What makes an advert effective 2015pptx

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1nf0 Graphic Mentors

Business Series. What makes an Advert Effective? by Ronny J.C. Verlet


1nf0 Graphic Mentors

What makes an Advert Effective?

1nf0 Graphic Mentors

Have you ever been able to justify the money spent on Advertising? NO ! You only can work on those elements that influence the effectiveness of capture. DESIGN is one. Werner Reinartz and Peter Saffert in an article of Harvard Business Review from June 2013 give some hints. http://www.scribd.com/doc/162427988/Advertising Read the original article via:

What makes the Design of an Advert Effective? 1nf0 Graphic Mentors

The Design Elements which play a role in appeal are: • Originality: is something original presented not thought about before. Is it unique? • Elaboration: to what extend is the subject or object of the explained in the right context.


• Artistic: is the design being appreciated from artistic content. • Synthesis: is a summary presented of all aspect around the content of the advert. • Flexibility: how can the advert be read; are there many more messages or ideas possible.

What makes the Design of an Advert Effective? 1nf0 Graphic Mentors


is something original presented not thought about before? Is it unique?

What makes the Design of an Advert Effective? 1nf0 Graphic Mentors Originality: is something original presented not thought about before? Is it unique? The idea might be original but romantism is not bi

Another idea that turns out in bad taste.

bio- physical.

What makes the Design of an Advert Effective? 1nf0 Graphic Mentors


to what extend is the subject or object of the advert explained in

the right context.

The design of the bar holds the

In this advert we miss any

shapes of the Camel brand.

direct link with the product or

service from the brand or event.

What makes the Design of an Advert Effective? 1nf0 Graphic Mentors Elaboration: to what extend is the subject or object of the advert explained in the right context.

The text “ What does possession means to you? “ “ 7% of our population own 84% of our wealth”; ---- does not match with the picture of a loving couple.

What makes the Design of an Advert Effective?


1nf0 Graphic Mentors

is the design being appreciated from artistic content ?

What makes the Design of an Advert Effective? 1nf0 Graphic Mentors


is there is a summary presented of all aspect around the content of the advert?

What makes the Design of an Advert Effective?

1nf0 Graphic Mentors


how fluent can the advert be read; are there many more messages or ideas possible? A need to puzzle?

This ad is from a cable manufacturer indicating that square, flat and round shapes are produced.

In this ad for a event you have to discover the word ART and MODERN. People do not like to puzzle in adverts.

What makes the Design of an Advert Effective?

1nf0 Graphic Mentors

Influences of the Design features on the effectiveness for Appeal. Originality is a clear positive contributor, Elaboration as well. Flexibility ( messages should not be unambiguous) is rather negatively affecting Appeal.

What makes the Design of an Advert Effective? 1nf0 Graphic Mentors Even more important is to apply the right Combination of the design elements.

Originality Elaboration Artistic Synthesis Flexibility

The right mix will make the APPEALING effect : ORIGINALITY in combination with ELABORATION or ARTISTIC are the best approach to appeal.

What makes the Design of an Advert Effective? 1nf0 Graphic Mentors

The right combinations are: - Originality + Elaboration. - Originality + Artistic. -

Artistic + Elaboration.


Negative Influences:


Flexibility + Artistic.


Flexibility + Elaboration.


Synthesis + Artistic.


Synthesis + Flexibility


1nf0 Graphic Mentors

Discover also the other publications from Infographic-mentors explaining the secrets of Advertising.

Download this book from Scribd: Signs of Life. Life of Signs. Teken van Leven. Leven van Tekens.

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Business Series. Semiotics Series. Info Graphics is a most powerful tool in the transfer of knowledge and insight. http://www.infographic-mentors.com

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