Ronn Torossian on 5 Tips for Better PR

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5 Tips for Better PR – Public Relations Help

Public relations is as much a science as it is an art. If you are looking to get consistent media attention, here are five tips you need to know.

First, stop sending press releases, and start using an elevator pitch. Now, we’re not saying you should stop sending messages out to the media. The opposite, exactly. Too many people try to send out stuffy, overly formal missives that are stripped of anything that makes them interesting. Instead, consider a format that is more like an elevator speech you might give to an investor or business colleague. It’s upbeat, interesting, and personal. In a word – connective.

Second, you are an expert, act like it. The press is always on the lookout for a trusted expert source. How can you position yourself to be the expert they need to make their story pop, and give it that added level of authority?

Third – and we cannot emphasize this enough – understand the deadlines you are working against. The media is ALL about hitting deadlines. Daily, weekly, monthly, even to the hour, or down to the minute. Every reporter or editor you are working with is always thinking about their next deadline. You need to be on the same page if you want to be respected and heard.

Fourth, don’t give up. Your press contact may not be interested in your information at this moment, but they may be interested down the road. Keep working on building a connection, creating a relationship, and establishing yourself as a trusted source.

Fifth, work with an expert. Public relations should not be a hit and miss proposition. It’s not about throwing a bunch of stuff against the wall, and hoping something sticks. It’s about having a plan for your message, and developing a PR plan for each media opportunity.

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