The languish of manhood

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What the Media tell us about

The languishing manhood

Ronny Julius C Verlet

The languish of manhood

The languish of manhood started in paradise at the moment when Adam discovers that his wife Eve is a SCIENTIST; the first Scientist on the planet.

Why?  Eve started by longing for something. you want to reach something.  She listens to the message of the snake. you assess the environment.  Eve: ‘ did God said this? ‘ you doubt, question, investigate, analyze.  Eve bite the apple. you make an experiment.  Accept the result (being thrown out of paradise) you objectify, analyze, plan the next step.

once Banned from the paradise ... Adam becomes insecure because he is not in control of his... Penis. Adam wants to hide for Eve that he has no control over all affairs. Adam orders that man and wife should cover their body. This turns out to be a blessing for Eve as it is the entrance ticket to Fashion which becomes her new playground! The first dress, a fig leave, is pictured with five fingers which symbolizes a hand. (Adam’s) .

a fig leave


Follow the reactions o f manhood What does Adam?

Blame Eve ! Replace scientific approach by Religion. Subject and control women. Show the example of what GOD is. Adam leads as an earthy God. Eve’s Longing remain unsatisfied.

manhood in ancient media. The Phallus Cult is dominant in the media which at

that time is Art and Architecture until Science takes over from Religion.

Science challenge s the male dominance ‌when the Industry claims women’s help to sustain the Industrial Revolution and the wars.

manhood continues to dominate in the media:

Manhood shows off in consumerism.

man shows that he is still in control of women

and makes of women a consumer product.

Random pictures from the Media.

The languish of manhood Does Adam succeed in controlling Eve?

NO !

Does Adam satisfied Eve’s longing? The answer is: only as far as consumerism needs FASHION. The reaction of Adam is to push his phallus icon to the limit... in pornography in the Media.

What is Eve’s response?

These are only

SIGNS. long as signs are attention catchers!

The languish of manhood ...unfortunaly the males take signs for real!

The languish of manhood :

man envy women

Random images from the media

The languish of manhood ends with women taking control and not only in the media pictures what (male) graphic designers confirm in next adds.

BMW add: ‘you know you are not the first’. ‘..the ultimate attraction’. ‘ ...drives you blind.’

Adams manhood diminishes further. He is jealous of Eve. He copies the female signs. Adam’s manhood languishes even more. The reply from Eve is again the same – my little boy, you have to accept that these are only Signs and then understand that the role of Sign is to create a MEANING. The apple was a sign with a purpose. In the German language, a purpose is -ein Ziel, which is also a Soul.

So give the things around you a soul, and you will be a real Man.

Adam fights for his right to the Paradise. Eve flights to what is her Paradise.

and fight against the dominance of


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Erotic images in Churches and Cathedrals. ications/erotic_images_in_churches_an d_cathe

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