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Recipes. Tips. Wines. Tourism. Restaurants. Products. Cockteleria.


TIPS Five amazing healthy foods to lose weight

Gastronomy in Potosi and Charcas XVIII, XIX, and XX.

UVAIRENDA Winery & vineyards

ALLIGATOR MEAT A delicacy for the palate

COTOCA COTOCA Turismo en Tourism Santa SantainCruz Cruz



The idea of EDIBLE BOLIVIA born as project that browse to anderstad and explain the complexity and variety of the Bolivian kitchen, reflecting the Bolivian kitchen as it is, that is on one hand a deeply rooted cultural roots urban kitchen and on the other hand the cultural syncretism of the gourmet restaurants and high cuisine. We seek to show that the Bolivian kitchen know and tourists looking to meet, hidden wonders, remote places and exotic flavors. We also want to show the tourist attractions like as everyone else in Bolivia, they are always linked to good food. Bolivia celebrates food and is part of each of our activities, is part of everyday life, the Bolivian kitchen is a street kitchen and is important part of religious life and all religious parties have different traditions and cuisines, It is part of the cultural life and irreplaceable part of the national identity and has also has been molded to belong to high levels kitchens and gourmet world. This magazine aims to show this diverse and wonderful Bolivia, while we give advice to tourists, we get to light the most unusual data, interviewed those who are making our food a new and different cuisine and inform our readers about all Bolivian cuisine themes.

Credits Writer and contributor Rodrigo Urriolagoitia

Editor and designer

Publisher and photographer

Camila Fuentelsaz

Brittani Scolfier


Content Quinoa ………………………………………………………………………...................................4 Super food! Recipe whit quinoa…………………………………………………………………………………….…5 Five amazing healthy foods to lose weight……………………………………………….……6 Alligator meat…….……………………………………………………………………………….……….7 Maracuya ceviche……………………………………………..…………………………………….……8 Delicious recipe Book review: …………………………………………………………………………………………………9 Gastronomy in potosi and charcas xviii, xix, and xx. Trivento…………………………………………………………………………………………………….…11 Bistro coffee Cotoca…………………………………………………………………………………………………………14 Tourism in santa cruz Wines1975-uvairenda………………………………………………………………………………....16 Juan Pablo Caceres………………………………………………………………………………………18 Piegari………………………………………………………………………………………………………...21 The best restaurant UDI university! ………………………………………………………………………………………..….24 A dream come true. Chef Ines España………………………………………………………………………..…………….….26 High wines, the secret of tarija`s valley……………………………………………………….29 3

QUINOA Super food! Quinoa: from Quechua (kinwa or kinuwa ) It is a pseudocereal rather than a true cereal, as it is not a member of the true grass family. As a chenopod, quinoa is closely related to species such as beetroots, spinach and tumbleweeds. As a member of the Amaranthaceae family, it is related to and resembles amaranth, which is also a pseudocereal. It is high in protein, and is tolerant of dry soil. Quinoa was important to the diet of preColumbian Andean civilizations. Protein content is very high for a cereal/pseudo-cereal (14%

By mass), but not as high as most beans and legumes. This includes a "low gluten content" that appears to be well tolerated when consumed at normal levels by people with celiac disease. The protein content per 100 calories is higher than brown rice, potatoes, barley and millet, but is less than wild rice and oats. Nutritional evaluations indicate that quinoa is a source of complete protein. Other sources claim its protein is not complete but relatively high inessential amino acids. Other pseudo grains derived from seeds are similar in complete protein levels; buckwheat is 18% protein compared to 14% for Quinoa; Amaranth, a species related to Quinoa, ranges from 12% to 17.5%. 4


Ingredients 

150 grams of cooked quinoa.

200 grams of cooked black beans

½ mango, peeled and cut into brunoisse

½ red pepper cut into brunoisse

1 chopped onion

10g chopped cilantro

10 ml wine vinegar

10 ml of olive oil

5 ml lemon juice

5 grams of salt

Preparation Put the quinoa in a bowl, and add the handle cut into brunoisse, beans, sliced peppers, scallions and cilantro.

Add it salt and pepper, then stir gently. Let stand for an hour and ready to serve!

In one well combines oil, vinegar and lemon juice, then mix with quinoa.



Some of these "super foods" contain antioxidants who fight against the damage that cause some diseases and others contain omega-3 a fatty acid that promotes the heart health.

Tea The leading the list of superfoods is tea. Anyone who comes the leaves of the camellia sinensis plant, including black tea, green tea, White and oolong. Many studies have focused on the benefits of tea, While some potential benefits are not yet proven, exists a complete evidence that tea reduces the risk of heart disease.

Black chocolate Here are a very good news for chocolate lovers. The black chocolate can improve blood flow, especially in older adults, and can improve the level of blood sugar and insulin sensitivity to help diabetes sufferers. A study published in the magazine hypertension, it reported that the antioxidants found in black chocolate can help deduce the blood pressure. The participants in this study who ate black chocolate also reduced their levels of bad cholesterol.


Oily fish It is hard to imagine how a meal called "greasy" can be good for you, but when the food comes from the sea, the fattiest fish is the best. The fishes greasy of cold water such as salmon, trout, tuna, sardines, etc. they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, a type of unsaturated fat that promotes health in many ways. The strength of omega-3 is the ability to lower cholesterol and triglycerides, prevent blood clots and heart attacks.

Avocados The avocados contain carotenoids are also rich in vitamin E and potassium, contain fiber to help your digestion. These are rich in beta-sitosterol, a natural substance that reduces cholesterol levels, contains antioxidant chemicals that contribute to good health The Avocados are great for adding flavor and texture to foods not contain a lot of saturated fat, but portion control is very important if: Half of an avocado has 30 grams of fat and that's healthy. But be careful, because you can attach many extra calories if you do not care and do not know the portion balance them with other foods you eat.

The orange Orange reduces blood cholesterol and improves memory.



Alligator meat is a healthy food for its nutritional properties, its lower content of harmful fats and rich in omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, according to scientific studies. In Bolivia, one of the few centers where access is achieved alligator meat is the famous restaurant "La Casa del Camba" in Santa Cruz, whose owner, Juan Carlos Medina and Medina Rosa da Parada,

propose two alternatives as succulent modern and traditional dishes as well as Santa Cruz: the crackling and lizard ceviche. Both dishes came, according to Medina, on an experimental basis from just three months ago. And despite the short tempo the two alternatives have been met with warm welcome and received praise from customers.


Wonderful Alligator – Maracuya Ceviche

INGREDIENTS FOR A PORTION INGRIDIENTS: 5 grams garlic 120 grams. Fillet Alligator 50 ml lemon juice 50 ml passion fruit pulp 100 grams purple onion cut into thin crescents

5 grams chopped coriander 1 chopped Peruvian pepper 1 chopped red pepper 50 gr chopped mango Salt and pepper

PREPARATION Stop by boiling water onion cut into half-moon, 10 seconds to remove the strong smell of it. Remove the pulp of passion fruit and place in a strainer, press with a spoon to get all the juice from the fruit. Toss with the lemon juice and garlic with chopped chili. Cut into cubes evenly fish fillet and marinate in the mixture of juices for an hour. Wring out a little lemon juice and salt and pepper. In a bowl place a bed of lettuce, fish in juice, red onion, finally garnish with some pieces of chili, corn and passion fruit pulp. Then you are ready to enjoy this exotic and wonderful recipe. 9

Book review: Gastronomy in Potosi and Charcas XVIII, XIX, and XX.

Our recommendation for this edition is this wonderful book by the author, anthropologist, teacher, writer and historian Beatriz Bolivian Rossells Montalvo born in the city of La Paz, this book is a historical research on three books of recipes found by the author of three periods different from the history of Bolivia, the first of Do単a Josepha de Escurrechea, the second of Do単a Eugenia de Atayora and third of Do単a Juana Gorriti, the book reflecting changes in recipes and Bolivian culture that brought about the traditional Bolivian cuisine as we know today, the analysis by the writer is impeccable but not without passion and exciting moments. It is a worthwhile read to discover the flavors of Bolivia from the ground.



New in town TRIVENTO

Bistro Coffee

Trivento Coffee Bistro has born into the idea of creating a space for relax yourself after the daily running around, Trivento CafĂŠ Bistro invites pamper ourselves, with its gastronomic offer. The initiative of Pamela Artigas, Mauricio Mojica and Daniel Bejarano form Trivento, or three winds if translated from the Italian. The romantic and cozy draw in the three local environments, both indoors and outdoors, enabling to share a good

time with friends or partner. The chef Maria Paula Baldiviezo was responsible for developing the special and unique menu; mixing a variety of traditional ingredients in national and international recipes with Peruvian influences and reinvent each time with the touch of the current chef Mauricio couples. Is the recommendation? A banana Masaco with pork confit and parmesan cheese.

To get romantic dinner under the night lights celebrate special moments with dishes for all tastes: meat, fish and seafood, which served with wine, beer or house sangria, promise a unique experience. With the vision to continue to grow and innovate, continue to create new recipes Trivento which artist with his canvas, starting at the usual but with a touch gourmet.




Cotoca is located 16 km east of the city of Santa Cruz. Through the years it has been in the metropolitan area, surrounded by industry of the department that bet in this sector to implement sector companies that deal with the handling of livestock, meat cutting and dairies. Is renowned for its traditional jelly and molasses. as well as baked corn and cassava, as the sonso, the threads, arepas, cuĂąapes and biscuits. All these products can be tasted in the Municipal Market where all the typical meals are deployed. The main attractions for locals and foreigners during the year are the pleasures of gastronomy. With very little money you can access local dishes, like Creole majadito duck, spicy creole chicken, accompanied by traditional soomo or chicha, sold in the market town and also in sophisticated restaurants that were built in the paths of the main square. One of the most rooted traditions is the Catholic faith that Santa Cruz found in the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Cotoca, patron saint of eastern Bolivia, where the sacred image of the Virgin is venerated.




Wines1975-Uvairenda Winery & vineyards 1750 is produced by uvarienda, a small boutique winery located in the vineyard in the valley of Samaipata. The winery this led to the production of high quality wines in small scale. And give the visitor an entry point to the wonderful world of Santa Cruz valleys, offering the ability to empathize with the wine experience, knowing the nature of the winemaking,

rscatar the essence of terroir samaipate単o just 2 hours from Santa Cruz de la Sierra. The plants are carefully selected for the climatic characteristics of the Santa Cruz valleys French vines. These vineyards are distinguished by using a system of terraces and trellises to effectively utilize land that is optimal for winemaking.


Bolivian Singani´s Ambassador

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INTERVIEW JUAN PABLO CACERES Juan Pablo Caceres, better known as "J.P. Cรกceres ", is a bartender from Cochabamba, he became international mixologist after work and study very young in the USA. Now returns to the country with several projects in cocktails, in addition to being named national ambassador of Casa Real.

How long have you been out the country and why you decided to return? JP.C: I was almost 20 years abroad, I visited the United States for 15 years, but I decided to stay and live there when it was 18 years of age. Today, after so many years I return to Bolivia to fix some immigration procedures that led pending for a couple of years. Is there, in your opinion room in Bolivia to serve as a mixologist? JP.C: Sure. That is one of the main reasons why I decided to stay in Bolivia in 2015. I think the gastronomy in Bolivia is at its best splendor and practically is one of the best recognized by the sector itself economy and economic activities. What novelties will you have for this year? JP.C: I just signed a contract with the best Singani developed in Tarija, Bolivia. Singani Casa Real, a company that distilling grapes Muscatel of Alexandria since 1925 by the Granier family.

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What does it cost to develop the drink menu at a restaurant? JP.C: It all depends, prepare a cocktail menu has many factors which must be taken into account. Number of staff for training, number of elaborate cocktails, inverted inside and outside the restaurant hours and a market valuation. These factors can be tangible and intangible, each menu is unique and my job is to convert the client's vision with a mixture of my knowledge.

can you give us one of your recipes? JP.C: Of course, this cocktail is called the quilqui単aso is one of my favorite cocktails. The Quilqui単azo 2 oz Casa Real Singani 他 oz Lemon Juice 1 oz simple syrup Boil 8-10 Good / quilqui単a Method: Mix all ingredients in a shaker, add ice and shake vigorously. Strain within Collins glass filled with crushed ice and garnish with a mint flower. Glass: Collins Tools: dispenser, shaker, strainer & cocktail fine sieve. Cocktail in Bolivia is starting, find bartender schools aassociations throughout the country.

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From pasta to meat, risotto, seafood and pizza - all delicious, high-quality and abundant you're sure to find something to satisfy your every craving at Piegari. Worth mentioning from the dessert menu are the home-made cakes, prepared with fresh ingredients from local markets.

This high-end Italian restaurant is popular with tourists since it is located facing the front door of the hotel Los Tajibos and the prices match the address. Still, the food and service are consistently good. Mushroom risotto and spinach and ricotta raviolis are recommended. Portions are generous—both appetizer and desserts are big enough to share between two, or ask for a half portion. White linen-topped tables are crammed in tight, but mirrors and large windows make it feel spacious inside.

Jack Rose. The cocktail for its incomparable flavor, becoming one of the stars of Piegari with good character (strong) and refreshing drinks, as it takes crushed ice.



Black fettuccine with shrimp tossed in garlic cream Individual portion. Traditional portion (p / share)

Filled with gruyere cheese Individual portion. Traditional portion (p / share)



Guitar string pasta tossed with pomodoro and black olives Individual portion. Traditional portion (p / share)

Prosciutto and arugula ravioli Individual portion. Traditional portion (p / share)

RAVIOLI DI AGNELLO AL FUNGHI E PANNA Lamb raviolis served with cream sauce mushroom Individual portion. Traditional portion (p / share)

RAVIOLES NEGROS DE SALMON Black raviolis filled with salmon served with mushroom and almonds cream sauce Individual portion. Traditional portion (p / share)


ÑOQUIS CIROCCO Gnocchis with spinach creme and parmesan cheese Individual portion. Traditional portion (p / share)

RAVIOLES A LA SCROFFA Spinach and ricotta raviolis served with pomodoro, cream and parmesan cheese Individual portion. Traditional portion (p / share)

RAVIOLES VERDES DE RICOTTA Ricotta-filled spinach raviolis served with rosa sauce and pancetta Individual portion. Traditional portion (p / share)


FRANCESA Filled with ham and mozzarella in cream sauce Individual portion. Traditional portion (p / share)



Now imagine a classroom where you and your progress matter. With no more than 30 students per class, you will learn the necessities required to thrive in the culinary industry, as well as forge the personal contacts that will guide you through your journey. Every class will teach you a specific skill – classes will intensify in difficulty as you continue to grow and develop. Beginning with basic palate training, our culinary arts chef-instructors will help train your senses, guiding you through the tastes and flavors, from herbs and condiments to vegetables and meats. Your evolution will continue through an introduction – and subsequent mastery – of culinary techniques such as knife skills, dry and moist-heat cooking methods, sauce making, restaurant simulations, and pastry and baking, to name a few. Your chef-instructors' mentoring will enhance your education and give you the foundation for a great career. Our Culinary Arts Career program is divided into 8 semesters.


INTERNATIONAL GASTRONOMY In Europe, Latin America and especially Peruvian cuisine he has gained ground rapidly, which has opened the doors to Latino chefs.; however, it is also an excellent opportunity in Bolivia, as many hotels and restaurants are not trained staff. "For this race it has acquired the same machinery that can be found on a cruise ship or an international resort. So the student to leave the UDI can succeed anywhere in the world," he said Loayza rector. In recent decades, tourism has become a widespread human activity in developed societies, facing ever greater complexity and dynamism of its production processes, and a constant rediscovery depending on market segmentation, sustainable development, vertical integration, new tourist profiles and the use of technologies. In this scenario, the competitiveness of the tourism industry arises from innovation, cost management, communications, new forms of business and the professionalization of human resources. the aim of the School is oriented from its training role of professionals, to contribute to the resolution of the main challenges of the tourist industry. This is especially related to improving the quality of services in the area, developing a systematic and organized to increasing tourist flows within the country effort; promoting the attractions of Bolivia abroad; and especially, more technical management area businesses.

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Ines España G .is a social communicator but his passion is cooking. Currently she is kitchen chef and owner of Ines España and Holy Peccato Restaurant, in the city of Santa Cruz.. She has served as editor of cuisine Inés and as TV host for more than 12 years through its program the cuisine of Inez, which has become the first Bolivian specialist chef in the Kitchen program easy on the International Channel Utilísima for three years. Also, Inez España, transmitted their knowledge in the culinary Kitchen Agnes School, for which 9000 students have passed more than 12 years ago. Finally, his career led to her being representative for Bolivia in Mistura, the largest food fair in Latin America.


Interview Chef Inez EspaĂąa -Growing up, who cooked? Mom, Dad or both?

Do you sample your dishes yourself before you send them out?

Chef Inez : Mom cooked and still does; in fact for Christmas Eve she made a Roast turkey (18pounds) and braised cabbage!!! Dad makes great rice and eggs, but that’s it...

Chef Inez: As a chef, I always (as all kitchens do) have pans filled with plastic. tasting spoons all over the kitchen to make sure our reductions and sauces and broths are always on point; I even make our garde manger cooks try the lettuce before plating a salad.

Coco: What's the best thing they cooked for you? Chef Michelle: Everything she makes is good, literally. I guess my favorite is when she makes gnocchi in cream sauce paired with braised chicken thighs with pizza spices. - How many siblings do you have? Chef





Coco: What do you do for fun? Chef Inez: Go biking or grilling out with friends. -Like all moms, mine is a fabulous cook, but always asks my dad or me to taste her dish and tell her if it needs more salt, heat, etc.

-What's the best chocolate? (You do like chocolate, yes?) Chef Inez: I do. I like finding new and different chocolates; I don’t care about combinations of flavor or fillings, just really good quality chocolate. I tried a dark chocolate bar called Pacari recently that was unforgettable . -What's the best thing they cooked for you? Chef Inez: Everything she makes is good, literally. I guess my favorite is when she makes gnocchi in cream sauce paired with braised chicken thighs with pizza spices.




      

70gr de azucar 10ml de vainilla 150gr de 1 chopped Peruvian pepper 1 chopped red pepper 50 gr chopped mango Salt and pepper

INGRIDIENTS:      

500gr de queso crema 100ml de crema de leche 50 ml passion fruit pulp Para la masa Mantquilla Azucar

PREPARATION Para la masa: Mesclar la mantequilla muy fría, el azúcar y el huevo. Llevar al molde y hornear. Para la salsa: En una olla poner azúcar y la mitad de la pulpa de maracuyá y dejar a fuego a que se espese un poco. Dejar enfriar. Relleno: Batir la crema de leche con el azucar. En otro bowl mezclar el queso crema convainilla y la mitad de la pulpa de maracuyá. Mezclar las dos preparaciones y llevar a la masa hecha. Meter a la heladera. Luego de sacar de la elader poner la salsa de maracuyá.

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High Wines, the secret of Tarija`s valley Bolivia is a producer of many different strains of wine and the famous Singani our national distillate, however Tarija is far from the latitudes of the planet where the vine delivers its best sugars for the production of wine and much higher heights where in the plant produces it best wines.

Wine production in the world is concentrated between 30 and 50 degrees of latitude north and south. Tarija is outside the zone between 21 and 23 degrees in the southern hemisphere and a height that is between 1,600 and 2,400 meters above sea level.

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Despite these difficulties and thanks to them Tarija is the most suitable area of Bolivia for growing wine, Tarija’s wine accounts with special and unique features, the geography of the place, a greater height is bigger and better solar radiation, and the amplitude temperature is higher (warmer days and cooler nights). Which produces an ideal climate development of the vines. On the high the winds clean the air, vegetation has excellent health thanks to the absence of pesticides, Tarija soils are poor and stony with high levels of iron and calcium and water from snowmelt distilled purity. In addition, rainfall is often scarce. All these factors produce a unique and very complex Terroir, red wines enjoy high levels of tannins and good color and bodied so that whites has intense flavors and balanced acidity. That's why Tarija wines are so special because they are born is this hidden valley in the world and that gives their wines all the strength and intensity of its soil, creating a wonderful and unique product.

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