure 8 Grange Road #02-04

MARBLE SLAB CREAMERY Causeway Point 1 Woodlands Square #B1-22

RECKLESS ERICKA Orchard Central 181 Orchard Road #02-08/09

THE FACTORY 22 Lim Tua Tow Road

SPELLBOUND Far East Plaza 14 Scotts Road #03-24 STAGE SCAPE 2 Orchard Link #02-08


COLLAGE 61 Haji Lane

raffles place

THE BASEMENT CAFÉ SMU 80 Stamford Road #B1-62

dhoby ghaut

ARTISTRY 17 Jalan Pinang

holland village

bukit timah / bishan / buona vista / bugis

have a rØmp! NANYANG POLYTECHNIc Blk E Level 4 Room E407 ngee ann polytechnic Blk 1 Level 2 republic polytechnic One Stop Centre SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC Hilltop Library Main Library Student Service Centre TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC Student Development Centre

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