Some Irregular Verbs

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Present Participle


Past Participle

be begin blow break bring burst catch choose come do drink drive eat fall fly freeze get give go grow know lay lead leave lie make put ride ring rise run see set shrink sing sit speak spring steal strike swim take teach throw wear write

(is) being (is) beginning (is) blowing (is) breaking (is) bringing (is) bursting (is) catching (is) choosing (is) coming (is) doing (is) drinking (is) driving (is) eating (is) falling (is) flying (is) freezing (is) getting (is) giving (is) going (is) growing (is) knowing (is) laying (is) leading (is) leaving (is) lying (is) making (is) putting (is) riding (is) ringing (is) rising (is) running (is) seeing (is) setting (is) shrinking (is) singing (is) sitting (is) speaking (is) springing (is) stealing (is) striking (is) swimming (is) taking (is) teaching (is) throwing (is) wearing (is) writing

was, were began blew broke brought burst caught chose came did drank drove ate fell flew froze got gave went grew knew laid led left lay made put rode rang rose ran saw set shrank sang sat spoke sprang stole struck swam took taught threw wore wrote

(has) been (has) begun (has) blown (has) broken (has) brought (has) burst (has) caught (has) chosen (has) come (has) done (has) drunk (has) driven (has) eaten (has) fallen (has) flown (has) frozen (has) gotten (has) given (has) gone (has) grown (has) known (has) laid (has) led (has) left (has) lain (has) made (has) put (has) ridden (has) rung (has) risen (has) run (has) seen (has) set (has) shrunk (has) sung (has) sat (has) spoken (has) sprung (has) stolen (has) struck, (has) stricken (has) swum (has) taken (has) taught (has) thrown (has) worn (has) written

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