Romsey & District u3a Bulletin No15

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ROMSEY and District

Low-down in the Lockdown Bulletin No.15 - 27 January 2021

Hoar frost - Mike Driscoll

Rain, frost, snow, ice? Many reasons to keep warm and dry inside and catch up with your u3a news. Whether local or national, email, printed or online, we have lots of ideas to keep you busy. The days are getting noticeably longer as more sunshine and better weather is coming. As we all look forward to the good times ahead, Stay Safe, Keep Active & Keep Well.

Monthly Meetings In January we had some 130 members enjoy a real–life murder mystery. However, if going on ‘Safari in Africa’ has always seemed remote, join us on 17 February when David Boag’s photographs should make you feel as if you are actually on holiday! Then the temperature changes for our 17 March talk as we’ll be with Beatrice Von Prussen in the ‘Arctic and Antarctic as an artist aboard a Science Ship’. Look out for the Zoom links.

We’re still looking… Are you a volunteer - a member who steps forward, rather than stand back and leave things to that mythical character ‘Someone else’ ? MAY will soon be here and our AGM when we have to elect new trustees. What skills can you share - chair, secretary, minute secretary? Could you be webmaster or press/publicity officer to join our Communications Team? We’re very friendly! Contact Janet Moody

80 years ago... was the middle of the Blitz (Sept 1940 - May 1941). It had a very significant impact on Southampton and Portsmouth but did it affect Romsey? Leila Beal, (WW2 People’s War) lived through it: “We used to go out on the regular bus service to Romsey, a small town a few miles from Southampton. There a widow used to let us stay the night. This must have happened at weekends when my dad didn't have to go to work the next day. He particularly appreciated a proper night's rest, away from the bombing. We enjoyed being in Romsey.”

If you have childhood memories or photos of the Blitz that you’d like to share, please send them to Dave now for our February newsletter at . You can also read more about this and the Battle of Britain on the u3a website.

Better Times to Come Nature - friend or foe? We call her mother But this one is not mild. When we see the destruction Brought by wind, rain & snow, That is when we call her wild. Today - winter bleak. Tomorrow will be Spring. We are waiting for calm. Birds building nests, buds on trees, Yellow flowers begin to peek. This is Mother Nature’s healing balm. Gill Hodge Challenge your negative thoughts and look for the upside. A man who was arrested for tippexing out all the full stops in a library book was told he can expect a long sentence...

On everyone’s lips: “Have you had yours yet?” We know a number of members who have had their Covid vaccination, both at Crosfield Hall and doctor’s surgeries. Do tell us your experience so that we can share it. One member told us, “I was so thrilled when the phone rang this morning and I could see it was from Alma Road Surgery. I thought I had won the lottery and text my 2 sons.” Remember, if you’ve had the vaccine you have to continue to protect others; if you’re still waiting, please be patient!

CENSUS DAY Run by the Office of National Statistics and completed every 10 years since 1801, this year it is on Sunday 21 March. They say they are making it easy for everyone to take part: you will be able to provide your information online or in a paper return. Nearer the time you will receive a letter about it. There will be more information in the February newsletter. If you want to help there may be a job that is just right for you here. Page 1 of 2

Did you know these origins… or were you told something different? 1. In the 1400s a law was set forth in England that a man was allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb. Hence we have 'the rule of thumb'. 2. Many years ago in Scotland, a new game was invented. It was ruled 'Gentlemen Only… Ladies Forbidden' and thus the word GOLF entered into the English language. 3. Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history: Spades - King David, Hearts - Charlemagne, Clubs - Alexander the Great, Diamonds - Julius Caesar. 4. In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence the phrase... 'Goodnight, sleep tight.' Thanks to Derek Morley.

Laughter time! Lance is an uncommon name nowadays. But in medieval times people were called Lance a lot. My luck is like a bald guy who just won a comb. Age 60 might be the new 40, but 9 pm is the new midnight. I remember being able to get up without making sound effects. I had my patience tested. I'm negative. Remember, if you lose a sock in the dryer, it comes back as a Tupperware lid that doesn't fit any of your containers.

Blossom into Spring

OO gauge Model Railways Mike Koscian is looking to contact anyone running OO model railways, with the possibility of forming a new group. If you cannot reply to the email he sent, please contact us by phone.

1. Oak


2. Beech

7. Yew

3. Holly

8. Rowan/Mountain Ash

4. Common Lime

9. Silver Birch

5. Horse Chestnut

10. Elder

King Lear Prizes Spring 2021 A Creative Arts competition encouraging people to produce new works of literature, drama, poetry, music and art during the pandemic. If you are over 65 and a keen amateur or learning a new hobby, enter by 19 March. Look at last year’s winners for inspiration. Or join the King Lear Arts Club, a free, online arts community, now for the over 60s.

It’s very likely that there will be some spring blossom out before our next Bulletin in March! This National Trust page on Blossom Watch will help you identify the different types; 20 minutes with nature could help to improve your mood. Send us your blossom photos and share them in a gallery!

Action for Happiness Keep Calm. Stay Wise. Be Kind.

Action for Happiness helps people take action for a happier and kinder world. The next Action Calendar theme is Friendly February : Daily actions to help you connect with others and spread kindness.

u3a January Newsletter If you are one of the 29,629 people signed up to receive it, you should have the latest, monthly National Newsletter email from Sam Mauger at u3a Office: super photos, news from different groups all over the country, how to keep learning, u3a radio on YouTube, your stories, subject advice, u3a in the media etc. You haven’t signed up yet? Gosh, that’s a shame - here’s the link so you can. Enjoy!

Romsey the Movie A bit of light entertainment that you may have seen before was awarded the Focus Prize at the British International Amateur Film Festival in October. Watch here.

Your next Newsletter will be with you from 15 February. Bulletin 16 is due out on 10 March. Contact Gill Hodge 01794 511529 This Bulletin will also be on our website: ‘Low-down in the Lockdown’: Gill Hodge, Glenda Taylor, Janet Moody, Margaret Marchbank & Dave Lovell. Page 2 of 2

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