5 Ways to deal with Your Child’s Fear of Noises A lot of children are uncomfortable around loud noises or just noises that they are not familiar with like the thunder. These fears are common in babies, but even some of the grown up kids can have similar problems. Sometimes, these situations can turn serious and may keep your child awake at night. Parents often find this behavior strange and irksome as the child may constantly need their presence. For parents who want to learn more about this behavior may want to read a book on child psychology for better understanding the situation. There are few ways you can deal with fear of noises in your child: 1. Understand the psychology behind the fear Most of the parents have little idea why a strange sound like a thunder or car honk can bring a sense of fear in their child. The simple psychology is that your child is new to the sound and as a defense mechanism, the true self or the healthy narcissism (psychological term for emotional immune system) rejects the sound as alien. Thus, your child cannot accept something they are not familiar with and hence a sense of fear or defense against the unknown in terms of fear arises. Once you understand this you will have less difficulty dealing with it. 2. Understand what noises make your child fear In order to deal with the fear of noise in your child, first identify what noises trigger such reaction. Not all kinds of noises can create fear in them. Once you identify the noise, you will be better prepared for the situation next time.
3. Comfort your child Whenever your child faces the problem make sure you comfort your child immediately. Not getting the right support in the right time can make the situation even worse. A book on child psychology will tell you in detail how can you deal with such situation. Comforting a child when they are facing the problem can help them understand that they are safe and need not worry. 4. Make them Understand The best way to deal with child’s fear of noise is to talk to them and make them understand that there is nothing to be feared of. For example: the sound of thunder. Make them understand that it’s a very natural thing and it doesn’t cause any harm. Explain them how it happens and what it means. This will help your child process the noise and slowly help them overcome the fear. In case of babies, holding them when they cry due to unfamiliar noises can help them realize that you will always be there when the same thing happens again and they will feel secure. 5. Make them familiar with the noise Exposing your child to the noise while comforting them will help them overcome the fear. Slowly, they will learn to live with it and get familiar with the noise. Once that happened, they will not be afraid of such noises again. The fear of noise is one of the vital things that child is exposed to and can be overcome easily when the situation is handled correctly. A book on child psychology can help you overcome similar problems in your child.