4 Steps to Market Immersion Using Targeted PR
Product, service, brand, or idea – nothing can penetrate a market without a successful PR campaign. You must engage the market, get enough of them to listen, and keep that conversaCon going and growing. How to make that happen is a mystery that many businesses fail to unravel. They pay the price for that failure by falling into obscurity. There are four sure-‐fire steps to grabbing a market, and geHng them to pay aIenCon long enough to make a pitch that lands. Without them, you are entering a land of endless speculaCon. With them, you are seHng yourself up for success.
1. Curiosity Human beings are hardwired to be all but impervious to curiosity. Honestly, we are more curious than the proverbial cat. Get someone wondering, and they just can’t let it go. That’s just how our brains work. If you can create curiosity with your iniCal message, you will earn the opportunity to keep people engaged long enough to make your pitch. But, don’t do it… first you must create…
2. Specula3on This is nothing more than a different, targeted sort of curiosity. Instead of a general wondering or interest, speculaCon creates an internal dialogue about a specific idea or applicaCon related to your product or service. Something that can help your target… or something that, without it, will hurt your market’s life. But, once you get them thinking, you need to deliver.
3. Curiosity Nothing succeeds like success, and nothing connects a customer to a marketer like fulfilling a promise. This transacCon must be set up early on, though. You need to know your customer enough to understand how they will react, and how your product or service will work for them. You set up that expectaCon early on in the curiosity phase, build on it during speculaCon, and then deliver results before they have a chance to create their own fully-‐fleshed expectaCons.
4. Conversa3on Once you have them saCsfied, ask them what they liked about the experience. Keep the conversaCon going. Ask them to share that posiCve experience with their friends. Remember, you have to do that while they are sCll feeling good about the fulfillment YOU said they would experience. That’s when the trust level is at its peak.
If you cannot deliver your message, even these steps will not help you succeed. Partner with a PR firm that knows how to get results, and the sky’s the limit.
This post was repurposed for distribuCon. To read more news and updates from Ronn Torossian, go to www.ronntorossianupdate.com.