Countless crinkles for endless possibilities. Corrugated board packaging by Rondo.
We are future-oriented by tradition. Rondo Ganahl AG is a long-standing Austrian family
Our corrugated board plants in Austria, Hungary,
business. Reliability, long-term thinking and a respon-
Romania and Turkey shape the market. Continual
sible attitude towards resources enable us to create
investments enable us to secure our leading position
permanent relationships with customers, colleagues,
with regard to technology, to open up new product
suppliers and the public. Our organisational structure
segments and to create more growth potential.
is deliberately simple, making us quick and efficient. We have decentralised entrepreneurial responsibility in
Fulfilling our customers’ wishes is one of the funda-
order to account for local circumstances on a large
mental principles of our company!
scale as well.
St. Ruprecht Frastanz Vorarlberg
Hall Tyrol
Budapest Hungary
Târgoviste Romania
Istanbul Turkey
Corrugated case material
Waste paper
Corrugated board packaging
Use rather than waste. Recycling management is one of the business princip-
Our know-how also becomes apparent when you look
les of Rondo. We recycle up to 120,000 tons of waste
at the collection of waste paper. In our collection plant
paper every year in our paper mill in Frastanz.
in Hall in Tyrol, we process approximately 60,000 tons
Consequently the containerboard that is produced
of waste paper so that it can be returned as single-
from it is a 100 % recycled product that is used in the
origin raw materials in the paper industry. Consistently
corrugated board industry (on a large scale in our own
environmentally friendly and sustainable. Rondo Ganahl
corrugated board plants). The packaging manufactu-
AG closes the circle!
red there can be recycled entirely.
Welcome to the realm of possibilities. There is nothing that spurs us on more than finding an
The national and international awards we have been
optimum solution for everything ranging from safe and
receiving for years show proof of the innovative
attractive transport packaging to precisely die-cut
strength and quality of Rondo.
machine packaging and retail packaging with highquality prints or attention-getting displays: from the
The greatest credit we receive, however, is the long-
idea to product development and the production pro-
standing partnerships that we maintain with many of
cess down to delivery on time.
our customers.
We multiply state-of-the-art technology with premium service. The result: quality. Everything at Rondo is much influenced by quality. You
tation of your personal wishes in all phases of produc-
need people with brains for that. Our personnel com-
tion. Our staff and machinery are at the highest level of
prise competent and reliable employees who continue
technology and the perfect combination for ensuring
to develop their know-how by means of ongoing
optimum product quality. Our service is your added
further training. They ensure the consistent implemen-
Packaging development using CAD. Each of our corrugated board plants disposes of its own development department.
Corrugated board. We produce high-quality products in state-of-the-art corrugated board plants.
Die-cut packaging. Innovative die-cutting and printing technology make attractive advertising media out of corrugated board packaging.
Folding boxes. Advanced manufacturing technology guarantees prime functionality and optimum stability.
Quality management. Our certified quality management system (ISO 9001-2000) and our elaborately equipped testing laboratory guarantee the quality of your products.
Packing at the customer’s site. Our packaging is convincing with its excellent runnability in automated processes.
On site. Before others.
Corrugated board plant Frastanz (A)
Corrugated board plant St. Ruprecht (A)
Corrugated board plant Budapest (H)
Rondo Ganahl Aktiengesellschaft A-6820 Frastanz, Rotfarbweg 5 Telephone +43 (0)5522/518 41-0 Telefax +43 (0)5522/518 41-501
Rondo Ganahl Aktiengesellschaft A-8181 St. Ruprecht/Raab, Rondostr. 241 Telephone +43 (0)3178/51 00-0 Telefax +43 (0)3178/51 00-630
Rondo Hullámkartongyártó Kft. H-1239 Budapest, Ócsai út 5. Levélcím: H-1734 Bp., Pf. 42. Telephone (+36-1) 289-2300 Telefax (+36-1) 289-2399
Corrugated board plant Cluj (RO)
Corrugated board plant Târgoviste (RO)
Corrugated board plant Istanbul (TR)
SC Rondocarton SRL RO-407042 Sânnicoara/Apahida, jud. Cluj Str. Aviatorilor, Nr. 2A Telephone +40 (0)264/41 60 06 Telefax +40 (0)264/41 60 07
SC Rondocarton SRL RO-130089 Târgoviste/jud. Dâmboviţa Str. Laminorului, Nr. 40 Telephone +40 (0)245/20 75 30 Telefax +40 (0)245/20 75 31
MKB Oluklu Mukavva Kutu ve Ambalaj San. Tic.A.Ş Istanbul Tuzla Kimya Sanayicileri OSB D-13 Tepeören Köyü Tuzla/Istanbul Telephone +90 216 593 18 93 (PBX) Telefax +90 216 593 18 98