> d i g i ta l
m e d i a k i t
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Who we are
Russia Beyond the Headlines is an internationally recognized source of political, business and cultural news and analysis launched in 2007. We offer original, on-theground coverage of Russia from professional, independent journalists who are passionate and knowledgeable about the country, and opinion pieces from commentators who hold a wide range of views about Russiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leadership and direction. Russia Beyond the Headlines is produced by leading Russian daily Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Our goal is to bridge the gap between stereotypes about Russia
33,5 mln international RBTH audience
and reality. We achieve this goal by: bringing original stories about Russian culture, business, politics and science to foreign readers; giving foreign audiences the opportunity to learn more about Russia than what is written in other media (beyond); inspiring readers to learn more about Russia. Russia Beyond the Headlines is Print and digital products and services in 21 countries in 16 languages: 27 print supplements monthly published in leading global newspapers; 18 websites; 3 iPad applications; 1 premium product targeted specifically at the expert community, Russia Direct.
w w w. r b t h . c o m
RBTH digital audience Research
1.5 million is RBTHâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s total digital audience (December 2013)
growth rate per year
RBTHâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s digital audience is: 78% male
70% 35+
upper income bracket
The most popular themes for our readers are history, culture news, and business, but the most popular topics vary greatly depending on the language and audience of the site
w w w. r b t h . c o m
RBTH digital audience Research
of our total visitors are from the United States
visitors from Asia
20% of visitors to our US, UK and German websites are opinion leaders
The main words and phrases readers use to describe RBTH are:
80% of them have some affiliation with Russia
visitors from Europe w w w. r b t h . c o m
“trust”, “beyond”, “sources of information from Russian experts”
60% of the online audience also use other RBTH products 5
why rbth
1. Worldwide Network Exchange Cooperation with 27 of the world`s top media brands provides RBTH with the experience of the best marketing solutions for our business partners.
w w w. r b t h . c o m
why rbth
2. Audience RBTH reaches 33.5 million people worldwide
Voice of Read Russia digital edition
Russian Hockey Players guide digital edition
Mobile website
3. Platforms We provide our audience with high-quality content on a variety of platforms and devices: news reader applications, tablets, smartphones etc.
Print supplement
w w w. r b t h . c o m
Social Media
RBTH for iPad application
RBTH digital products and services
18 4 1,2
websites in 16 languages
rbth.com (US) rbth.co.uk (UK) in.rbth.com (India, in English)
million pageviews per month
bg.rbth.com (Bulgaria) fr.rbth.com (France, Belgium) br.rbth.com (Brazil)
million unique visitors per month (December 2013)
it.rbth.com (Italy) es.rbth.com (Spain) de.rbth.com (Germany) jp.rbth.com (Japan)
of page views are via mobile devices
rs.rbth.com (Serbia) cn.rbth.com (China) gr.rbth.com (Greece) kr.rbth.com (Korea) ae.rbth.com (Arabic countries) mk.rbth.com (Macedonia) hr.rbth.com (Croatia) id.rbth.com (Indonesia)
Each website may contain additional topics and sections based on public interest and cultural context. Materials on all RBTH digital platforms are tailored to the audience, presented in a way that is sensitive to the culture of the audience and with a particular focus on bilateral issues, but all RBTH sites preserve the organizationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s distinct voice and brand.
w w w. r b t h . c o m
RBTH digital products and services
Newsletters, Social Media
33 500 55% 10%
subscribers (December 13)
growth rate per year click through rate
1Editor`s choice weekly 2New issue newsletter 3Mobile newsletter
200 000 followers in Facebook
and Twitter (December 2013)
w w w. r b t h . c o m
RBTH digital products and services / Special topics
Special edition featuring the top 30 most creative and
In collaboration with Digital October, RBTH launched
“Science and Tech” is your source for the most
successful young Russian business people under the
the Russian Start-ups Rating in December 2012.
significant events in Russian science - what’s been
age of 30 produced by RBTH in collaboration with Tal-
Russian Start-ups is a section dedicated to the
discovered, what the latest research shows. From
ent Equity Ventures. The core of the project, a list
Russian tech market, with updates on its current state,
past the atmosphere to the bottom of the ocean, there
of the 30 most promising young people in Russian
opportunities and prospects. RBTH offers an exclusive
is something new and magical to uncover. Scientists
business as determined by a group of high-profile
look at the best of Russian startups (IT, hi-tech, life
from all over the world will turn this magic into science
experts, is aimed at showing the global community
sciences, biotech & medicine) and the newest projects
we can use. Day by day, bit by bit. This daily-updated
the potential of Russia’s newest generation of entre-
on the market. The section also offers practical tips
section focuses on the Russian contribution to this
preneurs. The special edition features written profiles
and comments from experts on how to run a business
process. Science&Tech is available on all 18 RBTH
of those on the list and multimedia content. The edi-
in Russia. Our regular column Tech Snack provides
websites and is one of the most read topics among
tion was made available to RBTH website readers in
a review of the most interesting news from the world
the RBTH audience.
three languages: English, French and Italian.
of Russian IT and guest posts by leaders in the sector. The section is enriched by a wide variety of multime-
dia content: from interviews and video reports from events, to infographics, audio-podcasts and photo
Total audience reach – 360k unique readers.
galleries. The special section is available to RBTH web-
830k – pageviews.
site readers in 5 languages.
Total audience reach – 1,2 mln unique readers.
rbth.com/startups Total audience reach – 500k unique readers. 1,3mln pageviews. w w w. r b t h . c o m
RBTH digital products and services / Special topics
Special report dedicated to the 2014 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Russia is becoming a more popular vacation destination for travelers from all over
The section provides essential information for visitors traveling to Russia for the
the world, but there is lack of information for foreign travelers in their native lan-
Games to help them make the most of their trip, while also giving readers at home
guages. Additionally, most foreign tour operators offer only package tours to Russia
all the information they need not to miss out on one of the biggest events of 2014.
with standard itineraries, leaving few options for those who prefer an off-the-beaten
Sochi Winter Games is divided in three main sections: Location, Athletes and Events.
track experience or those who simply prefer to travel on their own.
The report is also enriched by a variety of interactive features, including a map of the Olympic sites, a medal count updated in real time, up-to-date information
In July 2013, RBTH launched a revamped travel section, a daily-updated microsite on
on the weather in Sochi and subscription service for the main events. The report is
the RBTH domain. The section includes the kind of clear structure, systematic head-
available in English, German, French, Italian, Japanese and Chinese.
ings, and search functions needed for planning your Russian vacation. The section features new formats, multimedia content and practical information from insider
Total audience reach – 600k unique readers. 1,5mln – pageviews.
travel.rbth.com Total audience reach – 300k unique readers per month. 400k pageviews.
w w w. r b t h . c o m
RBTH Digital Products and services Websites. Advertising solutions
c e
Home page
In-articles banners
1000x90 Leaderboard
1000x90 Leaderboard
300x250 MPU banner
300x250 MPU banner
468x60 Banner
300x600 Banner
1920x1000 Skin/Takeover
1920x1000 Skin/Takeover
670x90 Mobile site banner
670x90 Mobile site banner
w w w. r b t h . c o m
RBTH Digital Products and services Websites. High impact opportunities f
Section homepage branding: MPU banner (300x250) or Leaderboard (1000x90) + Skin/ Takeover (1920x1000);
DoubleBill: MPU (300x250) and Leadrboard (1000x90);
Twitter, Facebook boxes integration;
400x400 banner or post in Facebook, Twitter;
Branded interactive options: polls, quizzes, cross-platforms contests (websites, social media, newsletters);
Sponsored content;
Video pre-rolls.
w w w. r b t h . c o m
RBTH Digital products and services
RBTH for iPad v4 The RBTH for iPad application is designed in accordance with iOS 7‘s flat design and features customization options and an improved navigation set. Daily editions featuring essential news and information about Russia, exclusive interviews and feature stories; Interactive images with tooltip info; Interactive map of Russia – a fun way to explore today’s stories and the country as a whole; Monthly editions distributed with the world’s leading newspapers available in the "Issues" section; All article content (excluding video) available to download for offline reading. Available at the App Store and Google Play.
Scan with your iPad w w w. r b t h . c o m
RBTH digital products and services
RBTH for iPad v4 Audience 23 000 downloads Average time spent in the App 6:50 minutes 44% of users from the USA/UK
Splashscreen 768*1024 portrait/1024*768 landscape, retina 1536*2048, 2048*1536 static full-screen image + video (optional) Interstitial 768*1024 portrait/1024*768 landscape, retina 1536*2048, 2048*1536 static full-screen image + video (optional) In article 300*250 portrait/768*90 landscape expandable to full-screen + link to a web site (optional)
w w w. r b t h . c o m
RBTH digital products and services Special issues Voices of Read Russia introduces English-speaking audiences to the star writers working in Russia today. This app provides a rare opportunity to become intimate with an exciting literary renaissance in real time. "Voices of Read Russia" follows a most distinctive set of authors. Few of them are well known internationally and they represent a wide range of genres, including horror, fantasy, science fiction and dystopia. A special section entitled “Read Russia” is available on the English, German and French RBTH websites. Total audience reach is 350,000 unique readers and 800,000 pageviews. «Voices of Read Russia» is available in a two-volume digital issue at the App Store and Google Play.
w w w. r b t h . c o m
RBTH digital products and services Special issues Russian Hockey Players Guide is a special digital issue, supported by a web page at rbth.com featuring inside stories from coaches, players and NHL experts and detailed profiles of Russian players including extensive biographies, statistics and interesting personal facts. Exclusive comments from coaches and award-winning experts Quiz about Famous NHL players linked to Russia Celebrity Players Fight Hockey Hugs photo gallery Choose your favorite player votes ÂŤRussian Hockey Players GuideÂť is available in a two-volume digital issue on the App Store and Google Play.
w w w. r b t h . c o m
RBTH digital products and services Special issues. Advertising solutions a
a d
c e
Home page and In-articles banners: a
1000x90 Leaderboard
300x250 MPU banner
468x60 Banner
1920x1000 Skin/Takeover
300x600 Banner (in article only)
w w w. r b t h . c o m
High Impact Opportunities: a
Section homepage branding:
Twitter, Facebook boxes integration;
400x400 banner or post
in Facebook, Twitter;
MPU banner (300x250) or Leaderboard
quizzes, cross-platforms contests
New digital issue
(websites, social media, newsletters);
DoubleBill: MPU (300x250)
Sponsored content;
and Leadrboard (1000x90);
Video pre-rolls.
(1000x90) + Skin/Takeover (1920x1000); b
Branded interactive options: polls,
Premium products Russia Direct Russia Direct is a media outlet launched in June 2013 with prominent visibility on Foreign Policy magazine’s website. Its aim is to create a new digital platform that will serve as a definitive destination for policy makers and experts seeking daily insight on the issues and trends affecting the relationship between the United States and Russia. With Russia’s growing importance in geopolitics, the need for this kind of website has never been greater. Russia Direct’s consists of:
Reports are available exclusively to subscribers
1. website;
in digital format. Hard copies of Quarterly white
2. reports
papers are distributed to the U.S. congress, re-
1 quarterly white papers;
search centers and influential global organizations,
2 monthly analytical memos.
including with the Foreign Policy magazine.
Audience In July 2013, Foreign Policy magazine conducted a survey among Russia Direct’s audience, which revealed the following:
57% 65% w w w. r b t h . c o m
of the audience are
One in 4 business readers are
opinion leaders;
C-suite executives;
are top management
1/3 are decision makers at companies
with more than 1,000 employees. 19
Premium products. Russia Direct Reports a v a i l a b l E f o r s u b s C r i b E r s o n ly “мягкая сила” россии 2.0 | #1 | сентябрь 2013
R u s s i a
d i R e c t
M o n t h l y
M e M o
# 5
d e c e M B e R
2 0 1 3
The Middle easT: The New GreaT GaMe | #2 | sePTeMBer 2013
Russia diRect Monthly MeMo | #2 | sePteMBeR 2013 A product of Russia Beyond The Headlines
The ArcTic:
A product of Russia Beyond The Headlines
A new geopoliTicAl pivoT?
Editor’s notE
Ekaterina Zabrovskaya Editor-in-Chief
getty images/fotobank
Editor’s notE
Ekaterina Zabrovskaya Editor-in-Chief
We are pleased to present our December RD Monthly Memo on the Arctic. The Arctic has been attracting enormous international attention lately. Due to climate change this part of the world, frozen for centuries, has been opening up, raising hopes for new economic opportunities. Increased political attention from both Arctic and non-Arctic countries has convinced many that the region is turning into a new geopolitical pivot, an area where the interests of great nations could spill over into a new military conflict. Against this background, RD expert Andrei Zagorski of the Russian Academy of Sciences elaborates on how possible this scenario actually is. Read this RD Monthly to learn whether the militarization of this region is a myth or reality and whether non-Arctic states, such as China, bring new challenges or opportunities. Should you have any questions regarding this RD Monthly or our upcoming reports, please do not hesitate to e-mail me directly at e.zabrovskaya@russia-direct.org. Thank you for being our subscriber!
Russia Direct is proud to present the second in our series of RD Monthly memos. This issue provides a thought-provoking background on Russia’s foreign policy in the Middle East. “The Middle East: The New Great Game” is written by high-profile orientalist, Professor Vitaly Naumkin, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences. The topic of this RD Monthly is very timely, given the current situation in the Middle East. With U.S. President Barack Obama’s decision to take military action against Syria (if approved by the U.S. Congress), and with Russia vigorously opposing these plans, many seek to understand why Moscow continues to be a key ally of Syria in the region. Naumkin’s report explains how and why Russia acts in the Middle East, what its overarching strategy is, and what role that creates for the U.S. to play in the region. RD also features a Q&A with the author on our website. If you wish to send additional questions to Professor Naumkin, please do not hesitate to do so via email, Twitter and Facebook and we will highlight as many of them as we can. If you have any other questions regarding the report or wish to send your feedback, please send email to me at: e.zabrovskaya@russiadirect.org.
Часть 3
“Мягкая сила” 2.0: оказание Международной поМощи
geTTy imAges/foToBAnk
В отличие от других стран, Россия имеет реальную возможность создать сложную систему агентств по международному развитию с учетом самого передового опыта
квартальный доклад
megatons afghan endgame to megawatts | #2 | december | #4 | march 2013 2014
megatons to megawatts | #4 | march 2014
The Middle easT: The New GreaT GaMe geTTy imAges/foToBAnk
Part 1
Thomas Neff
DESIGNING THE MEGATONS TO MEGAWATTS PROGRAM For the author, an expert on commercial nuclear fuel markets, the following became clear: a fundamentally new approach would be needed Natalia MikhayleNko
russia direct quarterly report
russia direct quarterly report
russia direct MoNtHLY MeMo
Monthly analytical memos present
Quarterly white papers are in-depth
deeper insight into important issues
reports written by noted experts on
in U.S.-Russia relations. Reports are
major international issues. Subscrib-
published at the beginning of each
ers receive advance access to the
month and are available exclusively
reports in digital form. Hard copies of
to subscribers.
the report are distributed to the U.S. Congress, research centers, influen-
Russia Direct produces weekly newsletter,
tial global cooperation organizations
monthly and quarterly reports, written
and other. The white papers are
by leading thinkers and practitioners.
available online and in print.
russia-direct.org/subscribe w w w. r b t h . c o m
Tel. + 7 495 775 3114
Contact us to know the details of Russia Direct
24 bld.4 Pravdy street,
Fax. +7 495 988 9213
Sponsorship and Advertising opportunities:
125993 Moscow, Russia
Ksenia Smertina - Project Director
Rossiyskaya gazeta office